Assistant Matters: Nalional Aeronautics and Space Administration
Assistant Matters: Nalional Aeronautics and Space Administration
Assistant Matters: Nalional Aeronautics and Space Administration
Space Administration
The f o l l o w i n g i n f o r m a t i o n i s p r o v i d e d :
Government o r
C o n t r a c t o r Employee:
N A S A Case N o . Lee-\d:( D w - b - (
NOTE - I f t h i s p a t e n t c o v e r s a n I n v e n t i o n made by a c o n t r a c t o r
e m p l o y e e u n d e r a NASA c o n t r a c t , t h e f o l l o w i n g is a p p l i c a b l e :
FIG. 1
FIG. 2
US. Patent May 8,1984 Sheet 2 of 3 4,446,757
\ ?4
FIG. 4
U.S. Patent m y 8,1984 Sheet 3 of 3 4,446,757
4,M6,75 7
1 2
gear to a common direction. Interconnecting first and
DIREKTIONAL GEAR RATIO TR4NSMISSIONS second epicyclic gear assemblies in combination ,with
unidirectional clutches, as described above, results in a
ORIGIN OF THE INVENTION transmission that inherently transmits all rotational in-
The invention described herein was made in the per- puts in that direction for which the clutches engage at a
formance of work under a NASA contract and is sub- lower gear ratio than do those rotational inputs in that
ject to the provisions of Section 305 of the National direction for which the unidiirectional clutches are dis-
Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, Public Law 85-568 engaged.
(72 Stat. 435; 42 USC 2457).
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION FIG. 1 is a sectional view of a directional gear ration
This invention relates to gear transmissions using two transmission;
epicyclic gear assemblies in combination with unidvec- FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of FIG. 1, at l i e
tional clutches to transmit all clockwise inputs at a gear 11-11 showing the first epicyclic gear assembly in
ratio different from that of counterclockwise inputs. l5 greater detail;
Epicyclic gear assemblies and unidirectional: sprag FIG. 3 is a cross-sectional view of FIG. 1, at line
type clutches are both well known in the art of gear 111-111 showing the second epicyclic gear assembly in
transmissions, and have been interconnected in various greater detail;
combinations to provide many different types of input- FIG. 4 is a cross-sectional view of FIG. 1, at line
/output relationships. Those transmissions using two 20 IV-IV showing the first unidirectional clutch in
epicyclic gear assemblies in combination with unidirec- greater detail;
tional clutches can be categorized into two groups. One FIG. 5 is a cross-sectional view of a directional gear
group uses a third input shaft that is interconnected ratio transmission showing a mddified projection of a
with the epicyclic assemblies to control the transmis- first epicyclic wheel assembly; and
sion’s overall gear ratio and output direction. The other 25
FIG. 6 shows the overall gear ratio for directional
group uses an independent means that engages non- gear ratio transmissions illustrated in FIGS. 1-4.
directional clutches or discs within the transmission to
change output direction and overall gear ratio. These DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE
transmissions transmit rotational inputs to an output INVENTION
shaft at a direction and overall gear ratio independent of 30
FIG. 1 is a sectional view of a directional gear ratio
the direction of the input rotation.
Accordingly, it is an object of this invention to pro- transmission, and particularly illustrates how first and
vide a torque transfer mechanism wherein all clockwise second epicyclic gear assemblies, generally designated
inputs produce an output at a gear ratio different from 20 and 60, are interconnected within a transmission
that for counterclockwise inputs. 35 housing 10.Both epicyclic gear assemblies consist of a
Another object is to transmit all inputs at selectable ring gear, sun gear, planet carrier, and planet gears.
clockwise and counterclockwise gear ratios. Extending from within the transmission housing are
A further object of the invention is to transmit inputs first and second shafts, 11 and 12,supported by first and
at selected gear ratios dependent only upon direction of second shaft bearings, 13 and 14.The shaft bearings are
the input. 40 attached to the transmission housing, and allow each
A still further object of the invention is to provide an shaft to rotate freely in either a clockwise or a counter-
output torque with direction opposite to that of the clockwise direction while the transmission housing is
input. held stationary.
