I - Year-Success Key Notes-2023-2024
I - Year-Success Key Notes-2023-2024
I - Year-Success Key Notes-2023-2024
and hence the given equation the expression for its time period
dimensionally true. using method of dimensions (or) derive
(b) Consider the equation using method of dimensions.
Where initial velocity,v final
Consider a simple pendulum, the period of
velocity ,a acceleration , s oscillation (T) depends on (i) mass of the bob
distance. (m) (ii) the length of the pendulum (l) and (iii)
acceleration due to gravity (g)
[M0 L1 T-1]2 =[M0 L1 T-1]2 + 2[M0 L1 T-2] [L1] Then T mx, T ly and T g.
[M0 L2 T-2] =[M0 L2 T-2] + 2[M0 L2 T-2] i.e. T mx lygz.(or) T = mxlyg2………. (1)
[M0 L2 T-2] = 3[M0 L2 T-2] Where K = constant.
According to principal of homogeneity, all Substituting dimensions for each quantity in
the quantities have the same dimensions equation (1)
[MOLOT1] = K [M1]x [L1]y [L1T-2]
and hence the given equation
[MOLOT1] = K [Mx] [Ly] [LzT-2z]
dimensionally true.
[MOLOT1] = K [Mx.Ly+z T-2z]
17. Check the dimensionally Compare the dimensions of LHS and RHS of the
consistency (Homogeniety) of equation we get, x= 0, y + z = 0, - 2z = 1
following equation by dimensional Solving these equations
analysis 1 1
18. Derive the relation between newton X = 0, y = , z=-
2 2
and dyne.
Let MKS unit of force = n x CGS unit of force l l
Hence T = K l½ g– ½ = K T K
g g
1 newton M 2 L2 T2 M 2 L2 1Kg 1m
2 Experimentally the value of K is found to be 2.
n 2
1 dyne M 1 L1T1 M 1 L1 1gm 1cm
Therefore the required equation is
10 3 gm 10 2 cm
T 2
1gm 1cm
n 103 X 102 105 Chapter: 2
Motion in a straight line [7m]
1. What is frame of reference.
A set of three mutually perpendicular
19. Show that lines are called co-ordinate system or
The unit of energy in SI system is a ‘joule’ while in frame of reference.
C.G.S. system a erg. 2. What is rectilinear motion?
Let M1, L1 and T1 be the mass, length and time in the The motion ofa body along astraight line
CGS system M2, L2 and T2 in the SI system is called rectilinear motion.
Let MKS unit of force = n X CGS unit of force 3. Define displacement of a body.
The change in position of a body in a
particular direction is called the
displacement of the body.
1 newton M 2 L2 2T2 M 2 L 2
2 2
n 2 2
2 4. Distinguish between distance and
1 dyne M 1 L 1T1 M 1 L 1 displacement.
1Kg 1m Distance Displacement
1gm 1cm Length of the The change of position
10 gm 10 cm
3 2 2 path covered of a body in a
by a body in its particular direction is
1gm 1cm motion is called called displacement
n 103 104 107 It is scalar quantity It is a vector quantity
It depends on the It is independent of the
path path
It is always positive It can be positive,
34. The period of oscillation of a
negative of zero
simple pendulum depends on its
length (l) , mass of the bob (m) and
acceleration due to gravity (g) . derive
In the figure,
Positive acceleration
Negative cceleration From v-t graph, the acceleration of the
particle is equal to the slope of the
graph. From ABC, acceleration
i.e. –
16. Derive the equations of motion
from v - t graph where
symbols have usual meaning.[A-
PN PS cas B cas
OS = OP + PS )
R= A + B SN
and sin (or ) SN PS sin B sin
9. Derive an expression for magnitude and PS
direction of resultant of two vectors
acting at a point. B sin
tan (or )
A BCos
tan 1
A BCos
This equation gives the direction of the
Special cases:
Case 1: when two vectors acting in the same
Consider two vectors and acting at i.e. = 00 cos0 = 0
a point O at an angle. Let and (or) R A2 B 2 2 AB A B2
represents the vectors and both in
R max A B and tan 0 0
magnitude and direction by the adjacent
sides of a parallelogram . Then the This is maximum value of
diagonal represents the resultant in Case 2: when two vectors are acting along a
both magnitude and direction. straight line in opposite direction
i.e = 1800,
Let be the perpendicular drawn to
produce. In the right angle triangle R A2 B 2 2 AB A B2
R min A B and tan 0, 0
This is minimum value of
Case 3: when two vectors are acting at right
i.e angle to each other.
