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Simphony-19.2 Manger Guide

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Oracle® MICROS Simphony

Manager User Guide

Release 19.1
February 2020
Oracle MICROS Simphony Manager User Guide, Release 19.1


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1 Employee Management

2 Manager Tasks for Workstation Reports and Procedures

Running Workstation Reports 2-2
Changing Employee Settings 2-2
Running Workstation Diagnostics 2-4
Replaying Checks 2-5
Redirecting Orders 2-5
Editing Routing Groups 2-5
Adjusting Menu Item Definitions 2-6
Adjusting Menu Item Availability 2-6
Adjusting the Menu Item Price on a Check 2-6
Creating, Editing, and Assigning Barcodes to Menu Items 2-6
Changing the Serving Period 2-7
Reloading and Refreshing the CAPS Database 2-7
Voiding All Menu Items From a Closed Check 2-7
Reprinting Time Cards 2-7
Changing the Kitchen Theme 2-7
Performing a Manual End of Day (EOD) Settlement 2-8
Enabling and Disabling Sales Recording Modules 2-8

3 POS Operations Management

Locking and Unlocking POS Operations From the Property 3-1
Closing a Workstation 3-2
Updating and Reloading the Workstation Database 3-3
Running Start of Day Manually 3-3
Closed Guest Check Operations 3-3
Adjusting a Closed Check 3-4

Reopening a Closed Check 3-4
Reprinting a Closed Check 3-5

4 Enterprise Cash Management (ECM)

Using the Cash Management Dashboard 4-2
Opening a Receptacle Session 4-4
Adding Funds (Safe Only) 4-5
Performing an ECM Paid-In 4-5
Performing an ECM Paid-Out 4-6
Counting a Receptacle Session 4-6
Recalling a Saved Count 4-7
Adjusting a Count 4-8
Adjusting a Count Sheet 4-8
Depositing Cash 4-8
Transferring Funds 4-9
Opening, Saving, Recalling, and Submitting a Change Order (Safe Only) 4-9
Reconciling a Change Order 4-10
Removing Funds (Safe Only) 4-10
Reconciling a Receptacle Session 4-10
Adjusting a Cash Deposit (Bank Deposit Only) 4-10
Adjusting a Reference (Bank Deposit Only) 4-11
Till and User Assignment 4-11
Assigning a Till to a Cash Drawer 4-11
Assigning a User to a Till 4-12
Performing Quick Start 4-12
Allowing Access to the Till 4-13
Till Assignment Status with Smart Key 4-13
Adjusting the Starting Amount 4-13
Auditing a Till 4-13
Pulling Cash 4-14
Unassigning a User From a Till 4-14
Unassigning a Till From a Cash Drawer 4-15
Reopening a Receptacle Session 4-15
Viewing the Receptacle Status 4-15
No Sale Operation 4-16
Viewing ECM Alerts and Summary with the Engagement Cloud Service 4-16
Tablet Swaps with the Oracle MICROS Base Station 4-17
Offline Cash Management Operations 4-17
Back of House Receptacles Offline 4-17
Till Offline 4-17

Server Bank Offline 4-18
Consolidating Offline Server Banking Sessions 4-18
Individual Receptacle Types 4-18
ECM Property Reports 4-21

5 Simphony Web Portal (SWP)

Starting the SWP 5-1
Downloading CAL and EMC Client Setup Packages 5-2
Updating the EMC Client 5-2

6 Import and Export of Data

File Export 6-1
Creating an Export Schedule 6-2
Generating a File to Export 6-2
Preparing Single Menu Item Data Files for Import 6-4
Importing Menu Item Files 6-5
Preparing Event Data Files for Import 6-6
Importing Event Files 6-6

7 Order Information Service

Assigning Checks to a Delivery Agent 7-1
Closing a Check After Delivery or Pickup 7-2
Closing All Open Checks 7-2


Oracle Hospitality Simphony is a cloud-based Point-of-Sale (POS) solution that
provides business management capabilities using a single tool with vast integration
capabilities to property management systems, paperless kitchen display systems,
credit card interfaces, and reporting applications.

This User Guide explains the daily use of Simphony at the POS client.

This document is intended for Oracle Hospitality Simphony workstation operators.

Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
• Product version and program/module name
• Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
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• Exact error message received
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Simphony eLearning
The Simphony Learning Subscription provides additional product knowledge through
interactive training, guided video tours, and helpful knowledge checks. After exploring
the documentation library, use your Oracle Single Sign On to check out the Simphony
learning opportunities at Hospitality Learning Subscriptions.

Revision History

Date Description of Change

January 2020 Initial publication


Date Description of Change

February 2020 Updated the Chapter 2 – Manager Tasks for
Workstation Reports and Procedures topic
titled “Changing Employee Settings” to include
information regarding RFID Employee ID
cards and how to use them.

Employee Management
If you are using Oracle Hospitality Labor Management, you need to add employees
using Labor Management. The Oracle Hospitality Labor Management Cloud Service
Feature Reference Manual, located at the Oracle Help Center, contains information
about adding employees in Labor Management. The initial employee information is
sent from Labor Management to Simphony.
To change the role for an existing employee, use the Simphony EMC. The Oracle
Hospitality Simphony Configuration Guide contains more information on changing
employee information.

Manager Tasks for Workstation Reports
and Procedures
The manager must have privileges to perform a particular procedure.
Managers can perform tasks on the workstation, such as:
• Generating workstation reports
• Changing employee settings
• Testing workstation device connections
• Updating database information using Manager Procedures
Manager procedures at the workstation include:
• Replaying checks
• Redirecting orders to other order devices
• Editing routing groups
• Adjusting menu item definitions, availability, and prices
• Creating and editing barcodes and assigning them to menu items
• Changing the serving period of a revenue center or workstation
• Reloading and refreshing the Check and Posting (CAPS) database from the
Property Management Console (PMC)
• Voiding all menu items from a closed check
• Reprinting time cards
• Running Workstation Reports
• Changing Employee Settings
• Running Workstation Diagnostics
• Replaying Checks
• Redirecting Orders
• Editing Routing Groups
• Adjusting Menu Item Definitions
• Adjusting Menu Item Availability
• Adjusting the Menu Item Price on a Check
• Creating, Editing, and Assigning Barcodes to Menu Items
• Changing the Serving Period
• Reloading and Refreshing the CAPS Database
• Voiding All Menu Items From a Closed Check

Chapter 2
Running Workstation Reports

• Reprinting Time Cards

• Changing the Kitchen Theme
• Performing a Manual End of Day (EOD) Settlement
• Enabling and Disabling Sales Recording Modules
Related Topics
• Running Workstation Reports
• Changing Employee Settings
• Running Workstation Diagnostics

Running Workstation Reports

You need to have the appropriate privileges to run the reports.
1. Open the Reports List on the workstation.
2. Select a report or enter the Report Number, and then press OK.
3. Use the report filters to streamline the report, and then press Run Report.
4. (Optional) To print the report on the receipt printer, press the Print button.
5. Press Close to close the Reports dialog box.
Related Topics
• Manager Tasks for Workstation Reports and Procedures

Changing Employee Settings

Managers can perform a variety of employee-related tasks using the workstation.
1. To add employees to a new property:
a. Sign on to a workstation that belongs to the property to which you want to
assign employees.
b. Click the Launch PMC function key, and then click Add Employee.
c. Click the # button, enter the ID of the employee that you want to assign to the
property, and then click OK.
d. Click Search, select the employee, and then click Add Employee.
e. Click OK when prompted for confirmation.
2. To change an employee identification (ID) number:
a. Click the Launch PMC function key, and then click Edit Employee PIN.
b. Use the filters to narrow your search, select the relevant employee from the
list, and then click Edit.
c. For workstations requiring manual pin number entry, enter the employee PIN
number in the field.
d. For workstations that use a magnetic card reader, swipe the employee card.
e. For workstations that are RFID compatible, tap the RFID card at the top of the
workstation on the RFID sensor as shown in the figure below.

Chapter 2
Changing Employee Settings

f. Click OK.

Figure 2-1 Using an RFID Employee ID Card on a Compatible Workstation

3. To enroll employee fingerprints:

a. Click the Launch PMC function key, and then click Edit Employee PIN.
b. Use the filters to narrow your search, select the relevant employee from the
list, and then click Enroll Fingerprint.
• To scan the same finger, click Yes when prompted.
• To scan three different fingers, click No when prompted.
c. Place the employee’s finger on the fingerprint reader and remove it when the
scan is complete. The scanner flashes red while scanning and then turns blue
when complete. Remove the finger from the scanner after it turns blue.
d. Repeat Step 3-c two more times until the enrollment process completes.
4. To change employee training status:
a. Click the Edit Employee Training Status function key.
b. To add employees to Training Mode, select the Training check box adjacent
to the employee name, and then click Save.
c. To remove employees from Training Mode, deselect the Training check box
adjacent to the employee name, and then click Save.
Related Topics
• Manager Tasks for Workstation Reports and Procedures

