Tigist Gashaw Final Research

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BY: Tigist Gashaw




Tigist Gashaw declare that this research paper, entitled THE ROLE OF MICRO FINANCES
original work submitted for the award of the fulfillment for Bachelor of Art (B.A) Degree in
Sociology at the Department of sociology, Assosa University. It has not been presented for
the award of any degree or other similar titles in any other institution of higher learning to the
best of our knowledge, and all resources used have been duly acknowledged.

Students’ name: sign Date:

: Tigist Gashaw _______________

sign Date:

Advisor: Alaye Andarge _______________ _______________

Examiner Sign Date:

: _______________ _______________ _______________

_______________ _______________ _______________

This senior research has been submitted for examination with our confirmation as a
supervisor to the candidate

Table Contents
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ...........................................................................................................
ACRONOMY ........................................................................................................................ viii
ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. ix
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................ 1
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background of the study .................................................................................................. 1
1.2 Statement of the problem ................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Objective of the Study ...................................................................................................... 3
1.3.1 General objective........................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2. Specific Objectives ................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Research question. ............................................................................................................ 4
1.5 Delimitation (Scope) of the study .................................................................................... 4
1.6. Significance of the Study ................................................................................................ 4
1.8 Organization of the study ................................................................................................. 5
2.1The Concept of empowerment .......................................................................................... 7
2.2. Micro Finance ................................................................................................................. 7
2.3 Microfinance In Ethiopia ............................................................................................... 8
2.4 Studies on micro finance and its impact on women's empowerment in Ethiopia. ......... 8
2.5 Targeting Of Women Under Microfinance ...................................................................... 9
2.6 Economic Impact Of Microfinance .................................................................................. 9
2.7 Social Impact Of Micro finance ..................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER THREE ................................................................................................................. 11
Research Methods .................................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Description of the study area .......................................................................................... 11
3.2 Research design .............................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Research Approach ........................................................................................................ 11
3.4 Sample size and techniques ............................................................................................ 12
3.5 Source of data ................................................................................................................ 13
3.5.1. Primary sources of data .............................................................................................. 13
3.5.2. Secondary data ........................................................................................................... 13

3.6. Method of Data collection ............................................................................................. 13
3.7 Method of Data Analysis ............................................................................................... 13
3.7.1. Qualitative Data Analysis ....................................................................................... 14
3.7.2 Quantitative Data Analysis ...................................................................................... 14
3.8. Ethical Consideration .................................................................................................... 14
CHAPTER FOUR .................................................................................................................... 15
RESULT AND DISCUSSION ................................................................................................ 15
4.1 socio- demographic profiles of respondents................................................................... 15
4.2.1 Duration of respondents MFI membership .............................................................. 20
4.2.2 Respondents level of income ................................................................................... 21
4.2.3 For what purpose the loan was used by the clients.................................................. 22
4.2.4 The credit sources used by clients before joining Assosa Micro Finance ............... 23
4.3 Socio -Economic Empowerment of Women .................................................................. 24
4.3.1.Views of respondents towards AMFI ...................................................................... 24
4.3.2. Level of Domestic Violence of Respondents which affect their Businesses ......... 25
4.4 Challenges of clients during they run their business ...................................................... 28
CHAPTER FIVE ..................................................................................................................... 29
5. DISCUSSION, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 5.1 Discussion .............. 29
5.2 Conclusion.................................................................................................................... 29
5.3 Recommendation ............................................................................................................ 30
APPENDEX............................................................................................................................. 33

List of Tables

Table 1Proportion of age distribution of the sample population........................................................... 15

Table 2persentage distribution of the sample by level of education .................................................... 17
Table 3percentage distribution the sample by marital status ................................................................ 19
Table 4 percentage distribution of the sample by duration of MFI memberships ................................ 20
Table 5 percentage distribution of respondents by the level of income ................................................ 21
Table 6 percentage distribution of the sample by the purpose of which loan is used ........................... 22
Table 7percentage distribution of the respondents by the source of credits ......................................... 23
Table 8percentage distribution of the sample by reasons for positive views of about MFI................. 24
Table 9 percentage distribution of respondents by participation of decision making process ............. 25
Table 10percentage distribution of the sample by participation in traditional institution................... 27
Table 11percentage distribution of respondents by challenges ............................................................. 28

List of figures

Figure 1percentage distribution of respondent by the region............................................................... 16

Figure 2 percentage distribution of sample by occupation ................................................................... 18


First of all, I would like to thanks Almighty God for his protection and guidance throughout my life .
Secondly I would like thanks my advisor Mr Alaye Andarge (MA) for his valuable and
constructive comments that greatly enabled me to achieve my study goals. Thirdly, I would like to
thank my beloved families who support me financially . Who gave me important information about
AMFI which helps me to achieve my research objectives.


AMFI Assosa Micro Finance Institution

MF Microfinance

MFI Micro Finance Institution

NGO Non -governmental Organization

UNDP United Nation and Developmental Program


Microfinance program is a key strategy in promoting women’s empowerment. Microfinance

and women’s empowerment is a debatable issue. Besides various empirical studies have not
been widely conducted in Assosa Microfinance institution in Assosa Zone in the case of
Assosa town on this issue. Thus, this study examines the role of microfinance on women’s
empowerment in the case of Assosa Microfinance Institution in Assosa town. The study was
employed mixed research approach to address research objectives. The data was collected
from one branch which is main branch of the Assosa Microfinance Institution in and the
collected data was analyzed by using qualitative and quantitative data analysis. The
findings of the study shows that level of education ,marital status ,duration of involvement in
AMFI , involvement in income generating activities, level of income, source of credit and
significant impacts of the institution on women’s empowerment. Finally the study suggests
that microfinance institutions should be networked its system like bank, it should provide
suitable work environment before providing the credit service.



