Rohini 52258671144
Rohini 52258671144
Rohini 52258671144
Permeability is defined as the property of a porous material which permits the passage or seepage of
water through its interconnecting voids.
A material having continuous voids is called permeable.
Gravel → highly permeable
Stiff clay → least permeable (impermeable).
Laminar flow:
Each fluid particle travels along a definite path which never crosses the path of any other particle.
Turbulant flow:
The paths are irregular, twisting, crossing and recrossing at random.
Darcy’s Law:
For laminar flow conditions in a saturated soil, the rate of flow (or) the discharge per unit time is
proportional to the hydraulic gradient.
q = kiA
𝑉 = 𝐾𝑖 =
Where, q → discharge per unit time
A→ Total c/s area of soil mass, perpendicular to the direction of flow.
i → Hydraulic gradient
k → Darcy’s coefficient of permeability
V→ Velocity of flow (or) average discharge velocity
If soil sample of length ‘L’ and c/s area ‘A’ subjected to differential head of water (h1 – h2), the hydraulic
ℎ1 −ℎ2
gradient ‘i’ will be equal to 𝐿
𝐾(ℎ1 − ℎ2 )𝐴
= =
𝑉 𝐾 𝑛
𝐾𝑃 =
• Grain size
• Specific Surface
• Consolidation test data
q = Q/t 1
From Darcy’s law,
q = kiA 2
Equate 1 & 2,
Q / t = kiA
k = Q / tiA
- (dh / dt) = k A h / a L
- (dh / h) = k A dt / a L
h2 t
- dh = kA dt
h1 h aL 0
h2 t
logeh = -kA t
h1 aL 0
log e h2 – log e h1 = - k A t / a L
log e h1 – log e h2 = k A t / a L k
= a L log e ( h1 / h2 )
k = 2.303 a L log 10 ( h1 / h2 )
They are more reliable compared to laboratory methods for the determination of ’k’. Lab tests
involves large man of soil with minimum disturbance unlike the small sample is used. The value of ‘k’
obtained from field tests represents an average value of ‘k’ for the large soil mass over a large area.
Unconfined Aquifers: It is one in which the ground water table is the upper surface of the zone of
saturation and it lies within the test stratum. It is also called ‘free’, ‘phreatic’ or ‘non – artesian aquifers’.
When a well is penetrated into an extensive homogeneous aquifer, the water table initially remains
horizontal in the well. When the well is pumped, water is removed from the aquifer and the water table or
the piezometric surface, depending upon the type of aquifer, is lowered resulting in a parabolic depression
in the water table (or) piezometric surface. This depression is called the cone of depression or the draw
down curve.
In the pumping – out tests, draw downs corresponding to a steady discharge ‘q’, are observed at a
number of observation wells.
Pumping must continue at a uniform rate for an adequate time to establish a steady state condition,
in which the draw down changes negligibly with time.
1) The aquifer is homogeneous with uniform permeability and is of infinite aerial extent.
2) The flow is laminar and Darcy’s law is valid.
3) The flow is horizontal and uniform at all points in the vertical section.
4) The well penetrates the entire thickness of the aquifer (and receives water).
5) Natural ground water regime affecting the aquifer remains constant with time.
6) The velocity of flow is proportional to the tangent of the hydraulic gradient (Dupuit’s theory).
Unconfined Aquifer:
Fig., shows a well penetrating an unconfined (or) free aquifer to its full depth of an pumping – out
Let r = radius of main well.
R = radius of zero drawdown known as max., radius of influence.
h = depth of water in the main well during pumping, measured above impervious layer.
H = height of initial water table above impervious layer.
q = rate at which water is pumped out of well.
Let ‘P’(x , y) be any point on the draw down curve. The point ‘o’ (orgin of ordinates) at the bottomof
central axis of well is chosen as the orgin of reference.
