857 Ultraviolet-Visible Spectros
857 Ultraviolet-Visible Spectros
857 Ultraviolet-Visible Spectros
Printed by: USP NF Official Date: Official as of 01-Dec-2022 Document Type: GENERAL CHAPTER @2024 USPC
Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: ga28n DOI: https://doi.org/10.31003/USPNF_M3209_04_01
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UV-Vis spectra are derived when the interaction between incident radiation and the electron cloud in a chromophore results in
an electronic transition involving the promotion of one or more of the outer shell or the bonding electrons from a ground
state into a state of higher energy. The UV and visible spectral bands of substances generally are broad and do not possess a
high degree of specificity for compound identification. Nevertheless, they are suitable for quantitative assays and, for many
substances, are useful as an additional means of identification.
In the Beer–Lambert law, the absorbance (Aλ) of a solution at a given wavelength, λ, is defined as the logarithm to base 10 of
the reciprocal of the transmittance (Tλ):
�λ = log and � λ =
10 �λ �λ
In the absence of any other physical or chemical factors, Aλ is proportional to path length, b, through which the radiation passes,
and to the concentration, c, of the substance in the solution in accordance with the following:
�λ = ϵλ��
ελ = molar absorptivity
c = solute concentration (mol/L)
b = path length (cm)
If the concentration, c, is expressed in g/L, the constant ελ becomes aλ, which is called the absorptivity.
The expression �11 %
, which represents the specific absorbance of a dissolved substance, refers to the absorbance of a 10-g/L
solution (1%, m/v) in a 1-cm ▲cuvette▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) measured at a defined wavelength so that:
= 10�λ = �
aλ = absorptivity
ελ = molar absorptivity
M = molar concentration of the solution
When solutions are observed in 1-cm ▲cuvettes,▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) concentrations of about 10 µg/mL often will produce absorbances
of 0.2–0.8 ▲AU▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) in the UV or visible region.
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The purpose of this section of the chapter is to provide test methodologies and acceptance criteria to ensure that the instrument
is suitable for its intended use (OQ), and that it will continue to function properly over extended time periods as part of PQ.
As with any spectrometric device, a UV-Vis spectrometer must be qualified for both wavelength (x-axis) and photometric
(y-axis, or signal axis) accuracy and precision, and the fundamental parameters of stray light and resolution must be
established. OQ is carried out across the operational ranges required within the laboratory for both the absorbance and
wavelength scales.
Documented proof of the IQ requirements provide evidence that the hardware and software are properly installed in the
desired location.
Acceptance criteria for critical instrument parameters that establish “fitness for purpose” are verified during IQ and OQ.
Specifications for particular instruments and applications can vary, depending on the analytical procedure used and
the desired accuracy of the final result. OQ should establish suitable control over the operational range of wavelength,
absorbance, and the evaluation of stray light and resolution, i.e., spectral bandwidth (SBW). Instrument vendors often
have reference materials and protocols available as part of the IQ/OQ package.
Wherever possible in the procedures detailed as follows, certified reference materials (CRMs) are to be used in preference
to laboratory-prepared solutions. These CRMs should be obtained from a recognized accredited source and include
independently verified, traceable value assignments with associated calculated uncertainty. CRMs must be kept clean
and free from dust. Recertification should be performed periodically to maintain the validity of the certification.
Control of wavelengths
Ensure that the accuracy of the wavelength axis (x-axis) over the intended operational range is correct within acceptable
limits. The control of wavelength OQ must include at least one method in each operational range where it is intended
for use▲, and the wavelengths selected for qualification must bracket the intended range for use.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) The
options and acceptance criteria are summarized in Table 1.
(200–400 nm)
Table 1. Wavelength Ranges and Procedures for Control of Wavelengths
(400–780 nm)
(400–900 nm)
Accuracy ±1 nm Accuracy ±2 nm
Mercury (Hg) emission lines Precision ≤0.5 nm Precision ≤0.5 nm —
Accuracy ±2 nm
Deuterium (D2) emission lines — Precision ≤0.5 nm —
Accuracy ±1 nm
Cerium oxide solutions Precision ≤0.5 nm — —
Accuracy ±1 nm Accuracy ±2 nm
Accuracy ±2 nm
Didymium solutions or glasses — — Precision ≤0.5 nm
[NOTE—Certified reference standards, traceable to the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)
(www.nist.gov) or to other ▲national metrological institutes▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)and recognized standards-setting
organizations, are commercially available, and should be used where possible.]
