Notice Hate 17022023
Notice Hate 17022023
Notice Hate 17022023
3,Raka Palace , Opp. Baramati Co. Op. Bank , Chinchwadgaon, Pune 411 033.
Sub:Notice to vacate and hand over possession along with payment of License
Fees in respect of the Residential unit bearing Apartment/Flat No. D 504, Built-
up 1100 Square Feet, Parking: 100 Square Meter, Gallery: 100 Square Meter
situated on the 5th Floor of a Building known as 'Lagloriosa' standing on the
plot of land bearing S. No. 9 adjacent to Nyati Meadows, Vadgaon Sheri, of
Village:Vadgaonsheri ,situated within the revenue limits of Tehsil Haveli and
District Pune and situated within the limits of Pune Municipal
Corporation(“Licensed Premises”)
Respected Ma’am,
right and authority to and is fully entitled to recover damages at the rate
of double the daily amount of compensation per day and or alternatively
be entitled to remove you and your belongings from the Licensed
Premises, with recourse to the Court of Law.
5. There after my client had issued you a legal notice dated 26/10/2022 and
asked to vacate the premises and clear all outstanding dues. You have
replied the said notice through your advocate Mr. Chinmay Vaidya on
dated 18/11/2022. In which you have specifically agreed to handover the
possession of the said property on 28/02/2023 but you failed to do so.
7. That, in lieu of the aforementioned facts, I hereby call upon you, to pay
the pending amount of Rs. 80,000/- (Rupees Eighty Thousand Only/-)
towards the License Fee since November, 2022 till 28th February 2023
plus damages at the rate of double the amount of compensation towards
the License Fee per @ 40,000/- per month , with immediate effect. I
hereby further, call upon you to vacate and handover the occupation of
the Licensed Premises forthwith, as per and in accordance with the
Agreement , failing to pay the pending amount towards the License Fee
along with dues, and handing over peaceful possession of the Licensed
Premises with in the time as aforementioned, my Client holds right and
authority to and is fully entitled to recover damages at the rate of double
the amount of compensation per month and or alternatively be entitled to
remove you and your belongings from the Licensed Premises, with
recourse to the Court of Law.
8. Kindly note my Client reserves the right to take suitable actions in case of
default or failure on your part, all costs on you.
In spite of the above mentioned said fact if you failed act accordingly, in
the said event my client will constrained to take necessary action in the
court of law then in the said circumstances you will be responsible for the
cause and consequences thereof.
That charges of this notice RS. 7,500/- is kept upon you, please take note.