804 Automotive

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JOB ROLE: Automotive Service Technician
Class XI & XII

This course is a planned sequence of instructions consisting of Units meant for
developing employability and vocational competencies of students of Class XI & XII
opting for vocational subject along with general education subjects. The unit-wise
distribution of hours and marks for Class XI & XII is as follows


In this course, followings are the main objectives of this course.
• Communicate effectively with the customers.
• Identify the principal components of an automotive system.
• Identify and control hazards in the work place that pose a danger or threat to their
safety or, that of others.
• Demonstrate self-management skills.
• Demonstrate the ability to provide a self analysis in context of entrepreneurial
skills and abilities.
• Demonstrate the knowledge of the importance of green skills in meeting the
challenges of sustainable development and environment protection.
• Identify and demonstrate safe use of hand and power tools/equipment used in
vehicle service station/workshop
• Recognize the benefits of great customer service;
• Provide customers necessary information appropriately and systematically;
• Use techniques to provide services based on customer’s needs and wants;
• Administer first aid to a casualty with small cuts, grazes, bruises, external
bleeding, minor burns and scalds

• Automotive as a vehicle unit.
• Systems/sub systems & components.
• Automotive electronics for safety, pollution control, fuel efficiency and comforts.
• Other related areas of automotive electronics for engine management,
diagnostics, repair etc.

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The list given below is suggestive and an exhaustive list should be prepared by the
vocational teacher. Only basic tools, equipment and accessories should be procured
by the Institution so that the routine tasks can be performed by the students regularly
for practice and acquiring adequate practical experience.
Teaching/Training Aids:

1. Two Post lift 21. Fender covers/kits

2. Air compressor 22. Floor mats
3. Wheel balancer 23. Cotton gloves
4. Bench vice 24. Hardtoedboots
5. Work tables 25. Sun glasses(3m)
6. Bench grinder 26. Bump caps
7. Oil draining & filling equipment 27. Air filter testing machine
8. Cooling system tester 28. Hydraulic press
9. Multimeter 29. Hydraulic jacks
10. Hydrometer 30. Vehicle safety stands
11. BC clamp meter 31. Parts washing station car
12. Coolant tester 32. Pullers
13. Battery & charging system tester 33. Sliding hammer
(Megatronics) 34. Wheel aligner
14. Diagnostic tool(genesis Evo) 35. Head Light beam aligner (optical type)
15. General hand tools 36. A/c Machine
16. Pneumatic tools 37. Air Inflator/Tyre Inflating machine
17. Torque wrenches (Digital Type)
18. Car seat covers 38. A/c Leakage Tester
19. Steering covers 39. Old car
20. Gear Knob covers

Automobile engineering is a huge industry. There is great number of employment
opportunities in the following fields:
1. Private national and multinational automobile companies
2. Service stations
3. Private transport companies

After 12 standard, student can opt for graduation in science, commerce and take
Automotive as specialization, following career options are available in field.

This course is a planned sequence of instructions consisting of Units meant for
developing employability and Skills competencies of students of Class XI and XII
opting for Skills subject along with other subjects

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Class XI (Session-2024-2025)
Total Marks: 100 (Theory- 60 + Practical- 40)
UNITS For Theory and For Theory and
Practical Practical
Employability Skills

Unit 1: Communication Skills-III 13 2

Unit 2: Self-Management Skills-III 07 2

Part A

Unit 3: ICT Skills-III 13 2

Unit 4:Entrepreneurial Skills-III 10 2

Unit 5:Green Skills-III 07 2

Total 50 10

Subject Specific Skills

Unit 1:Regular Maintenance of an Engine 45 20

Unit 2: Regular Maintenance of Transmission
System 25 7
Part B

Unit 3:Regular Maintenance of Gear Box 20 5

Unit 4: Servicing of the Wheels 10 5

Unit 5:Regular Maintenance of Tubes and
10 5
Unit 6:Regular Maintenance of Brakes 20 8
Total 130 50

Practical Work
Project 10
Part C

Viva 20 05
Practical File 15
Demonstration of skill competency via Lab
Activities 60 10

Total 80 40


NOTE: Detailed Curriculum/ Topics to be covered under Part A: Employability Skills can
be downloaded from CBSE website.

