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Book 1 Early Childhood Development

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Issue No.

XI April, 2011

Pakistan’s Pioneer Publication on Early Childhood Development

Early ChildhoodDevelopment
Issue No. XI April, 2011

Pakistan’s Pioneer Publication on Early Childhood Development

Write to us:
Nurture Magazine
Sindh Education Foundation
Plot 9, Block 7, Kehkashan, Clifton 5,
Karachi - 75600, Pakistan.
E-mail: [email protected]
Website: www.ecdpak.com

Write for us:

We invite you to send us your stories,
anecdotes and experiences related to
children’s growth and development
at the above address.
For more information on ECD
practices, issues, programs and tools
log on to www.ecdpak.com

Nurture is published bi-annually by the Sindh Education

Foundation. The opinions reflected in the various
contributions and features do not necessarily reflect the
views of Sindh Education Foundation, Aga Khan
Foundation or the Embassy of the Kingdom of the

The children of Sindh Education Foundation’s partner

schools and RCC Programme schools are showcased in
photographs that are used for the purpose of this
publication. The pictures are taken with the consent of
parents and children and are part of SEF’s image bank.

c Sindh Education Foundation.

No written permission is necessary to

reproduce an excerpt, or to make photocopies for
academic or individual use. Copies must include
a full acknowledgement and accurate
bibliographical citation.

Nurture is funded under the RCC: ECD Programme

supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the
Netherlands and coordinated by the Aga Khan
Foundation, Pakistan.

An agency of the Aga Khan Development Network

Nurturing the
World of Tomorr
Early Childhood
“Upon our children - how
they are taught - rests the
fate - or fortune - of
tomorrow's world.” (B.C.
What determines the future of a nation?
Is it technology? Its tangible resources? Its current economic
superiority or military domination?
It is the children who are the nation’s greatest resource, its most
valued asset. The children of today are the decision makers of
tomorrow and the future of this country. It is them through whom
the nation’s legacy lives on and them who determine if Pakistan
rises and prospers and reaches heights previously thought
Then how does this country ensure its success? It does so by
cultivating and nurturing its young. Only by fulfilling its children’s
basic needs, ensuring their safety and providing guidance to its
greatest natural resource can this nation hope to secure its
tumultuous future.
The answer lies in Early Child Development.
In lieu of its importance, this issue of ‘Nurture’ magazine aims to
take a holistic view on Early Child Development and provides an
interactive resource for the parents and teachers of young children
to aid in their development. It will be discussing the significance
of ECD on a broader basis and highlight critical aspects of children's
development as well as elaborating in detail on its specific facets
i.e. Cognitive, Social, Emotional and Physical Development.
It also includes a collection of interviews with experts in the field
of ECD. The experts will talk about their related field and give
invaluable advice to caregivers, based on their extensive experience,
on what is best for their children when it comes to Early Child
Furthermore, other useful interactive elements such as Flashcards
and activities are included to provide caregivers the resources they
can use with children for a fun based learning experience.
This magazine is but a small step in the overall effort in the field
of Early Child Development, but one we hope will help enlighten
some to the importance of ECD in the fate of the nation.
What is
E arly childhood is the most crucial time of
development in a human life.
The change is not just physical in nature i.e. growing
in size. During early childhood, children undergo
extraordinary physical, cognitive, social and emotional
development. Children evolve and mature, gaining
complex understanding of their environment in
regards to people, objects and the challenges they
Infants are born into this world with little in the means
of skills and abilities, but as they grow older they
develop new motor, cognitive, language and social
skills, much to the amazement of parents and
caregivers. There is a common pattern or sequence
for development that holds true for most children
but the rate, character, and quality of development
differs from child to child.
The Early Child Development (ECD) approach believes
that young children are nurtured best when caregivers
use precise methods formulated to support and
stimulate progress to the next level of development.
ECD is a combination of extensive education, nutrition
and health interventions, as well as emotional and
social stimulation for children between zero and eight
years of age. Early childhood development is critical
for the future well-being of young children as it
prepares them socially, emotionally and intellectually
for later education.
“Young children learn through play and exploration
Early childhood development (ECD) programmes can
take place at home with the family, in community
groups where carers support one another in providing
educational play opportunities, or in pre-schools where
children are left in the care of others. ECD efforts should
support the carers’ ability to care - by giving practical
advice and training or supporting schemes for to instructions and are attentive. The positive effects
sharing childcare. Elements beyond education, such that ECD programs have can have a critical impact on
as nutrition and health, should also form a major part the development path of children by the time they
of ECD projects” (Nicolai, 2003: 45). enter school.

