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Assembler Manual for


Revised: 4 September 2007

Freescale™ and the Freescale logo are trademarks of Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. CodeWarrior is a trademark or reg-
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Copyright © 2006–2007 by Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All rights reserved.
Information in this document is provided solely to enable system and software implementers to use Freescale Semicon-
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Table of Contents

I Using the HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler

Highlights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Structure of this document . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

1 Working with the Assembler 17

Programming Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Project directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
External Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project . . . . . . . 19
Using the Wizard to create a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Additional project information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Analysis of groups and files in the project window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
CodeWarrior groups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Creating a Target . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Using the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Generating Listing Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
Renaming files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Creating a new group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Renaming groups in the project window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
Writing your assembly source files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Analyzing the project files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Assembling your source files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Assembling with the CodeWarrior IDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Assembling with the Assembler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Linking the application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Linking with the CodeWarrior IDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Linking with the Linker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Directly generating an ABS file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Using the CodeWarrior Wizard to generate an ABS file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 3

Table of Contents

2 Assembler Graphical User Interface 93

Starting the Assembler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94
Assembler Main Window. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Window Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95
Content area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96
Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
Status bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97
Assembler menu bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
File menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98
Assembler menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
View menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .100
Editor Setting dialog box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .101
Global Editor (shared by all tools and projects) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .102
Local Editor (shared by all tools) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .103
Editor started with the command line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104
Editor started with DDE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .105
CodeWarrior with COM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .106
Modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107
Save Configuration dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .108
Environment Configuration dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110
Option Settings dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .111
Message settings dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113
Changing the class associated with a message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114
About dialog box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Specifying the input file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Use the command line in the toolbar to assemble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Assembling a new file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .116
Assembling a file which has already been assembled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Use the File > Assemble entry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Use Drag and Drop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .117
Message/Error feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Use information from the assembler window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .118
Use a user-defined editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119
Line number can be specified on the command line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119

4 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Table of Contents

Line number cannot be specified on the command line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119

3 Environment 121
Current directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Environment macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 123
Global initialization file - mctools.ini (PC only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Local configuration file (usually project.ini) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Line continuation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
Environment variables details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
ABSPATH: Absolute file path. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
ASMOPTIONS: Default assembler options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
COPYRIGHT: Copyright entry in object file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129
DEFAULTDIR: Default current directory. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
ENVIRONMENT: Environment file specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
ERRORFILE: Filename specification error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
GENPATH: Search path for input file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
INCLUDETIME: Creation time in the object file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
OBJPATH: Object file path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
SRECORD: S-Record type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
TEXTPATH: Text file path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137
TMP: Temporary directory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138
USERNAME: User Name in object file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139

4 Files 141
Input files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Source files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Include files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Output files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Object files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Absolute files. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
S-Record Files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142
Listing files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Debug listing files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Error listing file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
File processing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 5

Table of Contents

5 Assembler Options 145

Types of assembler options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .145
Assembler Option details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147
Using special modifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148
List of every Assembler option . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .151
Detailed listing of all assembler options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
-Ci: Switch case sensitivity on label names OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .154
-CMacAngBrack: Angle brackets for grouping Macro Arguments . . . . . .155
-CMacBrackets: Square brackets for macro arguments grouping . . . . . . . .156
-Compat: Compatibility modes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157
-CS08/-C08/-CRS08: Derivative family . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159
-Env: Set environment variable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .162
-F (-Fh, -F2o, -FA2o, -F2, -FA2): Output file format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163
-H: Short Help . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .164
-I: Include file path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .165
-L: Generate a listing file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166
-Lasmc: Configure listing file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .168
-Lasms: Configure the address size in the listing file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170
-Lc: No Macro call in listing file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .172
-Ld: No macro definition in listing file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .174
-Le: No Macro expansion in listing file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176
-Li: No included file in listing file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .178
-Lic: License information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .180
-LicA: License information about every feature in directory . . . . . . . . . . .181
-LicBorrow: Borrow license feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .182
-LicWait: Wait until floating license is available from floating
License Server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .183
-M (-Ms, -Mt): Memory model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .184
-MacroNest: Configure maximum macro nesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .185
-MCUasm: Switch compatibility with MCUasm ON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .186
-N: Display notify box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .187
-NoBeep: No beep in case of an error . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188
-NoDebugInfo: No debug information for ELF/DWARF files . . . . . . . . . .189
-NoEnv: Do not use environment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .189

6 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Table of Contents

-ObjN: Object filename specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190

