Blood Orgy in The House of Pain (With Bookmarks)
Blood Orgy in The House of Pain (With Bookmarks)
Blood Orgy in The House of Pain (With Bookmarks)
"Any new faces?" "But I like stupid people. They taste better."
"None worth looking at. Humanity is a vast leper "Then this club must be an endless smorgasbord
colony, and this is where the pus drains off to." for you. It's almost over for this place
anyway. Soon someone will give it a name, and
"Pus is sexy. Do you like that couple over there? Like a dance club is always finished once some fool
to meet them greet them eat them gobble them up all names it."
salty and warm?
"I've noticed. Is it because someone might speak
"Them? Ugh! He's about to get his lip-ring caught in the place's name, once it has one, and then
her navel stud. Idiots." people from New Jersey might hear the name,
and come there?"
Life is a ghastly nightmare carnival of It is winter in the city. Snow lies in miserable
shadows. And that's the best thing about it. heaps, baked black by car exhaust. The winds
Thank goodness that at least it doesn't have sings dirges through the city's concrete
any meaning or purpose. For can you canyons, groaning and whistling and
imagine how foul and horrible the meaning shrieking in despair. Mortals scuttle past,
of life would have to be if it had one? their cheeks raw and red, snot trickling down
This is First Edition Vampire, so the their upper lips, their blood cold and sluggish
world is a bleak and hopeless place. Each in their veins.
night whirls past the next, each one just as Your own cheeks don't turn red, of
pointless and as empty as all the nights course. And you barely feel the cold. But
before. Immortal beings throw away their your nose still runs. How tiresome.
centuries of unlife in fights over who has
dominion of a few yards of urine-soaked Setting the Scene: Where are We?
asphalt. Three or four ancient vampires This story takes place in the fabled land of
might face the final death in a secret war over Urban: Generic, Night. A strange and
some hipster dance club that will be passé in wondrous realm where steam rises forever
a year and gone in two. It's all so boring. from sidewalk grates and gargoyles leer down
Except for the sickening violence, of course. above the streets with the gibbous moon
behind them. And there are alleys, the dark
Setting the Scene: What Year is This? shadowy kind. Lots of them. And lots of
Because it’s a first-edition scenario, the rooftops, too.
author imagined it as taking place in the early Or to put it another way, we didn't
1990s. But of course it could be any time in pick a specific city because we wanted to be
the modern era. There are no references to able to set the campaign in your own. That's
smart phones anywhere in the adventure, also why the scenario is so vague about
specifically to make it easy to set in whatever certain things. We don't know the name of
part of the modern epoch you need. the bad neighborhood where the Sabbat have
made their lair or even the house's address,
Setting the Scene: What Time of to make it easier to fit into your own
Year is This? Chronicle.
Of course there are limits to how
generic we can make the adventure. Because
of all the winter imagery, this probably isn't
New Orleans or Miami. Because there are
mansions that have stood for more than a
hundred years, it's probably not Anchorage.
The more specific details you include, the
more you wall yourself into a specific time
and place. But within these limits, we tried
to make the adventure as adaptable as we
The huge old porch wraps around the side of A creaking wreck, the side porch is stronger
the house, sagging and slumping in places. It than it looks and unlike the back porch it's in
looks unsafe –to stand on and it is. In one no immediate danger of falling down. If a
place the roof has fallen in, leaving a tangled normal sized human being comes
pile of broken lumber. In another spot a plummeting out of an upstairs window and
young tree is growing up through the boards, lands on its roof, the structure will hold,
cracking and splitting them apart with its although it will groan alarmingly.
The Front Hall
The Back Porch
The Pantry
The main hallway on the second floor. Mister Biggs (see page 58) has set up shop
There's no carpet and the floorboards groan here, in what used to be the library. The door
underfoot. Bits of fallen plaster crunch is sticky (Difficulty of 8 to open it stealthily)
underfoot like snow. Stealth rolls have a but it's not locked. Inside, the smell of old
Difficulty of 8 here. papers mingles with the house's general
In the very center of the hall sits a aroma of wood rot and dust. A sharp
huge pile of ripped up sofa cushions, chemical reek cuts through it all.
threadbare duvets, stiff old clothes, crusty Curtis Wayne Buckner found the
towels and any other items of cloth that Joy library first. He doesn’t like books, or people
Bleeker could find. This is her bed and her who read them, so he smashed up the
lair. Her scanty personal belongings (a weird bookshelves and ripped their contents to bits.
and random collection of broken plastic toys But he's avoided the room since then,
and cigarette packets) lie scattered through disturbed by the memory of all those books.
the heap. None of it appears to be of much Mister Biggs took note, and has made the
value. She will however defend it viciously. room his own.