Chapter 2
Running Workstation Diagnostics

Running Workstation Diagnostics

Workstation diagnostics assist in troubleshooting and testing the workstation’s
connection to peripheral devices.
1. Click the Launch PMC function key.
2. On the Functions tab, click Device Diagnostics.
3. To test cash drawers:
a. To check the functionality of the cash drawers, click Open Cash Drawer 1 and
Open Cash Drawer 2.
b. To check the status of the cash drawers, click Status.
4. To test the customer display:
a. Click Write. A dialog box shows the number of lines currently on the customer
b. To clear the customer display, click Clear.
5. To change the display intensity:
a. Click Current Intensity.
b. To make the intensity lighter, click Lighter.
c. To make the intensity darker, click Darker.
6. To test the scale, place an item on the scale, and then click Get Scale Weight.
7. To test the coin dispenser, click Dispense Change.
8. To test the barcode scanner:
a. Click Log Scanner Data.
b. Scan a menu item, and then click OK.
c. Click the Support tab, and then view the log files.
9. To test the magnetic stripe reader (MSR):
a. Click Log MSR Data.
b. Swipe a card through the MSR, and then click OK.
c. Click the Support tab, and then view the log files.
10. To change Internet Protocol (IP) printer settings:

a. Click IP Printers.
b. Select a printer from the list, and then click Edit.
c. (Optional) Enter a new Device Name.
d. (Optional) To have the application dynamically assign IP addresses for the
printer, select Use DHCP.
e. (Optional) Enter the new Device IP Address, Device Subnet Mask, and
Device Default Gateway.
f. Click Update Printer to save the changes.
11. To trace COM port information:

Chapter 2
Replaying Checks

a. Click Start COM Port Trace, enter the COM port number, and then click OK.
b. To stop the port trace, clickStop COM Port Trace, enter the COM port
number, and then click OK.
c. To log the trace details, click Log COM Port Trace, enter the COM port
number, and then click OK.
Related Topics
• Manager Tasks for Workstation Reports and Procedures

Replaying Checks
1. Press the Launch PMC function key.
2. On the Functions tab, press Replay Checks.
3. Select one of the following locations:
• Workstation: Replays checks stored in the workstations
• Check and Posting Service: Replays checks stored in the Check and
Posting Service (CAPS) workstation
• Check and Posting Backup Service: Replays checks stored in the CAPS
backup workstation
4. Select the workstation, the date, and the time period for which you want to replay
the checks.
5. To find the current check replay status for the period that you selected in Step 4,
press View Transaction State.
6. Press Replay Checks, and then press OK to confirm.

Redirecting Orders
1. Press the Redirect Order Device function key, or press the PMC Launch function
key, and then press the Edit Redirect Order Device button on the Functions tab.
2. Select the revenue center, select an order device from the list, and then press
3. Select the device to which you want to redirect the orders that come to the device
you selected in Step 2, and then press OK.

Editing Routing Groups

1. Press the Edit Routing Groups function key, or press the PMC Launch function
key, and then press the Edit Routing Groups button on the Functions tab.
2. Select the workstation and the routing group.
3. Select the new order device, and then press Save.

Chapter 2
Adjusting Menu Item Definitions

Adjusting Menu Item Definitions

You must have the appropriate permissions to change menu item definitions and
prices at the property level from the workstation using the Edit Menu Item function
1. Press the Edit Menu Item function key.
2. Use the filters to streamline the menu item list, select an item, and then press Edit.
3. Make the changes on the Definition tab.
4. To edit price details, select the Price tab, and then make the changes.
5. Press Save, and then press Done to return to the Select Menu Item screen.

Adjusting Menu Item Availability

1. Press the Menu Item Availability function key.
2. Use the filters to streamline the menu item list, select an item, and then press Edit.
3. If the menu item is not available, select Out Of Menu Item.
4. To change the available menu item count, select Check Menu Item Availability,
and then enter the available count in the Count Available field.
This field is enabled only for definitions that are Definition Sequence #1. The
available count decrements each time the item is ordered, and the number of
remaining items shows on the Menu Item SLU button.
5. Press Save.
6. Use the buttons with the left and right angle brackets (< >) to move between menu
items from within the Edit Menu Item Availability dialog box, and then press Done.
7. To remove the availability settings from all menu items in the list, press Clear
Avail of All Items, and then press Yes to confirm.
8. Press Done to close and exit the Select Menu Item: Edit Menu Item Availability

Adjusting the Menu Item Price on a Check

1. Select a menu item from the check detail area, and then press the Menu Item
Price Override function key.
2. Enter the new price, and then press OK.
3. (Optional) Enter reference information, and then press OK.

Creating, Editing, and Assigning Barcodes to Menu Items

1. Press the Edit Barcode function key, and then select a revenue center.
2. Scan or enter a barcode number, and then press Find.
3. To create a new barcode number, press Yes when prompted.

Chapter 2
Changing the Serving Period

4. Press the Select button adjacent to the Menu Item field, select a menu item from
the list, and then press Select. You can use the filters to streamline the list.
5. (Optional) Select a new Price Number.
6. (Optional) Enter the Alternate Price and the Alternate Prep Cost.
7. To change the barcode number, press Assign Barcode, scan or enter a new
barcode, and then press OK.
8. Press Save, and then press Done to exit the Edit Barcode screen.

Changing the Serving Period

You can change the serving period of a revenue center or a workstation.
1. To change the serving period of a revenue center, press the Change RVC
Serving Period function key, select a serving period, and then press OK.
2. To change the serving period of a workstation, press the Change WS Serving
Period function key, select a serving period, and then press OK.

Reloading and Refreshing the CAPS Database

1. To reload the Check and Posting (CAPS) database, press the Launch PMC
function key, press Reload CAPS Database on the Functions tab, and then
press Yes to confirm.
2. To refresh the CAPS database, press the Launch PMC function key, and then
press Refresh CAPS Database on the Functions tab.

Voiding All Menu Items From a Closed Check

1. If you know the check number:
a. Press the Void Check function key, enter the check number, and then press
b. Press OK again, and then press Yes to confirm.
2. If you do not know the check number:
a. Press the Void Check by List function key, select the check from the list, and
then press OK.
b. Press Yes to confirm.

Reprinting Time Cards

1. Press the Reprint Time Card function key.
2. Enter the employee ID of the employee whose time card you want to print, and
then press OK.

Changing the Kitchen Theme

You need to have the appropriate privileges to perform this task.

Chapter 2
Performing a Manual End of Day (EOD) Settlement

1. Sign on to a workstation, and then press the Set Active Kitchen Theme function
2. Select a new kitchen theme from the list, or select None to use the default
configuration, and then press OK.

Performing a Manual End of Day (EOD) Settlement

If you are using the Oracle Payment Interface (OPI) and EOD credit card settlement
fails, you can a manually perform the settlement.
1. Sign on to a workstation.
2. Click the EOD Settlement function key.

Enabling and Disabling Sales Recording Modules

You must have the appropriate privileges to perform this task.
1. Press the Quebec SRM Control function key.
2. To disable the SRM, select the SRM connected printers, and then press OK.
3. To enable the SRM, select the SRM connected printers that are disabled, and then
press OK.

POS Operations Management
Authorized workstation operators can lock and unlock workstations, transactions, and
revenue centers from a workstation to avoid sales transactions during critical times.
You can perform locking and unlocking operations individually or in groups.
You can prevent transactions in certain revenue centers for limited time periods, such
as when running Start of Day (SOD), balancing the PMS and POS, and updating the
When a workstation is offline from the Check and Posting Service (CAPS) while
submitting a workstation action (lock or unlock), the submitted command is queued
and played as soon as possible. The following table lists offline workstation scenarios
and describes the action results.

Table 3-1 Workstation Offline Scenarios

Workstation Offline From CAPS Description of Lock and Unlock Outcome

Workstation from which the lock/unlock action Lock or unlock only the offline workstation
occurs is offline from CAPS
Workstation that is being locked/unlocked Lock or unlock action occurs after the
(action performed from another workstation) is workstation resumes connection to CAPS
offline from CAPS

• Locking and Unlocking POS Operations From the Property

• Closing a Workstation
• Updating and Reloading the Workstation Database
• Running Start of Day Manually
• Closed Guest Check Operations
• Adjusting a Closed Check
• Reopening a Closed Check
• Reprinting a Closed Check
Related Topics
• Locking and Unlocking POS Operations From the Property
• Closing a Workstation
• Updating and Reloading the Workstation Database
• Running Start of Day Manually

Locking and Unlocking POS Operations From the Property

When a workstation, transaction, or revenue center is locked, Autofire Checks
continue to process. When a workstation sends a check to an order device using the

Chapter 3
Closing a Workstation

Autofire function, the totals post to Reporting and Analytics Advanced and to the
Check Journal Report.
To lock and unlock a workstation, transaction, or revenue center:
1. Sign on to the workstation.
2. Click the Workstation Control function key.
3. Click the workstation action you want to perform, click the workstations to receive
the action, and then click OK.

Table 3-2 Workstation Locking and Unlocking Actions

Workstation Action Click This Control To ...

Lock Workstations Stop operations by workstation. If the workstation that you
need to lock is offline from the Check and Posting Service
(CAPS), you can physically go to the workstation and lock it.
Lock Transactions Stop all sales transactions.
Lock Revenue Center Stop operations within a revenue center.
Unlock Workstations Restart operations by workstation. If the workstation that you
need to unlock is offline from CAPS, you can physically go to
the workstation and unlock it.
The ‘Workstation is locked’ message appears, and you can
then click Unlock or Close Application. If you click Unlock
and the database is not up-to-date, you are prompted to
update the database before unlocking. Click Yes or No.
Unlock Transactions Restart sales transactions.
Unlock Revenue Center Restart operations within a revenue center.

