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STS Kelas 8 SMP

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SOAL SUMATIF TENGAH SEMESTER c. the writer’s friends.

MATA PELAJARAN d. the activities of the writer’s neighbours.

KELAS VIII 2. Which statement is true about carnival
participant? (More than one answer)
a. They wore traditional dresses from all
A. Multiple Choice.
around Indonesia.
1. When I was child, I was so happy
b. They cosplayed as national heroes
when I heard the word ‘carnival’. I felt
unpatient to watch. We used to go there in c. They wore uniforms.
group with family members and
d.They wore umbrellas
neighbours. On that group, I was the
youngest one. We brought umbrellas,
mineral water, iced tea, snacks, and even
rice. The following dialogue is for number 3 and
Umbrella was one of the things that
we would sorry if we forgot to bring. It Rasya:” Do you understand the homework?”
could be said that it was important. The Listi : “No, I don’t. How about you?” Do
weather was so hot, that’s why the umbrella you understand the homework?”
was needed. The nearest way was about 15
minutes from my home. We walked Rasya: “ Yes, I do.”
together to get there. I was on the first line. I
wanted to see all the participant of the
carnivals. 3. Does Rasya understand the homework?

I saw peoples with unique costumes. a. Yes, She do.

They wore traditional dresses from all b. Yes, she does.
around Indonesia, cosplayed as national
heroes, and they rode decorated bicycles, c. No, she don’t.
motors, even cars. They put many things on d. No, she doesn’t.
the cars like flags, vegetables, and flowers.
It was so exciting. We saw the carnival until
5 p.m. We went home happily.

4.Does Listi understand the homework?

1. The text is about....
a. Yes, she do.
a. the writer’s experience on celebrating the
b.Yes, she does.
Independence Day.
c. No, she don’t.
b. the writer’s experience on watching the
carnival. d.No, she doesn’t.
Father: She is in the living room.
The following dialogue is for number 5 and She....movies on TV.
6. a. Watched
Reza: “What do you think about my new b. Watches
hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?”
c. Will watch
Riza: “ I think you are beautiful with it.”
d. Is watching
Reza : “And you are so beautiful too, Riza.”
9. I _____ my dinner right now.
Riza :” Thanks my twin.”
5. What do you think about my new a. eat
hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?” b. eating
The underline expression is the expression c. am eating
of.. d. eated.
a. Asking opinion 10. I _____ at the hair salon until October
b. Giving opinion
a. work
c. Showing appreciation
d. Giving invitation. b. be
6. “I think you are beutiful with it” c. am working

The Italic expression is the expression d.worked

a. Asking opinion 11. We _____ at a fancy restaurant tonight.
b. Giving opinion Dika decided this yesterday.
c. Showing appreciation
d. Giving invitation. a. eat
b. are eating
c. eats
Use the answer with present continous tense
(V-ing). d.eated

7. They....a cup of coffee, but chocolate.

a. Are not drinking 12. Dito _____ not sleeping on our sofa.

