Aptitude 2 Mphasis
Aptitude 2 Mphasis
Aptitude 2 Mphasis
1. A contractor engaged 100 labourers for completing certain project within a fixed time. When
3/5th of the time limit had expired, he found that 3/4th of the originally assigned work had
been already completed. The number of labours who could have removed by the contractor
for this project so that the project could be completed by the remaining labours within the
given time limit would be:
a) 50 b) 40 c) 20 d) 30
2. Only a single rail track exists between stations A and B on a railway line. One hour after the
northbound superfast train N leaves station A for station B, a southbound passenger train S
reaches station A from station B. The speed of the superfast train is twice that of a normal
express train E, while the speed of a passenger train S is half that of E. On a particular day N
leaves for station B from station A, 20 min behind the normal schedule. In order to maintain
the schedule, both N and S increased their speeds. If the superfast train double its speed,
what should be the ratio (approximately) of the speed of passenger train to that of the
superfast train so that passenger train S reaches exactly at the scheduled time at station A on
that day.
a) 1:4 b) 1:5 c) 1:6 d) 1:3
3. In the Garbar Jhala, Aminabad a shopkeeper first raises the price of Jewellery by x% then
he decreases the new price by x%. After one such up down cycle, the price of a Jewellery
decreased by Rs. 21025. After a second up down cycle the jewellery was sold for Rs.
484416. What was the original price of the jewellery?
a) Rs. 6,00,625 b) Rs. 5,25,625 c) Rs. 5,00,000 d) Rs. 5,26,000
4. A company instead of raising the mark-up by 20% discounted the cost price by 20% while
stitching the price tag on its product. Further the company offers a discount of 6.25% to its
customer. In this process company incurs a loss of Rs. 37.5 on a single article. What is the
selling price of that article?
a) 112.5 b) 365.5 c) 417.5 d) None of these
5. A trader mixes 25% kerosene to his petrol and then he sells the whole mixture at the price
of petrol. If the cost price of kerosene be 50% of the cost price of petrol, what is the net
profit percentage?
a) 20 % b) 11 1/9 % c) 12 1/9 % d) 9 1/11 %
6. A man borrows Rs. 4000 from a bank at 71/2% interest. At the end of every year he pays
Rs. 1500 as part payment of loan and interest. How much does he still owe to the bank after
2 such annual payments?
a) Rs. 1510 b) Rs. 1500 c) Rs. 1600 d) Rs. 1820
7. In a triangle, if one angle is 120°, then the following sides of the triangle are possible
a) √17, 4, 1 b) 45, 79, 35 c) √7,4, 13, 2 d) 133, 120, 23
8. In a town of 10,000 families, it was found that 40% families buy newspaper A, 20%
families buy newspaper B and 10% families buy newspaper C. 5% families buy A and B, 3%
buy B and C and 4% buy A and C If 2% families buy all the three newspapers, then the
number of families which only buy newspaper A is
a) 3100 b) 3300 c) 3400 d) 3200
9. A man rides his bicycle 10 km at an average speed of 12 km/hr and again travels 12km at
an average speed of 10 km/hr. What is his average speed for the entire trip approximately?
a) 11.2 kmph b) 10 kmph c) 10.2 kmph d) 10.8 kmph
10. The average marks obtained in a class of 71 students is 48. If the average of the first 59
results is 46 and that of the last 11 is 52. Find the 60th result?
a) 128 b) 134 c) 122 d) 132
11. In how many ways can the 7 letters M, N, O, P, Q, R, S be arranged so that P and Q
occupy continuous positions?
a) 120 b) 720 c) 1440 d) 1400
12. The number of four-digit numbers strictly greater than 4321 that can be formed from the
digits 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 (allowing repetition of digits)
a) 288 b) 310 c) 800 d) 360
13. A firm has 40 workers working in the factory premises, 30 working its office and 20
working in both the factory and the office. How many are working in the office alone?
a) 20 b) 5 c) 10 d) 15
14. Shweta is a very expert in bargaining. Once she went to a nearby shop. When Shweta
asked the price of Shampoo Sachet the shopkeeper told her the price by increasing 15% of
the original cost. But Shweta insisted to decrease the price by 15% so the shopkeeper sold it
by decreasing the price by 15%. What is the loss or profit of shopkeeper and by how much
a) 2.18% b) 2.25% c) 3.18% d) 1.95%
15. An investor in shares makes a profit of Rs. 920 in his fifth investment, thereby increasing
his average profit of first four investment by Rs. 14. His average profit over the first four
investments is:
a) 906 b) 850 c) 976 d) None of these
16. The scorer in a cricket match accidentally inverted the two digits in the correct score. A
maths wizard in the spectators noticed that the difference in the correct and the incorrect
score could have represented the average runs scored by each of the eleven batsman. If the
total score were to be the sum of the correct and the incorrect scores, the average is
a) divisible by 9 b) divisible by 11
c) divisible by 9 but not by 11 d) divisible by 11 and 9
17. In how many ways can 4 Indians and 4 Nepalese people be seated around a round table
such that no two Indians are in adjacent positions?
a) 576 b) 24 c) 144 d) 484
18. In a particular test, five persons A, B, C, D and E got different marks. The average marks
of four groups of three persons is shown in the below table
It is known that D got more than 30 marks. If we arrange the persons in descending order of
marks obtained, then which of the following is true? (It is also known that D got 3 more than
30 marks.)
a) C > B > A > E > D b) B > C > E > A > D
c) B > E > C > A > D d) C > B > A > D > E
19. A leak in the bottom of a tank can empty it completely in 8 hours. An inlet pipe fills the
tank @ 5 lit/min. When the tank is full, the inlet is opened and the tank is empty in 10 hours.
The capacity of the tank is
a) 8000 litres b) 12000 litres c) 6000 litres d) None of these
20. The average age of a team of 14 persons is 27 years and 9 months. Two persons, each 42
years old, left the group. What will be the average age of the remaining persons in the group?
a) 25.375 b) 25.25 c) 26.875 d) 25 years
21. Rice is mixed in the ratio 2 : 3 and sold at Rs.22 per kilogram, resulting in a profit of
10%. If the smaller quantity be Rs. 14 per kilogram, then the cost per kilogram of the larger
quantity is
a) Rs. 24 b) Rs. 29 c) Rs. 23 d) Rs. 30
22. The cost of manufacturer commodity increased by 20%. A trader who did not revise the
selling price noted that there was a drop of Rs. 20 in his profit. What is the original cost
a) Rs. 200 b) Rs. 300 c) Rs. 100 d) Rs. None of