1.1 Background of the study

Empowerment is based on the idea that giving employees skill, resources, authority,
opportunity, motivation, as well holding them responsible accountable for the outcome of
their actions, and contributes to their competence and their satisfaction . In this context
what empowerment is giving benefits and services to the beneficiaries in order to promote
and empowered them (Dunford, 2013). Financial services like any other economic resources
are believed to be the critical input in any country's development endeavor (Mayoux, 2002).
Improving access to financial service is an important development tools, because it helps in
creating employment opportunities for the unemployed and increased their income and
consumption, which would in the final analysis reduce poverty (Mayoux, 2002). However,
about 90% of the people in developing countries lack access to financial service from
formal financial institutions (organization those are formally organized with written
document ); (Robinsan, 2002). Micro-finance(MF) is refers to a variety financial
services that target low income clients particularly women, since the clients of micro
finance institution have low income and often have limited of access to other financial
services (Mayoux, 2002). Micro finance products tend to be small monetary amount than a
traditional financial services, the services which includes loans, saving, insurance and
remittance ( (A., 2003).

In Africa micro -finance institution is used to describe the supply of financial services to low
income employers which is closer to the retail finance model prevalent in maintain stream
banking (Cristens, 2004).

The introduction of micro-finance in Ethiopia has been gradual with its institution attributed
the proclamation in 1996. According to (Wolday, 2000) there are 25 micro finance
institutions registered under the national bank of Ethiopia with an active loan portfolio of
about 1.5 billion birr delivered to 1.211,305 active clients (Wabekon, 2006).
Assosa Micro Finance Institution (AMFI) was established in June 1997 in accordance with
licensing and supervision of micro financing institution proclamation No 40/1996 ; which
was repealed and replaced by proclamation No 629/2009. Assosa micro finance institution
(AMFI) has achieved remarkable performances in its micro finance. It has experienced
impressive out realm growth in the last period of time of its operation, its leading activities
have witnessed positive socio-economic impacts up on its clients through helping the poor
increase their income, assets, position and their empowerment status(Idigas,2006).

The researcher's study was about the role of micro finance for socio- economic empowerment
of women in Assosa Zone, in Assosa town , the case of Assosa microfinance

1.2 Statement of the problem

Most of the time, formal institution (financial institution those which are formally organized )
have been serving only the need of commercial sector and providing loans for the middle and
upper income groups. This indicates that they are net served to those who are poor (those
who have low level of income). In the other hand, micro finance institution as an institution
were introduced as a way of providing loans to borrowers who have no constant and low
level of income (poor).

Ethiopian women are constitutes about 50 % of the population and comprise the majority of
the segment of population are affected by poverty (low level of living),(CSA,2007).
However, these women have potential and capacity to contribute to the economic
development empowerment. According to Woller, micro finance institution is established and
formulated to provide a services to the economically poor (those who have low level of
income) especially for women (Woller,2002).

Women as micro and small entrepreneur, are increasingly become a key target group for
micro Finance programmers. Providing access to micro finances is considered as a
precondition for poverty reduction and also for women's? With this regard various research
studies have been conducted on the impact of micro finance on women's empowerment in
developed and developing countries like(Geetz and Gupta(1996 finance on women's);
Morduch and Halley,(2001); Mayoux,(2003); Duflo,(2003); Almgir,(2006) ; (morduch.J,

The finding of these studies shows that micro finance has a positive impacts on women's
empowerment .On the other hand, (Rogaiy, 1996) ;Boreman and chang,(2009) and
Copestake,(2002) argued that the micro finance has not positive on female's empowerment.
This is due to the extra burden of high interest rate has on inverse relationship with
empowerment. So the impact of micro finance is controversial issue based on the idea of
above researchers.

In Ethiopia also there are few studies have been made to establish the link between micro
finance and women's empowerment. For instance (Tsehay .T and Mengistu, 2002); Meron,
(2007) in the case of Addis Abeba; The finding of these researchers also shows that only
the positive impact of micro empowerment. While from the researcher's own observation,
this research was to assess the role of micro finance by examining both its positive and mar
challenges to fill the gap of above researchers' finding.

Generally the previous studies which are conducted in Ethiopia's context where conducted
only through a qualitative approach mostly only without considering a lot of limitation of it
and level of significance of variables are not tested statistically except (.E, 2007)) and
(Ahmed, 2013). Therefore, further empirical and descriptive evidence could provide
additional insight about the role of micro finance in women’s empowerment using a recent
data mixed (both quantitative and qualitative) research approach was used and further
empirical investigation and description in context. Not only this but also, in terms of space
particularly in Assosa town with this regard the role of micro finance have not been done
largely . So in order to fill this gap this study was conducted.

1.3 Objective of the Study

1.3.1 General objective

The general objective of this study was to assess the role of micro finance institution in
empowering women in the case of Assosa Micro Finance Institution (AMFI), in Assosa town

1.3.2. Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of this study were to:

 Identify the role of micro finance for social empowerment of women in Assosa town

 Assess the role of micro finance for economic empowerment of women

 Describe the challenges of women client with micro finance institution in the study

 Identify what are the prerequisite or preconditions to be fulfilled in order to get a

credit from the institution

1.4 Research question.

What is the role of micro finance for social empowerment of women in Assosa town ?

What is the role of micro finance for economic empowerment of women?

What is the challenges of women client with micro finance institution in the study area?

what are the prerequisite or preconditions to be fulfilled in order to get a credit from the

1.5 Delimitation (Scope) of the study

This research was conducted to assess the role of microfinance for socio- economic
empowerment of women in Assosa Town in the case of AMFI, the study was aimed at
exploring the perceived prospects and challenges of AMFI in improving the socio -
economic empowerment of women in Assosa Town. The women outside the town are
not considered under investigation because of limited availability of resources and time to
undertake the study on a wider scale. In this was used mixed method to conduct the needed
data and the researcher's study would be conducted starting from November to June 2016

1.6. Significance of the Study

In order to fill the gap ,the researcher listed out the general and specific objectives. The
researcher hoped that, these objectives was achieved in the study and it have various
significances. The main objective of this study was to assess the role of micro finance in the
empowerment of women in the case of Assosa micro finance institution (AMFI). The
finding of this study depicted those social and economic benefits of micro finance delivery
to women. And also the finding of this study was served as a source of information. Not only

this , but also study was served as a stepping stone to new comer students and graduates
those who have an interests to conduct a research on the same issues.

