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• Rated up to 39,000 CFM in static pressure applications up to 1-1/4” w.g.
• Direct drive units have low sound levels and quiet operation
• Smaller sizes for areas with reduced airflow needs
• Require practically no maintenance
• AMCA Air Licensed

S&P’s tubeaxial line offers the widest range of sizes, horsepower and performance in the industry. Mod-
els TDD are high capacity tubeaxial fans rated from 800 to 39,000 CFM, with static pressure capability
up to 1-1/4”. They are used to exhaust air from or supply air to such typical commercial and industrial
applications as general building ventilation, enclosed garages, paint spray booths, heat and smoke
ventilation systems and other applications where air is moved through a duct system against moderate
static pressure.

Direct drive Models TDD are best used for exhausting or supplying relatively clean ambient temperature
air. They are available in smaller sizes for areas with reduced airflow needs and require practically no


Integral Inlet and Outlet

Mounting Supports Flanges
Eight (8) mounting supports With mounting holes.
are welded to each fan to
allow for universal mounting.
Propeller National brands with local service.
Polypropylene and aluminum Standard motors are heavy-duty open
propellers are selected for drip-proof. Other options available.
maximum airflow and low sound.
Heavy-gauge rolled galvanized
steel with continuous welded
Factory Run & Tested seam and epoxy coating for
For quality assurance and maximum strength.
dependable operation.

cULus 705 Listed

For electrical reliability.

Assures rating of Air

2 year fan housing warranty, 1 year motor warranty

All specifications are subject to change without notice unless approved in submittal by S&P USA.
AXIAL_TDD_1014 October 2014
Fan Housing
• Heavy-gauge rolled galvanized steel construction.
• Integral inlet and outlet flanges with mounting holes.
• Continuous welded and epoxy coated.
• Eight mounting supports welded to each fan.
• Rolled steel flange reinforcement on each end.

Propeller (Sizes 12 - 18)

• Polypropylene blades.
• Steel bushing.
• Blades are pitched for optimum efficiency.
• Statically and dynamically balanced.
• Aluminum blades are optional (by special quote only).

Propeller (Sizes 20-48)

• Three, five or six wing airfoil aluminum blades.
• Steel or aluminum hub plate with steel bushing.
• Blades are pitched for optimum efficiency.
• Statically and dynamically balanced.
• Polypropylene blades are optional (by special quote only).

• One year motor warranty.
• Brands are nationally recognized and locally serviced.
• Open drip-proof construction is standard.
• Premium-efficiency, explosion proof, totally enclosed fan cooled (TEFC) and corrosion duty motors
can be specified.

• cULus 705 Listed.
• AMCA Air Licensed.

Entire Fan Unit

• Factory assembled and tested prior to shipment for quality assurance.


Hanging Brackets (4)

Outlet Guard
Companion Flange (outlet)
Flange (inlet)
Inlet Guard

Floor Brackets (4)

Mounting Rails

Inspection Door
(See location options below)

Inspection Door Location Options Floor or Hanging Isolator Options

Rubber Isolator (Floor)
10 o’clock 2 o’clock

Spring Isolator (Floor)

Rubber Isolator (Hanging)

Spring Isolator (Hanging)

Hanging & Floor Brackets: For base or ceiling mounting. Neoprene and spring isolators are

Mounting Rails: Designed for vertical and horizontal mounting. Rail kits include mounting brackets.
Vertical mounting available by special quote on sizes 34-48”.

Inlet/Outlet Guard: Prevents objects from entering the fan inlet or outlet. Includes companion flange.

Inspection Door: For inspection and blade service/cleaning. Bolted. Not available on sizes 12 and

Companion Flanges: Inlet and/or outlet flanges are available for duct connection.

Disconnect Switch: Nonfused safety disconnect available for all motor sizes and enclosures.
Specify prewired if desired. (Wiring not available on explosion proof and two speed motors).

Special Coatings (Epoxy Coating is Standard): For protective and decorative purposes. Available
coatings include: Synthetic Resin and Heresite (air-dried phenolic). Contact your representative or the
factory for more information on available coatings and colors.


Floor Mount Hanging Mount

Vertical Rail Floor Vertical Rail

Mount Hanging Mount

Vertical mounting
available on
special quote on
sizes 34-48”.