-Prod: Specify project file at startup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191
-Struct: Support for structured types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192
-V: Prints the Assembler version. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193
-View: Application standard occurrence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
-W1: No information messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195
-W2: No information and warning messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
-WErrFile: Create "err.log" error file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
-Wmsg8x3: Cut filenames in Microsoft format to 8.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197
-WmsgCE: RGB color for error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
-WmsgCF: RGB color for fatal messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199
-WmsgCI: RGB color for information messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
-WmsgCU: RGB color for user messages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
-WmsgCW: RGB color for warning messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201
-WmsgFb (-WmsgFbv, -WmsgFbm): Set message file format for batch mode
-WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for interactive
mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
-WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
-WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207
-WmsgFonf: Message format for no file information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
-WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information. . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
-WmsgNe: Number of error messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
-WmsgNi: Number of Information messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
-WmsgNu: Disable user messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
-WmsgNw: Number of Warning messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
-WmsgSd: Setting a message to disable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
-WmsgSe: Setting a message to Error. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 216
-WmsgSi: Setting a message to Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217
-WmsgSw: Setting a Message to Warning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
-WOutFile: Create error listing file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219
-WStdout: Write to standard output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

6 Sections 221
Section attributes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 7

Table of Contents

Code sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221

Constant sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .221
Data sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
Section types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
Absolute sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .222
Relocatable sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .224
Relocatable vs. absolute sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
Modularity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
Multiple developers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
Early development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228
Enhanced portability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228
Tracking overlaps. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228
Reusability . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .228

7 Assembler Syntax 229

Comment line . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229
Source line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .229
Label field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230
Operation field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230
Operand field: Addressing modes (HC(S)08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .246
Operand Field: Addressing Modes (RS08) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .257
Comment Field . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .260
Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261
User-defined symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .261
External symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262
Undefined symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .262
Reserved symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263
Constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263
Integer constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .263
String constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264
Floating-Point constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .264
Addition and subtraction operators (binary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265
Multiplication, division and modulo operators (binary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .265
Sign operators (unary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .266

8 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Table of Contents

Shift operators (binary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267

Bitwise operators (binary). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 267
Bitwise operators (unary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 268
Logical operators (unary) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
Relational operators (binary). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 269
HIGH operator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270
HIGH_6_13 Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
LOW operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271
MAP_ADDR_6 Operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
PAGE operator. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272
Force operator (unary). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273
Operator precedence. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 274
Expression. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Absolute expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275
Simple relocatable expression . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276
Unary operation result. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
Binary operations result . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278
Translation limits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278

8 Assembler Directives 279

Directive overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Section-Definition directives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Constant-Definition directives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 279
Data-Allocation directives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Symbol-Linkage directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280
Assembly-Control directives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 281
Listing-File Control directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282
Macro Control directives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Conditional Assembly directives. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
ABSENTRY - Application entry point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
ALIGN - Align Location Counter. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285
BASE - Set number base . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286
CLIST - List conditional assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 287
DC - Define Constant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 289

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 9

Table of Contents

DCB - Define Constant Block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .290

DS - Define Space . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .291
ELSE - Conditional assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .293
END - End assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .294
ENDFOR - End of FOR block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .295
ENDIF - End conditional assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .296
ENDM - End macro definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .297
EQU - Equate symbol value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .298
EVEN - Force word alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .299
FAIL - Generate Error message. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .300
FOR - Repeat assembly block . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .303
IF - Conditional assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .304
IFcc - Conditional assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .305
INCLUDE - Include text from another file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .307
LIST - Enable Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .308
LLEN - Set Line Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .309
LONGEVEN - Forcing Long-Word alignment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .310
MACRO - Begin macro definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .311
MEXIT - Terminate Macro Expansion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .312
MLIST - List macro expansions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .314
NOLIST - Disable Listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .316
NOPAGE - Disable Paging . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .317
OFFSET - Create absolute symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .318
ORG - Set Location Counter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .319
PAGE - Insert Page break . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .320
PLEN - Set Page Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .321
RAD50 - RAD50-encoded string constants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .322
SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .324
SET - Set Symbol Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .326
SPC - Insert Blank Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327
TABS - Set Tab Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327
TITLE - Provide Listing Title . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .327
XDEF - External Symbol Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .328
XREF - External Symbol Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .329
XREFB - External Reference for Symbols located on the Direct Page . . .329

10 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Table of Contents

9 Macros 331
Macro overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Defining a macro. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 331
Calling macros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Macro parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332
Macro argument grouping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 333
Labels inside macros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 334
Macro expansion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336
Nested macros. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336

10 Assembler Listing File 337

Page header . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Source listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Abs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Rel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 339
Loc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340
Obj. code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341
Source line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342

11 Mixed C and Assembler Applications 343

Memory models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343
Parameter passing scheme . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Return Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
Accessing assembly variables in an ANSI-C source file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345
Accessing ANSI-C variables in an assembly source file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 346
Invoking an assembly function in an ANSI-C source file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 347
Example of a C file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348
Support for structured types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349
Structured type definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Types allowed for structured type fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350
Variable definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 351
Variable declaration. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Accessing a structured variable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352
Structured type: Limitations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 11

Table of Contents

12 Make Applications 355

Assembly applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355
Directly generating an absolute file. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355
Mixed C and assembly applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .355
Memory maps and segmentation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .356

