2 - Bacterial Cell-08-09-2020
2 - Bacterial Cell-08-09-2020
2 - Bacterial Cell-08-09-2020
Höltje 1998
Peptidoglycan-Gram Positive bacteria
Lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin) in Gram–negative bacteria
Lane 1 marker
Lane 2 O-antigen positive E. coli strain
Lane 3 O-antigen negative E. coli strain
•60-90% peptidoglycan and removal of cell wall makes protoplast which bursts
easily by osmotic shock.
•Retention of crystal violet is directly proportional to cell wall thickness.
•Due to lack of periplasmic space the digestive enzymes and toxin are not retained
and they are released into the environment.
•Only 10-20% of the cell wall is peptidoglycan remainder consists of various proteins,
lipids and polysaccharides.
•Toxins and digestives enzymes are retained in periplasmic space for action,
but these enzymes or toxins do not harm the organism that produced them.
•After digestion of cell wall they form spheroplast (containing CM, OM)
•Cell wall is thick, contains 60% lipids and very less peptidoglycan.
•The lipids make acid-fast organisms impermeable to most other strains and protect
them from acids and alkalis.
•The organism grow slowly because the lipids impede entry of nutrients into cell and
cells spend large amount of energy to synthesize lipids.
•They can be stained by Gram staining method and stained as Gram positive.
Nuclear region or nucleoid:
Nucleoid is centrally located, contains
DNA, RNA and proteins associated with it.
Most of the bacterium contains one circular
chromosome (except V. cholerae, which
has two). Manipulation of the microbial
genome/ chromosomes is the most
important tool in any biotechnology
Bacteria can have within their cytoplasm a variety of small bodies collectively
referred to as inclusion bodies. Some are called granules and other are called
• The flagella beat in a propeller-like motion to help the bacterium move toward
nutrients; away from toxic chemicals; or, in the case of the photosynthetic
cyanobacteria; toward the light. The species of bacteria, which are motile, move due
to presence of flagella.
Prokaryotes are known to exhibit a variety of types of tactic behavior, i.e., the ability
to move (swim) in response to environmental stimuli.
-chemotaxis a bacterium can sense the quality and quantity of certain chemicals in
their environment and swim towards them (if they are useful nutrients) or away from
them (if they are harmful substances).
•The basal region has a hook like structure and a complex basal body.
Both run and tumble are generally random movement; no one direction of
movement is more likely than any other direction.
•Runs lasts for an average of 1.0 sec, during which the bacterium swims
about 10-20 times the length of its body.
•Tumbles last about 0.1 sec and no forward progress can be achieved.