17CV742 GW&H Module-1&2
17CV742 GW&H Module-1&2
17CV742 GW&H Module-1&2
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To keep pace with advancements in knowledge and make the students competitive and
capable at the global level.
To create an environment for the students to acquire the right physical, intellectual,
emotional and moral foundations and shine as torchbearers of tomorrow's society.
To strive to attain ever-higher benchmarks of educational excellence.
To develop globally competent civil engineers who excel in academics, research and are
ethically responsible for the development of the society.
To provide quality education through faculty and state of the art infrastructure.
To identify current problems in the society pertaining to Civil Engineering disciplines
and to address them effectively and efficiently.
To inculcate the habit of research and entrepreneurship in our graduates to address current
infrastructure needs of society.
PO2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex
engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of
mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
PO5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and
modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering
activities with an understanding of the limitations.
PO6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to
assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities
relevant to the professional engineering practice. 44
PO7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering
solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and
need for sustainable development.
PO8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities
and norms of the engineering practice.
PO9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or
leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
PO11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the
engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member
and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
PO12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to
engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological
Graduates who complete their UG course through our institution will be,
PEO 2- Engaged in higher studies and research activities in various Civil Engineering fields
and a life time commitment to learn ever changing technologies to satisfy increasing demand
of sustainable infrastructural facilities
PSO 1: To prepare plans and maps of the infrastructures by undertaking the process of
engineering survey
PSO 3: To assess and provide solutions for impact of anthropogenic activities leading to
pollution of land, water and air.
L1, L2
Module -2
Fundamentals of Ground Water Flow: Aquifer parameters, specific yield and specific
retention, porosity, storage coefficient, derivation of the expression, Darcy’s law,
hydraulic conductivity, coefficient of permeability and intrinsic permeability,
transmissibility, permeability in isotropic, unisotropic layered soils, steady one
dimensional flow: cases with recharge.
L2, L3
Module -3
Well Hydraulics: Steady Flow, Radial flow in confined and unconfined aquifers,
pumping test Unsteady Flow, General equation, derivation; thesis method, Cooper
and Jacob method, Chow’s method, solution of unsteady flow equations, leaky
L2, L3, L4
Module -4
Ground Water Exploration: Seismic method, electrical resistively method, Geo-
physical techniques, electrical logging, radioactive logging, induction logging, sonic and
fluid logging.
L2, L3
Module -5
Ground Water Development: Types of wells, methods of construction, tube well
design, dug wells, pumps for lifting water, working principles, power requirement,
L2, L3
Course outcomes: After studying this course, students will be able to:
1.1 Objective
1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Ground water
1.1.2 Ground water Hydrology
1.2 Occurrence of ground water
1.3 Vertical distribution of subsurface water
1.4 Aquifer, Aquiclude, Aquifuge and Aquitard
1.5 Confined and Unconfined aquifers
1.6 Occurrence of ground water in different types of rocks
1.7 Replenishment of ground water
1.8 Advantages and dis advantages of ground water resources over canal for irrigation
1.9 Selecting Location of Wells
1.10 Guide lines for success of wells
1.1 Objective
The module will introduce the students to ground water and aquifers, occurrence of ground water in
1.1 Introduction
Ground water source is replenished through the processes of infiltration and percolation. Infiltration is the
process by which the precipitation and surface water move downward into the soil. Percolation is the vertical
and lateral movement through the various openings in the geological formations. Natural sources of
replenishment include rainwater, melting snow or ice and water in stream channels, and lakes or other natural
bodies of water. Rainwater may infiltrate into the ground directly or while flowing over the land enroute to a
river, or stream, or other water bodies.
The water table is defined as the upper limit of the saturated zone. However, it should be noted that all the pores
near the base of the capillary water zone (which itself may range from practically nothing in coarse material to
about 2.5 m or more in clay materials) may be completely saturated. The number of pores filled with water
decreases in the upward direction of the capillary water zone. One can, therefore, expect the upper limit of
actual saturation to be an irregular surface. Water table should, therefore, be redefined as the upper limit of
saturation at atmospheric pressure.