For non-diode array instruments, wavelength accuracy and precision are determined over the operational range using
at least six replicate measurements. For wavelength accuracy, the difference of the mean measured value to the
certified value of the CRM must be within ±1 nm in the UV region (200–400 nm), and in the visible region (400–
780 nm) and visible/NIR (near-infrared) region (400–900 nm) must be within ±2 nm.
For wavelength precision, the standard deviation ▲▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) of the six wavelength measurements must not exceed
0.5 nm.
For diode array instruments, only one wavelength accuracy measurement is required ▲(no replicate measurements are
required)▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022), and no precision determination needs to be performed, due to the non-mechanical design
of the monochromator.
Establishment of acceptance limits (wavelength)—choice of standards
For all Control of Wavelengths accuracy procedures, acceptance limits for adequate calibration are established by
adding the expanded uncertainty of the CRM to the instrument vendor specification at the wavelength(s) required
in a linear manner, and these values must lie within the values specified in Table 1. In the case where atomic line
spectra are used, this expanded uncertainty of the CRM is deemed to be zero for this process, i.e., the limit simply
becomes the instrument vendor specification (1).
Atomic line spectra: This procedure is described as the primary application because the emission lines produced
from a discharge lamp are characteristic of the source element and, as a fundamental physical standard, these
wavelengths have been measured with an uncertainty of not more than ±0.01 nm. In solution spectrometry, the
wavelength accuracy required rarely exceeds 1.0 nm. For these reasons, the atomic line standard values are cited
without uncertainty.
The arc of the atomic emission source, or its image, needs to be located on the same optical path as the image
of the primary light source of the spectrometer; thus, it can be used only in spectrometers that can be operated
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Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: ga28n DOI: https://doi.org/10.31003/USPNF_M3209_04_01
in a single-beam intensity mode and practically should be implemented only on a system designed to
accommodate these sources, e.g., as an accessory.
A commonly employed low-pressure mercury lamp has a number of intense lines that cover a large part of the
UV and visible spectra. Two deuterium lines from the source at 486.0 and 656.1 nm often are also used by
manufacturers as an internal calibration check.▲ In addition, where a xenon source is used as an alternative
source, the line at 541.9 nm can be used.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) (See Table 2) (2).
Table 2. Recommended Atomic Lines from Low-Pressure Mercury (Hg)▲,▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)Deuterium (D2)▲, and Xenon (Xe)▲
(USP 1-Dec-2022) Lamps for Wavelength Calibration Purposes
Element nm
Hg 253.7
▲ ▲
▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) ▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
Hg 296.7
Hg 313.2
Hg 365.0
Hg 404.7
Hg 435.8
D2 486.0
Xe 541.9▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
Hg 546.1
Hg 577.0
ci 579.1
Table 3. Recommended Peak Maxima from a 4% Solution of Holmium Oxide in Perchloric Acid for Wavelength
Calibration Purposes
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Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: ga28n DOI: https://doi.org/10.31003/USPNF_M3209_04_01
Didymium (a mixture of neodymium and praseodymium) is available as a traceable CRM both in solution and
as a glass. Didymium is similar in preparation to the holmium materials and has useful peak characteristics in
the 730–870-nm region, which may vary from melt to melt of the glass. Useful peaks are found in the didymium
solution at approximately 731.6, 740.0, 794.1, 800.0, and 864.4 nm.
Rare earth glasses: This procedure uses glasses manufactured by fusing the appropriate rare earth oxide in a base
glass matrix. The most frequently used is holmium, for which the reference wavelengths have been well defined.
Although manufacturing can cause batch variation in these glasses, traceable CRMs are commercially available
and can be used. Typical values for a holmium glass using a 1.0-nm SBW are the following: 241.5, 279.2, 287.5,
333.8, 360.9, 418.8, 445.8, 453.7, 460.2, 536.5, and 637.7 nm.
