PROGRAM Time Activities Responsible Persons 08am - 08:30am Arrival and registration of participants E2F Team: Rachelle, Marion 08:30am – 08:40am Welcome Speech American Corner University of Buea 08:40am – 09:00am Opening Remark Mr. Achare Elvis Ayamba Founder/Director of E2F 09:00am – 09:15am Keynote Address Mr Ako Peter Agbor Highlighting the critical importance of youth engagement in Nature- Founder/Director climate action Meg Wah (My Earth) 09:15am – 09:20am Musical Interlude (Environmental song | Poem | Spoken words Any volunteer, coordinated by MC 09:20am – 09:40am First Film Screening Environment & Food Foundation team 09:40am – 10:00am Second Film Screening Environment & Food Foundation team 11:00am – 11:30am Sharing of Reactions from the Films Moderated by Mrs Motia Felicia lessons learn | Thoughts |Feelings |questions 10:00am - 11:00am Panel discussion Moderator: Mr Nkembeteck Henry How can youths Panelist 1: Mr Forbi Perise -Establish credibility and reputation in their environmental initiatives Panelist 2: Madame Ewube Egbe -Align their initiatives to Global agendas Panelist 3: Madame Lynda -Grow professionally in what they do Panelist 4: American corner -Scale their impact on environment Panelist 5: Forbah Sandra Youth Lightening talks Speaker 1: American Corner UB Some Youth shares their amazing initiatives fostering environmental Speaker 2: Madame Akim Yevette sustainability Speaker 3: Madame Motia Felicia Speaker 4: Forbah Sandra Speaker 5: 11:30am – 11:35am Break 11:35am – 12:00pm Expert Talks Topics Resource persons: -Designing Environmental Project Mr. Ako Peter Agbor -Funding and Resource Mobilization for environmental Projects: Mr. Nkembeteck Henry Nkwa -Building partnerships and collaborations Networking and partnerships Summary of the day's sessions Mr. Achare Elvis Ayamba - Announcements next T&S activities Closing remark Group photo Coordinated by MC Light Refreshment E2F Team MC: Mrs Motia Felicia Rapporteur: Ndip Tambe