SES-Enviro Radio Interference Method of Evaluation

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References: Radio Interference Method of Evaluation

1. AC Met hods
2. DC Methods

AC Methods:
IREQ (Canada)
1. N. Giao Trinh, P. Sarma Maruvada, «A Method of Predicting the Corona Performance of
Conductor Bundles Based on Cage Test Results», IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-96, Jan/Feb 1977,
pp. 312-325.
2. P. Sarma Maruvada, "Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines ", Research
Studies Press Ltd, ISBN 0 86380 254 0, 310 p., 2000.
3. Dallaire, R.D., Maruvada, P.S., "Étude des perturbations radioélectriques d'une ligne
expérimentale courte et prédiction des performances des lignes longues", IEEE Conférence
canadienne sur les communications et l'énergie, pp. 188-191, octobre 1978.
4. Daniel Dallaire, "Analyse du régime des perturbations radioélectriques provoquées par
l'effet de couronne sur les lignes multifilaires courtes", Mémoire présenté au département
de génie électrique de l'école Polytechnique de Montréal, mars 1980, 263 p.
5. R.D. Dallaire, P.S. Maruvada, "Analysis of Radio Interference from Short Multi Conductor
Lines. Part 1. Theoretical Analysis", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-100, April 1981, pp.2100-2108.
EdF (France)
1. C. Gary et M. Moreau, «L’effet de couronne en tension alternative», Édition Eyrolles, Paris,
Collection de la Direction des Études et Recherches d’Électricité de France, 440p., 1976.
2. M.R. Moreau, C.H. Gary, "Predetermination of the Interference Level for High Voltage
Transmission Lines: I - Predetermination of the Excitation Function", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-
91, Jan/Feb 1972, pp. 284-291.
3. M.R. Moreau, C.H. Gary, "Predetermination of the Interference Level for High Voltage
Transmission Lines: II - Field Calculating Method", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-91, Jan/Feb 1972,
pp. 292-304.
1. P. Sarma Maruvada, "Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines ", Research
Studies Press Ltd, ISBN 0 86380 254 0, 310 p., 2000. p. 153
2. C. Gary et M. Moreau, "L'effet de couronne en tension alternative", Édition Eyrolles, Paris,
Collection de la Direction des Études et Recherches d'Électricité de France, 440p., 1976.
1. V.L. Chartier, "Comprehensive Empirical Formulas For Predicting EMI from Overhead Power
Line Corona.", Proc. Of the 1988 Japan Seminar on Electromagnetic Interference in Highly
Advance Social Systems, Honolulu, Hi, pp. 5.1-5.6, sponsored by the NFS and the Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science.
2. P. Sarma Maruvada, "Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines ", Research
Studies Press Ltd, ISBN 0 86380 254 0, 310 p., 2000.
1. Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), "Transmission Line Reference Book. 345 kV and
Above/Second Edition", Palo Alto, CA, 625 p., 1982