Control of absorbance
To establish adequate accuracy, precision, and photometric performance of a given system, it is necessary to verify
the absorbance accuracy of a system over its intended operational range by selection and use of the following
procedures as appropriate for the wavelength and absorbance ranges required. Demonstrating absorbance accuracy
over the system’s intended operational range assures proper photometric response.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
The control of absorbance OQ must include at least one assessment at each wavelength range in the 0–2.00 AU region.
If absorbance >2.00 AU is to be used for quantitation, then control of absorbance must also be evaluated in the
>2.00 AU range.
Establishment of acceptance limits (absorbance)—choice of standards
For all Control of Absorbance procedures, acceptance limits for adequate calibration are established by adding the
expanded uncertainty of the CRM to the instrument vendor specification at the wavelength(s) and absorbance
levels required in a linear manner, and these values must lie within the values specified in Table 4.
[NOTE—CRMs, traceable to NIST Standard Reference Materials (SRMs), or other international or national standards,
are commercially available and should be used where possible.▲When measuring these CRMs, the control of
temperature may be important. For more information, see á1857ñ.]
Evaluate at 250, 280, 340, 360, and Evaluate at 465, 500, 546.1, 590, and
400 nm 635 nm
Accuracy ±0.010 AU Accuracy ±0.008 AU
0–1 Certified metal-on-fused-silica filters Precision ≤0.005 AU Precision ≤0.005 AU
Evaluate at 250, 280, 340, 360, and Evaluate at 465, 500, 546.1, 590, and
400 nm 635 nm
Accuracy ±0.010 × Aλ Accuracy ±0.008 × Aλ
1–2 Certified metal-on-fused-silica filters Precision ≤0.50 × Aλ/100 Precision ≤0.50 × Aλ/100
▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
[NOTE—Select the appropriate absorbance CRMs spanning the operational range(s) required.]
Acidic nicotinic acid solutions in 0.1 ▲N▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) hydrochloric acid: ▲In the 6–60 mg/L range, nicotinic acid
solutions provide reference values of up to 2.5 AU at one of the certified values of 213 or 261 nm. These solutions
are available as CRMs.
Acceptable absorbance accuracy and precision performance can be determined from the calculated mean and
the standard deviation of six replicate absorbance measurements at a specified wavelength λ. Measurements
should be performed at the upper and the lower absorbance of the operational range of the spectrometer at a
specified wavelength λ.
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Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: ga28n DOI: https://doi.org/10.31003/USPNF_M3209_04_01
For absorbance accuracy, the mean of the six values must not deviate from the certified value by more than
±0.010 AU for values below 1.00 AU, or ±1.0% of this certified absorbance at wavelength λ, Aλ, for values above
1.00 AU.
For absorbance precision, the standard deviation of the six values must not exceed 0.005 AU for values below
1.00 AU, or 0.50% of Aλ for values above 1.00 AU.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
Acidic potassium dichromate solutions in 0.001 ▲M▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) perchloric acid: ▲In the 20–200 mg/L range,
potassium dichromate solutions provide reference values of up to 3.0 AU at one of the certified values of 235,
257, 313, or 350 nm. These solutions are available as CRMs or can be prepared according to NIST from appropriate
available SRMs, e.g., SRM 935x, or SRM 136x (where x can be any letter from “a” to “z”).
Acceptable absorbance accuracy and precision performance can be determined from the calculated mean and
the standard deviation of six replicate absorbance measurements at a specified wavelength λ. Measurements
should be performed at the upper and the lower absorbance of the operational range of the spectrometer at a
specified wavelength λ.
For absorbance accuracy, the mean of the six values must not deviate from the certified value by more than
±0.010 AU for values below 1.00 AU, or ±1.0% of this certified absorbance at wavelength λ, Aλ, for values above
1.00 AU.
For absorbance precision, the standard deviation of the six values must not exceed 0.005 AU for values below
1.00 AU, or 0.50% of Aλ for values above 1.00 AU.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
Neutral-density glass filters: ▲These gray glass filters are manufactured from doped glass and have a nominally
flat spectrum in the region of the calibration wavelengths. They provide reference values of up to 3.5 AU at the
certified values of 440, 465, 546.1, 590, and 635 nm. These filters are available as CRMs that are traceable to
NIST SRM 930e, 1930, and 2930. Other certified standard solutions or optical filters can be used if they are
traceable to a national or international standard.
