Dizor, Ray Emanuel L. (My Journal As PCCR Intern)

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VMO OF THE HOST AGENCY…………………………………………………………………B

DAILY/WEEKLY ACTIVITIES………………………………………………………...………….C







On January 2, 1991, the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology was created thru
Republic Act 6975 as a line Bureau under the Department of Interior and Local
Government. The Jail Bureau is the upgraded version of its forerunner, the Office of Jail
Management and Penology of the defunct PC/INP last headed by BRIG GEN Arsenio E.
Concepcion. As mandated by law, the BJMP shall operate under the reorganized
Department of the Interior and Local Government. Starting from scratch with 500
personnel in 1991 the BJMP weaned from its mother PC/INP as a mere component, to
become a full-fledged bureau. Director Charles S. Mondejar took his oath of office on
July 1 of 1991 as the first Chief of the Bureau. The Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology supervises and controls all district, city and municipal jails.

Address: Valenzuela City Jail Management And Penology, Maysan Road, Malinta,

Valenzuela City

E-mail address: [email protected]


The 5 - Story City Jail was built and Inaugurated on June 24, 2013 during the term of

Mayor of Valenzuela City Mr. Sherwin T. Gatchalian. Under the same Property of the old

City Jail and former site of the city police station, that affords the facility to expand its

capacity and provide a more humane penal condition to its inmates.


INTERNSHIP (WEEK NO.1) JOURNAL : Orientation and Introduction

● What are your initial impressions of the Bureau of Jail Management and
Penology (BJMP)?
● Describe your first day at the internship. What were your expectations, and were
they met?
● What roles and responsibilities have you been introduced to during this first
● What do you hope to achieve or learn during your internship?

My first impression was when we were deployed at the BJMP facility in our

designated city. It was a great experience, and we learned so many things that

we can use as additional knowledge about how the BJMP works with the

community and our criminal justice system. This also provides us with insight and

expectations in the field of jail management.

We have undergone a seminar about what BJMP is and what their roles and

responsibilities are inside and outside. They also introduced the different

programs that are provided by the said government agency.

I was assigned to the search area, where we check the loads and baggage of

different personnel and visitors before they enter the jail facility. Subsequently, we

undergo inspections of the different dormitories.

I learned to socialize with different people and understand their personalities and

perspectives. May this learning and experience help me to become a better

student, and I will use this as an advantage whenever I’m in the field of service.
INTERNSHIP (WEEK NO.2) JOURNAL : Understanding BJMP Operations

● Can you provide an overview of the key functions and operations of the BJMP in
the National Capital Region?
● How did you familiarize yourself with the specific challenges and dynamics of
managing jails in the NCR?

BJMP is an agency that controls and takes full responsibility for the implementation and
management operations of different district, city, and municipal jails nationwide. Along
with this, it is also one of their duties and responsibilities to safeguard and develop our
PDLs. They provide their basics, recreational programs, and opportunities that they can
have after serving inside the community of our respective jails. As a task, “to develop
opportunities for persons deprived of liberty as our contribution to a safe, just, and
prosperous Philippines," BJMP also serves our community by giving community
assistance and activities like tree planting, drainage cleaning, and other related
community service activities that they provide voluntarily.

As a criminology student, I used my knowledge inside the classroom, which are the
lessons that my professors gave us, and outside the classroom, which are my OJT
experiences. As time goes by, I have observed and understood the world around me
and how it works throughout the day. I discovered everything—not just the challenges
but also the lapses and the other functions of the agency—and did not solely learn
about how they manage the jail facility. This also gives me a strong advantage in coping
with the challenges and other things inside the facility.
INTERNSHIP (WEEK NO.3) JOURNAL : Understanding of Correctional Policies

● How did you familiarize yourself with the policies and guidelines of the BJMP in
the NCR during your on-the-job training?
● Can you provide examples of how you ensured adherence to these policies in
your daily activities?

Through seminars and guidelines provided before, during and current deployment, I
have used those things as my advantage. They are coping mechanisms throughout the
days that I will spend in the Jail Facility. Also, with the help of our professional jail
employees, they always make sure that all of us are well-informed of the rules and
regulations inside. They also provide instructions and information regarding the
agency’s functions and responsibilities.