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S. No. Units Duration in

1. Unit 1:CommunicationSkills-III 13
2. Unit 2:Self-managementSkills-III 07
3. Unit 3:InformationandCommunicationTechnologySkills-III 13
4. Unit 4:EntrepreneurialSkills-III 10
5. Unit 5:GreenSkills-III 07

Detailed Curriculum/ Topics to be covered under Part A: Employability Skills

can be downloaded from CBSE website.


S. No. Units Duration in Hours

1. Unit 1:Regular Maintenance of an Engine 45
2. Unit 2: Regular Maintenance of Transmission System
3. Unit 3:Regular Maintenance of Gear Box 20
4. Unit 4: Servicing of the Wheels 10
5. Unit 5:Regular Maintenance of Tubes and Tyres
6. Unit 6:Regular Maintenance of Brakes 20

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Unit 1: Regular Maintenance of 1.1. Inspection of an Engine Trace different leakages like oil,
an Engine coolant and combustion gases.

1.2. Washing of an Engine Procedure of External Engine

Washing with Precautions
1.3. Tuning fuel system of an Engine Demonstration of fuel system in a
given vehicle engine
1.4. Tuning of the Ignition System of Identify the primary and
an Engine secondary circuit(s)

1.5. Tuning of Engine Lubrication Check the level and quality of

System lubricating oil and replace the oil
and change the oil filter
1.6. Tuning of Engine Cooling Check circulation of water in
System cooling system
1.7. Tightening of Fastener Procedure to tight fasteners with
(Nut/Bolt/Screw) specified torque
1.8. Engine Timing (Tuning) Understand importance of engine
Unit 2: Regular Maintenance of 2.1. Transmission System Identify the different units of the
Transmission System transmission system
2.2..Clutch Maintenance And Inspect the functioning of clutch
Adjustments linkage for free movement

Unit 3: Regular Maintenance of 3.1. Lubrication of Gear box Changing of lubricating oil in the
Gear Box gearbox

3.2. Setting of Gear Box Checking gear lever and selecting

Unit 4:Servicing of the Wheels 4.1. Importance of Wheels Identify different types of wheels

4.2. Importance of Hub Greasing and Remove the wheel from axle
Bearing Play Adjustments
Unit 5: Regular Maintenance of 5.1. Tyre and Tube Maintenance Measure air pressure in tyres as
Tubes and Tyres per specifications
5.2. Repairing of Punctured Tubes Identify punctured methods i.e. hot
patch, and cold patch method
Unit 6: Regular Maintenance of 6.1 Brakes and Maintenance Understand different components
Brakes of different types of brakes
6.2 Brakes and Adjustment Checking efficiency of brake

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Class XII (Session-2024-2025)
Total Marks: 100 (Theory-60 + Practical-40)


UNITS For Theory and for Theory and
Practical Practical
Employability Skills
Unit 1:Communication Skills-IV 13 2

Unit 2:Self-Management Skills-IV 07 2

Unit 3: ICT Skills-IV 13 2

Part A

Unit 4:Entrepreneurial Skills-IV 10 2

Unit 5: Green Skills-IV 07 2

Total 50 10
Subject Specific Skills
Unit1:Measuring & service Equipment 30 10
Unit 2: Steering system 15 07
Unit 3:Suspension system 15 06
Part B

Unit 4: Transmission and Final Drive system 15 07

Unit 5 : Automotive Electrical and
electronic system 35 15
Unit 6:Motor Vehicle Act and Rules 10 05
Total 120 50
Practical Work

Project 10
60 05
Part C

Practical File 15
Demonstration of skill competency via Lab
Activities 60 10
Total 90 40


S. No. Units Duration in Hours

1. Unit1:CommunicationSkills-IV 13
2. Unit2:Self-managementSkills-IV 07
3. Unit3:InformationandCommunicationTechnologySkills-IV 13
4. Unit4:EntrepreneurialSkills-IV 10
5. Unit5:GreenSkills-IV 07

Detailed Curriculum/ Topics to be covered under Part A: Employability Skills can be

downloaded from CBSE website.