1.7 limitation of the study

In this study various challenges were happened. this includes lack of relevant
information, shortage of reference in our library, time and financial constraints and
sample respondent were unwilling to provide important data for the successful
accomplishment of this study.

1.8 Organization of the study

This research proposal is organized into five chapters. Chapter one has deals with
introduction, which includes statement of the problem, objectives, and research questions,
significance of the study, scope and chapter two: literature review with empirical studies and
conceptual framework. Chapter three: deals with research methodology with brief discussion
of the study area the fourth chapter deals with data analysis and finally chapter five presented
conclusion and recommendations.


Literature review

Women hold an equal or even a more powerful position under the communal mode of
production. However, women’s role and their corresponding power in the household
and the community eventually diminished with the evolution of private ownership. Th
family also changes to a patriarchal one where women are treated as the property of
men as the latter control property and manage to generate surplus (Engels, 1942).
According to Engle (1942), the developments of socialization of housework are
required to attain the full liberation of women. In addition, feminists should join the
struggle against capitalism if the objective of women’s liberation is to be met (Cliff,
1984), Liberal feminists call for the involvement of women in the public sphere while
maintain the existing class structures. On the other hand, Engels argued for the
elimination of private property as the key to women’s liberation (Friedan, 1963).
conducted studies on the earlier kingship A number of Marxist feminist thinkers have
and economic models and the role of sexual and/or gender division of labor in support
Economic independence is called for by various theories to ensure the equality of
women. Housework is denounced by the Second wave Movement, including liberal
feminists, because it is basically unpaid. It is insisted that such work devalues women
and makes them dependent on men since it is not with in the sphere of public economic
production (Friedan, 1963). Feminists propose interventions to provide access to economic
resources such as micro credit as a stepping point to promote the
empowerment of women in the economic social and political arena (Solomon 1999).

Different studies in different countries have been conducted to examine whether micro
finance can really empower women's or not .In the following sections the researcher was
review different empirical studies based on empirical and appropriate orders.

(Haley, 2001) analyzed the impact of micro credit on women's empowerment in Ottawa .The
result confirms that access to micro credit has a positive economic impact. The impact
becomes larger for those closer to the poverty line and it also increases with the duration of
membership or intensity of loans as members begin to invest in asset rather than

investigated the impact of micro credit on women's empowerment .The study confirms that
micro credit delivery in various points of the world has improved the economic position of
households, enhancing the asset base and diversification in to higher return occupations
among members. However ,there are also a number of issue with in women's empowerment
framework that impede the poverty reduction capacity of micro credit. (.N, 2005)
investigated the impact of micro credit on women's empowerment in south Asia. The result
indicated that access to financial services improved the economic position of women's. The
improvement involves; improving asset base and diversification in to higher return
occupation, promoting the adoption of new agricultural practices ,increasing ownership of
livestock and levels of savings and reducing reliance on money lenders. (Wolday, 2000)

2.1The Concept of empowerment

The term empowerment is used to self-reliance and self-respect in order to enable each
person reach his or her God given potential (Kuhns,2002). According to this explanation
empowerment is also considered as process of change by which individuals or groups with
little or no power gain the power and ability to make chooses that affect the lives .

The definitions of empowerment is bringing people on the outside of a decision process in to

it, it is also considered as the ability to obtain an income that enables participation in
economic participation in economic decision making process (Rowland,1995). He also say
that individuals become empowered when they obtained the right enables participations in
economic decision making. Empowerment of women processes tends to identify power in
terms of capacity of women to increase their own self-reliance and internal strength and gain
use power in alternatives constructive ways (Badar,1997).

2.2. Micro Finance

Microfinance is a term used to refer to the activity of provisions of financial services to

clients who are exclude from the traditional system on account of their lower economic
status. The financial services was the most commonly take the form of loan and creating
banking system which is based on mutual trust (Kabeer,2005).

Micro-credit programmers aimed at empowering women have become popular among donors
and NGO’s development policies with the approach of women’s empowerment through

women organizing-for greater self- reliance. It has also resulted in a change of polices for
the enhancement of Women’s economic role. Since micro finance organization has financial
focus, they are expected to impact the lives of the poor, (Ibid).

2.3 Microfinance In Ethiopia

Formally in Ethiopia it was started in 1994-1995 in particular, the licensing and supervision
of institution proclamation of the government encouraged the spread of institutions (Micro
Finance Institution) in both rural and urban areas as it authorized them among other
microfinance, to legally accept deposits from the general public (hence diversify sources of
funds), to draw and accept drafts and to manage funds for the micro financing business.
Currently, there are 29 licensed micro finance institution reaching about 2.2 million active
borrowers with an outstanding loan portfolio of approximately 4.6 million considering the
potential demand, particularly in rural areas, this satisfies only on significant proportion,
(Rural Poverty Portal.Org, 2003).

2.4 Studies on micro finance and its impact on women's empowerment in


Tsehay and Mengistu ,(2002 ) Conducted the research on the impacts of micro finance among
poor women in Ethiopia Addis Abeba. The result of these researchers confirmed that the
micro finance interventions have brought positive impact in the improvement of economic
status and empowerment of micro finance programs beneficiaries. Haymanot ,(2007)
analyzed the impact of micro -fiancé on women's economic empowerment in acase study of
Amhara Credit and Saving Insitution (ACSI) ,Kobo woreda Amhara national regional state of
Ethiopia. The result of the study indicated that the micro -financing scheme has a positive
impact on women's empowerment (economic empowerment ). It improved their household
incomes asset possession levels and saving habit thereby positively affecting their ability to
fully participate in household decision making.

(Meron, 2007) examined the role of micro finance in empowering women in Addiss beba
.The result of the study confirmed that access to micro finance has been able to empower
women economically by increasing income and saving level of client's.

