Jss1 - 2 Crs
Jss1 - 2 Crs
Jss1 - 2 Crs
4. According to the Gospel of John, Jesus loved his disciples to the end. This type of love is
A. eros
B. storge
C. agape
D. philia.
C. right from the beginning man has failed God through sin
D. All sinners are automatically condemned to hell.
8. Paul teaches that the law which had served as a custodian has been superseded by
A. tradition of the elders
B. baptism of the Holy Spirit
C. being Abraham’s offspring
D. faith in Jesus Christ.
9. God’s promise to Abraham and his offspring for a glorious future was tied to
A. doing the works of the law
B. his faith and generosity of God
C. non-anxiety over his wife’s barrenness
D. non of the above
10. Non-Jews could share in God’s promise to Abraham and his descendants by
A. obeying all laws like Abraham
B. believing in their righteousness
C. upholding the faith of Abraham
D. accepting the faith of Judaism.
11. ‘Just as one man’s trespass led to the condemnation for all men, so one man’s act of righteousness led to
the acquittal and life for all men.’ The two men involved here are
A. Cain and Abel
B. Adam and Eve
C. Ahab and Jezebel
D. Jesus and Adam.
12. Paul admonished the Romans to not let sin reign in their mortal bodies but to yield themselves to God as
men who
A. are perfect in all things
B. have been brought from death to life
C. are under the law
D. are instruments of peace.
15. According to Paul in Colossians, which of the following is not a sign of the newness of life in Christ?
A. seeking things that are above
B. putting to death what is earthly
C. forbearing one another
D. setting minds on earthly things.
16. Paul argued that Jesus died for us while we were yet sinners to
A. prove that he was not an ordinary man
B. show God’s love for sinful man
C. warn us to desist from sin
D. give us the power to possess the earth
17. As children of God, Christians have all the following responsibilities except
A. accepting permanent custodianship of the law
B. suffering with Christ
C. patiently expecting the glory of God
D. groaning inwardly for redemption.
20. James taught that religion that is pure and undefiled before God is shown by
A. reading the Bible
B. loving the needy and purity of life
C. preaching the word of God
D. taking part in all the activities of the Church.
24. Paul taught that by our common faith in Jesus and baptism, the difference between Jews and Gentiles has
A. permanent
B. irrelevant
C. temporal
D. real.
25. Paul made a comparison between Adam and Jesus to show that
A. Adam caused sin while Jesus provided salvation
B. both were human
C. Adam succumbed to temptation while Jesus did not
D. both were subjected to temptations in the wilderness.
27. Paul likened the spiritual gifts received by individual members of the Church to the
A. variety of doctrines by different churches
B. inequality of members of the church
C. various interpretations of the word of God
D. different parts of the human body.
28. On the use of individual gifts by the Spirit, each Christian is to use it
A. for self-enrichment
B. for the common good
C. according to church laws
D. as he wants.
30. According to Paul, one is to desire spiritual gifts, especially the gift of
A. speaking in tongues
B. healing
C. prophecy
D. the utterance of wisdom.
31. Which of the following according to James is an important factor for effective prayer?
A. love
B. faith
C. fasting
D. mercy
32. James taught that Christians should offer prayers of thanksgiving when they are
A. remorseful
B. sick
C. cheerful
D. interceding
33. James advised against looking down on the poor because they are
A. for peace and self-sacrifice
B. those who spent time on the Lord
C. powerless