Applying Darcy’s law, for flow through cylindrical surface of radius ‘x’ and height ‘y’ we have,
Discharge, q = k . Ax . ix
= k . (2πxy) dy / dx
= q . dx / x
= 2πky dy
Integrating between the limits (R, r) for x, and (H, h) for y, we get,
𝑞∫ = 2𝜋𝑘 ∫ 𝑦 𝑑𝑦
𝑟 𝑥 ℎ
1 𝑦2
𝑞 [log e ( ) ] = 2𝜋𝑘 [ ]
𝑥 𝑟 2 ℎ
q = πk (H2- h2)
loge (R / r)
k = q loge(R / r)
Л(H2 – h2)
In above equation R is found to vary from 150 m to 300 m and can only be estimated crudely, as for
example, using the following equation given by Sichardt,
R = S√k
R = 3000 S√k
K → m/sec R & S → ‘m’ S=H–h
To avoid the use of R, an alternative method is to measure drawdowns s1 and s2 in two observations
wells located at radial distances r1 and r2 from the axis of main well. The depths of water in the two
observation wells are,
h1 = H - S1
h2 = H – S2
We now have,
y = h1, at x = r1
y = h2, at x = r2
𝑟2 ℎ2
𝑞∫ = 2𝜋𝑘 ∫ 𝑦 𝑑𝑦
𝑟1 𝑥 ℎ1
𝑟2 ℎ2
1 𝑦2
𝑞 [𝑙𝑜𝑔 𝑒(𝑥)] = 2𝜋𝑘 [ 2 ]
𝑟1 ℎ1
Л (h22- h12)
Fig., shows a well fully penetrating a confined (or) artesian aquifer. Let (x,y) be the coordinates of
any point ‘p’ on the drawdown curve, measured with respect to the origin ‘o’.
q = discharge or rate at which water is pumped out of main well.
b = thickness of confined aquifer.
Applying Darcy’s law for flow through cylindrical surface of radius ‘x’ and height ‘b’. We have,
q = k ix Ax
where, Ax = c/s area of flow , measured at ‘p’ = 2 Л x b
ix = hydraulic gradient at ‘p’ = dy / dx
q = k (dy / dx ) (2 Л x b) (or) q (dx / x) = 2 Л x b dy
Integrating between the limits (R, r) for x and (H, h) for y, we get,
𝑞∫ = 2𝜋𝑘𝑏 ∫ 𝑑𝑦
𝑟 𝑥 ℎ
1 𝑅
𝑞𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑒 ( ) = 2𝜋𝑘𝑏[𝑦]𝐻
𝑥 𝑟
From which,
q loge (R / r) = 2Лkb (H – h)
k= q loge (R / r)
2Лb (H – h)
q = 2.72 Ts
log10(R / r)
T = co-efficient of transmissibility = bk
S = drawdown at the well
Alternatively, if h1 and h2 are the depths of water measured above bottom impervious stratum in two
observation wells located at radial distances r1 and r2 from the axis of main well, then we can write,
r2 h2
q dx /x = 2Лkb dy
r1 h1
The two methods desired by U.S. Bureau of Reclamation are,
K = q / 5.5 r H
r = internal radius of pipe
q = constant rate of flow
h = differential head of water (gravity plus pressure, if any)
2) Packer method:
A packer is an expandable cylindrical rubber sheeve packers are used as a means of sealing of a
section of borehole. Two types of packer methods are used in practice.
i) Single packer method:
In single packer methods the hole is drilled to the required depth. The packer is fixed at a desired
level above the bottom of the hole and the water pumped into the section below the packer. The constant
rate of flow ‘q’ ie., attained under an applied head ‘H’ is found.
ii) Double packer method:
In double packer method, the hole is drilled to the final depth and cleaned. Two packers are fixed at
a distance apart equal to 5 times the diameter of bore hole. Both packers are then expanded and water
pumped into the section between the two packers. The constant rate of flow, q that is attained under an
applied head, H is found.
K = q sinh-1(L / 2 r)
2ЛLH For, r ≤ L ≤ 10 r
K = q log10(L / r)
For, L ≥ 10 r
L = length of portion of the hole tested
r = radius of bore hole
q = constant rate of flow into the test section
H = differential head for maintaining a constant rate of flow in test section
h = vL / k (or) vz / k
vz = vz1 + vz2 +…....+ vzn
kv k1 k2 kn
∴ kv = z
z1 + z2 + …. + zn
k1 k2 kn
K = Ds γw e3 . c
η 1+e
1) Grain size
2) Properties of the pore fluid
3) Void ratio of the soil
4) Structural arrangement of the soil particles
5) Entrapped air and foreign matter
6) Adsorbed water in claying soils
1) Effect of size and shape of particles:
Permeability varies approximately as the square of the grain size. Since, soil consists of many
different sized grains. Some specific grain size has to be used for comparison.
a) Allen Hazen (1892) found in filter sands of particle size between 0.1 and 3mm.
