Blood Orgy in The House of Pain (With Bookmarks)

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Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 1

Blood-orgy in the house

of pain
Jim Thomson

2 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Credits: Special Thanks to:
Written by: Jim Thomson To J. for her many sacrifices during the
research for and composition of this
volume. Brava! Brava! My love.
Illustrated by: Brian Eggleston, Sean Grobe,
Christopher Shy, Samuel Araya, John Cobb,
Prometeus and the amazing artist who
prefers to be known as “Remains”

The dark is always there behind

your eyes.

© 2017 White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights

reserved. Vampire: The Masquerade®, World of
Darkness®, Storytelling System™, and Storytellers
Vault™ are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of
White Wolf Entertainment AB. All rights reserved.
For additional information on White Wolf and the
World of Darkness, please, visit:, and

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 3

Life is a ghastly nightmare carnival of dust
and ashes. And that’s the only good thing
about it
— Erzabet Bathory, 1962

4 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Everybody is a book of blood. Whenever we’re opened,
we’re red.
—Clive Barker

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 5

Chapter One: They Want Your Blood 7

Chapter Two: Lost in the Funhouse 11

Appendix A: Theme and Variations 44

Appendix B: Dramatis Personae 53

6 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

"What's next? Every last person asks me that. And every last
one acts so disappointed when I tell them."

"Any new faces?" "But I like stupid people. They taste better."

"None worth looking at. Humanity is a vast leper "Then this club must be an endless smorgasbord
colony, and this is where the pus drains off to." for you. It's almost over for this place
anyway. Soon someone will give it a name, and
"Pus is sexy. Do you like that couple over there? Like a dance club is always finished once some fool
to meet them greet them eat them gobble them up all names it."
salty and warm?
"I've noticed. Is it because someone might speak
"Them? Ugh! He's about to get his lip-ring caught in the place's name, once it has one, and then
her navel stud. Idiots." people from New Jersey might hear the name,
and come there?"

"Shut up. There are no people in New Jersey. I

forbid them to exist."

"Did you speak to Wendell? Does he still think

we're in danger?"

"Hah! Wendell. No one who dresses that badly is

permitted to ever be right about anything. I do
not allow it."

"Yes. That's why I love you... what was that


Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 7

8 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain
"Aaaaugh! Please, please stop! I'll do anything you--
aaaaagh! No! No! Ah, oh god, what are you putting

The Sabbat are coming. You've seen the signs.

Shapes watching you down dark alleys. Hang-
up calls at strange hours (who is awake at two
in the afternoon?). Upside-down ankhs and
demented graffiti scrawled over your tags.
Friends of yours have suddenly left town or just
vanished altogether, their phones unanswered,
their lairs empty, as though they had never
lived and died and lived again. Then last night
someone left poor Wendell, the Nosferatu,
lying in front of the dance club where you
hunt, with a stake in his heart and his fangs
yanked out and a note nailed to his forehead. It
said: "get out of town." And then the thermite
pack in his mouth went off, and he smoked
and he sizzled for quite a while before it was
So it's flee or fight. Or die the final
death and see whatever terrible mysteries lie
beyond. You picked fight, partly from ennui
and partly because fleeing sounded even more
tiresome. And perhaps poor Wendell had
something to do with it, although you'd never
admit this out loud.
Don't bother going to the Primogen. If
she hears your coterie is having trouble she'll
just take your turf for herself. She's so boring This problem is yours to solve, however many
that way. In any case no one has seen her in of you there are left.

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 9

Theme and Mood
“As if a being, God or fiend could reign
At once so wicked, foolish and insane
As to make this world when he might refrain.”
--James Thomson

Life is a ghastly nightmare carnival of It is winter in the city. Snow lies in miserable
shadows. And that's the best thing about it. heaps, baked black by car exhaust. The winds
Thank goodness that at least it doesn't have sings dirges through the city's concrete
any meaning or purpose. For can you canyons, groaning and whistling and
imagine how foul and horrible the meaning shrieking in despair. Mortals scuttle past,
of life would have to be if it had one? their cheeks raw and red, snot trickling down
This is First Edition Vampire, so the their upper lips, their blood cold and sluggish
world is a bleak and hopeless place. Each in their veins.
night whirls past the next, each one just as Your own cheeks don't turn red, of
pointless and as empty as all the nights course. And you barely feel the cold. But
before. Immortal beings throw away their your nose still runs. How tiresome.
centuries of unlife in fights over who has
dominion of a few yards of urine-soaked Setting the Scene: Where are We?
asphalt. Three or four ancient vampires This story takes place in the fabled land of
might face the final death in a secret war over Urban: Generic, Night. A strange and
some hipster dance club that will be passé in wondrous realm where steam rises forever
a year and gone in two. It's all so boring. from sidewalk grates and gargoyles leer down
Except for the sickening violence, of course. above the streets with the gibbous moon
behind them. And there are alleys, the dark
Setting the Scene: What Year is This? shadowy kind. Lots of them. And lots of
Because it’s a first-edition scenario, the rooftops, too.
author imagined it as taking place in the early Or to put it another way, we didn't
1990s. But of course it could be any time in pick a specific city because we wanted to be
the modern era. There are no references to able to set the campaign in your own. That's
smart phones anywhere in the adventure, also why the scenario is so vague about
specifically to make it easy to set in whatever certain things. We don't know the name of
part of the modern epoch you need. the bad neighborhood where the Sabbat have
made their lair or even the house's address,
Setting the Scene: What Time of to make it easier to fit into your own
Year is This? Chronicle.
Of course there are limits to how
generic we can make the adventure. Because
of all the winter imagery, this probably isn't
New Orleans or Miami. Because there are
mansions that have stood for more than a
hundred years, it's probably not Anchorage.
The more specific details you include, the
more you wall yourself into a specific time
and place. But within these limits, we tried
to make the adventure as adaptable as we

10 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

“A house is like a family. Because it wants your blood and laughs at your tears and won't be satisfied.”
--Elmo Monster (lost episode)

How You Found the Sabbat

and distasteful and unimaginative—you have
no desire to remember the particulars. But it
kept the herd away, for many years.
The weeds and the trees and the
slums have grown up around it, until you
can't see the house anymore from the street.
But it's big, you remember that. With a front
porch full of shadows and windows like
carnivorous eyes. How odd that this seemed
frightening to you, once. And that you were
once a child.

The Troupe Arrives

The house crouches at the top of a hill, above
a fourteen-foot embankment. All you can see
from the street is the concrete wall of the
embankment, with a dingy board fence above
that. A snarl of dead branches and thorny
vines pokes out over the top of the fence.
Midway down the block is a wooden
It wasn’t hard. They aren't known for their
door, so old you can't tell what color it's
graceful finesse or devious cunning. Yanking
supposed to be. Behind it, a steep set of stone
someone's fangs out and nailing a note to
steps cuts into the hill and leads up to the
their forehead is their notion of a subtle
hint. You're pretty sure they've chosen the
This is a bad neighborhood. The
most obvious location in town for their secret
human beings who live here know not to see
too much or hear too much of what goes on
There is a house where no one goes.
in the dead of night. If there are sickening
A place that scared you as a child, you dimly
noises from up on the hill, most residents
recall. Some boring atrocity happened in the
will turn their video games up louder and
house a long time ago. Something sordid
stay away from windows.

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 11

The Enemy physically dangerous member of the pack and he's
intimidating, so the others keep their misgivings
about his leadership style to themselves.

Baron Valentine Iorgu: This unsavory Tzimisce is

the pack's Priest, but performs that role
indifferently, being more focused on his own vile
experiments. He lives separately from the others,
in the tunnels under the house, with his three
hapless ghouls. He's the only pack member who
Curtis Wayne fears, and the only one he's never
yelled at.

Mister Biggs: Real name unknown. A Nosferatu

antitrbu who manages the pack's finances, he's
always finding ways of drumming up extra cash for
the group, but gets little recognition for it. He has
a secret that he's trying to conceal from Curtis
Wayne (see Page 58), and spends as little time
around the pack leader as possible.

Contessa Violet de Sang: A Lasombra, she dresses

like it's still the sixteenth century and talks about
the Borgias like she knew them. Is she really that
old? Or is this a clever affectation, intended to
The PCs’ opponents are a pack of six Sabbat make her seem scarier and more powerful? And
vampires who have taken up residence in the why does she unconsciously nod her head along
decrepit Wigstrom mansion. They have six ghouls with old disco tunes when they come on the radio?
with them, of whom three are nearly useless and Unlike most Lasombra, she has no desire
two are quite dangerous. to lead anyone or rule anything. Being a leader
We describe all twelve in depth and detail in makes you a target, in her experience. She would
Appendix B, Dramatis Personae (see Page 53), and appear to be the logical one to challenge Curtis
provide stat blocks for each of them. But it Wayne's leadership, but even he has managed to
seemed like a good idea to give you a brief get it through his thick skull that she is never
overview before we start describing the house going to do that.
where they live.
Here are their names and the approximate The Vampire Bros: Jordan Fleeber and Brandon
roles each one plays in the pack. There is some Gluck are a pair of dimwitted, violent young men
political tension, because the pack's new leader is who the Contessa de Sang embraced just a few
scary and obnoxious but it's all beneath the surface weeks ago. The Contessa says they didn't have
and no one wants to challenge him. much to offer the world apart from date rape and
AIDS jokes, so she gave them a higher purpose—
Curtis Wayne Buckner: The pack's current wasn't that benevolent of her?
leader, after killing his predecessor. A Gangrel She's only partly joking. In fact Jordan and
antribu from the Ozarks, some might call him ill- Brandon used to do terrible things to drunk
equipped to lead. Gangrels tend to be short on girls all the time. Then they mistook the
managerial skills and he's no exception. Not Contessa for one and got the biggest shock of
exactly a people vampire, he is impulsive, angry their lives. Also the final shock of their lives.
and rules through fear. But he's the most

12 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

They aren't especially loyal to the Contessa merely creepy and disturbing. Officially the
but they are in awe of her and take her advice very Contessa's chambermaid, she in fact tends to
seriously. They're also trying to copy her look, household chores for everyone. They need only
which is why they dress like they're coming back pay her in fresh raw meat.
from a Renaissance fair.
You might think they would admire Curtis Patience Grimaldi: Prudence's sister Patience is
Wayne Buckner as well. But in fact they hate being one of the less presentable Grimaldi. Her
yelled at and he does it so much that they loathe hobbies include hitting things with an axe,
and dread him. For his part, Curtis Wayne thinks hitting people with an axe, and making paper
they're idiots, Yankees to boot, and very possibly dolls with her sister. Mostly she stays chained up
Jewish as well. And Curtis Wayne don't hold with in the basement, but has a way of getting loose
any of that, no sir. Especially not with Yankees. and making mischief. None of the vampires
mind very much when she goes on one of her
Joy Bleeker: Crazed Malkavian antitribu, Joy is so rampages. She's too good at hitting things with
impaired by her madness that she would starve or axes to cut from the team, and her sister usually
walk into traffic if her packmates weren't there to gets her calmed down before she breaks anything
help her. Taking care of Joy is one of the few important. She wears the tattered remnants of a
things that unites this pack--a task that Curtis maid's costume, so that she can be more like her
Wayne and Mr. Biggs and the Contessa can all sister. You wouldn't want her to clean your
cooperate on. Everyone knows not to leave her house or braid your hair, though.
alone with the Vampire Bros. That could get
unpredictable. Gary the Ghoul, Twisted Stan and Giblets:
When she isn't sitting alone in a corner, These three mutilated wretches are Baron Iorgu's
rocking back and forth and moaning, Joy can see pets. If someone you torture for fun and maim
the future. Her second sight has got the pack out on impulse could be called a "pet." They serve
of more than one jam. She may or may not know him, out of fear and a faint mad hope that he
that the PCs are coming. could un-maim them if they please him. And he
can, of course, but won't. None of them are good
The Ghouls for much anymore. Gary can barely see and Stan
can't walk upright (his legs don't point the right
way anymore) while Giblets is hopelessly insane.
This limits their usefulness as servants, but the
Baron chiefly enjoys hurting them anyway.

The Internal Politics of the Pack

Sabbat packs are usually tight, cohesive units where
everyone loves one another ferociously, even if they
quarrel sometimes. One's packmates are one's only
real allies in a cold and hostile universe.
This one isn't like that. It's more of a
Prudence Grimaldi: She looks like a depraved collection of dangerous narcissists, eyeing one another
schoolgirl, but has in fact been serving the Sabbat warily and cooperating as needed. The Vampire Bros
for more than seventy years. respect the Contessa and would do anything for each
Prudence is a member of the notorious other. Everyone but Baron Iorgu has a soft spot for Joy
Familia Grimaldi, one of the inbred, decadent Bleeker. This is as far as the bonds between them go.
Revenant lineages who have served the Tzimiche As a result, they spend more time apart
from time immemorial. She's one of the more from one another than you would expect of a
presentable ones, which is to say that she is Sabbat pack, sticking to their own parts of the

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 13

house for much of each night. Mr. Biggs stays in few weeks ago he challenged Araminta Zorin
his secret lab (see Page 29) or his hiding places for leadership of the group, seemingly on a
when he's in the house at all. Baron Iorgu never whim. Curtis Wayne killed Araminta rather
emerges from the basement The PCs may be than let her surrender and he's been running
able to use this to their advantage when they things ever since. No one likes this. No one
attack. knows what to do about it, either.
This was the moment at which their
The History of the Pack Bishop ordered them to forsake their feeding
grounds and go attack the PCs' home city.
While they were scouting out the territory Joy
Bleeker, the team's demented Malkavian seer,
sensed a huge slumbering evil under the old
Wigstrom mansion.
Mr. Biggs made certain inquiries, and
discovered that the thing under the Wigstrom
house was probably a Tzimiche flesh-bender,
lost to the world in deep Torpor.
This sounded pretty good to Curtis
Wayne—who could say what sort of
monstrosities a Tzimiche might be able to make
for them? What kind of foul abominations the
pack could have at its disposal, to rip and rend
the Caramilla and make the mortals scream
and run?
So they moved into the abandoned
This pack has had many vampires drift in and Wigstrom mansion and woke up its sleeping
out since it was formed in the late seventies. inhabitant.
Contessa Du Sang is its last original member. For his part, Baron Iorgu, the Tzimiche
Always dysfunctional, with poor teamwork and under the house, felt ready to return to the
rotten luck, they have moved from Europe to world of the living and resume the practice of
Brazil to the United States, drifting from his dire arts. Such wondrous new things he had
Bishop to Bishop, misadventure to dreamed of, down there in the dark. Such
misadventure. marvelous new transmogrifications of the flesh.
For many years they were led by a And he cannot wait to try them.
Lasombra named Araminta Zorin. She was a He's so self-centered that he hasn't figured
cold and distant leader, who inspired little love out that his life is in danger. For Baron Iorgu
in her troops, but was at least fair and objective isn't nearly as powerful as the pack hoped. He
in her judgments. She did not micromanage can disfigure mortals with his powers in all
her team, which left Mr. Biggs free to make sorts of sickening ways, but he does not know
money and the Contessa to pursue her own how to build undead war machines. When
low-key style of hunting without interference. Curtis Wayne finds this out, he will not be
The pack worked this way for decades. pleased. Nor will he care that this isn't Baron
Then, two years ago, things started to Iorgu's fault, nor that the Baron never actually
change. It began when an obnoxious Gangrel promised him any war-beasts. He will think he
antitribu named Curtis Wayne Buckner joined has been deceived and betrayed and will lash
the pack. Despite his unpleasant personality out like an injured rattlesnake. But the PCs will
the pack found him useful, for he was attack before that happens.
exceptionally talented at violence. Then just a

14 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Map of the Grounds

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 15

The Grounds

who know the laws of the mortal world will

Choked with a snarl of bushes and brambles realize that it’s completely illegal to perform
and unpruned trees, the grounds would be burials on private residential property. But
difficult to move through even if they weren’t the Wigstrom family, who owned the house,
buried under three feet of snow. Of course, seem to have done it anyway. Or perhaps
if someone were to turn into a bat, it they had some kind of permit, who knows?
wouldn’t pose such an obstacle. The biggest For more on the Wigstrom family,
problem with moving across the grounds is their troubled life and their shocking demise,
that it makes noise. It also leaves tracks. see “The House’s Horrible History” on Page
Unless you are the sort of vampire who 19.
doesn’t. A ghoul-dog roves the grounds. If he
The wild tangle opens quite smells or hears the PCs or anyone else on the
suddenly around the house itself, which property, he will attempt to scare them off,
looms up abrupt and unexpected like a and then run into the house to warn his
junkie with a knife. The snow here has been masters.
trampled into sludge by the passage of many He is good at scaring off intruders.
bare feet, making it easy to cross without Big and massively built, he's also poorly cared
making a crunching sound or leaving for, with scars and mange and unwashed fur.
recognizable tracks. It’s like this all the way You'd think he was a stray, except for the
around the house. The Sabbat and their battered leather collar around his neck. The
ghouls have been busy here. name "Fido" has been scorched into the
The family crypt stands to one side of leather
the house, buried deep in the brambles. It He'll present himself at a distance from
too has been the scene of much activity. Lots the PCs (probably on the porch,) with his eyes
of feet have gone into and out of it. Vampires shining in the dark and slobber dripping from

16 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

his jowls. He won't bark, and instead will utter other one opens into the crypt on the other side
an eerie sigh that doesn't sound like any noise of the house). In fact it sees so little use that it's
they've ever heard a dog make. If they don't flee starting to get overgrown.
he'll turn and silently lope into the house.
Unless they find some way to stop him in time, Crypt of Bloody Horror
Fido will alert everyone inside.