(Zelalem, 2014) examined the impact of micro finance and credit services for women socio-
economic development in the case of Yirgalem Town. The finding of the study also

confirmed that the provision of micro finance services to the poor women would have been
impact on their livelihoods . The study identified that they use this loans as a working capital
and purchase household needs and assets. Thus micro finance service brought changes on
livelihoods of the participants (women clients). (Befikadu, 2011)) investigated the impact of
micro finance of AMFI micro finance program in Arba Minch Town, Southern region. The
result revealed that women participation in Assosa micro finance institution (AMFI). It
improve the economic condition of the participants particular increased client's personal
saving account and enhancement in the household income level . On the other hand ,it can be
said that women improvement in Assosa micro finance institution (AMFI) and improvements
client's household conditions in terms of access to health services and nutrition were
positively correlated.

2.5 Targeting Of Women Under Microfinance

Most micro finance organization groups ,the reason for the targeting of women wander
micro finance scheme is the relationship between under & development. Various researches
conducted by institutions such as UNDP(1995). The world Bank (2001) indicated that gender
in equalities and the impact on development, Micro Finance provides women’s productive
capacity to collectives poverty and pave the way for development.

Women are basically the poorest of the poor according to UNDP (2003) human development
report, women make up the majority of lower paid &unemployment portion of most
economics it is believed that the welfare of family is enhanced, when women are helped to
increase their incomes, this is due to the fact that when spend most of their households.
Hence, assisting women generates a multi-power effect enlarge the impact of the family
needs and therefore ,another justification for giving priority to them.

2.6 Economic Impact Of Microfinance

Women’s accesses to credit are financially believed to result in their economic

empowerment. Assosa micro finance institutions (AMFI) a result, the provision of MF to
women has been called for by various international and national organizations in light of their
productive role for economic development and women’s rights. However, man sill, question
the empowerment capacity of credit in relation to the economic, social& political conditions
and of women (Mayoux,2002).

2.7 Social Impact Of Micro finance

In addition to economic impact, social changes also result from the work of microfinance
organization (Kaber,2005).The delivery system of micro finance is expected in group can
achieve what might not be achievable individually. Micro finance organization strategies
provides the poor the possibility or economically imposed relationships (kaber,2005). This
allows for meeting with others of similar experience and share knowledge. Such practices in
effect are believed to empower them both individually and collectively(Ibid).


Research Methods
3.1 Description of the study area
This study was conducted in Assosa zone Assosa town . It is far away about 667ms from
Addis Ababa. In Assosa zone there are five larger ethnic groups these are
Gumuz(39.78),Amhara(23.39),shinasha (12.6),Awi(11.33),and sub group of agew and
Oromo(10.9),and all other ethnic groups made up (1.88) of the population .Not only this but
also Metekel zone has different social service centre such as different institutions. For
instance ASSOSA university teaching hospital (MTUTH), Ethic telecommunication centre
Ethiopian commercial bank and other private banks and Assosa micro finance institutions
(AMFI) are exist. From these institutions the study was conducted in Assosa Micro Finance
institution) which is found in the front of the canter and Saint Merry church. It started its
operations in 1998 and by now it has 31000 active clients and it has one main branch and 12
sub branches with their own districts.

3.2 Research design

This Study was use across -sectional research design which used to collect data at one point
in time. The study was conducted from January 2024 to June 2024.

3.3 Research Approach

This study was used a mixed research approach where by both quantitative and qualitative
data was collected.

Qualitative research approach -refers to all non-numerical data or data that have not been
quantified and can be a product of all research strategies (Saunders et al, 2009).

Quantitative research approach -refers to the systematic empirical investigation of the

phenomena and quantitative properties and their relationships .It is emphasized on the
collection of numerical data, which is deductive approach (Bryman and Bell, 2003).

In order to verify the information that was generated from the respondents the researcher was
employed this mixed approach. In addition to this, the study was clarified how the micro
finance institution can help women in order to empower them. To realize the objectives of

this study both qualitative and quantitative methods was used. Because this mixed approaches
are very important for the validation of findings in terms of accuracy and checking the
personal bias in the conducted research. Specially, in this study quantitative survey approach
was important one ,why because in the researcher's findings it was important to save time
,resources and to generalize the total population. Qualitative approach was used to validate
those qualitative data and identify the prevalence and determinant factors of empowerment of
women which are not gained with the survey. Hence, these two approaches were used to
provide comprehensive of women which approaches was to provide comprehensive analysis
of the problem.

3.4 Sample size and techniques

The study was conducted on the role of micro finance institution in empowerment of women
in Assosa Town, in the case of Assosa micro finance institution (AMFI). In this study the
researcher was used non -probability sampling particularly, the purposive sampling
techniques .Why the reason that the researcher was used this techniques was ,the purposive
(representative) sampling technique is used to gather or collect a relevant information directly
from the target groups or women those who are micro finance institution clients and the total
number of clients of the Assosa micro finance institution is not fixed because their number is
increased from time to time. Not only this ,but also there is another reason why the researcher
was employed the purposive sampling techniques .In researcher's conducted study there were
limitation of time , resources and financial constraints to include all women clients in Assosa
micro fiancé institutions . So in order to avoid these problems the researcher was used the
purposive sampling techniques .AMFI (micro finance institution) is a large institution which
is serving a large numbers of clients in every years and the institution has a total population
of 31000 clients. The institution has one main branch and 12 sub branches. From these is
one and this sub branch has also a total population of 7059 active clients .From these 3001
are males and 3352 are females and the rest 706 clients are engaged in institutional
associations. From the total population of this sub branch, the total number of women clients
those who are benefited from the institution are 3352 and from these the researcher was
selected 40 sample size purposively .The reason for using only this amount of respondents is
due to the fact that there was limitation of time, resources, as well as financial constraints in
the conducted research.

3.5 Source of data

The study was used both primary and secondary sources of data.