S. No. Units Duration in Hours

1. Unit 1:Measuring & service Equipment 30
2. Unit 2: Steering system 15
3. Unit 3:Suspension system 15
4. Unit 4:Transmission and Final Drive system 15
5. Unit 5:Automotive Electrical and electronic system 35
6. Unit 6:Motor Vehicle Act and Rules 10
Unit1: Measuring & service 1.1.1 Air Compressor Demonstration of air compressor
Equipment 1.1.2 Car Washer Procedure of automatic car washer
1.1.3 Tyre Inflators Demonstration of tyre Inflator
1.1.4 Spark Plug Cleaner and Model of Spark Plug Cleaner and
Tester Tester
1.5 Wheel Balancing -
Procedure of Wheel Balancing/
Working of Wheel Balancing
Unit 2: Steering system 2.2.1 Ackerman’s Principle of Working Model of Ackerman’s
Steering Principle of Steering
2.2.2Steering Geometry Model of steering geometry
2.2.3Steering Gear Box Demonstration of rack & pinion and
re-circulating type of steering gear
2.2.4Steering Linkages Demonstration of steering system
With all components.
2.2.5PowerSteering Demonstration of hydraulic power
2.2.6 Trouble Shooting and Discussion of various problems
Remedies With its remedies.
Unit 3: Suspension system 3.2.1Introduction Location of suspension system.
3.2.2Types of Suspension System Working Models of suspension
3.2.3Description of Suspension Demonstration of parts of
System Suspension system.
3.2.4Components of a Suspension Demonstration of shock
system Servicing of shock absorber absorber

Unit 4:Transmission and Final 4.1.1Transmission & Final Drive Types of Universal Joint
Drive system System (Propeller Shaft &
Universal Joint Propeller Shaft
Types of Universal Joint

4.1.2Transmission & Final Drive Trouble Shooting Chart for Clutch,

System (Propeller Shaft & Trouble Shouting Chart for
Universal Joint Universal Joint Gearbox, Trouble shooting Chart
Trouble shooting chart for for the Rear Axle
Transmission and Final Drive
System Trouble Shooting Chart for
Clutch, Trouble Shouting Chart for
4.2.1 Transmission & Final Drive Components of final drive
System (Differential and Rear Axle)
Final Drive
4.2.2 Transmission & Final Drive Demonstration of Differential
System (Differential and Rear Axle)
4.2.3Transmission & Final Drive Model on various types of rear axle
System (Differential and Rear Axle)
Rear Axle
Unit 5: Automotive Electrical 5.1.1Introduction Importance of Auto electrical
and electronic system system.
5.1.2 Purpose of Automotive Purpose of Automotive Electrical
Electrical System System
5.1.3 Layout of an Automotive Layout of an Automotive Electrical
Electrical System System
(Charging & Starting System & Demonstration of charging system
Different Electrical Circuit)
5.2.2Starting System Demonstration starting system
5.2.3 Different Circuit Diagrams of
a Car
5.4.2 Automobile DC Generator Demonstration of DC Generator
5.4.4. Construction of Alternator Practical on Alternator
Unit 6:Motor Vehicle Act and 6.1.1 Provision regarding Issue of Documents required for registration,
Rules Driving Insurance, claims, Transfer of
6.1.2 Registration of Vehicle Ownership and fitness certificates
6.1.3 Insurance
6.1.4 Claims

6.1.5 Transfer of Ownership

6.1.6Fitness Certificate

6.2.1 Indian Traffic Rules & Signs

Models of Road signs and practical
6.2.2 Hand Signals used by the demo on hand signals.
6.2.3The Driving Hand Signals
used by the Driver
6.2.4 Hand Signals used by the
Traffic Personnel
6.2.5 Traffic Police Hand Signals
6.3.1 Emission
Demonstration of PCV system and
6.3.2 Sources of Emission
Evaporative Emission Control
6.3.3 Types of Emission system.