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2. B.A. Clairmont, G.B. Johnson, L.E. Zaffanella, S. Zelingher, "The Effect of HVDC Line
Separation in a Hybrid Corridor.", IEEE Trans. On Power Delivery, Vol. 4, No. 2, April 1989,
pp. 1338-1350.
IREQ-SI (Canada)
1. P. Sarma Maruvada, "Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines ", Research
Studies Press Ltd, ISBN 0 86380 254 0, 310 p., 2000.
2. Dallaire, R.D., Maruvada, P.S., "Étude des perturbations radioélectriques d'une ligne
expérimentale courte et prédiction des performances des lignes longues", IEEE Conférence
canadienne sur les communications et l'énergie, pp. 188-191, octobre 1978.
3. Daniel Dallaire, "Analyse du régime des perturbations radioélectriques provoquées par
l'effet de couronne sur les lignes multifilaires courtes", Mémoire présenté au département
de génie électrique de l'école Polytechnique de Montréal, mars 1980, 263 p.
4. R.D. Dallaire, P.S. Maruvada, "Analysis of Radio Interference from Short Multi Conductor
Lines. Part 1. Theoretical Analysis", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-100, April 1981, pp.2100-2108.
IREQ-E (Canada)
1. P. Sarma Maruvada, "Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines ", Research
Studies Press Ltd, ISBN 0 86380 254 0, 310 p., 2000. p. 153
1. P. Sarma Maruvada, "Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines ", Research
Studies Press Ltd, ISBN 0 86380 254 0, 310 p., 2000. p. 153
2. C. Gary et M. Moreau, "L'effet de couronne en tension alternative", Édition Eyrolles, Paris,
Collection de la Direction des Études et Recherches d'Électricité de France, 440p., 1976.
1. V.L. Chartier, «Comprehensive Empirical Formulas For Predicting EMI from Overhead Power
Line Corona.», Proc. Of the 1988 Japan Seminar on Electromagnetic Interference in Highly
Advance Social Systems, Honolulu, Hi, pp. 5.1-5.6, sponsored by the NFS and the Japan
Society for the Promotion of Science.
2. G.D. Lippert, W.E. Pakala, S.C. Bartlett, C.D. Fahmkopt, "Radio Influence Tests in Field and
Laboratory - 500-kV Test Project of the American Gas and Electric Company.", AIEE Trans.,
Vol. 70, Pt. I, pp.251-269, 1951.
3. L.M. Robertson, W.E. Pakala, E.R. Taylor, Jr., "Leadville high-altitude extra-high-voltage
test project, Part III -Radio influence investigation.", AIEE Trans., Vol. PAS-80, December
1961, pp.732-743.
4. V.L. Chartier, D.F. Shankle, N. Kolcio, "The Apple Grove 750-kV Project: Statistical Analysis
of Radio Influence and Corona-Loss Performance of Conductors at 775-kV.", IEEE Trans.
Vol. PAS-89, No.5, pp. 867-881, May/June 1970.
5. W.E. Pakala, E.R. Taylor, Jr., "A Method for Analysis of Radio Noise on High-Voltage
Transmission Lines.", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-87, No. 2, pp. 334-345, Feb. 1968.
1. D.E. Perry, V.L. Chartier, G.L. Reiner, "BPA 1100 kV Transmission System Development -
Corona and Electric Field Studies.", IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS-98, September/October 1979, No.
, pp. 1728-1730.
2. V.L. Chartier, S.H. Sarkinen, R.D. Stearn, A.L. Burns, "Investigation of Corona and Field
Effects of AC/DC Hybrid Transmission Lines.", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-100, Vol. 1, January
1981, pp. 72-80.
FGH-E (Germany)

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1. IEEE Radio Noise Committee Report, "Comparison of Radio Noise Prediction Methods with
CIGRÉ/IEEE Survey Result", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-92, May/June 1973, pp. 1029-1042.
2. CIGRÉ Report, «Progress Report of Study Committee No. 9 (EHV ac Transmission) Sporn,
Heroin, Part V, Statistical Evaluation of Radio Interferences.», CIGRÉ Report No. 42-01, Part
V, P. 11, 1968.
CRIEPI-E (Japan)
1. Y. Sawada, «Calculating Method of Radio Noise Level and Its Application to Design of AC
Power Transmission Lines.», IEEE Trans. Vol. PAS-89, No.5, May/June 1970, pp. 844-853.
ENEL-E (Italy)
1. IEEE Radio Noise Committee Report, "Comparison of Radio Noise Prediction Methods with
CIGRÉ/IEEE Survey Result", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-92, May/June 1973, pp. 1029-1042.
2. L. Paris, "Criteri per la Predeterminazione delle Radio-interferenze Prodotte dalle Linee
A.T.", Publication of the Electrical Department of the University of Pisa, December 1964.
3. M. Sforzini, "Formulas for Predetermination of Radio Interference from Electric Power
Lines.", CIGRÉ Paper No. 428, Appendix II, 1966.
4. L. Paris, M. Sforzini, "RI Problems in HV-Line Design.", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-87, No.4,
April 1968, pp. 940-946
5. R. Cortina, W. Serravalli, M. Sforzini, "Radio Interference Long-Term Recording on an
Operating 420-kV Line.", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-89, May/June 1970, pp.881-892.
1. G.D. Lippert, W.E. Pakala, S.C. Bartlett, C.D. Fahmkopt, "Radio Influence Tests in Field and
Laboratory - 500-kV Test Project of the American Gas and Electric Company.", AIEE Trans.,
Vol. 70, Pt. I, pp.251-269, 1951.
2. L.M. Robertson, W.E. Pakala, E.R. Taylor, Jr., "Leadville high-altitude extra-high-voltage
test project, Part III -Radio influence investigation.", AIEE Trans., Vol. PAS-80, December
1961, pp.732-743.
3. V.L. Chartier, D.F. Shankle, N. Kolcio, "The Apple Grove 750-kV Project: Statistical Analysis
of Radio Influence and Corona-Loss Performance of Conductors at 775-kV.", IEEE Trans.
Vol. PAS-89, No.5, pp. 867-881, May/June 1970.
4. W.E. Pakala, E.R. Taylor, Jr., "A Method for Analysis of Radio Noise on High-Voltage
Transmission Lines.", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-87, No. 2, pp. 334-345, Feb. 1968.

