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W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

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W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

Section 1: CAD software and drawing requirements 5

Section 2: Produce drawing elements 11

Section 3: Evaluation 14

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Student name: Madhav Khatri

Assessor: Jayanta shah


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W: https://sunbeam.edu.au


CAD software
Describe three CAD Software type 1: 2D CAD software
different types of
CAD software that
can be used for
producing detail
drawing. Summarise uses of this type of These are basic CAD tools used
CAD software, including the primarily for creating 2D drawings,
Use the tables to
types of drawings it can schematics and diagrams.
provide your

Describe three key features of 1:Drafting and Annotation:Tools

the CAD software. for precise 2D drawing and
adding dimensions, text, and
2:Layer Management:Organizes
drawings into layers for easier
management and editing.
3:Compatibility and
Interoperability:Supports standard
file formats (DWG, DXF) for easy
sharing and collaboration.

CAD Software type 2: 3D CAD software

Summarise uses of this type of These tools enable users to

CAD software, including the create three-dimensional models
types of drawings it can of objects or
produce. spaces. They are extensively
used in industries such as
automotive, aerospace, industrial
design, and architecture.
Examples include Autodesk
Inventor, SolidWorks, CATIA and
Describe three key features of 1:Parametric Modeling:enables
the CAD software. the construction and alteration of

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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
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RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

designs according to restrictions

and limitations.
2:Assembly design:makes it
easier to create and maintain
intricate assemblies with several
3:Simulation and
Analysis:Includes tools for
simulating and analyzing the
behavior of designs under various

CAD Software type 3: Building information modelling

(BIM) software

Summarise uses of this type of : BIM software is used specifically

CAD software, including the in
types of drawings it can architecture, engineering and
produce. construction (AEC) industries to
create and manage digital
representations of physical and
functional characteristics of
places.s. Examples include
Autodesk Revit, ArchiCAD,
ProSteel, XSteel and
Vectorworks Architect.

Describe three key features of 1:Comprehensive Modeling:allows

the CAD software. for the 3D modelling of structural
parts, doors, windows, and other
architectural components.

comprehensive data regarding the
supplies, parts, and equipment
utilised in building projects.

3:Collaboration:enables the

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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
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ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

simultaneous work of several

stakeholders on a same project,
increasing coordination and
lowering mistakes.

Compare 2D and 3D What is 2-D An accurate portrayal of an object or place

drawing drawing? from several angles (such as the top, front, or
side) is called a 2D drawing. It conveys the
To complete this thing's proportions and exact measurements.
comparison, use the
table to provide your
What is 3-D 3D drawings provide a realistic
drawing? representation
of objects or spaces in three dimensions,
allowing for better visualisation and
understanding of complex geometries and
spatial relationships.

Outline key here are two differences:

differences between
the two. 2D: Simpler and easier to create.
3D: More complex and detailed.

2D: Less time-consuming and resource-

3D: More suitable for detailed analysis and
manufacturing processes.

If you're using AutoCAD, here's a helpful

tutorial link that demonstrates how to convert
Choose one of the a 2D layout into a 3D model:
software you have
researched above https://youtu.be/9SiTWRbf-cE?
and identify a link si=a_zHubxG9mUTOuEx
that shows how to
convert a 2D layout This guide provides step-by-step instructions
into a 3D model. and visuals to assist in the conversion
process, making it easier to understand and
follow along.

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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
Sunbeam International College
RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

Compare single
What is A single view drawing allows users to work and view
view and multiple single view their design in one perspective or view at a time,
view drawings drawing? focusing on one aspect of the design.
To complete this
comparison, use
the table to
provide your
answers. What is A multiple view drawing enables users to view and
multiple work on their design from multiple perspectives
view simultaneously, showing different angles concurrently.

Outline here are the two differences:

differences Single View: One perspective at a time.
between Multiple View: Multiple perspectives at once.
the two.
Single View: Focus on one design aspect.
Multiple View: Comprehensive view of design from
different angles.
one of the For AutoCAD, here's a helpful tutorial link that
software demonstrates the process for generating single view
you have and multiple view drawings:
d above https://youtu.be/nLVnYHbW39E?
and si=nKJqq45w6r8u3TtH
identify a
link that This guide provides step-by-step instructions and
shows the visuals to assist in creating both single and multiple
process for view drawings.
single view

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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
Sunbeam International College
RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

CAD software to
be used
Autodesk is the CAD software i will use
Complete the
What is the CAD software to complete the drwaing task.
table with your
that you will use to
complete the drawing
Attach a screen shot of the
CAD software icon on your

