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Wireless Sensor Network Technologies in Precision Agriculture-A Survey-2023-24

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2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications (GCITC)

Karnataka, India. Dec 1-3, 2023

Wireless Sensor Network Technologies in Precision

Agriculture-A Survey
2023 Global Conference on Information Technologies and Communications (GCITC) | 979-8-3503-0816-7/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/GCITC60406.2023.10425910

Ranjitha R1,2 [email protected] Parinitha Shivakumar

Research Scholar, Dept. Electronicsand Mallikarjun B C Member IEEE, Dept. Electronics and
Telecommunication Member IEEE, Dept. Electronics and Telecommunication
Siddaganga Institute of Technology Telecommunication Siddaganga Institute of Technology
Tumkur, India Siddaganga Institute of Technology Tumkur, India
Assistant Professor, Dept. Electricaland Tumkur, India [email protected]
Electronics [email protected]
CMR Institute of Technology
Bangalore, India

Abstract— Agriculture is one of the main economic technologies used in precision agriculture are represented in
activities in India. Around 60% of the people are employed in fig.1
agriculture. India has the world’s second-largest agricultural
land. Over the years, the agricultural sector has seen
substantial development, moving from ancient farming
methods to contemporary and high-technology methods.
Precision Agriculture (PA) is the management strategy that
uses new technologies to increase crop yields and profitability by
continuously monitoring, measuring and responding to
various requirements of the farmer with the use of wireless
sensor networks (WSN). Various wireless communication
technologies are implemented in WSN such as Bluetooth, Wi- Fi, Fig. 1. Represents technologies used in PA
Zigbee, LoRa, LTE, and Sigfox, which are used for data
transfer through the process of computing. This paper reviews Nowadays, we are following PA to improve crop yield with
the above-mentioned technologies and their use cases in PA. It minimum investment and monitoring the growth of the crop
also discusses edge and cloud computing with the use of with the help of a wireless sensor network [1].
wireless technologies in WSN for PA. The review of various
wireless technologies in WSN with various use cases for PA Precision Agriculture is an extensive method to maintain
carried out justify the importance of WSN as a essential tool the agricultural field and crop in a balanced way to obtain good
for PA. quality yield with minimal investment and harm to the
surrounding environment. PA is emerging as a new technology
Keywords—Wireless Sensor Network(WSN), Precision whose motive is to minimize the burden on farmers and
Agriculture(PA), LoRa, edge computing and cloud computing increase the productivity of crops with the help of technologies
like IoT, WSN, and drone surveillance, and many more. The
I. INTRODUCTION structure of precision agriculture is shown in fig.2
Agriculture in India is a critical sector of the economy,
contributing to around 17% of the country's gross domestic
product (GDP) and providing employment to over 50% of the
population. In India, a diverse range of agricultural practices
are implemented on a daily basis , from small- scale
subsistence farming to large-scale commercial production. The
country has a favourable climate and vast arable land, making
it one of the world's largest agricultural producers.
The major priorities of support needed for agriculture are
enhancing agricultural productivity and growth which can be
achieved by encouraging new innovative devices and
technologies and reforming agricultural research which is
needed for agriculture growth. The need for improvement in
agriculture is required to implement on the farm which will
provide support and assistance to farmers. The farmers will get
benefits in predicting the yield, and suggesting a suitable crop
based on the soil moisture, climate, and humidity so that a
good yield can be obtained. The disease prediction for the crop
can be done so that precautions can be taken. Suitable fertilizer
can be suggested and weed removal can be monitored. The Fig. 2. Represents the Precision Agriculture Structure

