2007-Eigensubspace-Based Filtering With Application in Narrow-Band Interference Suppression For SAR
2007-Eigensubspace-Based Filtering With Application in Narrow-Band Interference Suppression For SAR
2007-Eigensubspace-Based Filtering With Application in Narrow-Band Interference Suppression For SAR
1, JANUARY 2007 75
Abstract—Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) has found wide ap- signal-processing gain in both the range and azimuth dimen-
plications in many areas, e.g., battlefield awareness. However, sion. After matched-filter processing, the strong pulse signal
SAR is vulnerable to various kinds of interference, among which is depressed in the time domain and appears as noise in the
narrow-band interference (NBI) is commonly used. In this letter,
an eigensubspace-based filtering approach is proposed for NBI SAR imagery. However, if the interference power is too high,
suppression in SAR without using passive-sniff data as the refer- the useful signal will be buried in the noise.
ence signal. Moreover, the proposed method can deal with smart Some methods [2]–[6] have been proposed for NBI suppres-
or interrupted NBI. Both simulation and experimental results are sion in SAR. These methods can be classified into two cate-
provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed approach. gories. One is based on temporal-domain interference modeling
Index Terms—Interference suppression, motion-parameter esti- and cancellation. The other one is based on time–frequency
mation, radar imaging, synthetic aperture radar (SAR). domain-interference detection and notch filtering. Temporal-
domain modeling-based approaches are not robust, since their
I. I NTRODUCTION performance relies heavily on the data models used and
the model parameter-estimation accuracy. Frequency-domain
X=S+F+N (1)
1, 2, . . . , K) as
Then, subtract the contribution of the interference from the
xk = [xk , xk+1 , . . . , xk+L−1 ] . (2) original data vector xk ; we can obtain the data with NBI
removed, which has the form
Then, we can construct an L × K data X r
x̂k = xk − fk = xk − uT
i xk ui . (7)
X = x1 , x2 , . . . , xk , k = 1, 2, . . . , K. (3)
Form (3), we can obtain the estimate of the interference corre- Similar to (3), construct a new data matrix corresponding to the
lation matrix, which has the form data with NBI removed
1 X̂ = x̂1 , x̂2 , . . . , x̂k .
R̂ = xk xT
k. (4) (8)
Then, rearranging the data matrix X̂(L × K), we can get a
Then, we perform eigenvalue decomposition with R̂. new data vector x (M × 1), which corresponds to the data after
Arrange the eigenvalues in the descending order λ1 > λ2 > NBI suppression.
Fig. 2. Block diagram of the SAR imaging algorithm with NBI suppression.
other regions, the spectrum is very flat (like noise). Fig. 4(b)
shows the magnitude of the highest frequency bin shown in
Fig. 4(b) as a function of the pulse index number, from which
abrupt changes can be observed. From Fig. 4 we can declare
that there exists a very strong smart NBI (or interrupted NBI).
The SAR images obtained using the experimental data via
different algorithms are compared in Fig. 5. Fig. 5(a) shows
the image obtained via the R-D algorithm without NBI sup- Fig. 5. Comparison of SAR images of measured data obtained via different
pression, from which it can be noted that there are multiple methods. (a) Without NBI suppression. (b) NBI suppression with notch filter-
ing. (c) NBI suppression with the proposed method.
interference strips distributed along the range dimension. Part
of the targets was masked by these interference strips. Fig. 5(b)
shows the images obtained via notch filtering plus R-D imaging from which it can be concluded that the SAR-image quality is
algorithm, from which it can be noted that although the inter- much better than the other two.
ference was effectively suppressed, due to the same reason as The eigenvalue distribution of the covariance matrix with and
explained in the previous section, artifacts appeared in the SAR without NBI is compared in Fig. 6. Fig. 6(a) shows the results
imagery and the targets were not well focused, just as predicted. corresponding to the data collected at some azimuth position
Fig. 5(c) shows the image obtained using the proposed method, that NBI does not exist, from which it can be noted that the
In this letter, an eigensubspace-based adaptive filtering is
proposed for NBI suppression in SAR. Compared with existing
algorithms, the proposed method has very good compatibility
with existing SAR imaging algorithms. Moreover, it can be
used to deal with smart or interrupted NBI. Both simulation
and experimental results have proven the effectiveness of the
proposed method.
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