The Cellar Door

Buried under the snow, to the front and right of
the front door, is the set of double doors that
lead down to the basement.
Or rather, a set of steep and very long stairs
which lead to a very long and absurdly narrow
hallway which in turn leads to the basement (see
Page 40). This is not a good or efficient way to
Set about five feet below the level of the ground,
access your basement. Indeed, like so much
at the bottom of five ice-slick steps, the crypt has
about the house, the design is somewhere
two rows of doors on either side of its central
between eccentric and insane.
vault. Behind each door there should be a
It requires a Perception Check vs. a
coffin, with some long-deceased Wigstrom
Difficulty of 8 to spot the doors, since they're in
inside (but read on). It's a big crypt, yet not
an unexpected place and buried under two feet
nearly big enough. The Wigstroms interred as
of snow. Once you have found them, it takes a
many members of their family as they could fit,
single round to clear them off enough to open
but there was no way to fit them all. The names
them (no roll is required here).
on some of the doors look disturbingly like they
Because of the weight of the snow,
were putting two or more coffins in each
opening the doors from the inside requires a
chamber, near the end. But all the doors are
Strength test vs. a Difficulty of 5, until they're
open, now, and all the chambers are empty. Out
of all the stern patricians, addled dowagers and
awkward, unloved debutantes who were laid to
The Hole rest here, not a single rat-gnawed bone remains.
There is a place in the yard where the snow fell The doors on the crypt's chambers have
away. And the dirt beneath it. A monstrous been ripped loose from the outside. Someone
hole, nearly big enough to stand up in, gapes stronger than a mortal did this. The bronze
wide through the earth and tangled roots, fittings have been twisted in ways no chisel or
slanting downward at an angle off to unknown prize-bar could have done. It's harder to say what
depths. The incline is gentle enough that you happened to the crypt's front door. For it is
could walk down it like a tilted subterranean simply missing.
hallway. If for some incomprehensible reason In the middle of the floor there lie a
you actually wanted to go down there, into the handful of wooden fragments from various
frigid dark and the unseen terrors. coffins, a scrap of satin, a little bit of yellowed
No footprints mark the snow around cotton stuffing. Piles of dead leaves molder here
the tunnel's mouth. If this is a secret back and there, so the front door must have been
entrance to the house, then it's one that nobody gone for more than a year. Most of the leaves
has used in weeks. look older than last fall. Some have halfway
In fact it's not so much a secret entrance turned to loam.
as it is an emergency exit. The Sabbat have two At the very back of the vault , on the left,
of these, opening into the tunnels under the stands a bigger door than the others. Or perhaps
basement. This is the less-used of the two (the "looms" would be the correct word. It's tall

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 17

enough to enter standing up. The door is closed, General Notes on the House
but not locked. A tarnished brass plaque reads
There is no heat, no light, no water or gas.
"Phineas Wigstrom”.
There is however a working phone in the
The door creaks and scrapes as it opens.
basement—the Sabbat have rigged it up
Mr. Wigstrom's coffin is not there. And
somehow. It’s cold inside the mansion, and
someone has dug a tunnel into the old dirt at
its interior rooms are dark in the middle of
the back of the chamber. It leads sharply down
the afternoon. Not that the PCs are ever
into the raw earth. A few tree roots dangle from
likely to see it at that time of day.
its ceiling, vaguely obscene
This house once belonged to the
Could this lead to some warren of Wigstroms, one of city’s reigning families
pathetic nosferatu slurping the life-juices out of from the 19th century through the 1970s. By
rats in the dark? In fact the truth is much, much the time this neighborhood became a slum
worse. The tunnel twists and writhes down they were already moribund, eccentric and
through the rocks and clay to the warrens of broke.
Baron Iorgu, where he lovingly crafts Their mansion was already falling
monuments of pain to appease his dark muses. into disrepair long before the last Wigstrom
This tunnel is the Sabbat's emergency died. And long, long before crazed vampires
exit. Some time ago, Baron Iorgu raided the moved in and started breaking everything.
crypt for spare parts and the passage that his It’s cold inside, a little above 30
ghouls clawed through the loam hasn't yet degrees, dark and dirty. Nameless grit seems
collapsed. It makes a great way to sneak out of to immediately settle on any object you bring
the lair for unauthorized fun and if the house in here.
were to, say, catch fire or get blown up with The floors are weak and sag under
dynamite, this is the route they would use to your feet, where they haven’t yet collapsed.
evacuate. Blocking it off or booby trapping it Everything creaks, groans, mutters to
might be a wise investment of the PCs' time and itself as if in pain. This makes it hard to
energy. pinpoint whether or not anyone is walking
around on the floor above you or in the next

Map of the Crypt room.

The windows are well and
thoroughly boarded up. A vampire could
drift through most of its rooms at midday
without having to fear the rays of the cruel
and hateful sun. (But see “The Crater” on
Page 26)
In case anyone would like to smash
and rip their way through one of the walls, it
takes four successes on a Strength roll,
Difficulty 6. This can be either a single check
or an Extended Check. You can accumulate
successes between rounds. The doors are
made of heavy wood, but they are old. Each
one, unless otherwise noted, takes three
successes at a Feat of Strength to smash. The
Difficulty is 9. Here too, you can keep
battering away at a door that refuses to give
on the first round, damaging it worse and
worse until it finally breaks.

18 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

The House's Horrible Past marriageable despite their fading wealth. And yet
the family carried on somehow, producing
generation after generation, leaving their house
less and less as their fortune slowly dwindled. By
the early 1950s there were stories of squalor, of
deformities too great to ever show the world, of
worse things—matters that well-bred people do not
speak of.
On October the 31st, 1978, the
Wigstroms all died over the course of one terrible
evening. This came as a shock to the city’s great
families. The Wigstroms hadn’t attended any
social functions in twenty years—everyone had
assumed they must either have died out or else
have exhausted their fortune and gone off to
wherever it is that poor people go. But if fact no
less than fourteen of them were still available to
get slaughtered in a single crazed massacre.
The details are said to have been
gruesome in the extreme. Dismemberments and
decapitations and wrenchings and rendings and…
other things. Things the police would not speak of
to the press, but which could only be described as
shockingly improper. And a terrible kind of
If a PC decides to research the house’s history, whimsy was said to be evident in the way the
this is what they can find. Try not to let the game bodies were arranged. Society mavens whispered
bog down as they dig up the that this was just like the Wigstroms. They
paper trail. A few briefly sketched-in scenes of couldn’t even die without making everyone feel
visiting the city’s historical society or browsing awkward and uncomfortable.
microfiches of old newspapers in a library after Everyone in Society agreed that a crime
hours should be all the Story needs. like this could only be the work of a crazed hippie
The house was constructed in the mid- cult. But then it was discovered, to everyone’s
19th Century, the first man-made structure ever to surprise, that there were no longer any hippies and
stand atop this hill. Hezekiah Sneed, the banker, there hadn’t been for some time. Some black
had it built. It was far too big for a miserable old teenagers were rounded up and sent to the electric
bachelor like Sneed. And in fact it seems to have chair instead, but this wasn’t as satisfying—no one
brought him little good, for he grew sick and died seriously thought they were guilty. Still, it was
within a year. Despite the house’s isolated better than nothing. And everyone agreed that it
location, it swiftly found a buyer and before did make them feel a bit better (everyone but the
Sneed’s sparsely attended funeral the Wigstrom negroes in question, anyway, as one wag observed).
family (newly arrived from Britain) moved in. The city made two desultory attempts to
A strange bunch, the Wigstroms. As old have the house condemned, but no one wanted to
and rich as any of the city fathers, yet barely go to the trouble of tearing it down. No one would
tolerated by polite society. Known for their buy that that land and if they did, what could you
reclusive ways, for their shy, socially awkward build on it? The property stood in the middle of a
debutantes and for their high rate of deformity, slum. Even if you ignored the house’s unsavory
they retreated more and more from the world as reputation, there was no money to be made here.
time went on. Neither their pale, sickly heirs nor And so the house stood, untenanted, until today.
the heirs’ paler, maladroit sisters were deemed

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 19

Map of the Ground Floor

20 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

The Front Porch The Side Porch

The huge old porch wraps around the side of A creaking wreck, the side porch is stronger
the house, sagging and slumping in places. It than it looks and unlike the back porch it's in
looks unsafe –to stand on and it is. In one no immediate danger of falling down. If a
place the roof has fallen in, leaving a tangled normal sized human being comes
pile of broken lumber. In another spot a plummeting out of an upstairs window and
young tree is growing up through the boards, lands on its roof, the structure will hold,
cracking and splitting them apart with its although it will groan alarmingly.
The Front Hall
The Back Porch

Just a weathered little square of boards with a

slumped roof that's about to fall in. If more
than two PCs stand on the back porch at
once, there is a 1/2 chance that it caves in,
doing 3 damage to them both unless they
Dodge at Difficulty 7. The sound will of
course alert anyone in the house to the PCs'
Anyone who jumps out of an
upstairs window and lands on the rotting
shingles of the rear porch roof will
automatically trigger its collapse with the
same consequences. They will also take 2
damage from the fall.

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 21

Now there are so many holes in the wall, so
many places where the bare ribs of lath gape
through the missing plaster that you can
effectively see between the two. The rats like
it back here, since it's narrower and darker
than most of the rooms, so the rat turds are
especially thick on the floor. The floor
doesn't creak as badly here, so vampires make
Stealth rolls at the standard Difficulty of 7.
Some of the damage to the walls
looks recent. Some looks very old, but
judging by the color of the plaster some of
these holes may have been bashed in the
walls as recently as today.

The Dining Room

The doors sag drunkenly off their hinges.

Darkness lurks behind them. It's cold in
here, and it smells like rotten wood and rat
droppings. But at least there's no wind.
You would not immediately guess
that anyone lives here. The only furniture is a
shattered bench, lying in bits on the floor,
there is no carpet on the splintery boards. A
small tree has sprouted through the floor. A popular room for urination, the dining
There isn't even any graffiti. But as you near room clearly used to look grand. A good deal
the end of the hall, the telltale scent of urine of flocked wallpaper still clings to the walls,
reaches your nostrils. Someone really does soaked in urine. The remains of a huge
live here. hardwood table lie broken on the floor, half
The hall ends in a huge crater. The of it still upright on its two remaining legs.
floor and ceiling have both been smashed Two huge China cabinets hang open and
away—the sky is visible above. See "The someone (by which we mean Patience
Crater" on Page 26. Grimaldi) has carefully smashed every last
All through the front hall the floor- piece of China to pieces. Broken porcelain
boards creak so badly that Stealth becomes a covers about a third of the floor.
Difficulty 8 task. The table was built to last. It really
shouldn't have collapsed on its own. And in
Servant's Hall fact, judging by the color and smell of the
The Servant's Hall runs parallel to the Front broken wood, someone smashed the table
Hall, allowing the household staff to pad half to bits within the past few days.
along unseen by guests and masters alike.

22 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

The rats avoid this place because it The Day Parlor
smells like human urine.

The Music Room

A thick smell of mildew and rotten couch

stuffing greets anyone who opens the door. But at
least no one has been urinating in this room.
The furnishings here have rotted, but are
still strong enough to hit people with. Whether
you would want to sit on them is another matter.
A giant pile of rags and scraps of cloth fill
one corner of the room. It’s deep enough to hide
in, and in fact it’s the favorite hiding place of
Twisted Stan (see Page 63).
A brief snatch of piano music reaches the PCs'
The rats haven't paid much attention to
ears as they walk past this door. It's too brief to
this room. Most of the damage here has been
make out what tune it might be.
done by human beings or by the slow and
Inside lies a broken grand piano and a
grinding processes of time.
rotted, overstuffed easy chair. The smell of
Someone has scattered a green marble
mildewed wood and stuffing is strong in here,
chess set across the floor in a fit of
and so is the smell of rat droppings. Human
unsportsmanlike pique. It looks very 1970s. The
beings don't enter this room very much, to the
board is also made of stone, and is designed to
relief and delight of the rats. The piano is
look like a cosmic expanse of stars and galaxies. It
especially full of them, and they will get agitated
is an interesting mixture of classic period design
the moment a PC walks in here, scampering
and expensive bad taste.
across they keys with a sound like random notes.
PCs may well decide the piano is
The Contessa's Room
haunted. But the moment they open it the truth
will become apparent as a living carpet of rats
comes streaming out, headed for the room's dark
corners. This, while appalling, is not harmful.
The rats could not be less interested in devouring
anyone, they just want to get away.

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 23

Living Room

For someone who claims to do everything on

impulse, Contessa Violet de Sang keeps a Right on the edge of the Crater (see Page 26)
very neat and tidy room. She has brought the Living Room's floor is largely gone, and
together all the best furniture she could find what is left creaks ominously. Any Stealth
and cleaned it. She even swept the floor rolls you make here are Difficulty 8. Little
Under the bed is her coffin, hidden by the bits of plaster have fallen from the ceiling
dangling bedclothes. She doesn’t actually here and there and piles of random trash sit
need to sleep in one, but it suits her carefully on the splintery floor. It's cold in here and it
cultivated image. smells of human waste. The more civilized
A lot of toiletries sit on her ghouls like to relieve themselves into the
nightstand and there are three very nice crater and sometimes waste splashes into this
renaissance-era gowns in the drawers, along space on its way down.
with a lot of black skinny jeans and t-shirts Two flaking pillars that were once
with the names of bands on them that no painted gold stand at either end of a raised
one is young and hip enough to have ever platform, where the fireplace sits. This part of
heard of. the room isn’t raised very high, it’s just a
By now she has stayed in much worse single step above the rest of the floor, perfect
flops than this one, and doesn't mind the to trip over in the dark but useless otherwise.
living conditions so much. She's seldom A skull lies in the lower right hand
home anyway, and spends most of her time corner of the room. Not a nice, normal sort
clubbing. But alas, she is home tonight and of skull. It’s a long-snouted, crooked-fanged
ready to do battle with anyone who invades asymmetrical abomination. The brain
the house. capacity looks human, but everything else
about it is utterly wrong. And there are what
look like fingermarks indented in the bone.
Could a Tzimisce have made this? The
answer is of course “yes”. It would hardly be a
House of Pain without one, after all.