Related Topics
• POS Operations Management

Closing a Workstation
You can deliberately close a workstation to indicate that it is inactive, such as a
seasonal workstation. Workstations that are closed using the Close Application
button are not included in data exports. The Closed Workstation flag informs Reporting
and Analytics of the workstation status.
1. Sign out of the workstation.
2. Click the Close Application button. If the Export Reliability task is configured in
the EMC, a message states the number of pending transactions and service
totaled checks (if existing), with a Yes or No prompt to continue. Click Yes to close
the workstation, leaving transactions and checks outstanding. Click No to return to
POS operations and handle the outstanding transactions.
Data exports are more complete and accurate if you handle the outstanding
transactions and pay off the service totaled checks before closing the workstation,
especially when a workstation is being closed for a long period of time.
Related Topics
• POS Operations Management

Chapter 3
Updating and Reloading the Workstation Database

Updating and Reloading the Workstation Database

Updating the workstation database refreshes the data that appears in the workstation.
This allows you to obtain the latest business day information from the Enterprise
Reloading the workstation database updates the local data stored on a workstation.
1. Sign on to the workstation.
2. Click the Workstation Control function key.
3. To update the workstation database, click Update Workstation Database.
4. To reload the workstation database, click Reload Workstation Database.
Related Topics
• POS Operations Management

Running Start of Day Manually

You can run the Start of Day manually from the Enterprise level of the EMC or locally
from the workstation.
1. To manually run the Start of Day from the Enterprise level:
a. From the EMC, select the Enterprise level, click Tasks, and then click Run PC
b. Select Increment Business Day from the Choose PC Autosequence drop-
down list, and then click Run.
2. To manually run the Start of Day locally on a workstation:
a. Sign on to the workstation at the appointed time to increment SOD.
b. Press the Start of Day function key.
c. Press Yes at the prompt to confirm.
Related Topics
• POS Operations Management

Closed Guest Check Operations

You can perform these operations on closed guest checks if you have the appropriate

Table 3-3 Closed Check Operations

Operation Description Usage

Adjust Closed Change or add a tip, tender, or A guest check is accidently closed to
Check guest count without reopening Cash. The customer wants to pay the
the check. check with a VISA credit card. You
change the tender from Cash to VISA
without reopening the check.

Chapter 3
Adjusting a Closed Check

Table 3-3 (Cont.) Closed Check Operations

Operation Description Usage

Reopen Closed Reopen the check and use as a After the guest check is closed, the
Check regular guest check. You can customer decides that he will have that
add or remove tenders, menu piece of pie for dessert after all. So you
items, discounts, service reopen the closed check, adds the pie,
charges, and so on. and then tender and close the check
Reprint Closed Reprint the check for a closed A customer asks for a copy of the check.
Check transaction in the current or
previous business dates.
Reprint Previous Reprint a receipt for the last A customer asks for a copy of the
Closed Check closed check. receipt.

Related Topics
• Adjusting a Closed Check
• Reopening a Closed Check
• Reprinting a Closed Check

Adjusting a Closed Check

1. To adjust a check using the check number, press the Adjust Closed Check
function key, enter the closed check number, and then press OK.
2. To view a list of closed checks to adjust, press the Adjust Closed Check From
List function key, select the check to adjust, and then press OK.
3. Add or change the tender, tip, or guest count on the check.

• Reopening a Closed Check

• Reprinting a Closed Check
Related Topics
• Closed Guest Check Operations

Reopening a Closed Check

1. To reopen a check using the check number, press the Reopen Closed Check
function key, enter the closed check number, and then press OK.
2. To view a list of closed checks, press the Reopen Closed Check From List
function key, select the check to reopen, and then press OK.
3. Make the necessary changes to the check, and then close the check.

• Adjusting a Closed Check

• Reprinting a Closed Check
Related Topics
• Closed Guest Check Operations

Chapter 3
Reprinting a Closed Check

Reprinting a Closed Check

You can reprint the check for a closed transaction in the current or previous business
dates, and you can reprint a receipt for the last closed check. You need to have the
appropriate privileges to perform these operations.
1. To reprint the check for a closed transaction:
a. Press the Reprint Closed Check function key.
b. Select the check to print, and then press OK.
2. To reprint a receipt for the last closed check, press the Reprint Previous Closed
Check function key. The receipt prints.

• Adjusting a Closed Check

• Reopening a Closed Check
Related Topics
• Closed Guest Check Operations

Enterprise Cash Management (ECM)
This section describes the operations you can perform with Enterprise Cash
Management (ECM). The privileged workstation operator can perform the ECM
operations described in this chapter for most receptacles. Individual Receptacle Types
lists each receptacle type and indicates the permissible operations. For example, you
can open all receptacle sessions, but can adjust a cash deposit only for a bank deposit
receptacle session. (You cannot adjust a cash deposit for a safe, till, server bank, or
petty cash receptacle.)
The workstation operator must have the appropriate privilege set from the Simphony
EMC in order to perform the ECM operations.
• Using the Cash Management Dashboard
• Opening a Receptacle Session
• Adding Funds (Safe Only)
• Performing an ECM Paid-In
• Performing an ECM Paid-Out
• Counting a Receptacle Session
• Recalling a Saved Count
• Adjusting a Count
• Adjusting a Count Sheet
• Depositing Cash
• Transferring Funds
• Opening, Saving, Recalling, and Submitting a Change Order (Safe Only)
• Reconciling a Change Order
• Removing Funds (Safe Only)
• Reconciling a Receptacle Session
• Adjusting a Cash Deposit (Bank Deposit Only)
• Adjusting a Reference (Bank Deposit Only)
• Till and User Assignment
• Assigning a Till to a Cash Drawer
• Assigning a User to a Till
• Performing Quick Start
• Allowing Access to the Till
• Till Assignment Status with Smart Key
• Adjusting the Starting Amount
• Auditing a Till

Chapter 4
Using the Cash Management Dashboard

• Pulling Cash
• Unassigning a User From a Till
• Unassigning a Till From a Cash Drawer
• Reopening a Receptacle Session
• Viewing the Receptacle Status
• No Sale Operation
• Viewing ECM Alerts and Summary with the Engagement Cloud Service
• Tablet Swaps with the Oracle MICROS Base Station
• Offline Cash Management Operations
• Back of House Receptacles Offline
• Till Offline
• Server Bank Offline
• Consolidating Offline Server Banking Sessions
• Individual Receptacle Types
• ECM Property Reports

Using the Cash Management Dashboard

You must have the Enterprise level permission 301 - View Cash Management
Dashboard to access the dashboard, and 302 - View Cash Management Dashboard
Detail to access the till and server bank detail from the Cash Management Dashboard.
If configured, you can access the dashboard by clicking the function button for the
Cash Management Dashboard. The Dashboard appears full screen on the
workstation. It is not supported on workstation devices running the Android mobile
operating system.
The Cash Management Dashboard shows tabs for Safe, Petty Cash, Till, Server Bank,
and Bank Deposit (unless a tab is configured to be hidden). If all tabs are configured to
be hidden when the Cash Management Dashboard opens, an error message appears.
The Cash Management Dashboard provides:
• The number of each type of open receptacle session in parentheses
• A summary level and detail view of each type of open receptacle session
• One-button navigation to open, count, transfer, adjust, reconcile, and finalize
receptacle sessions
The following table lists the receptacle tabs, a description of each tab, and the button
commands you can use for each receptacle within the dashboard.
Click the check box adjacent to a receptacle session to select it, and then click the
appropriate command button on the tab.
The information within the tabs is refreshed every five minutes or when an action is
performed from the dashboard that affects the receptacle list.

Chapter 4
Using the Cash Management Dashboard

Table 4-1 Cash Management Dashboard Tabs and Operations

Tab Description Command Buttons

Safe Shows the number of open Open: Open a new safe
safe sessions at the property, receptacle session.
in addition to Name, Employee Count: Count the selected
who opened the safe session, safe receptacle session.
Date Opened, Counted
Close: Close the selected
amount, Expected amount,
safe receptacle sessions.
and Over/Short amount.
Exit: Close the Cash
Management Dashboard.
Petty Cash Shows the number of open Open: Open a new petty cash
petty cash sessions at the receptacle session.
property, in addition to Name, Count: Count the selected
Employee who opened the petty cash receptacle session.
petty cash session, Date
Close: Close the selected
Opened, Counted amount,
petty cash receptacle
Expected amount, and Over/
Short amount.
Exit: Close the Cash
Management Dashboard.
Till Shows the number of open till Detail: Shows information
sessions at the property, in about the selected till
addition to Name, Employee receptacle sessions in a
who is assigned to the till dialog.
session, Date Opened, Count: Count the selected till
Workstation Status, Drawer receptacle session.
Number, Counted amount,
Adjust Count: Adjust the till’s
Expected amount, and Over/
Short amount.
Add To Deposit: Deposit the
funds from the selected till
receptacle sessions to a bank
deposit receptacle session.
You will be prompted to select
a bank deposit, and funds
(balance - start amount) for
each selected till receptacle
session will be deposited.
Close: Close the selected till
receptacle sessions.
Exit: Close the Cash
Management Dashboard.

Chapter 4
Opening a Receptacle Session

Table 4-1 (Cont.) Cash Management Dashboard Tabs and Operations

Tab Description Command Buttons

Server Bank Shows the number of open Detail: Shows information
server bank sessions at the about the selected server
property, in addition to Name, bank receptacle sessions in a
Employee who is assigned to dialog.
the server bank session, Date Count: Count the selected
Opened, Counted amount, server bank receptacle
Expected amount, and Over/ session.
Short amount.
Adjust Count: Adjust the
server bank’s count.
Add To Deposit: Deposit the
funds from the selected server
bank receptacle sessions to a
bank deposit receptacle
session. You will be prompted
to select a bank deposit, and
funds (balance - start amount)
for each selected server bank
receptacle session will be
Close: Close the selected till
receptacle sessions.
Exit: Close the Cash
Management Dashboard.
Bank Deposit Shows the number of open Open: Open a new bank
bank deposit sessions at the deposit receptacle session.
property, in addition to Name, Detail: Shows information
Employee who opened the about the selected bank
bank deposit session, deposit receptacle sessions in
Business Date, Final amount, a dialog.
Tills Counted, and
Adjust: Adjust a deposit for
each selected bank deposit
receptacle session.
Close: Close the selected
bank deposit receptacle
Exit: Close the Cash
Management Dashboard.