The definitive objective of Early Child Development ECD interventions include educating and supporting
(ECD) programs is to enhance young children's ability parents, delivering services to children, developing
to develop and learn. Children who are nurtured with capacities of caregivers and teachers, and using mass
care are socially and emotionally healthy, confident, communications to enhance parents and caregiver's
and friendly. They have good peer relationships and knowledge and practices. Programs for children can
can tackle challenging tasks. They are in possession be center or home-based, formal or non-formal, and
of good language skills, can communicate well, listen can include parent education.
Why invest in ECD?
M ajor differences in children's
level of knowledge and abilities
are evident well before they start
school, and these differences are
indicators of ensuing academic
performance and achievements in
life. Children from underprivileged
families begin primary school less
keen to learn, with learning ability
and vocabulary far below the learning
levels of children from families with
higher incomes. These children are
seen to learn less in school, repeat
and eventually drop out. As working
adults, they earn lower wages and
have higher rates of criminal
behaviour. As a result, the region’s
economy and growth, reliant on a
strong, educated, and productive
labour force, is weakened.
The effect of good health, superior
nourishment, and suitable interaction
with others reflects directly on a
child's ability to think, create
relations, and develop his or her full
potential as a useful member of
society. Research has proven the
significance of an early development
for the brain and the need for a good
fitness and nutrition.
Globally, societies that invest in
children and families in the formative
years, regardless of the family’s
income levels have the most
educated populations. These
societies also have the lowest levels
of inequality. The benefits of ECD are
numerous, in that that it encourages
social equity, while increasing the
value of other investments, and at
the same time addressing the needs a child will attend school and go on to becoming an adult with higher
of mothers while helping their earnings, better health, reduced crime rates, and lower levels of welfare
children. dependence vis-a-vis than those who do not receive early development
support. Integrated programs for young children can alter the effects
Investing in young children is of socio-economic and gender-related inequalities, some of the most
pertinent to the development of a deep-rooted causes of poverty. These programs are great tools in that
nation’s economy. Avenues for early that they help break the cycle of poverty, and have significant economic
learning combined with better benefits. Endowing funds to quality ECD programs yields high return,
nutrition amplifies the likelihood that with unrelenting gains.
The Need for ECD

E arly Child Development interventions focus on the fields of education, health and nutrition which are
essential aspects for the betterment of our children’s and in turn our country’s future. They however
have to operate in tandem on a national scale to be effective in achieving overall progress and development.
A child cannot be expected to perform educationally if his health and nutrition is in question. Children that
suffer from ill-health, hunger and under-nutrition will in all probability have poor school attendance and have
serious deterrence in their ability to learn. ECD is based on an integrative approach where all facets complement
each other in bringing about holistic development.
ECD Interventions:

CHILD HEALTH: A CORE ASPECT OF ECD effective health investments as there is a well-defined
Globally, the majority of the burden of disease target group, contact with the health system is only
commences in early childhood. A healthy beginning needed at the time of delivery, and vaccination does
in life provides each child with an equal opportunity not require any major change of lifestyle.
to flourish and develop into an adult who makes a Immunization visits are also viewed as an opportunity
helpful contribution to the society, both economically to distribute information about ECD and infant health
and socially. Health-promoting procedures such as to parents. The importance of universal immunization
good nutrition, immunization, nurturance, programs, both in terms of reducing childhood disease
participation, care, stimulation, and protection are and providing opportunities for additional early
incorporated in Early Child Development Interventions. chi ld hood inter ventions, should not be
ECD reduces the immediate and future burden of underestimated.
disease, especially for those who are most vulnerable
and disadvantaged while offering the prospect of CONSEQUENCES OF ILL HEALTH
sustained improvements in physical, social, emotional, More than 200 million children worldwide under age
language, and cognitive development. 5 do not get basic health care, leading to nearly 10
million deaths annually from treatable ailments like
Health care systems have a crucial part to play during diarrhea and pneumonia. Nearly all of the deaths
the early years of children. They also serve as a gateway occur in the developing world, with poor children
to other early childhood services since they serve as facing twice the risk of dying compared to richer
both first and primary contact for child-bearing mothers. children, according to Save the Children's global
Health care professionals can be highly effective in report.
promoting ECD to a majority of parents and children Development of children can also be strongly impacted
in a community since in most cases, health care by Family health conditions. Any persistent issue,
providers are the only professional contact families either physical or mental (especially in the case of
have in the early years of a child’s life. mother or primary caregiver), and chronic illness, can
have detrimental results on child development. To
PREVENTION BETTER THAN CURE be effective, services at all levels need to work with
Disease prevention is a major component of reducing families and the local community for proper
child mortality, and immunization is a proven tool for identification and treatment of childhood illnesses
controlling and even eradicating disease. Vaccinating within a variety of settings, including homes and
children interrupts transmission of disease to the rest health facilities. It is also important to provide
of the population, such as Pneumococcus, the bacteria counselling for parents and caregivers, and referral
responsible for lethal diseases like pneumonia and services for severely ill children.
meningitis, and otitis, which causes deafness.
Immunization is considered among the most cost-
ECD Interventions: Nutrition
Good nutrition during the
preliminary years of life has
proven to be an economic
investment that creates long-term
economic growth. One of the
most important factors in the loss
of development potential for
children is malnutrition, resulting
in economic and social costs to
individuals and society alike.
nutrition is the basis for
sustenance, health and
development. Well-nourished
women are exposed to fewer risks
during pregnancy and childbirth
and well-nourished children
perform better at school,
becoming healthier adults. They
can then offer a better start in life
to their own children and become
more dynamic members of
Children in deprived rural
communes experience the worst
rates of stunting (low height for
age, an indicator of chronic
malnutrition). Research has shown that the main
cause of malnutrition is not lack of food, but an DANGERS OF MALNUTRITION
amalgamation of factors such as poor maternal health, Three indicators of chronic malnutrition are stunting,
unsuitable child care and feeding practices and being underweight and wasting. The underlying cause
inaccessibility to safe water and sanitation. It is important for around half of all child deaths worldwide is
for the economic future of Pakistan to reduce malnutrition. In addition to its overwhelming impact on
malnutrition, particularly between the ages of 0 and 5 child mortality, nutritional deficiencies, especially for
years. Orderly action at the national, program and children under five years old, have long-term damaging
community levels is needed to ensure that combating effects on cognitive development. It is necessary to
malnutrition is a national priority, supplemented by condense malnutrition, especially in children between
appropriate multi-sectoral agenda and efficient nutrition 0 and 5 years of age to ensure proper brain development.
programs in at-risk communities. If malnutrition sets in during this stage, the consequences
are irreparable.
NATURAL NOURISHMENT: BREASTFEEDING Pitiable physical and cognitive development, reduced
Children’s best possible growth and development begins performance at school, poor immune system response
in the womb with adequately nourished mothers, later are all consequences of malnutrition; and the affected
requiring ample nutrition once being born. Breastfeeding are more likely to die from common childhood ailments
during the opening months of life plays a vital role in like diarrhoea and respiratory infection, all of which can
providing children with the necessary nutrients for contribute to chronic illness. Frequent illness depletes
development and is believed to diminish the chances of the nutritional status of those who recover, binding them
early post-natal stunting. With attachment as part of the into a cycle of recurring sickness and stumbling growth,
breastfeeding process, breastfeeding insures adequate resulting in them never being able to attain their full
nutrition and healthy infant development. potential.
Children who suffer poorer standard of development
prior to entering school show inferior school performance
and in later life as adults earn lower incomes.