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Utilizing data and technology, precision agriculture aims to where it is placed with the technology advanced sensor nodes
maximise yields, cut down on waste, and boost productivity. that can be produced in a cost-effective way due to their
By providing information on a variety of environmental compact size resulting in modernized sensing, processing, and
factors, including temperature, humidity, soil moisture, and transmission abilities.
nutrients, sensors are essential to precision agriculture. Several
of the sensors employed in precision agriculture include: WSN are classified into two different categories, Star-based
networks fall under the first category, which uses static routing
Soil moisture sensors-Sensors that measure the moisture and only requires one hop to reach a sink. Mesh-based
content of the soil which can help farmers decide when and networks are classified as part of the second category, which
how much to irrigate their fields. employs dynamic routing with multi-hop connectivity. The
first category includes widely used technology of wireless such
Weather sensors-They measure different weather as infrared, Bluetooth, and the Wi-Fi network. The Second
conditions include those that gauge temperature, humidity, category needs refined design,such architecture is known as an
wind speed, and rainfall. Farmers can predict weather patterns ad-hoc Network. The nodes have limited memory storage
and manage their crops more effectively by using the data capacity so they will store information only about their
gathered. neighbours which results in a complicated yet efficient design
Nutrient sensors-These devices gauge the amount of of a protocol [4].
nutrients in the soil, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and
At a Sensor area, nodes of the sensor are distributed as
Temperature sensors- They deliver insightful data on the
shown in fig.4. Scattered sensor collects the data and transmits
temperature of the air, soil, and water, which can assist farmers
it to the sink and end user . R outing of data to sink is done by
in making knowledgeable choices regarding crop
the infrastructure less architecture of multi-hop. With the help
of Internet to satellite, sink will transmit the data to the node of
A WSN can be defined as an infrastructure less and
automated computerized network implemented in the physical
environment to monitor the environmental conditions such as
temperature, PH level, water level, soil moisture, nutrients of
soil and cooperatively send the information which is sensed by
the sensor to the main area or sink where the data can be
processed and an analyzed. A WSN is provided with power
supply, sensing device, computing device, radio transmitter
and receiver.
A wireless sensor node is an embedded system that consists
of a processor, module of trans-receiver, an analog to digital
converter (ADC), a single sensor or multiple sensors, and a
battery which is used as a power source. A sensor which is
implemented in the environment measures the variations of Fig. 4. Distribution of WSN Node
current at the sensor node. These measurements are converted
into required signals through ADC and is transmitted through Application Layer-The management, processing, and
the node’s processor. The node transmits a signal interacting with higher level applications of the sensor data are
fundamentally which is emitted by one node to another node all performed by the application layer. This layer is in charge
through a selected sink point which is mentioned at the base of aggregating the sensor data into a format that can be
station [3]. transmitted to the following layer and processing it. Overall, it
plays a crucial part in ensuring that the WSN network runs
effectively, carries out numerous tasks that are important to the
network's proper operation, and acts as an interface for higher-
level applications to communicate with the WSN.
Transport layer- An essential layer of a Wireless Sensor
Network's protocol stack is the Transport layer. (WSN). In
spite of network congestion, packet loss, or other errors, this
Fig. 3. WSN Node Structure layer is in charge of ensuring that data is reliably transmitted
between network nodes. End-to-end data delivery is one of the
As shown in fig.3, the data transmitted to itself will be able Transport layer's main responsibilities in a WSN. This layer
to conduct the network under the supervision where the WSN makes sure that data sent from the source node is reliably
is implemented and then communicate relevant data to required transmitted to the destination node. This is done by ensuring
users or other networks using base stations. A WSN acquires that data is properly packaged, transmitted, and received by
the cumulative amount of enormous data over the environment

