Learning Outcomes
When this course has been completed the student should be able to Assesment.
1 Analyze functions and functions of graphs 1,2
2 Understand concept of limit and continuity 1,2
3 Analyze differenriability 1
4 Understand concept of differentiation 1,2
5 Understand concept of drawing graph of derivatives and limits 1,2
Assesment Methods: 1. Written Exam, 2. Assignment 3. Project/Report, 4.Presentation, 5 Lab. Work
Course’s Contribution to Program
1 Ability to understand and apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering 4
2 Ability to design and conduct experiments as well as to analyze and interpret 2
Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams while exhibiting professional responsibility and
3 1
ethical conduct
4 Ability to apply systems thinking in problem solving 5
5 Knowledge of contemporary issues while continuing to engage in lifelong learning 2
Ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering
6 3
7 Ability to express their ideas and findings, in written and oral form 4
Ability to design and integrate systems, components or processes to meet desired needs within
8 2
realistic constraints
Ability to approach engineering problems and effects of their possible solutions within a well
9 3
structured, ethically responsible and professional manner
CL: Contribution Level (1: Very Low, 2: Low, 3: Moderate 4: High, 5:Very High)
Course Contents
Week Exams
1 Introduction
2 Pre-caculus
3 Chapter 1 Limits
4 Continuity
5 Chapter 2 Dıfferentiation:Tangent Line and their slopes Quiz
6 Derivative, Leibniz Notation
7 Differentiation rules ,The chain rule, The derivative Of Trigonemetric
8 Midterm
9 Hıgher Order Derivative , Implicit Differentiation
10 Chapter 3 Inverse Functions: Exponential and Logorithmic
11 Inverse Functions: Trigonometric Function
12 Chapter 4 Extream values concavity and Inflection
13 Optimization Problems
14 Sketching Graphs
15 Final
Recommended Sources
Textbook: “Calculus a Complete Course”, Robert A. Adams, Pearson 6th Edn 2006
Total 100%
ECTS Allocated Based on the Student Workload
Duration Total
Activities Number
(hour) Workload(hour)
Course duration in class (including the Exam week) 15 3 45
Tutorials 13 2 26
Assignments 5 2 10
Project/Presentation/Report Writing - - -
E-learning Activities - - -
Quizzes 1 6 6
Midterm Examination 1 20 20
Final Examination 1 30 30
Self Study 14 2 28