Encouragement of early childhood initiatives not only
promotes higher income growth but also leads to cost
savings through reduced inefficiencies in school systems
by lowering repetition and dropout rates. Furthermore,
they reduce health care costs through preventive
measures introduced in good care instruction and
education. Children that are well taken care of are
healthier and therefore reduce work losses as parents
have less need to take time off from work.
Early childhood education programs often also double and learning that due to poverty. These social and
as child care programs, allowing enhanced participation economic inequalities can be alleviated by Early Child
by women in the work force and freeing older siblings Development programs which provide a fair start to
(usually girls) to learn and earn at a higher level. By children. ECD initiatives provide opportunities for poverty
contrast, women without access to child care are often stricken families who have little hope of educating their
unable to consider more economically productive children. They bring education to areas that do not
employment outside the home because of their child possess properly equipped schools with trained teachers.
care responsibilities. And give hope to working children who toil to make ends
meet for their families.
Research confirms that the brain’s development is heavily Integration of parents and family into ECD is essential
influenced by a child’s early environment. A baby is born as they play a crucial role in a child’s development and
with billions of brain cells that represent lifelong potential, influence a child’s ability to learn. A child’s well being is
but, to develop, these brain cells need to connect with heavily dependent on his or hers parents’ well being. A
each other. More positive connections are formed in the big difference in the development of a child can be
brain if the early upbringing is well cared for and as a achieved if parents take an active part in their children's
result the child does better in all facets of his or her life. early education by providing stimulation of learning
through games, interaction, play, and healthy
Children who get quality primary education are better environments. The average cognitive level of children
prepared to advance to secondary and higher education from families that take an active part in their learning is
which in turn aids economic development. Children’s significantly higher than that of children whose families
cognitive skills and learning abilities are further enhanced do not.
when they attend preschool and they are less inclined
to be left back or repeat grades when doing their primary THE COST OF LACK OF EDUCATION
schooling. Preschool education should be mandatory If children are not comprehensively taken care of from
and accessible in all of Pakistan but, to date, access to their early childhood, especially if they have a cognitive
the service is very limited and usually to the wealthy. delay, the remedy is much more costly. Ability deficiencies
of children in early age not only prevail but are
Not only does education reduce poverty and further
exacerbated over time. Teenagers who have not received
enhance economic growth, it also creates prospect for
proper stimulation during their early childhood reveal
a better life which reduces inequalities in society.
larger rates of school desertion and episodes during
Economic and social inequalities are sustained or even
which they are suspended or expelled from school.
amplified by the inequalities faced in early development
Early Childhood
Age Range What they do Age Range
Birth to 3 months At this age, children begin to smile, track people Protection from physical danger, adequate nutrition,
and objects with eyes, prefer faces and bright adequate health care, (immunization, oral
colours, reach, discover hands and feet, lift head rehydration therapy, hygiene), motor and sensory
and turn toward sound, and cry, but are often stimulation, appropriate language stimulation,
soothed when held. responsive, sensitive parenting.
4 to 6 months At this age, children smile often, prefer parents Protection from physical danger, adequate nutrition,
and older siblings, repeat actions with interesting adequate health care, (immunization, oral
results, listen intently, respond when spoken to, rehydration therapy, hygiene), motor and sensory
laugh, gurgle, imitate sounds, explore hands and stimulation, appropriate language stimulation,
feet, put objects in mouth, sit when propped, roll responsive, sensitive parenting.
over, scoot, bounce, grasp objects without using
7 to 12 months At this age, children remember simple events, Protection from physical danger, adequate nutrition,
identify themselves, body parts, familiar voices, adequate health care, (immunization, oral
understand own name, other common words, say rehydration therapy, hygiene), motor and sensory
first meaningful words, explore, bang, shake objects, stimulation, appropriate language stimulation,
find hidden objects, put objects in containers, sit responsive, sensitive parenting.
alone, creep, pull themselves up to stand, walk,
may seem shy or upset with strangers.
1 to 2 years At this age, children imitate adult actions, speak In addition to needs from previous years, children
and understand words and ideas, enjoy stories and at this age require support in the following:
experimenting with objects, walk steadily, climb acquiring motor, language, and thinking skills,
stairs, run, assert independence, but prefer familiar developing independence, learning self-control,
people, recognize ownership of objects, develop opportunities for play and exploration, play with
friendships, solve problems, show pride in other children. Health care must also include
accomplishments, like to help with tasks, begin deworming.
pretend play.
Age Range What they do Age Range
2 to 3 1/2 years At this age, children enjoy learning new skills, learn In addition to needs from previous years, children
language rapidly, are always on the go, gain control at this age require opportunities to do the following:
of hands and fingers, are easily frustrated, act more make choices, engage in dramatic play, read
independent, but still dependent, act out familiar increasingly complex books, sing favorite songs,
scenes. work simple puzzles.