24 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Kitchen forgotten the sushi for long enough that
anyone who opens it will get a nasty surprise.

The Pantry

The stove doesn't work and the cabinets are

falling apart, but this is where the ghouls
The pantry used to hold a lot of glass jars on
store their food. Nobody treats anyone else's
its brittle old shelves. But Prudence Grimaldi
food with respect, and almost none of them
has thoroughly and methodically smashed
have the self-control to keep from stealing
them all to bits. As a result, the floor is
from one another. This is the single thing
completely covered with broken glass, and
most likely to set off a lethal conflict between
anyone who goes in here unaware will take a
Health Level of damage before they even
Twisted Stan favors dog food, the dry
realize what is going on.
kind, and bits of it are scattered across the
floor. He keeps a couple of bags of the stuff
The Side Entry Hall
under the sink. Patience Grimaldi is the only
other member of the group who is willing to
steal any.
Someone has left a bag of fast food
on a counter. It contains burgers with
random bites taken out of them, cold fries
and congealing onion rings. For some reason
everything is covered in copious helpings of
tartar sauce.
Prudence Grimaldi has left some
sushi in a plastic take out container in the
fridge. The fridge doesn't work and she's The smell of fresh urine assails the nostrils of
anyone who steps into this room. It's strong
enough to blot out the aroma of mildew and
rotten plaster. But not the coppery tang of
The rotted remains of a very nice rug
covers part of the splintery, groaning floor.
By the interior door stands a fragile
end-table, with a waterlogged bible sitting on

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 25

Actually, it's not waterlogged. Curtis their trash and to relive the call of nature.
Wayne Buckner, the pack’s Ductus, insists Should nature ever call them anymore.
that everyone urinate on it every time they Inevitably someone will try to leap
walk past. Vampires urinate blood of course, over the crater at some point in the
which is why the room smells like the toilet adventure. For the purposes of calculating
in a slaughterhouse. their success, the crater is 30feet across from
north to south, and 40 feet across from east
The Downstairs Bathroom to west. It is more than 20 feet deep, and
falling into it does 4 damage from the ground
floor, 5 from the upper floor, 6 from the attic
and 7 from the roof.
The bottom of the crater is only
dimly visible in the darkness. It's a humped
The water has long since been turned off and mass of shattered floorboards, sundered
the ceiling is starting to crumble. The beams, crushed furniture, pulverized plaster
vampires and ghouls all find it depressing in and random trash.
here (most of them have bad childhood Just picking your way across the
memories that involve filthy, crumbling mound is dangerous and unsanitary—not to
bathrooms) and the facilities don't work, so mention disgusting. Anyone who clambers
they seldom enter this room. Which might over the mound should make a Dexterity
make it a good place to hide. Check every round to keep from injuring
themselves on something sharp and hidden
The Crater for a Health Level of damage. Or if the
Storyteller feels cruel, they can call for a
Dodge roll to avoid having the mound shift
abruptly under the character’s feet, doing 3
Health Levels of damage and trapping them
in between a lot of heavy, sharp, cold and
unpleasant objects.

The Basement Steps

Something has smashed a giant hole through

the house from the basement through the
roof. It looks fresh—the ends of the These wide but creaky stairs lead down to
splintered wood are still pale, still smell what used to be the basement. See Page 38.
faintly of hundred year old sap. The wood is squeaky enough that Stealth
In a way the crater is useful. It gives rolls have to beat a Difficulty of 8.
everyone in the house somewhere to throw

26 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

The Main Staircase
How Did That Crater Get
On Page 38 you will see that there are two
boxes of dynamite in the basement. There
used to be three. But alas, dynamite and the
A grand staircase sweeps up to a landing, and Sabbat don't mix well.
from there on up to the second floor. The craziest, most violent member
Characters without some other
of Curtis Wayne's pack was Thog Gnostra
means of seeing around corners will be
unable to see past the landing until they go (or so he called himself--his original name
up there. was Chad Knutson). He was, you will not
be surprised to learn, a Brujah antitribu and
The Back Stairs always felt he had to live up to it. He was
forever drinking drain cleaner or playing
Russian roulette or setting his eyebrows on
fire or anything else that would prove that
he was the nuttiest, most dangerous, most
maniacal cainite in the pack.
A narrow set of stairs leads to a landing and Two weeks ago he finally proved it,
then a small vestibule on the second floor. while playing a game he called: "Let's smash
These stairs were made for servants and they
the dynamite." The neighborhood was by
weren't as solidly constructed as the main
stairs. They are appalling squeaky in their this point so traumatized that no one
current dilapidated state. Any attempt at bothered to call the authorities when the
Stealth on these stairs is made at a Difficulty sound of the explosion woke them from
of 9. And speaking of squeaking, the rats like their troubled dreams.
these stairs a lot, because they're dark and
don't smell like human excrement. A rat is The Back Hall
almost certain to run over a PC's foot the
first time they climb these stairs, giving them
(and hopefully their Players) quite a surprise.

The rear entry hall has largely been smashed

away. You can't get anywhere but the crater
from here without some very perilous
clambering or a mighty leap. Unless of course
you can fly. The ability to turn into a bat
would come in handy, here.

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 27

Map of the Upper Floor

28 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

The Upstairs Hall

The main hallway on the second floor. Mister Biggs (see page 58) has set up shop
There's no carpet and the floorboards groan here, in what used to be the library. The door
underfoot. Bits of fallen plaster crunch is sticky (Difficulty of 8 to open it stealthily)
underfoot like snow. Stealth rolls have a but it's not locked. Inside, the smell of old
Difficulty of 8 here. papers mingles with the house's general
In the very center of the hall sits a aroma of wood rot and dust. A sharp
huge pile of ripped up sofa cushions, chemical reek cuts through it all.
threadbare duvets, stiff old clothes, crusty Curtis Wayne Buckner found the
towels and any other items of cloth that Joy library first. He doesn’t like books, or people
Bleeker could find. This is her bed and her who read them, so he smashed up the
lair. Her scanty personal belongings (a weird bookshelves and ripped their contents to bits.
and random collection of broken plastic toys But he's avoided the room since then,
and cigarette packets) lie scattered through disturbed by the memory of all those books.
the heap. None of it appears to be of much Mister Biggs took note, and has made the
value. She will however defend it viciously. room his own.
There is a pile of shattered wood and
The Secret Lab of Mister Biggs mangled pages covering nearly half the floor.
Behind it, an assemblage of glassware and a
chemical engineering manual sit on a big
hardwood table by the window. Mister Biggs
would like to use this setup to create weird
potions and alchemical philters, but right
now he's just trying to brew up PCP for some
extra cash. So far his efforts have met with no
Many of the substances he’s working
with are toxic, caustic or unpredictably
flammable. The contents of the glassware

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 29

might do as much as 3 damage if flung at during a drunken party. They weren't into
or spilled on someone. meth, but the three kids who worked on
He keeps an alcohol lamp burning the diagram were using a lot of Adderall,
on the table while he's at work, and this and it shows.
makes the room warmer than the rest of Eventually everyone went off to
the house. It's usually about 60 degrees college or juvie or some crappy job and the
here, no worse than an autumn morning. group drifted apart. But their work
Ritual Room Any PC Tremere will know that
whoever constructed this diagram had no
idea what they were doing. You couldn't
actually use this circle to cast or summon

Master Bedroom

Someone has drawn an enormous,

complicated occult diagram on the floor of
this room in chalk. Partly faded and
scuffed away, it was executed with maniacal Half-exposed to the elements, with a
care and precision, possibly by someone dangerously unstable floor, this is one of
under the influence of crystal meth. They the largest rooms in the house but it's one
scrawled a kind of mural on the wall above of the least habitable. However, neither
it, with considerably less precision. It looks Brandon Fleeber nor Justin Gluk cares
like the head of a leering goat. Or maybe about the cold or notices the wind. They
it's a bear. The drawing is bad enough that have become roommates here, and because
it's hard to tell. neither one of them has much in the way
Most of the vampires and ghouls of personal possessions, there is not much
encamped in the house fear the occult, and for them to fight about. In fact they get
avoid this room. But Mister Biggs doesn't along surprisingly well for two such utterly
care, and has made himself a sleeping nest selfish people, and always have (you can
out of blankets and old clothes in one of find out more about these “Vampire Bros”
the closets. He has reason to fear his on Page 57).
Ductus (see his description on Page @@ for Justin sleeps on an iron bed frame
the details) and this seems like the safest and Brandon sleeps on a pile of rags.
place to avoid him. Neither one bothers to eat, drink or excrete
Which vampire drew the diagram? anymore, so their needs are few. They are
None of them. A group of teenage way too close to the sunbeams which shine
Satanists used this house as their onto the room through the hole in the
headquarters a few years back. They used to roof, but are too irresponsible to care.
bring metalhead girls up here and try to What they do care about is that they got
impress them. The big dark stain on the the largest bedroom for themselves.
floor isn't blood, it's cheap red wine, spilled

30 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

The remains of one of the upstairs you long enough that you can die of
bathrooms perches awkwardly across the hypothermia, instead of whatever they have
crater from this room. No one has had a in mind for you.
good reason to jump across the crater and A set of old, rusty, but very strong
go in there. A cast iron bathtub perches manacles have been stapled right into one
precariously on the edge of the abyss, of the house’s main support beams. Most
waiting eagerly to pitch itself over into the vampires wouldn’t be able to get loose from
dark. If it does, it will make an ungodly them, let alone mortals. Breaking them or
amount of noise, alerting everyone in the ripping them loose takes 10 successes at a
building to the fact that Something is Difficulty of 10.
Going On. The Sabbat don’t concern
themselves overmuch about the comfort of
The Other Bathroom their prisoners. There is no food, no water,
and nowhere to relieve yourself in here.
Old stains of both human waste and blood
form overlapping patterns on the
floorboards. Some go back a hundred
There's not much left of this room. The years.
floor drops away to nothing, leaving just a
jagged rim to stand on. But this is one of
The Grimaldi Sisters’ Room
the most important rooms in the house,
regardless. For this is where most of the
ghouls come to relieve themselves. It is
perhaps the best of a number of bad
choices. Its remaining walls provide a
modicum of privacy and the crater provides
a handy improvised restroom.
It has clearly seen a few days of
heavy use. The room smells like an Patience and Prudence Grimaldi
outhouse with rotten walls and you can see have picked out an upstairs bedroom that's
at once that not everyone has perfect aim. warmer than most and pulled together as
many sheets and blankets as they could
Punishment Closet find from other rooms. When they’re in
here, they spend as much time as possible
under the piles of covers, reading by
flashlight and whispering secrets to each
Their toiletries and clothes lie on
the floor of the south closet in a tangled
If you are unlucky enough to be a mortal heap.
who gets taken alive by the Sabbat, this is The north closet holds a few
the room where they will chain you. It’s a crunchy, crackling scraps of old clothes,
little warmer than the rest of the house. and a monster’s skull. Cruelly deformed,
Still, if you are lucky they’ll forget about with splayed-out crooked fangs, it is

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 31

grotesque enough to be the work of a Second Upstairs Bathroom
Tzimisce. And of course it is.

The Rear Stairs

Another deserted and non-functional

bathroom. Not even the rats bother to
A huge pile of broken lumber and junk fills
spend much time here.
up most of the space at the top of these
stairs. It looks almost as though it was
The Nursery
specifically left here to block the smaller of
the two doors in the south wall. Because it
was. See “The Room Where She Died” on
Page 33 to find out how to get the door
open and what the PCs will find if they do.
The small closet off to the side
contains a pile of old coats, far too decayed
to be useful, and the skeleton of a horribly
deformed creature, about the size of a
fourth-grader. It looks something like a One of the few rooms that still has
huge bipedal rat, with carnivorous teeth wallpaper, although it's hanging off in
and clawed hands. Anyone with any shreds.
medical or biological skill will be able to Some member of the Sabbat has
tell almost immediately, based on the cheerfully daubed the words “Bad Little
number of bones in its skull, that it is in Piggy!” on the walls in something dark and
fact human. In fact it was the product of sticky. What that means, one hardly wants
Baron Iorgu’s artistic efforts. This may be to guess. But they must have felt strongly
an early clue that there is a Tzimisce on the about it, because they’ve written the words
premises. out dozens of times.
In the center of the room sits a
The Upstairs Bathroom cradle, filled with blankets. No one has
peeked into the blankets to see if there is a
dead baby underneath them. There isn't.
But the whole effect of the room is so
unsettling that no one wants to spend
much time there.
Well, almost no one. Curtis
Dirty and unused, with a ceiling that’s
Wayne Buckner is the only resident of the
slowly caving in, this might not be a bad
house who is callous enough to feel
place to hide if you are trying to evade the
comfortable in the Nursery. He has made
Sabbat, since they are unlikely to think of
the space his own, although he hasn't
looking in here. They barely remember
bothered to do anything with it. He
that the room exists, in fact.

32 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

doesn't feel much in the way of cold or A washbasin and a dresser full of
physical discomfort, so he lies down on the very old dresses are about everything else in
floor when it's time to sleep. Just here, apart from a murky photo of some
occasionally he sleeps in the fireplace, grim looking 19th century ancestors.
curled up on his side, dreaming dark and Forensic tests will reveal that the
bloody dreams. old lady died about fifty years ago (her
remains don't even stink anymore) and that
The Room Where She Died she was severely malnourished. In fact she
may well have died of starvation. What sad
tragedy unfolded here, it is difficult to say.
Whatever it was, it happened long, long
before the Sabbat took up residence in the
If the Storyteller would like, she
may have left a diary that would reveal
many things about the house’s dismal
history and the terrible things under the
basement (see Page 19). But don’t do it if
your Players just want to kick some ass, it
would slow things down too much.

Someone has piled so much junk and The Attic Stairs

debris outside the door of this room that
it's impossible to open without at least ten
minutes of work (unless of course you have
at least two levels of Celerity or three of
Potence, in which case it takes just 1d10
rounds.). It makes a lot of noise to clear the A narrow flight of stairs leads up to the
junk away, and the sound will alert anyone attic. There is only room for one person at
on this floor to the fact that intruders are a time. Oddly, the door to the stairs does
in the house. not squeak. In fact the hinges have been
Inside is a strange and pathetic freshly oiled. The stairs themselves are in
scene. The bones of an elderly woman lie good shape, too, and while there are some
on top of an antique bed. She's on top of bits of plaster lying on them, they aren't as
the coverlet, and does not appear to have dusty as you would expect. Stealth checks
been wearing any clothes. are made at a normal Difficulty 7 on these
stairs—they barely creak.