13 How to... 357

Working with absolute sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357
Defining absolute sections in an assembly source file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .357
Linking an application containing absolute sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .359
Working with relocatable sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .360
Defining relocatable sections in a source file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .360
Linking an application containing relocatable sections. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .361
Initializing the Vector table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363
Initializing the Vector table in the linker PRM file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .363
Initializing the Vector Table in a source file using a relocatable section. . .365
Initializing the Vector Table in a source file using an absolute section. . . .368
Splitting an application into modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370
Example of an Assembly File (Test1.asm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370
Corresponding include file (Test1.inc) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .371
Example of an assembly File (Test2.asm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .371
Using the direct addressing mode to access symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .373
Using the direct addressing mode to access external symbols . . . . . . . . . .373
Using the direct addressing mode to access exported symbols . . . . . . . . . .374
Defining symbols in the direct page . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .374
Using the force operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375
Using SHORT sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .375

II Appendices
A Global Configuration File Entries 379
[Installation] Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .379

12 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Table of Contents

Path . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 379
Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
[Options] Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
DefaultDir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 380
[XXX_Assembler] Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
SaveOnExit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
SaveAppearance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 381
SaveEditor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
SaveOptions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
RecentProject0, RecentProject1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 382
[Editor] Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
Editor_Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
Editor_Exe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 383
Editor_Opts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385

B Local Configuration File Entries 387

[Editor] Section. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Editor_Name . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 387
Editor_Exe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
Editor_Opts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 388
[XXX_Assembler] Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
RecentCommandLineX, X= integer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
CurrentCommandLine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 389
StatusbarEnabled. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
ToolbarEnabled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 390
WindowPos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
WindowFont . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391
TipFilePos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
ShowTipOfDay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 392
Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
EditorType . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 393
EditorCommandLine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
EditorDDEClientName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394
EditorDDETopicName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 394

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 13

Table of Contents

EditorDDEServiceName . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .395
Example. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .396

C MASM Compatibility 397

Comment Line. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397
Constants (Integers). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .397
Operators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398
Directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .398

D MCUasm Compatibility 401

Labels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .401
SET directive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402
Obsolete directives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .402

Index 403

14 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers


Using the HC(S)08/RS08

This document explains how to effectively use the HC(S)08/RS08 Macro Assembler.

The major features of the HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler are:
• Graphical User Interface
• On-line Help
• 32-bit Application
• Conformation to the Freescale Assembly Language Input Standard

Structure of this document

This section has the following chapters:
• Working with the Assembler: A tutorial using the CodeWarrior™ Development
Studio for Microcontrollers V6.1 to create and configure an assembly-code project.
In addition, there is a description of using the Assembler and the Linker as
standalone Build Tools.
• Assembler Graphical User Interface: A description of the Macro Assembler’s
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
• Environment: A detailed description of the Environment variables used by the Macro
• Files: A description of the input and output file the Assembles uses or generates.
• Assembler Options: A detailed description of the full set of assembler options

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 15

Structure of this document

• Sections: A description of the attributes and types of sections

• Assembler Syntax: A detailed description of the input syntax used in assembly input
• Assembler Directives: A list of every directive that the Assembler supports
• Macros: A description of how to use macros with the Assembler
• Assembler Listing File: A description of the assembler output files
• Mixed C and Assembler Applications: A description of the important issues to be
considered when mixing both assembly and C source files in the same project
• Make Applications: A description of special issues for the linker
• How to...: Examples of assembly source code, linker PRM, and assembler output
In addition to the chapters in this section, there are the following chapters of Appendices
• Global Configuration File Entries: Description of the sections and entries that can
appear in the global configuration file - mcutools.ini
• Local Configuration File Entries: Description of the sections and entries that can
appear in the local configuration file - project.ini
• MASM Compatibility: Description of extensions for compatibility with the MASM
• MCUasm Compatibility: Description of extensions for compatibility with the
MCUasm Assembler

16 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
This chapter is primarily a tutorial for creating and managing HC(S)08/RS08 assembly
projects with the CodeWarrior™ Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.1. In
addition, there are directions to utilize the Assembler and Smart Linker Build Tools in the
CodeWarrior Development Studio for assembling and linking assembly projects.

Programming Overview
In general terms, an embedded systems developer programs small but powerful
microprocessors to perform specific tasks. These software programs for controlling the
hardware is often referred to as firmware. One such use for firmware might be controlling
small stepping motors in an automobile seat.
The developer instructs what the hardware should do with one or more programming
languages, which have evolved over time. The three principal languages in use to program
embedded microprocessors are C and its variants, various forms of C++, and assembly
languages which are specially tailored to families of microcontrollers. C and C++ have
been fairly standardized through years of use, whereas assembly languages vary widely
and are usually designed by semiconductor manufacturers for specific families or even
subfamilies of their embedded microprocessors.
Assembly language instructions are considered as being at a lower level (closer to the
hardware) than the essentially standardized C instructions. Programming in C may require
some additional assembly instructions to be generated over and beyond what an
experienced developer could do in straight assembly language to accomplish the same
result. As a result, assembly language programs are usually faster to execute than C
instructions, but require much more programming effort. In addition, each chip series
usually has its own specialized assembly language which is only applicable for that family
(or subfamily) of CPU derivatives.
Higher-level languages like C use compilers to translate the syntax used by the
programmer to the machine-language of the microprocessor, whereas assembly language
uses assemblers. It is also possible to mix assembly and C source code in a single project.
See the Mixed C and Assembler Applications chapter.
This manual covers the Assembler dedicated to the Freescale 8-bit HC(S)08/RS08 series
of microcontrollers. There is a companion manual for this series that covers the HC(S)08