There is a pile of shattered wood and
The Secret Lab of Mister Biggs mangled pages covering nearly half the floor.
Behind it, an assemblage of glassware and a
chemical engineering manual sit on a big
hardwood table by the window. Mister Biggs
would like to use this setup to create weird
potions and alchemical philters, but right
now he's just trying to brew up PCP for some
extra cash. So far his efforts have met with no
Many of the substances he’s working
with are toxic, caustic or unpredictably
flammable. The contents of the glassware
Master Bedroom
The Tunnels
Baron Iorgu, like all Tzimisce, must sleep in Sometimes Baron Iorgu decides he likes this
his native soil. He doesn't have a coffin, and room better, and brings his dirt and his slaves
instead heaps the dirt over himself. Little in with him. It's as big a mess as the other
crumbs of it keep getting lost and after a one.
hundred years of it trickling away he may
soon have a problem scraping enough soil
together for a good night's rest. The Glop Room
For security reasons, he likes to sleep
surrounded by his loyal ghouls. They hate
and dread him, of course. But they know
they have to protect him—who else is going to
put their faces back together? So they all lie
together, under the trash. His ghouls wrap
themselves in whatever scraps of cloth and
paper they can find and huddle up in a warm
heap. By now they can't smell the stink.
He is casual in his habits and not
especially fastidious. And his ghouls have
bigger worries than cleaning up after
themselves. So the room is knee deep in a
hundred years worth of accumulated trash.
This includes a disquieting number of
human bones, and the skulls of monstrous
deformed things that the Baron grew tired of.
On closer examination, these are also
What can you do if your Player Characters are 3) You could just cut way back on the number
of Sabbat and remove the Grimaldi Sisters. Or
outmatched by the Sabbat? We've tried hard to
give the PCs some allies. We have some
make it a fair fight. There are probably more comrades for them on Pages 65-70. If you let
vampires and ghouls on the Sabbat's team, but them bring in some extra vampires, don't let
none of them are hugely powerful and the PCs the PCs get sidelined from the main dramatic
have the element of surprise. action. Instead, let each Player control two or
more characters.
But what if you run the game the week
a major convention comes through town and
Alternate Beginnings
“Many paths, one ending.”
only three of your players show up? Or if you
just don't have a very big troupe?
There should always be a chance that But why be satisfied with the limited options
the Players will lose. Otherwise it's not really a for blood and mayhem that we’ve provided
game. But your troupe will tar and feather you you? There’s no reason why you have to use
if you push them into a scenario that they have this book as a standard Caramilla vs. Sabbat
fang-fest. Your Player Characters might be
barely any hope of winning. And then you'll
members of the Sabbat instead of the
spend your next five or so weekends playing Caramilla. Or they might not even be
collectable card games and picking feathers off vampires at all. On the following pages we
your scalp. Trust me, I know these things only offer tips and suggestions for how to use this
too well. story for a Sabbat chronicle, an Anarch
To save you from that grim fate, I Chronicle (which barely requires any changes)
suggest the following desperate maneuvers. a Werewolf chronicle and further options still.
Don’t be shy. We cater to all kinds here.
“A passion for destruction is also a creative sure to feel bad about yourself after playing
passion” them.
— Mikhail Bakunin The PC are pretty much limited to
their own resources during the battle. Baron
What if your Player Characters are a Sabbat Iorgu's ghouls answer only to him, the Baron
pack instead of a Caramilla coterie? You can will protect no one but himself and the
still use the house and the adventure, it just Grimaldi Sisters aren't here.
has a different opening. Alternatively, if you would rather
The PCs are here as the advance have the PCs assault the house than defend
wave of a Sabbat attack without much help it, then they're attacking the first and most
or support from the main organization. They obvious nest of the Caramilla that they can
suspect that they're here as much to test the find--the old Wigstrom house.
Caramilla's strength as they are to lead an This takes a little more work on the
actual invasion. So if they succeed, there will part of the Storyteller. Many of the individual
be a howling army of Sabbat fanatics to back room descriptions reference the members of
them up, soon. But if they fail there will be the Sabbat who live there. But these aren't so
no one to save them--their bishop will just hard to adapt. It's easy to imagine Quentin
shrug, write off the loss and attack some Abercrombie-Quebbideaux living in the
other town. Contessa's room or Marietta Moorcambe in
The house is the PCs' temporary base the Grimaldi Sisters' room. Perhaps Little
of operations. They have woken up Baron Eudora sleeps inside the piano?
