Data Com Lab Report
Data Com Lab Report
Data Com Lab Report
Data Communication
Submitted to:
Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering
Submitted by:
Samip Neupane (077BCT073)
Sandesh Pokhrel (077BCT074)
Sandesh Pyakurel (077BCT075)
Sandhya Baral (077BCT076)
Sardul Khanal (077BCT077)
Satyasa Khadka (077BCT078)
Saurav Kumar Mahato (077BCT079)
Shuvangi Adhikari (077BCT080)
When a pulse is used to represent each bit, it is called binary
A. Line Encoding. communication. If a pulse is used to represent multiple bits it
is called m-ary communication.
• To show how data represented by data words can be sent Some desirable properties of line code are
as a digital stream, one bit at a time and reconstructed at
1) Error detection capability: The receiver needs to be
a distant receiver.
able to distinguish the waveform associated with a
• To show that the analog signals can be converted to data
“high” from the waveform associated with a “low”, even
word and sent by this process.
if there is a considerable amount of noise and distortion
• To show communication can be accomplished in this way.
in the channel.
2) DC content: Many telecom channels are AC coupled
i.e. DC blocking, so it is desirable to have zero DC in
II. I NTRODUCTION the waveform produced by a given line code. If a signal
with significant DC content is used in AX coupled lines,
Line encoding is the process of converting digital data to
it will cause DC wanter (received signal baseline will
digital signals. Line coding converts a sequence of bits to a
vary with time). Furthermore, it is not possible to pass
digital signal. At the sender, digital data are encoded into a
DC through transformers and DC-blocking capacitors.
digital signal and at the receiver, the digital data are recreated
Unipolar encoding has average non-zero amplitude i.e.
by decoding the digital signal. The basic types of line encoding
a DC component. While other coding schemes either
are polar, unipolar, and bipolar.
reduce or have no DC component.
3) Power Spectrum and Bandwidth: The power spec-
trum and bandwidth of the transmitted signal should be
III. EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED matched to the frequency response of the channel to
avoid significant distortion. The bandwidth should be
The equipment required for the successful completion of minimized as much as possible to improve efficiency.
the experiment of Digital Signalling are listed below: 4) Self-synchronization: The waveform produced by the
• U-2970A Data Source line code should contain enough timing information such
• U-2970H Data Receiver that the receiver can synchronize with the transmitter
• U-2970K Audio Module and decode the received signal properly. This can be
• U-2970M Power Supply achieved if there are transitions in the signal that alert
• U-2970N Set of connecting leads the receiver to the beginning, middle, or end of the pulse.
• Function Generator Non-return to zero schemes have less synchronization as
• Two channel oscilloscope the receiver cannot determine the beginning and end of a
A. Line Encoding
We, the students of department of Electronics and Computer
Engineering, wish to acknowledge Dr. Nanda Bikram Adhikari
Sir, Anila Kansakar Mam and other contributors for helping
complete this part of the lab with accuracy, either in a direct
or an indirect way. Their class lectures proved to be quite
handy in solving the exercises of this part of the lab. We wish
to acknowledge our classmates, discussions with whom, made
the concepts on certain topics even more clear.
[1] Stallings,W. Data and Computer Communications,
Eight Edition.
The U-2970K Audio module receives the analog signal
given as an input given to the data source module. U-2970A
converts the received analog signal to digital signal along with
a redundant bit added for error detection by the means of
ADC. After the conversion, the output was observed in the
dual channel oscilloscope. The noises were seen mixed with
digitized signals due to many reasons such as the interference
in the U-2879N leads and the connecting wires, and due to
the oscilloscope as well. The output from the U-2970A was
sent to the U-2970H receiver module. The data received is
converted back to analog signal and fed into U-2970K Audio
Module where the analog output is converted to the sound.