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 17

Working with the Assembler
Programming Overview

The HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler can be used as a transparent, integral part of the

CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.1. This is the recommended
way to get your project up and running in minimal time. Alternatively, the Assembler can
also be configured and used as a standalone macro assembler as a member of Build Tool
Utilities such as a (Smart) Linker, Compiler, ROM Burner, Simulator or Debugger, etc.
The typical configuration of an Assembler is its association with a Project directory and an
External Editor. The CodeWarrior software uses the project directory for storing the files
it creates and coordinates the various tools integrated into the CodeWarrior suite. The
Assembler is but one of these tools that the IDE coordinates for your projects. The tools
used most frequently within the CodeWarrior IDE are its Editor, Compiler, Assembler,
Linker, the Simulator/Debugger, and Processor Expert. Most of these “Build Tools” are
located in the prog subfolder of the CodeWarrior installation. The others are directly
integrated into the CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.1.
The textual statements and instructions of the assembly-language syntax are written by
editors. The CodeWarrior IDE has its own editor, although any external text editor can be
used for writing assembly code programs. If you have a favorite editor, chances are that it
can be configured so as to provide both error and positive feedback from either the
CodeWarrior IDE or the standalone Assembler.

Project directory
A project directory contains all of the environment files that you need to configure your
development environment.
In the process of designing a project, you can either start from scratch by making your
own Source code, configuration (*.ini), and various layout files for your project for use
with standalone project-building tools. This was how embedded microprocessor projects
were developed in the recent past. On the other hand, you can have the CodeWarrior IDE
coordinate and manage the entire project. This is recommended because it is easier and
faster than employing standalone tools. However, you can still utilize any of the Build
Tools in the CodeWarrior suite.

External Editor
The CodeWarrior IDE reduces programming effort because its internal editor is
configured with the Assembler to enable error feedback. You can use the Configuration
dialog box of the standalone Assembler or other standalone CodeWarrior Tools to
configure or to select your choice of editors. Refer to the Editor Setting dialog box section
of this manual.

18 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an

assembly language project
The CodeWarrior IDE has an integrated Wizard to easily configure and manage the
creation of your project. The Wizard will get your project up and running in short order by
following a short series of steps to create and coordinate the project and to generate the
basic files that are located in the project directory.
This section will create a basic CodeWarrior project that uses assembly source code. A
sample program is included for a project created using the Wizard. For example, the
program included for an assembly project calculates the next number in a Fibonacci series.
It is much easier to analyze any program if you already have some familiarity with solving
the result in advance.
A Fibonacci series is an easily visualized infinite mathematical series:
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, ... to infinity-->
It is simple to calculate the next number in this series. The first calculated result is actually
the third number in the series because the first two numbers make up the starting point: 0
and 1. The next term in a Fibonacci series is the sum of the preceding two terms. The first
sum is then: 0 + 1 = 1. The second sum is 1 + 1 = 2. The sixth sum is 5 + 8 = 13. And so on
to infinity.
Let’s now rapidly create a project with the CodeWarrior Wizard and analyze the assembly
source and the Linker’s parameter files to calculate a Fibonacci series for a particular 8-bit
microprocessor in the Freescale HC(S)08 family - the MC68HC908GP32. Along the way,
some tips demonstrate how the CodeWarrior IDE helps manage your projects.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 19

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

Using the Wizard to create a project

This section demonstrates using the CodeWarrior IDE Wizard to create a new project.
1. Start the HC(S)08/RS08 CodeWarrior IDE application.
The path is:
<CodeWarrior installation folder>\bin\IDE.exe)
2. After the CodeWarrior application opens, press the Create New Project button. If the
software is already running, select File > New. See Figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1 Startup dialog box

20 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

The Microcontroller New Project dialog box appears, showing the Device and
Connection panel of the Wizard Map (Figure 1.3).

Figure 1.2 Device and Connection dialog box

3. Select the desired CPU derivative for the project.

a. Expand HC08 and G Family.
In this case, the MC68HC908GP32 derivative is selected.
b. For Connections, select the default - Full Chip Simulation.
4. Press Next > to close the dialog box.
The Project Parameters dialog box of the Wizard Map appears (Figure 1.2).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 21

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

Figure 1.3 Project Parameters dialog box

5. Enter the Project Parameters of the Wizard Map for your project.
a. For the programming language, check Relocatable Assembly and uncheck both C
and C++.
b. Type the name for the project in the Project name text box.
In the event that you want another location for the project directory than the default
in the Location: text box, press Set and browse to the new location. There is no
need to first prepare an empty folder, as the CodeWarrior IDE automatically
creates its own folder, called the project directory.