As an Intern of Valenzuela City Jail, I always remind myself to be disciplined, because in

every action I take someone will suffer from the same consequences. That is why I
always follow the rules and regulations. Apart from following the policies, I also make
sure that I understand the instructions given to us before we proceed to our designated
task to make sure that everything is according to the instructions of our instructor.
INTERNSHIP (WEEK NO.4) JOURNAL : Contributions to Inmate Management

● What role did you play in contributing to the effective management of inmates
within the BJMP facilities in the NCR?
● Can you provide examples of initiatives or improvements you introduced to
enhance inmate management practices?

Aside from being part of the search team, health records, escort and seminars. I truly
believe that the tasks given to me were a big contribution to the management of PDLs,
with BJMP Personnels asking now that I'm aware of their functions and responsibilities.
I use my knowledge and experience whenever a jail Officer asks for my assistance. This
also gives me an opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters that are undergoing
rehabilitation and development. It provides me with additional growth and development
as a person as it gives me ideas and additional perspectives on people who are having
a hard time in their lives and also those people who want to change their lives for the

I remember that there was a time when we were assigned to assist PDL’s in their
morning exercise as part of their daily routine. It was a fun experience because we
joined them in their exercises, which gave them a boost of energy that day. Aside from
that, we also helped them with their task of creating new livelihood programs like artistic
crafts that are made by hand, and we sold those products to the public. I’m happy to
see them working on themselves each day, participating in and enhancing their skills in
crafting, arts, exercises, fiestas, contests and other recreational programs.

Together with my co interns we watch the talented PDL’s with their different variety of
fashion, singing and including their talent at sports.

As part of the Community Project, we assisted the BJMP Personnels in a clean-up

drive. Together, we cleaned some of the drainage and other canals to make sure that
the flood water would flow directly to the river. After the Cleanup Drive, LTO conducted
seminars regarding Road Safety for every Jail Employees and Interns so that we will be
equipped with adequate knowledge and skills that can be used in driving safely.
INTERNSHIP (WEEK NO.5) JOURNAL: Adherence to BJMP Guidelines

● How did you ensure that your work and contributions adhered to the guidelines
and protocols set by the BJMP in the NCR?
● Were there specific challenges in aligning your activities with BJMP standards,
and how did you overcome them?

I reflect on my actions and make sure that the task given to me is aligned with the
instructions and that no rules and regulations were violated. To make sure that
everything is in accordance with the policies, I ask for the approval and guidance of the
other Jail Officers so that I can always ensure that the given task to me is precise, and
no policies were violated.

Are there specific challenges in aligning your activities with BJMP standards, and how
did you overcome them? Yes, I remembered a few times that some instructions given to
us were not aligned with or against the standards set by BJMP. In order to avoid conflict,
we managed to find alternative solutions to the problem by asking some advice and
recommendations to the jail officers to make sure things are right, and no policies have
been violated.

INTERNSHIP (WEEK NO.6) JOURNAL: Community Engagement and Programs

● Did you participate in or contribute to any community engagement programs or

initiatives led by the BJMP in the NCR?

● Can you share insights into how such programs impact the relationship between
the correctional system and the local community?
There was an event in Valenzuela City Jail where a Religious Organization called MCGI
(MEMBERS CHURCH OF GOD INTERNATIONAL) conducted a health program
providing dental check-ups, and consultations for the PDLs. We were assigned to
observe and help other health workers with conducting check-ups. We gave medicine
and assisted the PDLs with their consultation.

The programs that the correctional system provides for our brothers and sisters are
opportunities to be better law-abiding citizens. This also gives them additional value in
their lives because they are learning about a lot of things. For example, the livelihood
programs provided by this will help them earn their own money when they are
reintegrated back into the community, and the community is one of the most important
pillars and part of a PDL's rehabilitation and reintegration because their support can
give a person a boost and give them more hope in life.

Week 7: Incident Reporting and Best Practices

● What best practices did you implement or observe in terms of incident reporting
within the BJMP in the NCR?
● Were there specific incidents or challenges where your contributions led to
improved incident management?
Being calm and handling the situation with adequate manners and guidelines in order to
successfully fix the problem. As a professional, you must understand that problems are
unpredictable, and you must be aware and alert so that you can respond accordingly
and precisely. Because if you are calm and knowledgeable, you will handle the situation
with the right solutions, and this will also improve the current situation. That is why it is
important that you know the guidelines inside and out.

