English Project Louis Sacar 4

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Louis Sachar Biography

Louis Sachar is a famous author who wrote “There's A Boy In The Girls’
He was born on March 20 1954 to a jewish family. Louis Sachar has one
brother and one sister and was born in East Meadow, New York. Louis
was raised in Tustin, california. Mary Underwood is his sister and Arnold
Sachar is his Brother. Louis is the youngest child of the siblings.
As a child, he attended Hebrew school and Sunday school. As a child in
Tustin, California, Sachar used to have orange fights with other local kids.
Louis Shacar, started being interested in books only at the end of high
school. He was interested in kids because he was used to helping the kids
from elementary school. Sachar graduated UC Berkeley in 1976 with a
degree in Economics. When Louis' father was very sick and died, Louis had
to leave his studies and had to go help his mother who was depressed
after his father died. He grew inspiration from other authors' lives.

He started writing his first book, Sideways Stories From Wayside School, in
1976. He won many awards, one of them is “National Book Award for
Young People's Literature’’. Sachar wrote the book at night over the course
of nine months, during which he worked during the day in a Connecticut
sweater warehouse. After being fired from the warehouse, Sachar decided
to go to law school, around which time Sideways Stories From Wayside
School was accepted for publication. The book was released in 1978;

Louis Sachar married Carla Askew and they had one kid together.
Now he lives happily with his wife Carla and his kid.
Poem Chapter 8

In the auditorium everyone sat,

It was hot and steamy , the girls loved to chat.
Coleen Lori and Malinda laughed
When Coleen caught Jeff in the bathroom they gasped.

Lori and Melinda were giggling

As jeff’s mind was wiggling
Jeff and Bradley turned around
As Lory and Melinda were very loud

Jeff found it very funny

that Coleen thought he was cute like a bunny
Bradley looked like a blackberry
As he became red like a cherry

Jeff was in the girls’ bathroom they said

And he almost buried his head
Bradley thinks it's very cool
As Jeff suddenly doesn't feel like a fool
10 interesting facts.

● Louis Sachar was born in East Meadow, New York, on the 20th March 1954.
● As a child in Tustin, California, Sachar used to have orange fights with other local
● Significant authors who have inspired Sachar include J.D. Salinger, Kurt
Vonnegut, E.L. Doctorow, Margaret Atwood, E.B White, Richard Price
● In the aftermath of his father’s death. Sachar had a short, but extremely
successful, stint as a door-to-door salesman.
● During his college years, Sachar helped out in classrooms at Hillside Elementary
School, and earned the nickname ‘Louis the Yard Teacher’ while serving as the
Noontime Supervisor.
● His first book, Sideways Stories From Wayside School, was started in 1976, and
took about 9 months to complete. It was written in the evenings to fit around
careers in warehousing.
● Sachar practiced part-time legal work for 9 years after graduating law school in
1980: it wasn’t until 1989 that sales of his books allowed him to pursue a
single-minded writing career!
● Sachar writes every morning of the week, although does so for typically no more
than 2 hours a day.
● While working on a book, Louis Sachar never discusses his in-progress writing,
not even with family or his editor!
● Sachar is a keen bridge player, frequently entering tournaments.
The Fired Counselor / Journalist - Yonatan Shaham

Date - 28/12/2022
Where- USA

In Red Hill elementary school Carla Davis the counselor has been unfairly
She got fired because parents complained about her as they seemed to
think she gave bad advice and they misunderstood the situation.

Carla the Red Hill elementary school counselor has made a protest against
the school for firing her because she gava advice to students.
Carla said “ it's not fair to fire me. I really helped the school. 1 in 5 kids in
the school comes to me every day and I help them. I didn't do anything
bad” the school responded “We fired Carla because many parents
complained she gave bad advice!”
As there are 200 kids protesting the school is canceled for the next couple
of days.
A Scene About Made Up Characters
Once upon a time, in a dense forest, there lived four made-up animals; a lion named
Leo, a bear named Burt, a wolf named Will, and a fox named Fin. One day, a young boy
named Yonatan stumbled upon the forest while exploring. He was lost and scared, but
the four animals decided to help him find his way back home.

Leo, the lion, offered to be the leader of the group and guide them through the forest.
Burt, the bear, offered to be the protector and keep them safe from any danger. Will, the
wolf, offered to use his keen sense of smell to track Yonatan's scent. And Fin, the fox,
offered to use his quick thinking to find shortcuts and avoid obstacles.

Together, the four animals and Yonatan set off on their journey. They encountered many
challenges, such as steep cliffs, deep rivers, and dark caves. But, with Leo's courage,
Burt's strength, Will's sense of smell, and Fin's intelligence, they were able to overcome
each and every obstacle.

Finally, after hours of walking, they reached the edge of the forest. Yonatan was
overjoyed and thanked the animals for their help. He realized that bravery comes in
many forms, and that even the smallest and seemingly weakest creature can be a hero.

Leo, Burt, Will and Fin, were proud of their achievement and they felt that they were
able to help Yonatan in this adventure. they felt a sense of belonging and bravery in this
journey. And they all lived happily ever after.

This story is about bravery.

Persuasive speech

Point of view : why it's important to notice kids without friends at school.

Point 1- loneliness kills!

Point 2- loneliness causes depression

Point 1-
Opening sentence : Do you know what the biggest killer in the world is..?
Evidence :Loneliness is a 'hidden killer' and one of the largest health concerns
which we face. Researchers have found that loneliness puts individuals at greater risk
of cognitive decline and dementia, and that it is associated with an increased risk of
high blood pressure and heart disease.
Persuasive devices 👍
Hi my name is Bradley Chalkers and I get bullied. Do you know what the
biggest killer in the world is? Loneliness!
22 % of kids get bullied! That's a big amount of bullying, bullying causes
loneliness and depression. Bullying can kill and it does kill. Would you like
your kid to get bullied? I assume the answer is no, do you think it's fair?
We have to make a change for our safety!
When the bullies get older they are going to continue bullying and they're
going to end up in jail because of lack of education. Being a Bully is like
being a killer.
270 kids a year kill themselves because of bullying.
The main doctor of the UK said “loneliness is one of the worst things and
the worst diseases you can have!”
Do you think it's ok that this amount of people kill themselves ? No, I think
bullying causes death and depression. So if you see or notice a kid being
lonely and being bullied please try to be nice and help him, you don't know
what he is going through. Kids and all people shouldn’t be treated badly !
In many countries in the world school is for kids who come from hard
places with no money. School is their safe place - they need to feel safe at
I think most people would not like to get bullied.

Thank you,
Bradley Chalkers

Louis Sachar Biography 1

Poem Chapter 8 3

10 interesting facts. 4

The Fired Counselor / Journalist - Yonatan Shaham 5

A Scene About a Made Up Characters 6

Persuasive speech 7

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