6.3.4 Emission Control

6.3.5 Emission Norms in India

Assessment of performance:

The two internal examiners, assigned for the conduct and assessment of Practical Examinations each
in Senior Secondary School Curriculum (Under NSQF). Question for the viva examinations should be
conducted by both the examiners. Question to be more of General nature, project work or the
curriculum. Investigatory Project especially those that show considerable amount of effort and
originality, on the part of the student, should get suitable high marks, while project of a routine or stereo
typed nature should only receive MEDIOCRE marks.
Procedure for Record of Marks in the Practical answer-books:
The examiner will indicate separately marks of practical examination on the title page of the answer-
books under the following heads:-

Project - 10 marks
Projects for the final practical are given below. Student may be assigned
Guidelines for Project Preparation:

The final project work should encompass chapters on:

a) Introduction,

b) Identification of core and advance issues,

c) Learning and understanding

d) Observation during the project period.

Viva based on Project - 05 marks

The teacher conducting the final practical examination may ask verbal questions related to the project,
if any, done by the student. Alternatively, if no project has been assigned to the students, viva may be
based on questions of practical nature from the field of subject as per the Curriculum

Practical File - 15 Marks

Students to make a power point presentations / session assignment / practical file / report.

Suggested list of Practical–

1. Inspection of an engine.

2. Washing of an engine.

3. Tuning of an engine.
4. Tuning of the ignition system of an engine.

5. Replace engine oil and oil filter of a car.

6. Servicing of cooling systems.

7. Engine Timing and engine sound test after setting.

8. Servicing of transmission system.

9. Servicing of clutch system.

10. Adjust clutch pedal free play.

11. Overhauling of clutch.

12. Replace gear and different oil.

13. Adjust gear lever free play.

14. Servicing of wheel assembly.

15. Hub greasing and bearing play adjustments.

16. Tyre Rotation of a car.

17. Tyre puncture repair.

18. Servicing of brakes system.

Demonstration of skill competency in Lab Activities - 10 marks

Internal Examiner shall allot marks based on whole year performance of students during regular practicals.

Practical performance/Periodic Test marks/Notebook Presentation shall be considered.


Assessment of performance:

In class XII: One Internal and one External examiner, assigned for the conduct and assessment of Practical
Examinations each in Senior Secondary School Curriculum (Under NSQF). Question for the viva
examinations should be conducted by both the examiners. Question to be more of General nature,
project work or the curriculum. Investigatory Project especially those that show considerable amount of
effort and originality, on the part of the student, should get suitable high marks, while project of a routine
or stereo typed nature should only receive MEDIOCRE marks.
Procedure for Record of Marks in the Practical answer-books:

The examiner will indicate separately marks of practical examination on the title page of the answer-
books under the following heads:-

Project - 10 marks
Projects for the final practical are given below. Student may be assigned
Guidelines for Project Preparation:

The final project work should encompass chapters on:

a) Introduction,

b) Identification of core and advance issues,

c) Learning and understanding

d) Observation during the project period.

Viva based on Project - 05 marks

The teacher conducting the final practical examination may ask verbal questions related to the project,
if any, done by the student. Alternatively, if no project has been assigned to the students, viva may be
based on questions of practical nature from the field of subject as per the Curriculum

Practical File - 15 Marks

Students to perform activities listed Part-B–SUBJECT SPECIFIC SKILLS/ make a power point
presentations / session assignment / practical file / report.

Demonstration of skill competency in Lab Activities - 10 marks

Internal Examiner shall allot marks based on whole year performance of students during regular practicals.

Practical performance/Periodic Test marks/Notebook Presentation shall be considered.

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