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 33

The Attic
There isn't much of a floor up here. Just a the house. It's just an unfinished space under
broad expanse of crumbling plaster that the eaves.
could give way underfoot and send you Mister Biggs knows that the other
plummeting down into the rooms beneath it. vampires avoid going up here, and he doesn't
This can happen anywhere up here at any trust them. So he has mapped out the stable
moment, at the Storyteller’s whim. It does 3 parts of the floor and hidden a sleeping bag
Health Levels of damage and makes enough in the shadows under the eaves. He sleeps up
noise to alert everyone in the house. The here sometimes, but never two days in a row.
attic was never meant to be used as a part of

34 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Map of the Roof
The Roof then land in the attic and fall through its
Above the attic is of course the roof. Its fragile plaster floor, taking an additional 2
rotted shingles and slumping superstructure damage. And this of course is on top of the
are dangerously unstable. Just as with the damage from falling.
attic, the Storyteller decides when the roof The roof is also slippery and hard to
suddenly gives way under a character. It does stand on. Make any Dexterity related skill
2 damage to fall through the broken boards checks up here at a Difficulty of 7 or more.
and shingles. Anyone who does will

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 35

Beneath the House of Pain

36 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Basement, Main Room residents dropped a mountain of trash on
top of it. The boards are set directly on top
of the dirt, so at least they don't creak when
you step on them.
On one wall hangs an ugly old green
telephone. Surprisingly enough, it works.
The ghouls have used it to call for pizza more
than once. It’s a good arrangement for
everyone. The ghouls eat the pizza and their
masters eat the delivery personnel.
A fragile old door leads to the long
narrow hall which in turn leads to the
exterior basement doors. The door is open,
just a crack.
A pile of filth and bones, broken lumber, Someone has chewed and clawed a
shattered plaster and far worse things fills the pair of ragged tunnels into the south wall—or
bulk of this room. It's possible to scrunch out of it. Unlike the damage from the
around the edges of it. Possible, but explosion, they look old. The shattered edges
dangerous. It requires an Athletics roll at a of the boards around the tunnels’ rims aren't
Difficulty of 6 to do it without sending some fresh and pale, they're as gray as spoiling
of the heap down on you in a loud and meat. Each tunnel is wide enough for one
disgusting avalanche of debris. This causes 2 person to fit down at a time, if they hunch
damage and may pin you in place with a and pull their elbows in. The walls are cold
Strength of 4. wet clay. Nothing is propping them up, but if
The floor is made of splintery bare the tunnels haven't collapsed by now they
boards, a weird and ill-advised choice for a probably aren't going to. They both twist
basement. The wood was warping and downward and to the left into total
rotting even before the house's current blackness. What could be down there?
Would you like to see?

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 37

The Futility Room

needless rococo embellishments. Either the

Or so it is called by the house's current lettering was designed by an ad agency that
residents. It was at one point the Utility wanted a retro look, or these boxes have been
Room, but the Sabbat are correct to observe lying here since the earliest part of the
that it has little utility at present. The ceiling twentieth century.
is weirdly and uncomfortably high for a In fact it's the latter. Fifty years ago
basement room. Fifteen feet at least. The Baron Iorgu (see Page 53), suffered a terrible
relatively small size of the room contributes attack of angst, and determined to destroy
to this effect, makes you feel exposed, as himself. He slaughtered all his servants and
though something could reach down from had some intention of blowing his house up
the dark and snatch you away. with himself inside it. But when he actually
A huge old gas-powered water heater got some dynamite, the whole process of
hunches malevolently in the gloom, empty, setting the blasting caps, cutting fuses and so
cold and useless now. forth was so tiresome that he gave it all up.
There used to be wash tubs here, and Dynamite has a limited shelf life. It
the scent of old lye and bleach still clings to becomes unpredictable after a few years and
the rough boards. But you can't smell it. goes bad in just a few more. Any one of the
The reek from the trash pile in the next sticks in this room could be a complete dud or
room drowns everything. so volatile that it will go off at the merest touch
Two large boxes of dynamite lie open or anywhere in between. It's up to the dubious
and waterlogged on the south edge of the mercy of the Storyteller. The blasting caps, on
room. One of the boxes has been ripped the other hand, never really go bad. They
open and a few sticks are scattered around remain as dangerous and unpredictable as ever.
the room, ready to be tripped over or stepped A blasting cap does 2 damage by itself. A stick
on. of rancid old dynamite does anywhere from no
The cheerful red letters on the boxes damage at all, to 7 points, at the Storyteller’s
are covered with scrolls and curlicues and discretion. It is most likely to do 6. That’s quite

38 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

a bit, but not enough to wipe out a whole A long narrow hallway leads south from the
coterie in one blast. The big risk is that one Futility Room. Its ceiling is low and it's
stick will set off other sticks when it detonates. impossible for more than a single person to
As you may have guessed, there used to walk down it at a time. Anyone who does can
be a third box of dynamite. There also used to feel the weight of the countless tons of dirt and
be an eighth member of the Sabbat on the rock above their head. As the hall continues,
premises. Both met the same fate (see "The the boards on the walls, ceiling and floor have
Crater" on Page 27). This was something of a been assembled with less and less care, until
setback for the pack, but on the plus side, the after a while they aren't nailed together
explosion did wake up Baron Iorgu. anymore, and then they start to grow further
But something more dangerous than and further apart, with raw mud between them
dynamite can be found here, too. For this This is just about where the floor
room is the lair of Miss Patience Grimaldi (see starts to get covered in trash. At first it's old
Page 63) paper sandwich wrappers and a nameless
bone or two. Then it's scraps and chunks of
Hallway Into Darkness every sort of random detritus, including such
oddments as ripped up family quilts, broken
tea kettles, shattered bits of a piano, sodden,
rotted doilies in a mass, eviscerated couch
cushions, human ribcages and the
monstrously deformed skulls of Baron Iorgu's
past experiments. By the time you reach the
end, the floor is made of mud and knee-deep
in junk. Which conceals the man-traps
Cruel and rusty iron contraptions
with jagged metal jaws, five or six of them lie
strewn at random under the trash. This is
why none of the Sabbat or their ghouls ever
use this entrance. A trap does only 2 damage,
but it holds you in place with a Strength of 7,
and every time you try and fail to overcome
its strength, the trapped victim takes another
Health Level of damage as the jaws snap back
shut on their injured limb, biting deeper and
deeper into their meat and bone.
If an intruding vampire gets
pinioned by a man-trap and can't get loose,
Baron Iorgu will come down the nearest
tunnel to have a look at his catch, his eyes
shining in the dark as he draws closer and
closer. He approaches slowly, partly from
caution but mostly because he wants to relish
their fear.
His ghouls limp and crawl and
shamble behind him, tittering in the gloom.
Like any good Tzimisce he will utter a cold
cruel witticism or two before his ghouls shoot
the trapped vampire full of bullets. Once the

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 39

gunshots have nearly incapacitated them, he warped and it bristles with splinters. But it
will move in and commit some crimes of makes little noise when you step on it. As
fashion on their face. He likes to use these though some fool laid the wooden planks
opportunities to chat with his victims, and directly onto the dirt (they did).
will take his time while he takes their beauty. Even with a lantern it's impossible to
see the whole length of the hall at once. It
Hall to the Basement Steps vanishes off into the darkness beyond the
reach of your light. But when you finally
come to the end, there is a creaky old door
on the left, open just a crack.

The Tunnels

Twisting and worming through the rocks and

clay, none of the tunnels are wide enough for
two or more kindred to walk abreast, and
they will have to be explored single file.
Like everything else in this house, this Although the Protean discipline might
hallway was constructed with a mixture of increase your options here. Two bats and a
over inflated grandiosity and pathetic wolf, for example, would fit quite nicely.
incompetence. It's absurdly long and They twist crazily in all three
ridiculously narrow, with a ceiling low dimensions, making it impossible to see very
enough to make you instinctively hunch. far even if you have a light. Because they
Only one person can fit down it at a time. wobble up and down so much, you can’t see
The walls, ceiling and even the floor far ahead or behind even if your eyes work in
are made of weathered, unpainted boards. As total blackness. Turning into a bat gives you
noted above, this is the worst possible choice no advantage here. It has the same effect on
for a basement. The wood has buckled and sonar.

40 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Lair of the Pain Master Other Lair of the Pain Master

Baron Iorgu, like all Tzimisce, must sleep in Sometimes Baron Iorgu decides he likes this
his native soil. He doesn't have a coffin, and room better, and brings his dirt and his slaves
instead heaps the dirt over himself. Little in with him. It's as big a mess as the other
crumbs of it keep getting lost and after a one.
hundred years of it trickling away he may
soon have a problem scraping enough soil
together for a good night's rest. The Glop Room
For security reasons, he likes to sleep
surrounded by his loyal ghouls. They hate
and dread him, of course. But they know
they have to protect him—who else is going to
put their faces back together? So they all lie
together, under the trash. His ghouls wrap
themselves in whatever scraps of cloth and
paper they can find and huddle up in a warm
heap. By now they can't smell the stink.
He is casual in his habits and not
especially fastidious. And his ghouls have
bigger worries than cleaning up after
themselves. So the room is knee deep in a
hundred years worth of accumulated trash.
This includes a disquieting number of
human bones, and the skulls of monstrous
deformed things that the Baron grew tired of.
On closer examination, these are also

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 41

The Party Room

Larger than Baron Iorgu's "Hall of Justice"

Not so much a room as it is a wide place this chamber has enough space for bigger,
in the tunnel. The ceiling is about six bloodier rituals. This where the pack goes
and a half feet high at its highest point. to let their hair down. There isn't enough
The floor slopes down toward the space for a Blood Feast, but the pack hasn't
middle. The dirt is looser here than it is actually performed one yet, and they'll cross
in most of the tunnels and ground water that bridge when they come to it.
drips down constantly from above. This You can tell at once that someone
has turned the room into a treacherous has been partying here. The earth is packed
morass of mud. Anyone who crosses it solid underfoot and it's saturated with rich
runs the risk of getting pulled down into dark blood. It's like walking on a giant
the sucking mire. The mud is more than scab.
six feet deep in the middle. A mortal Someone has dug pictures in the
could easily drown in it. And a vampire blood-crusted dirt of the walls. There are
could sink deep in the quagmire and fanged mouths and clawed hands and the
starve to death, like a mosquito stuck to a inverted ankhs that the Sabbat like so
length of flypaper. much, along with shapes that are harder to
Anyone larger than a second- make out. It doesn't look religious, exactly.
grader who crosses the floor will have to It’s more like a spontaneous expression of
pass both a Strength and a Dexterity test wild mad joy. Although for the Sabbat
at a Difficulty of 7, or get stuck in the these things aren't that different.

42 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Hall of Justice

Guilty, guilty, guilty! The sentence, on the other

hand, is always thoroughly unique.
Which brings us to the Maw. A gaping fleshy
mouth yawns wide in the middle of the dirt floor. It
only appears at certain times, and it's quite a shock
when it does. It's easily large enough to swallow a
person whole, as many a person has discovered.
The maw is Baron Iorgu’s favorite method of
The name is one of Baron Iorgu's little jokes. This punishment. If a malefactor is unlucky enough to face
is where he holds "trials" for disobedient ghouls his judgment while the maw is present, he will
and any mortals he feels especially peeved with. It gleefully sentence them to its sucking, grinding
is also where the Sabbat practice vaulderie and embrace. The results are always different, but always
other loathsome secret rituals. disgusting. Sometimes it merely devours them,
Iorgu has become their priest, as is fitting hurling up a fountain of blood and spitting out their
for a Tzimisce, and he officiates at their weird dark bones. But most of its meals are not so fortunate. It
rites. He doesn't mind them using his Hall of vomits them back up, gruesomely transformed. Some
Justice for their devotionals—in fact he likes not are inside-out or have no skin, but most have suffered
having to go upstairs yet more whimsical transfigurations. You'd be
The dirt floor is packed much harder in surprised how long some of them live. We leave the
this room than in most of the other chambers, and specific game effects to the merciful Storyteller's
the ceiling is higher. At nine feet, it's almost creativity. But we might suggest something like the
comfortable. The delicious metallic scent of blood effects of 4 dots in Vicissitude, applied liberally. As
is very strong in here. always in First Edition Vampire, we recommend that
The room has two major features. The if you have any traces of compassion left, that you
altar and the maw. The altar is very old. Baron check them at the door. But bring all your creativity.
Iorgu's former master brought it from the mother What is the Maw? Werewolves will tell you
country, wherever that is. It's made of dark wood that it is one of the ten-thousand rectums of the
with a convenient granite top (convenient because Wyrm, which illustrates why no one wants to listen to
blood won't soak into it), draped in purple them. I mean, would you take someone seriously if
cerements. Compartments inside hold votive they couldn't even spell the word "Worm"? In any
candles, jugs and funnels and saucers and rubber case the metaphor lacks.
tubing and all other paraphernalia that their Whatever it is, Baron Iorgu' s master
sacred rites require. brought it from the old lands, at the same time
Iorgu finds that it doubles very nicely as a as the altar. Did a Tzimisce of unthinkable
judge's bench. Here he holds court, and the verdict power sculpt it out of flesh in some bygone age?
is always the same. Or did they simply find it? Or summon it from
some grisly dark dimension? Baron Iorgu isn't
telling (because he doesn't know).

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 43

There’s no wrong way to have a blood-orgy in a house of pain!
—Baron Valentine Iorgu

Listen to Baron Iorgu. He knows what he is

talking about.
There are all kinds of extra-twists and
variations you can put on this material. We have
listed a few below.
The most important consideration if
you are introducing a plot complication is that if
you introduce more NPCs, the game will run
longer. Particularly if they are hostile NPCs
(since killing them will take more time than
flirting or bantering with them would).
We’ll start out by giving you some plot
nasty old van. They will attack the protagonists
complications you can use and then follow up
three times, once by trying to run them down as
with some notes on how to run this story for a
they depart, once at the first gas station the PCs try
PC Sabbat pack, or for a Werewolf or even a
to gas up at and one last time after they think they
Mage chronicle.
are finally safe, out on some silent stretch of freeway
between nowhere and no place, with high concrete
"But I don't want a blood-orgy! Let embankments on either side that make it
alone one in the House of Pain!" impossible to evade the attackers by driving off the
Well you've got one, so quit your whimpering. road.
Or to put it another way, this scenario was The enemy tactics will stress drama over
written for the PCs who choose to stay and fight. practicality. They will leap from car to car, try to
That's its function—to give the storyteller a fully land on the PCs' vehicle and rip their way inside.
fleshed-out place to have a fight with Sabbat Anyone with Protean will swoop down from above
when and if your PCs go on the offensive against in bat form and try to smash through the windows.
them. The single most common story for a first Make sure to use the gas station for all it's
edition chronicle (at least for most troupes) worth. Have some creepy oddball named Seymour
might be described as "there's been an incursion sitting behind the fly - speckled bulletproof glass in
on our turf! Let's go mount a counter-offensive!" the office. Make sure that at least one PC has to go
This book exists to give you a canned inside to pay him and let the Sabbat come
incursion/counter-offensive. screaming down out of the dark while the PCs are
But Players are an unpredictable bunch. If separated. Above all, don't miss the chance for at
the Troupe decides to run for it instead of making a least one member of the Sabbat to use a gas pump
stand, don't force or manipulate them into going to like a flamethrower, waving the nozzle around as it
the house. Players hate that. Instead the Sabbat gushes torrents of fire. Will this eventually result
attack them on the road. Use the same antagonists, in the whole gas station blowing up? I certainly
but have them drive a pair of muscle cars and a hope so.