3 1/2 to 5 years At this age, children have a longer attention span, In addition to needs from previous years, children
act silly & boisterous, may use shocking language, at this age require opportunities to do the following:
talk a lot, ask many questions, want real adult develop fine motor skills, continue expanding
things, keep art projects, test physical skills and language skills by talking, reading, and singing,
courage with caution, reveal feeling in dramatic learn cooperation by helping and sharing,
play, like to play with friends, do not like to lose, experiment with pre-writing and pre-reading skills.
share and take turns sometimes.

5 to 8 years At this age, children grow curious about people In addition to needs from previous years, children
and how the world works, show an increasing at this age require opportunities to do the following:
interest in numbers, letters, reading and writing, develop numeracy and reading skills, engage in
become more and more interested in final products, problem-solving, practice teamwork, develop sense
gain more confidence in physical skills, use words of personal competency, practice questioning and
to express feeling and to cope, like grown-up observing, acquire basic life skills, attend basic
activities, become more outgoing, play education.

Source: www.web.worldbank.org
Benefits of ECD

Evaluations of ECD programs operating in developing a longitudinal analysis of child nutrition shows how better
countries show considerable positive outcomes for nourished children perform significantly better in school
participating children. Several studies demonstrate the
substantial long-term impact. The following benefits have Less Repetition
been firmly linked to integrated interventions in early
Children who participated in an early childhood program
repeated fewer grades and made better progress through
Improved nutrition and health school than did non-participants in similar circumstances.
By providing psychosocial stimulation, ECD programs can
enhance the efficacy of health care and nutrition initiatives. Fewer dropouts
They can also help ensure that children receive health care. Dropout rates were lower for program children in three of
Programs can also monitor growth and provide food
four studies. In India's Dalmau program, the only study in
supplements and micronutrients and can help with such
existing public health efforts as mass immunizations. Other which attendance was measured, the later school attendance
programs specifically aim at changing parent behavior by was 16 percent higher for children ages six to eight.
educating parents about the health and nutrition needs of
their children. Help for the disadvantaged and reduced social inequality
There is mounting evidence that interventions in early
Improved cognitive development and school achievement
childhood particularly benefit the poor and disadvantaged.
Children who participated in early child interventions scored
higher on average on intellectual aptitude tests than did In India's Haryana project, for instance, dropout rates did not
non-participants. Early education activities aren't the only chance significantly for children from the higher caste but fell
thing that improve cognitive development; better health a dramatic 46 percent for the lower caste and an astonishing
and nutrition can have a similar impact, too. For instance, 80 percent for the middle caste (Chaturvedi et al 1987).