Computer System Requirements for

What are the computer system
requirements for this type of Operating System:
CAD software i.e., operating
system, processor and Windows 10 or later
memory? macOS 10.14 or later
Confirm that your computer
has the capacity as you have
outlined above. To confirm Minimum: 2.5–2.9 GHz processor
this, you could take Recommended: 3+ GHz processor (e.g.,
screenshot of the information Intel Core i7 or AMD Ryzen 7)
on your computer that
confirms this. Attach this to Memory:
your Portfolio.
Minimum: 8 GB RAM
Recommended: 16 GB or more
For printing CAD drawings, a high-
quality printer or plotter is
recommended. Here are the types of
printers compatible with AutoCAD:
As you will need to print your
drawing for this assessment,
Recommended Printer Types
what type of printer would be
Large-Format Plotter: Ideal for
compatible with the CAD
printing large architectural or
software you are using?
engineering drawings.
Confirm that the printer
High-Resolution Inkjet Printer:
available is suitable by, for
Suitable for detailed color prints.
example, taking a screenshot
Laser Printer: Good for fast, high-
of the printer software on your
quality monochrome prints.
Example of a Compatible Printer
HP DesignJet Series: Widely used in
architectural and engineering
Outline the features that your AutoCAD Catalog Features
software has in terms of Tool Palettes: Customizable access
catalogues. to frequently used tools and blocks.
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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
Sunbeam International College
RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

DesignCenter: Browse and insert

drawing content from other files.

Block Libraries: Manage reusable

blocks for various design elements.

Content Explorer: Search and

organize design content.

DWG Libraries: Access pre-built

templates and components.

Outline the purpose Purpose and Scope of the Drawing

and scope of the
drawing to be Purpose:
Details of the
drawing requirement Communication
Complete the table Fabrication/Construction
and answer the
questions about the Scope:
drawing task you are
required to complete. Include relevant elements and
Provide necessary dimensions and
Follow industry standards
Integrate with larger drawing sets if

Outline the information Information to Include:

that needs to be
included in the Dimensions
drawing. Materials
Outline the Presentation Requirements
requirements for the Format: 2D or 3D
drawing. Detail Level: Conceptual or technical
Style: Colors, line types, weights
Standards: Industry-specific conventions
Clarity: Clear and legible

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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
Sunbeam International College
RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

Procedures Outline the process Process Outline:

you will follow to Task Definition: Clearly define objectives
Complete the table complete this task. and scope.
about the procedures Planning: Break down into steps, allocate
you need to folllow to resources, and identify risks.
complete the Execution: Implement steps, monitor
drawing. If you are progress, and address issues.
completing this in Review: Evaluate outcomes, gather
your RTO, this will be feedback, and document lessons.
as per the Outline the Supervision Requirements:
information provided supervision Updates: Provide regular progress updates.
by your assessor. If requirements you Consultation: Seek guidance as needed.
you are completing need to follow to Approvals: Obtain necessary approvals at
this at work this will complete this task. critical stages.
Compliance: Follow organizational policies
be in relation to your
own work Outline the quality Quality Assurance Procedures:
procedures. assurance procedures Standards: Ensure work meets specified
you need to follow to standards.
complete this task. Testing: Validate outputs.
Documentation: Maintain accurate records.
Feedback: Incorporate stakeholder
Improvement: Implement corrective actions

Email Subject: Confirmation and Clarification Needed for Drawing Task

Draft an email to
your supervisor Dear [Supervisor's Name],
confirming the
drawing task to be I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to confirm that I
completed. In your will proceed with completing the drawing task assigned to me. I
email include at least aim to have the initial draft ready by 19/07/2024.
one question about
further information Could you please provide clarification on the preferred file format
you need to seek to for the final submission? This will ensure I align with our
complete the task. requirements accurately.

Looking forward to your guidance.

Best regards,
Madhav Khatri

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Source: Sunbeam_ 11-Oct-23 n
Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
Sunbeam International College
RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

Copyright and Legislation: Copyright Act 1968 (Australia)

intellectual property
Identify a legislation Ownership and Attribution: Clarifying ownership and ensuring
that applies to proper attribution of CAD drawings.
Copyright and
Licensing and Usage: Establishing clear terms for how CAD
intellectual property
drawings can be used and distributed through licensing
issues. Outline two agreements.
copyright and
intellectual property
issues that it is
important to be
aware of in relation
to drawing


Screenshots ☐


Working environment set up Ergonomic Setup Checklist:
Chair: Adjust height for feet flat or on a footrest, knees at or below
Set up your working hips, and good lumbar support.
environment prior to Keyboard and Mouse: Elbows at 90 degrees, wrists straight, and
commencing producing your mouse close to keyboard.
drawing. Make sure you Monitor: Top at or below eye level, arm's length away, adjust
adhere to WHS brightness for comfort.
requirements by Desk: Keep clear, organize essentials within reach, use a
demonstrating that your document holder.
workstation is set up Lighting: Well-lit workspace, adjustable lighting to reduce glare.
Take a photo of your work
environment to demonstrate
that you can set your work
environment up correctly.