44 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

A Revolting Development

Runch: "GNAAAH! Stoopid vampires! Bein' all blood-

guzzling an' crummy!"
“Hey, What About Fido?”
Shank: "Let's invite 'em to dinner!" If Werewolves show up on the property,
why doesn't Fido the ghoul-dog alert the
Melvin the Albino: "An' be generous with th' gravy! vampires inside the house long before
Heh heh!" they knock on the door? There are four
possible reasons.
All: "Bash them! Gnash them! Bite their heads! Make 1) The PCs may have already disabled or
them bleed and make them dead! Aroooooo!" killed him.
If the Storyteller would like to up the level of
2) He may in fact run into the house and
mayhem and carnage, then they can add the
to warn his masters, but they're in the
following optional plot twist.
thick of battle and pay no attention to
Just as the battle is really heating up, and
shrieks and snarls echo through the halls of the him.
House of Pain, there is a knock at the door. Not a
shy, polite, tentative knock—this one is the other 3) He may have panicked and hidden
kind. under the porch the moment he smelled
"Heh!" Calls a thick and scrofulous voice the werewolves. Man's best friend,
"Little pigs, little pigs, let us come in!"
Three obnoxious, drunken biker
Werewolves are at the door. But they won't stay on
the doorstep for long. It's just a coincidence, just 4) Or if the Storyteller is feeling
pure bad luck that tonight was the night they particularly cruel, the Werewolves caught
decided to go put the whomp on the Sabbat. him and ate him before he had a chance
The three uninvited guests are Runch, (the to warn anyone.
big loud snarly one), Shank (the lean, scarred-up,

Blood-Orgy in theAny one ofofthese

House Painexplanations should 45
work well enough to keep nitpicking
players and their nitpicking questions at
louder one) and Melvin the Albino, the biggest and As witless as an infant and as strong as
most terrible one of all. Shank and Runch both a grizzly bear, the thing is chained up in the
bellow and thunder when they talk, but Melvin's Lair of the Pain Master (see Page 41), where
voice is a low and dangerous purr. All three of them ghouls taunt it whenever they think the Baron
are in Crinos form and are wearing little vests isn’t looking. Alas, on the night when the PCs
with the image of a snarling wolf on the back and storm the House, the creature becomes so
the words "GET OF FENRIS" in elaborate alarmed by the sounds of violence that the
Gothic letters. brute snaps its chains. It goes lumbering up
These hairy brutes don't wait for a reply into the house, pitiful and homicidal, moaning
to their knock. Instead they break down the and smashing in a frenzy.
door and commence straight to rampaging. They It knows only one word, which contains
have brought their Harleys, walking them quietly only one letter: ”R.” The monster can pronounce
up the front steps ("so as not to spoil th' surprise , it long and sad “Rrrrrrr!” Or short and startled
you dig?") and they will ride them through the “Rrr!!!” Or loud and furious. “RRRR!” It has a
house, howling and snarling and walloping all soft spot for cute little things, but will often
and sundry. Just to make things interesting, smash them by mistake. It becomes angry
Runch has a special Gift, unique to him, whenever it accidentally smashes something it
thatallows him to ride his hog on the walls and likes. So angry that it smashes lots of other stuff.
the ceiling (see "Drive You Up th ' Wall?" on Page No one is safe from its rampages, it will
71).The Werewolves don't pick sides. They're attack Caramilla and Sabbat alike, as well as
strictly here for the mayhem. Although they're anyone else. This allows the Storyteller to
certainly not above stopping for a midnight snack suddenly change the momentum of the fight. If
if any their foes look especially tasty. one side has been winning too fast or too easily,
then it the creature attacks the other side first.
The Iorgu Monster If you don’t want to use the Iorgu
If you like, perhaps Baron Iorgu has been trying Monster, then it never existed, or it fell apart
to splice together corpses in the basement, out of immediately after being constructed or something
boredom. Alas, only one subject of his cruel like that. Should you choose to include it in your
splicery has regained any semblance of life. And stories, you can find stats for the poor hulking
that one is, frankly, nothing to be proud of. abomination on Page 74

46 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Aak! Too... Many... Vampires! 1) If there are only two thirds as many PCs as
antagonists, then no one but Baron Iorgu (see
Page 53), the Vampire Bros (see Page 57) and
Iorgu's ghouls are in the house when the PCs
show up. After they defeat the Vampire Bros,
the rest of the pack start coming home in ones
and twos over the next few hours, so that the
PCs always have a better than even chance
against them. Pull Baron Iorgu on them as a
grisly last-minute surprise.

2) Just as things start to look hopeless for the

Player Characters, three werewolves knock on
the door (see Page 71). These hairy-handed
troublemakers are here to smash up the house
and devour everyone inside. But they hit the
Sabbat harder than the PCs and they hit them
first (because there are more of them). This
takes out a lot of the opposition and gives the
PCs a fighting chance. Although they might
want to get out fast once their work is done--
those werewolves are still hungry.

What can you do if your Player Characters are 3) You could just cut way back on the number
of Sabbat and remove the Grimaldi Sisters. Or
outmatched by the Sabbat? We've tried hard to
give the PCs some allies. We have some
make it a fair fight. There are probably more comrades for them on Pages 65-70. If you let
vampires and ghouls on the Sabbat's team, but them bring in some extra vampires, don't let
none of them are hugely powerful and the PCs the PCs get sidelined from the main dramatic
have the element of surprise. action. Instead, let each Player control two or
more characters.
But what if you run the game the week
a major convention comes through town and
Alternate Beginnings
“Many paths, one ending.”
only three of your players show up? Or if you
just don't have a very big troupe?
There should always be a chance that But why be satisfied with the limited options
the Players will lose. Otherwise it's not really a for blood and mayhem that we’ve provided
game. But your troupe will tar and feather you you? There’s no reason why you have to use
if you push them into a scenario that they have this book as a standard Caramilla vs. Sabbat
fang-fest. Your Player Characters might be
barely any hope of winning. And then you'll
members of the Sabbat instead of the
spend your next five or so weekends playing Caramilla. Or they might not even be
collectable card games and picking feathers off vampires at all. On the following pages we
your scalp. Trust me, I know these things only offer tips and suggestions for how to use this
too well. story for a Sabbat chronicle, an Anarch
To save you from that grim fate, I Chronicle (which barely requires any changes)
suggest the following desperate maneuvers. a Werewolf chronicle and further options still.
Don’t be shy. We cater to all kinds here.

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 47

A Fun and Wacky Tale of the Sabbat

“A passion for destruction is also a creative sure to feel bad about yourself after playing
passion” them.
— Mikhail Bakunin The PC are pretty much limited to
their own resources during the battle. Baron
What if your Player Characters are a Sabbat Iorgu's ghouls answer only to him, the Baron
pack instead of a Caramilla coterie? You can will protect no one but himself and the
still use the house and the adventure, it just Grimaldi Sisters aren't here.
has a different opening. Alternatively, if you would rather
The PCs are here as the advance have the PCs assault the house than defend
wave of a Sabbat attack without much help it, then they're attacking the first and most
or support from the main organization. They obvious nest of the Caramilla that they can
suspect that they're here as much to test the find--the old Wigstrom house.
Caramilla's strength as they are to lead an This takes a little more work on the
actual invasion. So if they succeed, there will part of the Storyteller. Many of the individual
be a howling army of Sabbat fanatics to back room descriptions reference the members of
them up, soon. But if they fail there will be the Sabbat who live there. But these aren't so
no one to save them--their bishop will just hard to adapt. It's easy to imagine Quentin
shrug, write off the loss and attack some Abercrombie-Quebbideaux living in the
other town. Contessa's room or Marietta Moorcambe in
The house is the PCs' temporary base the Grimaldi Sisters' room. Perhaps Little
of operations. They have woken up Baron Eudora sleeps inside the piano?
Iorgu and are planning their next move when If this is how you intend to run the
a Caramilla coterie attacks--use the sample adventure, then it might be wise to consider
Caramilla characters from Pages 65 to 70 for what to do about Baron Iorgu. He's either
the antagonists, or make your own. still asleep, curled up inside the Maw, or he
Don’t use the pregenerated Sabbat tends his own affairs and the Caramilla avoid
characters at the end of this book as PCs. him in turn. Which makes him a potential
These characters were made to be villains and ally, or a neutral force to be avoided, depend-
some of them are so despicable that you’re ing on what kind of story you want to tell.
48 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain
If this is an Anarch Chronicle
“Liberate your mind and become a free
individual. Just like all of us.”
--Old Anarch Saying

The Sabbat is coming. You have seen the

signs (etc. See Page 7).
There is barely any difference
between a Caramilla coterie and an
Anarch group for the purposes of this
story. The Sabbat are taking over their turf
and the city's Baron can't or won't help.
Probably can't. Anarch barons tend to be
more altruistic than Caramilla princes,
but also less powerful. And in this case no
one has seen or heard from the Baron in
The assault on the Wigstrom
mansion proceeds the same way, but the
Storyteller can stress the fact that the PCs
have no backup and no reserves, no
cavalry will be coming for them. Of course
the cavalry won't be coming for Caramilla
vampires either--or at least not to help
them. But with Anarchs there simply is no

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 49

If this is a Werewolf Chronicle If This is a Wraith Chronicle

"Now it's over, I'm dead and I haven't done anything

that I want. Or I'm still alive and there's nothing I want
to do."
—They Might be Giants

This story becomes rather different when told

from the perspective of the dead. But then doesn't
every story? Motivating your players becomes
trickier here. Why, after all, would a pack of
wraiths even want to go beat up the Sabbat? The
answer is that those rotten old vampires are
defiling a perfectly nice haunted house with their
“If I don’t get some fresh bread soon, gonna punch in Or perhaps it's more complicated than
yer face, and bark at th’ moon!” that. The Wigstrom mansion is a house in pain.
—Ween Awful things were done here. The dead have
shocking tales to tell about Baron Iorgu's cruel
Not much changes if you run this as a reign over the house and its inhabitants (see Page
werewolf chronicle. Caramilla vampires will 19). He used the Wigstrom family savagely, for
want to fight the Sabbat as a matter of survival. generations, and then he slaughtered them all, for
Werewolves will want to fight them as a matter no reason but boredom.
of principle. Vampires will easily figure out Some things even the dead can never
where the Sabbat live, based on rumors and forget. Let alone forgive. None of the Wigstroms
their own knowledge. Werewolves will smell are powerful enough to affect the world of the
them living. But they can implore the PCs to help them
The biggest difference if you run this get revenge. And they can offer the PCs everything
adventure for Werewolves is that it won't take from their help to an artifact to crucial
nearly as long, since any decent sized pack will information as a reward. The whole family was
kick the Sabbat's asses halfway to the moon deeply immersed in the occult and they knew
before you can say "Ow-ow, arooooo!" many terrible secrets. Surely they have at least one
To make it more fun, have the Sabbat that the PCs would want.
creep under the floorboards and inside the As with most hauntings, the objective is to
walls, striking at the Werewolves from behind, chase the occupants out of the house, so that the
hitting, running and luring them down toward spirits of the dead can rest there peacefully. But if
the spooky tunnels in the basement. someone can manage to kill or permanently maim
Baron Iorgu, so much the better.

50 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

If this is a Mage Chronic;e A cabal of magi would have very different
reasons for attacking the Sabbat than the
Caramilla would. Perhaps the Mouth in the
basement is a node, leaking necromantic
quintessence out into our world. It attracts
creatures of death and spirits of Entropy,
which is why the house is full of vampires
who will have to be cleaned our before work
can properly begin on seizing and exploiting
the node.
A group of mages will have peculiar
strengths and odd weaknesses when dealing
with the Sabbat. A strong offense coupled
with a weak defense coupled with some really
weird additional powers. This will make the
fight even more chaotic and unpredictable
which in turn will tend to make it either too
short or too long.
If the fight runs too long, perhaps
the three werewolves break down the door
(see page 45) or the Iorgu Monster gets loose
(see page 46) and they quickly kill off a few
members of one team before getting killed
If the fight is over too quickly, you
can add an extra bit of adventure at the end.
Tell your players that the node comes with a
Mitzi 13: "My crypto-grammatic algorithms detect a Horizon Realm attached. Not a nice one,
causality knot in the continuum under-code. It's rich unfortunately. Indeed, creatures of shadow
with untapped Potentiality Quanta. Reading the 5- and spirits of gloom are likely to come
dimensional coordinates for its location now." slithering out of it at unpredictable intervals
unless they go over to the other side and
The Amazing Waldo: "Confound it, Mitzi, would you either detach the realm from reality or
please talk like a normal person? Are you trying to say radically change it.
you've found an anelexic anomaly of some sort? A place To make things simple, the horizon
where the Fifth Element leaks through from the realm on the far side of the bottomless pit is
Empyrean realms?" small and uncomplicated. It's about twelve
miles across. It has no name. Pitch black, no
Miss Grim: "What's Waldo talking about?" sun has ever pierced its unending dark. If
you were to shine a light around you would
Granny Blakke: "He means a place where the see a forest, burnt to ashes but still standing.
Earth Blood seeps up to the surface so a witch It only has five trees, which repeat over and
might drink deep of it, my love." over again, like the woods in a poorly
produced video game. The ground has been
Miss Grim: "Ugh! I wasn't asking you, I was asking charred to ash as well.
your cat. Still, that does sound like it might be It is easy to get lost thanks to the
important. Should we go steal it for our own before the darkness and the uninspired trees. Spirits of
Technocrats find it and make it all boring and gray?" Entropy wander here and there. Some are
hostile, some are too depressed to bother
All: "Oh, yes." with hostility. All are unpleasant. All are
prone to suddenly peeking out from behind
trees and scaring people.

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 51

If this is a Mummy Chronicle

His Highness, Sosostris the Third: "By the double-

plaited beard of Osiris! I rather think those vampires
have got ahold of the jars with my organs in them!"

Her Majesty, Nefru-Ptah: "Of all the damnable

cheek! Let's give those blighters a good shellacking!"

His Highness, Sosostris the Third: "Yes, by Ra, I

should think so. We'll see how cheeky those blood-
swilling bounders are once they've had one of my
To reward your players for braving the depths Special Thumps!"
of the horizon realm, let them stumble across
a Wonder in here. To keep it from Her Majesty, Nefru-Ptah: (Huskily): “I love it just
unbalancing your game we'll make it a awfully when you get like this. Let's make passionate,
periapt, full of quintessence but non- hot dry love the moment we get back."
The Crown of Ashes has lain here in the dust His Highness, Sosostris the Third: "To each other,
for eons. It's made of wood, badly burnt, and you mean? How novel."
so small that only a child could have worn it.
Or perhaps some inhuman creature the size Wow, somebody out there still plays Mummy,
of a child? The crown positively drips with the Shambling? That’s actually kind of great.
quintessence. It holds fifteen points. Let’s see what we can do for you.
Upon discovering the crown, the All right then, um... the Sabbat have
PCs have an interesting choice to make. The made off with the golden jars containing the
quintessence stored in the crown is enough Player Characters' organs and entrails. This does
to sever the gate to this realm and send it not inconveniences the PCs one jot. But it is
floating off past the Horizon like a lost nonetheless an act of such appalling disrespect
balloon. Whatever ghastliness is in there can that there can be only one punishment—a right
rot and starve forever. royal thumping!
Or would they rather take the Negotiating with the Sabbat for the
quintessence and run? They might decide to return of their viscera does no good. Curtis
forsake this node and make off with the Wayne Buckner will sense that the PCs are
crown. Fifteen quintessence can go a long foreigners and possibly Muslims, and will refuse
way in our world. to speak with them in any language but violence.
One solution works better for the The jars are in the basement. Fortunately
short term, the other for the long term. Both Giblets (see Page 64) has yet to discover what
require a trade-off and a sacrifice. Like most they contain.
decisions in a World of Darkness.

52 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

"I'm sure I'll kiss my share of frogs before my time is done.
The world is full of bastards and I've dated every one."
--Mary Prankster


Hey, if this is First Edition,
What's That Tzimisce
Doing Over There?