Source: http://go.worldbank.org
Looking at Children Holistically – Factors Affecting Child
Looking at children from a holistic approach, requires the early years professional to take into account a wide variety of
different factors, which all have an impact upon their growth and development. Key factors affecting child development,
include the following:
• income
• family – nuclear, extended, lone-parent
• parental education
• access to health care, education, health promotion Source: www.web.worldbank.org

• social interaction – other relationships

• immunization status
• housing
• child-rearing style, emotional tone
ECD in Pakistan: An Overview
Early Child Development (ECD) in Pakistan,
unfortunately, is still a long ways off from optimum
levels. This situation is alleviated by the NGO sector
which has played an important role in increasing
awareness for the need of early childhood education
and healthcare in the country, however, the majority
of the initiative that should come from the State is
still found to be lacking. In all fields of ECD, be it
education, health or nutrition a lot of work needs
to be done to bring it to a reasonable stage.
Education in Pakistan is a sad state of affair with
over 11 million children out of school. Out of those
of who do attend school, only 50% successfully
complete primary education while the rest drop out
in the first two years. Quality of Early Child Education
is high in the private sector but that is for those who
can afford it, and most cannot. A lot of children do
not have access to schools, and if they do, their
schools lack facilities and have out dated curriculum.
As stated before, NGO interventions have made ECD
a possibility for a significant number of schools,
which would otherwise not be able to afford access
or capacity building, through joint government and
community based interventions. The quality of early
child education, however, still remains an issue in
Pakistan. Limitations in terms of finances, human
resources and general apathy towards pre-primary
are all concerns that limit the growth of ECD in
Health Care and Nutrition
Pakistan is a country where 400,000 children die in
their first year of life and the under five mortality
rate is a high 70 per 1000 live births. Studies also
indicate that malnutrition is a widely prevalent
problem in the country which contributes
significantly to the high rates of mortality in infants,
children and mothers. This is in spite of the adequate
per capital level of food availability. The Unicef
report, 2003-2009 states that the stunting and
wasting rates of children under five are at a high of
42 and 14 percent respectively. There is no national
level program aimed at rectifying the root causes
and effects of malnutrition in the country.
Incorporating child health and nutrition is an
important component of holistic development of
children. The philosophy behind ECD interventions
is that they should reach out to the most vulnerable
segments of the society, through an integrated
approach, in order to bring about holistic
development. The government, however, lacks
implementation of any integrative efforts amongst
health and education ministries, and continues to
work on health, nutrition and education as separate
Releasing Confidence and Creativity:
Making a World of a Difference
By Shezleen Vellani, AFK Geneva