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using a variety of protocols, such as the Transmission Control most popular, are supported by the ZigBee Network. The
Protocol (TCP) or the User Datagram Protocol (UDP). ZigBee Network Protocol adheres to IEEE 802.15.4
standards for Physical and MAC levels. Each Zigbee
Network Layer-The nodes of the sensor are distributed in network has three different types of nodes: a Zigbee
an area either inside or close to the process. The data collected Coordinator, a Zigbee Router, and a Zigbee End device.
by the sensor node will be communicated to a sink. So there
exists limited communication between the source and the sink Each device in the network is given a special address by
which prevents a direct transmission between the nodes of the coordinator, who also launches and transmits the
source and sink. The Networks of sensors are data-centric, data network. Between a coordinator and a device or peer-to-
can be aggregated from multiple neighbours by local peer, data can be transferred. The coordinator and the device
processing and the wide number of nodes are distributed over can exchange data in either a beacon-enabled or non-
the area hence unique ID may not be addressed based on their beacon-enabled fashionThe ZigBee Network was designed
data and location. and implemented with six nodes and one coordinator node
to obtain higher efficiency in precision agriculture [7].
Data Link -It supervises for medium access, control error,
detection of frame, and multiplexing streams of data. To ensure B. Bluetooth
reliable communication, the Data Link Layer in WSN employs
protocols like MAC (Media Access Control) and LLC (Logical
Link Control). Resources of communication between sensor
nodes are more successfully distributed by Medium Access
Control protocols. Due to the noise, MAC should be aware of
power and be able to avoid interfering with the closest
Physical layer-This layer is responsible for selection of
frequency, detection of signal, encryption of data and
modulation. The modulation depends on transceiver and
hardware design for easy operation, cost effective and low
power consumption. The schemes of binary modulation can be
implemented easily and they have more efficient amount of
energy. This layer communicates the needs of simple but
robust modulation, techniques of transmitting and receiving
Wireless communication protocol is a set of guidelines Fig. 6. Bluetooth Architecture[8]
used to follow for the protocol. The guidelines for data
transmission, error correction, security, and other aspects of The WSN is implemented for PA to monitor paddy
wireless communication are outlined in these protocols. crops for weeds with the help of Raspberry Pi Bluetooth4.0.
Wireless communication protocols come in a wide variety, This wireless technology is used the send the visual data from
each with unique benefits and restrictions. the sensor nodes to the base station as seen in fig 6. The
IEEE802.11a/b/g/n standard is used to send the data to the
A. ZigBee
base station. This setup is power efficient due to the use of
Bluetooth Technology. The smart management of
greenhouse system is designed and implemented to control
and monitor the humidity and irrigation system using an
Arduino Microcontroller. The water pump is activated with
the help of Bluetooth Technology with a baud rate of
9600bps and 2.4GHz ISMfrequency spectrum[8].
Bluetooth offers secured and free data transfer in the
public domain, it is good means of transport for small
amounts of data transfer like temperature sensor readings,
and GPS coordinates in terms of agricultural spectrum,
Bluetooth is cost-effective and has low power consumption.
C. SigFox

Fig. 5. Architecture of Zigbee [6]

IEEE 802.15.4, which is used for communication

between a sensor and a controller, is a requirement for
Zigbee. The star and peer-to-peer topologies, which are the Fig. 7. SigFox Architecture [9]

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A long-distance, low-power wireless communication
technology called Sigfox enables devices to send data to the
cloud. Ultra-narrowband (UNB) modulation and Sigfox's use
of unlicensed Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM)
frequency bands enable effective communication between
devices and base stations. In fig 7. A network of Sigfox base
stations connected to the Sigfox Cloud via the Internet receive
the data transmitted by a Sigfox-enabled device. The data is
processed by the Sigfox Cloud before being sent via API or
call back to the user's application server.
SDR (Software Defined Radio) is used to implement
gateway modules, and mobile operators typically deploy the
network.[10]. Three uplink frames are sequentially sent on
three arbitrary channels by the Sigfox node to start
transmission. (Carrier Frequency). The base station is still able
to successfully receive the frames even if one or two of the
transmission attempts fail due to channel conditions like a
collision with another node or interference from other stations
belonging to other systems that use the same frequency. Sigfox Fig. 8. LoRa Architecture [12]
requires a more advanced base station and a less expensive
endpoint radio to control the WSN network's nodes. Sigfox The WSN is implemented with the nodes based on Long
communication is typically more successful if it is directed up Range Radio(LoRa) open-source platform which utilizes
all the links and routing nodes from the end node to the base microchip SAD21 ARM-based processor operating at48MHz
station [11]. and a LoRa transceiver RF95.The architecture(fig 8) is
implemented easily and maintained with the help of LoRa
D. Long Range Radio transceivers and effective management of channel mechanisms.
LoRa is a spread spectrum-based modulation method made A study of analytics shows the drone closeness utilization
possible by the Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) technology. Due which flies over the sensors to collect the data from the sensors
to its ability to provide some of the most important features, with a given quality with the help of LoRa radio, which uses a
such as low cost and low power wireless platforms, LoRa has LoRa radio. This can be used to properly space the sensors on
emerged as one of the most successful solutions in the Internet the field at deployment time, to select among different types of
of Things (IoT). drones, and to properly solve some trade related to field sizes
autonomy of the drones and the path used by the latter when
The LoRa Wide Area Network (Lora WAN) protocol is
collecting the data[14].
used by LoRa technology to address a variety of real-world
issues, including automation, managing energy, preventing The comparison of the above-mentioned wireless
disasters, and controlling pollution. Home automation, smart technology with the reference to power consumption and
irrigation power management, smart cities, smart metering, etc. distance is shown in fig. 9.
are some of the functional areas. The LoRa network has
connections to 100 countries and approximately 100 million
devices [13].




