2291-Biblical Conflict Resolution Notes
2291-Biblical Conflict Resolution Notes
2291-Biblical Conflict Resolution Notes
Neil Gerber
Two Triangle Diagram
(the “iceberg” of conflict)
Peace Problems
Rom. (Conflict) James
14:17-19 4:1-2
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
The Slippery Slope of Conflict
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net
2. Attack Responses
-focus on others (wrongly) -public fighting
-“peace-breakers” -critical spirit
-damage relationships and witness -desire to win and be in control
-blame, intimidate, anger, verbal assault, gossip, slander, violence, hatred
3. Peacemaking Responses
-focus on God -goal is to restore relationships & people
-personally & privately between people -overlook, confront graciously
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net
The Four G’s of
Biblical Peacemaking
1. “Glorify God” (1 Cor. 10:31-11:1)
wEph. 5:1-2 wPhil. 4:2-9 wPs. 37:1-9
wCol. 3:1-4 wRom. 12:17-21
a)Focusing on God is the key to resolving conflict constructively
b) “Stewardship Principle”: a steward doesn’t manage things for
himself, but rather for his Master (1 Cor. 4:1-2)
-motivation (focus on God, not self)
-strength (God’s power, not my own)
-dependance (trust God, not self)
-response (God’s way, not my way)
c)Satan is the enemy of peace and the promoter of conflict
Chief Justice Warren Burger: “The courts have been expected to fill the void
created by the decline of the church, family, and neighborhood.” 13
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
The Four G’s of
Biblical Peacemaking
2. “Get the Log out of Your Own Eye” (Matt. 7:1-5)
a)Questions to ask:
-Is this worth fighting over?
-In what ways did I sin in this matter?
-What “rights” am I worshipping?
-How have I attempted to avoid my responsibility?
b) “The Golden Rule” (Matt. 7:12)
c) “The Golden Result”
Justice Antonia Scalia: “We are too quick to seek vindication or
vengeance through adversarial proceedings rather than
peace through mediation. Christians, as they should
be slow to anger, should be slow to sue.”
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
The Four G’s of
Biblical Peacemaking
2. “Get the Log out of Your Own Eye” (Matt. 7:1-5)
Six Steps to Take
1. Evaluate Your Own Contribution to the Problem (Matt. 7:3-5)
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
The Four G’s of
Biblical Peacemaking
2. “Get the Log out of Your Own Eye” (Matt. 7:1-5)
The Seven A’s of Confession
1. Address – only those involved
2. Avoid – wrong words
3. Admit – specific sin done
4. Acknowledge – the hurt done to the other
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
The Four G’s of
Biblical Peacemaking
3. “Gently Restore” (Gal. 6:1-2; Matt. 18:15)
c) Principles in Restoration
-after the log is out of your own eye
-face to face
-private and personal
-go discerningly
-go repeatedly (if needed)
d) When do I go?
-if someone has something against you (Matt. 5:23-24)
-if the sin is too serious to overlook (Luke 17:3)
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
The Four G’s of
Biblical Peacemaking
3. “Gently Restore” (Gal. 6:1-2)
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
Matthew 18 Blueprint
for Conflict Resolution
3. Gently Restore: “The Context” of Matthew 18
a) humility (18:1-5)
b) selflessness (18:6-10)
c) Shepherd love (18:11-14): parable of lost sheep
d) Confrontation and restoration (18:15-17): sin
e) Authority and accountability (18:18-20): the church
f) Forgiveness (18:21-35): parable of unmerciful servant
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
Matthew 18 Blueprint
for Conflict Resolution
3. Gently Restore: “The Principles” of Matthew 18
a) prolonged, unresolved conflict involves sin (Matt. 5:21-24)
b) keep the circle of people involved in conflict as small as possible for
as long as possible (18:15-17)
c) “face to face” is the best way in most cases
d) if you are not able to resolve conflict in private, ask a few godly
people to assist in reconciliation
e) the church’s priority is to mend broken relationships (Gal. 6:1-2) and
broken worship (Matt. 5:23-24)
f) God views accountability and discipline as an act of love and a
means to restoring his lost sheep (18:15-17)
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
Matthew 18 Blueprint
for Conflict Resolution
3. Gently Restore: Five Steps in Reconciliation
(1)overlook minor offenses (Prov. 19:11; 1 Peter 3:8-12; Luke 17:3-4)
wfour questions to ask
(2)talk in private (1 Peter 3:8-12)
(3)take one or two with you
(4)tell it to the church
(5)treat him as a non-believer (don’t pretend everything is alright)
a)it protects the Lord’s name from dishonor
b)it protects other believers from being led astray
c)it helps the rebellious person to see their sin and repent
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: “Nothing is so cruel as the tenderness that consigns another to sin.”
© Peacemaker Ministries. Used with permission. For additional information about biblical peacemaking, visit www.Peacemaker.net.
The Four G’s of
Biblical Peacemaking
4. “Go and Be Reconciled” (Matt. 5:24)
wMatt. 6:12 wMatt. 18:21-35 wMatt. 7:12
wPhil. 2:3-4 wRom. 12:18
wJohn 13:34-35 w1 Pet. 2:19, 4:19