Ijciet 08 09 098
Ijciet 08 09 098
Ijciet 08 09 098
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3 authors, including:
Giriraj Srivastava
Norwegian University of Science and Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Giriraj Srivastava on 10 October 2017.
Choosing an irrigation system is not an obvious task and the number of available
techniques can induce legitimate doubt about which one would be the best. Still
largely dominated by traditional irrigation methods, the agricultural sector is slowly
living a turn in water management, to a more controlled and sustainable way of
irrigating fields. Microirrigation shows indeed the major benefit of saving water but
also of improving yields and crop quality. This paper reviews all the microirrigation
systems along with their suitable applications, their installation, their advantages and
Key words: Microirrigation, Subsurface irrigation, Drip irrigation, Bubbler, Sprinkler,
Cite this Article: G. Delorme, G. Srivastava and M. Shanmugasundaram, Some
Considerations of the Actual Problems Related to Good Corporate Governance, and
the Impetus for Law Enforcement. International Journal of Civil Engineering and
Technology, 8(9), 2017, pp. 881–888.
The world of agriculture is not the same than it was 50 years ago, because of the increasing
food requirements, the mechanisation and the development of chemical industries.
Unfortunately, these changes have not brought good news for our planet and especially not to
our water resources. To provide an alternative to the traditional ways of irrigating, that usually
require large quantities of water, the concept of microirrigation (MI) was firstly brought
through experiments conducted in Germany in the 1860’s, then in USA in 1910’s, before
being accepted as a viable method for commercial irrigation and spread worldwide since the
1960’s. The aim is simple: to distribute water as close as possible to the root zone of the plant,
in small quantity, slowly but frequently, so that the process stays under high control. It is in
the last 20 years that the improvement in MI technology has been the highest. We can now
find numbers of applications for the four types of MI: surface drip, subsurface drip, bubblers,
sprinklers (or sprayers). However, the fields irrigated with these techniques remain a minority
compared to the ones irrigated with conventional techniques. According to the report of
International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage published 2014-2015 [1], the worldwide
total irrigated area is 225.63 Mha including a total micro irrigated area of 11.11 Mha i.e.
around 5% of total. According to Survey of Irrigation Methods in California in 2010 [2], the
proportion has been changing in favour of MI with an increase of 38%, mainly in the sector of
vegetable crops (onion, cucurbit, tomato and almond).
a single plant. This system has been studied and proved efficient in the case of vineyards,
almond tree [8] and red pepper.
3.2. Installations
Surface drip irrigation can be installed temporarily or permanently on the field based on crop
rotation pattern adopted by the farmer. However, it is advisable to use crops of similar root
depths in a particular field to avoid the 10% depreciation in the cost of irrigation materials per
each installation [9]. In order to improve the efficiency of the surface drip irrigation system
and reduce wastage of water, rain sensors can be attached to the field. The energy requirement
to pump the water can be fulfilled by solar-panel pump system which have proven to be very
efficient in a longer run. It is suggested that the minimum pond volume should be increased
by 20% to incorporate the evaporation losses and dead storage [10].
3.3. Advantages
This system has the main advantages of increasing irrigation water productivity [11] and
saving water under sustained deficit irrigation for regions with severe water scarcity. In the
case of vines, it has been found by Sanchez- Martin et al. (2008 & 2010) this MI type resulted
in lesser emissions of nitrous oxide N2O: 70% lower than furrow irrigation in a loamy soil
texture after incorporation of broadcast ammonium sulphate in the soil and 28% in a sandy
clay loam texture fertilized with digested pig slurry, Ca(H2PO4)2 and K2SO4 [12].
3.4. Disadvantages/Limitations
Its application is limited on field crops because the surface-installed drip tubing may interfere
with cultural operations.
4.2. Installations
SDI is usually preferred as a semi-permanent or permanent installation. This is understandable
as the tubes have to be buried at a particular depth it should rather not be removed and
changed every season. The irrigation depth has to be selected according to the type of crop,
the development of the roots, the evapotranspiration of the crop (ETc) and the interval
between irrigations [14]. It has been observed that the ideal range is between 0.2m (optimum
for sugarcane) to 0.6m [15]. Different methods of installation have been subjected to
experimentation: single row with spacing 1.5 metre and paired row with drip laterals spacing
2.1 metres. The choice is let up to the farmer according to its field’s shape and area, but it has
been concluded that a greater performance can be obtained with single row installation [16].
Subsurface irrigation using clay pipes was found to be particularly effective in improving
yields, crop quality and water use efficiency as well as being cheap, simple and easy to use
4.3. Advantages
Compared with surface drip, SDI gathers many advantages. With the tubes buried there is no
interference with cultural operations and no need to remove/reinstall the tubes at
end/beginning of each season. The application of water in the soil and not on the soil reduces
the possible NO3 leaching.
Suddick et al. (2011) indicated lower N2O emission in case of SDI [12]. Fertigation
(injection of fertilizers and other chemicals in the irrigation system) is more efficient due to
the improved water application uniformity (Gil et al. 2008; Rodríguez-Sinobas et al. 2009)
[14]. Drip systems is most “low cost” MI system compared to flooding irrigation due to the
water saving and the increased yields [16].
5.1. Description
Bubblers apply water to the ground surface in a small fountain with a discharge rate greater
than surface or subsurface drip emitters but generally less than 225 litres per hour. They are
well suited for orchards with wide root zones or for any situations where large amount of
water need to be provided in a short period of time.
5.2. Installations
The laterals are usually installed in single row. The emitters are disposed with different heads
along the lateral for a uniform water delivery [19].
5.3. Advantages
Operated at low-pressure like 1 meter, the system is based on gravity flow; hence there is no
need of mechanical pump. Moreover, it requires only a very simple filtration system. That
gives it a reduced initial cost and a minimal maintenance cost [20].
6.2. Installations
The choice of emitter depends on the water throw pattern required. It exists different kinds of
external emitters available: mini-sprays, micro-sprays, jets or spinners. They are individually
connected with the lateral tube by a smaller tube of 0.3cm to 0.6cm diameter.
6.3. Advantages
Sprinkler is the type of MI that is able to deliver the more water quantity per hour. It can be
used to grow high water requirement plants. Treated wastewater (sewage) does not cause any
problem when utilized in this kind of system. The sprinklers and sprayers are the most viable
alternative in situations that require a high level of filtration or a crop protection cover
(because of high erosion level, for pest & disease control, against frost etc.).
Microirrigation is the key for a sustainable agriculture. The transition toward water saving
methods of irrigation should be encouraged worldwide. In the early years of MI development
the types of crops cultivated were restricted to privileged species, but nowadays the scientific
studies have proved that the different MI methods -surface drip irrigation, subsurface drip,
bubblers and sprinklers/ sprayers- offer large application possibilities. Microirrigation should
not be reserved to high value productions like berries or vineyards, it can be used for many
conventional types of crops like onions, tomatoes or corn. Each system shows its own
advantages in terms of installation and discharge rate. A properly adapted design followed by
a regular management and careful operation practices lead to high water saving, improvement
in crop quality, increase in yield, reduction in agronomical costs.
The review paper was written as a part of PBL for Water Resources Engineering (CLE316)
course at VIT University, Chennai.
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