Note: The 12 & 16 are designed to mount to a supported duct work and do not have all
mounting configurations.
12 16 18 20 24
Sizes 12 and 16
B.C.D. C Max. Motor Frame: 56 56 145T 145T 213T
A B Housing Gauge: 16 16 14 14 12
Approx. Weight: 90 108 150 178 273
Flange Holes: 6 8 8 8 8
Diameter Flange Holes: 7/16"
Finish: Epoxy Coated Galvanized
Size A B C* B.C.D.
Front View Side View
12 12-3/8 15 12 13-1/2
Sizes 18, 20 and 24 16 16-3/8 18-7/8 16-1/2 17-3/8
C 18 18-3/8 22-1/2 22 19-3/4
20 20-3/8 24-1/2 22 21-3/4
24 24-3/8 28-5/8 23 25-3/4
A: ID B: OD C: Length (*motor may extend past unit)


Front View Side View

Static Pressure (Inches W.G.)
Nominal Max Sones
Model HP 0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.25
RPM Watts @ 5 ft

1/4 1140 200 855 - - - - - - - - - 15.9

12 1/4 1725 210 1330 1215 - - - - - - - - 17
1/3 1725 275 1545 1420 - - - - - - - - 17
1/3 1140 218 2220 1965 - - - - - - - - 16.1
16 1/2 1725 415 3000 2805 2551 2207 - - - - - - 19.5
3/4 1725 615 3341 3200 3024 2801 2445 - - - - - 22.4
1/3 1140 260 3160 2715 - - - - - - - - 16.3
1/2 1140 355 3500 3191 2667 - - - - - - - 17.8
1 1725 742 4709 4458 4167 3790 3305 - - - - - 22.6
1-1/2 1725 1025 5326 5147 4950 4703 4364 3875 - - - - 25.1
1/4 1725 185 1713 1249 733 - - - - - - - 23
1/3 1725 251 1835 1578 1281 990 726 - - - - - 29.3
20 1/2 1725 351 2451 2208 1915 1584 1275 1002 752 - - - 28.2
3/4 1725 603 4469 4160 3818 3423 2775 - - - - - 23.2
1 1725 805 4877 4611 4361 3995 3487 2617 - - - - 24.2
1/4 1140 219 2777 - - - - - - - - - 17.5
1/3 1140 278 4711 3876 - - - - - - - - 18.1
3/4 1140 620 6562 5996 5312 3583 - - - - - - 21.5
1-1/2 1725 1155 7812 7304 6775 6084 5013 3777 - - - - 25.9
2 1725 1273 8967 - - - - - - - - - 32.3
3 1725 2536 9982 9659 9324 8951 8481 7980 6674 4395 3383 - 31.3

Performance certified is for installation type A: free inlet, free outlet. Performance S&P Canada Ventilation Products,
Inc., Div. of Soler & Palau Ventilation
ratings do not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). The AMCA Certified Group certifies that the Models TDD
Ratings Seal applies to air performance ratings only. Speed (rpm or rps) shown is shown herein are licensed to bear
nominal. Performance is based on actual speed of test. the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown
are based on test and procedures
performed in accordance with AMCA Standard 705
Sound data is calculated and should be used as a guideline only. Publication 211 and comply with the
requirement of the AMCA Certified
Ratings Program.

Sizes 30, 34 and 36 Max. Motor Frame: 215T
Housing Gauge: 30” & 34” = 12
C 36” = 10
Approximate Weight: 30" = 320 lbs.
A B 34” = 457 lbs
36" = 532 lbs.
Flange Holes: 8
Diameter Flange Holes: 7/16"
Finish: Epoxy Coated Galvanized

.438 Size A B C* B.C.D.

30 30-3/8 34-5/8 24 32
Front View Side View 34 34-3/8 38-5/8 27 36-3/8
36 36-3/8 40-5/8 29 38
A: ID B: OD C: Length (*motor may extend past unit)

Static Pressure (Inches W.G.)

Nominal Max Sones
Model HP 0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.25
RPM Watts @ 5 ft

1/2 870 336 6319 5167 3296 - - - - - - - 19.4

3/4 870 595 8990 7855 6280 3212 - - - - - - 19.9
1 870 797 9468 8661 7819 6771 5360 3234 - - - - 20.5
3/4 1140 551 8385 7534 6540 5448 4011 2159 - - - - 24.4
1 1140 832 10585 9743 8827 7746 6359 - - - - - 21.9
1-1/2 1140 1313 11098 10452 9735 8984 8143 6777 5128 3758 2619 - 25.7
2 1140 1750 13541 12564 11525 10230 8375 6456 - - - - 26.2
3 1725 2319 15937 15385 14804 14223 13662 13060 12382 11695 10903 8911 35.1
1 870 803 11681 10459 9210 7659 4988 - - - - - 26.5
2 870 1540 15841 14547 12937 10715 6852 - - - - - 27.3
3 870 2281 16850 15391 13589 11557 9249 7712 6359 4513 - - 28.8
1 1140 700 10873 9714 8535 7155 5418 - - - - - 32.7
1-1/2 1140 1180 14766 13747 12470 10984 9415 7236 - - - - 33.3
34 2 1140 1643 15466 14775 14072 13295 12520 11585 10508 9005 7305 - 33.6
3 1140 2211 15781 15184 14448 13650 12866 11863 10883 9536 7838 - 34.3
3 1725 1641 14231 13414 12646 11985 11211 10502 9634 8675 7677 5126 40.3
5 1725 3742 20532 19726 19003 18243 17341 16590 15783 14907 13951 - 44.8
7-1/2 1725 5910 25386 24606 23903 23253 22346 21572 20616 19657 18769 - 47.3
10 1725 7640 27099 26381 25610 24747 23841 22917 21981 - - - 44.8
1/2 870 388 8768 6696 4555 - - - - - - - 39.8
3/4 870 623 9599 8489 7315 5885 4180 - - - - - 40
1 870 777 12145 11036 9590 7834 4689 - - - - - 38.9
2 870 1506 16923 15640 14138 12527 - - - - - - 38.1
3 870 2190 19939 18710 17270 15332 - - - - - - 39.6
1 1140 734 9845 8814 7898 6881 5692 4415 3162 - - - 47.9
36 1-1/2 1140 1233 13912 13020 12080 11053 9977 8644 7052 - - - 44
2 1140 1605 16118 15216 14206 13311 12265 11058 - - - - 44.2
3 1140 2357 19585 18583 17641 16720 15723 14450 12497 - - - 43.8
5 1140 3585 23209 22247 21168 20193 19062 17740 16319 - - - 45.7
5 1725 3774 22503 21681 20924 20030 19290 18590 17608 16516 15362 - 77.8
7-1/2 1725 5482 27426 26625 25742 24940 24009 23336 22403 21632 20529 17741 83.8
10 1725 7734 27645 27396 26953 26496 26020 25526 25108 24665 24191 23029 85.8

Performance certified is for installation type A: free inlet, free outlet. Performance ratings do S&P Canada Ventilation Products,
not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal Inc., Div. of Soler & Palau Ventilation
Group certifies that the Models TDD
applies to air performance ratings only. Speed (rpm or rps) shown is nominal. Performance is shown herein are licensed to bear
based on actual speed of test. the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown
are based on test and procedures
performed in accordance with AMCA
Standard 705
Sound data is calculated and should be used as a guideline only. Publication 211 and comply with the
requirement of the AMCA Certified
Ratings Program.

Sizes 42 and 48 Max. Motor Frame: 256T
C Housing Gauge: 10
B.C.D. Approximate Weight: 42" = 738 lbs.
A B 48" = 834 lbs.
Flange Holes: 8
Diameter Flange Holes: 7/16"
Finish: Epoxy Coated Galvanized

Size A B C* B.C.D
Front View Side View 42 42-1/2 46-3/4 30 44-1/4
48 48-1/2 52-3/4 33 50-3/4
A: ID B: OD C: Length (*motor may extend past unit)

Static Pressure (Inches W.G.)

Nominal Max Sones
Model HP 0 0.125 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 0.875 1 1.25
RPM Watts @ 5 ft

1 870 827 14852 13115 11297 - - - - - - - 51.6

1-1/2 870 1052 16770 14891 12732 9764 - - - - - - 47.9
2 870 1465 19453 17432 15438 13232 - - - - - - 45.4
3 870 2285 23340 21467 19524 14841 - - - - - - 48.6
5 870 3549 28037 25801 23523 20105 15400 - - - - - 48.9
42 1-1/2 1140 1144 15712 14284 12308 10623 8050 5282 - - - - 46.5
2 1140 1674 18673 17304 15722 13733 11550 8942 5461 - - - 48.7
3 1140 2376 22901 21599 20463 18932 17728 16082 - - - - 53.6
5 1140 3856 26764 25256 23923 22351 20815 18986 15351 - - - 50.3
7-1/2 1140 6044 33612 32257 30801 29238 27936 26242 - - - - 51.9
10 1140 7971 33813 32945 32039 31300 30495 29740 28839 27980 27160 24777 52.3
2 870 1560 21749 19771 17626 15403 12476 9330 - - - - 92.4
3 870 2417 26784 24879 22874 20641 17950 14239 - - - - 55.4
48 5 870 4034 29978 28722 27401 26053 24747 23134 21353 19038 - - 53.4
7-1/2 1140 6205 33555 32536 31630 30588 29507 28681 27606 26875 25782 - 92.4
10 1140 8560 40194 39319 38344 37469 36576 35415 34256 33130 32324 - 95

Performance certified is for installation type A: free inlet, free outlet. Performance ratings do
S&P Canada Ventilation Products,
not include the effects of appurtenances (accessories). The AMCA Certified Ratings Seal Inc., Div. of Soler & Palau Ventilation
applies to air performance ratings only. Speed (rpm or rps) shown is nominal. Performance is Group certifies that the Models TDD
shown herein are licensed to bear
based on actual speed of test. the AMCA Seal. The ratings shown
are based on test and procedures
performed in accordance with AMCA Standard 705
Sound data is calculated and should be used as a guideline only. Publication 211 and comply with the
requirement of the AMCA Certified
Ratings Program.


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