In the right angle triangle, i.e. = 900, Cos 90 = 0
R A2 B 2 and B
tan 1
10. Explain resolution of a vector o
From PSN obtain two rectangular components.
PS 2 PN 2 SN 2 “The process of splitting up of a given vector in to
two vectors along two given directions producing the
OQ PS B same effect as the given vectors is called resolution
PN of a vector”.
Cos (or) PN PS cos B cos
This equation gives the magnitude of the
resultant of the vectors and acting at 0
with an angle between them.
To find the direction of
From OSN, we have,
tan Consider a vector lying in the .
PN and represents two mutually perpendicular
From the PSN, we have , cos directions.
PS Draw perpendiculars and from to the
corresponding axes, we get and
such that can be expressed as . Where
and are real numbers on and .
Where and are unit vectors along and
Then and
17. Derive the expression for maximum For maximum range the angle of
height and time of flight of projectile. projection is 45o
20. What is uniform cicular motion?
Time of flight: Let be time taken by the The motion of the body moving along the
projectile to reach the maximum height circumference of the circle with uniform
(ascent). velecity is called uniform circular
We know that motion.
Since , at maximum height 21. What is the direction of acceleration
Then, (or) of a particle in a uniform circular
v0 sin motion?
or t1 g
In uniform circular motion the direction
opf the acceleration is along the radius
Let be time taken by the projectile to reach an towards the centre of the circular
the ground from maximum height (descent). path.
It is equal to time of ascent i.e. 22. What is centripetal acceleration?
The total time of flight in which the Derive the expression for the
projectile is in flight centripetal acceleration.
The motion of a particle along the
2v0 sin circumference of a circle, with uniform
g constant speed is called uniform circular
Maximum height: The maximum motion.
height attained in the trajectory by the Expression for centripetal acceleration:
projectile is called maximum height.
Let be the maximum height reached by
the projectile.
We know that
Substituting and then
we get
vo sin vo sin
g g
v o sin 2
(or) H max
2g Consider an object moving with uniform
18. Derive the expression for time of speed in a circle of radius . Let
flight and range of projectile. be the position vectors and be the
“The maximum horizontal distance velocities of the object at
traveled by the projectile is called the respectively. By definition, velocity
horizontal range of the projectile”. is along the tangent at that point in the
If is the horizontal distance travelled direction of motion. The change in velocity
during the time of flight T, then can be obtained by vector method fig (2).
2v o sin v o 2 sin cos
Since the path of the object is in circular
g g motion, is perpendicular to and to .
Therefore is perpendicular to .
vo sin 2
(2) A passenger in a bus experiences jerk in back amount of force on the body in the upward
ward direction when the bus starts and moving direction (reaction).
suddenly due to inertia of rest; 8. Which law of motion is used to explain
2. What is Aristotle’s fallacy? rocket motion?
External force is required to keep the body in Newton’s IIIed law of motion.
uniform motion. 9. Distingusih mass and weight.
3. State Newton’s first law of motion. Mass Weight
Everybody continues in its state of rest It is the amount of It is gravitational force
(or) of uniform motion along a straight matter contained acting on a body
line unless it is acted by an external force in a body
to change its state. Scalar quantity It is vector quantity
4. Define force. SI unit is kilogram SI unit kgwt
Force is a pull (or) push, which changes (or) It is measured using It is measured using
tends to change the state of rest (or) of physical balance spring balance
uniform motion of a body. Mass of a body Weight of a body varies
5. State and explain Newton,s I law of remains same at from place to place
motiom. all places
“Everybody continues in its state of rest (or) of 10. What is an impulsive force? Give
uniform motion along a straight line unless it is one example.
acted by an external force to change its state”. A large amount of force acting on a body for
This law is also known as law of inertia. a short interval of time is called impulsive
Illustrations: force.
a. A passenger in a bus experiences jerk in back Ex: (1) Kick given to a football,
ward direction when the bus starts and moving (2) Striking a Cricket ball by a bat
suddenly due to inertia of rest; 11. Show that the impulse of a force is
6. State Newton’s second law of motion equal to chamnge in momentum of the
and hence derive . Define one body.