Well I promised you a House of Pain,

didn't I? And if I gave you one and
forgot to put a Tzimisce flesh-bender in
it somewhere, you'd form an angry
mob and storm my castle. And I don't
have time for that.

experience they can find. The things they

do in pursuit of these goals are indeed
monstrous, vile and obscene. But they
aren't motivated by malice or cruelty.
Perhaps Baron Iorgu is the
exception that proves this rule. His fellow
flesh-benders always thought him... a bit
much. And any mortal who encounters
him soon finds that their own definition
of cruelty is woefully inadequate to
describe him. He gets the faintest tickle
Monster, deviate, sickening freak. A somewhere in his cold black heart
Tzimisce gets called all these names—and whenever he sees another mortal realize
by their fellow monsters. This is unfair. this. It's the closest thing to pleasure he
Most Tzimisce are simply explorers of ever experiences.
their transhumanity, bending and warping
flesh and bone to see what new realms of
Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 53
Driven by this strange passion, he
mutates, carves, slices and warps people The Sabbat, for their part, think
not in the spirit of scientific curiosity, but he's a much more valuable prize than he
in the never-ending quest for that faint is. They expect him to make lumbering
tickle in his heart. Alas, he's never been war beasts and armored attack dogs and
very good at it. all the other marvelous mechanisms of
He can make fat and muscle run mayhem that the Tzimisce are known for.
like melting wax in his grip. He can poke He can't, but he's in no hurry to tell them
his fingers into a victim's face and feel this. Not while they're willing to suffer the
around until he's pulled their features into Final Death in order to protect him.
something that will make them beg for Who is Baron Iorgu? That's hard
death the first time they look in the to say. He's not really a Baron—his fellow
mirror. But he can't build clanking Tzimisce will tell you that. In fact it's the
murder-machines out of bones and rotten thing they find most objectionable about
flesh and rusty metal. Nor can he graft him. His accent sounds Romanian, but it
armored plates and buzz saw blades onto also sounds a little fake.
guard dogs, or swap heads between
people, or any of the other tricks a Clan: Tzimisce
Tzimisce loves best. His fellows say that it's
because he lacks sincere artistic passion. Generation: 11th
That some part of him knows that he's Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5
practicing his art for sick thrills instead of Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 2,
real enlightenment and that it will never Appearance 4
let him reach the higher levels of meat- Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
warpery. This ought to make him angry, Talents: Alertness 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 2,
he supposes. But instead it just makes him Intimidation 4, Style 2, Subterfuge 2
really depressed. Skills: Animal Ken 2, Drive 3, Crafts 3,
He had his loyal Wigstroms carry
Firearms 1, Melee 4, Stealth 4, Survival 3
him to the new world, in the hopes that a
change of scene would do his mood some Knowledges: Enigmas 3, Investigation 2,
good. And he'd heard somewhere that Linguistics 3 (knows Romanian, German,
people still had slaves there, which French and English), Occult 4, Sabbat Lore 1
sounded awfully convenient to him. Disciplines: Animalism 2, Auspex 2, Fortitude
For a while he dabbled in the 2, Vicissitude 3
Wigstroms' basement, while his servants Backgrounds: Resources 1, Retainers 5, Rituals
passed the time fouling their own genetic 2, Sabbat Status 3
pool. He made ghouls out of the ones who Virtues: Conviction 3, Instinct 3, Courage 5
weren't too inbred to function. The rest Path of Enlightenment: Path of Lilith 6
seldom even knew he was there, unless he
Willpower: 6
snatched them to use in his experiments.
One night fifty years ago, he grew so
bored that he killed everyone. But this
barely relieved his ennui and actually
made his depression worse. And so he
curled up in the dirt and the dark and
lapsed into a torpor.
A week ago the Sabbat woke him
up. War had come, they said. Time to
fight. And he supposes that war would at
least be something.

54 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain


For a Malkavian, Joy Bleeker isn't very funny. uttering mad prophecies. Sometimes the
She's as crazy as any of them, of course. But it's prophecies are true.
not so much a cheerful, wacky kind of crazy as it She may or may not have been able to
is a depressed, incoherent, vicious kind of crazy. warn her packmates that the PCs are coming. It
She isn't able to take care of herself and would all depends on how much of a challenge the
surely wander out into the sunlight or step in Storyteller wants to give their Troupe.
front of a truck if it weren't for the patient Where is Joy from? How long has she
guidance of her packmates. wandered the dark? No one knows, least of all
She hears voices, which constantly insult herself.
and taunt her, keeping up a never-ending stream
Clan: Malkavian antitribu
of foul abuse. She talks back to them, defending
herself from their never-ending accusations and Sire: Unknown
making counter threats, her voice alternating Nature: Enigma
between an angry mutter, a choking whisper and Demeanor: Loner
occasional ragged shriek. She's unaware that the Generation: 13th
voices come from inside her own mind. Indeed, Physical: Strength 3, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
she isn't capable of understanding that idea. Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 1
And of course some of the voices really Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
aren't coming from inside her head. Like all Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 3, Intimidation 1,
Malkavians, Joy is attuned to strange vibrations. Streetwise 2, Throwing 1
She can hear echoes from beyond, glimpse shadows Skills: Crafts 1, Melee 3, Stealth 3, Survival 2
cast by things outside reality. Strange insights come Knowledges: Occult 1, Sabbat Lore 1
to her and sometimes they aren't so much crazy as Disciplines: Auspex 3, Fortitude 2
they are terrifying. Backgrounds: Resources 1, Contacts 1
Often she's too depressed to do much of Virtues: Conscience 1, Self-Control 1, Courage 4
anything. Her packmates have to drag struggling Derangement: Paranoid Schizophrenic
victims up to her and put the mortals' wrists in her
Humanity: 3
mouth, in order to get her to feed. At other times
Willpower: 5
she wafts about the house hitting things and

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 55

CONTESSA VIOLET de SANG but no one is ever going to get to see her
performance. Unless it's in person, and then she
generally has to kill them afterwards, and won't
even live on in their memories.
It's also thoroughly annoying to have to do her
hair and makeup without being able to see herself
in a mirror. This means that she's generally in a foul
mood for the first few hours after she rises. The
taste of blood cheers her up considerably.
Violetta drops her persona when she hunts. Or
rather, she trades it in for a different persona. She
frequents dance clubs and cast parties for major
theatrical productions and charity fundraisers and
any other large gatherings where a pretty woman
can slip in and out of the crowd unnoticed. It
helps if people are drunk and there are private
corners one can slip off to. And there have to be a
lot of pretty young men for a gathering to interest
her in the first place. She dresses differently for
each scene, but is always chic and tasteful.
She has never managed to overcome her
passion for disco music, but keeps this to herself.

She is not, alas, a real Contessa. But she is a real

survivor. And one of the first things she learned
after her embrace was that an old vampire is a
feared vampire. Generation aside, anyone who
has survived the lethal politics of the Kindred for
four hundred years is not to be trifled with. So
she dresses like a renaissance noblewoman and
talks about the 16th Century as though she was
there. She's reasonably convincing and she knows
to slip out of the room when any real European Clan: Lasombra
nobility walk into it. Sire: Zarconi the Damned
Violetta Scarfo was in fact embraced in Nature: Bon Vivant
the mid 1970s, by a Lasombra Bishop who had a Demeanor: Architect
taste for Italian giallo actresses. While the world Generation: 11th
of Italian B-Movies is only slightly more cut Embrace: 1976
throat and Byzantine than the Sabbat, its grudges, Apparent Age: mid to late 20s
feuds and ruthless petty backstabbing left her well Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
prepared for her new role. Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Her master urged her to find a Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 4
distinctive look and style for herself. It was the Talents: Acting 3, Alertness 3, Empathy 2,
only way to stand out and get noticed. Then he Intimidation 4, Leadership 3, Subterfuge 3
got noticed, by a gang of teenaged vampire Skills: Etiquette 3, Melee 3, Stealth 4
hunters, who cut his head off, put a stake Knowledges: Linguistics 3 (speaks Italian, English,
through his heart and burned his body to ashes. German and French), Occult 1, Sabbat Lore 1
Still, it seemed like good advice. So she restyled Disciplines: Dominate 3, Obtenebration 2
herself as Contessa Violet de Sang and has been Backgrounds: Resources 2, Retainers 3, Sabbat
her ever since. Status 1
It is a source of never-ending irritation to Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 4,
Violetta that her image can't be recorded. She has Courage 2
been playing this role for nearly forty years, she Morality: Humanity 4
feels that she has gotten really, really good at it, Willpower: 6
56 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Best friends in life, best friends in death, vaulderie—hey, it's the just the way the ritual
Brandon Fleeber and Jordan Gluck stalk the works, it's not like they're into it or anything.
night together. In a totally non-gay kind of Left by themselves, either one of them
way, they both want you to know. Not that would likely just sit around watching Netflix.
there would be anything wrong with that, they But together they're constantly trying to
nervously add. But still, that's not the deal, impress each other and to outdo each other,
man. It's not like Louis and Lestat or each one trying to be more outrageous and
whatever. They don't even bite dudes. rude. This makes them very dangerous.
In a previous generation they would Capable of anything, in fact. And they were
have been Bill and Ted. In a different always like this. Well before the Contessa
previous generation they would have been Jay embraced them, they had already taken
and Silent Bob. In this one they're more like advantage of more than one drunk girl (they
Ian and Anthony. would like to assure us that there was nothing
Except for all the murders, of course. gay about doing this together). One night they
Neither one is exactly brilliant and neither of tried it on the wrong one and wound up her
them has a lot of self-control. As a result, hapless vampire slaves.
they're sloppy feeders and prone to killing Because of the vaulderie, they are no
their prey by accident. Especially if they're longer blood-bound to the Contessa, but
both slurping off her at once. This is why they they're still very impressed by her and copy her
joined the Sabbat. Here nobody cares whether in little ways. Which is why they dress like
or not some chick dies while they're macking they’ve just come back from a Renaissance
on her. And nobody thinks it's weird when fair.
they drink each other's blood during the

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 57

Clan: Lasombra
Sire: Contessa Violet de Sang
Nature: Child
Demeanor: Conformist
Generation: 12th
Embrace: 2017
Apparent Age: 22
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3,
Appearance 4
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
Talents: Acting 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 2,
Intimidation 1, Subterfuge 1
Skills: Melee 2, Stealth 1 The pack's resident Nosferatu, Mister Biggs is
Knowledges: Computer 1, Finance 1, Law easily the smartest member of the team. Also
Disciplines: Potence 3 the lowest ranking. He manages their finances,
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (mom and dad) with some care, and is constantly hunting up
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 2, every little source of revenue he can find for
Courage 2 them.
Morality: Humanity 3 He loves playing poker, it's his one real
Willpower: 3 weakness, but he's a good enough player that
he's turned that weakness into an asset. He has
BRANDON two weekly games with other Nosferatu and
Clan: Lasombra always brings in more in money and favors
Sire: Contessa Violet de Sang than he loses.
Nature: Child Some of his comrades mutter
Demeanor: Conformist contemptuously behind his back that he can
Generation: 12th hear a nickel hit the ground three blocks
Embrace: 2017 away. They are happy enough to spend the
Apparent Age: 22 funds he raises, of course, but no one wants to
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3 admit they care about the process of raising it.
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3, His seeming obsession with money makes
Appearance 4 Curtis Wayne Buckner, their ductas, wonder
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 2 aloud if he's a Jew. He isn't. He is however
Talents: Acting 1, Athletics 2, Brawl 2, black, (his full name is Lionel Rasheed Biggs)
Intimidation 1, Subterfuge 1 or at least he was before he became a
Skills: Melee 2, Stealth 1 Nosferatu, and he's anxious to conceal the fact
Knowledges: Computer 1, Finance 1, Law 1 from Curtis Wayne. It seems to Mister Biggs
Disciplines: Potence 3 that there will be trouble if the boss finds out.
Backgrounds: Allies 2 (mom and stepdad), They have shared blood together many times,
Resources 1 and Curtis Wayne would be horrified to
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 2, realize that his own blood has been
Courage 2 "contaminated" with a black person's. The fact
Morality: Humanity 3 that Mr. Biggs has concealed his origins will
Willpower: 3 surely make it worse.

58 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

So he's more than happy to be a lowly drudge Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 4,
who the others dismiss. In fact the less they Stamina 2
think about him, the better. Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 4,
Just to be on the safe side, Biggs Appearance 1
has hidden his sleeping places around the Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 3,
house in out of the way spots where no Wits 4
one else goes. There's one in the closet off Talents: Alertness 3, Dodge 3, Streetwise
the Ritual Room (see Page 30), one in the 3, Subterfuge 4
upstairs library and even one hidden Skills: Melee 2, Stealth 3
under the eaves in the attic. Knowledges: Bureaucracy 3, Finance 4,
Sabbat Lore 1
Clan: Nosferatu antitribu
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Obfuscate 3,
Sire: William Snively (aka “Count
Potence 1
Backgrounds: Contacts 3,Resources 2
Nature: Survivor
Virtues: Conscience 3, Willpower 3,
Demeanor: Plotter
Courage 1
Generation: 12th
Morality: Humanity 7
Embrace: 199
Willpower: 5
Apparent Age: ?

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 59


(see Page 56) so he never mistreats her. Nor

Leader of the pack, Curtis Wayne is not a does he ever tangle with the mysterious and
Lasombra but a Gangrel antitribu. He rose to frightening Baron Iorgu. In any case the
his current position by challenging and Baron doesn't take orders from Curtis
killing the old pack leader and he has Wayne, so he can't bungle them or fail to
ambitions of becoming a Bishop the same carry them out.
way. Born in the poorest part of the
This in fact how he solves most Ozarks to a family of criminals, Curtis
problems. Violence is his preferred method Wayne Fuchs grew up mostly outdoors. He
of interaction, with mortals, his fellow loved nature and wanted to be a part of it—
vampires and the universe in general. It appropriate for a boy who seemed more beast
comes as no surprise that he's prone to than human.
lashing out at his underlings over petty Even as a child he was violent and
frustrations. Only the bonds of the vaulderie impossible to reason with. His parents and
keep him from killing them outright when uncles despaired of making a proper thief out
they displease him. It's fortunate for him that of him, and brutalized him terribly. But while
he's the strongest, fiercest cainite in the pack, Curtis hated and rejected his family, he
or the others would have long since tired of unwittingly carried a lot of their attitudes
his antics and murdered him. with him into undeath. He has very definite
For the moment, mutiny seems ideas about race, for example, and about
unlikely. Everyone but Baron Iorgu and women and Jewish people and foreigners.
Contessa de Sang is scared to death of Curtis His racism and xenophobia are deeply
Wayne. And neither one of them is likely to entangled with his fears of the antediluvians.
do much about him. The Contessa has He was hitch hiking, robbing and
tricked him into thinking that she's much stabbing his way across the Midwest when
older and more powerful than she really is some Gangrels in a shabby old van picked
him up. They took a liking to him and
60 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain
decided to keep him around. That was in FIDO
1975 and he's been feasting on the blood of
the living ever since. Like a lot of Gangrels,
he doesn't care much about personal hygiene.
He doesn’t have body odor (his body no
longer produces it), but he's often covered in
dirt and old dry blood. His Bishop is a
fastidious creature who finds Curtis Wayne's
uncouth ways distasteful and may soon have
him replaced. But in the meantime, he's your
Clan: Gangrel antitribu
Sire: Bulldog Maccreavy (and friends)
Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Judge
Generation: 11th
Embrace: 1975
Apparent Age: mid 20’s
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3 A mangy brute with matted fur that's falling out,
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, Fido is no particular breed of dog. Whatever his
Appearance 2 ancestors were, they were big, with short floppy
ears and thick black fur and short, heavy snouts.
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 2
His face is scarred, his skin is pocked with
Talents: Alertness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, lesions, his breathing is labored and his guts are
Intimidation 4, Leadership 1, Subterfuge 1 full of worms.
Skills: Animal Ken 2, Drive 1, Firearms Someone has not been caring for this
2, Melee 4, Stealth 4, Survival 4 poor beast properly at all. But as a dog/ghoul,
Knowledges: None! He can’t even read. Fido is loyal unto death regardless. Willing to
Disciplines: Animalism 2, Protean 2, Potence die and certainly willing to kill, he will not
3, Celerity 2 surrender or flee no matter how badly he is hurt
Backgrounds: Herd 3, Sabbat Status 2 or what the odds are against him. He does not
care for the taste of man, but he has eaten more
Virtues: Conviction 2, Instinct 4, Courage 4
than one and would gladly do so again for his
Morality: Path of Caine 7 beloved masters.
Willpower: 4 There is something odd, unnatural and
un-doglike about Fido. He does not bark and
The Ghouls does not exactly growl. Instead he makes a
faint, low sigh, and slavers wetly, ropes of
In addition to the six Sabbat vampires in the slobber dangling from his maw and steaming in
house, there are six ghouls (technically two of the frigid air.
them are revenants, but let’s not get too hung
up on the terminology).
It’s unusual for the Sabbat to have so Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
many ghouls on hand—they usually scorn the Social: Not applicable
practice of creating mortal servitors. In this case Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 1, Wits 3
two of the ghouls are members of a revenant Talents: Alertness 3, Athletics 2, Brawl 4,
family that has served the Sabbat for centuries Dodge 3, Empathy 1, Intimidation 4
and three of them are a Tzimisce’s playthings. Skills: Stealth 2
The sixth one is a dog. Because he is so loyal, Disciplines: Potence 2
the pack have named him “Fido.” Willpower: 6
Blood Pool: 4
Attack: Bite/5 dice, Claw/3 dice