OPERATING FREQUENCY 2400/2483.5MHZ 2.4/60 GHZ 868/915 MHZ 862/900 MHZ

10m 100m 25Km 40Km


215mW 36.9mW 100mW 4.4W


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The platform of permission block-chain is used to provide
the confidence and security of data transfer to the environment
at low power to the cloud. The computing of edge saves the
bandwidth of the network through data processing naturally
instead of transferring to the database of the cloud server. The
smart agriculture system is proposed and analyzed with the
help of edge computing. It provides a smart agricultural system
that provides knowledge and real-time information to the
farmers. The computing of edge gives low and measurable
latency for IoT-based smart agriculture systems. This process
is distributed to the environment of the node to sense the
balance of the workload of the cloud [18].
Edge computing is an information technology (IT)
Fig. 9. Comparison of three different wireless protocol
architecture where client data is processed at the network's
V. TECHNOLOGIES IN PRECISION AGRICULTURE edge, as close to the original source as is practical. The
Plant diseases have an impact on food safety as well as the computing of the cloud is the process where the data
quantity and quality of agricultural products. These storage and software development tools are available without
consequences lead to a loss of revenue in the production the participation of the end user. The network established will
sectors, which are especially important for developing nations. be cost-effective and can function smoothly.
Expert visual inspection is time-consuming, expensive, and This type of computing makes it easier for end devices to
unscalable for large farms. As a result, automating the communicate with computing data centres and for computing,
detection of plant diseases is a workable way to avoid yield storage, and networking services to operate. The related works
losses. The use of drones is currently one of the most widely based on edge and cloud computing are tabulated in table 2.
used methods for this automation. Numerous drone
applications have been created for a variety of uses, including TABLE II. COMPARISON OF EDGE AND CLOUD COMPUTING
pest detection, crop yield prediction, crop spraying, yield
Edge Technology Outcome
estimation, water stress detection, land mapping, identifying Computing/
plant nutrient deficiencies, weed detection, livestock control, Cloud
protection of agricultural products, soil analysis, and pest Computing
detection [15]. Edge computing LoRa technology used Analyze and control the
[19] to monitor the greenhouse
A major issue with edge following systems is an increase in greenhouse based on to reduce the amount of
oscillation amplitude brought on by guidance errors in machine learning. data transfer
subsequent passes. To "straighten out" the edge of the worked
area, human operators frequently and periodically sacrifice Edge LoRA and Wi-Fi An energy-efficient model
computing[20] technology used with for fruit detection with
efficiency in one pass. GPS receivers with centimetre-level the Tiny machine 90% accuracy obtained
Real-Time Kinematic accuracy are an additional type of sensor algorithm. and three times more
that can be used. Absolute vehicle guidance systems can now efficient than cloud
be designed and put into use thanks to the development of computing.
precise systems with a standard deviation from the mean of Edge LoRa communication An accuracy of 92%
computing[21] used between the nodes obtained for disease
about 10 mm. A few methods for GPS-based control systems detection in
also incorporate sensors for attitude measurement, like fibre Strawberry plant.
optic gyroscopes [16]. Cloud Integrating IoT with an IoT sensors implemented
Computing[22] unmanned aerial above and below the
Robotic platforms in the field can gather sensory data that Vehicles ground collect the data
can reveal a wealth of information about the soil, seeds, from the sensors and
livestock, crops, prices, farm machinery, and the use of water analysis is done for every
and fertiliser. Farmers are already starting to use low-cost 12hrs at a low cost.
Internet of Things (IoT) technologies and advanced analytics to Cloud LPWAN designed with The system reliability
Computing[23] two wireless nodes. The shown for two different
analyse weather, temperature, moisture, price, and other data to database is managed by soils namely Loamy and
gain insights into how to optimise yield, improve planning, virtual machine learning silty soil.
make wiser resource-level decisions, and decide when and in the cloud.
where to distribute those resources in order to reduce waste and Cloud Use of ICT The sustainability and
increase yields. With agri-tech test beds already in Computing[24] efficiency of agriculture
improve productivity and
development, future telecommunications availability is likely reduce the intake of
to increase IoT capacity [17]. pesticides.

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