MHI 5 Scale
MHI 5 Scale
MHI 5 Scale
Background: Questionnaires are valuable for population surveys of mental health. Different survey instruments may
however give different results. The present study compares two mental health instruments, the Major Depression
Inventory (MDI) and the Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5), in regard to their prediction of long-term sickness
Method: Questionnaire data was collected from N = 4153 Danish employees. The questionnaire included the MDI
and the MHI-5. The information of long-term sickness absence was obtained from a register. We used Cox
regression to calculate covariance adjusted hazard ratios for long-term sickness absence for both measures.
Results: Both the MDI and the MHI-5 had a highly significant prediction of long-term sickness absence. A one
standard deviation change in score was associated with an increased risk of long-term sickness absence of 27% for
the MDI and 37% for the MHI-5. When both measures were included in the same analysis, the MHI-5 performed
Conclusion: In general population surveys, the MHI-5 is a better predictor of long-term sickness absence than
the MDI.
Keywords: Head-to-head comparison, Survey instrument, Questionnaire
© 2013 Thorsen et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative
Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Thorsen et al. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2013, 13:115 Page 2 of 7
Table 1 The Mental Health Inventory (MHI-5) and the Major Depression Inventory (MDI)
MHI-5 Response categories
How much of the time during the last 4 weeks, have you….
(1) Been a very nervous person? (a) All of the time
(2) Felt so down in the dumps that nothing could cheer you up? (b) Most of the time
(3) Felt calm and peaceful? (c) A good bit of the time
(4) Felt downhearted and blue? (d) Some of the time
(5) Been a happy person? (e) A little of the time
( f) At no time
MDI Response categories
How much of the time in the last 2 weeks…
(1) Have you felt low in spirit or sad?
(2) Have you lost interest in your daily activities?
(3) Have you felt lacking in energy and strength?
(4) Have you felt less self-confident? (a) All of the time
(5) Have you had a bad conscience or feelings of guilt? (b) Most of the time
(6) Have you felt that life wasn’t worth living? (c) Slightly more than half of the time
(7) Have you had difficulty in concentrating, e.g., when reading the newspaper or watching television? (d) Slightly less than half of the time
(8a)* Have you felt very restless? (e) A little of the time
(8b)* Have you felt subdued? ( f) At no time
(9) have you had trouble sleeping at night?
(10a)* Have you suffered from reduced appetite?
(10b)* Have you suffered from increased appetite?
‘*’In the MDI is only the question with the highest response value of the questions 8a/8b and of the questions 10a/10b used in the total score.
Thorsen et al. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2013, 13:115 Page 3 of 7
If we assume the return rate of the employees is equal to the responders into high risk and low risk group have
the return rate of the full sample, i.e., 66%, the sample for been suggested for the MHI-5. The cut-off points are de-
the final analysis is 50% of the employed people the ques- rived from ROC-curves or through another minimum
tionnaire originally was mailed to. misclassification criterion. The most used cut-off point is
Our long-term sickness absence data came from a na- probably 52 [4,22], other cut-off points include 54 and 74
tional register, the DREAM register [14]. The DREAM [18] and the cut-offs 60, 68 and 76 [23]. We calculated the
register has information on all Danish social transfer predictive value for long-term sickness absence using the
payments on a weekly basis. Employers are entitled to MHI-5 as: (1) a standardized scale score; (2) categorized
compensation from the municipalities if an employee into 5 ordinal levels; and (3) dichotomized by four differ-
has an absence spell of 22 days or longer. ent cut-offs, i.e. the cut-offs 52, 60, 68 and 76.