NOTE If you do not use the default Location for the project directory, you need not
enter a name in the Project name: text box. Whatever you enter in the File
name: text box will be entered into Location automatically.

The CodeWarrior IDE uses the default *.mcp extension, so you do not have to
explicitly append any extension to the filename.

22 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

6. Press Save and Next >.

The Add Additional Files dialog box appears (Figure 1.4).

Figure 1.4 Add Additional Files dialog box

NOTE To add any existing files to your project, browse in the Add existing files to the
project panel for the files and press the Add button. The added files then appear
in the Project Files panel on the right. No user files are to be added for this
project, so you can either uncheck the Copy files to project check box or make
sure that no files are selected and leave this check box checked.

7. Check the Create main.c/main.asm file check box.

This enables template files including a main.asm file in the Sources subfolder to
be created in the project directory (Test, in this case) with some sample assembly-
source code.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 23

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

8. Press Next >.

The Processor Expert panel appears (Figure 1.5).

Figure 1.5 Processor Expert dialog box

The default (None) is selected. For this simple demonstration project, you do not need
the Rapid Application Development (RAD) tool (Processor Expert) in the
CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.1. A basic demonstration
assembly language project is being created. In practice, you would probably routinely
use Processor Expert because of its many advantages.

24 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

9. Press Finish >. The Wizard now creates the project (Figure 1.6).

Figure 1.6 The CodeWarrior project is being created

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 25

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

Additional project information

Using the Wizard, an HC(S)08 project is set up in a few minutes. You can add additional
components to your project afterwards. A number of files and folders are automatically
generated in the root folder that was used in the project-naming process. This folder is
referred to in this manual as the project directory. The major GUI component for your
project is the project window. When the project completes, the CodeWarrior project
window appears (Figure 1.7).

Figure 1.7 CodeWarrior project window

If you expand the three folder icons, actually groups of files, by clicking in the
CodeWarrior project window, you can view some of the files created by the CodeWarrior
IDE. In general, any files in the project window with red check marks will remain checked
until they are successfully assembled, compiled, or linked. At this final stage of the
Wizard, you could safely close the project and reopen it later. A CodeWarrior project
reopens in the same configuration it had when it was last saved (Figure 1.8).

26 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

Figure 1.8 Project window showing some of the files that the Wizard created

Examine the types and location of folders and files that the CodeWarrior IDE created in
the actual project directory so that you know their location if you later configure the
Assembler. If you work with standalone tools such as a Compiler, Linker, or Simulator/
Debugger, you may need to specify the paths to these files. So it is helpful to know their
typical locations and functions.
Use the Windows Explorer (Figure 1.9) to examine the actual folders and files created for
your project and displayed in the project window above. The name and location for the
project directory are what you selected when creating the project using the Wizard.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 27

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

Figure 1.9 Project directory in Windows Explorer

The project directory holds a total of six subfolders and 15 files at this point. The major
file for any CodeWarrior project is its <project_name>.mcp file. This is the file you
can use to reopen your project.
Return to the CodeWarrior project window. Double-click on the main.asm file in the
Sources group. The CodeWarrior editor opens the main.asm file (Figure 1.10).

28 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

Figure 1.10 Sample main.asm file in the project

You can use this sample main.asm file as a base to rewrite your own assembly source
program. Otherwise, you can import other assembly-code files into the project and delete
the default main.asm file from the project. For this project, the main.asm file contains
the sample Fibonacci program.
As a precaution, you can see if the project is configured correctly and if the source code is
free of syntactical errors. It is not necessary that you do so, but it is recommended that you
make (build) the newly created default project. Either press the Make button from the
toolbar or select Project > Make from the Project menu. All of the red check marks will
disappear after a successful building of the project (Figure 1.11).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 29

Working with the Assembler
Using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage an assembly language project

Figure 1.11 Project window after a successful build

Use Windows Explorer to look into the project directory after the first successful build
(make) of the project. Build creates another subfolder and four more files (Figure 1.12).

Figure 1.12 main.o file generated

The new ObjectCode subfolder holds an object file for every assembly source-code file
that is assembled. In this case, the main.asm.o object-code file was generated.

30 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

Analysis of groups and files in the project

There are three default groups for holding this project’s files. It really does not matter in
which group a file resides as long as that file is somewhere in the project window. A file
does not even have to be in any group. The groups do not correspond to any physical
folders in the project directory. They are simply present in the project window for
conveniently grouping files anyway you choose. You can add, rename, or delete files or
groups, or you can move files or groups anywhere in the project window.

CodeWarrior groups
These groups and their usual functions are:
• Sources
This group contains the assembly source code files.
• Includes
This group holds include files. One include file is for the particular CPU derivative.
In this case, the MC68HC908GP32.inc file is for the MC68HC908GP32
• Project Settings – Linker Files
This group holds the burner file, the Linker PRM file, and the Linker mapping file.

NOTE The default configuration of the project by the Wizard does not generate an
assembler output listing file for every *.asm source file. However, you can
afterwards select the Generate a listing file in the assembler options for the
Assembler to generate a format-configurable listing file of the assembly source
code (with the inclusion of include files, if desired). Assembler listing files
(with the *.lst file extension) are located in the bin subfolder in the project
directory when *.asm files are assembled with this option set.

TIP To set up your project for generating assembler output listing files, select:
Edit > <target_name> Settings > Target > Assembler for HC08 > Options >
Output. (The default <target_name> is Standard.) Check Generate a listing
file. If you want to format the listing files differently than the default, check
Configure listing file and make the desired options. You can also add these listing
files to the project window for easier viewing instead of having to continually hunt
for them. For example, you might add the listing files to the Sources group in order
to have them near the assembly source files in the project window.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 31

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

This initial building of your project shows whether it is created and configured correctly.
Now you can utilize some of the CodeWarrior IDE features for managing your project.
One useful feature is the creation of additional build targets for your projects. You can use
multiple targets to have additional subprojects, each with its own files and configuration.
However, it is not at all necessary to use multiple build targets or rename files and groups
in the CodeWarrior IDE, so you might skip the following sections and resume the
Assembler part of this tutorial at Writing your assembly source files.

Creating a Target
The Wizard created one target which is named Standard. You can check this out for
yourself by double-clicking on the Targets tab in the project window. The Targets panel
appears (Figure 1.13).

Figure 1.13 Targets panel

Creating another build target is easy.

1. Select Project > Create Target.
(If Create Target is grayed in the Project menu, click once on the project window and
try again.) The New Target dialog box appears (Figure 1.14).

32 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

Figure 1.14 New Target dialog box

2. Enter the name for the new target and select either of the two options.
Use the Clone existing target: option if you plan on using any material from the
existing (Standard) build target. You can later delete whatever you do not want.
3. Press OK.
Now there is another build target for your project (Figure 1.15).

Figure 1.15 Two build targets are now available

You can use the new target by clicking its icon so that the black arrow is attached to it and
then select the Files tab. The project window now lists the files used for the new build
target. A number of these files will be the same cloned files used by the other targets, but
you can add or delete files as with any build target. You can also select which target is the
default upon opening the project by selecting Project > Set Default Target.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 33

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

This project just cloned the default Standard build target without changing the
configuration. That does not do much at this point but change the <target_name>. So
let’s create a subfolder in the Sources folder and include another main.asm file that
you can use for your new build target. If you do not create another main.asm file in a
separate folder, any changes to the original main.asm file affect all build targets.

NOTE It is recommended that you rename the files that are not common with files in
other build targets to some unique filename for each build target. We will
rename them later after you see what might occur when common filenames are
used for files that differ among build targets.

One way to have a separate assembler-source file for each project is to remove the original
main.asm file from the project (both build targets simultaneously) and then add the
appropriate main.asm file back into each build target.
1. From the Files tab with either build target active, right-select the main.asm file and
select Remove from the right-context menu (Figure 1.16). In this case the Standard
build target was active when we removed the main.asm file.

Figure 1.16 Removing the original main.asm file simultaneously from all build targets

A Freescale CodeWarrior dialog box appears, asking if you want to remove this file
from the project.
2. Press OK.
The main.asm file is now removed from all build targets. However, main.asm still
exists in the Sources folder in the project directory.

34 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

3. From Windows Explorer, create new subfolders, one for each build target, in the
Sources folder. You may name them as you choose, but you should use a
meaningful name, such as the same name as the appropriate build target.
4. Cut the main.asm file from the Sources folder and paste it into each build target
folder (Figure 1.17).

Figure 1.17 Project directory with a separate main.asm source file for each build target

Now add the appropriate main.asm file to each build target:

5. In the Project menu, select the Sources group for any of the build targets and then
select Add Files.
The Select files to add dialog box appears (Figure 1.18).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 35

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

Figure 1.18 Select files to add dialog box

6. Select the appropriate folder for the build target.

7. Press Open
8. Select the main.asm file.
9. Press Open again.
The Add Files dialog box appears (Figure 1.19).

Figure 1.19 Add Files dialog box

The figure above is for the Alpha 0.1 build target.

10. Deselect the original build target (Standard) and keep the new build target (Alpha 0.1)

36 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

11. Press OK.

The main.asm file is now added to the Alpha 0.1 build target.
Repeat this procedure to add the main.asm to the remaining build target.
Now you can modify a main.asm file for one build target without its adversely affecting
the other build targets. Repeat this procedure for any other files in the project that are
different for other build targets. However, do not do this for those files that are common to
all build targets.

NOTE The main.asm file was added to each build target, but only one of them is
active. The inactive main.asm file will have n/a entries for the Code and Data
columns in the project window (Figure 1.20).

Figure 1.20 Project window showing active and inactive main.asm files

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 37

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

Using the Editor

So far you have not yet used the editor for this project.
1. For one of the build targets, say the Alpha 0.1, double click on the active main.asm
file in the project window.
This file opens.
2. Adjust the mode of the main.asm file’s window so as to have a comfortable view.
One way is to choose the Docked-window option.
a. Right-click on the title bar for the main.asm file
b. Select Docked in the right-context menu (Figure 1.21).