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Source: Sunbeam_ 11-Oct-23 n
Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
Sunbeam International College
RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

List the title of the photo


Photo title:

"Ergonomic Workstation Setup"

Sustainability I can actively engage in recycling programmes at work by

properly sorting and disposing of recyclable products, such as
Outline one action that you paper, plastics, and other recyclables, in accordance with
can take at work to improve municipal requirements. This will help to enhance environmental
environmental sustainability. sustainability.

CAD software File Saving in Autodesk CAD Software:

Open up the CAD software Save files in .dwg or .dxf formats locally or on Autodesk cloud.
you are using and take a Follow specific naming conventions for clarity and organization.
screen shot of the launch Templates in Autodesk CAD Software:
screen. Attach this to your
Project Portfolio, including Pre-defined setups for new drawings (units, scales, layers).
Customizable to match project requirements or industry
the title of the screenshot
here. Symbols, Codes, and Standards:
Provide a brief summary
here of: Symbols: Represent components (e.g., electrical, architectural).
Codes: Numeric or alphanumeric identifiers.
• how files are saved Standards: Guidelines ensure design consistency and
within the software compliance.

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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
Sunbeam International College
RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

• templates that are used

and what they are used

• symbols, codes and

standards to be applied.

Attach relevant screenshots

to your Portfolio as relevant to
the above information.

Modify Dimension Styles:

Adjusted text height and arrowhead style for room dimensions.
Navigating the software to
complete your drawing task Create and Use Layers:
Created 'Walls' layer and assigned all wall entities to it.
You are to complete your
drawing using the CAD Manipulate the Drawing Origin:
software. In the section below Moved the drawing origin to the bottom-left corner of the room."
Use Required Symbols:
you will provide your final
drawing but, in this section, Added door and window symbols from the CAD library.
you are to demonstrate that
Use Grids and Object Snaps:
you are able to navigate the Enabled grid snap and used object snap to align entities precisely
CAD software to produce the
drawing required. Change Scale Up and Down:
Scaled the room plan down by 50% for printing.
Therefore, whilst you are
completing your drawing, take Add a Title Block:
Added a standard title block with project details.
screenshots to demonstrate
that you can: Use Ortho Mode:
Used Ortho mode to draw straight horizontal and vertical walls.
• manipulate drawing
entities Import Files into the Working Space:
Imported a reference DWG file for room dimensions.
• modify dimension styles
Extract Files Out of the Working Space:
• create and use layers Exported the room plan to a PDF file for review.
• manipulate the drawing
Save and File Drawing Elements:
origin Saved the drawing as 'RoomPlan.dwg' in the project folder.
• use the required symbols
identified in the step

• use grids and/or grid

snaps and object snaps

• change the scale up and


• add a title block

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Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
Sunbeam International College
RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au

• use ortho mode

• import files into the
working space

• extract files out of the

working space

• save and file drawing

Note that your drawing may
not involve all the above
software functions/features,
but you must demonstrate
that you can use each.
Make sure that you
summarise each function
you use here in your Project
Portfolio and reference the
screenshot that shows this.

Room Plan
Attach your completed
drawing to your Project
Portfolio, including the title
Further, include a
screenshot of how you have
saved the file as per the file
saving procedures you
identified above.

Photo of working environment ☐

Screenshots ☐

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Source: Sunbeam_ 11-Oct-23 n
Copyright © 2020 RTO Works
Sunbeam International College
RTO ID:45759| CRICOS Code: 03951F
ABN: 69 643 667 850
P: 1300 799 630 | E:
[email protected]
W: https://sunbeam.edu.au


Complete this section prior to the roundtable discussion.

Consider the following Notes for Roundtable Discussions

How Simple or Complex the CAD Software Is to Use
questions: Simple: The navigation and basic tools were easy to use.
• How easy or difficult it Difficult: It was challenging to find and utilise the advanced
features and settings.
was to use the CAD Contentment with the Finished Drawing
software? Satisfied: The room plan was precise and easy to understand,
meeting all criteria.
• What is your level of Improvements: With more experience, could improve the looks
satisfaction with the final and detail.
drawing produce? Challenges faced
Technical: Assuring accuracy, adjusting dimension styles, and
• What was challenging managing layers.
during the process? Workflow: Juggling finishing the drawing and learning the
• What would you change Modifications for Upcoming Drawings
for future drawings to Develop your skills by using more complex features and learning
be completed? shortcuts.
Process Optimisation: Use thorough custom templates and
Make notes on your answers improve layer management.
to present at the roundtable Utilisation of Resources: Ask peers for input and make use of
discussion. online tutorials.

Complete this section after the roundtable session.

After hearing other students’
presentation, document at Further area of improvement:
least one further area for Upon listening to other students' presentations, I understood that
improvement for your work adding more thorough annotations and labels to my work would
based on hearing others’ make it better. This will facilitate improved design intent
ideas. communication and clarity, which will make it simpler for others to
grasp the drawings. Furthermore, as my contemporaries have
shown, employing more thorough notation can improve the
overall accuracy and quality of the drawings.

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