Opening a Receptacle Session

Where permitted, you can open a new session to track activity in a receptacle. You
cannot open a session when the receptacle already has an open session; only one
session can be open at a time, with the exception of bank deposits.
1. Select the function to open a new receptacle session.
2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate receptacle, and then
click OK.

Chapter 4
Adding Funds (Safe Only)

3. Depending on the configuration, when opening a bank deposit receptacle, you

may be prompted to select a business date. Select the current business date or
select one of the previous six dates.
4. If multiple classes are configured for a bank deposit receptacle or Change Order
request, select the currency class, and then click OK.
5. If prompted, enter a reference, and then click OK.
You are not obligated to enter a reference; you can click OK without first entering
a reference.
6. Click Yes at the prompt to create the session for the receptacle.

Adding Funds (Safe Only)

This operation allows you to add new funds to a safe receptacle session. You can use
the money that is stored in the safe to fund other receptacles, such as tills and server
1. Select the function to add funds.
2. If multiple safe receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate safe, and then
click OK.
3. If multiple classes are configured for the safe receptacle session, select the class,
and then click OK.
4. Enter the amount of funds, and then click OK. A transaction chit prints on the local

Performing an ECM Paid-In

An ECM paid-in operation allows you to accept funds for a cash management
receptacle outside of a guest check. For example, the paid-in funds could come from a
vendor. These funds increase the receptacle session balance when posted.
1. Select the function to perform an ECM paid-in operation.
2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
3. If multiple currency classes (cash based) are configured for the receptacle
session, select the class, and then click OK.
4. Highlight the appropriate vendor, and then click OK.
5. If an account is not pre-defined for the vendor, the application prompts you to
select an account, and then click OK. If a pre-defined vendor account is tied to the
vendor, the application uses the defined account.
6. If prompted, enter a reference for the transaction, and then click OK.
7. Enter the amount that is being collected, and then click OK.
8. Select the reason code for the transaction, and then click OK. You can click
Cancel to bypass the reason code when not required. The transaction receipts
print on the local printer for distribution.

Chapter 4
Performing an ECM Paid-Out

Performing an ECM Paid-Out

An ECM paid-out operation allows you to distribute funds from a cash management
receptacle outside of a guest check. For example, the paid-out funds could be paid to
a vendor. These funds decrease the receptacle session balance when posted.
1. Select the function to perform an ECM paid-out operation.
2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
3. If multiple currency classes (cash based) are configured for the receptacle
session, select the class, and then click OK.
The class prompt is based on classes that have funds available as currency
classes only.
4. Highlight the appropriate vendor, and then click OK.
5. If an account is not pre-defined for the vendor, the application prompts you to
select an account, and then click OK. If a pre-defined vendor account is tied to the
vendor, the application uses the defined account.
6. If prompted, enter a reference for the transaction, and then click OK.
The Invoice screens appear when the Invoice Data Required option is active for
the vendor.
7. Enter the required Invoice Number, and then click OK.
8. Enter the Invoice Description (if required), and then click OK.
9. Enter the amount that is being distributed, and then click OK.
10. Select the reason code for the transaction (if required), and then click OK. You can
click Cancel to bypass the reason code when not required. The transaction
receipts print on the local printer for distribution.

Counting a Receptacle Session

You can count a receptacle session based on the Count Sheet defined for the
receptacle type. During the counting process, other workstation operators cannot post
transactions in order to maintain an accurate count. The person counting can
optionally save the count progress prior to completion, and return later to resume the
counting process. Clicking Save allows you to attend to other activities and recall
progress in the count at a later time. Recalling a Count contains instructions to return
to a count that you saved.
Clicking Done finalizes the count; you can adjust the count if you need to make a
change due to a mistake.
You can view the actual totals for each class, in addition to the values entered. A
variance between these two values indicates an over or short condition. The manager
might instruct you to recount the receptacle when the variance is greater than
permissible levels. You must select from a list of pre-defined over or short reasons in
order to complete the count. Upon completion of the count, the application prompts for
authorization to change the receptacle balance to the amount entered. Upon update,
the Count Sheet prints.

Chapter 4
Recalling a Saved Count

1. Select the function to count a receptacle.

2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
If multiple till sessions are assigned to a till, select the appropriate till session
(listed by receptacle name, date opened, and employee name (if configured to
display employee first for tills on dashboard in the EMC)), and then click OK. The
employee name is listed when there is only one employee assigned to a till; when
multiple employees are assigned, the first employee shown in the assignment list
is displayed.
3. If prompted, enter a reference for the count, and then click OK. The Count Sheet
You are not obligated to enter a reference; you can click OK without first entering
a reference.
4. Enter the funds for each of the defined groups on the pages in the Count Sheet.
The Count Sheet shows the pages and groups in the order they were set up. Use
the navigation options at the top of the sheet to change the page or group shown.
If a currency class is excluded for a receptacle type, this class does not appear in
the Count Sheet.
5. (Optional) You can enter the number of defined units within a group. The Count
Sheet accepts keypad entry when a keyboard is physically attached to the
workstation on which the count is being performed.
6. Click Next to advance to the next unit, group, or page defined.
7. Continue to enter all funds until you reach the Totals Page.
The Totals Page shows a row for each class counted. Depending on the privileges
granted, the Totals Page may also show Expected totals and Variance amounts
that differ from the counted amounts. If a variance appears on the Totals Page,
select an over or short reason for each class to continue.
8. If the count sheet has an allowable over or short limit, recount the receptacle up to
the configured number of times. When the variance falls within allowable threshold
levels or you reach the recount limit, you can continue.
9. Click Done to complete the count. If the receptacle is configured to close on count
completion, the receptacle session closes. Otherwise, the Count Sheet chit prints.
This chit lists the currencies in order by primary class, followed by non-currency
classes, and then alternate classes (all alphabetized).
If the expected amount does not match the entered amount, the session balance
updates to the entered amount on completion of the count. Depending on the
configuration, the application prompts for approval to complete this update.
Class values (minus starting amounts for server bank and till receptacles) are
deposited according to the defined Cash Deposit Routing for the currency class.
When the counted receptacle is a server bank or till, starting amounts for each
class are returned to their source receptacles.

Recalling a Saved Count

You can recall an incomplete count for a receptacle session that was previously

Chapter 4
Adjusting a Count

1. Select the function to count a receptacle.

2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
3. If a saved count exists, the application prompts to use the saved count or to start a
new count. Click Yes to use the saved count. The Count Sheet appears with
previously entered values.

Adjusting a Count
You can correct values from the previous count. When prompted, you must select an
Adjust Count Reason from a list to complete the adjustment. Adjusting the amount
updates the balance.
1. Select the function to adjust a count.
2. If multiple receptacle counts are available, highlight the appropriate count, and
then click OK.
3. If multiple classes are configured for the count, select the class, and then click OK.
4. Select the value to adjust: Amount, Reference, or Both.
5. When changing the reference, enter the new reference value, and then click OK.
6. When changing the amount, enter the new amount for the class, and then click
7. Enter the reason code, and then click OK.

Adjusting a Count Sheet

You can change the count sheet that is used to perform a count.
1. Prior to counting, select the function to adjust a count sheet.
2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate receptacle, and then
click OK.
3. Select the count sheet you want to use, and then click OK.

Depositing Cash
You can transfer cash funds from your receptacle to another receptacle designated to
receive cash deposits. You must count the receptacle before you can deposit cash.
The application transfers cash funds into the destination receptacle and records the
transfer as a cash deposit transaction for reporting purposes.
1. Select the function to deposit cash.
2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
3. If multiple classes are available in the destination receptacle, select the type of
funds (class), and then click OK.
Currency classes are shown based on each source class balance (funds)
available and the allowable destination.

Chapter 4
Transferring Funds

4. If multiple destination receptacles are available (safe or bank deposit), highlight

the appropriate session, and then click OK.
5. Enter the amount to transfer to the destination receptacle, and then click OK. A
receipt prints on the local printer.

Transferring Funds
You can transfer funds from one receptacle to another.
1. Select the function to transfer.
2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
3. If multiple destination receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session,
and then click OK.
4. If multiple classes are available, highlight the type of funds (class) to transfer, and
then click OK.
Classes are shown based on each source class balance (funds) available and the
allowable destination. If a class is excluded, it does not appear in the list if the
receptacle is a till or server bank.
5. Enter the amount that is being transferred, and then click OK.
6. Select a reason code for the transfer. Click OK to bypass the reason code without
entry (if the system is configured to allow this).

Opening, Saving, Recalling, and Submitting a Change Order

(Safe Only)
You can open a Change Order when a safe runs low on a particular denomination or
to stock up for a seasonal or special event. A Change Order operation allows you to
create a Change Order Request for the bank. This request contains a defined
breakdown of currency units (for example, ones, fives, tens, and so on). You can
adjust the PAR Level values for each day of the week and manually adjust counts
based on the values calculated for the Change Order.
During the change order process you may be called away to perform other tasks. You
can save your place in the change order creation process and recall the Change Order
request later.
1. Select the function to open a new Change Order.
2. Highlight the appropriate safe, and then click OK.
3. If prompted, enter a reference for the Change Order, and then click OK.
You are not obligated to enter a reference; you can click OK without first entering
a reference.
4. (Optional) Select the day of the week on the PAR Sheet to change the values.
5. The Count column shows the variance between the last count for the receptacle
and the PAR Level Set defined from the EMC. You can see what is needed to
return to the PAR level. Change each number as appropriate.
a. To save the Change Order request (without submitting), click Save.