Figure 1.21 Docked-window option for the main.asm file

38 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

3. Adjust the docked-window view so it appears as in Figure 1.22.

Figure 1.22 Docked-window view for the main.asm file and project window

Now you can modify the main.asm file in a minor manner. Let’s add a NOP instruction
after the CLI instruction.
1. Place the cursor at the end of the comment in the CLI instruction line
2. Press Enter on the keyboard.
3. Type NOP
4. Press Enter once more (Figure 1.23)
5. Save your changes.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 39

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

Figure 1.23 Modified main.asm file

There are numerous ways to save any changes made by the editor to the main.asm file.
Some of these are:
• Pressing the Save icon on the Toolbar
• Selecting File > Save or entering Ctrl+S with the keyboard.
• Selecting Project > Check Syntax (Ctrl+;). This also checks the syntax for the
main.asm file, as the name for the command suggests.
• Selecting Project > Compile (Ctrl+F7) or pressing the Compile icon on the Toolbar.
This also checks the syntax, assembles the main.asm file, and produces a
main.asm.o object-code file in the bin folder in the project directory, if
• Selecting Project > Bring Up To Date (Ctrl+U). If successful, this does everything
that Compile does plus assembling multiple assembly-code files. In addition, each
file with a red check mark is processed. However, no executable output (*.abs) file
is generated.
• Selecting Project > Make (F7) or pressing Make on any of the two Toolbars. This
effects all the functions that Bring Up To Date does in addition to generating an
executable *.asm file in the bin folder, if successful
• Selecting Project > Debug (F5) or pressing the Debug icon on any of the two
Toolbars. This does everything that Make does in addition to starting the Simulator/
Debugger Build Tool (hiwave.exe in the prog folder in the CodeWarrior
installation folder), if successful.

40 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

Generating Listing Files

It was mentioned previously that the assembler output listing files were not generated
without making configuration changes for the build target. Generating a listing file is easy
to set up using Assembler options.
1. Select Edit > <target_name> Settings > Target > Assembler for Microcontroller.
The Assembler for Microcontrollers preference panel opens (Figure 1.24).

Figure 1.24 Assembler for Microcontrollers preference panel

2. Press Options.
The Microcontroller Assembler Option Settings dialog box opens (Figure 1.25).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 41

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

Figure 1.25 Microcontroller Assembler Option Settings dialog box

3. Under the Options tab, check Generate a listing file and also Do not print included
files in listing file (unless you actually want to view the sometimes lengthy include
4. Press OK twice to close the dialog box and the preference panel.
5. Repeat this procedure for the remaining build targets.
With these options set, the Assembler generates a listing file in the bin folder for all
*.asm files for each build target. The filename for this listing file is the same as the
*.asm file, but with the *.lst file extension.
Using the same filename for the main.asm file for all build targets causes a problem for
the assembler output listing file. To which main.asm file does the main.lst listing
file correspond? Eliminate this confusion by choosing a unique filename for the
main.asm file for each build target. In this example, the poor practice of using common
filenames for files in different build targets was done intentionally so that:
• You can see the confusion it causes with listing files.
• You can employ another CodeWarrior functionality: renaming files.

42 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

Renaming files
It is possible to change the name of a file in the project window, add it to the project, and
remove the former file from the project window simultaneously.
1. Double-click on the active main.asm file’s icon in the project window.
The editor opens that file.
2. Select File > Save as.
The Save As dialog box appears (Figure 1.26).

Figure 1.26 Save As dialog box

3. Enter the new filename in the Object name: text box.

4. Press Save.
5. Close the open file by selecting File > Close or by pressing the Close button in the
Title bar of the open file. Now:
• The new filename (e.g., main_Standard.asm) replaces the former filename in
the project window for all build targets.
• A file with the new filename is created in the folder selected in the Save As dialog
box <project_name> \<all_source-files>\<build_target>, or in
this case: Test\Sources\Standard.
However, the original file still exists in its folder with its original filename.
Now you must remove the old main.asm files from the build targets.
1. Select the Targets tab in the project window.
2. Make one of the build targets active.
3. Select the Link Order tab

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 43

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

4. Right click on the main.asm file name to bring up the context menu
5. Select Remove (Figure 1.27).
The main.asm file is removed from the build target. Repeat the process for the other
build target.

Figure 1.27 Remove context menu

You can use this procedure for renaming other files in the project window:
1. Open the file in the project window that you want to rename.
2. Select File > Save As.
3. Browse for the folder in which to store the new file.
4. Enter a new filename.
5. Press Save.
Renaming a filename in this manner simultaneously removes the older file from and
imports the newer file into the project (window). Repeat this procedure for the other build
targets. You can delete the two unneeded main.asm files from the two subfolders in
Windows Explorer, if you choose, as they no longer are involved with the project. You
could also delete the main.lst listing file and the main.dbg file from the bin folder
if any of them is present.
If you build any of the two build projects from this point, a unique listing file is generated
for each build target in the bin folder.