The rate of change of momentum of a body From Newton’s second law, we know that
is directly proportional to the applied force v vo
and takes place in the direction of the t (or)
Derivation of : ( – (Change in momentum)
Consider a body of mass moving with an –
initial velocity . Let be momentum of Thus, impulse is equal to the change in
momentum produced by large force
the body. A constant force acts on the
acting for a short interval of time.
body in the time interval , then according
12. State and prove the law of
to Newton’s second law,
conservation of linear momentum from
Newton’s III law of motion.
If no external force acts on a system the
total momentum of the closed isolated
system remains constant.
Where, is called proportionality constant. Derivation of the law of conservation of
In SI system momentum:
Then Consider a system of two bodies and
i.e. the force applied is equal to time rate of of mass with initial momentum and
change of momentum. But respectively. The bodies collide with each
other and get apart, with final
momentum and respectively. By
the Second Law.
7. State Newton’s third law of motion and
give an example. From Newton’s second law or
To every action, there is an equal and
opposite reaction
Consider a body of weight w. kept on the surface of a and or
table. The body exerts a downward force equal to
its weight (action), the table exerts an equal
initially with a speed of 15 ms-1 . How long WORK, ENERGY AND POWER [11m]
does the body take to stop? 1) State and explain the scalar product
4. Constant force acting on a body of mass (or) dot product of two vectors.
3.0 kg changes its speed from 2.0 ms-1 to The scalar product of two vectors is
3.5 ms-1 in 25 s. The direction of the equal to the product of the magnitudes of
motion of the body remains unchanged. the vectors and cosine of the angle
What is the magnitude and direction of the between the vectors.
force ?
If and are two vectors, then their
5. A driver of a car driving at 72 kmph, sees a
child on the road at a distance of 50 m. scalar product is
The total mass of the car including driver is
750 kg. calculate the average retarding Where the angle between
force applied on the wheels of the car. 2) Mention any two properties of scalar
6. A rocket with a lift-off mass 20,000 kg is product.
blasted upwards with an initial a. Scalar product is commutative, then
acceleration of 5.0 ms-2. Calculate the b) Scalar product obeys distributive law, then
initial thrust (force) of the blast.
7. Two masses 8 kg and 12 kg are connected
c) When two vectors are perpendicular, then
at the two ends of a light inextensible
string that goes over a frictionless pulley. Scalar product is zero
Find the acceleration of the masses, and ( )
the tension in the string when the masses
……………….. (1) Case (1):-Consider a body of mass ‘ at a
Integrating equation (1) from the initial height above the ground. Since this
position to final position , then body is rest at its kinetic energy is
zero and its potential energy is
Where are the initial final KE
–------------- (1)
corresponding to to
Case (2):- When the body is, allow falling Where is the force constant of the spring
freely under gravity its increase and 15) What is power? Write its Si unit.
is decrease due to decrease in The rate of doing work is called power.
height. Consider the body at a point The SI unit of power is watt[W=1J/1s]
at a distance ‘ ’ form and at a height 16) What is instantaneous power?
above the ground. The limit of the average power as time
It’s tends to zero is calle instantaneous
Let v be the velocity of the freely falling power.
body at
From .Here 17) How many watts are equal to one
horsepower(1 hp)?
18) Define power. Prove (or) a
force F applied on a body moves with
a velocity u. what is its power?
------------------ (2) Power is defined as the rate at which
Case (3):- when the body finally reach the work is done.
point on the ground so that We know that
Let be the velocity of the body reaches the The work done by a force for a small
ground. Using displacement is
The instantaneous power can be defined as
small amount of work done in small
interval of time i.e.
------------------ (3)
From (1), (2) and (3), it follows
that the total energy at A, total energy The instantaneous power
at B and total energy at C are constant,
But where is the
hence the law of conservation of energy.