An additional object of the invention is to transmit The first shaft 11 is connected to a first sun gear 21
torques at selected forward and reverse gear ratios 45 that has teeth 22 which mesh with teeth, 27,28and 29,
using two epicyclic gear assemblieshaving interchange- on first planet gears, 24,25and 26,respectively. FIG. 2,
able elements. a view along line 11-11 in FIG. 1, shows first planet
gear bearings. 40,41 and 42,that allow the first planet
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION gears 24,25and 26, to rotate freely about first pins, 31,
The foregoing and other objects of the invention are 50 38 and 39. The first pins, 31, 38 and 39 extend from a
achieved by interconnecting two epicyclic gear assem- first planet gear carrier 36 to hold the first planet gears,
blies in combination with unidirectional clutches. A first 24,25and 26,symmetrically about the first sun gear 21,
shaft is connected to the sun gear of a first epicyclic and first planet gear pitch lines, 30,31and 32,tangent to
gear assembly. First planet gear assemblies mesh with the first sun gear pitch l i e 23. A first ring gear 33,also
the first sun gear and first ring gear. A first planet gear 55 has teeth 34 in mesh with the first planet gears, and the
carrier holds the first planet gear assemblies symmetri- first ring gear pitch line 35,tangent to the first planet
cally about the first sun gear, and transmits its rotational gear pitch lines, 30,31 and 32.
displacements to the second epicyclic gear assembly’s In the preferred embodiment, the first planet gear
sun gear by a connecting shaft. A connecting portion carrier 36 is connected to a first unidirectional clutch 90
transmits rotational displacement of the first ring gear 60 that allows the first planet gear carrier 36 to rotate only
to a second planet gear carrier. Second planet gear in a counterclockwise direction with respect to the
assemblies mesh with the second sun gear and a second transmission housing 10. A second unidirectional
ring gear, and are held symmetrically about the second clutch, 95, connected to the first ring gear 33, allows
sun gear by the second planet gear carrier. A second only a counterclockwise rotation of the first ring gear
shaft extends from the second ring gear. First and sec- 65 33.The first planet gear carrier 36,is then held station-
ond unidirectional clutches are each secured to a sta- ary by the first unidirectional clutch 90 while the first
tionary transmission housing, and restrict the indepen- sun gear 21,is rotated clockwise; thus, clockwise first
dent rotation of the first planet gear carrier and first ring sun gear rotation induces the first planet gears 24, 25
3 4
and 26,to rotate counterclockwise with respect to the second sun gear 61'to only rotate counterclockwise.
first planet gear carrier 36, and the first ring gear 33, Within the first unidirectional clutch shown in FIG.4,
rotate counterclockwise. Counterclockwise rotation of y e an outer race 91,attached to the transmission h o w
the fist S u n gear 21 induces the first planet gears, 2 4 25 ing 10;an inner race 92, attached to the first planet gear
and 245, to rotate clockwise with respect to the first 5 carrier 36; sprags 93, located between the inner and
Planet gear carrier 36,and wfiile the first ring &ar 33 is outer races; and sprag springs 94 which pass through
held Stationary bY the second unidirectional Clutch 95, the sprags to prevent the sprags from jamming when the
the first planet gear carrier 36, rotates counterclock- inner race 92is count=&&w relative to the
wise. The gear ratios at which rotational inputs are outer race 91.Rotating the inner m e Clockwh c a m
transferred are discussed in the Operation Of the Inven- 10 the sprags 93 to rotate counterclockwise and jam any
tion. relative motion between the inner and outer races;
FIGS. 1 and 3 illustrate a second epicyclic gear as- counterclockwise rotation of the her race is not ob-
sembly 60 Which is S h i h to the first epicyclic gear structed by the Spmp. The second edir&i0nal clutch
20* A second sun gear 61 has teeth 62 which 95 prevents clockwise rotation of the first ring gear 33
mesh with teeth, 67 68 and 69,on second planet gears, 15 and second planet gear der 76 with respect to fie
64965 and 66-second Planet gear bearings, 80,81and transmission housing 10, and is in s t r u h e to
82,allow free rotation of the second planet gears, 64,65 the first unidirectional clutch 90. The unidirectional
and 66,about second Pins, 77978 and 79,which extend clutches, 90 and 95, may alsobe of any other type that
a Planet gear carrier 76*The second Planet restrict all rotation in one direction, and allow free
gear 76, extends from, and may either be at- 2o rotation in the other; such types include: rachet and
tached to or part of the connecting portion 51 and first pawl, friction, and locking roller units.