Chapter 4
Reconciling a Change Order

b. To submit the Change Order request, click Done, select the submission
method, and then click OK. A configured number of Change Orders prints to
include in the safe or with the request that is sent to the bank.

Reconciling a Change Order

After a Change Order request is submitted with the new denominational breakdown,
the funds must be returned to circulation for use by the application.
1. Select the function to reconcile (or close) a Change Order.
2. Select a submitted Change Order, and then click Yes.
3. If prompted, enter a reference, and then click OK.
You are not obligated to enter a reference; you can click OK without first entering
a reference.
4. Enter the amount of the change order session balance, and then click OK. The
funds are returned to the source (for example, the safe).
If there is an over or short difference, the POS client prompts you to select an over
or short reason. The over or short difference appears on the Over/Short Detail

Removing Funds (Safe Only)

Selecting this function removes money from a safe session and from tracking. These
funds are no longer available for use in ECM.
1. Select the function to remove funds.
2. If multiple safe receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate safe, and then
click OK.
3. Highlight the type of funds (class) to remove, and then click OK.
Classes are shown based on each source class balance (funds) available.
4. Enter the amount of funds, and then click OK. A transaction chit prints on the local

Reconciling a Receptacle Session

You can reconcile (close) the receptacle’s tracking session to prevent further activity
and mark it as completed. Some receptacles automatically close with the completion
of the count. In order to close a receptacle, the session balance must be zero (0).
1. Select the function to close the receptacle.
2. If multiple receptacles (or banks if closing a bank deposit session) are available,
highlight the appropriate session, and then click OK.
3. Click Yes at the prompt to confirm the closure.

Adjusting a Cash Deposit (Bank Deposit Only)

You can adjust the amount of a cash deposit that was placed into a bank deposit
session. This accounts for cash deposits where the amount deposited by the

Chapter 4
Adjusting a Reference (Bank Deposit Only)

workstation operator differs from the amount actually received in the cash deposit.
When prompted, you must select an Adjust Deposit Amount Reason to complete the
1. Select the function to adjust a cash deposit.
2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
When multiple currency deposit sessions are available, the currency of the deposit
is used for adjustment.
3. Enter the correct cash deposit amount, and then click OK.
4. Select a reason code for the adjustment, or click Cancel to bypass the reason
code, and then click OK.

Adjusting a Reference (Bank Deposit Only)

You can adjust the reference of a bank deposit session that was created. When
prompted, you must select an Adjust Deposit Reference Reason to complete the
adjustment. You can adjust the last reference entered for a bank deposit session.
1. Select the function to adjust a bank deposit reference.
2. If multiple bank deposits are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
3. If required, select the reason code, or click Cancel to bypass the reason code (if
allowed), and then click OK.
4. Enter the new reference, and then click OK.

Till and User Assignment

You can assign a till to a cash drawer and assign users to a till using several methods:
• Manually
• Using Quick Start
• Using Allow All
You must assign the till to a cash drawer and assign a user to the till in order to
perform cash transactions on the till.
Related Topics
• Assigning a Till to a Cash Drawer
• Assigning a User to a Till
• Unassigning a User From a Till
• Unassigning a Till From a Cash Drawer

Assigning a Till to a Cash Drawer

You must assign a till to a cash drawer before you can assign users to the till.
1. Select the function to assign a till to a cash drawer.

Chapter 4
Assigning a User to a Till

2. If multiple cash drawers are available, highlight the appropriate drawer, and then
click OK.
3. Select the till, and then click OK.
4. If prompted, enter the starting amount, and then click OK
5. Click Yes at the prompt to confirm. Starting amount funds are transferred from the
safe to the till. The cash drawer opens (if connected).
Related Topics
• Till and User Assignment

Assigning a User to a Till

Depending on the configuration, you can assign one or more users to the till session
on the workstation. Users that are assigned to a till session are automatically assigned
to a second till that is also assigned to the workstation to support acceptance of
multiple currencies based on change configuration for a currency class. For example,
if users are assigned to one till (with Euro currency only) and change is issued in US
Dollars, access is required for the second till on the same workstation that has US
Dollars only. Thus, users from both till sessions are automatically assigned to both tills
so that change can be issued.
1. Select the function to assign a user to a till.
2. Depending on your configuration, select one of the following:
• Highlight an employee, and then click Add to add the employee to the
assigned list. Repeat this step if more than one employee can use the till.
• Click Add All to add all employees to the assigned list.
If you attempt to assign a till that already belongs to another user when the
configuration is restricted to a single user per till, the following error message
appears: Only One Employee can be Assigned to Till.
3. Click Save to complete the assignments.
4. Click Yes at the prompt to confirm.
Related Topics
• Till and User Assignment

Performing Quick Start

Quick Start allows you to quickly assign a user and till to a cash drawer on the
workstation. This operation combines the Assign Till and Assign User operations. You
must configure the user with a cash drawer in order to perform Quick Start.
1. Select the function to Quick Start a till.
2. If prompted, highlight the appropriate till, and then click OK.
3. If prompted, select the cash drawer (if more than one cash drawer is available).
4. If prompted, enter the starting amount, and then click OK.
5. Click Yes at the prompt to confirm. The application transfers starting amount funds
from the safe session to the till session.

Chapter 4
Allowing Access to the Till

Allowing Access to the Till

A manager can allow any user to perform transactions on the till, but only assign
workstation operators that actually use the till. Allowing access:
• Opens the till to all workstation operators who can sign on to the workstation to
which the till is assigned
• Assigns the workstation operator when performing a transaction that is tracked by
1. Select the function to assign a user to a till.
2. Click Allow All.
3. Click Save.
4. Click Yes to the message indicating that all workstation operators can use the till.

Till Assignment Status with Smart Key

When you implement a smart key, the key determines whether the entire workstation
is usable based on the till assignment.
• When a till is unassigned, the application prompts the workstation operator to
assign a till to the cash drawer.
• When a till is assigned, the application prompts the workstation operator to sign on
to the workstation.

Adjusting the Starting Amount

When opening a till, it contains a starting amount based on the till template. You can
adjust the starting amount if greater or fewer funds are required to operate the till for
the day. You must adjust the starting amount before adding guest check transactions
against the receptacle. When you initially count the till (prior to performing activities),
the starting amount might differ from the expected value. The adjusted starting value is
used as part of the count.
1. Select the function to adjust the starting amount.
2. If prompted, highlight the appropriate till (the operator might be assigned to more
than one), and then click OK.
This step is not applicable to server banks.
3. Select the class, and then click OK.
4. Enter the new starting amount for the session, and then click OK.

Auditing a Till
You can perform a mid-shift audit or count of a till without closing the till, even when
the Close on Count Completion option is configured in the Templates module of the
1. Select the function for till report, and then click Print.

Chapter 4
Pulling Cash

2. Select the function to audit a receptacle (till).

3. Enter a reference for the count, and then click OK.
4. Enter the values of each unit, and then click Done.
5. Select the function for till report, and then click Print. The till balance and count
are updated on the Till Report, and the till session remains open.

Pulling Cash
Depending on the configuration, the POS client notifies workstation operators when
cash pull threshold levels are reached or exceeded. You may be required to pull cash
based on the following occurrences:
• Upon reaching or exceeding a configured cash pull threshold level
• With each transaction attempt upon reaching or exceeding a defined threshold
If the cash pull notification is disabled, you can manually pull cash.
1. Select the function to pull cash.
2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
3. If multiple classes are available for the source receptacle, select the type of funds
(class), and then click OK.
Currency classes are shown based on each source class balance (funds)
4. Enter the amount to pull, and then click OK.
5. If prompted, enter an optional reference for the cash pull transaction, and then
click OK. One or more chits print (if configured).

Unassigning a User From a Till

Unassigning a user from the till does not close the till; it prevents the user from
performing additional transactions on the till. Users that are unassigned from a till
session are automatically unassigned from a second till that is also assigned to the
workstation to support acceptance of multiple currencies based on change
configuration for a currency class. For example, if users are unassigned from one till
(with Euro currency only) and change is issued in US Dollars, access is removed for
the second till on the same workstation that has US Dollars only. Thus, users from
both till sessions are automatically unassigned from both tills.
1. Select the function to unassign a user from a till.
2. Depending on the configuration, select one of the following:
• Highlight an employee, and then click Remove to remove the employee from
the assigned list. Repeat this to unassign more than one employee.
• Click Remove All to remove all assigned employees.
3. Click Save to complete the unassignments.
4. Click Yes at the prompt to confirm.

Chapter 4
Unassigning a Till From a Cash Drawer

Related Topics
• Till and User Assignment

Unassigning a Till From a Cash Drawer

Use this operation to swap the current till for another during a shift change.
Unassigning the till from the cash drawer does not close the till; it restricts the till to a
limited number of operations (count, transfer, cash deposit). After unassigning a cash
drawer, you can assign the till to a different cash drawer on either the same or a
different workstation. You can also take the till to the back of house and reconcile it.
1. Select the function to unassign a till from a cash drawer.
2. Click Yes at the prompt to confirm.
Related Topics
• Till and User Assignment

Reopening a Receptacle Session

You can reopen a closed front of house receptacle session. After reopening, the
balance on the session is zero. An authorized user must manually return any funds to
the session before posting transaction activity.
1. Select the function to reopen.
2. If multiple receptacles are available, highlight the appropriate session, and then
click OK.
3. Click Yes at the prompt to return to the starting amount.
When multiple classes are configured, the starting amount is based on the
template configuration for the receptacle type. If the starting amount was adjusted
for the selected session to reopen, the reopened session returns the starting
amount to the adjusted starting amount.

