Lec 2
Lec 2
Lec 2
Lecture 2
1. natural sources (Plant materials) Plant extracts from V. rosea yield two potent drugs. These two
materials, vinblastine and vincristine, since have been used successfully in the treatment of certain types
of cancer, including acute leukemia, Hodgkin disease, lymphocytic lymphoma, and other malignancies
After the isolation and structural identification of active plant constituents, organic chemists may
recreate them by
semisynthetic drugs, may have a slightly or vastly different pharmacologic activity from that of the starting
substance, depending on the nature and extent of chemical alteration.
Source of new drugs
The initial bioassays may be performed in vitro using cell cultures to test the new agent’s effect against
enzyme systems or tumor cells
whereas subsequent bioassays may be performed in vivo and may use more expensive and disease-specific
animal models.
Newer methods, such as high-throughput screening, are capable of examining 15,000 chemical compounds a
week using 10 to 20 biologic assays.
Methods of Drug Discovery
2. Molecular modification: is chemical alteration of a known and previously
characterized organic compound (frequently a lead compound) for the
purpose of enhancing its useful as a drug.
Purpose: this could mean
1. Enhancing its specificity for a particular body target site
2. Increasing its potency
3. Improving its rate and extent of absorption
4. Modifying to the advantage its time-course in the body
5. Reducing its toxicity
6. Changing its physical and chemical properties (e.g., solubility) to provide
desired features.
The molecular modifications may be slight or substantial
Lead compound
is a prototype chemical compound that has a fundamental desired biologic or pharmacologic
activity. Although active, the lead compound may not possess all of the features desired,
such as potency, absorbability, solubility, low toxicity, and so forth.
the medicinal chemist ma seek to modify the lead compound’s chemical structure to
achieve the desired feature while reducing the undesired ones.
The synthesis of derivatives of the prototype chemical may ultimately lead to successive
generations of new compounds of the same pharmacologic type. Ex The development of
new generations of cephalosporin antibiotics,
Most drugs exhibit activities secondary to their primary pharmacologic action. It is common to take
advantage of a secondary activity by using molecular modification to develop new compounds
. Example: Finasteride (Proscar) was originally developed and approved to treat benign prostatic
hyperplasia. Later, the same drug as (Propecia) was approved at lower recommended dosage to treat male
pattern baldness.
The molecular modifications that led to the discoveries of the first commercial beta-blocker,
Methods of Drug Discovery
3. Mechanism-based drug design: is a molecular modification to design a drug that
interferes specifically with the known or suspected biochemical pathway or mechanism
of a disease process
Purpose: The intention is the interaction of the drug with specific cell receptors, enzymes
systems, or metabolic process of pathogens or tumor cells, resulting in blocking,
disruption, or reversal of the disease process.
Note: Nonproprietary names are issued only for single agents, whereas proprietary names may be
associated with a single chemical entity or with a mixture of chemicals constituting a specific proprietary
Biologic Characterization
Drug substances undergo preclinical testing for biologic activity to
assess their therapeutic activity.
These studies, fall into areas of pharmacology, drug metabolism, and
toxicology and leads to the determination of whether a chemical agent
possesses adequate features of safety and sufficient promise of
usefulness to pursue as a prospective new drug.
To judge whether a drug is safe and effective, information must be
gained on how it is absorbed, distributed throughout the body, stored,
metabolized, and excreted and how it affects the action of body’s cells,
tissues, and organs.
Within its broad definition, pharmacology is the science concerned with drugs, their sources,
appearance, chemistry, actions, and uses.From this basic field of study come subareas as
Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics, Clinical Pharmacology, Molecular Pharmacology
Molecular Pharmacology study of drugs at the molecular level such as receptors, enzymes
and membrane transport proteins
General steps for pharmacologic studies
1. Among the early studies are the determination of compound’s selectivity for various
receptors and its activity against select enzyme systems.
2. Studies of the compound’s effect on cell function are then performed to detect evidence of
efficacy and to determine whether the compound is an agonist or antagonist.
3. studies with isolated animal tissues to define further the compound activity and selectivity.
4. Whole-animal studies are used to evaluate the pharmacologic effects of the agent on
specific organ systems.
5. Studies are undertaken using animal models of human disease for which the compound is
considered a drug candidate.
Animal testing
The primary objective of the animal studies is to obtain basic information on the drug’s
effects that may be used to predict safe and effective use in humans. This is a difficult task
because of species variation and the fact that animals are not absolute predictors of human
Most animal testing is done on small animals, usually rodents (mouse, rats) for a number of
reasons including
1. cost,
2. availability
3. the small amount of drug required for a study,
4. the ease of administration by various routes (oral, inhalation, intravenous)
5. experience with drug testing in these species.
However, in final pharmacologic and toxicologic studies, two or more animal species are used
as required by the FDA, including a rodent and an animal from another order.
Drug are studied at various dose levels to determine the effect, potency, and toxicity.
However, a number of animal models have been developed to mimic certain human diseases,
and these are used effectively.
For instance, there are animal models for type I diabetes and hypertension, using genetically
diabetic and hypertensive animals, respectively, and for tumor growth, using tumor
transplants in various species.
Certain animal species have been determined to be the best for certain studies of organ
systems, or as human disease models, including
1. dogs or rats for hypertension,
2. dogs and guinea pigs for respiratory effects
3. dogs for diuretic activity;
4. rabbits for blood coagulation;
5. mice and rats for CNS studies.
Unfortunately, useful animal models are not available for every human disease.
As a drug candidate progresses in its preclinical pharmacologic evaluation, drug
metabolism and toxicity tests are initiated.
Drug metabolism
A series of animal studies of a proposed drug’s ADME are undertaken to
1. The extent and rate of drug absorption from various routes of administration, including
the one intended for human use
2. The rate of distribution of the drug through the body and the site or sites and duration of
the drug’s residence.
3. The rate, primary and secondary sites, and mechanism of the drug’s metabolism in the
body and the chemistry and pharmacology of any metabolites
4. The proportion of administered dose eliminated from the body and its rate and route of
elimination. In these studies, a minimum of two animal species are employed (generally
the same as used in the pharmacologic and toxicologic studies), rodent and one other,
usually a dog.
Determine whether a drug's metabolic products are toxic or nontoxic to the animal and later to the
Deals with the adverse or undesired effects of drugs.
Initial toxicology studies are conducted on rodents. Another animal, dog is added
Not all side effects of new drugs to be tested in animals will be detected but the
greater the likelihood the effect will also be seen in humans Example: headache
feces and urine are collected and clinical laboratory test performed to
detect changes in clinical chemistry and other changes that could
indicate toxicity.