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ELKHA : Jurnal Teknik Elektro, Vol. 14, No.2, October 2022, pp.

125 - 131
ISSN: 1858-1463 (print), 2580-6807 (online)

Multi-Security System Based on RFID Fingerprint

and Keypad to Access the Door
Ramses Wanto Tambunan 1), Abdul Aziz Ar-Rafif 2), and Mia Galina 3*)

Department of Electrical Engineering, President University, Indonesia
Corresponding Email: *) [email protected]

Abstract – It is necessary to prepare for the increasing crime employing such a lock, deception persists due to its
rate of household theft with a modern home security system limitations. On a case-by-case basis, some keys can be
that allows customers to monitor home security remotely. disabled, and others can be reinstated. As a result, it is
This can be accomplished by replacing the standard lock essential to keep an eye out for different lock types that
with a solenoid door lock, which is more difficult to duplicate cannot be quickly destroyed because even if they can be
and reduces the likelihood of theft when the house is
unoccupied. Researchers developed a three-tiered home
broken into, it will not be as easy as doing so with other
security system prototype that includes fingerprint, RFID, sorts of locks. This research initially just utilized the RFID
and keypad biometric sensors. The device's finished card that snaps onto the RFID reader before attempting to
prototype was tested ten times after it was designed. The employ a Fingerprint sensor to scan a finger.
Arduino Uno microcontroller, which also serves as the door- Numerous professionals have employed RFID
locking mechanism, turns on the door-lock solenoid. When technology to discuss access control systems for door
authentication is successful, someone will be granted access
security. In the research [4], the Authors utilized just one
to the door. The results show that, first, the fingerprint
sensors' usefulness is demonstrated by their capacity to read form of protection—an RFID sensor. The security system
fingerprints in an average of 3.7 seconds. Second, the RFID with one keypad sensor serving protection is described in
sensor detects the E-KTP, and the RFID scans the card in an the paper [5]. While the security system in [6] uses only
average of 2.4 seconds. Lastly, the password needed to Bluetooth, reference [7] describes the security with two
unlock the door is stored in the keypad. After ten repetitions, sensors utilizing RFID and fingerprint. The smart door
the experiment input yields an average time of 3.66 seconds. lock security system with RFID and Keypad is described
Opening a door with a 3-level multi-sensor typically takes in research [8]. Because the security system feels less
9.8 seconds. In this study, the installation of each sensor is secure when no password is entered, the writers propose
notified via a GSM SIM800L module, allowing customers to
a security system with a password. Furthermore, the
monitor security remotely.
owner only knows the password for the automatic door.
This paper aims to introduce a protected smart
Keywords: Arduino, Fingerprint, Home security, Keypad,
entryway lock that is intended to offer high security,
simple access, and control. The authors' proposed security
system includes three levels of sensors: fingerprint, RFID,
I. INTRODUCTION and keypad. RFID labels and Global System for Mobile
(GSM) modules are used in the proposed framework to
A smart home is a convenient home setting in which
create a secure yet simple framework. It will most likely
appliances and devices can be controlled remotely using
replace the current door lock system. The GSM SIM800L
a mobile device or another network device from anywhere
module will notify the user's cellphone number of a
with an internet connection. The temperature, lighting,
mismatch or violation [9].
home theater, door locks, televisions, thermostats, home
monitors, cameras, lights, and even appliances like a
refrigerator can all be controlled by a single home II. METHODOLOGY
automation system. The desire for security has become
one of the primary motivations for individuals to build A. System Design
their homes. Every house has at least one main hallway In addition to a power source and two inputs, the device
[1] . Users can remotely manage home security access has three outputs: an LCD screen, a solenoid door, and a
thanks to the internet-connected devices in smart homes buzzer (an RFID tag and fingers). The RFID module, a
[2]. In terms of home security, it is possible to construct a fingerprint sensor, and a keypad module are the three
security system by designing various door locks, such as important sensors. With a power supply in the middle, the
mechanical or electric ones. The main entry is a crucial Arduino Uno processes all of the sensors. There is also an
security focus in terms of system security. It has been output solenoid door, a 16x2 LCD screen for display, and
demonstrated that the best safety and well-being come a buzzer for notification. The buzzer will sound If the
from having safety measures to control entry into homes. RFID is identified as unregistered there. If the RFID is
Every house has a doorway, and every door has a lock correct, it will pass through to the Keypad module, and if
[3]. Various mechanical and electrical doorway lock types the password entered is correct, the Relay will turn on, and
have been employed to ensure security. Even after the solenoid will open the door, as shown in Figure 1.
Manuscript received 2022-09-02; revised 2022-10-11; accepted 2022-10-12 - 125 -
Multi-Security System Based on RFID (R.W. Tambunan, et al.)