b. Is not collecting a. is

c. Are not collecting b. are

d. Is not drinking c. am

8. Lala: Where is Mommy, Daddy?

Choose the best answer to number 13 to 15. II. FILL IN
Read the text carefully! Put the verb into the present
It’s nice Friday morning. The 8A grade continous:
students are doing some activities. Lina is 1.Listen to the bird. They (sing).........
sweeping the floor. Dayu is arranging 2. Look at that one. It (fly)....... ..high in the
flowers into a vase. The boy student, Udin sky.
and Beni are doing the same thing. They are 3.The other one (play)............with a worm.
cleaning up the furnitures by using dusters. 4. I feel happy because I (have)............ a
At the same place, the other students are good time here in these word.
doing some cleaning activities outside the 5. They are (buy).... two book.
classroom. They are doing activities 6.They are (watch)... television in the
together. living room.
13. What is the text talking about? 7.The student are (do) ....... the exam
a. Some very diligent students. carefully.
b.Friday cleaning activities 8. She is (write) a love poem to her lover.
c.Cleaning activities 9. Dello is (bring) some apples from
d.Friday morning. Malang.
9. Our teacher is (teach).......us
14. What are Udin and Beni doing? They communicatively.
are.. 10. We are (paint)..... the wall.
a. sweeping the floor.
b.Arranging the flowers. Fill in to answer number 11 until number
c.Doing cleaning avtivities. 15.
d.Cleaning up the Furniture.
Irma : Listen! I have something to tell you.
15. “They are doing, those activities Edo : What that, tell me, please.
together.” The underlined word refers to... Irma : We’ll have a new beautiful English
a. Udin, Beni, Lina and Dayu. Teacher.
b.The 8a Grade students. Edo: Really? That nice news.
c. The other students. Irma: Sure. You know, she is very kind and
d. The boy students. her English is so excellent.
Edo: How do you know it? Answer:
Irma: My sister told me about it. She was
her teacher when she was in SMP 1 Solo.
Her name is. Mrs. Lia. 2. She is (drive)...... her BMW car
Edo: Wow, it’s really good news, friend. so fast.
11. Who had a good news?
The person with the good news is..........
3. Rudy is (smoke)....... cigarette
12. What is the news? outside the school.
The news is........................................... Answer:

13. What is the new teacher’s name?

The teacher’s name is..................... 4. Alpa (answer).... my question.
14. What subject does she teach?
She teach.................................
5. I and Nathan are (play)...
15. How is she like? Basketball.
She like is............................... Answer:

III. Essay. Answered the dialogue below!

Put the verb into the present Delo: Hi, Nathan!
continous: Congratulation! Finally your
team could win the panjat
The barber is (cut).... my hair pinang this year.
Answer(Contoh jawaban) :... Nathan: Thanks you, Dello.
The barber is cutting my hair. (wajib Delo: You and your team
ditulis lagi dengan lengkap) climbed so fast. That was great.
1. I (am/are/he/she/it) ....(read).... Nathan: Thank you, that was
Repblika Daily Newspaper. because of teamwork.
Delo: What present did you get celebrate the Independence
yesterday? Day?
Nathan: We got a lot. There a
bicycle, a T-shirt, a rice cooker,
and money about one million. 4. What event did you
Dello: Wow, that was a lot. participate n during the
Nathan: Of course, I am so Independence day
happy. Did you take a picture of celebration?
us yesterday?
Delo: Sure.
Nathan: Send it to me! 5. What event did you
Dello: Okay, I’ll send the remember?
picture later.
Nathan: Thanks you very much, Read the following dialogue
Dello. carefully!
1. What does the text tell Nathan: Hi, Angga, how
about? was your feeling about the
parade yesterday?
Deru: It was excited but
2. What present did Nathan get little bit nervous when I saw
after climbing the pinang many villagers watching us
(panjat pinang) ? during the parade.
Nathan: Yes, so was I. My
coxtume was so big but I
Answered the following enjoyed it.
questions based on your Deru: What costume did you
past experience! wear?
Nathan : I wore Gatotkaca
3. What events did your costume. How about you?
neighborhood hold to
Deru: I wore Army costume. Fill in this table to number 9 and 10
Isi tabel berikut untok nomor 9 dan 10
I played as soldier. All our
costumes were unique.
word V- ing meaning
Nathan : Anyway, did you
hear that we won the best watch ... ...
school performance on the
parade? feel ... ...

Deru: No. I did’nt

enjoy .... ...
Nathan: We did it!
Deru: Really? Wow, that’s play ... ...
great. Our hardwork is paid
win ... meaning
6. What are they talking about?

Find the meaning of the word in the text

7. How were they dressed up in above.
the parade?
Nathan wore... word meaning

parade ...

Deru wore.. nervous ...

villagers ...

8. How was their feeling during performance ...

the parade?
hardwork ...

9.The present continous tense of regular

verbs is formed by adding ‘ing’ to the
infinitive form the Verb.

10.Find the meaning of the following Verb. Selamat mengerjakan

Berdoalah sebelum mengerjakan soal ini.

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