An aquifer which is bounded by two impervious layers at top and bottom of the aquifer is called confined
aquifer. In case of confined aquifer, if we insert a piezometer into the aquifer, the water level will rise above the
top impervious layer as the pressure in the aquifer is more than the atmospheric pressure. As such, the confined
aquifer is also known as pressure aquifer. Top and bottom layer of a confined aquifer is generally impervious.
Sometimes these layers may be semi-pervious in nature. In such a situation, the water may gain or lose through
these semi-pervious layers. The aquifer is then called as leaky confined aquifer.
1.8 Advantages and dis advantages of ground water resources over canal for irrigation
i) In the canal irrigation system, major structures, such as headworks, main and branch
canals, etc. must be constructed prior to the start of proportionate agricultural activity
which grows gradually because of the availability of irrigation facility. But, wells can be
constructed gradually to keep pace with the development of the agricultural activities of
the area.
(i) Transit losses in well irrigation are much less than those in canal irrigation system.
(ii) Isolated patches of high lands can be better served by well irrigation.
(iii) Well irrigation offers an effective anti-waterlogging measure of the affected lands and
reduces the chances of waterlogging of canal-irrigated lands.
(iv) Well irrigation ensures relatively more reliable supply of water at the time of need. This
results in better yield. Besides, farmers can switch over to more remunerative crops due to
the availability of assured supply.
(v) Well irrigation needs energy for pumping. Installation and maintenance of pumps and the
cost of running the pumps make well irrigation costlier.
(vi) Failure of power supply at the time of keenest demand may adversely affect the yield in
case of well irrigation systems.
1.9 Selecting Location of Wells
• A well should be sunk after ascertaining groundwater availability.
• The well site should be such that the well after completion will be in a position to command the
surrounding area to the fullest extent. The well, if situated in the centre of an area, gives good
command. At the same time care should be taken to see that the well site is on the highest patch
of the area so that water can flow by gravity.
• Location of shallow wells creates no problem when the capacity of the well is moderate and the
underground conditions are favorable, that is when the water-table is sufficiently high and
subsoil formation is pervious.
• Wells should be located in a region where drainage water does not bring in water of bad
quality. It is harmful to crop production. While locating all the wells more particularly shallow
wells, care should be taken to keep the selected site always away from the sources of pollution.
• The wells should be located in such a way that their circles of influence under maximum
drawdown conditions do not enter the neighboring property lines. If the withdrawal of water is
from beneath some property, it may damage the property itself.
• Two wells of any area should be spaced in such a way that the cones of depression or circles of
influence of the wells do not cross each other. It reduces the discharge of the wells. The spacing
of wells is generally keep between 75 m – 175 m to avoid interference.
• A well should irrigate the land which is not receiving irrigation from flow irrigation system.
• A well if located in the command area of flow irrigation system should irrigate lands in such a
way as to remove deficiencies of flow irrigation system.
2.1 Objective
2.2 Aquifer Parameters
2.2.1 Porosity
2.2.2 Specific Yield
2.2.3 Specific Retention
2.2.4 Coefficient of Permeability
2.2.5 Transmissivity
2.2.6 Specific Storage
2.2.7 Storage Coefficient
2.2.8 Expression for storage coefficient
2.3 Darcy‟s Law
2.3.1 The Limits of Darcy‟s Law
2.4 Measuring Permeability
2.5 Laboratory Permeability
2.5.1 Constant head permeameters:
2.5.2 Falling Head Permeameters
2.6 Probable land subsidence due to ground water withdrawals
2.7 Flow-Net and water table contours
2.8 Permeability in isotropic and anisotrophic soils
2.9 Steady Flow in Confined Aquifers
2.10 Steady Flow in Unconfined Aquifers
2.11 Steady Unconfined Flow without Recharge or Evapotranspiration
2.12 Steady Unconfined Flow with Recharge or Evapotranspiration
2.1 Objective
The module will enable students to characterize the properties of ground water and aquifers.