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 61

PRUDENCE GRIMALDI cousins or siblings. They're sort of all of them
at once. This too is typically Grimaldi.
Prudence gleefully serves the masters,
doing whatever foul depraved things they
need, and protecting their lair in the daytime,
while they sleep. She takes this last part of
the job very seriously and approaches it with
homicidal zeal. She has served in this role for
forty years and isn't about to wreck her
perfect record now.
In fact she has such a good reputation
as a useful and devoted servant that Baron
Iorgu hasn't disfigured her even slightly.
Technically she is here as the Contessa's
maid, but really she serves the whole pack and
will take orders from any of them.
Giggly and playful, fully committed to
her role as a demented schoolgirl, Prudence is
also an implacable foe. She's not incapable of
sympathy or remorse, but she won't show you
any of either. Nor will she surrender. Nor will
she let you surrender.
The Grimaldi family have been the Kindred's
loyal servants for untold centuries. They're
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 3
bred for it. Not strictly ghouls, they are
Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 1,
something slightly worse. After countless
Appearance 2
generations of selective inbreeding and
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
ghoulery, they have come to produce a thin,
Talents: Alertness, Athletics 2, Brawl 4,
watery vitae within their own veins. In
Dodge 3, Intimidation 3
consequence they live four times as long as a
Skills: Etiquette 1, Melee 4, Stealth 3
normal human being and have powers
Knowledges: Occult 2, Sabbat Lore 1
unknown to mere mortal men.
Disciplines: Fortitude 2, Potence 3
As with all things, there is a price.
Willpower: 7
Their dietary habits tend toward the
Blood Pool: 10
unconventional, as do their private
hobbies. The most deformed and depraved
ones they keep locked away in their
crumbling mansions. Prudence isn't quite one
of those.
A strange, pale little schoolgirl, she
might be eleven and she might be thirty-five.
It's hard to tell. She looks shy and bookish, or
she would if it weren't for her maniacal grin.
Like most Grimaldi, she is insane. Like many,
she has a ravenous hunger for raw meat,
preferably human and absolutely fresh.
Her family tree is so hopelessly
twisted that she could not tell you the
difference between her parents, uncles, aunts,

62 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

PATIENCE GRIMALDI particularly likes to hide behind half-open
doors, and then chop the prey in the back when
they step through. This works a lot better when
she is able to restrain herself from growling.
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1,
Appearance 1
Mental: Perception 4, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
Talents: Brawling 4, Intimidation 4
Skills: Melee 4, Stealth 2
Knowledges: None
Disciplines: Fortitude 4, Potence 4
Willpower: 4
Blood Pool: 10


Patience is the kind of Grimaldi that the family

would normally keep on a leash in the
basement. She is not as decorous as her sister A horribly mutilated ghoul, Stan has had his
Prudence. Her hair is unwashed, her skin has limbs bent into such unnatural angles that he
lesions and the less said about her teeth, the cannot walk upright, and has to scuttle along
better. Her conversation is limited to growls the floor like a crab.
and shrieks. Like most Tzimisce, Baron Iorgu can't
But while the two sisters are different in blood bond his ghouls, and instead relies on
many ways, they share a love of meat, raw and blackmail to ensure their loyalty. To be more
fresh. Alas, Patience lacks her sister's self specific, he twists them like balloon animals
control when it comes to her dining habits, and into funny new shapes an promises them that
sometimes has to be restrained. he’ll reverse what he’s done if they serve him
Right now she is confined to the loyally, or bend them into worse things if they
basement, as a punishment for hacking up and refuse. Stan is an example, an object lesson in
devouring one of her fellow ghouls. She resents how far the boss is willing to go. Screw up one
this bitterly, but knows that if she goes back too many times, and you could be Twisted Stan.
upstairs her sister will yell at her. This is the
one thing Patience fears—her sister's Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 1, Stamina 1
disapproval. Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 2,
The scent of fresh flesh in the house (or Appearance 1
even the stale flesh of vampires) may be enough Mental: Perception 1, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
to overcome her fragile self-restraint and send Talents: Brawl 1, Empathy 3, Intimidation 1
her scampering up from the depths before Skills: Repair 1, Stealth 1
Prudence gets to eat all the best bits. Knowledges: Bureaucracy 1, Finance 1, Law 3
She's a surprisingly cunning foe, prone Disciplines: Potence 1
to sneaking up on her prey or popping out Willpower: 2
suddenly from unexpected directions. She Blood Pool: 3

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 63

Talents: Athletics 1, Brawl 1, Empathy 4,
GARY THE GHOUL Intimidation 1, Leadership 2, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 2
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 3, Finance 1,
Law 1
Disciplines: Potence 1
Willpower: 4
Blood Pool: 4


Gary can barely see, after being subjected to a

few of Baron Iorgu's little jokes. He used to be
extraordinarily handsome—a trait he used to his
advantage as a realtor. The Vampire Bros got
sick of seeing his smug face on For Sale signs
and thought it might be amusing to introduce
him to the Baron.
Gary serves his master out of fear and
out of a faint, desperate hope that Baron Iorgu
might put his face back the way it was. The
Baron has in fact promised to eventually do that This ghoul was once a hapless wino. His
very thing, but Gary can tell that he's lying –you alcoholism has deserted him, but it has been
don't get far in the real estate game without replaced with an even less socially acceptable
learning how to detect a falsehood. Still, any craving. He hungers for the organ meats of
hope is better than none. men. He calls these "th' giblets" and is forever
Gary is strongly tempted to run home repeating the words in a plaintive keening wail.
and stare through the windows at his wife and In fact it's about all he says, or at least the only
kids. But Baron Iorgu keeps him much too busy thing that anyone can understand. If he thinks
and in any case disapproves of ghouls who do that giblets are near, he'll start saying it faster,
things under their own initiative. If Gary ever louder and a good deal more cheerfully.
Giblets has a soft spot for flowers and
succumbed to this urge he would find that his
puppies and children's storybooks. He can't
wife, son and daughter seem oddly happy and
read, so if he comes across a picture book he'll
untroubled. It's as though they barely miss him hand it to someone else and try to sit on their
at all. lap while they read it to him. You don't want
him to sit on your lap. He smells like—actually
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 our language seems to lack adequate metaphors
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 3, to describe how bad he smells. Instead, pick an
Appearance 1 adjective, any one you like. He smells worse
Mental: Perception 1, Intelligence 2, Wits 3 than that.

64 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Baron Iorgu finds his babbling and his threats and curses and cynical observations. The
stench indecorous, and sometimes lashes out at first time you hear one quote the darkest
Giblets for no obvious reason, giving him some passages in Baudelaire, you can be forgiven for
painful new deformity. For this reason Giblets wanting to leap out the nearest window and run
tries to stay out of his sight, which he mostly screaming. And it's worse yet when they laugh.
does by creeping around behind the Eudora knows this, delights in it and
Baron. This never works. plays it to the hilt. Despite her appearance, she's
Why Baron Iorgu lets him answer the the oldest Kindred in this coterie, turned way
phone remains a mystery. back during the Summer of Love by a hippie
vampire cult.
By now she knows all the tricks.
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2
Weeping and pretending to be scared in order
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, to lure her prey. Asking her victims if they'd like
Appearance 1 to come play with her dolly, while blood trickles
Mental: Perception 1, Intelligence 1, Wits 1 down her chin. Most of all she likes the one
Talents: Alertness 1, Brawl 1, Dodge 1, where you act sweet, innocent and bewildered
Streetwise 2 and then turn suddenly scary, adult and cruel.
Skills: Stealth 1, Survival 2 It helps if you drop in a really bad obscenity.
Knowledges: None. Although she'd never admit it, she
Disciplines: Potence 1 really does like to play with dolls. In fact she's
Willpower: 1 kind of an expert on Barbie, and frequently
Blood Pool: 4 posts on Internet forums for collectors. She's
even posted YouTube videos of stop-motion
movies she makes with her dolls, although she
Aak! Not Enough worries that they may look too polished to be
Vampires! the work of a child.
In case the PCs need to beef up their team, we Clan: Catiff (the Sunshine Family Bloodline)
have stats and descriptions for some local Sire: Sir Doctor Mister Sunshine Groovy
Caramilla who might be willing to join them in Nature: Plotter
their assault on the Sabbat. You can also use Demeanor: Child
them as pregenerated characters for any players Generation: 1th
who don't have the time or the inclination to Embrace: 1969
build characters themselves. They also make Apparent Age: 8
handy replacements for characters who get Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3, Stamina 2
killed during the course of the festivities. Social: Charisma 5, Manipulation 3,
Appearance 2
LITTLE EUDORA Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 2
Talents: Alertness 2, Brawl 1, Dodge 4,
Empathy 3, Leadership 2
Skills: Stealth 4, Subterfuge 2
Knowledges: Occult 3
Disciplines: Dominate 3, Obfuscate 2
Backgrounds: Fame 1 (among people who
watch online stop-motion videos about dolls),
Retainers 1
All vampires are scary. But vampire children are Virtues: Conscience 2, Self Control 3,
especially unnerving, even to other vampires. Courage 2
The way they speak is particularly unsettling, Morality: Humanity 5
with their high, piping voices spitting out Willpower: 5

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 65

SUZIE DARK twenty-seven, but she has long since stopped
trying to use it) she haunts parks and rest
homes. Her favorite trick is to present herself
as the forgotten grandchild of some poor old
person with dementia. Sometimes she talks
to them for hours before she feeds.
It's tough to avoid killing people who
are already that frail, but she does her
best. She doesn't think any of her victims
have actually died. But she also tries hard not
to find out, because if one did she'd feel awful
and there wouldn't be anything she could do
about it.
Suzie would have an easier time
hunting adolescents at slumber parties, but
she is highly averse to hurting or scaring kids.
She knows what it feels like to be child who
gets attacked by a vampire and she wouldn't
want to inflict the experience on anyone.

Clan: Catiff (the Sunshine Family Bloodline)

Sire: Little Eudora
Nature: Caregiver
Demeanor: Enigma
Generation: 12th
When she was twelve, Suzie used to worry Embrace: 2001
about what she would be when she grew up. Apparent Age: 12
But then, that Halloween, she answered the
Physical: Strength 2, Dexterity 3,
door for a child in a vampire costume, who
said she had come for both a trick and a treat. Stamina 3
It wasn't a costume, as it turned out. And Social: Charisma 3, Manipulation 1,
now Suzie no longer has to worry about Appearance 2
growing up. Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 4,
She is a creature forever betwixt and Wits 3
between. Neither adult nor child. Neither Talents: Brawling 1, Dodge 3, Empathy 4,
alive nor dead. She jokes that she is doomed Leadership 2
to live in a Judy Blume novel forever. If that Skills: Melee 1, Stealth 4, Subterfuge 3
really is a joke. She's always so solemn that Knowledges: Occult 1, Security 1
it's hard to tell.
Disciplines: Dominate 3, Obfuscate 2
Guarded and calculating, she gives
little away. And because she's smaller and Backgrounds: Fame 1 (among patients in the
weaker than most other vampires, she has local retirement homes), Herd 4
become adept at making deals with them. Virtues: Conscience 3, Self Control 3,
Debbie From HR feels some grudging respect Courage 2
for her poker face and her ruthless Morality: Humanity 8
negotiating. But if Debbie knew her better, Willpower: 5
she would feel differently.
Because Suzie can't get into bars or
dance clubs (her birth certificate says she's

66 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Debbie From HR It was often distasteful work, and it
filled her with contempt for the weak and the
old. The way they snivel and beg and make
things difficult with their tears and outbursts.
It never occurred to her that one day she
would be weak and old herself. And now, she
never will be.
For the third-largest water bed
distributor in the upper Midwest was owned
by a vampire of the storied Ventrue clan, who
liked what he saw in Debbie Payne. She
seemed like real vampire material. After a
brief in-person meeting with the boss and a
sparsely attended funeral, she was ready to
join the team.
No one in the Caramilla hierarchy
trusts Debbie enough to actually use her as a
spy. But if they were to ask her, she would
certainly do it. Or do anything, for that
matter. Anything at all.
Like a proper yuppie Venture, Debbie
can only gain nourishment from the blood of
losers, by which we mean anyone who makes
A yuppie vampiress with a nauseatingly
cheerful, upbeat attitude, Debbie Payne was less money than she did while she was alive
scary and blank even before she joined the ($70,000, but adjust for inflation).
ranks of the undead. She still speaks in vague Clan: Ventrue
platitudes and meaningless corporate jargon. Sire: Chad Kempthorne
And she's as determined to advance up the
Nature: Conformist
ladder as ever.
Debbie is widely thought to be Demeanor: Conniver
keeping an eye on things for the higher-ups, Generation: 12th
spying on her comrades and passing her Embrace: 2008
observations up the chain of command. This Apparent Age: 35
is why she gets called "Debbie From HR" Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 4
rather than, for example, "Debbie From Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 4,
Marketing" or "Debbie From Accounting". Appearance 2
She relishes her nickname and Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
reputation. It makes the others fear her, and Talents: Brawling 3, Dodge 2, Intimidation 3,
it's as good to feared in this context as it was
Leadership 3
back in the corporate world.
Coincidentally enough, she really was Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 1, Melee 3,
an HR consultant before she died and rose Stealth 1
from her grave. For the most part Debbie Knowledges: Bureaucracy 4, Finance 3,
worked for mattress and waterbed Law 1
distributors, advising them on creating Disciplines: Dominate 2, Presence 3
workplace efficiency (by laying people Backgrounds: Herd 3, Resources 1, Status (in
off). She was one of the hired guns they'd the Caramilla) 1
bring in to get rid of older and lower- Virtues: Conscience 1, Self Control 3,
performing employees during reorganizations,
Courage 3
to save their bosses the awkwardness of doing
it themselves. Morality: Humanity 4
Willpower: 6