14) Obtain en expression for potential instantaneous velocity
energy of a spring? There fore
Consider a mass less spring resting on Where is the angle between
frictionless horizontal surface such that and
one of its end is fixed to a rigid wall and 19) What is elastic collision? Give an
its other end is attached to a block of example for elastic collision.
mass ‘ ’ as shown in fig (a). A collision in which both the
momentum and kinetic energy of a
system are conserved, then the collision
is called elastic collision.
1. Collision between atoms
2. Collision between sub atomic particles
like protons and electrons
20) What is inelastic collision ? Give an
example for inelastic collision.
A collision in which only momentum is
conserved but not in kinetic energy of
the system, then the collision is called
in elastic collision.
The block is pulled from ’ through a 1. Collision between two macroscopic
displacement X , a restoring force F is bodies
2. Collision between a lump of putty falls
developed in the spring opposite to on the ground.
displacement as shown in gif (b).
21) Distinguish between elastic collision
The restoring force is directly proportional & inelastic collision. .
to the displacement produced in the spring
Elastic collisison Ineleastic
i.e F X (or) F X ………… . (1)
Where is the moment of inertia 25. State and explain the principle of conservation of
of the body about the axis angular momentum.
18. Define moment of intertia. Write the
We have angular momentum
expression for it.
The property of a rotating body Differentiating on both side with respect to
by virtue of which it is unable to change we get
its state of rest (or) of uniform rotational
motion without the help of external force But,
is called moment of inertia.
The expression is
If the net external torque on the body is The imaginary line joining the planet and the
zero ( ) sun sweeps out equal areas in equal
intervals of time.
Third Law [law of periods]:
This is the law of conservation of angular The Square of the period of revolution of a
momentum. If the moment of inertia of the planet around the sun is directly
body changes from to , then the proportional to the cube of the semi major
angular velocity changes from to axis of its elliptical orbit.
According to the Kepler’s law, T2 a3. Where T
is time period of revolution of the planet
Numerical problems and a is the semi major axis of elliptical
1. In the HCL molecule, the separtaion orbit of the planet.
between the nuclei of twonatoms is about 2. State and explain Newton’s law of
1.27Ao ( ). Find the gravitation.
approximate location of the centre of mass Statement:
of the molecule, given that a clorine atom “Universal law of Gravitation states that
is about 35.5 times as massive as everybody in this universe attracts every
hydrogen atom and nearely all the mass of other body with a force which is directly
an atom is concentrated in its nucleus. proportionate to the product of their
2. The angular speed of a motor wheel is masses and inversely proportional to
increased from 1200rpm to 3120 rpm in square of the distance between them”.
16 seconds. (a) What is its angular Explanation:
acceleration, assuming the acceleration to Consider two bodies of masses ‘m1’ and
be uniform.? (b) how many revolution does ‘m2’ separated by a distance then the
the engine make during this time? gravitation force F between them is
3. A particle is moving at a speed of 12 ms-1
on a circle of radius 2m. if the speed of the
particle is increased to 15 ms-1 in 2 r2
second, what is the angular acceleration mm
produuced? F G 12 2
4. A solid cylinder of mass 20 kg rotates Where, ‘ ’ is universal constant called the
about its axis with angular speed of 100 universal gravitational constant.
ms-1. The radius of the cylinder is 0.25 m. 3. Give any two cherecteristics of
what is the kinetic energy associated with gravitational force.
the cylider? What is the magnitude of the cherecteristics of gravitaional force are
angular momnetum of cylinder about its a) The force is attractive
axis. b) The force is conservative
5. A fly wheel of mass 200kg and of radius 3 c) It is central force
m is revolving at the rate of 240 rpm. Find d) It obeys inverse square law.
its kinetic energy. 4. what is gravitational constant.
6. A wheel of moment of inertia 50 kfm-2 is The gravitational constant is equal to the force
running at 240 rpm. Calculate the ki netic of attraction between two unit masses
energy lost by it when its speed fails to separated by unit distance.
120 rpm. 5. What is the value of gravitational
-------------------------------------------------------------- In SI system, the value of
G = 6.673 x 10-11 Nm2 Kg-2.
6. Write the dimensional formula of G .
GRAVITATION [10m] 7. Derive the relation between
1. State and Kepler’s laws of planetary gravitational constant and
motion. acceleration due to gravity.