2.2 Aquifer Parameters
The following properties of the aquifer are required for study of groundwater hydrology:
Department of Civil Engineering, ATMECE, Mysuru Page 12
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Ground water and Hydraulics (17CV742)
1. Porosity
2. Specific Yield
3. Specific Retention
4. Coefficient of permeability
5. Transmissibility
6. Specific Storage
7. Storage Coefficient
2.2.1 Porosity
Porosity (n): The porosity of a rock is its property of containing pores or voids. It is defined as the
ratio of volume of voids Vv to total volume of medium (rock) V; i.e.:
The spaces where groundwater occupies are known as voids, interstices, pores or pore spaces. They are
fundamentally important to the study of groundwater because they serve as water conduits. Their
nature is dependent on their geology. Porosity is a measure by the ration of the contained voids in a
solid mass to its total volume. The term effective porosity refers to the amount of interconnected pore
space available for fluid flow and is expressed as the ratio of the interstices to total volume.
Shape, size, packing and degree of cementation affect porosity. Uniformly graded sand has a higher
porosity than a less uniform, fine and coarse mixture, because in the latter, the fines occupy the voids
in the coarse material. Primary porosity is created at the time of origin of the rock in which they occur.
In sedimentary rocks, the voids coincide with the inter granular spaces while in igneous rocks, it results
from the cooling of molten lava and may range in size from minute inter crystalline spaces to large
caverns. Secondary porosity results from the actions of subsequent geological, climatic or biotic
factors upon the original rock.
Examples include joints, fractures, faults, solution openings and openings formed by plants and
In porous rock, there may be small pores known as dead end pores which have only one entrance, and
so water molecules can diffuse in and out of them, but there can be no hydraulic gradient across them
to cause bulk flow of groundwater. In extreme cases, there may be pores containing water that are
completely closed so that the water in them is trapped. This may occur during digenetic
transformations of the rock. Since we are frequently interested in the movement of groundwater, it is
useful to define a porosity that refers only to the movable water in the rock. This is called the
kinematic or effective porosity
Vw is the volume of water in a unit volume of earth materials (L3, cm3 or m3)
V is the unit volume of earth material, including both voids and solids (L3, cm3 or m3)
Specific yield can be determined in the laboratory by simple saturation and drainage, while in the field
by pumping a known volume of water out and determining the volume of sediments drained by
observing the depth of the water lowered.
Since the specific yield represents the volume of water that a rock will yield by gravity drainage, hence
the specific retention is the remainder. The sum of the two equals porosity.
The specific yield and specific retention depend upon the shape and size of particle, distribution of
pores (voids), and compaction of the formation. The specific retention increases with decreasing grain
size. It should be noted that it is not necessary that soil with high porosity will have high specific yield
because that soil may have low permeability and the water may not easily drain out. For example, clay
has a high porosity but low specific yield and its permeability is low.
2.2.4 Coefficient of Permeability (Hydraulic conductivity) (K)
Hydraulic Conductivity (K): It expresses the ability of rocks to let the water through under any
hydraulic gradient. It can be defined as rate of flow of water that can passes through a unit cross
section of the aquifer under unit hydraulic gradient. It has the unit of velocity (L/t) for example m/day.
It is a function of properties of both porous media and the fluid passing through it. Permeability is the
ease with which water can flow in a soil mass or a rock. It is usually expressed as cm/s, m/s, m/day,
etc. The coefficient of permeability is also called hydraulic conductivity Hydraulic Conductivity can be
determined and expressed as follows:
K is the specific discharge (v) per unit hydraulic gradient (dh/dl) at a specified temperature and
expresses the ease with which fluid is transported through a porous matrix.
[ ]
where v=Q/A
It is therefore a coefficient which depends on both matrix and fluid properties. The relevant fluid
properties are density ρ and viscosity µ (or in the combined form of kinematic viscosity ν). The
relevant solid matrix properties are mainly grain- (or pore-) size distribution, shape of grains,
arrangement of pores and porosity.
Field measurements of hydraulic conductivity are usually made by carrying out pumping test on wells
while laboratory measurements are done using permeameters.