Abstract—Introduction to amplitude modulation and demod- long distances. Though newer modulation techniques like fre-
ulation is presented.This report provides an overview of am- quency modulation (FM) and digital modulation have gained
plitude modulation (AM) and the corresponding demodulation prominence in certain applications, AM is still used in various
process. The aim is to delve into the fundamental principles
and methods of AM, highlighting its benefits and practical areas, including broadcasting, aviation, and two-way radio
uses. Furthermore, the report investigates demodulation, the communication.
technique employed to retrieve the initial information from the In this experiment, we will explore the principles and
modulated signal.The report encompasses outcomes obtained
from a hands-on laboratory session. Grasping the concepts of
mechanisms behind amplitude modulation and demodulation,
AM and demodulation is imperative to grasp the operation of delve into the advantages and disadvantages of this technique,
diverse radio communication systems, playing a pivotal role in and examine its relevance in modern communication systems.
contemporary telecommunications. Understanding AM and demodulation is crucial in compre-
Index Terms—amplitude, modulation, carrier, etc. hending the evolution of telecommunication technology and
its impact on our daily lives.
A. Modulation
To produce a DSB-FC-AM (Double Sideband-Full Carrier- III. EQUIPMENTS REQUIRED
Amplitude Modulated) signal
fLSB = fc − fm
From the above expression it can be seen that the output The power required for the transmission of a DSB–FC–AM
consists of three components: signal can be calculated as follows:
A. Amplitude Modulation
1) Over-Modulation: .
Vmax = 0.875
Vmin = −0.422
Modulation-index(m)= 2.86
2) 100%-Modulation: .
B. Amplitude Demodulation
[1] Stallings,W. Data and Computer Communications,
Eight Edition.
Delta Modulation
Samip Neupane(077BCT073), Sandesh Pokhrel(077BCT074), Sandesh Pyakurel(077BCT075),
Sandhya Baral(077BCT076), Sardul Khanal(077BCT077), Satyasa Khadka(077BCT078),
Saurav Kumar Mahato (077BCT079) and Shuvangi Adhikari(077BCT080)
Abstract— The Data Communication Delta Modulation Lab converted to digital signals by modulation technique and then
delves into the fundamental principles and practical transferred to receiver. The receiver receives modulated signal
implementation of delta modulation - an uncomplicated pulse code and convert back to original form by demodulation.
modulation technique widely employed for analog-to-digital
conversion. Throughout this lab, participants will grasp the process
of quantizing the difference between consecutive samples of an
analog signal, converting the quantized delta into a digital format,
and transmitting or storing the resultant digital data. Emphasis will
be placed on comprehending the strengths and limitations of delta
modulation, its application in low bit rate scenarios, and its
susceptibility to noise and abrupt signal changes. By engaging in
hands-on experiments and simulations, students will acquire
valuable insights into the trade-offs associated with delta
modulation and explore alternative techniques to enhance
performance in diverse communication systems.
Index Terms—Delta Modulation, Modulation
Fig. 1. Delta Modulation
technique used to encode analog signals into digital form 1) Equipment required
and decode back digital signal to analog signal. It works • Double-beam oscilloscope, 5MHz bandwidth
by quantizing the difference (or delta) between the current • Audio-frequency signal generator
sample of the analog signal and the previous sample.
• Delta-modulation module, 2960G
• Power Supply: ED-2900P
A delta modulation (DM or ∆-modulation) technique used
2) Examination of pulse generator
for conversion and transmission of voice information where
quality is not of primary importance.DM is the simplest form • 2960G module was supplied power by switching
of differential pulse-code modulation (DPCM) where the on the power supply. Y-channel of the oscilloscope
difference between successive samples is encoded into n-bit was connected to the output of the pulse genera- tor.
data streams. In delta modulation, the transmitted data are ’Clock input’ and ’Clock output’ sockets were
reduced to a 1-bit data stream representing either up (↑) or linked. Finally, ’data input’ socket was linked to
down (↓). ’+7.5V’ as shown in figure below:
The time variant analog signals are first sent to the sender
which then sent for conversion where analog signals are
B. Modulation
Modulation is done by modulator. The modulator is used at
the sender site to create a stream of bits from an analog signal.
The process records the small positive or negative changes,
called deltas. If the delta is positive, the process records a 1;
if it is negative, the process records a 0. However, the process
needs a base against which the analog signal is compared. The
modulator builds a second signal that resembles a staircase.
Finding the change is then reduced to comparing the input
signal with the gradually made staircase signal. Figure 4.
shows a diagram of the process.