Yes, when I was assigned to the search area, we encountered an unexpected problem.
It was a challenging situation for us, but with the help of jail officers and including the
knowledge and experiences we gained during the seminars, we used our knowledge to
improve our problem-solving skills, and we managed to provide a strong solution to the
particular incident inside the jail facility.

Week 8: Training and Professional Development

● How did you engage in training and professional development opportunities

provided by the BJMP in the NCR?
● Can you highlight any specific skills or knowledge areas you gained during your
I attended their free seminars and observed their ways of managing their operations.
This also helps me to become familiar with their tasks and objectives as a result of their
agency’s mandate for the safekeeping of PDLs. Aside from seminars, I also joined them
for their jobs like escorting, reporting in RTC and MTC, and other related work. This is
an opportunity and training for us that we can use in the future.

Aside from learning and experiencing being part of an escort, observing the
management of dormitories, and searching and frisking, in terms of the skills I learned
to respond to a situation with calm and discipline, whenever we encounter a problem,
we immediately respond calmly and with discipline; we are not panicking. And in terms
of knowledge, we learn more in actuality from the book than in reality. We were given
the chance to apply our knowledge in the classroom to our jail facility where we were
undergoing an internship.

Week 9: Collaboration with Other Criminal Justice Agencies

● Were there instances where you collaborated with other criminal justice agencies
in the NCR, and how did these collaborations contribute to better outcomes?
● Can you share any insights into the importance of inter-agency collaboration in
the correctional context?
● Are there any cases or situations that raise concerns about human rights
Yes, every Friday PNP delivered new commit PDL's, and they were strictly searched for
various types of prohibited things by the BJMP. We also collaborated with other local
governments and DENR whenever BJMP had a project related to the Clean Up Drive, and
aside from that, we also collaborated with RTC and MTC employees. They also gave us the
privilege to see their tasks and provide information about the different duties and
responsibilities of their agencies. Their collaboration helps the task be accomplished on

Inter-Agencies Improve the Relationship with One Another because, without the other, for
example, our criminal justice system or other related projects or tasks will not be
accomplished without their presence and cooperation. That is why it is important to have
collaborations with other agencies to provide assistance and improve the works on one
another, especially in the reformation in the correctional context.

Yes. At some point, we cannot avoid having these kinds of cases. That is why it is very
important to have collaborations to also improve transparency with other agencies and
departments. To establish a balance and humane safekeeping.

Week 10: Conflict Resolution and Communication Skills

● Share instances where you had to use your conflict resolution and
communication skills in dealing with inmates, colleagues, or other stakeholders.

● How did you ensure effective communication in a correctional setting where clear
and respectful communication is crucial?

I was having a hard time with my co-interns when we had trouble with our shifts and
schedules. As an officer and also as a leader, I initiated the resolution by asking what their
problems were and also what the best solutions were to make things better. By providing a
wide range of choices and proper communication with one another, we manage to cope
with the situation and make our internship better and stronger.
At first, it was challenging to communicate with the environment where communication is
crucial. I used my knowledge and experience to handle the situation calmly and in a good
tone so that I could manage to have good communication and ensure that everyone has the
right to speak about themselves in order to locate the problem. You should also be a good
speaker and a good listener to provide a firm solution to a particular problem.

Week 11: Communication and Relationship Building

● Share experiences where effective communication and relationship-building skills

were essential within the [Name of the Office/Department].
● How did you establish and maintain positive working relationships with
colleagues and stakeholders in this specific setting?

It is important to maintain camaraderie inside and outside the internship, because

at the end of the day, it will always be you and your co-interns who will help each
other in terms of problems and other things. Pakikisama is one of the most
important and wonderful things that I learned, and I will cherish it forever during
my internship here in Valenzuela City Jail.

Respect, Coordination, and Self - Awareness

Respect - Learning to respect one another's differences and set some


Coordination - It is better to be open to new knowledge, skills and other things

that can also help you improve yourself.

Self - Awareness - Being aware of your surroundings and always being humble,
because we are learning together at the same time and we are all beginners.
Week 12: Innovation and Technology Integration

● Did you contribute to or observe any innovative practices or technology

integration within the BJMP in the NCR?
● Can you provide examples of how technology was leveraged to enhance
efficiency or communication within the correctional facilities?

Yes, there were advances in terms of technology and data gathering. They use some AI
tools to make their work convenient and, at the same time, less time-consuming. This
also makes the information gathered and stored precise and accurate according to the
standards set by the agency.