voltage by Arduino, which determines whether the

fingerprint is accurate. If it is correct, it will proceed to
the RFID reader. The RFID reader module will scan an
e-KTP with a chip inside by moving the e-KTP closer to
the RFID for reading. If the data is correct, it will proceed
to keypad input. A keypad sensor enables the authors to
create a password using the letters ABCD and the
numerals 1 through 9 and then use it to maximize the
security system. A relay functions as a digital switch. If
the three primary sensors' results are successful and
correct, the Relay will send a voltage to the Solenoid,
which will open the door.
Figure 1. Block diagram of device prototype

Figure 2 shows a schematic representation of our

completed device prototype. The key components are a
fingerprint sensor, an RFID chip, and a keypad
(polyphonic tone) for entering the password to unlock the
door. The RFID module and fingerprint sensor have a 3.33
V primary voltage. In contrast, the keypad module, LCD
16X2, I2C, Buzzer, input 5V, and Relay all require 5 V.
While the solenoid door lock requires input voltages of 12
V and 9V, all device prototypes must use the MB102
power supply to keep the voltage constant and stable.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of prototype

This study employs keypads, RFID cards, and

fingerprint sensors to obtain precise and acceptable Figure 3. Flowchart of the prototype
results. The data obtained by observing and analyzing will
be visible through the prototype developed in this study if B. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
this experiment is effective and produces correct results if As shown in Figure 4, the RC522 RFID Reader Module
it follows the initial design. Data from experiments will generates a 13.56 MHz electromagnetic field that is used
be collected and analyzed in order to determine the to communicate with the RFID tag. RFID technology uses
average lifespan of each sensor installed in the smart door radio waves to identify an object. The Arduino Uno-
lock. controlled RFID RC-522 system [10] can identify user ID
Figure 3 shows the work's flowchart. In the first step, data. The reader is linked to the microcontroller via a 4
Arduino uses the power supply as an input. The user will pin Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) with a data rate of up
initially add the database for the fingerprint, e-KTP data, to 10 Mbps. The module's operational voltage range is 2.5
and keypad password. When users access the door, this V to 3.3 V. Passive RFID tags do not have a power source.
database will be used as part of the authentication process. They collect energy to power the chip in the tag and use
The user inserted his or her finger into a biometric inductive coupling (LF & HF tags) or propagation
fingerprint scanner. coupling (UHF tags) with the reader antenna to reflect the
The fingerprint sensor provides the initial signal to the reader. The RFID sensor network inherits
identification. The fingerprint is then given an output several traits.

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Multi-Security System Based on RFID (R.W. Tambunan, et al.)

large and to be produced on a wide scale. It operates at 3.3

volts and based on the specification, it can store
fingerprints with a maximum of 127 distinct values as
stated in the work [7]. In this study, we used three sensors
to add more innovation to previous research and make it
more secure. In the future, it may be possible to use more
fingerprints if the user requires more than one fingerprint
to open the door.

Figure 4. RFID RC522 [4]

C. Keypad
As shown in Figure 5, the keypad module requires an
input password to access the solenoid door lock. The
Arduino Uno microcontroller supplies a voltage of 3.33
volts to this component. The project receives input data
from the 4x4 matrix of this component. The 16 buttons on
the module control the component's eight terminals [5].

Figure 7. Fingerprint Sensor [13]

F. Relay
A relay is a mechanical switch that uses electricity. It is
made up of two primary components: an electromagnet
(coil) and a mechanical switch, as described in Fig. 8.
Relay conducts high voltage electricity using the
electromagnetic principle to switch at low power voltage
Figure 5. Keypad Module [11] [14].

D. Arduino Uno
Figure 6 shows an Arduino Uno microcontroller board
module with special details used in this prototype. The
ATmega328P serves as its foundation. The Arduino
ATmega328P features a 16 MHz ceramic resonator
(CSTCE16M0V53-R0), six analog inputs, 14 digital I/O
pins, six of which can be used as PWM outputs, a USB
connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset
button. To begin using this microcontroller, simply
connect it to a computer via a USB cable or power it with
an AC-to-DC adapter or battery [12].
Figure 8. Relay [5]


GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Wireless
Communication. Users can make and receive calls, send
and receive SMS, and make and receive SMS via a GSM
connection. In this work, the author uses the SIM800L
micro or small dial mobile module [15]. The GSM
Sim800L's key selling point is its affordable, tiny
footprint and sleek design, as described in Figure 9.
Figure 6. Arduino Uno Module [12]

E. Fingerprint AS608
A biometric fingerprint is shown in Figure 7. Every
human fingerprint produced by the fingerprint scanner
will have ridges and troughs. This allows the sensor to be

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Multi-Security System Based on RFID (R.W. Tambunan, et al.)