First Law [law of orbits]: Consider a body of mass ‘m’ lying on the
Every planet moves in an elliptical orbit round surface of earth. From Newton’s law of
the sun with one focus. Mm
Second Law [law of areas]: gravitation, --------- (i)
Where = mass of the earth and = radius of attraction between the body and the
of the earth earth is ………………(1)
From Newton’s law of motion
Let the body be displaced from the point to
-------------------- (ii)
through a distance , then the work done
From (i) and (ii)
is given by
R2 The total work done in displacing of the body
GM of mass from infinity ( ) to the point
A at a distance is given by
This is the relation between and G.
8. Derive the expression for acceleration
due to gravity at a point above the
surface of the earth.
Consider a point mass at a height
above the surface of the earth. Let
radius of the earth. Since the point is
outside the earth, then the distance of the
point from the centre of the earth is This work done is stored in the body as
. We know that the acceleration gravitational potential energy.
due to gravity on the surface of the earth is Thus, the gravitational potential energy is
……………. (1) U
Let be the force on the point mass 11. Define escape speed. Obtain the
then ……………. (2) expression for escape speed of a body
From Newton’s II law from the surface of the earth by the
… …………..(3) method of conservation of energy.[S-
From (1) band (2) The minimum speed with which a body
escapes from the earth gravitational force
so that it never comes back to the surface
But of the earth is called escape speed.
Consider a body of mass thrown
vertically upward with a velocity from
the surface of the earth. Initial KE of the
body is .
Initial gravitational PE is
For , then can be
expressed as Where is the mass of the earth and is the
by using Binomial theorem. radius of the earth
The total energy of the body id
………….. (4)
this is the expression for g nd G.
9. How does the acceleration due to Let be the final velocity of the body at a
gravity changes with increasing height above the surface of the earth,
altitude? then the KE of the body at height is
Accroding to the relation .
Acceleration due to gravity decreases with Gravitational PE of the body at height is
increases in height.
10. Derive the expression for gravitational The total energy of the system is
potential energy of a particle at a body
due to the earth.
Consider a body of mass at at a According to the law of conservation of energy,
distance from the centre of the earth. Let
be the mass of the earth and R be the i.e.
radius of the earth. The gravitational force
If the body will reach the maximum height, its Consider a satellite of mass
final velocity becomes zero (i.e. ) thus revolving around the earth in an orbit of
the RHS of the above equation is positive radius , where is the radius of the
and it becomes zero. earth and is the height of the satellite from
Now if, , then will the earth surface. Let be the velocity of the
never becomes zero. Hence, the body satellite.
continues to move away from the earth The gravitational force of attraction between
and never comes back the earth. Therefore the satellite and the earth is
the body will escape from the earth if
Where is the mass of the earth
The centripetal force acting on the satellite is
………… (2)
This is the minimum speed required to reach The necessary centripetal force is provided
the infinity [i.e. escapes from the earth]. by, the gravitational force of attraction.
Since, or
From (1) and (2)
This is the expression for the escape speed
from the earth.
12. What is the escape velocity of on the
surface on the Earth?
For satellite close to the earth h << R, so that
The escape velocity of the body on the surface
of the earth is 11.2 k ms-1. .
13. What are satellites?
Satellites are celestial (heavenly) bodies Where
revolving round the planets. This is the expression for orbital velocity of
14. Define orbital speed of a satellite
the satellite.
around the earth.
The speed with which the satellites which are This shows that the orbital velocity is
revolivng round the planets is called independent of the mass of the satellite.
orbital satellites. 18. Derive the expression for Time
15. What is the weight of a body at the period of the Satellite
centre of the earth. The time taken by the satellite to
At the centre of the earth the value of g is
complete one rotation around the earth
zero. Therefore the weight of the body is
equal to zero. is called time period of the satellite.
Whrere g is the acceleration due to gravity on
the surface og the earth, is at the
height from the groung and is the
radius of the earth.
16. Give any two applications of artificial Square on both sides
A: 1) Artificial satellites are used in
1) They are used to forcast weather
2) They are used to moniter resources of
3) They are used to expose upper
atmosphere of the earth. This is Kepler’s law of periods.