Institutions use tech like biometric tools, AI surveillance, RFID tracking, and cloud
computing to boost security and efficiency.

Week 13: Future Career and Goals

● Reflect on how your internship experience has shaped your career aspirations.
● Have your goals or perceptions of the criminal justice field evolved during this
● What steps can you take to continue learning and growing in this profession?

My experiences and knowledge that I gained inside and outside of my internship were a
great opportunity to expand and explore our criminal justice system, including how it works
in our lives and country. This also gives me extra confidence for my future career.
Afterwards, I will use this as guidance and an advantage.

Yes, through the months of my internship, aside from gaining experiences and skills, I also
learned more about the flow of each pillar in the criminal justice system, and I'm more
amazed by how it works together. I hope I can learn more that I can use as an advantage
and experience so that someday I can use it in my career and share it with other people.

You must be hungry for knowledge, and consistency is one of the main ingredients if you
want to grow and learn more in the field in which you are interested, especially if you have
to be disciplined and determined to know each part of it. Be curious and raise some
questions, because this will give you a lot of knowledge and advantages in the future. That
is why it is better to explore new things beyond your knowledge.

Week 14: Case Studies and Analysis

● Title of your case study at the jail facility where you are undergoing internship.
● Indicate the name of the jail facility.

Effectiveness of Jail Personnel in Services and Safeguarding in Valenzuela City


This study will focus on the perspectives and experiences that we had during our internship

at the facility. What Are the Things That We Have Witnessed and Need to Be Changed, And

How Will It Affect the Safeguarding of the PDL and Benefits to the Community, especially

our jail officers? An opportunity to showcase the responsibility and policies of enforcement
and safety, including the rehabilitation of programs, and insights into the current status of

our jail officers and facilities in the country and how they can be more advanced in terms of

safety, rehabilitation, and being globally recognized.

Valenzuela City Jail - Headed by BJMP


Week 15: Final Reflection and Takeaways

● Summarize your overall internship experience in the criminal justice system.

● What were your most significant learning points and personal growth areas?
● How will this experience influence your future career and academic pursuits?

Consistency, Discipline, Camaraderie, Self - Awareness, Respect and


Consistency - Always presence of mind and awareness to surroundings and showing

commitment and dedication to the work.

Discipline - Always keeping things aligned with the goals and committed.

Camaraderie - mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time

Self - Awareness - ability to perceive and understand the things that make you who
you are as an individual, including your personality, actions, values, beliefs, emotions,
and thoughts.

Respect - Respect the perspective of other people and their boundaries.

Coordination - It is very important to have a good relationship to make things smooth
and faster.

It improves my social skills, especially having effective communication skills with other
people. This is also an advantage and an important thing to learn whenever you are
new to an environment you are not familiar with. That is why you should be open to new
opinions or criticism and other types of works or activities that you are not aware of or
related to because this will help you to explore a new level of knowledge and
experience that you can use in the future.

Experience is the best teacher. Experience will be my guide and serve as my tool
towards the career I’m taking. I wanted to fulfill my dreams and plans by using the
knowledge and skills that I gained during my internship program, and this will help me to
reach my full potential in the field that I will land in someday.

Week 16: Gratitude and Farewell

● Express your appreciation to your mentors, colleagues, and the organizations

you worked with.
● Reflect on the valuable relationships you've built during your internship.
● Share your hopes and wishes for the future, both for yourself and the criminal
justice system in the Philippines.
● What advice would you give to future interns in the field?

During my internship at Valenzuela City Jail, I met a lot of great people with different
personalities and great vibes. They served as my mentors and inspirations towards my
dream of becoming a public servant, and I will always be grateful for their advice and
other words of wisdom that I’m sure I can use for my future career in public service.

I build strong connections with people with a very open-minded and energetic
personality. They kept me sane and motivated during my internship, and I’m thankful for
them because they helped boost my confidence and improve my personality.

I hope that, just like a young boy who is aiming to have a better personality and be a
good public servant, the same thing will happen to our criminal justice system: a better
system and humane process of justice towards a better and more sustainable and safe

Be open to new ideas and criticism, especially if you are a beginner. You must find a
good mentor or role model that will keep you confident and motivated towards your
dreams, and during your internship program, keep the consistency and discipline inside
yourself because this will bring you more opportunities in the fields of service and


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