Acceptable absorbance accuracy and precision performance can be determined from the calculated mean and
the standard deviation of six replicate absorbance measurements at a specified wavelength λ. Measurements
should be performed at the upper and the lower absorbance of the operational range of the spectrometer at a
specified wavelength λ. ci
For absorbance accuracy, the mean of the six values must not deviate from the certified value by more than
±0.008 AU for values below 1.00 AU, or ±0.80% of this certified absorbance at wavelength λ, Aλ, for values
above 1.00 AU.
For absorbance precision, the standard deviation of the six values must not exceed 0.005 AU for values below
1.00 AU, or 0.50% of Aλ for values above 1.00 AU.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
Metal-on-fused-silica filters: ▲These neutral density filters are manufactured by deposition of a metallic film on a
silica substrate and have a substantially flat spectrum in the region of the calibration wavelengths.
[NOTE—These filters may produce significant interreflection errors. They should only be used in spectrometers
designed to minimize these optical effects. For more information, see á1857ñ.]
The filters provide reference values of up to 2 AU at the usually certified values of 250, 280, 340, 360, and 400 nm
in the UV range and reference values of 465, 500, 546.1, 590, and 635 nm in the visible range. These filters
are available as CRMs that are traceable to NIST SRM 2031x (where x can be any letter from “a” to “z”), or to
other national or international standards.
Acceptable absorbance accuracy and precision performance can be determined from the calculated mean and
the standard deviation of six replicate absorbance measurements at a specified wavelength λ. Measurements
should be performed at the upper and the lower absorbance of the operational range of the spectrometer at a
specified wavelength λ.
For absorbance accuracy in the UV range, the mean of the six values must not deviate from the certified value by
more than ±0.010 AU for values below 1.00 AU, or ±1.0 % of this certified absorbance at wavelength λ, Aλ, for
values above 1.00 AU.
For absorbance accuracy in the visible range, the mean of the six values must not deviate from the certified value
by more than ±0.008 AU for values below 1.00 AU, or ±0.80% of this certified absorbance at wavelength λ,
Aλ, for values above 1.00 AU.
For absorbance precision, the standard deviation of the six values must not exceed 0.005 AU for values below
1.00 AU, or 0.50% of Aλ for values above 1.00 AU.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
Estimation of the limit of stray light (stray radiant energy)
Although the measurement of absorbance or transmittance is a ratio measurement of intensities and therefore
theoretically is independent of monochromatic source intensity, practical measurements are affected by the presence
of unwanted radiation called “stray radiant energy” or “stray light”. In addition, the adverse effect of stray light
increases with aging of optical components and lamps in a spectrometer. The effects are greater at the extremes of
detector and lamp operational ranges. The limit of stray light OQ must include evaluation at one or more UV
wavelengths, by selection of appropriate material(s) shown in Table 5 to span the UV operational range required. In
the visible region, i.e., above 400 nm, stray light does not need to be evaluated.
[NOTE—Published stray light specifications for a given spectrometer must be verified in the OQ.]
Analysts must choose and use the appropriate reference(s) to monitor the level of stray light as part of PQ. Stray light
can be detected at a given wavelength with a suitable liquid filter by either of the two methods (Procedure A or
Procedure B) detailed below.
[NOTE—If measurements are being performed in the 250–330 nm region, on a spectrometer using individual sources
for the UV and visible regions of the spectrum, then an additional PQ verification using acetone should be
performed▲, using air as reference.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)]
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Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: ga28n DOI: https://doi.org/10.31003/USPNF_M3209_04_01
These solutions are available as CRMs or can be prepared at the concentrations shown in Table 5 by using reagent-grade
(USP 1-Dec-2022) Spectral Range ▲for Procedure B▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) Liquid or Solution ▲Used for Procedures A or B▲
(nm) (nm) (USP 1-Dec-2022)
Procedure A
The aim of this procedure is to produce the differential spectrum resulting from the subtraction of a spectrum
produced by a 5-mm path length ▲cuvette▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) from that of a 10-mm ▲cuvette,▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) both filled
with the same filter solution ▲specified in Table 5.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)This spectrum will contain a peak maximum
absorbance value ▲(ΔA),▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) and analysts can calculate the stray light value from the observed maximum
absorbance using the formula:
This procedure requires the ▲5▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)-mm ▲cuvette▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) measurement to be subtracted from the
10▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)-mm ▲cuvette,▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) both filled with the same cut-off solution filter. This measurement
can be achieved by either using the physical capabilities of the spectrometer, i.e., using the double-beam
capability, with the 5-mm ▲cuvette▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) as the reference, or by mathematically subtracting the spectra
of the 10-mm ▲cuvette▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) from the 5-mm ▲cuvette,▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) chronologically produced by
sequential measurement of both the 5- and 10-mm ▲cuvettes,▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) using the single-sample beam, with
the spectrometer referenced to air (blank holder).