Figure 9. GSM SIM 800L

This component has connectivity class 1 (1W) on DCS Figure 12. e-KTP identity card
1800 and PCS 1900GPRS, while in class 4 (2W) on GSM
850 and EGSM 900. It also has a quad-band network of
850/900/1800/1900 MHz, GPRS Class 12, Data Rate 85.6 III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Kbps, Serial Interface, and Voltage 3.4 - 4.3V.
Figure 13 represents the completed device prototype.
The success of this project's outcomes will be determined
H. LCD 16X2 by three primary sensors: fingerprint, RFID, and keypad.
A Character LCD is an ideal LCD for showing text or The testing will be divided into three parts to make them
characters, as shown in Figure 10. The LED-backlit accessible for readers to understand.
display shows 32 ASCII characters in two lines, each with
16 characters, as described in Fig.10.

Figure 10. LCD screen with 16X2 [16]

I. Buzzer
Buzzers are a type of audio signalling device that can
be electromechanical, piezoelectric, mechanical, or
appear as buzzers with physical appearances similar to
Figure 13. Complete device prototype of 3-level security
those shown in Figure 11. The transformation of audio system (front-view)
impulses into sound is its main purpose [13]. It is often
powered by DC voltage and utilized in timers, alarm The first test is taken from the fingerprint sensor, as
clocks, printers, computers, and other electronic devices. shown in Figure 14. The authors used a finger as input for
the biometric fingerprint sensor.

Figure 11. Buzzer [17]

J. e-KTP
The only form of identification for each resident is their
National Identity Number embedded in an e-KTP card, as
shown in Figure 12. The electronic KTP is a nation's
original population document, which includes an RFID
chip that allows it to function as one of the sensors as a
security or control system based on the national Figure 14. Point of view scan the fingerprint sensor
population database which is valid for their entire life.

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Multi-Security System Based on RFID (R.W. Tambunan, et al.)

In this test, the authors put a finger into a biometric Table 3. The average time results to scan e-KTP
fingerprint scanner. Table 2 shows the results of the
fingerprint sensor, which is the output of ten successful Experiment ID Card Time (s)
fingerprint testing with the average time for door access
being 3.7 seconds. 1 04 7B 12 6A 43 5A 80 2.0
2 02 AC 95 11 40 4D F0 2.2
Table 2. The Average time results in scanning finger 3 04 25 FA C8 78 2.5
4 B0 03 DE ED 28 2.1
Experiment Time (s) 5 02 C4 B9 D0 22 2.2
6 D9 24 22 F1 2.6
1 3.6 7 04 25 5CFA 81 5B 2.4
2 3.8 8 02 AC9511 40 4D F0 2.9
3 3.5 9 02 B6 DC 11 10 D0 2.4
4 3.7 10 CF B7 F5 DC 2.7
5 3.9 Average 2.4
6 3.8
7 3.7 Lastly, the third test is a keypad function test. A keypad
8 3.6 sensor helps the authors to utilize the letters ABCD and
9 3.9 the numerals 1 through 9 to create a password and use it
10 3.5
to maximize the security system. Moreover, there are
Average 3.7
extra parts, such as a buzzer and relay. Relay performs the
role of a digital switch. If the results of the three primary
The second test is the RFID function reader. An RFID sensors are successful and correct, the relay will trigger
(Radio Frequency Identification) sensor doubles as a card the voltage to the Solenoid, which functions to open the
reader and a chip transmitter. In this work, the Author uses door. By processing the entered password, the Keypad
an e-KTP with a chip inside. This allows the e-KTP to be sensor provides the third result, as shown in Figure 16.
scanned by the RFID reader module by moving the e-KTP
closer to the RFID for reading, as shown in Figure 15. The
RFID reader module scans the second results using e-
KTP. For reading, the e-KTP is brought close to the RFID.

Figure 16. Point of view input password to keypad sensor

The Arduino will activate and supply electricity to the

buzzer as a signal that someone is attempting to unlock
Figure 15. Point of view scan the RFID card with e-KTP
the door but is unsuccessful if they try the three primary
components, starting with the first, which is the
The findings from the RFID scanner are shown in Table fingerprint. This prototype consists of three primary
3, and it takes an average of roughly 2.4 seconds to sensors: the keypad, RFID, and fingerprint. Others
process one e-KTP reading. function as auxiliary elements. To make the results easy
to grasp for readers, they will be split into three sections.
The first testing comes from research using fingerprint

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Multi-Security System Based on RFID (R.W. Tambunan, et al.)

Table 4. The average time results in scanning passwords generated. The average time for RFID to read an RFID
card with ten trials is 2.4 seconds. Furthermore, the
Experiment Time (s) keypad sensor works correctly after ten trials of entering
a password with an average time of 3.66 seconds. Overall
1 3.6 this 3-level multi-sensor prototype is able to open the
2 3.8
doors in 9.78 seconds on average. After completing all the
3 3.5
procedures, a notification will be sent to the mobile phone
4 3.7
5 3.9
user via the GSM SIM800L module. A notification will
6 3.5 flash on the LCD display if the fingerprint sensor data
7 3.7 entered differs from the data that has been recorded.
8 3.8
9 3.5
10 3.6
Average 3.66
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