Work Approval (PTW) : Initiator'S Checklist
Work Approval (PTW) : Initiator'S Checklist
Work Approval (PTW) : Initiator'S Checklist
Is Power cable required to be removed? No Is activity wise Risk Assessment & its mitigation Yes
Is Instrument connection is required to be removed? No along with SOP/SMP/JSA Briefed to each workman?
Is decoupling of motor required? No PPE Provided as identified SOP / SMP / JSA and Risk Yes
Special Permit attached Excavation Work No Floor Opening / Rail Removal Permit No
(E) To be filled by Initiator (F) Permit Holder (Group Leader of Work group)
Noted Clause (D) Work can be started I am briefed and understood clause A, B, C, D. I shall
Date: Time: maintain condition as per checklist.
Name of Initiator: Date: Time:
Signature Name of Permit Holder:
Date: Name & Signature of Permit Holder: Name & Signature of Initiator
(H) Issuer
I have restored isolation for following equipments from list stated in clause (C). Equipment are ready to Start.
Informed to Area Owner