Acceptance criteria: sλ ≤ 0.01 or ▲ΔA▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) ≥ 0.7 AU
See á1857ñ for additional discussion.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
Procedure B
Analysts can measure the absorbance of the cut-off solution filters specified in Table 5 against a 10-mm
cuvette▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) filled with an appropriate reference, and record the maximum absorbance value (Amax) or
the minimum %Transmittance (%Tmin) ▲within▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) the recommended wavelength ▲range▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
listed in Table 5.
Acceptance criteria: Amax ≥ 2.0 AU or %Tmin < 1%T
Control of Resolution
If accurate absorbance measurements must be made on benzenoid compounds or other compounds with sharp
absorption bands (natural half-bandwidths of <15 nm), the SBW of the spectrometer used should not be greater
than 1/8th the natural half-bandwidth of the compound’s absorption; i.e., this equates to a spectrometer with a SBW
of 2 nm or less.
Determine the resolution of the spectrometer in the UV region by using the following procedure. Using UV-grade
n-hexane as the reference, measure the absorbance of a 0.020% (v/v) solution of toluene in UV-grade n-hexane at
the maximum, about 269 nm, and minimum, about 266 nm. The ratio of the absorbance at the maximum to the
absorbance at the minimum will typically fall in the 1.0–2.6 range.
For most compendial quantitative purposes, a SBW of 2 nm or less is sufficient, and the Acceptance criteria for the ratio
is not less than 1.3.
The purpose of PQ is to determine that the instrument is capable of meeting the user’s requirements for all the
critical▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) parameters that may affect the quality of the measurement and to ensure that it will function
properly over extended periods of time. ▲Statistical evaluation is recommended, and trend analysis can be used to
confirm ongoing fitness for purpose of the instrument. See Analytical Data—Interpretation and Treatment á1010ñ,
Appendix 1: Control Charts.▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022)
Change to read:
With few exceptions, compendial spectrometric tests and assays call for comparison against a USP Reference Standard. This
helps ensure measurement under identical conditions for the test specimen and the reference substance. These conditions
could include wavelength setting, SBW selection,▲cuvette▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) placement and correction, and transmittance levels.
Cuvettes▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) that exhibit identical transmittance at a given wavelength may differ considerably in transmittance
at other wavelengths. Appropriate ▲cuvette▲ (USP 1-Dec-2022) corrections should be established and used where required.
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Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: ga28n DOI: https://doi.org/10.31003/USPNF_M3209_04_01
Comparisons of a test specimen with a reference standard are best made at a peak of spectral absorption for the compound
concerned. Assays that prescribe spectrometry give the commonly accepted wavelength for peak spectral absorption of the
substance in question. Different spectrometers may show minor variation in the apparent wavelength of this peak. Good
practice demands that comparisons be made at the wavelength at which peak absorption occurs. Should this differ by >
±1 nm (in the range 200–400 nm) or ±2 nm (in the range 400–800 nm) from the wavelength specified in the individual
monograph, recalibration of the instrument may be indicated.
The expressions “similar preparation” and “similar solution” as used in tests and assays involving spectrometry indicate that the
reference comparator, generally a USP Reference Standard, should be prepared and observed in an identical manner for all
practical purposes to that used for the test specimen. Usually when analysts make up the solution of the specified reference
standard, they prepare a solution with a concentration of about the desired concentration (i.e., within 10%), and they
calculate the absorptivity on the basis of the exact amount weighed out. If a previously dried specimen of the reference
standard has not been used, the absorptivity is calculated on the anhydrous basis. The expressions “concomitantly
determine” and “concomitantly measure” as used in tests and assays involving spectrometry indicate that the absorbances
of both the solution containing the test specimen and the solution containing the reference specimen, relative to the specified
test blank, must be measured in immediate succession.
