English Test 1
English Test 1
English Test 1
1) Lair: A hiding place
2) stalked: pursued stealthy hunted
3) gorge: to fill by eating greedily
4) gruesome: horrible, ghastly
5) writing: making twisting or turning motion
6) loathsome: disgusting, detestable
2) epic hero: the main character of an epic poem that tells the
story of a grand quest in which they use their extraordinary
or superhuman abilities to achieve great things.
3) Archetypal patterns: are common themes or character types
seen in stories across cultures, like the hero, the mentor, or
the villain. They're familiar because they reflect universal
human experiences.
Word study
Anglo-Saxon suffix:”some”
It means the “causing”,” tending to” or “to a considerable degree”
For example:
● "My friend, a talented musician, is performing tonight."
Here, "a talented musician" is the appositive, explaining
more about "my friend." Apposition is used to clarify or add
detail to a noun.
Diazeugma: a rhetorical device where a single subject is linked to
multiple verbs or verb phrases, showing a sequence of actions
performed by that subject. It creates a sense of rapid movement
or complexity of actions.
For example: