Pidato Bahasa Inggris
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
Pidato Bahasa Inggris
Ta’ala for his blessing in our life so that wecan gather around in this annual
speech compeon. I would also like to invite you all to recite sholawatto our beloved
prophet Muhammad Shalallahu alaihi wa Salam for the light that he has brought to
ourlife.Second of all, I would like to thank all people who have devoted their me and
Asy’ari Sukodono. Today, I would like todeliver my speech about “Survive in Industry
hours to nish, now can be done in instant. A work which usedto require a lot of
hands, only need one hand to push a bu on now. With technologies that we
haveright now, a high risk process is made safer and it has higher rate of success.
These facts show us that weare living in a be er world right now, but are all of
them really a breakthrough? Or, are they also athreat?Industrial revoluon 4.0 is
all about automaon. The idea is to ulize current technology such as Internetof
Things, Big Data and Arcial Intelligence, to achieve eciency in almost everything
S o m e o f y o u m a y n o t r e a l i z e i t b u t i n d u s t r i a l revolu on 4.0
has a ected your life in daily basis. Take for example; nowadays we
can almost doanything by only using our smart phones. We can order lunch by using
an applicaon in our phones, wecan send important les to other people, and
we can even predict the weather or measure our heartrate with it.Just like two
sides of a coin, industrial revoluon 4.0 doesn’t only come with its benet, but also
grow even more sophis cated, many companies turn their convenonal factories
into Smart Factories in which machines dominate thewhole process. Similar case
instuon,security services, customer services and even agriculture. Every day, more
and more parts of the job aretaken away by machines and arcial intelligence,
making it more dicult for human workers to ndtheir place in it. Economists have
predicted that around eight hundred million jobs would be replaced bymachines and AI
by 2030. This is a serious threat for our genera on especially if we don’t
survive this change. So, what now? What do we have to do in order to survive in
thisindustrial revoluon? Well, I might have just the right thing for you.We know that
tosurvive in this era we simply need to hold technology in our hands. What
does it mean Ladies andGentleman? Holding the technology in our hands means that
we have to master it and also stay up todate with the recent technology advancement.
So if you are a student, learn how to use and ulize thecurrent technology that we
The honorable Mr. / Ms., invited guests and all my friends I love.
First, let us praise and thank God for His blessings, mercy and guidance so that
we can all gather in this place. I also express my gratitude for the opportunity
given to me to deliver a speech regarding Black and White About Social Media in
Our Lives.
In this increasingly modern era, almost everyone has used the internet, right?
People are certainly familiar with the internet. Children to adults use the internet in
everyday life. We shouldn’t be surprised, because at this time the Internet can be
accessed easily via mobile phones that have been connected by the Internet. So
that way, people can access the internet wherever and whenever. And also, when
they have a PC or laptop computer at home, they can access the internet. There is
also a place that provides internet facilities and it is spread everywhere including
where all information can be accessed easily. Like a world that has no limits in
When someone accesses the internet, people are more likely to open social
media. Of course, everyone knows about social media. Today, many people seem
to be unable to escape social media in their daily lives. Not only young people but
also adults. Social media itself is a means to communicate between one person
and another person. Through social media, people can express themselves.
There are many kinds of social media that exist at this time. Social media such as
many others. At least, almost everyone has one kind of social media accounts.
Some even have accounts on every social media that is available and popular at
the moment. It could be that many people won’t believe if you all say that you
The use of social media in everyday life certainly has good and bad impacts on its
users. The black and white that I mentioned in the opening of my speech meant
the bad and good effects of the social media that we use in our daily lives.
I’ll start with the good impact or what good things we can get from social media.
Through social media, everyone can exchange news between each other. They
can take advantage of the voice or video call feature on the social media that they
The students often take advantage of social media such as YouTube to access
learning. There are already many tutorial videos available that can be used to
improve knowledge and ability. This kind of video tutorial is not only accessed by
students, but also by workers who want to increase their skill or want to solve a
There are people who use social media to find out and read the latest news that
people are talking about. Social media that can be used to read news, namely
Social media can also be a means for people to express themselves. They can
share hobbies, knowledge, or anything about themselves. You can all use
Through social media anyway, people can search for and find out information
about job vacancies opened by the company. There are also some people who use
social media to do their jobs, such as marketing. People in this field can promote
Often people will ignore the people around them when they are already playing or
surfing in the cyberspace. Even in a family when gathered, family members often
prefer to stare at the cellphone’s screen. So that even between families can be
Lack of supervision from parents to filter out things watched by underage children
through social media can result in underage children opening content that isn’t
There are also people who have malicious intent use social media to carry out
their evil intentions. Often the news is heard of someone who committed fraud
through social media or even news about someone who was killed after meeting
Affected by hoaxes.
What is being talked about by people is about hoaxes made by people to bring
down other people or with other intentions. People who don’t know the fake news
sources they hear can spread the false news through their social media accounts.
Therefore, we as users of social media should be wise and careful when using the
social media. I have enough speeches to say. For your attention ladies and
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.