For determinations using UV or visible spectrometry, the specimen generally is dissolved in a solvent. Unless otherwise
directed in the monograph, analysts make determinations at room temperature using a path length of 1 cm. Many
solvents are suitable for these ranges, including water, alcohols, lower hydrocarbons, ethers, and dilute solutions of
strong acids and alkalis. Precautions should be taken to use solvents that are free from contaminants that absorb in the
spectral region under examination. For the solvent, analysts typically should use water-free methanol or alcohol or
alcohol denatured by the addition of methanol but without benzene or other interfering impurities. Solvents of special
spectrometric quality, guaranteed to be free from contaminants, are available commercially from several sources. Some
other analytical reagent-grade organic solvents may contain traces of impurities that absorb strongly in the UV region.
New lots of these solvents should be checked for their transparency, and analysts should take care to use the same lot
of solvent for preparation of the test solution, the standard solution, and the blank. The best practice is to use solvents
that have not less than 40% transmittance (39.9% T = 0.399 AU) at the wavelength of interest.
Assays in the visible region usually call for concomitantly comparing the absorbance produced by the assay preparation
with that produced by a standard preparation containing approximately an equal quantity of a USP Reference Standard.
In some situations, analysts can omit the use of a reference standard (e.g., when spectrometric assays are made with
routine frequency) when a suitable standard curve is available and is prepared with the appropriate USP Reference
Standard, and when the substance assayed conforms to the Beer–Lambert law within the range of about 75%–125%
of the final concentration used in the assay. Under these circumstances, the absorbance found in the assay may be
interpolated on the standard curve, and the assay result can be calculated. Such standard curves should be confirmed
frequently and always when a new spectrometer or new lots of reagents are put into use.
Current Good Manufacturing Practices regulations [21 CFR §211.194(a)(2)] indicate that users of analytical procedures
described in USP–NF are not required to validate these procedures if provided in a monograph. Instead, they simply
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The repeatability of the analytical procedure is assessed by measuring the concentrations of 6 independently prepared
sample solutions at 100% of the assay test concentration. Alternatively, it can be assessed by measuring the
concentrations of 3 replicates of 3 separate sample solutions at different concentrations. The three concentrations
should be close enough so that the repeatability is constant across the concentration range. If this is done, the
repeatability at the 3 concentrations is pooled for comparison to the acceptance criteria.
Validation criteria: The relative standard deviation is not more than 1.0% for the drug substance assay, not more than
2.0% for the drug product assay, and not more than 15.0%–20.0% for the impurity analysis
Precision/Intermediate precision
The effect of random events on the analytical precision of the method must be established. Typical variables include
performing the analysis on different days, using different instrumentation, and/or having the method performed by
two or more analysts. At a minimum, any combination of at least two of these factors totaling 6 experiments will
provide an estimation of intermediate precision.
Validation criteria: The relative standard deviation is not more than 1.5% for the drug substance assay, not more than
3.0% for the drug product assay, and not more than 15.0%–25.0% for the impurity analysis.
In UV-Vis measurements, specificity is ensured by the use of a reference standard wherever possible and is demonstrated
by the lack of interference from other components present in the matrix.
Detection limit
The detection limit (DL) can be estimated by calculating the standard deviation of not less than 6 replicate
measurements of a blank solution and multiplying by 3.3. Alternatively, the standard deviation can be determined
from the error of the intercept from a calibration curve or by determining that the signal-to-noise ratio is >3.3. The
estimated DL must be confirmed by analyzing samples at the calculated concentration.
Quantitation limit
The quantitation limit (QL) can be estimated by calculating the standard deviation of not less than 6 replicate
measurements of a blank solution and multiplying by 10. Alternatively, the standard deviation can be determined
from the error of the intercept from a calibration curve or by determining that the signal-to-noise ratio is >10.