3.5.1. Primary sources of data

The research was conducted using primary sources from Assosa micro finance institution's
women clients .Primary data is the information which is obtained from primary sources
which have been get from Assosa micro finance institution's women clients.

3.5.2. Secondary data

Those sources of information are called "secondary sources of data" .These secondary source
of data are data’s which have already been collected by same one regarding the same issue
and which have been already passed through statistical process and these will found
internally or externally from the institution and may be in the researcher's compound. In this
study the secondary data was collected through written documents, book, form library,
reports and records of published and un published documents from micro finance institution

3.6. Method of Data collection

In this study data was collected through qualitative and quantitative methods of data
collection. Qualitative method of data collection- is important to generate qualitative data
and also it is used to qualitative approach such as interviews with some women clients in
Assosa micro finance institution. In addition to this it was used key informants interview
with very knowledgeable persons in this regard. Whereas the quantitative method of data
collection is used to numerical (quantitative data), the researcher was used survey method and
with this reason questionnaires was an instrument of the data collection.

3.7 Method of Data Analysis

The study used both quantitative and qualitative method of data analysis. The qualitative data
was analyzed by a method of critical reading ,textual analysis and thematic analysis whereas
the quantitative data was analyzed by using descriptive analysis such as tables, frequencies
,percentages and Bar graphs in order to came up with relevant information and appropriate

3.7.1. Qualitative Data Analysis

In order to analyze the quantitative data the researcher was used the thematic analysis.

3.7.2 Quantitative Data Analysis

In order to analyzed the quantitative data, the researcher was used descriptive analysis which
includes tables bar graphs and percentages

3.8. Ethical Consideration

Ethics was important to achieve the success of the study. First and foremost the researcher
was taking the letter of permission (formal letter) from Assosa University and department of
sociology in order to get full acceptance and permission to collect appropriate data from the
institution or field. Efforts were made to maintain the privacy at the time of filling of the
questionnaires and responding of interview.



This chapter deals with the back ground characteristics of the respondents considered in the
study .A total of 40 individuals were involved in the quantitative study where they gave their
response for the given questionnaire .From quantitative the researcher used semi-structured
questionnaire to analyze data through descriptive analysis by table ,bar graph and percentages
.The qualitative data collected by in-depth and key informant interview method were
analyzed through thematic analysis .This section mainly includes major findings ,socio
demographic profiles of respondents ,socio -economic empowerment of women , challenges
of women and the institution and discussion. For instance, the social empowerment of women
through the role of AMFI, the positive impact of AMFI in empowering women in their
economic aspects in Assosa town, major challenges related to the institution and the clients
are the major findings stated in this section.

4.1 socio- demographic profiles of respondents

This section includes socio demographic profiles of respondents. The background

characteristics of respondents presented below ( by age religion marital status, occupational
status and educational level )

4.1.1 Age Distribution of The Respondent

Table Proportion of age distribution of the sample population

Age Frequency Percentage

20-25 5 12.5%

26-30 20 50%

31-45 4 10%

36-40 6 15%

41-45 2 5%

46 and above 3 7.5%

Total 40 100

Source:-Own survey,2024

As the above table depicts that around 50% of respondents were find in the age group of
26-30 years, whereas 15% of respondents were found in the age group of 36-40 and also
12.5% of respondents find in the age group of 20-25 , 10% of the women find in the age of
31-35 , and 7.5 % of respondents were in the age group of 46 and above while 5% of the
respondents were in the age group of 41-45. So one can understand most of women
participate in MFI were the women who find in the age group of 26-30 . According to this
data the researcher conclude that the majority participant of that institution were found in
the age group of 26-50% and the women in the age group of 41-45% are less participant of
the institution.

4.1.2 Religion Distribution Of The Respondents



40 Muslims

20 Catholic

1st Qtr 2nd 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr

Figure percentage distribution of respondent by the region

Source;- Own survey ,2024

As the above Bar graph unveils that 57.5% of women respondents were orthodoxs,22.5% of
respondents were protestants ,whereas 17.5% of women respondents were protestants,
17.5% of women respondents were Muslims, while 2.5 % of women respondent was
catholic. Based on this data depicts that the highest proportion of respondents were
orthodox, while the less proportions of the respondents were Catholics ,because in Assosa
the highest proportion of residents were orthodox Christian religion followers.

Similarly, a 38 years old female informant during at in-depth interview from orthodox
Christian religion has explained that ''Now a day my monthly income is decreased from a day
to day, because I being absent from work place at least 3 or 4 days monthly ''. Based on the
above idea one can understand the women are absent from their works place and close their
shops at particular days this is why there are none work day in the religious doctrine.
Consequently this may probably have its own influence up on their work or business

4.1.3. Educational Level of Respondents

Table persentage distribution of the sample by level of education

Level of education Frequency Percentage

Illiteracies 11 27.5%

Can read write 4 10%

Primary level completed 9 22.5%

Secondary level completed 8 20%

Diploma level completed 4 10%

Degree and above 4 10%

Total 40 100

Sources: Own survey, 2024

As the above table 4 shows that 27.5% are illiterate , 22.5% are primary level completed ,
20% are secondary level completed , 10 % of respondents able only read and write ,the other
10% of respondent are diploma level completed and the respondents 10% are degree and
above level completed . From the above horse mouth data, one can conclude that majority of
the respondents were illiterate 27.5% .Whereas 22.5% respondents were primary level
completed since they live in urban areas . So the above table unveils that majority of
respondents were illiterate which accounts 11(27.5%) ,since they are along term customer
of the institution .

As the qualitative data that get during at key informant interview explained that in a such a
way, ''the educational level of the women is one challenges of the Assosa micro finance in
institution ,because most of the women clients are illiterate'' . So from the above horse mouth
data ,one can understand that these women lack an understanding of how they calculate their
profit and expenditure in modern manner ,as a result they do not know their interest from
their own loans .Therefore these women are mostly suffer from deficit than of women these
who have better academic ,the other is mostly of women those who are illiterate have not
enough information toward the institution.