k = CD10
K= 1 X n3
Kk η ss 2 1 – n2
n = porosity
ss = Specific surface of particles (cm2/cm3)
η = viscosity (g sec/cm2)
kk = constant = 5 for spherical particles
c) Loudon (1952 - 53) developed from the basis of his experiment is,
Log 10(kss 2) = a + bn
k27 = K η
η 27
k1 = η2 . γw1 = η2 . ρw1
k2 η1 . γw2 = η1 . ρw2
Muscat (1937) is pointed out that in more general co-efficient of permeability called physical
permeability ‘kp’ related to Darcy’s co-efficient of permeability ’k’.
kp = K η
Rohini college of engineering and technology
k1 = e1 2
= e 13 e23
k2 e2 1+ e2
From the relation permeability varies as a square of void ratio.
k1 = permeability at void ratio ‘e1’
k2 = permeability at void ratio ‘e2’
4) Structural Arrangements:
The structure of soil becomes changed depends on the method
of compaction. Due to compaction particles come closer compact mass,
there by pore size get reduced. So the value of ‘k’ get reduced. If effect of
compaction is more means, the ‘k’ is less.
𝑒 0.595
𝑛= = = 0.373
1 + 𝑒 1.595
Seepage velocity, vs = v = 1.435 x 10-2
n 0.373
vs = 3.85 x 10-2cm/sec
2) In a falling head permeameter test, the initial head (t=0) is 40cm. The head drops by 5cm in 10
minutes. Calculate the time required to run the test for the final head to be at 20cm. If the sample is
6cm in height and 50cm2 in c/s area, calculate the co-efficient of permeability, taking area of stand
Falling head permeability test
h1=40cm; t1=0
Time, t=10min x 60 = 600 seconds. 5cm drop., so h2= 40-5
L=6cm; a=0.5cm2; A=50 cm2
Co-efficient of permeability,
K=2.303 aL log10 h1
At h2
t = 2.3 aL h1
AK h2
h1 m = 2.3 aL
t = m log10
m = 10.363 x 103
If h1=40cm; h2=20cm
t = 52 minutes
Now, m = 2.3
3) A stratified soil deposit is shown in figure along in the co-efficient of permeability of the
individual strata. Determine the ratio of kH and kv. Assume an average hydraulic gradient of 0.3 in
both horizontal and vertical seepage. Find discharge and discharge velocity for each layer, for
horizontal flow and hydraulic gradient and loss in head in each layer for vertical flow.
Given data:
i = 0.3
kv = ?
kH =?
kH / kv = ?
v1 = v2 = v3 = ?
i1 = i2 = i3 = ?
h1 = h2 = h3 = ?
z1 + z2 + z3
k1 k2 k3
= 900
200 + 500 + 200
5x10-4 5x10-4 5x10-4
KV =5X10-4 cm/Sec
𝐾𝐻 5𝑋10−4
= =1
𝐾𝑉 5𝑋10−4
Hydraulic gradient ,
𝑉1 1.5𝑋10−4
𝑖1 = = = 0.3
𝐾1 5𝑋10−4
𝑉2 1.5𝑋10−4
𝑖2 = = = 0.3
𝐾2 5𝑋10−4
𝑉3 1.5𝑋10−4
𝑖3 = = = 0.3
𝐾3 5𝑋10−4
Loss of head
h = iz
i = h / (L.z) [L = 1m]
h1 = i1xz1 = 0.3 x 2 = 0.6m
h2 = i2xz2 = 0.3 x 5 = 1.5m
h3 = i3xz3 = 0.3 x 2 = 0.6m
4).An aquifer of 20m average thickness is overlain by an impermeable layer of 30m thickness
.A test well of 0.5m diameter and two observation wells at distances of 10m and 60m from
the test well are drilled through the aquifer. After pumping at a rate of 0.1m3/sec for a long
time, the following draw downs is stabilized in these wells: First observation well 4m; second
observation well, m .Show the arrangement in a diagram. Determine the coefficient of
permeability and draw down in the test well.
dia D=0.5m
2.303 𝑞 𝑟2
𝑘= log10 ( )
2𝜋𝑏(ℎ2 − ℎ1 ) 𝑟1
Rohini college of engineering and technology
2.303 𝑥0.1 60
𝑘= log10 ( )
2𝜋. 20(47 − 46) 10
=1.43x10-3 m/sec
Draw down:
2.303 𝑞 𝑟2
(ℎ2 − ℎ𝑤 ) = log10 ( )
2𝜋𝑏𝑘 𝑟1
2.303 𝑥0.1 60
(47 − ℎ𝑤 ) = −3
log10 ( )
2𝜋𝑥20𝑥1.43x10 10
hw=43.94 m
Draw down , S=50- hw