Advance Human Resource Management
Advance Human Resource Management
Advance Human Resource Management
Skill #4 - Negotiation
Along with grey comes the need to negotiate—there
are often two or more opposing views, and the
successful HR pro can find an acceptable middle
ground. Remember, the goal of negotiation is to end
up with two parties that are satisfied with the
outcome, and that’s not often easy to achieve
Skill of Human Resource Development
Management (HRDM) Professionals
Skill #5 - Communication
HR professionals have to communicate up to
management, over to managers, out to potential
employees, and down to all levels of current
employees. And they have to do it in writing, while
speaking to large and small groups and, increasingly,
through social media. They have to be convincing,
caring, and believable.
Skill of Human Resource Development
Management (HRDM) Professionals
Skill #6 - Discrete and Ethical
HR professionals are the conscience of the
company, as well as the keepers of confidential
information. As you serve the needs of top
management, you also monitor their actions toward
employees to be sure that policies and regulations
are followed. You need to be able to push back when
they aren’t in order to keep the firm on the straight
and narrow. Not an easy responsibility!
Skill of Human Resource Development
Management (HRDM) Professionals
6. Executive Recruiter
Executive recruiters are tasked with finding
candidates to fill job openings for C-level
executives, senior executives, corporate
officers, and directors.
10 Best Careers for Human Resources
7. Labor Relations Manager
Labor relations managers act as a mediator between the employees and
employer on behalf of a labor union that represents the employees. When there
is a dispute between management and a labor union, the labor relations
manager helps both sides come to an agreement on issues such as wages,
pensions, health benefits, work environment, and management practices.
Some of the other duties a labor relations manager will encounter include:
• Draft proposals on rules and regulations for collective bargaining agreements
• Conduct meeting and be a line of communication between management and labor
• Advise and train management on labor relations, labor grievances, and disciplinary
• Ensure human resource policies comply with union agreements
10 Best Careers for Human Resources
8. HR Analytics Specialist
HR analytics specialists provide data that is used by the HR
department. Some of the duties of an HR analytics specialist
• Researching the amount of revenue generated per employee
• Helping to improve a company’s talent acquisition strategy
• Monitoring training expenses and efficiency
• Measuring voluntary and involuntary turnover to improve recruiting and
workplace environment
• Making recommendations to HR managers Your analytical, business,
critical thinking, and communication skills will come in handy as an HR analytics
10 Best Careers for Human Resources
9. Employment Manager
employment managers in a small business may
have all the duties of an HR manager, while an
employment manager in a large corporation
may only focus on recruiting, hiring, and
10 Best Careers for Human Resources
10. Compensation and Benefits Manager
As a compensation and benefits manager, you are
responsible for establishing a pay and benefits structure
for employees. Other duties include:
• Oversee the distribution of pay and benefits
• Choose and work with insurance companies, investment
managers, and other benefit partners
• Provide pay and benefits information to employees
• Monitor the pay and benefits the competitors provide their
Trends in HRDM
1. Globalization and its implications
2. Workforce Diversity
3. Changing skill requirements
4. Corporate downsizing
5. Continuous improvement programs
6. Re-engineering work processes for improved
7. Contingent workforce
8. Decentralized work sites
9. Employee involvement
What is technological change in HRM?
Technology is changing every sector of the
economy at a rapid pace. One of the biggest
changes is in the way that information is
shared. When human resources managers are
seeking to recruit staff members, post jobs or
keep track of applicants, technology is
interwoven throughout every process.
Technological Change in HRDM
Workforce Diversity
Changes in political and legal environment
Changes in the Economic Environment
Mobility of Professional Personnel
Revolution in Information Technology.
Technological advances
Challenges of Information technology
on HR Function
New skills required
Collaborative work
Telecommuting :
Internet and intranet revolution
Business environmental change
Development of technology
Service improvement
The Labor Force
Knowledge Sharing
Job Satisfaction
And Ethics
Conditions that Contribute to High
Teamwork and Empowerment
A popular way to empower employees is to establish self managing work
Feeling of being part of a team may improve job satisfaction and output
Functional strategies