ELEC4150 DT1 Electronics v1.0 2024

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Faculty of Science
and Engineering

ELEC4150/8150 Electronic Design Proficiency

Design Task 1 – Electronic Circuits


Electric motors are commonly used for generating mechanical motion. Often, the actual movement
(displacement) as well as velocity is monitored using positional sensors called “encoders”. Both the
motor and the encoder require connection to some kinds of electronic circuits, as illustrated in the
following diagram:



In this task, you are going to build the electronic circuits which can be used to drive a stepper motor
and to read an encoder. A stepper motor is designed to rotate a specific angle (e.g. 15°) for every pulse
driving it; accordingly, the driver circuit is expected to generate a pulse wave with adjustable
frequency and duty cycle to control the motor. You can find more information about stepper motor
in the following textbook in LEGANTO:

Chapman S J, Electric Machinery Fundamentals (Fifth Edition), McGraw-Hill (2012), pp.602-606.

A typical encoder consists of a ruler/scale with regular “bright” and “dark” intervals that can be read
optically; the reader circuit is expected to determine the displacement of the motor from the signal.
Read the following Wikipedia page to find out more:


The design task requires the electronic circuits to be built in hardware. Implementation will not
involve real motors and encoders, but will use a LED and a photoresistor (or phototransistor) to
simulate the coupling between the motor and the encoder.


The design task is made up of the following parts:

1. To design and implement a driver circuit for a stepper motor.
2. To design and implement a reader circuit for an encoder that outputs the displacement.
3. To simulate the motor-encoder system by coupling the two circuits using a LED and a
photoresistor/phototransistor, according to the following diagram:


Part 1 – Constructing the Driver Circuit

• The driver circuit is expected to generate a control pulse wave compatible with TTL logic. It
should also have a switch to turn ON/OFF pulse wave generation.

• The control pulse wave is required to have frequency in the range of 1-100 Hz and duty cycle
in the range of 10%–90%, both of which should be adjustable in real time.

• The driver is required to work for output (motor) impedance ranging from 3–150 Ω.

Part 2 – Constructing the Reader Circuit

• The encoder signal is assumed to be digital in TTL logic, with each pulse corresponding to a
predefined constant distance, regardless of the duty cycle.

• The reader circuit is required to output the accumulated displacement in the format of 4-bit
counter (i.e. 0-15), displayed in decimal digits.

• The reader circuit is also required to be compatible with bi-directional displacement

reading, i.e. both counting up and counting down.

• Note: Part 2 may be done before Part 1.

Part 3 – Simulating the System

• Directly connect the driver circuit and the reader circuit for preliminary testing.

• Connect a LED to the output of the driver circuit, and a photoresistor/phototransistor to

the input of the reader circuit to simulate the coupling.

• You may need to modify the circuits for better impedance matching.


The following functionalities will provide bonus marks:

• For actually driving the stepper motor, the control pulse wave must be further converted to
voltages applied to the stator of the motor, as the following graph shows (assuming a three-
phase stator):

Modify your driver to realise this conversion, where VDC is applied externally.

• For bi-directional displacement reading, an encoder may utilise two quadrature signals to
determine the direction of movement, as illustrated in the following graph:

Modify your driver and reader circuits to demonstrate this function. You can simply
connect the two circuits and are not required to use LEDs and photodetectors for coupling.


The total mark for the lab consists of the following two deliverables:
1. Functioning hardware circuits that meet the requirements of the design task (22 marks).
You will need to demonstrate the functions of your design to the lab demonstrators and
answer relevant questions in the practical class in Week 5.
• You can build the circuits in a breadboard or anywhere else you prefer.
• You can use any component you prefer for your design. However, if the component is not
available in the lab, it is your responsibility to obtain it for assessment, and you must also
justify its usage in your submitted log.

2. A detailed design log/journal, containing the design process and your self-reflection on the
experience undertaking the design process (8 marks). The log will require periodic inputs,
and to be submitted via iLearn. It should include at least the following:
• A journaled description of the progress of your design. This should include the
rationale of your approach, resources that you have found (including relevant links),
and successful as well as unsuccessful attempts on your design.
• Any reflection of “lessons learned” for your unsuccessful attempts.
• Things that you had to revise from your earlier knowledge in order to proceed with the
design task.
• References, including generative AI outputs and the prompts you used.
• Schematics and drawings.
• A table detailing the total cost of the design.

Assessment of the design log will be based on its content and also on your consistency in
updating it periodically. You are required to bring your design log to the demonstration &
defence in Week 5. The deadline for submitting the completed design log in iLearn is 11:55
pm on the Monday of Week 5. Late submission penalty applies as described in the unit


The following aspects will be marked:

• Your hardware circuits, the design process undertaken, and how well you can demonstrate
the functions of your circuits.
• Your understanding and explanation of the operation of the circuits, and also of the
function of each of the components in your design. You should be able to articulate why
each of the components is included and what it does in the circuit.
• How organised/neat/compact your design is and how easily you can troubleshoot it.

Details about the marking rubric will be provided in a separate document.

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