Pakistan is committed to achieving universal access to

a quality education. However, only 66 per cent of primary
school aged children are enrolled in the schooling system.
Of those children, less than half complete primary school.
Access to early childhood development (ECD)
programmes is also a concern, with only 43 percent of
children enrolled in schools at this stage (UNESCO, 2009).
The negative impact of limited access to quality education
is disproportionately borne by poor and marginalized
children through various regions of the country. In a life
of grinding poverty, it is not surprising that the most
disadvantaged families feel powerless to promote their
children’s educational and developmental interests and
focus more on survival. Research on ECD has shown
that the early years of a child’s life lay the crucial
foundations for healthy growth and development. The
overall quality of the care and nurturing that a child
receives in the early years is therefore crucial and even
those whom are disadvantaged can play a tremendous
role in their children’s lives.
Based on the need to provide quality educational
opportunities and healthy development for children at
the ECD and early primary levels, AKF, Pakistan along
with, AKESP, HANDS and SCSPED, have implemented the
Releasing Confidence and Creativity Programme (RCC)
through various regions in the country.
The overall objectives of this programme are to; expand
access and improve the quality of teaching and learning
in katchi (preparatory year in primary school before class
1) and classes 1 and 2 (ECD 1 and 2), with an emphasis Attendance rates have increased, with 78% of boys and
on reaching girls and poor communities; develop a range 73% of girls regularly attending school in the programme
of approaches to assist families and communities in areas, compared to 49% of children who are not enrolled
increasing their knowledge, skills and confidence to in the programme. It can be seen that that while there
support their children’s development; build capacity and is a slight difference between the number of boys and
commitment of key stakeholders, particularly within the girls attending schools, this gap is narrowing. The
education system; influence ECD policy and practice and promotion rates from class 1 to class 2 have also increased
strengthen ECD learning networks. overall, with more children meeting the requirements
of class 1. The learning achievements of children in the
The RCC programme was implemented in 2002 and has RCC programme have improved, with children attaining
been a successful on-going project up until today. The higher grades in; English (65%), Urdu (68%) and Math
programme has improved the lives of many children and (80%).
parents in Pakistan, whom otherwise may not have had
the opportunity to participate in a programme that Parents, teachers, principals and other stake holders are
focuses on their education and healthy development. all amazed with the shift in perception of the importance
This programme has had a positive impact outside of of education and healthy development, particularly in
school, as people’s changes on ECE have been seen the early years. Parents can see that their children are
throughout the community. learning
more grade level appropriate concepts, enjoying daily successes at school, that going home at the end of
themselves and developing their confidence. Children’s the day, is often a sad event, especially for those who
hygiene practices have improved and they are asking have to face the harsh realities of the world in which
their parents to provide them with healthier food options they live in.
at home. Mothers are proud to be learning from their
While the programme caters to both parents, mothers
children, rather than the other way around. In addition
in particular have been targeted, as often, they are more
to improving children’s education and health practices,
responsible for the development of their children,
parents attend awareness workshops that focus on
especially at the younger ages. The programme has
different aspects of child development. They are more
opened the doors to many women in order to develop
active by attending school functions, participating in
their personal growth. Women are more participatory
activities both in and out of the classroom and holding
in the workshops and meetings and because of the
the school accountable for children’s development.
missed educational opportunities that they experienced,
School staff can see tremendous changes in children’s educating their girls is a focus for them. An
growth and development and are impressed with their entrepreneurship programme facilitated by HANDS also
abilities to work independently at such a young age, provides women with the opportunity to work from
while also being able to participate in activities with home. The traditional handicrafts that they make are
other children with an open mind. Individuals in the sold to other communities and the women are involved
community are proud to be involved in such a project, in marketing their own products. The profits from the
often being told by parents whose children are not sales go back to them through the CBO account. This
enrolled in the programme, that they are blessed to be provides women with the opportunity to generate an
a part of such an enriching experience. income, while attending to their other duties at home.
But what is most important, is how the children are
The RCC programme has benefited hundreds of parents,
feeling about their own learning and successes. If you
children and community members. A team of many
visit an RCC based classroom, you will come across excited
talented and dedicated people have worked together to
and involved children. You may witness a vibrant teacher
implement, facilitate and support the programme, and
working with the children to introduce or reinforce
have put in countless number of hours to see that it is
concepts, or you may get to see children choosing their
a success. The benefits have spanned entire communities.
own activities at the different colourful and rich activity
While government education officers are proud to show
based centres that are located around the classroom.
off this programme to others, the country still requires
You will witness children involved in their own learning,
a strong ECD policy and efforts in engaging with the
through an inquiry based approach, where the teacher
government to introduce such a policy are on-going.
is more of a guide, Hands on activities learning along
Making a difference in a child’s life is the responsibility
with the children. Many children are so happy with their
of the entire country.

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