17. Derive an Expression for Orbital For satellite close to the earth h << R, so
Velocity. that .
“The velocity with which, a satellite
revolving in its orbit around the earth is Where,
called orbital velocity”. 19. Obtain the expression for total energy
of an orbiting satellite.
Consider a satellite of mass revolving circular orbit of radius 4RE ? What are the
around the earth. Let be the changes in the kinetic and potential
radius of the orbit from the center. Where energies?
is the radius of the earth and be the 9. A rocket is fired from the earth towards
height from earth surface. Let be the the sun. At what distance from the earth’s
speed of the satellite. centre is the gravitational force on the
The KE of the satellite is rocket zero ? Mass of the sun = 2× 1030 kg,
mass of the earth = 6× 1024 kg. Neglect the
effect of other planets etc. (orbital radius =
Where 1.5 × 1011 m).
10. A rocket is fired vertically with a speed of
The gravitational PE of the satellite at a 5 km s-1 from the earth’s surface. How far
distance is from the earth does the rocket go before
The total energy of the satellite is returning to the earth ? Mass of the earth
= 6.0 × 1024 kg; mean radius of the earth =
6.4 × 106 m; G = 6.67 × 10–11 N m2 kg–2.
11. A satellite orbits the earth at a height of
This is the total energy of the satellite. 400 km above the surface. How much
The total energy is negative, i.e the energy must be expended to rocket the
satellite is bound to the Earth. satellite out of the earth’s gravitational
FIVE MARK NUMERICAL PROBLEMS influence? Mass of the satellite = 200 kg;
1. The mass and the radius of the planet is mass of the earth = 6.0× 1024 kg; radius of
three time that of the eearth. What is the the earth = 6.4 × 106 m; G = 6.67 × 10–11 N
acceleration due to gravity on the surface m2 kg–2.
of the planet(g=9.8ms-1) 12. The planet Mars take 1.88 years to
2. Calculate the acceleration due to gravity (i) complete on revolution around the sun.
at a height 230 km and (ii) depth 125 km The mean distance of the earth from the
from the surface of the earth. Given radius Sun is 1.5x108 km. Calculate that of
of the earth = 644 km, g=9.8 ms-2. planet Mars?
3. Find the value of acceleration due to 0000000000000000000000000000000
gravity (a) at a height 3200 km above the CHAPTER 8
surface of earth (b) at a depth 8 km below MECHANICAL PROPERTIES
the surface of the earth. Given that the OF SOLIDS [4m]
radius of the earth = 6400 km g=9.8 ms-2. 1. What is elasticity of a body?
4. A rocket is fired vertically from the surface The property of a body which regains its
of mars with a speed of 2 kms-1. If 20 % of original size and shape when the applied
its initial energy is lost sue to atmospheric force is removed is called elasticity.
resistance how far will the rocket go from 2. Write the S.I unit of the stress.
the surface of mars before coming to rest? The SI unit is N/m2.
Mass of mars =6.4x1023 kg, radius of 3. Define stress and strain.
mars=3395 km, G=6.67x10-11 Nm2 kg-2. Stress is defined as the restoring force per
5. A body weighs 63 N on the surafce of the unit area.
earth. What is the gravitational force on it Strain is defined as the ratio of change in
due to the earth at aheight equal to half dimension of the body to the original
the radius of the earth?. Given that the dimension.
radius of the earth = 6400 km g=9.8 ms-2. 4. State and explain Hooke’s law.
6. Assuming earth to be sphere of uniform “Hooke’s law states that within the
mass density, how mush could a body elastic limit the stress is directly
weigh halfway down to the centre of the proportional to strain.”
earth if it weighed 250 N on the surface. ie
7. The size of the planet is same as that of (or)
the earth amd its mass is four times that
of the earth. Find the potential energy of 5. Define terms stress and strain. Draw
the mass 2 kg ata height 2 m from the the stress verses strain graph for a
planet. g=9.8 ms-2 on the surface of the metallic wire stretched upto the
earth. fracture point.
8. A 400 kg satellite is in a circular orbit of Stress is defined as the restoring force per
radius 2RE about the Earth. How much unit area.
energy is required to transfer it to a