Introduction of Pediatric Thoracoscopic Lung Resections 2022
Introduction of Pediatric Thoracoscopic Lung Resections 2022
Introduction of Pediatric Thoracoscopic Lung Resections 2022
To cite this article: Arimatias Raitio, Vesa Vilkki & Niklas Pakkasjärvi (2022): Introduction of
pediatric thoracoscopic lung resections in a low-volume center – feasibility, outcome and cost
analysis, Acta Chirurgica Belgica, DOI: 10.1080/00015458.2022.2086394
CONTACT Arimatias Raitio [email protected] Department of Paediatric Surgery, Turku University Hospital and University of Turku,
Turku, Finland
All authors contributed to the acquisition of data, writing, and revision of the manuscript and have approved the final version.
ß 2022 The Author(s). Published by Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.
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volume center to assess the feasibility, safety, and Outcome measures and data collection
cost-effectiveness of a new technique in a teaching
Primary outcome measures were length of stay
hospital without prior experience in pediatric thor-
(LOS) at pediatric intensive care unit (PICU) and total
acoscopic surgery.
inpatient stay, time to chest drain removal, complica-
tions, readmissions, requirement for postoperative
pain medication (adjusted for patients’ weight), oper-
Materials and methods ation times, intraoperative blood loss, and costs
We performed a retrospective study on lung resec- related to surgery and total admission. Also, data on
tions performed by a single pediatric surgeon. patients’ age, weight, diagnosis, and performed
Data from first 10 thoracoscopic lung resections operation(s) were collected. Routine follow-up
were compared to a cohort of 10 consecutive included chest radiograph at 3 and 12 months post-
open lung resections performed before the intro- operatively. Complications were graded according to
duction of thoracoscopic technique. Patients were the Clavien–Dindo classification system [9].
identified in the operating theatre management
software (Centricity Opera 4.5, GE Healthcare, Statistical analysis
Barrington, IL) by searching with relevant oper-
One-way ANOVA and Wilcoxon rank test were
ation codes for lung resections: GDC00 and GDC01
used to compare continuous variables and chi-
for open and thoracoscopic lobectomy, and
square for categorical variables. A significance level
GDB96 and GDB97 for open and thoracoscopic
of p < 0.05 (two-tailed) was set. Analyses were per-
resection of lung. Performed operations are all reg-
formed using JMP Pro, version 15.1.0 for Windows
istered according to the Finnish version of
(SAS Institute Inc., Cary, NC).
NOMESCO (Nordic Medico-Statistical Committee)
Classification of Surgical Procedures (NCSP).
The thoracoscopic cohort included 8 lobectomies
Surgical technique for congenital pulmonary airway malformation
(CPAM) and two resections of pulmonary seques-
All operations were performed under general anes-
tration. The open cohort consisted of 6 lobecto-
thesia at our unit of pediatric surgery. After endo-
mies for CPAM and 4 resections of pulmonary
tracheal intubation, patients were placed in lateral
sequestration. All operations were performed
decubitus position. For open procedures, a standard
between December 2015 and October 2021. The
posterolateral muscle-splitting thoracotomy was uti-
median follow-up length was 12 months (range
lized. The main vessels were divided with absorb-
3–34) and 54 months (36–69) for thoracoscopic
able sutures and non-absorbable suture was used
and thoracotomy cohort, respectively. There were
for bronchial division. For thoracoscopic procedures, no significant differences in the median age,
single lung ventilation was required and contralat- median weight, operative times, and intraoperative
eral mainstem intubation was confirmed with bron- blood loss between open and minimally invasive
choscopy by the anesthetist. Three 5-mm trocars procedures. The thoracoscopic technique was
were inserted, and CO2 insufflation was utilized to associated with a significantly shorter stay at pedi-
create pneumothorax and complete lung collapse. atric intensive care unit (PICU) and shorter overall
A 5-mm surgical stapler (JustRight Surgical, inpatients stay, as well as shorter time to chest
Louisville, CO) was the primary device for vessel drain removal postoperatively (Table 1).
and bronchial sealing as described by Dr One lobectomy required conversion to thoracot-
Rothenberg [8]. Anterior incision was extended up omy due to bleeding, which could not be man-
to 3 cm before specimen retrieval; a retrieval bag is aged thoracoscopically. Only one complication was
not required. A chest drain was left in place rou- recorded (Clavien-Dindo IIIb). This patient was ana-
tinely for both open and thoracoscopic procedures. lyzed as part of thoracoscopic cohort. A patient
As the new minimally invasive technique was intro- was readmitted for reinsertion of a chest drain
duced, an adult thoracic surgeon experienced with under general anesthesia one week after open lob-
minimally invasive lung resections was working as ectomy due to persistent air leak. All patients
the first assistant holding the camera to shorten the attended and were asymptomatic at their routine
learning curve, as recommended in literature [3]. follow-up visits at 3 and 12 months postoperatively
Table 1. Comparison of open and thoracoscopic operations showing significant differences in length of PICU
and inpatient stay duration only.
Thoracoscopic operation (n ¼ 10) Open operation (n ¼ 10) p Value
Age (years) 0.9 (0.7–9.7) 1.0 (0.7–2.0) 0.46
Weight (kg) 9.6 (8.0–40) 9.6 (6.7–12.4) 0.46
Operative time (minutes) 107 (60–148) 95 (61–203) 0.87
Blood loss (ml) 10 (2–100) 18 (2–120) 0.22
PICU stay (days) 1 (1–2) 2 (1–3) 0.015
Inpatient stay (days) 2 (1–6) 4 (3–5) 0.005
Chest drain removal (days) 1 (1–2) 2 (1–3) 0.039
Cost of operation (e) 5447 (3212–9010) 4373 (2108–6176) 0.10
Total cost of admission (e) 8611 (7039–16,271) 9568 (7046–12,833) 0.49
Values are given as median and range.
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