Experiments show:
where k is the intrinsic permeability (L2), a property of media only
ρ is the mass density (M/L3)
µ is the dynamic viscosity(M/LT) and measures the resistance of fluid to shearing that is
necessary for flow
2.2.5 Transmissivity (T)
Transmissivity (T) is the product of the average hydraulic conductivity K and the saturated thickness
of the aquifer (b) i.e.
It is defined also as the rate of flow under a unit hydraulic gradient through a cross-section of unit
width over the whole saturated thickness of the aquifer:
[ ]
Where S = coefficient of storage,
n = porosity of aquifer,
b = saturated thickness of aquifer,
Specific Storage can also be defined as the ratio of abstracted volume of water from the aquifer (Vw)
to the dewatered volume of aquifer (Va):
S = b×Ss
In an unconfined aquifer, storativity is given by
S = Sy + (h ×Ss)
Where h = thickness of saturated zone.
2.2.8 Expression for storage coefficient
Darcy velocity, v, assumes that flow occurs through the entire section of the material without regard to
solids and pores.
However, flow is limited to the pore space only and the average interstitial velocity, va
va =Q/ nA
where „n‟ is porosity
Darcy‟s law is valid if 1 ≤ NR≥ 10 (i.e. valid for laminar flow and not turbulent flow)
NR = ρqd/ μ
where NR = Reynolds number
ρ = density of groundwater
q = velocity (seepage or bulk) of groundwater flow.
d = mean diameter of the soil grain
µ = dynamic viscosity of groundwater
Darcy‟s Law states that, for laminar flow conditions, in saturated soil, “the rate of flow or discharge
per unit time is proportional to the hydraulic gradient” and expressed as
Q = kiA
v = Q/A = ki
where Q = rate of flow,
i = hydraulic gradient,
k = Darcy‟s coefficient of permeability,
A = total cross sectional area of soil mass perpendicular to the direction of flow,
v = flow velocity.
Validity of Darcy‟s Law: Darcy‟s law is valid only for laminar flow. The flow remains laminar and
Darcy‟s Law valid as long as Reynolds number is lesser or=than or equal to 1.
ρvd/ μ <=1
where ρ = mass density, μ = dynamic viscosity, d = diameter or particle size, v = velocity of flow.
through a sample of the material, measuring the head loss and discharge rate, and calculating
permeability from the results.
- Permeameters or darcy tubes: basically a tube fill it up with a sample, run water through, read the
head loss and discharge, and calculate hydraulic conductivity
- Gas permeameters: use a gas (usually nitrogen) as the fluid instead of water. These can be portable
for field use, or set up in a laboratory.
- Well/piezometer tests: basic idea is to either
Pump water out of a well at a constant rate, or
Add or remove a known volume of water from a well
You then monitor water levels, and use one of various methods to calculate
- Empirical equations: people have noted correlations between permeability and properties of the
rock, primarily grain size distributions, average grain size, or “effective” grain size. Some of these are
given on the other handout.
- Inverse determinations: Using field data (water levels, flow rates, dimensions of the aquifer) to
„back out‟ permeability values.
for testing is de-aired water at constant temperature. The permeability cell is also equipped with a
loading piston that can be used to apply constant axial stress to the sample during the test. Before
starting the flow measurements, however, the soil sample is saturated. During the test, the amount of
water flowing through the soil column is measured for given time intervals.
The permeability of coarse grained soils can be determined by measuring the volume of water
percolated (V) through the soil sample of cross sectional area (A) and length (L) in a given time (t)
under a constant head (h).
From Darcy‟s Law,
V = Qt = KA t
K = 2.3 log10
Δb = Δp (S/γw – nbβ)
Where Δb = land subsidence (m), Δp = reduction in artesian pressure (N/m2) γw = specific weight of
2.7 Flow-Net and water table contours
A grid obtained by drawing a series of streamlines ψ and equipotential lines Φ is known as a flow net.
It provides a simple graphical technique for studying two-dimensional irrotational flows, when the
mathematical calculation is difficult and cumbersome. The streamlines ψ and equipotential lines Φ are
mutually perpendicular to each other. The stream lines are so spaced that rate of flow Q is same
between each successive pair of lines. The stream lines in flow net show the direction of flow and the
equipotential lines join the points the equal velocity potential Φ.