4.1.4 Occupation of sample population


30.00% Urban farming
Daily labour


Figure percentage distribution of sample by occupation

According to the above bar graph 2 indicates that 57.5% of women respondents were
Merchants ,17.5% women respondents were employees ,12.5% of women were engaged in

urban farming (which includes and mal husbandry and plant cultivation ), whereas 10% of
respondents were farmers ,while the rest only 2.5% was daily labor . Based on this data the
majority respondents were Merchants which accounts 57.5% .

similarly at in-depth interview a 36 years old female informant has explained that in a such
way "I am Merchant, because of the loan prolusion that I get from the micro finance
institution my life is changed. but I'm not able to get the service at anywhere when I want ,
since I am working at any traditional circular market ". From the above cot data one can
understand, the institution lacks a network like a bank. Because of this the clients specially
the merchants could not able get the service in everywhere when they want and they cannot
run their business easily.

4.1.5 Marital status of respondents

Table percentage distribution the sample by marital status

Marital status Frequency Percent

Never married 10 25%

Married 27 67.5%

Divorced 1 2.5%

Windowed 2 5%

Total 40 100

Source:-survey conducted by the researcher.

As the above table 3, data indicates that 67.5% % of women are married, 25% of women
respondents were never married , 25% of women respondents were windowed and only
2.5% women was divorced .Based on this cot data indicated that the majority of respondents
were married.

4.2 Economic empowerment of women

4.2.1 Duration of respondents MFI membership

Table percentage distribution of the sample by duration of MFI memberships

Years Frequency Percentage

1998-2003 E.c 2 5%

2004-2009 E.c 14 35%

2010-2016 E.c 24 60%

Total 40 100

Source:- Own survey ,2024

The above table 4 depicts that, 35% of women respondents have been members of AMFI
from 2004 to 2009 E.C , 60% of respondents have been members of AMFI from 2010 up to
2016 E.C, the rest 5% of respondents have been members of AMFI from 1998 to 2003 E.c.
So the above data unveils that the majority of respondents have been a member of AMFI
from 1998-2003 E.C.

In addition to this ,the key informant interview explained that ''the duration of clients of
OMIF is increased ,particularly from 1998-2003 E.C'' , from this cot data the researcher can
understand that this related with awareness of the society from time to time. Until 1998 E.C
the attitude of the society towards the institution and the participation of the participation of
women in the institution was less but after 1998 to 1999 E.c the participation of women is
increased and even their awareness is well changed this is done because of the access
education .

4.2.2 Respondents level of income
Table percentage distribution of respondents by the level of income

Level of in come In 2015E,c In 2016 E.c

Frequency Percent Frequency Percent

5000-25000 28 70% 21 52.5%

25001-45000 4 10% 4 10%

45001-65000 0 0% 5 12.5%

65001-85000 1 2.5% 0 0%

85001-105000 1 2.5% 1 2.5%

>505,001 1 2.5% 1 2.5%

< 5000 5 12.5% 8 20%

Total 40 100 40 100%

Source: Own survey ,2024

The above Table 5 unveils that regarding the income of women in 2015 and 2016 E.c after
joining the MFI 70% and 52% of respondents respectively have 5000-25000 ETB (birr) of
total annual income from all source , on the same hand in 2015 and 2016 E.c 10% of
respondents have 25001-45000 total annual income ETB (birr), in 2016 around 20% of
women respondents have less than 5000 birr total annual income, but in2015 E.c there
were 512% of women respondents those who have less than 5000 birr ,while in 2015 E.c
,there were no respondents those who have 45001-65000 birr .So the above information show
that the level of incomes the women is increased from 2015 E.c

.As the information that the researcher got during a key informant interview, the interviewee
responses that ''their life is changed after they become a member of the institution in their
economic aspects''. Thus, from this horse mouth data the researcher can understand that the
AMFI have a great contribution for the changing of their economic life . For instance the
institution provides additional interest rate of 1% for women when the begin to save money
and reduced 1% when they borrow from the institution.

As the above key informants idea that the formal interest rate of loan is 18% but for women
it is 7% ,it reduce by 1% only for women when the borrow and the formal interest rate of
saving 7% but for women it is 8% it increased by 1% for saver women .Not only this the
institution provides a unique loan service for women those who live in low level of income
(poverty) .Generally this lets then to live out expectation of their husband income .

4.2.3 For what purpose the loan was used by the clients?

Table percentage distribution of the sample by the purpose of which loan is used

Use of loans Frequency Percent

For purchase of food items - 0%

For business/trading 35 87.5%

For other related basic necessities 5 12.5%

Total 40 100

Source: Own Survey, 2024

As the above table 8 depicts, that 87.5% of the respondents use the credit for small business
and trades,12.5 % of respondents use the credit for the purpose of other related basic
necessities ,for instance for building house and no respondents use the credit money for
purchasing of food items. As the above data shows that the majority of clients are engaged in
economic activities that offer self-employment and the money properly.

As qualitative evidence that collected during at key informant interview explained that this
issue in such away ''there are problems related to the customers ,the borrowers take a money
for different activities which are related their plans, but what is the problem is that, they
didn’t apply the money in planned way on unplanned targets ''. The other is most of time the
customer see the institution only as a loan for service center ,this means they want the
institution only for loan (credit) but the service of institution only is not only loan rather it is
also a saving center institution .

4.2.4 The credit sources used by clients before joining Assosa Micro Finance
Table percentage distribution of the respondents by the source of credits

Source of credit Frequency Percentages

Private money lender 12 30%

Relatives/friends 5 12.5%

Equip/indri 5 12.5%

No means 18 45%

Total 40 100

Source: Own survey, 2024

As the above table 7, implies that before joining AMFI ,30% of respondents of women were
got money from private money lenders,12.5% of respondents of women were got money
from their relatives /friends on the some hand 12.5% of women were got money from equib
and Idir while 45% of respondents were didn’t have any source of credit. Based on the
above data implies that the majority of respondents had lack of means of credit before they
join to AMFI, because of different social factors as women may not be successful and did
not borrow because of as they have no any means. But from the majority of respondents
those who have means 30% of respondents were get money from private money leader.