DC Methods:
IREQ-DC (Canada)
1. P. Sarma Maruvada, "Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines ", Research
Studies Press Ltd, ISBN 0 86380 254 0, 310 p., 2000. p. 153. (p.227)
2. P.S. Maruvada, N.G. Trinh, R.D. Dallaire, P. Héroux, N. Rivest, “Corona studies for bipolar
HVDC transmission at voltage between ±600 kV and ±1200 kV. Part I: long term bipolar
studies.”, IEEE Trans. on P.A.S., vol. PAS-100, March 1981, pp.1453-1461. (p. 3-60)
3. P.S. Maruvada, N.G. Trinh, R.D. Dallaire, N. Rivest, P. Héroux, “Bipolar HVDC Transmission
System Study Between ±600 kV and ±1200 kV: Corona Studies, Phase 1.”, Published by
Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, EPRI-1170, September 1979.
IREQ3-DC (Canada)
1. P.S. Maruvada, R.D. Dallaire, N. Rivest, “Corona studies for bipolar HVDC transmission at
voltage between ±600 kV and ±1200 kV. Part II: special bipolar line, bipolar cage and bus

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References: Radio Interference Method of Evaluation Page 4 of 4

studies.”, IEEE Trans. on P.A.S., vol. PAS-100, March 1981, pp.1462-1471.)

2. EPRI, P.S. Maruvada, R.D. Dallaire, N. Rivest, P. Héroux, R. Pednault, “Bipolar HVDC
Transmission System Study Between ±600 kV and ±1200 kV: Corona Studies, Phase II.”,
Published by Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, EPRI-2794, December
IREQ4-DC (Canada)
1. P.S. Maruvada, R.D. Dallaire, N. Rivest, “Corona studies for bipolar HVDC transmission at
voltage between ±600 kV and ±1200 kV. Part II: special bipolar line, bipolar cage and bus
studies.”, IEEE Trans. on P.A.S., vol. PAS-100, March 1981, pp.1462-1471.)
2. EPRI, P.S. Maruvada, R.D. Dallaire, N. Rivest, P. Héroux, R. Pednault, “Bipolar HVDC
Transmission System Study Between ±600 kV and ±1200 kV: Corona Studies, Phase II.”,
Published by Electric Power Research Institute, Palo Alto, California, EPRI-2794, December
1. P. Sarma Maruvada, "Corona Performance of High-Voltage Transmission Lines ", Research
Studies Press Ltd, ISBN 0 86380 254 0, 310 p., 2000.
2. "Addendum to CIGRÉ Document No. 20 (1974)", CIGRÉ Brochure No. 61, 1996, p.106.
1. G.L. Reiner, E.H. Gehrig, "Celilo-Sylmar ±400 kV Line RI Correlation with Short Test Line.",
IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-96, No. 3, May/June 1977, pp. 955-961.
1. V.L. Chartier, S.H. Sarkinen, R.D. Stearn, A.L. Burns, "Investigation of Corona and Field
Effects of AC/DC Hybrid Transmission Lines.", IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-100, Vol. 1, January
1981, pp. 72-80.
Sweden-DC-E (Sweden)
1. N. Knudsen, F. Iliceto, "Contribution to the Electrical Design of HVDC Overhead Lines.",
IEEE Trans., Vol. PAS-93, No. 1, January/February 1974, pp.233-239
1. Ref.: Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), "Transmission Line Reference Book HVDC to
±600 kV", Electric Power Research Institute, 3412 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304,

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