TCW PPT - Session 3
TCW PPT - Session 3
TCW PPT - Session 3
1. There are states that are independent from one another;
2. These states interact with one another through
3. International organizations exist to facilitate these
interactions; and
4. Beyond facilitating meetings among states, these
organizations also take lives on their own (Claudio, 2018).
3. In different core issues, almost everyone is made aware of the rights of women and
children, health, environment, , discrimination and inequalities through increased media
4. In culture, clear and deeper understanding of the different communities with their
practices and religions is greater than before which leads to a possible demonstration of
sympathy and compassion with one another in time of calamities and tragedies
5. In resources, since developed countries need natural and human resources while
developing countries need capital, technology and brainpower there is a growing
interdependence among these countries.
1. In culture, globalization is a challenge to culture and language. The scientific and economic
superiority of developed countries imposing certain languages particularly in English that may pose a
problem practically wiping out most traditions, customs and values in most societies and
marginalizes their culture. It also reshapes the sense of identity of many individuals, especially the
2. In developing countries, global corporations have the tendency to cause damage to the
environment of these countries in addition to dangerously marketing expired products and illegal
goods. The world has become a "global pillage instead of global village" (Giddens, 2000).
3. In religion, exchange of information on different opinions about various religions are made easier by
globalization, however the religious values lose their influence on people's behaviors due to the
promotion of pure secular system values. Corruption of values find a way into the minds of individuals.
4. In morals, immoral acts are not only globalized but also becoming a disease. Many people are
wasting a lot of time on the Internet for unnecessary purposes. With the use of the Internet, young
people can have direct access to immoral materials. Due to lack of parental guidance, a lot of
criminalities have emerged in the present times.
5. In international politics, the collapse of some countries like the Soviet Union has led powerful countries
like the US to control the global system and international relations.
6. In the economy, many national economies collapsed due to the emergence of global corporations that
offer cheaper products and services. It has led to fluctuation in price.
7. In science, although globalization remarkably contributes to new scientific revolutions in many fields,
especially in space and computer sciences, these new revolutions paved the way to be used for immoral
purposes and to damage the dignity of man who is created by God including the environment.
Institutions governing
International Relations
They are the central focus of policy making efforts
around the world. These are organizations with
international membership, scope, or presence.
Globalism is the network of nation-states. The degree of
relationship, how thick or thin globalism is, refers to
globalization which focuses on the changes on the
forces, dynamism or speed. The distinct dimensions of
globalism are economic, military, environmental, and
social or cultural (Nye, 2002).