Viewing the Receptacle Status

The Cash Management Receptacle Status provides the following summary information
for all receptacle sessions and open Change Orders at the location:
• Receptacle type
• Number of open sessions
• Primary currency class with balance
• Non-currency classes (shown in alphabetical order) with balance (if configured)
• Alternate currency classes (shown in alphabetical order) with balance (if
The Totals row shows the total of each currency. The Change Order receptacle
balance is not included in the Totals.
1. Select the function to view Cash Management status.

Chapter 4
No Sale Operation

2. On the Cash Management Receptacle Status dialog, manually refresh the

information on the form and optionally print the current status information to a chit.
3. Click OK to close the Receptacle Status dialog.

No Sale Operation
The No Sale operation allows a privileged workstation operator to open the cash
drawer outside of a transaction without performing other operations. The workstation
operator typically uses this function key to make change for a customer. When
configured, the workstation operator must enter a No Sale reason to open the cash
No Sale operations are recorded for:
• The workstation operator’s assigned receptacle
• Reporting purposes

Viewing ECM Alerts and Summary with the Engagement

Cloud Service
If the property has configured the Engagement Cloud Service, you can view Enterprise
Cash Management (ECM) alerts and summary information for till and server bank
receptacles through Engagement.
1. Open Engagement or sign on to Engagement using a tablet device.
2. On the Hub page, click the ECM alert widget or the ECM summary widget. The
following table describes the ECM alert and summary widgets.

Table 4-2 ECM Hub Page Widgets

ECM Widgets for Hub Pages Description

ECM Alert The ECM alert widget allows you to view
ECM alerts based on cash pull thresholds
for till and server bank receptacles. This
widget is supported for multiple cash
management classes. The ECM alert widget
• Receptacle name
• Alert type
• Alert level (if applicable)
• Variance (threshold value – actual
receptacle session amount)
The ECM alert widget also indicates when
there are no active alerts.

Chapter 4
Tablet Swaps with the Oracle MICROS Base Station

Table 4-2 (Cont.) ECM Hub Page Widgets

ECM Widgets for Hub Pages Description

ECM Summary The ECM summary widget allows you to
view summary information for active ECM
receptacles. This widget is supported for
multiple cash management classes. The
ECM summary widget shows:
• Receptacle name
• Number of open receptacle sessions for
each receptacle type
• Current total in base class amount
The ECM summary widget also indicates:
• Active alerts for a session
• Offline open receptacle sessions
• Multiple classes

Tablet Swaps with the Oracle MICROS Base Station

You can use ECM on the Oracle MICROS Tablet E-Series 11-inch and Oracle
MICROS Base Station. The workstation operator can dock and undock multiple E-
Series tablets from the Base Station to allow mobile activities. The till session
assigned to a cash drawer persists while swapping tablets on a single Base Station.

Offline Cash Management Operations

Most ECM features depend on access to the Cash Management Service on the
primary posting workstation. When connectivity to the service is unavailable, some
offline capabilities automatically start without intervention to allow limited Cash
Management operations. Operations differ between front of house and back of house

Back of House Receptacles Offline

When a workstation is offline from the Cash Management Service, workstation
operators cannot perform any functions against a safe, bank deposit, or petty cash
receptacle. Operators can perform these functions only from the primary posting
workstation that runs the Cash Management Service. The POS application must be
accessible from the primary posting workstation in order to perform these operations.

Till Offline
When a workstation that supports a cash drawer is offline, you can open a new offline
till and assign or unassign users. These workstation operators can perform most Cash
Management functions on an offline till session, including:
• Tendering transactions on guest checks
• Pulling cash: Funds are not transferred and a chit represents the cash pull
• Printing reports for the session from the workstation
• Counting the till

Chapter 4
Server Bank Offline

• Depositing cash: The application creates an offline bank deposit on the local
workstation to accept the cash deposit
• Closing the till

Server Bank Offline

When a server wants to post transactions from a workstation that is offline, you can
open a new offline server bank. You can create a new server bank as a server may
work on multiple workstations. Oracle Hospitality recommends limiting the number of
workstations the server can use while offline. The server can perform most Cash
Management operations on an offline session, including:
• Tendering transactions on guest checks
• Pulling cash: Funds are not transferred and a chit represents the cash pull
• Printing reports for the session from the workstation
• Counting the server bank
• Depositing cash: The application creates an offline bank deposit on the local
workstation to accept the cash deposit
• Closing the server bank
After the workstation re-connects online and establishes communication with the Cash
Management Service on the primary posting workstation, the application synchronizes
all offline sessions and activity performed on the offline workstation with the Cash
Management Service.

Consolidating Offline Server Banking Sessions

If the server created more than one server banking session during the course of a shift
(for example, to perform cash activities on offline workstations), Oracle Hospitality
recommends consolidating all offline sessions into a single session. Consolidation
reports transaction activity for the unselected sessions into the single master session
to maintain a complete audit trail. The application automatically clears sessions that
are not consolidated before the next business day, and does not record transaction
activity from these sessions. The server should reconcile funds recorded for these
sessions as an over or short count on the valid server banking session.
1. Select the function to consolidate multiple server banking sessions.
2. If necessary, on the employee form, select the employee with multiple sessions to
consolidate, and then click OK.
This is required only when more than one employee with multiple sessions exists.
3. Highlight the session to retain as the master session, and then click OK to
consolidate all other sessions into the master session.

Individual Receptacle Types

The following table lists the receptacle types and indicates the operations you can use
when working in each receptacle.

Chapter 4
Individual Receptacle Types

Table 4-3 Individual Receptacle Operations

Receptacle Type Description Operations Available

Safe A safe is the primary cash • Open
receptacle for all ECM activity • Add funds
and is the source of all initial • Paid-in
funds added to the location. • Paid-out
ECM allows you to track and
• Count
report all activity within a safe
receptacle session. • Save count
• Recall count
• Adjust count
• Adjust count sheet
• Deposit cash
• Transfer funds
– To safe
– To server bank
– To till
– To petty cash
• Open/submit change
• Save change order
• Recall change order
• Reconcile (close) change
• Remove funds
• Close
Bank Deposit A bank deposit allows you to • Open
create a unique receptacle to • Adjust cash deposit
track funds that will be sent to • Adjust bank deposit
the bank for deposit into an reference
account. ECM allows you to • Transfer funds
track and report all activity
within a bank deposit – To bank deposit
receptacle session. – To safe
– To server bank
– To till
– To petty cash
• Close

Chapter 4
Individual Receptacle Types

Table 4-3 (Cont.) Individual Receptacle Operations

Receptacle Type Description Operations Available

Till A till allows you to create a • Open
unique receptacle to track – Quick Start till
funds that post in the front-of- – Assign till
house, typically behind a
– Assign user
counter or bar. ECM allows
you to track and report all – Allow all
activity within a till receptacle • Adjust starting amount
session. • Pull cash
• Paid-in
• Paid-out
• Count
• Save count
• Recall count
• Adjust count
• Adjust count sheet
• Deposit cash
• Transfer funds
– To petty cash
– To safe
– To server bank
– To till
• Unassign till
• Unassign user
• Audit receptacle (till)
• Close
• Reopen
Server Bank A server bank allows you to • Open
create a unique receptacle to – On transaction
track funds that are posted in – On open
the front-of-house, typically
• Adjust starting amount
behind a counter or bar. ECM
allows you to track and report • Pull cash
all activity within a server bank • Paid-in
receptacle session. • Paid-out
• Count
• Save count
• Recall count
• Adjust count
• Adjust count sheet
• Deposit cash
• Transfer funds
– To petty cash
– To safe
– To server bank
– To till
• Close
• Reopen

Chapter 4
ECM Property Reports

Table 4-3 (Cont.) Individual Receptacle Operations

Receptacle Type Description Operations Available

Petty Cash Petty cash is a cash • Open
receptacle that supports • Paid-in
manager cash activities. ECM • Paid-out
allows you to track and report • Count
all activity within a petty cash
• Save count
receptacle session.
• Recall count
• Adjust count
• Adjust count sheet
• Deposit cash
• Transfer funds
– To petty cash
– To safe
– To server bank
– To till
• Close

ECM Property Reports

The workstation property reports contain information about active receptacle sessions
and transactions to assist in daily operations management. The reports include
multiple classes showing additional currency and class details. You can print these
reports to a local printer. The following table lists the ECM property reports.

Table 4-4 ECM Property Reports

Report Description
Bank Deposit Report This report contains information about active
bank deposit sessions for the location.
Cash Pull Report This report contains information about cash
pull transactions posted for the current
business date.
Change Order Report This report contains information about open
Change Order sessions and transactions for
the location.
Count Sheet This report is not selectable, and it prints
automatically after completion of a receptacle
count. The details shown are for counts
entered during a receptacle count, including
class totals and over/short values (if
Over/Short Detail Report This report contains information about over
and short conditions recorded for the current
business date.

