Module 3B
Module 3B
Module 3B
In previous chapter, policies and practices on how to make schools inclusive to all
learners have been presented. Such school-wide changes in policy and culture are
essential to provide the support and resources needed by the teacher and process
involved in identifying children through assessment and providing varied means of
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testing, they get academic and behavioral support to address their issues. Taylor
(2009) stated in his evaluation model that the first stage is to identify teaching
areas where a student needs further support in various ways.
Community-based screening can identify at-risk or special-needs young pupils. The
Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD Checklist) is used by child
development and social workers to screen for typical development.
Assessment is the process of collecting information[ about a child’s
strengths and needs. It uses a problem-solving process that involves a
systematic collection as well as interpretation of data gathered. Teachers and
administrators make instructional decisions based on the assessment results.
A. Assessment Purposes
There are several uses for
assessment in inclusive and
special education. It starts with
initial identification, which
was covered in Child Find and
the pre-referral procedure in the
previous section.
The outcomes of an evaluation
are used to determine a child's
educational placement and to create lesson plans for children who
have been identified as having special needs. Another is progress
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monitoring and evaluation of teaching programs and services, with
the aim of assessing how well programs support special education and
inclusive teachers (Giuliani & Pierangelo 2012). Regular and special
education teachers can employ a range of assessment techniques. The
following topics are covered in this section: (1) observations; (2)
checklists or rating scales; (3) tests; and (4) interviews.
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During observations, teachers and specialists can use running records which
focuses on the occurrence of behaviors as they happen sequentially.
C. Assessment Principles
Assessment Principles Assessment practices should be anchored on principles as
provided by the Division for Early Childhood of the Council for Exceptional Student
(DEC) (2014). Child- and family-centered practices, a team-based approach,
application of individualized and appropriate process, and use of genuine and
meaningful communication that adhere to ethical and legal practices are the
recommendations provided by the DEC. Thus, a variety of assessment methods and
tools, use of authentic measures, as well as involvement of the family are necessary
to make decisions for placement and instructional planning (DEC 2014). III.
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Another option for placement is to be in a general education class but the
child receives supplementary instruction and services such as speech,
physical, and occupational therapy or counseling services during the
school day. Options may be provided when such sessions are conducted, either
during school or as an after-school service.
In a resource room, general education students are taught by a
specialist. Such a placement assumes that the child will benefit better from small-
group or customized instruction with a professional instructor who can more
intensively target his learning requirements. Some kids need more intensive
support than general education provides. Teams may advocate placing a kid in a
self-contained special education class in a general education school. All children get
customized and group teaching from a special education instructor with classmates
with disabilities and other needs. School community-building activities may allow
kids to interact with typically developing peers, depending on program aims. Some
students need more extensive instruction and supports and are placed in a special
education class or school. Professional teams and the special education teacher
work with students with disabilities and special needs in a specialized setting. The
most restrictive or isolated environment is a residential facility where students
live and get educational support 24/7. Finally, children with severe multiple
disabilities receive home- or hospital-based programs to manage their medical
condition and learn as much as possible. Inclusive education advocates to give all
kids access to general education classrooms and support to overcome hurdles to
achievement. Figure 4.2 shows this educational placement continuum (Spinelli
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Students with disabilities and additional needs who are studying in an
inclusive general education classroom may need accommodations in the form of
instructional support and other supplementary services. Others who need more
intensive support are provided with curricular modifications.
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Children with disabilities may need specialized presentation formats especially
those with sensory impairments so they can learn the same content alongside
typically developing peers. Table 4.1 presents examples of accommodations in
2. Response Accommodations
Response accommodations allow students with disabilities and additional needs
a variety of ways to complete assignments, written tests, performance tasks, and
other activities. Providing such instructional and assessment supports allows them
to access the same learning experiences as other students in a general education
classroom. Table 4.2 summarizes examples of response accommodations for
students with disabilities and additional needs.
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Online dictionary
Word processor with spelling and grammar check
Writing cue cards
List of sight words
Writing templates, outlines, and graphic organizers
3. Setting Accommodations
Changes in the location or conditions of the educational setting or
environment may be necessary for students who need support in terms of behavior,
attention, and organization of space and materials. Accommodation in a setting
may allow a child who gets easily distracted to work in a quiet corner of the
classroom in his own study carrel so that he will not be sidetracked by
environmental stimuli. Or a child who is still unable to read fluently may be allowed
to take a silent reading comprehension test in another room with a supervising
adult just so she could hear herself read aloud which helps her better understand
the story.
4. Scheduling Accommodations
Changing time allotment, schedule of tasks and assessments, and
management of time are some types of scheduling accomodations. Students with
slower ability in processing information and directions well as with focusing issues
may need these types of accommodation. Some examples of accommodation that
can modify scheduling are: 1. Extending time for assignments and assessments; 2.
Providing breaks in between tasks; 3. Providing an visual calendar or a checklist of
individual responsibilities; and 5. Providing an e;ectronic device with alarms and
B. Modifications
Curriculum modifications are provided for students with significant or severe
disabilities where content expectations are altered, and the performance outcomes
are changed in relation to what are expected of typically developing students of the
same age (DEC 2007). When instruction and assessment are modified, a student
with disability is still given the right to access the same learning opportunities as
other students in the general education class, but the tasks are more respectful and
appropriate to the student's abilities and needs.
Curricular modifications include changes in instructional level, content and
performance criteria, as well as the breadth and depth of content being learned by
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students. Students with disabilities or additional needs may be given more, less, or
different content and resource materials altogether. They may also be assessed
using different standards that are more appropriate to the student's needs and
abilities, such as being provided with fewer objectives, shorter lessons, or a smaller
number of vocabulary words to learn.
Educational teams responsible for instructional planning may indicate
curricular modifications in the student's Individual Educational Plan (IEP). Such
modifications are needed so that students also have access to the general
education curriculum.
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A meeting with parents at the start of the school year to define goals for a disabled
student is best. Thus, parents and teachers can create year-long expectations and
child goals. Teachers can also build rapport
with parents. After each quarter, trimester, and
semester, parents are invited to conferences to
discuss progress, improvements, and results
and agree on action plans.
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become educated in evidence-based approaches so that there will be continuity in
the practices implemented between the home and school.
b. Parent support groups are also helpful as parents are able to ask other
parents about tips and techniques to work with their children. Parents should be
empowered so that they can participate in planning and organizing parent support
groups. Through such groups, parents can draw support from one another during
meetings as they share techniques and strategies, even frustrations and successes
about their children.
In summary, this chapter has presented the different components of
inclusive and special education, which include the following: pre-referral,
assessment, placement, accommodations
curricular modifications, and parent involvement. Across these components, a team
approach is highly recommended where each member-the child, parents, general
education teacher, special education teacher, therapists, and other specialists-
coordinate and collaborate in planning and making decisions for the child with
K.Eileen Allen and Ilene S. Schawrtz, The Exceptional Child. Inclusion in Early
Childhood Education.
Inciong, T., Quijano, Y., Capulong, Y. & Gregorio, J. (2007). Introduction to Special
Education. Quezon City: Rex Printing Press Company, Inc.
Excerpted from: Tomlinson, C. A. (August, 2000). Differentiation of Instruction in the
Elementary Grades. ERIC Digest. ERIC Clearinghouse on Elementary and Early
Childhood Education.
Handbook on Inclusive Education,SPED Division
Handbook in Special Education SPED Division Inclusive Education - Education
Equity Now
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