Load Frequency Control in Microgrid
Load Frequency Control in Microgrid
Load Frequency Control in Microgrid
A micro-grid can be considered as a small grid based
on distributed generators (DGs). Generally, the
micro-grid consists of renewable energy based DGs
and combined heat and power plants. It can supply
power to small/medium sized urban housing
communities or to large rural areas. It can be an
economical, environment friendly and reliable way to
supply power at distribution levels. The sources in a
micro-grid can be mainly classified as dispatch-able
or non-dispatchable in terms of power flow control
[1,2]. The output power of dispatchable sources such
as micro turbines, fuel cells and bio-diesel generators Fig.1.Schematic diagram of a micro-grid
can be controlled to maintain the desired system
frequency and voltage in an isolated micro-grid.
The control of real and reactive power
However, non dispatchable sources such as wind and
output of the sources is essential to maintain a stable
PV, in which the output power depends on the
environmental conditions, are expected to be mainly operation in a micro-grid, especially when it operates
in the islanded mode. The frequency and voltage in
controlled on the basis of maximum power point
an islanded (autonomous) micro-grid should be
tracking (MPPT).
maintained within predefined limits. The frequency
variations are very small in strong grids; however,
The sources in a micro-grid can also be classified as
large variations can occur in autonomous grids [3].
inertial and non-inertial depending on the way they
Thus power management strategies are vital for an
are connected to the system. For example, a diesel
autonomous micro-grid in the presence of few small
generator and a hydro generator are inertial sources
DG units, where no single dominant energy source is
since they include synchronous generators with their
present to supply the energy requirement [4]. Also,
rotating inertial masses. On the other hand, the
fast and flexible power control strategies are
sources connected through converters such as PV,
necessary to damp out transient power oscillations in
fuel cell and batteries are non-inertial since power
4.Speed changer: It provides steady state power System Description : The micro-grid system under
output setting for the turbine Its downward consideration is comprised from two Diesel
movement opens the upper pilot valve so that more Generation (DG) units, two PV systems, and a
steam is admitted to the turbine under steady Battery Storage System (BSS). The two DG units are
conditions. 100 and 20 KVA. The two PV systems are 14.8 KW
each, and the BSS is 30 Kwh . The micro-grid system
has no means of connecting to any other power grid
Micro-grids are small power grids. They can operate
either independently or connected to larger grids.
They can be, for example, a university campus
connected to the main grid, an island in the middle of
the ocean or a military base in a desert where there
are no means of connecting to primary grid power .
Such concept provides a platform for incorporation of
several Distributed Energy Resources (DERs), such
as solar and wind power generations, and energy
storage technologies. However, micro-grids are not
without flaws.
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