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 67

MARIETTA MOORCAMBE (aka She taunts her prey and brawls with
The Girl Without the Dragon Tattoo) them and chases them through parking lots
and alleys and silent streets. She loves it
when they run. Then she leaves them
bloody and weeping on the ground, so
drained of life that they don't even have the
strength to go beat up any hookers
afterwards. And then she hits the clubs and
dances until the dawn draws near.
No, she's not taking revenge. No,
she was not abused herself. It's just more
fun to land a fish that struggles on the
hook. She does not bother to tell her
victims to stop hitting women. They won't,
and anyway she wants there to be
misogynists to hunt.
She was a grad student when she
got Embraced. She had a thousand
anxieties in those days. Her thesis, her
asthma, her famous father who never
approved of anything she wrote. The
existence of indiscriminate evil in the
world. But now she's a part of that evil, and
her anxieties have vanished to wherever her
Miss Moorcambe absolutely loves being a asthma went. Dying was the best thing that
vampire. She loves the hunting and the ever happened to her
feasting and the way the prey squeals and
Clan: Brujah
shudders in her grip. A Brujah through and
Sire: Myra Savage
through, she is far less angry and rebellious
Nature: Bon Vivant
than most of them. Cheerful, energetic and
Demeanor: Judge
violent, she's too savage to be cruel, too
Generation: 12th
happy to be vengeful and having way too
Embrace: 2015
much fun to waste time complaining about
Apparent Age: 25
the way the Caramilla runs things.
Physical: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Big, tough, dangerous guys are her
Social: Charisma 2, Manipulation 3,
preferred victims, since it's way more fun to
Appearance 3
hunt prey that will put up a fight. Too
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 1
many guys get all tentative about hitting
Talents: Alertness 2, Athletics 3, Brawling 4,
women, but she has ways of finding
Dodge 4, Intimidation 3, Stealth 4
misogynistic brutes who actually prefer it.
Skills: Melee 4, Stealth 3
She knows the location of a women's
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 1, Computers 1,
shelter or two and she'll hang out under the
Etiquette 1
windows in the dark, whispering "tell me
Disciplines: Celerity 4, Potence 3
his name" until someone does. She knows
Backgrounds: Allies 3 (women she has
the addresses of the meanest fraternities
helped or rescued)
and shows up on the edges of their parties,
Virtues: Conscience 2, Self-Control 3,
long after midnight. She knows a few clubs
Bravery 4
where predators prowl for drunk girls. It's
Morality: Humanity 5
not as hard to find men who hate women Willpower: 6
as you think.
68 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain
QUENTIN ABERCROMBIE- "Geurnica", finding it to be the very perfection
QUEBBIDEAUX, Esq of the hideous.
His esthetic malady should not trouble
him on tonight's adventure, since everything he
is going to see is so ugly and dull. Even the
twisted ghouls who scuttle through the tunnels
beneath the house will seem tiresome and
uninspired in their grotesquery.
He is more lost than ever in the
Illusory online world of the 21st century. In
1995 an eager young vampire tried to explain a
floppy disk to him, and he grew so bored and
depressed that he slept for the next ten
years. This is about where his understanding of
communications technology remains today.
Mention Snapchat to him and he'll groan that
he doesn't want to hear about those disks
Dressing like an 18th Century fop is
no way to be inconspicuous. So Quentin has
been persuaded to update his look, at least to
the mid 90s. There is something tres Backstreet
Boys about his current ensemble. Still,
someone with his looks can make any outfit
seem chic. And no one objects to the amount
of skin it shows
The world is so boring, he finds. A pointless
mouthful of dust and ashes. It insists that you
do things. Who would ever want to do things?
Quentin is either the oldest member of
the coterie, or the youngest, or not a member at
all, depending on how you slice things. He was
embraced in the 18th Century, but has spent
most of the intervening years in torpor, after
one or another fit of ennui. Sometimes he
wakes up to see if the world has become
interesting. But it never has. In fact it just gets
louder, more annoying and more
incomprehensible. He has only been awake for
two years in total, and seldom for more than a
few weeks at a time. He isn't really a member of
the coterie. But Little Eudora had heard than
an ancient vampire slept somewhere under the
city's opera house and woke him, thinking that
he would make a good ally against the Sabbat.
That's debatable, although he is hot enough
that no one minds having him, his cheekbones
or his abs around.
Why did he join their cause? It's
Clan: Toreador
because he's desperately averse to conflict and
Sire: Lord Alistair Bludde
can never make himself say no to anyone.
A Toreador, Quentin often gets so Nature: Traditionalist
caught up in a work of beauty that he stands Demeanor: Gallant
there contemplating it for hours. Indeed, he
once stood for a week in front of Picasso's
Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 69
Generation: 10th (but has spent most of his a tough Cockney. It's mostly an act. He was
undeath in Torpor and hence is no stronger never an actual street thug—he sold discount
than a 12th Generation Vampire) furniture before his Embrace. But he's certainly
Embrace: 1785 dangerous enough now.
Apparent Age: 25 Morty is eager to prove himself and
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 2, Stamina 2 worries that the other members of the coterie
Social: Charisma 4, Manipulation 1, think he's not as fierce as he pretends. He's the
Appearance 5 most likely member of the group to initiate
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 2 Wits 2 violence and the last one you want to send in to
Talents: Acting 2, Brawling 1 negotiate.
Skills: Melee 1, Style 3 It's hardly surprising that he's trying so
Knowledges: Etiquette 5, Occult 2 hard to gain everyone's respect. He's the
Disciplines: Obfuscate 2, Presence 4 youngest member of their coterie, embraced in
Backgrounds: Resources 3, Status (within the 2002 and he's also a fish out of water.
Caramilla) 2 And there's another reason. Last year
Virtues: Conscience 3, Self Control 2, Bravery 2 the Sabbat moved into the Shadwell Gardens
Morality: Humanity 7 neighborhood of London, where Morty lived
Willpower: 4 and hunted. He had no choice but to flee, or so
he tells himself. He asked his Prince if he
MORTIMER CRUTCHLEYBONE, might have a new territory now that he had
AKA: MORTY THE VAMPIRE been forced out of his old one. The Prince was
so annoyed by this request that he assigned
Morty to a territory far, far away, on the other
side of the Atlantic Ocean. Which is how he
came to join his present coterie. He truly hopes
that no one knows he ran away or that he got
sent here as a punishment.
Clan: Gangrel
Sire: Raggedy Jim
Nature: Survivor
Demeanor: Bravo
Generation: 12th
Embrace: 2010
Apparent Age: 38
Physical: Strength 4, Dexterity 3, Stamina 4
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 3,
Appearance 2
Mental: Perception 3, Intelligence 2, Wits 3
Talents: Brawling 2, Dodge 3, Subterfuge 3
Skills: Drive 3, Melee 2, Repair 1, Security 1,
Stealth 2
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2
Disciplines: Animalism 1, Protean 4
Morty the Vampire is a native of east London, as Backgrounds: Resources 1
you can tell the moment he speaks. And he's Virtues: Conscience 2, Self Control 2, Bravery 3
glad you can tell. He loves to pose and strut and Morality: Humanity 6
let everyone know he's Willpower: 4

70 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Three Werewolves
A New Gift:
Drive Me Up th’ Wall
This Gift has only ever been discovered once,
in the entire history of the Garou. Raunch is
the only werewolf (so far as anyone knows)
who has ever acquired it. He does not know
how or why he developed this Gift. Nor does
he care. His packmates regard it as silly and
embarrassing, and a bit suspect, too. It
smacks too much of an affinity for
technology, and hence for the Wyrm.
The gift allows Runch to ride his
motorcycle on the walls and ceiling. It costs
one Rage point per scene. Once he spends
the point, he can drive around as much as he
wants at any speed on the walls or ceiling,
until the Storyteller declares the scene over.
The dumbest and most unreasonably Runch can use any motorcycle, but only
violent of the three werewolves, which is motorcycles. He cannot, for example, drive a
really saying something. You can always
golf cart or a segue up the wall—he has tried
count on him to lead the charge,
both and both attempts ended in disaster.
whooping and howling with glee, no
matter how suicidal the odds. He hasn't tried mopeds or bicycles or
Runch has a floppy ear, injured in a powered unicycles, but they would not work
pointless brawl he no longer remembers much either.
about. Other werewolves tease him about how The Gift only works while he is actually in
silly his ear looks, but he never gets mad about motion. He cannot park or idle on a wall or
it. For he is a cheerful monster, jovial and fun- ceiling.
loving. Of course his idea of fun does include While his bike leaves big black tire marks
putting the whomp on jerks and then urinating on whatever surface it passes over, it does not
on them while they lie bleeding and groaning
actually damage any walls or ceilings Indeed,
on the ground. But to him this is just rough
play. He has no desire to be anyone's leader or he can ride on surfaces that should never be
to avenge insults or indeed to do anything but able to bear his weight, without hurting them
drink beer, whomp jerks, court th' ladies and at all.
bark at the moon. And to feel the wind in his
fur, of course. He's supposes that's the best part with a lot of scars and a dangerous grin. What
of all, rumbling down the freeway in the dead was his name before it was Runch? The truth is
of night with your tongue hanging out, tasting that he didn't have one. He's what the Garou
the wind. call a "lupine". Which is to say that he's not a
If someone gets the better of Runch in man who can turn into a wolf, but a wolf who
a fight he laughs it off. Maybe he'll get the has learned how to turn more or less into a
better of them tomorrow night. And it's no fun man. Which shocks no one who has made his
stomping around all mad about stuff. acquaintance. He's clearly more beast than man-
In human form he's a biker of the -that's the first thing you notice about him.
classic mold. Overweight, dirty and bearded,

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 71

No one knows how he acquired his Indeed he's gnawing on some animal's bone
amazing Gift. It's unique--no other werewolf has right as he arrives at the door.
it. He shrugs off questions, for he neither knows The only thing Shank likes anywhere
nor cares himself. But he certainly does enjoy near as much as eating is drinking and he is
using it. presently the drunkest of the three. But while he
can barely stand, the thought of all the meat
Breed: Homid inside that house drives him onward. He's never
Tribe: Get of Fenris eaten him no vampires before and he's slavering
at the thought. He is also the only werewolf on
Sept: Skull-Eaters
the team who is likely to get distracted by
Auspice: Ahroun
the bag of dog food in the kitchen (see Page 25).
Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 2, Stamina 5, You might think he would be bitterly
Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1, disappointed when he finds out that they taste
Perception 2, Intelligence 1, wits 1 like plain old man-flesh, but stale. Even their
Abilities: Alertness 2, Athletics 4, Brawling 4 ghouls taste a bit off. Fortunately he's too drunk
(Claw), Dodge 2, Drive (motorcycle) 4, to tell the difference. His voice is a slurry,
Intimidation 2, Melee 3, Primal Urge 2, Stealth snarling bellow, not quite as loud as Runch, but
1, Streetwise 2 fiercer and hungrier.
Backgrounds: Allies 2 How does he stay so thin? It's a mystery
Gifts: Drive Me up the Wall, Razor Claws, to everyone. And his hunger is even more
Resist Pain, Scent of Man, Spirit of the Fray obvious when he's in human form. A bony,
Rank: 0 stoop-shouldered, wretch with a ravenous gaze
Renown: None and a beard like a waterfall, everyone assumes he
Rage 6, Gnosis 2, Willpower 2 must be a meth-head because he's so deplorably
lean. But he's not. In fact there's no clear
SHANK explanation as to why he's so thin.
Shank has eight lean and hungry
children from various mothers scattered across
the country. You might expect him to be an
irresponsible absentee dad, but in fact he sends
every one of them money every week, and
delicious, succulent hams for their birthdays. Or
even steaks, sometimes.

Breed: Homid
Tribe: Get of Fenris
Sept: Skull-Eaters
Auspice: Ahroun
Attributes: Strength 5, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4,
Charisma 3, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1,
Perception 4, Intelligence 2, Wits 2
Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 4, Brawling 4
(Bite), Dodge 3, Drive (motorcycle) 3,
Intimidation 3, Melee 3, Primal Urge 3, Stealth
4, Streetwise 2, Survival 3
Backgrounds: Allies 2, Kinfolk 5
Gifts: Razor Claws, Resist Pain, Scent of Man,
Snarl of the Predator
Rank: 0
Shank is the hungriest of the three werewolves, Renown: None
and the leanest. He's forever stuffing his face Rage 5, Gnosis 2, Willpower 3
with any and all meat he can lay his paws on.

72 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

MELVIN THE ALBINO challenge and that he's lieutenant now.
She won't like this, and is sure
to find some reason in her stupid Book
of Wolf Laws to keep him from getting
the spot. But that's okay. She'll lose so
much face doing it that when her
challenges her second-in command, she
won't be in a position to order him not
to do it. That dude has a crippled hind
paw and Melvin knows he can take him.
And then he’ll be one pounce away
from being leader of the pack. Maybe a
little poison would help ease her out his
way to the top.
There will be trouble with the
higher-ups if he poisons his boss, but
he'll deal with that when it comes. Hey,
maybe he'll get to eat them, too!
This evil plan won't work. In
fact his pack leader is politically savvy
enough to appoint him lieutenant the
moment he wins the first fight. And
once he's her lieutenant, she can pounce
on Melvin and gobble him up without
any loss of face on her part. Won’t he
look surprised! Or at least his skull will,
The largest, cleverest and by far the worst mounted on the handlebars of her bike.
of the three werewolves at the door is
Melvin the Albino. His fur is snowy white, Breed: Homid
his eyes gleam a baleful red and his voice is Tribe: Get of Fenris
a quiet, sinister growl. He's the only one of Sept: Skull-Eaters
the three who isn't drunk, and the only one Auspice: Ahroun
who came here with a plan. Attributes: Strength 6, Dexterity 4,
Melvin is the closest thing this little Stamina 5, Charisma 4, Manipulation 3,
group has to a leader, but he has no official Appearance 1, Perception 5, Intelligence
status within their pack, mostly because he 4, Wits 2
makes even his fellow members of the Get Abilities: Alertness 4, Athletics 5,
of Fenris nervous. This galls him. The Brawling 5 (bite), Dodge 5, Drive
fiercest wolf should lead the pack. It's a (motorcycle) 3, Intimidation 4,
goddamn law of nature. Leadership 2, Melee 4, Occult 1, Primal
When Melvin's buddies smelled Urge 2, Stealth 3, Subterfuge 3,
vampires, he smelled opportunity. If he Survival 3
and his pals kill and devour a bunch of Backgrounds: Allies 2
vampires, he'll look tough and cool to most Gifts: The Falling Touch, Halt the
of his packmates. But the boss werewolf, Coward’s Flight, Inspiration, Razor
she'll get all mad coz' now they're at war Claws, Resist Pain, Snarl of the
with the undead and without her say-so. Predator, Spirit of the Fray
She won't attack Melvin, because he's too Rank: 1
far beneath her. But one of her lieutenants Renown: None
is sure to. And after Melvin eats the Rage 7, Gnosis 3, Willpower 5
lieutenant he can say this should count as a

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 73


Baron Iorgu’s Anti-Masterpiece, the worst thing

he has ever created in his long and unpleasant
un-life. This crudely assembled thing spends its What the Heck is the Iorgu
whole existence in a state of rage and agony. It
vaguely wants to die, but has no idea what death
It’s a ghoul, animated by Baron Iorgu’s vitae.
is or how it could be achieved. Perhaps the PCs
could enlighten it? A very strong, very stupid ghoul. It’s a bit of a
In the meantime, the creature certainly one-off—Iorgu has no idea how he succeeded
understands the concept “smash” and applies it in animating it and no idea whether or not he
vigorously to every situation it encounters. could do it again. And since the creature was
so disappointing, he supposes he won’t bother
Physical: Strength 7, Dexterity 1, Stamina 4 to try.
Social: Charisma 1, Manipulation 1, Appearance 1
If the Storyteller has any interest in
Mental: Perception 2, Intelligence 1, Wits 1
knowing the secret of its creation, the torso
Talents: Brawling 4, Intimidation 4
Skills: Melee 4 that Baron Iorgu used wasn’t quite dead yet. So
Knowledges: None when he put his vitae into the thing and used
Disciplines: Fortitude 4, Potence 5 Vicissitude to make its heart beat, he ghouled
Willpower: 4 it. Whether or not there really is such a word as
Blood Pool: 6 “ghouled” we leave open to further discussion.

74 Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain

Blood-Orgy in the House of Pain 75

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