As the qualitative data that collected during at in-depth interview explained that ,''the money
that they got from the private money leaders affect their economic life''. From the researchers
understanding this is why because the private money lenders give the credit to women with
an illegal credit interest, i.e. they are known as pawnbrokers and then this lead the women to
financial deficit. Consequence this cannot help the women to leave from the poverty .

4.3 Socio -Economic Empowerment of Women

4.3.1.Views of respondents towards AMFI

Table percentage distribution of the sample by reasons for positive views of about MFI

Reasons Frequency Percentages

Low interest rate than other informal source of 4 10%


Steady source of working capital 35 87.5%

Easier guar ants than other loan alternatives 1 2.5%

Total 40 100

Source: Own survey, 2024

As the above table 8 implies that 87.5% of respondents prefer this institution because of it is
steady source of working capital or it is a source to start any business activitie,10% of
respondents prefer this institution because it has a lower interest rate than other informal
source of credit , while 2.5% of the respondents like the credit facilities offered by AMFI
,because of the relative high guarantee requirements compared to other source of loan .The
above data depicted that most of women prefer to have a credit from AMFI is because they
need the money to use it as source of working capital to run any business activities.

And also as the qualitative data that collected during at key informant interview implies that
''the client were interested to become a member of the institution because ,it is low interest
rate than others ,steady source of working capital'' .in addition to this also the institution
select the clients through different ways. for the instance the clients must have an identity
card from their own kebele that they live in , their age should be 18-60,there are different
ways of guaranty for example Vehicle insurance ,Group guaranty ,House guaranty, Emetic
(wage) guaranty and so forth; from these the above ways of guarantee(insurance) the clients
must have fulfilled at least one of them.

The other qualitative data that collected during at key informant interview depicted that ''the
institution has faced different challenges ''.From this horse mouth data one can understand
that ,the institution has faced various challenges .For instance the clients did not return the
money that they take as a credit on the appropriate time, the other is most of the clients'
attitude towards the institution is still another challenge because most of them are see the
institution as only a creditor.

4.3.2. Level of Domestic Violence of Respondents which affect their Businesses

The term "level of domestic violence" refers to the extent or severity of violence occurring
within a domestic or intimate relationship. Domestic violence encompasses various forms of
abuse, including physical, sexual, emotional, or psychological abuse. The level of domestic
violence can be assessed based on the frequency, intensity, and duration of the abusive
behavior. It is crucial to address and combat domestic violence to ensure the safety and well-
being of individuals in these relationships. If you or someone you know is experiencing
domestic violence, please seek help from local support services or helplines. Participation Of Respondents In Decision Making Process Regarding Managing

Their Houses Before and After Joining AMFI

Table percentage distribution of respondents by participation of decision making


Level of domestic violence Before MFI After MFI

Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage

Full participation 6 15% 26 65%

Sometimes 18 45% 1 2.5%

Rarely 8 20% 0 0%

Not at all 8 20% 13 32.5%

Total 40 100% 40 100%

Source:- Own survey 2024

As the above table 9 shows that 45% of women respondents answered as they have
experienced domestic violence, because they were not fully participating in decision making
process before joining AMFI and After joining AMFI 65% of women are fully participant
,15% of respondents were fully participants before joining AMFI , 20% of respondents
were experienced domestic violence before joining AMFI because they were rarely
participated in decision making but after joining AMFI no respondents are experienced any
domestic violence in decision making process , because no respondents were participated
rarely after AMFI, 20% of women respondents answered they didn't have got married but
after joining AMFI 13(32.5%) of respondents were answered that they have not got married
.So this the above table show that the majority f women those who account 45% of were
rarely participated in decision making process before joining AMFI but after joining AMFI
26(65%) of women respondents are fully participated in decision making process .So this
indicate that the institution play a great contribution in reducing domestic violence .

The other qualitative information that collected during at in depth interview show that in the
majority of women before joining AMFI only their husbands was controlled any resource
their family and only few women are equally participated in controlling any resources .But
after joining the AMFI it was changed reversely, because all the women those who have get
married are able to controlled any resources in their family equally with their husbands.

4.3.3. Participation of respondents in traditional institution

Table : percentage distribution of the sample by participation in traditional institution

Have you ever got a loan From which institution you have got
service from any other the service?
institution before you join
the institution?

Frequency Percentages Frequency Percentages

Yes 19 47.5% Equib 13 32%

No 21 52.5% Idir 4 10%

Mahber 0 0%

Other 2 5%

No 21 52.5%

Total 40 100 Total 40 100

Source: own survey ,2024

As Table 10 unveils that 52.5% of respondents answered they have no any means of
traditional sources of credit, but 47.5% of women respondents answered that yes they have
got. Generally from those 47.5% of respondents 32.5% of women were got the loan from
Ekub, whereas 10% of women respondents were got the services from Edir and 5% of
women were got the loan from the other while no respondents were goat from Mahber.

4.4 Challenges of clients during they run their business
Table percentage distribution of respondents by challenges

Challenges of clients have faced while they are Frequency Percentage

running their business

Yes 29 72.5%

No 11 27.5%

Total 40 100%

Sources: - own survey, 2024

The above table unveils that, the 72.5% of respondents answered that yes they are faced
different challenges , the other 27.5% of respondents responses that they did not have faced
any challenges. Based on the this data the clients have faced different challenges ,for
instance lack of suitable work place boring bureaucracy, not getting a credit service on time
and lack of networks of the institution like bank are the major ones.



5.1 Discussion

Finding and analysis of the study was presented in line with stated objectives of the research.
Consequently, this section discusses the major finding that leads to the conclusion and
implication of the study. The research question what are the major socio -economic and
challenges of women and institution in Assosa town. Regarding these most of finding of
scientific studies conducted on empowerment of women are compatible.