Measurement of a test solution prepared from a representative sample matrix spiked at the required QL concentration
must be performed to confirm sufficient sensitivity and adequate precision. The observed signal-to-noise ratio at the
required QL should be >10. [NOTE—A suitable procedure for measuring the signal-to-noise ratio is given in ASTM
E1657-98 (5).]
Validation criteria: For the estimated limit of quantitation to be considered valid, the measured concentration must
be accurate and precise at a level ≤50% of the specification.
A linear relationship between the analyte concentration and UV-Vis response must be demonstrated by preparation of
not less than 5 standard solutions at concentrations encompassing the anticipated concentration of the test solution.
The standard curve is then evaluated using appropriate statistical methods such as a least-squares regression.
Deviation from linearity results from either instrumental or sample factors, or both, and can be reduced to acceptable
levels by reducing the analyte concentration and thereby the associated absorbance values.
The (Pearson) correlation coefficient, r, measures the strength and direction of the association between two variables
(x and y), in this instance, concentration and absorbance.
The coefficient of determination, r2, is a measure of the fraction of the data’s variation that is adequately modeled and
not a measure of linearity. Linearity depends on the standard error of the calibration equation (and hence the
reference procedure) and on the range of the calibration data. Thus, although values very near 1.00, such as 0.99 or
greater, typically indicate a linear relationship, lower values do not distinguish between nonlinearity and variability.
Validation criteria: The coefficient of determination, r2, must be not less than 0.995 for Category I assays and not less
than 0.99 for Category II quantitative tests. Visual inspection of the residual plots should not reveal any significant
The operational range of an analytical instrument (and the analytical procedure as a whole) is the interval between the
upper and lower concentrations (amounts) of analyte in the sample (including these concentrations) for which it
has been demonstrated that the instrumental response function has a suitable level of precision, accuracy, and
Validation criteria: For Category I tests, the validation range for 100.0% centered acceptance criteria is 80.0%–
120.0%. For noncentered acceptance criteria, the validation range is 10.0% below the lower limit to 10.0% above
the upper limit. For content uniformity, the validation range is 70.0%–130.0%. For Category II tests, the validation
range covers 50.0%–120.0% of the acceptance criteria.
This parameter is evaluated during method development.
The reliability of an analytical measurement is demonstrated by deliberate changes to experimental parameters. For
UV-Vis, this can include measuring the stability of the analyte under specified storage conditions, varying pH, and
adding possible interfering species, to list a few examples. Robustness is determined concurrently using a suitable
design for the experimental procedure.
For certain UV-Vis procedures, chromogenic reactions are employed. Generally, the requirements for the analytical
performance characteristics are used. In some instances, the required accuracy and precision criteria for the direct
measurements may not be achievable. Under these circumstances, the accuracy and precision requirements can be
widened by as much as 50%. Any such widening must be justified on scientific grounds and with documented evidence.
It may be necessary to increase the amount of replication required to produce a scientifically sound reportable value.
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Printed on: Fri Jan 05 2024, 06:32:32 AM(EST) Status: Currently Official on 05-Jan-2024 DocId: GUID-4C5C1937-524A-4BED-95E7-384EDE3745E0_4_en-US
Printed by: USP NF Official Date: Official as of 01-Dec-2022 Document Type: GENERAL CHAPTER @2024 USPC
Do Not Distribute DOI Ref: ga28n DOI: https://doi.org/10.31003/USPNF_M3209_04_01
1. NIST Special Publication 829—Use of NIST Standard Reference Materials for Decisions on Performance of Analytical
Chemical Methods and Laboratories. https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/mml/csd/inorganic/
2. The rounded values are taken from ASTM Standard E275.
3. Travis JC, Acosta JC, Andor G, Bastie J, Blattner P, Chunnilall CJ, et al. Intrinsic wavelength standard absorption bands
in holmium oxide solution for UV/visible molecular absorption spectrophotometry. J Phys Chem Ref Data. 2005;34(1):
4. CRMs produced under appropriate control, which may be demonstrated by accreditation to ISO/EC 17025 and/or
ISO Guide 34 (ISO 17034).
5. ASTM E1657-98. Standard Practice for the Testing of Variable-Wavelength Photometric Detectors Used in Liquid
Chromatography. 2011. https://www.astm.org/DATABASE.CART/HISTORICAL/E1657-98R11.htm.
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