Chapter 4
ECM Property Reports

Table 4-4 (Cont.) ECM Property Reports

Report Description
Paid-In/Paid-Out Report This report contains information about paid-in
and paid-out transactions recorded for the
current business date. It is based on the
revenue center in which the paid-in/paid-out
activity occurred.
Petty Cash Report This report contains information about active
petty cash sessions for the location.
Safes Report This report contains information about active
safe sessions for the location.
Server Bank Report This report contains information about the
active server bank session for the operator
signed on to the workstation.
Server Banking Report This report contains information about active
server banking sessions for the location.
Till Banking Report This report contains information about active
till sessions for the location.
Till Report This report contains information about active
till sessions assigned on the workstation.

The following image shows an example of a Petty Cash Report.

Figure 4-1 Petty Cash Report

Chapter 4
ECM Property Reports

The summary section for each report shows the currency name, abbreviation, and
values (using symbol and separator). Totals are shown for each currency.
You can filter a property report by revenue center. The revenue center filter is based
on the employee operator assignment record, reporting privileges (for each report),
and the receptacle location. The filter recognizes the level at which the receptacle was
defined (such as property or revenue center). Users (managers) that have access—
through operator assignment—to all revenue centers can view receptacles at the
property level and below (revenue centers). When a user is assigned to a specific
revenue center, the filter only shows the revenue center assignment. When a user
(supervisor) has reporting privileges in a specific revenue center but only has server
(non-reporting) privileges in another revenue center, the filter shows the revenue
center for which they have reporting privilege. The revenue center filter is not available
for the Till Report or the Server Bank Report.

Simphony Web Portal (SWP)
The Simphony Web Portal (SWP) is a website that enables administrators and
managers to:
• Import and export Simphony data
• Download the setup packages (.exe or .apk) for the EMC client and CAL
You can access the SWP using valid Simphony EMC logon credentials.
Application programming interface (API) documentation is also located in the SWP:
• https://[ServerName][:Port Number]/ImportExportApi/DataService.svc/web/Help
• https://[ServerName][:Port Number]/ImportExportApi/SecurityService.svc/web/Help
The port number is only necessary if the default https port (443) is not used.
• Starting the SWP
• Downloading CAL and EMC Client Setup Packages
• Updating the EMC Client

Starting the SWP

You need Simphony EMC logon credentials to access the SWP.
1. Change the Internet Explorer Compatibility View settings to allow Import/Export
buttons and features to be visible:
a. Open Internet Explorer, and then press the Alt key.
b. Select Tools and then select Compatibility View settings.
c. Deselect Display intranet sites in Compatibility View.
d. Close Internet Explorer.
2. To turn off Enhanced security configuration:
a. Open Control Panel, and then select Program and Features.
b. Select Turn Windows features on or off. Server Manager is selected.
c. Click Configure IE ESC.
d. Select Off for the Enhanced security configuration for Administrators and
Users, and then click OK.
e. Restart Internet Explorer.
3. Open any web browser and enter the following address: https://[ServerName]/

4. Enter the User Name and Password, and then click the Login button.
5. On the Welcome to Simphony page, select one of the following pages:

Chapter 5
Downloading CAL and EMC Client Setup Packages

• Import/Export: Import or Export data in comma-separated values (CSV)

format. Import and Export of Data contains more information.
• Downloads: Download setup packages for CAL or the EMC client.
Downloading CAL and EMC Client Setup Packages contains more

Downloading CAL and EMC Client Setup Packages

You can download the setup packages (.exe or .apk) for the EMC client and CAL.
1. On the Downloads page, select the Download Type from the drop-down list:
• Client Application Loader (CAL) – Windows: Select this option to download
the CAL package for a device running the Microsoft Windows operating
• Client Application Loader (CAL) – Android: Select this option to download
the CAL package for a device running the Android mobile operating system.
• Enterprise Management Console (EMC): Select this option to download the
EMC client package.
2. Click the Download button.

Updating the EMC Client

After downloading the EMC client setup package (EMCSetup.exe), you can update the
EMC to the latest Simphony version. EMCSetup.exe contains all files required by EMC
to function. The InstallShield Wizard for EMCClient starts after the download
completes, and it installs all individual files in the EMCClient folder on the device.
1. Click the buttons to proceed through the InstallShield Wizard.
The default installation path for the EMC client is C:\Program Files\Oracle
Hospitality. You can change this path if needed.
2. Double-click the EMC icon on the desktop.

Figure 5-1 EMC Desktop Icon

3. Log in to the EMC.

If a newer version exists, EMC automatically downloads the latest files, and then
updates itself. A progress bar indicates the duration of the login and update
operation. You will be prompted to log in again after completion of the updates.

Import and Export of Data
You can create and submit data import and export job requests through the Simphony
Web Portal (SWP). Exporting data from one system and importing it to another saves
time for the administrator or manager. This process allows the data to be functional
and saleable on the new system’s POS client workstations. The Import/Export Service
enables you to:
• Import and export data manually
• Export data automatically using the scheduler
• Review the status of completed import and export jobs
• Access a Help page that provides additional database and application program
interface (API) details

Import/Export Prerequisites
• You can export and import data with Simphony version 2.8 and later.
• Use a spreadsheet application (for example, Microsoft Excel) that can receive
database export and import requests. Data export requests are usually set to
output to files that are formatted with comma-separated values (CSV).
• Obtain Simphony EMC logon credentials to access the SWP.
• You must have the privilege to access the database and run the Simphony Import/
Export Service.
• Install a Secured Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate to establish a secure connection.
See How to trust the IIS Express Self-Signed Certificate for information about
installing SSL or digital certificates.
• Change the Internet Explorer Compatibility View settings to allow Import/Export
buttons and features to be visible. See Starting the SWP for instructions.
• File Export
• Creating an Export Schedule
• Generating a File to Export
• Preparing Single Menu Item Data Files for Import
• Importing Menu Item Files
• Preparing Event Data Files for Import
• Importing Event Files

File Export
You can extract information from the Simphony configuration database on demand or
you can schedule a recurring export job. You can then import this information into an
inventory management system.

Chapter 6
Creating an Export Schedule

Integrated menu items can be imported and exported at the Enterprise and zone levels
only. Single menu item objects (that is, Menu Item Master, Menu Item Class, Menu
Item Definition, and Menu Item Price) can be imported and exported at other levels.
Other objects (for example, Discount, Employee Class, and Major Group to name a
few) can be imported and exported at various levels.
Related Topics
• Creating an Export Schedule
• Generating a File to Export

Creating an Export Schedule

Create a schedule to run an export job on a recurring basis (for example, weekly or
monthly). You can create schedules only for exporting files. You cannot create a
schedule to import files.
1. Click Import/Export.
2. Click Schedules.
3. Click Add Schedule.
4. In the Name field, enter the export schedule name.
5. Select a Start Date when the export begins.
6. In the Time of Day field, enter the time when the export runs (use 24-hour time in
the format hh:mm).
7. Select the frequency of the export schedule:
• To run the export on a specific day each week, select one or more days of the
week. For example, to set the export to occur every Tuesday, select Tuesday.
• To run the export on a specific date each month, enter one or more dates
(separated by commas) in the Dates to Run field. For example, to set the
export to occur on the 3rd and the 15th day of each month, enter 3, 15.
8. Select Active, and then click Create.
9. To disable an active schedule from the Schedules page, click the Disable link
adjacent to the appropriate schedule.
You can deactivate a schedule, but you cannot delete it. When you deactivate a
schedule, export jobs associated with that schedule do not process.
Related Topics
• File Export

Generating a File to Export

1. Click Import/Export.
2. On the Import/Export Request Parameters page, select the Export option.
3. In the Hierarchy Selection area, select one or more hierarchies, and then use the
arrow buttons to include hierarchies in the export.
Select Include Inherited prior to selecting a hierarchy to include children in the

Chapter 6
Generating a File to Export

You can export an integrated menu item (fully configured menu items) Object Type
at the Enterprise and zone levels only; if you select the property or revenue center
levels, you will receive an error later.
4. In the Parameter Selection area, select the Language in which to export the
5. (Optional) In the Date Since field, select the date from which to export information.
The Date Since applies to both new and modified information. For example, select
06/01/2018, to export information that was new or modified since June 1, 2018.
For the most recent export, select the current date.
When a date is selected in the Date Since field, any record for that object that has
been changed (either directly or as a result of another update) will be exported
once, no matter how many times it has been changed since the selected date.
6. Select the Format for the export file:
• Excel Compatible CSV (ANSI): Select this option to edit the file using Excel,
Notepad or Notepad++. This option is only available for the English language.
• International CSV (UNICODE): Select this option to edit the file using
Notepad or Notepad++. This option is available for all character sets and
• Pipe Delimited (UNICODE): Select this option to edit the file using Unicode.
This option is available for all character sets and languages.
7. (Optional) Change the Schedule for your export.
• To export the file immediately, ensure that the Schedule field shows Process
Immediately. This is a one-time export request.
• To schedule the export, select the recurrence and time schedule from the
Schedule drop-down list.
If no schedules exist, nothing appears in the Schedule drop-down list. See
Creating an Export Schedule for more information about schedules.
8. (Optional) Enter the Request Name.
This can be a description of the activity (for example, Exporting Menu Items for
Zone A).
9. Select the type of information to export from the Object Type drop-down list.
The information in the Mandatory Columns field automatically appears based on
the Object Type you selected. The column names appear in the exported file and
show the type of data to be exported. You cannot change the values in this field.
10. Select the Data Level:

• Selected Hierarchy: Select this option to export only the current level of
hierarchy. For example, if you selected the property in the Hierarchy
Selection without Include Inherited to export discounts, the export only
includes discounts that are created for this property, not those created at the
Enterprise level or revenue center.
• Selected Hierarchy With Ancestors: Select this option to export the current
level of hierarchy and the higher levels (parent level). For example, if you
created discounts at the property level, selecting this option exports discounts
created for the property and the Enterprise levels.

