Cad 1 File ..
Cad 1 File ..
Cad 1 File ..
Version 1.0
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The information contained in this resource is, to the best of the project team’s and publisher’s knowledge true and
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Civil Construction Works is a series of training and assessment resources developed for qualifications within the
Resources and Infrastructure Industry Training Package.
Section 1: CAD software and drawing requirements 5
Section 3: Evaluation 14
comprehensive data regarding the
supplies, parts, and equipment
utilised in building projects.
3:Collaboration:enables the
Compare single
What is A single view drawing allows users to work and view
view and multiple single view their design in one perspective or view at a time,
view drawings drawing? focusing on one aspect of the design.
To complete this
comparison, use
the table to
provide your
answers. What is A multiple view drawing enables users to view and
multiple work on their design from multiple perspectives
view simultaneously, showing different angles concurrently.
CAD software to
be used
Autodesk is the CAD software i will use
Complete the
What is the CAD software to complete the drwaing task.
table with your
that you will use to
complete the drawing
Attach a screen shot of the
CAD software icon on your
Best regards,
Madhav Khatri
Screenshots ☐
Photo title:
Open up the CAD software Save files in .dwg or .dxf formats locally or on Autodesk cloud.
you are using and take a Follow specific naming conventions for clarity and organization.
screen shot of the launch Templates in Autodesk CAD Software:
screen. Attach this to your
Project Portfolio, including Pre-defined setups for new drawings (units, scales, layers).
Customizable to match project requirements or industry
the title of the screenshot
here. Symbols, Codes, and Standards:
Provide a brief summary
here of: Symbols: Represent components (e.g., electrical, architectural).
Codes: Numeric or alphanumeric identifiers.
• how files are saved Standards: Guidelines ensure design consistency and
within the software compliance.
Room Plan
Attach your completed
drawing to your Project
Portfolio, including the title
Further, include a
screenshot of how you have
saved the file as per the file
saving procedures you
identified above.
Photo of working environment ☐
Screenshots ☐