Table 2 The MDI’s and the MHI-5’s predictive value for long-term sickness absence
Univariate Adjusted ‘*’
N HR [CI 95] p-value HR [CI 95] p-value
MDI 4153 1.44 [1.31; 1.59] 3.31E-14 1.27 [1.12; 1.43] 0.0001
MHI-5 4153 1.50 [1.35; 1.66] 9E-15 1.37 [1.21; 1.55] 5.57E-07
MDI (with MHI-5 as covariate) 1.07 [0.92; 1.26] 0.37
MHI-5 (with MDI as covariate) 1.31 [1.11; 1.54] 0.001
MDI dichotomized
MDI cutpoint 20 depression (yes/no) 301 2.79 [2.00; 3.88] 1.5E-09 1.98 [1.36; 2.89] 0.0004
MDI ICD-10 depression (yes/no) 113 3.58 [2.29; 5.60] 2.28E-08 2.08 [1.26; 3.43] 0.004
MDI DSM-IV depression (yes/no) 90 3.40 [2.05; 5.64] 2.23E-06 1.92 [1.08; 3.41] 0.03
MDI categorical
MDI = 0–4 (reference level) 1591 1 1
MDI = 5-9 1456 1.55 [1.11; 2.17] 1.42 [0.99; 2.03]
MDI = 10-14 515 2.33 [1.57; 3.45] 1.60 [1.03; 2.50]
MDI = 15-19 290 2.05 [1.25; 3.38] 1.38 [0.80; 2.38]
MDI > =20 301 4.08 [2.74; 6.07] 2.68 [1.68; 4.27]
(p-value for all 5 levels) 8.52E-11 0.001
MHI-5 dichotomized
MHI cutpoint 52 mental ill (yes/no) 304 2.58 [1.84; 3.62] 4.32E-08 1.92 [1.32; 2.81] 0.0007
MHI cutpoint 60 mental ill (yes/no) 595 2.85 [2.17; 3.73] 2.82E-14 2.20 [1.62; 2.99] 4.83E-07
MHI cutpoint 68 mental ill (yes/no) 978 2.44 [1.90; 3.14] 4.82E-12 1.99 [1.49; 2.66] 2.83E-06
MHI cutpoint 76 mental ill (yes/no) 1560 2.05 [1.59; 2.64] 2.14E-08 1.57 [1.18; 2.09] 0.002
MHI-5 categorical
MHI = 91–100 (reference level) 1104 1 1
MHI = 81-90 1093 1.02 [0.67; 1.54] 1.01 [0.65; 1.57]
MHI = 71-80 978 1.39 [0.94; 2.07] 1.21 [0.78; 1.86]
MHI =61-70 383 1.77 [1.10; 2.87] 1.57 [0.94; 2.61]
MHI < 60 595 3.41 [2.35; 4.94] 2.56 [1.67; 3.92]
(p-value for all 5 levels) 5.75E-13 9.09E-06
‘*’The adjusted analyses include the covariates: sex, age, family status, smoking, alcohol, body mass index, leisure time physical activity, social class, somatic
chronic illness, self-rated health and data collection method.
Figure 1 The distribution of MDI and MHI-5 in a random sample of Danish employees.
Thorsen et al. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2013, 13:115 Page 6 of 7
Figure 2 The association between MDI and MHI-5. Bubble size indicates no. of persons with the particular response pattern. The MDI cut-off
at 20 and the MHI-5 cut-off at 52 are marked with a line, the resulting cross-hair illustrates that ‘cases’ identified by MDI and MHI-5 is only
partly overlapping.
sickness absence. Furthermore, the MHI-5 consists of selection bias. Furthermore, long-term sickness absence
fewer questions than the MDI and is therefore more can be caused by other reasons than reduced mental
‘economic’. Our study can, however, not conclude that health. It could, as an example, be due to a somatic illness.
MHI-5 is a better measure of depression than the MDI; We have tried to control for physical health in the analyses,
it can only conclude that the predictive value for long- but it may not be sufficient.
term sickness absence is higher for the MHI-5 than for
the MDI. Conclusion
The size estimations of the high risk group from the The MHI-5 had a higher predictive value for long-term
different dichotomizations of the MDI (2 to 7%) were sickness absence than the MDI. In a study where the
more restrictive than the size estimations of the high risk predictive value for long-term sickness absence is of im-
group from the different dichotomizations of the MHI-5 portance the MHI-5 must be recommended as the best
(7 to 38%). If the MDI only identified people with risk of measure of mental health. The size of the high risk
depression and the MHI-5 identified people with re- group can for the same instrument be very different de-
duced mental health in general, the MDI should indeed pending on the choice of cut-off for case-ness, however,
identify less people than the MHI-5. This could also the MDI categorized in general fewer persons as ‘cases’
explain why the MHI-5 is a better predictor of sick- than the MHI-5.
ness absence than the MDI. However, studies show
that the MHI-5 performs better as a measure of de- Abbreviations
pression than as a measure of anxiety or substance MDI: Major depression inventory; MHI-5: Mental health inventory;
disorder [13,18,20,28]. It is possible that the MHI-5 is DANES: DAnish National working Environment Survey; HR: Hazard ratio.
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