ring gear 33. Second pins hold the second planet gears The directional gear ratio transmission,s specificgear
s ~ e t r i c a l l Y about the second sun gear, and second
gear pitch lines, 70,71and 72,tangent to the second sun ratio for each input direction is determined by
gear Pitch line 63*The the number of teeth on the first and second sun gears,
shaft l2 is
a second ring gear 73,which also has teeth 74 in mesh to 25 Stand S2, relative to the number ofteeth on,the first d& ,
with the second planet gear teeth, and a second ring second ring gears*R1and R2* A special case results
gear pitch line 75 tangent to the second planet gear when Si =S2 and Ri=R2 because the various types of
pitch lines, 70,71 and 72. gears within the first epicyclic gear assembly become
FIG. 1 shows how the second epicyclic gear assem- 30 similar to those in the ePiqclic gear
bly 60 is connected to the first epicyclic gear assembly and are therefore interchangeable.
20,by a connecting shaft 50 and a connecting portion 51 how the gears in may be
which are both co-linear with the first and second replaced with friction wheels. A first Shaft 111 PaSSeS
shafts, 11 and 12. The connecting portion 51 extends though the stationary transmission housing 110,and is
from, and may either be attached to or part of the first 35 attached to a first sun 121-The first sun
ring gear 33;its function is to rotate the second planet 121 has a friction 122 located where the first sun
gear carrier 76 at the Same speed and direction as the gear pitch line 23 is in FIG. 1. The first planet Wheel
first ring gear 33.The connecting shaft 50 extends from friction surfaces in FIG. 5, 1% 127 and 1% are also
the first planet gear carrier 36, to the second sun gear located in a Position as the first Planet gear Pitch
61,and rotates the second sun gear 61,at the same speed 40 lines, 30931 and 32*shown in FIG- 1,and are tangent to
and direction as the first planet gear carrier 36. the first sun wheel friction surface 122.First pins, 129,
In the preferred embodiment, the connecting shaft 50 130 and 113,hold the first Planet Wheels SYmmetriCallY
holds the second sun gear 61 stationary while the con- about the f i t sun Wheel, and tangent to the first rink?
netting portion 51 rotates the second planet gear carrier Wheel friction S u r f a c e 133. Power and rotational dis-
76 counterclockwise when the first shaft 11, is rotated 45 Plaments are then tmmdtted from the first Shaft 111
clockwise. These inputs to the second epicyclic gear to the first Planet Wheel Carrier 134 and ring Wheel 132
assembly 60 induce counterclockwise rotation of the via the described friction surfacesin a similar manner as
second planet gears, 64 65 and 66,with respect to the the gears transmit Power along their respective Pitch
second planet gear carrier 76,and rotate the second ring lines in FIG. 1.
gear 73 and attached second shaft 12 counterclockwise. 50 Other variations to the &cribed structure while
When the first shaft 11,is rotated counterclockwise, the maintaining the disclosed function and result include
connecting shaft 50 rotates the second sun gear 61, the use of compound gear assemblies in lieu of the de-
counterclockwise while the connecting portion 51 scribed planet gears; each compound gear assembly
holds the second planet gear carrier 76 stationary. would have a first pinion in mesh with a sun gear and a
These inputs induce the second planet gears 64,65 and 55 second pinion attached to the first pinion, in mesh with
66,to rotate clockwise with respect to the second planet a ring gear which may be of either an internal or exter-
gear carrier 76,and the second ring gear 73 and second nal type.
shaft 12 to rotate clockwise. Other permutations, in-
cluding inputs to the second shaft 12, are more fully OPERATION OF THE INVENTION
described in the Operation of the Invention. 60 The structure described in FIGS. 1 4 results in a
First and second unidirectional clutches, generally transmission that transmits all rotational inputs in the
disignated 90 and 95 in FIG. 1, restrict the rotation direction which the unidirectional clutches engage at a
direction of the first planet gear carrier, 36 second sun lower gear ratio than inputs in the direction which the
gear 61,first ring gear 33,and second planet gear carrier unidirectional clutches are free. The direction which
76 to a common direction with respect to the transmis- 65 the first and second unidirectional clutches, 90 and 95,
sion housing 10. engage merely determines the direction of input that
In the preferred embodiment, the first unidirectional will be transmitted at the higher or lower gear ratio, and
clutch 90 allows the first planet gear carrier 36,and the does not materially effect the invention's operation.
5 6
Epicyclic gear assemblies have three input/output continued
points at which rotation8 may be transmitted: sun gears,
rlng gears, and planet gear assemblies by holding one
input point stationary:
R/Slp=R/S=C 10
GRenguge~i= (Wsiln)(RdpLIS2)