Chapter 6
Preparing Single Menu Item Data Files for Import

• Selected Hierarchy With Inherited: Select this option to export the current
level of hierarchy and the lower levels (child levels). For example, if you
created discounts at the property level, selecting this option exports discounts
created for the property and the revenue center levels.
• Selected Hierarchy With Ancestors And Inherited: Select this option to
export all levels of hierarchy (for example, Enterprise, property, and revenue
center levels).
11. In the Columns field, select the information to export. Use Ctrl + Select or Shift +
arrows to highlight multiple column names.
All columns are selected by default. The information in the Columns field is a
subsection of the Object Type selection.
12. (Optional) In the Sort By field, add one ore more sort options for the results.

13. Click the Submit Request button.

14. To refresh the page, click the Status link.

15. To view scheduled exports, click + adjacent to the ID and the Request Name.

16. Click the Download link for the export request, and then click the Open button.

17. (Optional) Change the file as necessary (insert, update, or delete) using a text
editor, such as Notepad, rename the file, and save it in a different location.
When you export a file, the application assigns SimphonyExport.csv as the file
name. Rename each exported file to keep them organized before importing the
Related Topics
• File Export

Preparing Single Menu Item Data Files for Import

Because there are relationships between the databases and menu items, you must
import single menu item data files in a specific order. Importing single menu item data
files out of order causes the import job to fail and an inability to add the new menu
items on the POS client workstations. If you are importing integrated menu items (fully
configured menu items), skip this section.
After you export the required menu item data files but before you import the files,
ensure that certain values contained in the prospective import files match in specific
columns and rows.
1. Open the export file that contains the Menu Item (MI) Master data, and record the
value of the Id column and the corresponding MenuItemName for each menu item
to be imported.
2. Open the export file that contains the MI Class data.
a. Record the name of each MI Class located in the Name column. Remaining on
the same row, scroll to the ObjectNumber column and record the
corresponding values there, which are associated with each MI Class name.
b. Review the prospective MI Class import data to ensure that all fields are
configured in order for the menu items to function as expected.
3. Open the export file that contains the MI Definitions data.

Chapter 6
Importing Menu Item Files

a. Enter the ObjectNumber values from the MI Class data file into the
MenuItemClass column for each MI Definition.
b. Enter or verify that the values in the MenuItemMasterId column in the MI
Definitions file match the values of the Id column in the MI Master data file.
This holds true for menu items that have multiple definitions.
c. For items with multiple definitions, ensure that the DefinitionSequence column
is numbered in sequential order.
4. Open the export file that contains the MI Price data.
a. Enter or verify that the values in the MenuItemDefID column in the MI Price
data file match the values of the Id column in the MI Definitions data file. This
holds true for menu items that have multiple prices.
b. For items with multiple prices, ensure that the PriceSequence column is
numbered in sequential order.

Importing Menu Item Files

The default maximum size of an imported file is 4 MB.
1. Click Import/Export.
2. On the Import/Export Request Parameters page, select the Import option.
3. Click Browse, and then select the file to import. When you import single menu
item data files, do so in the following order:
a. Menu Item Master (Select this file first, and then continue with Step 4.)
b. Menu Item Class
c. Menu Item Definitions
d. Menu Item Price
4. Select the type of information to import from the Object Type drop-down list.
The information in the Mandatory Columns and the Columns field automatically
appears based on the Object Type selected. The column names appear in the
imported file and show the type of data to be imported. You cannot change the
values in this field.
5. Select the Language.
6. (Optional) Enter the Request Name.
This is a description of the activity (for example, Importing Menu Items for Property
7. Click the Submit Request button.
8. Click the Status link to refresh the page.
9. Click one of the following links for the import request, and then click the Open
• Pre Import Snapshot: Shows the before information.
• Retrieve Import File: Shows the after information that was imported into
10. Save the imported files using a text editor, such as Notepad.

Chapter 6
Preparing Event Data Files for Import

11. Repeat Steps 1 through 10 to import each menu item data file (Menu Item Master,
Menu Item Class, Menu Item Definitions, Menu Item Price).

Preparing Event Data Files for Import

Because there are relationships between the databases and event information, you
must import event data files in a specific order. Importing event data files out of order
causes the import job to fail and an inability to add the new events on the POS client
After you export the required event data files but before you import the files, ensure
that certain values contained in the prospective import files match in specific columns
and rows.
1. Open the export file that contains the Event Type data, and then record the value
of the Id column for each event type to be imported.
2. Open the export file that contains the Event Sub Type data, and then record the
value of the GroupEventType column for each sub event to be imported.
To associate an Event Sub Type with a specific Event Type, verify that the value in
the Id column of the Event Type data file matches the value of the
GroupEventType column in the Event Sub Type data file.
3. Open the export file that contains the Event Area data, and then record the values
of the ObjectNumber column and the HierarchyId column for each event area to
be imported.
4. Open the export file that contains the Event Definition data.
a. Copy the values from the Id columns of the Event Type and the Event Sub
Type data files.
b. Paste the Id values into the GroupEventSubType and the GroupEventType
columns in the Event Definition data file.
5. Open the export file that contains the Event Definition Detail data.
a. Ensure that there is a column for GroupEventArea and a column for
To associate a revenue center and an event area with Event Definition Details,
add the following two rows in the Event Definition Details file:
• Event Area
• Revenue Center ID
b. Copy the values from the Id column of the Event Definition data file.
c. Paste the Id values into the GroupEventDefinition column of the Event
Definition Detail data file.

• Importing Event Files

Importing Event Files

The default maximum size of an imported file is 4 MB.
1. Click Import/Export.

Chapter 6
Importing Event Files

2. On the Import/Export Parameters page, select the Import option.

3. Click Browse, and then select the file to import. When you import event data files,
do so in the following order:
a. Event Type (Select this file first and then continue with Step 4.)
b. Event Sub Type
c. Event Area
d. Event Definition
e. Event Definition Detail
4. Select the type of information to import from the Object Type drop-down list.
The information in the Mandatory Columns and the Columns field automatically
appears based on the Object Type selected. The column names appear in the
imported file and show the type of data to be imported. You cannot change the
values in this field.
5. Select the Language.
6. (Optional) Enter the Request Name.
This is a description of the activity (for example, Importing Menu Items for Property
7. Click the Submit Request button.
8. Click the Status link to refresh the page.
9. Click one of the following links for the import request, and then click the Open
• Pre Import Snapshot: Shows the before information.
• Retrieve Import File: Shows the after information that was imported into
10. Save the imported files using a text editor, such as Notepad.

11. Repeat Steps 1 through 10 to import each event data file (Event Type, Event Sub
Type, Event Area, Event Definition, Event Definition Detail).

• Preparing Event Data Files for Import

Order Information Service
The Order Information Service allows third-party solutions to offer mobile ordering for
delivery and pickup (for example, in seat ordering at a stadium) with status updates to
the guest. Guests may pick up their order or request delivery. Updates to the order
status notify the guest when orders are ready for pickup or in transit for delivery. The
Order Information Service includes the latest view of the order content, such as order
ID, items purchased, payment, employee delivering the order, and so on.
The following diagram illustrates the order flow using the Order Information Service:

Figure 7-1 Order Information Service Workflow

• Assigning Checks to a Delivery Agent

• Closing a Check After Delivery or Pickup
• Closing All Open Checks
Related Topics
• Assigning Checks to a Delivery Agent
• Closing a Check After Delivery or Pickup
• Closing All Open Checks

Assigning Checks to a Delivery Agent

You can assign one or more checks to a delivery agent (also called a runner). This
function transfers the check to the delivery agent.
1. To assign one or multiple checks, click the appropriate button:
• Assign Check
• Assign Multiple Checks
2. Enter the runner’s employee ID number or swipe the employee card, and then
click OK.

Chapter 7
Closing a Check After Delivery or Pickup

3. Enter the check number, and then click OK.

When assigning multiple checks, the POS client prompts you to enter the next
check number, and so on. Click Cancel when you are finished entering check
4. Click the Get Check Detail button.
5. Click the Send Request button. The check changes to the Assigned status.
6. Repeat Step 5 for each check number.
Related Topics
• Order Information Service

Closing a Check After Delivery or Pickup

You can close a check and indicate the delivery status. The status applies to items
that are delivered to the guest, as well as items that the guest picks up.
1. Pick up the check you want to close.
2. Click the button configured for one of the following scenarios:
• Delivered: All items were delivered successfully and payment was applied.
• Delivery Failed: The delivery agent cannot find the guest to deliver the
prepared items. All items are voided and returned to inventory.
• Delivered Without Alcohol: The alcohol items are voided and returned to
• Cancelled: The order is canceled prior to being prepared and delivered. All
items are voided and the check is closed to a zero dollar amount.
Related Topics
• Order Information Service

Closing All Open Checks

You can close all open checks of a given order type or employee.
1. Pick up the check or checks you want to close.
2. Click the button configured for one of the following scenarios, and then click Yes to
• Close All Open Checks: Voids all items on every check that is open and
closes the checks to a zero dollar amount.
• Close All Open Checks by Order Type: Voids all items on every check
created by the Order Type that is open (for example, Dine In or Take Out) and
closes the checks to a zero dollar amount.
• Close All Open Checks by Employee: Voids all items on every check
created by the employee ID that is open and closes the checks to a zero dollar
Related Topics
• Order Information Service


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