The major finding of this research has indicated that there are a significance changes in
women's economic life after they became a member of the institutions. Due to this the
women try to participate in different business activities which lets them to improve their
income ,they try to manage themselves without the expectation of their husbands' income,
this indicates that women can fulfill their interests and domestic materials without looking
the hands of others and also women become a full right property ownership.

The other finding of the objective is the social empowerment of women through the role of
AMFI. As women are the core parts of the society, they are expected to engage in different
societal activities which let them to have good relation and interaction with the community.

As the respondents response that after they become the members of the AMFI there husbands
,families and communities attitude towards them is become changed positively ,domestic
violence's are become decreased.

On the other had clients faced many different problem in the AMFI like ,absent network of
the institution like bank ,returning back many on time appropriately which is stated by the
institution .Finally as the researcher's findings realized AMFI ensured the socio economic
empowerment of women in Assosa town ,in the case of AMFI .

5.2 Conclusion

In addition to begin human rights issue ,the empowerment is necessitated because of the fact
that human are generally moved vulnerably to poverty and it is a basic condition for

development .The empowerment of women is also fundamental to bring about change in
areas such as health ,and finance in the family and society at large .

The objective of the study is to assess the role of microfinance in the socio-economic
empowerment of women. The research was conducted at the AMFI.

The researcher used both quantitative like tables, chart and percentages and qualitative
method like key informant , in-depth interview to obtain a reliable data by thematic

The findings of the study are to assess the positive impact of AMFI in empowering a women
in their economic aspects in Assosa Town. This study indicates that there is a significance
change in their economic life after they become members of the institutions. Due to this the
women try to participate in different business activities which lets them to improve their
income ,they try to manage themselves without the expectation of their husbands income,
they try to control their resources equally with their husbands, this indicates that women can
fulfill their interests and domestic materials without looking the hands of others and also
women become have a full right of property ownership.

The other finding of the objective is the social empowering of women through the role of
AMFI as women are a core parts of the society ,they are expected to engage in different
societal activities which lets them to have good relation and interaction with the community.
Finally as the researchers findings realized that ,the has AMFI ensured the socio-economic
empowerment of women in Assosa Town the case of Assosa micro finance institution

5.3 Recommendation

This research found that most of women are empowered and motivated by microfinance in
their socio-economic aspects. So that, this shows that the AMFI play a great role in
empowering women and lets them to participate in different business activities and
participate in different social aspects, in these hobbits of economic growth and notion
developments. Therefore, microfinance have positive impact in the women’s socio-economic

The other findings of this research is the challenges that are faced by the clients and
institution ,the problem related with the institution is that ,there is let coming of the credit

service, lack of networks of the institution like banking, presence of boring bureaucracy and
so on. So to reduce this problem the AMFI ( Assosa micro finance institution ) should
have give attention for this issue .

In other hands there are problems which are related with the women’s themselves who are
challenge the institution, the first one their attitude towards the institution because most of
the clients are see the institution as only as a creditor , women take the loan they have a deal
to return back the money on time to the institution but, what is the problem is that they didn’t
return back the money on time, most of women are spend the money to unplanned goals . So
what are recommended is that the institution should give them detail information and
knowledge about the service and procedures of the institution.

Finally, the research is recommended that this institution have more positive impacts on the
empowering of women, so the institution should continue and work with the women in order
to solve the problems related with socio-economic conditions of their life.


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1 AGE-----------------------

2 . Religion

A Muslim

B Orthodox

C protestant

D catholic E if other specify------------------------------------------

3 . Level of education

A illiterate

B can read and write

C primary education completed

D secondary education completed

E Diploma education completed

F degree and above

4.Types of occupation ------------------------------------------

5. Marital status

A Never married

B married

C Divorced

D Widoweed

Part Two : Question related to Economic back ground of respondents

6 Are you micro -finance institution's client ?

A yes B No

7 When did you being a member of the institution?


8 Before you join the institution have your get a credit services ?

A yes B No

98.1 If your answer is yes for question number 8 what is /was your source of credit?

A private money lender

B friends

C family

D Equb /Edir

E if any other specify it---------------------------

IS there any difference in your total annual income from all sources before you join the

Is there any difference in annual incomes from all sources you join the

institution ?

what was your annual/total annual/incomes from all sources since 2016 Interms of Ethiopian

what is your current total annual income from all sources interms of Ethiopian birr/ETB/?-----

Why you start the loan prolusion from the institution? -----------------------------------------------

14 For what purpose did you spend the credit that you get from the institution?
Part three -Question related to socio -cultural back ground of respondents

15 How was your family's relationship before you join the institution regarding managing
the house?

A full participation

B same times

C Rarely

D Not at allx

16 How is your family relationship after you join the institution regarding managing the

17 Who control the resources in your family before you join the institution?---------------------

18 Who control the resources in your family after you join the institution?

19 Have you ever get a loan service from any other institution before you join the institution

A yes B No

20 if your answer yes for question number 19 from which institutions you were get the

A Equb B Edir C Mahber D If other specify it----------------------------

21 Is there any challenges you have faced while you are running your business

A Yes B No

22 If your answer Is yes for question number 21 what kinds of challenges are did you face?

Guideline for in- depth interview for Micro-finance women customers

what are the information did you have before you join the institution?-----------------------------

what did you think the aim of the institution?----------------------------------------------------------


Did you think that you are fully involving in the institution in what way?-------------------------

Is there any challenges that you faced after you joining the institution?----------------------------

What seems like your life before join the institution?-------------------------------------------------

what seems like your life after you join the institution?---------------------------------------------

what is the attitude of your friend relatives and communities towards you after you joining to
the institution?---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Guideline for key –information interview for finance workers

what kinds of challenges that you face from the borrowers?--------------------------------------

How did you motivate the Women's to come to your institution?------------------------------

What are the criteria that you used to select the borrowers? --------------------------------------

Are these Criteria's are similar for both male and females customer? If No, how?----------------



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