The property of the stream function is that the difference of its values at two points represents the flow
across any line joining the points. Therefore, when two points lie on the same stream lines, then since
there is no flow across the streamlines, the difference between the stream functions Ψ 1 and Ψ2 at these
two points is equal to zero, (i.e. Ψ1 – Ψ2 = 0). In other words, it means that streamline is given by Ψ =
constant. Similarly, ɸ = constant, represents a curve for which the velocity potential is same at every
point, and hence it represents an equipotential line
Ky =
Using Darcy‟s law, the quantity of groundwater flow per unit width of the aquifer (q) can be
determined as:
Where, K = mean hydraulic conductivity of the confined aquifer, b = thickness of the confined aquifer,
One may be interested to know the hydraulic head (h) at some intermediate distance, x between
Piezometer 1 having hydraulic head h1 and Piezometer 2 having hydraulic head h2. This can be
determined from the following equation:
Fig.. Steady flow in an unconfined aquifer between two water bodies with vertical boundaries.
Moreover, the saturated thickness of unconfined aquifers decreases in the direction of flow (Fig.). If
there is no recharge or evaporation, the quantity of water flowing through the left side (upstream end)
is equal to that flowing through the right side (downstream end). From Darcy‟s law, it is obvious that
since the cross-sectional area is smaller on the right side, the hydraulic gradient must be greater on this
side. Thus, the water-table gradient in unconfined flow is not constant; rather it increases in the
direction of flow.
The above problem was solved by Dupuit in 1863 by adopting certain simplifying assumptions, which
are well-known as the Dupuit assumptions or Dupuit-Forchheimer assumptions. These assumptions
are: (i) the hydraulic gradient in an unconfined flow system is equal to the slope of the water table, and
(ii) for small water-table gradients, the streamlines are horizontal and the equipotential lines are
vertical. Solutions based on these assumptions have proved to be very useful in many practical
problems. However, the Dupuit assumptions do not allow for a seepage face above the outflow side
(Fig. Steady flow in an unconfined aquifer). Furthermore, since the slope of the parabolic water table
increases in the direction of flow, the Dupuit assumptions become increasingly poor approximations to
the actual flow; therefore, the actual water table deviates more and more from the computed water
table in the direction of flow (Fig. Steady flow in an unconfined aquifer). Thus, the actual water table
always lies above the computed water table. The reason for this can be explained by the fact that the
Dupuit flows are assumed to be horizontal, whereas the actual velocities of the same magnitude have a
downward vertical component so that a greater saturated thickness (i.e., larger height of the water table
from the aquifer base) is required for the same discharge.
Where, h = saturated thickness of the unconfined aquifer, K = mean hydraulic conductivity of the
Where, L = flow length, h1 = head at the origin (at x = 0), and h2 = head at a distance L (at x = L).
Equation is known as the Dupuit equation, which indicates that the water table is parabolic in form.
For flow between two fixed water bodies of constant heads h 1 and h2 as shown in Fig., the water-table
slope at the upstream boundary of the aquifer (neglecting the capillary zone) can be given as:
However, the boundary h = h1 is an equipotential line because of the constant fluid potential in the
water body. Consequently, the water table must be horizontal at this section, which is inconsistent with
above Eqn.
Where, h (x) = hydraulic head (water-table height from the aquifer base) at a distance x from the origin
(upstream end), x = distance from the origin, L = distance from the origin to the point where h2 is
measured, h1 = head at the origin (upstream end), h2 = head at the distance L (downstream end), K =
mean hydraulic conductivity of the unconfined aquifer, and R = recharge rate.
Equation can be used to find the height of the water table (from the aquifer base) anywhere between
two points located L distance apart if the saturated thickness of the unconfined aquifer is known at the
two end points (i.e., h1 and h2 are known). It should be noted that if significant evapotranspiration (ET)
occurs instead of recharge (R), then in Eqn., the term R will be replaced by ET with negative sign (i.e.,
- ET) .
In the absence of recharge or evapotranspiration Eqn. will reduce equation as given below and is
called as Dupuit parabola.