Iorgu and are planning their next move when If this is how you intend to run the
a Caramilla coterie attacks--use the sample adventure, then it might be wise to consider
Caramilla characters from Pages 65 to 70 for what to do about Baron Iorgu. He's either
the antagonists, or make your own. still asleep, curled up inside the Maw, or he
Don’t use the pregenerated Sabbat tends his own affairs and the Caramilla avoid
characters at the end of this book as PCs. him in turn. Which makes him a potential
These characters were made to be villains and ally, or a neutral force to be avoided, depend-
some of them are so despicable that you’re ing on what kind of story you want to tell.
48 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain
If this is an Anarch Chronicle
“Liberate your mind and become a free
individual. Just like all of us.”
--Old Anarch Saying
For a Malkavian, Joy Bleeker isn't very funny. uttering mad prophecies. Sometimes the
She's as crazy as any of them, of course. But it's prophecies are true.
not so much a cheerful, wacky kind of crazy as it She may or may not have been able to
is a depressed, incoherent, vicious kind of crazy. warn her packmates that the PCs are coming. It
She isn't able to take care of herself and would all depends on how much of a challenge the
surely wander out into the sunlight or step in Storyteller wants to give their Troupe.
front of a truck if it weren't for the patient Where is Joy from? How long has she
guidance of her packmates. wandered the dark? No one knows, least of all
She hears voices, which constantly insult herself.
and taunt her, keeping up a never-ending stream
Clan: Malkavian antitribu
of foul abuse. She talks back to them, defending
herself from their never-ending accusations and Sire: Unknown
making counter threats, her voice alternating Nature: Enigma
between an angry mutter, a choking whisper and Demeanor: Loner
occasional ragged shriek. She's unaware that the Generation: 13th
voices come from inside her own mind. Indeed, Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
she isn't capable of understanding that idea. Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 1
And of course some of the voices really Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
aren't coming from inside her head. Like all Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Intimidation 1,
Malkavians, Joy is attuned to strange vibrations. Streetwise 2, Throwing 1
She can hear echoes from beyond, glimpse shadows Skills: Crafts 1, Melee 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2
cast by things outside reality. Strange insights come Knowledges: Occult 1, Sabbat Lore 1
to her and sometimes they aren't so much crazy as Disciplines: Auspex 3, Fortitude 2
they are terrifying. Backgrounds: Resources 1, Contacts 1
Often she's too depressed to do much of Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 1, Courage 4
anything. Her packmates have to drag struggling Derangement: Paranoid Schizophrenic
victims up to her and put the mortals' wrists in her
Humanity: 3
mouth, in order to get her to feed. At other times
Willpower: 5
she wafts about the house hitting things and
Best friends in life, best friends in death, vaulderie—hey, it's the just the way the ritual
Brandon Fleeber and Jordan Gluck stalk the works, it's not like they're into it or anything.
night together. In a totally non-gay kind of Left by themselves, either one of them
way, they both want you to know. Not that would likely just sit around watching Netflix.
there would be anything wrong with that, they But together they're constantly trying to
nervously add. But still, that's not the deal, impress each other and to outdo each other,
man. It's not like Louis and Lestat or each one trying to be more outrageous and
whatever. They don't even bite dudes. rude. This makes them very dangerous.
In a previous generation they would Capable of anything, in fact. And they were
have been Bill and Ted. In a different always like this. Well before the Contessa
previous generation they would have been Jay embraced them, they had already taken
and Silent Bob. In this one they're more like advantage of more than one drunk girl (they
Ian and Anthony. would like to assure us that there was nothing
Except for all the murders, of course. gay about doing this together). One night they
Neither one is exactly brilliant and neither of tried it on the wrong one and wound up her
them has a lot of self-control. As a result, hapless vampire slaves.
they're sloppy feeders and prone to killing Because of the vaulderie, they are no
their prey by accident. Especially if they're longer blood-bound to the Contessa, but
both slurping off her at once. This is why they they're still very impressed by her and copy her
joined the Sabbat. Here nobody cares whether in little ways. Which is why they dress like
or not some chick dies while they're macking they’ve just come back from a Renaissance
on her. And nobody thinks it's weird when fair.
they drink each other's blood during the
Breed: Homid
Tribe: Get of Fenris
Sept: Skull-Eaters
Auspice: Ahroun
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4,
Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1,
Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawling 4
(Bite), Dodge 3, Drive (motorcycle) 3,
Intimidation 3, Melee 3, Primal Urge 3, Stealth
4, Streetwise 2, Survival 3
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Kinfolk 5
Gifts: Razor Claws, Resist Pain, Scent of Man,
Snarl of the Predator
Rank: 0
Shank is the hungriest of the three werewolves, Renown: None
and the leanest. He's forever stuffing his face Rage 5, Gnosis 2, Willpower 3
with any and all meat he can lay his paws on.