D. the rightful heirs of the kingdom.
36. In Philippians, Paul taught that Jesus’ humility and death on the cross earned him
A. salvation for Israel
B. adoption as the Son of God
C. exaltation as Lord
D. eternal life in the kingdom
43. One of the civic responsibilities of Christians according to the Epistle of Peter is
A. fasting and praying always
B. paying taxes
C. constructing roads in villages
D. attending Church activities regularly.
45. Jesus told Peter to forgive his enemies seventy times seven. This means
A. seventy times a week
B. seven times in seventy days
C. four hundred and ninety times
D. as often as possible.
48. According to Peter, which of these is not an illustration of how Jesus lived a life worthy of emulation?
A. he was sinless
B. he bore the sins of the world
C. when he suffered, he fought back
D. when mocked did mock in return
49. ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’ This teaching of Peter emphasizes
A. faithfulness
B. holiness
C. obedience
D. humility
57. Which of the following is not a sign of Christian freedom according to Peter?
A. giving honour to all men
B. love of the brotherhood
C. honouring the emperor
D. using freedom in pretence
58. According to Peter, Christians who suffer for Christ should not be ashamed but should
A. glorify God
B. be encouraged
C. Be patient
D. be grateful.
61. “Why do you seek the living among the dead?” This statement was made by the …..
A. angels of the Lord.
B. Disciples of Jesus Christ
C. guards at the tomb
D. the Jews
62. For the Christians, Jesus came that they may …..
A. Grow rich
B. have eternal life
C. be holy
D. rejoice.
64. The ‘living water’ Jesus offered to the woman of Samaria represents….
A. pure water
B. Word of God
C. true vine
D. water
65. The following are the sayings of Jesus about himself except
A. “I am the light of the world
B. “I am the good shepherd”
C. “behold the lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world”
D. “I am the true Vine”.
66. Which of the following according to James is an important factor for effective prayer?
A. love
B. courage
C. faith
D. mercy
68. To illustrate oneness in the spirit of Christians, Paul used the analogy of
A. husband and wife
B. the human body
C. the best gift
D. Church and society
69. The father, the mother and the children make up the
A. extended family
B. society
C. basic family
D. church
70. According to Paul, sin has no dominion over those who are under….
A. grace
B. law
C. authority
D. . judgment
75. Jesus told Peter to forgive his enemies seventy times seven. This means
A. seventy times a week
B. seven times in seventy days
C. four hundred and ninety times
D. as often as possible
82. Onesimus ran away from his master, his master here refers to
A. Philemon
B. Paul
C. Timothy
D. Silas
84. there was a great earthquake when the angel descended from heaven and came and rolled the stone back and
sat upon it.” This was reported by….
A. Matthew
B. Mark
C. Luke
D. John
86. …… was not among the women that went to the tomb to anoint the body of Christ.
A. Mary
B. Joanna
C. Salome
D. Martha
87. “Two men stood by the women in dazzling apparel.” This was reported by
A. Matthew
B. Mark
C. Luke
D. John
88. Paul urged the Corinthians to earnestly desire the higher gifts, especially that they may
A. prophesy
B. speak in tongues
C. work miracles
D. pray fervently
90. In the Second Coming, both the living and the dead will be brought to
A. judgment
B. hell
C. heaven
D. the church
2. What did God create on the Seventh day according to the first creation account?
A. nothing
B. light
C. sea creatures
D. man.
3. “For this reason, a man leaves his father and mother to be united with his wife and the two become”
