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a) -ed adj.
b) -ing adj.
Adjectives that end in -ing generally describe the things that cuases the emotion
To sum up:
Classroom ----- diversity ------- Good atmosphere or Good environment in the classroom ------
Integration or inclusiveness for all the students, there are including the students with special
The learner autonomy aims at providing language learners with the ability to take on more
responsability for their own learning. In addition, students may make decisions by themselves
about what and how they should learn
Autonomy allows transformation in students “and teachers thinking style and focuses theur
attention on meaning fulness of knowledge they get through asking themselves questions
about what to learn and why.
Show a picture to your students and ask students with a basic vocabulary for their throught
and listen what they say. And with their ideas,you can build your class. So but always keep in
your mind, your didactic unit, your objectives of the class and your lesson plan and what you
want to achieve
D. What are the types of autonomy?
Autonomy includes three factor sor steps and consisting of behavioral,emotional and cognitive
self-government. Each of these áreas of autonomy are essential to development of the
children and Young people at various points in their maturation
It refers to the overall design and layout of a given classroom and its learning centers teachers
should design the environment or atmosphere by organizing its spaces,furnishings, and
materials to maximize the learning opportunities and engagement of every child.
To sum up creating the knew atmosphere and changing the structure of the claaroom might
involver providing book at different levels qnd other materials for developing your classes
Representation in the classroom enables or allows students t osee their teacher as an ally.
Helping them to understand the value of the following order and at the same time this order
and structure allows the teacher to freely Exchange the ideas,facilitating autonomy and
comunication in classroom
I. Prepare select the basic vocabulary that you want to teach. According to the lesson
that you have
II. Teacher modelling – say the new vocabulary Word for the students. As you do this.
For example: Use gestures,physical movements with songs or use pictures
III. Student modelling : Is important that you choose one or two students or devide the
group in small groups and make the activities
- The time for this no more that 25 minutes and combine for example songs and pictures or
puppets with songs
IV. The most important part is the participation of all the students
2. PPP
a) The first stage is the presentation of an aspect of the languaje in a content that
students are familiar with.
b) The second stage is practice, where students will be given an activities that give them
plenty (lleno/repleto) of opportunities to practice the new aspects of lamguaje
c) The final estage is production where the studentes will use the languaje in context, in
activity set up by the teacher who will be giving minimal assistance
In this third stage you can use potos,pictures or parts of the cartoons
To sump up: Las 3 partes van dirigidas a fomentar la autonomía en el aprendizaje en la nueva
lengua, en este caso, ingles
The biggest advantage is the authonomy and another the Independence that is forested in the