A. man and woman
B. helpmates
C. one flesh
D. husband and wife.
5. When Joseph was sent to see the welfare of his brothers, he met them pasturing at
A. wilderness of Sin
B. Shechem
C. Dothan
D. Bethel.
7. God provided water for the Israelites by asking Moses to strike the rock at
A. Sinai
B. Massah
C. Rephidim
D. Paran.
8. The quality that distinguished Joshua and Caleb from the other spies was their
A. over-confidence in themselves
B. preparedness to face odds
C. knowledge of their enemies
D. absolute trust in God
9. Who among the following did God direct Moses to appoint as his successor?
A. Aaron
B. Joshua
C. Eleazar
D. Caleb
10. As part of his commissioning, God directed Moses to make his successor stand before a priest
A. Eleazar
B. Aaron
C. Samuel
D. Eli.
12. The destruction of the cities of Ai and Bethel was the conquest of
A. Moses
B. Aaron
C. Caleb
D. Joshua
14. The Israelites under Barak defeated the Canaanite troops led by
A. Sisera
B. Jael
C. Deborah
D. Abinoam.
15. Before their defeat by Barak, the Canaanites had oppressed the Israelites for
A. 15 years
B. 25 years
C. 20 years
D. 30 years.
17. When Elijah declared drought in Israel, God commanded and he was fed at the brook Cherith by
A. the widow of Zarephath
B. ravens
C. generous people
D. the servants of the king.
18. One reason for Elijah’s relocation to Zarephath during the time of the draught was because
A. of lack of water
B. his life was under threat
C. he was invited by a widow
D. God was no longer able to feed him.
19. Which of the following practices was not associated with the sons of Eli?
A. Forceful taking of the raw sacrificial meat
B. total disregard for the advice of the worshippers
C. having great regard for their father’s advice
D. treating the offering of the Lord with contempt
20. Eli’s culpability for his sons’ sins in the matter of sacrifices was that he
A. he shared in the meat taken by force
B. rejected people’s accusations against his sons
C. he sided with his sons
D. he was not strict in disciplining his sons.
25. Asa was notable as a responsible leader in the kingdom of Judah for one of the following
A. he asked for wisdom from God in a dream
B. he dropped his mother from being queen
C. he killed all his enemies
D. he made the Israelite army stronger than their enemies.
28. Shadrack, Meshach and Abednego escaped death for obeying God against
A. adultery
B. serving the Babylonians
C. murder
D. idolatry.
29. One of the consequences of Saul’s disobedience to God’s commands was that
A. he was later killed by David
B. He and his sons died the same day
C. he was overthrown by David
D. his son was made to succeed him.
30. The prophet of God who prophesied against the altar at Bethel disobeyed God by
A. eating and drinking at Bethel
B. uttering false prophecies
C. healing king Jeroboam
D. wrestling with a lion.
35. When God said to Solomon, “Ask what I shall give you,” he asked for
A. riches
B. wisdom and knowledge
C. the death of his enemies
D. long life
38. From the belly of the fish, Jonah prayed to God having been there
A. 40 days and 40 nights
B. 7 days and 7 nights
C. 10 days and 7 nights
D. 3 days and 3 nights
41. During the building of the Temple, Solomon solicited help from
A. his brethren
B. Hiram, the king of Tyre
C. Prophet Nathan
D. Israelite taxpayers
43. The northern tribes of Israel seceded from the southern tribes during the kingship of
A. Rehoboam
B. Saul
C. Ahab
D. Eli
44. Which of the following did not form part of what led to the famous uprising between the northern and the
southern tribes in Israel
45. The prophet who prophesied the division of the Israelite kingdom into two was
A. Elijah
B. Ahijah
C. Elisha
D. Nathan
46. Naboth would not give his vineyard to Ahab because it was
A. better than the king’s offer
B. under cultivation
C. undervalued by the king
D. inherited from his father
47. One other misgiving during Ahab’s reign as king of Israel was
A. allowing the rebuilding of Jericho
B. underpaying for Naboth’s vineyard
C. marrying many foreign women
D. not building a temple for God
48. One method employed by Jezebel in an attempt to snatch Naboth’s vineyard was by
A. exiling Naboth
B. reporting Naboth to the elders
C. asking for the proclamation of a fast
D. offering Naboth bribes
49. The condemnation of King Ahab by Prophet Elijah was not because of his
A. marriage to Jezebel
B. ascension to the throne
C. worship of baal
D. erection of an altar for Baal
50. When Elijah pronounced heavy punishment against Ahab and his family, Ahab reacted by
A. chasing Elijah away
B. threatening the life of Elijah
C. reporting him to his wife
D. calling Elijah an enemy of Israel
51. The prophet who told the Syrian commander to wash himself in river Jordan was
A. Elisha
B. Elijah
C. Nathan
D. Gehazi
52. When Naaman returned to thank the prophet with gifts after being cured, the prophet
A. asked his servant to collect them
B. collected them himself
C. rejected them
D. collected part of the gifts
53. The Syrian commander initially declined to go and wash in the Jordan because
A. it was dirty water
B. he felt rivers in Damascus were better
C. he didn’t believe the prophet
D. his leprosy needed medication, not miracle
55. When God ordered famine in Israel, Elijah was fed by the ravens at
A. brook Cherith
B. River Jordan
C. River Kishon
D. Mount Carmel
59. Before God sent rain in Israel after Elijah’s pronouncement, the drought had lasted for
A. three years
B. six months
C. six years
D. twelve years
60. The sending of the rain on Israel after the drought shows
A. Elijah as a powerful prophet
B. Baal cannot be trusted
C. God’s supremacy over nature
D. Jezebel was shamed
62. A man leaves his parents and cleaves to his wife and they become
A. one flesh
B. man and woman
C. father and mother of the house
D. bone and flesh.
63. Jacob loved Joseph more than his siblings because he was
A. his mother Rachael was Jacob’s favourite
B. the firstborn
C. the son of his old age
D. the last born.
67. When Moses demanded to know the name of God, God said that His name is
A. Yahweh
B. the Lord of hosts
D. Adonai.
68. When Moses stayed away for too long on the mountain, the people of Israel
A. returned to Egypt
B. prayed and fasted
C. embarked on farming
D. made and worshipped an idol.
69. The people of Israel were led into the land of Canaan by
A. Moses
B. Joshua
C. Aaron
D. Caleb
72. Who among the following was to ensure the security of King Saul in the wilderness of Ziph?
A. Abimelech
B. Joab
C. Abishai
D. Abner
73. Three Jews thrown into the fiery furnace came out unhurt because of their faith and
A. strength
B. courage
C. joy
D. love
74. Ahab was condemned for allowing Jericho to be rebuilt although the city had been
A. under Joshua’s curse
B. devastated by earthquake
C. the scene of fatal accidents
D. the site for Canaanite human sacrifice.
75. During the period of the drought, God commanded some ravens to feed Elijah at
A. Mount Carmel
B. in the cave
C. Brook Cherith
D. widow of Zarephath’s house.
76. “The Lord forbid that I should give you the inheritance of my fathers.” The inheritance referred to here is
A. the world
B. the kingship
C. birth
D. vineyard
77. The king of Judah who suffered in the hands of Nebuchadnezzar was
A. Jehoiachin
B. Zedekiah
C. Manasseh
D. Josiah
78. The king planned to set Daniel over the whole kingdom because
A. an excellent spirit was in him
B. he was the most educated of all
C. he wanted to favour a foreigner
D. Daniel brought information to the king.
79. The first situation report about those left in Jerusalem during the exile of Judah was brought by
A. Joshua
B. Zerubbabel
C. Hanani
D. Nehemiah
80. “They have Moses and the prophets. Let them hear them.” This statement was Abraham’s reaction to the
A. the request of Lazarus.
B. Justification of Lazarus
C. question from the rich man’s brother
D. rich man’s second request in hell.
81. The twelve disciples were advised to respond to any house that did not receive them during their missionary
journey by
A. pronouncing Go’s wrath upon them
B. shaking the dust off their feet
C. withdrawing their blessing of peace
D. moving to another destination
82. “My father, if is possible, let this cup pass from me.” This cup signifies
A. suffering and death
B. persecution
C. cry of loneliness
D. spiritual death
83. Before Judas arrived with the crowd to arrest Jesus, Jesus was praying at
A. Bethsaida
B. Calvary
C. Gethsemane
D. Bethany.
86. Which of the following miracles shows Jesus’ power over nature?
A. Walking on the sea
B. raising Lazarus from the dead
C. healing of the leper
D. healing of the woman with the issue of blood
89. The following went to the tomb of Jesus on the day of his resurrection
A. Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Jesus
B. Mary Magdalene and Mary, mother of James
C. Mary Magdalene and Mary, wife of Cleopas
D. Mary Magdalene and Ruth.