44 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

Creating a new group

Use the CodeWarrior IDE to create a new group.
1. From the Project menu, select Create Group.
The Create Group dialog box appears (Figure 1.28).

Figure 1.28 Create Group dialog box

2. Enter a name for the new group in the Enter name for new group: text box.
3. Press OK.
The new group appears in the project window (Figure 1.29).

Figure 1.29 Project window now has another group

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 45

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

NOTE There is only one reason for creating a group: to place one or more files in it. In
this case, the group name has an error. We will correct the name in the next

Place the two listing files located in the bin folder into the new group. (If there are not
two listing files, one for each build target, build the build targets until there are two.)
1. Select the new group Bad Nam
2. Select Project > Add Files.

Figure 1.30 New group - Select files to add dialog box

3. Select the two listing files

4. Press Open.
The Add Files dialog box appears (Figure 1.31).

Figure 1.31 New group - Add Files dialog box

46 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analysis of groups and files in the project window

5. Select all of the build targets (the default).

6. Press OK.
Now the listing files are conveniently grouped into the new group in the project

Renaming groups in the project window

In addition to the ease in changing your Target Name or renaming files in the project
window, you can also rename any of the groups in the project window.
1. Double-click on the misnamed group (Bad Nam).
The Rename Group dialog box appears (Figure 1.32).

Figure 1.32 Rename Group dialog box

2. Enter a new name for the group

3. Press OK.
The group name is now changed in the project window (Figure 1.33).

Figure 1.33 Project window with the renamed group

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 47

Working with the Assembler
Writing your assembly source files

Writing your assembly source files

Once your project is configured, you can start writing your application’s assembly source
code and the Linker’s PRM file.

NOTE You can write an assembly application using one or several assembly units.
Each assembly unit performs one particular task. An assembly unit is
comprised of an assembly source file and, perhaps, some additional include
files. Variables are exported from or imported to the different assembly units
so that a variable defined in an assembly unit can be used in another assembly
unit. You create the application by linking all of the assembly units.

The usual procedure for writing an assembly source-code file is to use the editor that is
integrated into the CodeWarrior IDE. You can begin a new file by pressing the New Text
File icon on the Toolbar to open a new file, write your assembly source code, and later
save it with a *.asm file extension using the Save icon on the Toolbar to name and store
it wherever you want it placed - usually in the Sources folder.
After the assembly-code file is written, it is added to the project using the Project menu. If
the source file is still open in the project window, select the Sources group icon in the
project window, single click on the file that you are writing, and then select Project > Add
<filename> to Project. The newly created file is added to the Sources group in the project.
If you do not first select the destination group’s icon (for example, Sources) in the project
window, the file will probably be added to the bottom of the files and groups in the project
window, which is OK. You can drag and drop the icon for any file wherever you want in
the project window.

Analyzing the project files

We will analyze the default main.asm file that was generated when the project was
created with the Wizard. Listing 1.1 is the default but renamed main_Standard.asm
file that is located in the Sources folder created by the Wizard. This is the assembler
source code for the Fibonacci program.

Listing 1.1 main_Standard.asm file

;* This stationery serves as the framework for a user application. *
;* For a more comprehensive program that demonstrates the more *
;* advanced functionality of this processor, please see the *
;* demonstration applications, located in the examples *
;* subdirectory of the "CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.1" *
;* program directory. *

48 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Analyzing the project files


; export symbols
XDEF _Startup, main
; we use export 'Entry' as symbol. This allows us to
; reference 'Entry' either in the linker .prm file
; or from C/C++ later on

XREF __SEG_END_SSTACK ; symbol defined by the linker

; for the end of the stack

Include derivative-specific definitions

INCLUDE 'derivative.inc'

; variable/data section
MY_ZEROPAGE: SECTION SHORT ; Insert here your data definition
Counter: DS.B 1
FiboRes: DS.B 1

; code section
LDHX #__SEG_END_SSTACK ; initialize the stack pointer
CLI ; enable interrupts
CLRA ; A contains counter
cntLoop: INCA
CBEQA #14,mainLoop ; larger values cause overflow.
STA Counter ; update global.
BSR CalcFibo
STA FiboRes ; store result
LDA Counter
BRA cntLoop ; next round.
; Function to calculate fibonacci numbers. Argument is in A.
DBNZA fiboDo ; fiboDo
PSHA ; the counter
CLRX ; second last = 0
LDA #$01 ; last = 1
FiboLoop: PSHA

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 49

Working with the Assembler
Analyzing the project files

DBNZ 1,SP,FiboLoop
FiboDone: PULH ; release counter
RTS ; result in A

spurious - Spurious Interrupt Service Routine. *
;* (unwanted interrupt) *
spurious: ; placed here so that security value
NOP ; does not change all the time.

;* Interrupt Vectors *

DC.W spurious ;
DC.W spurious ; SWI
DC.W _Startup ; Reset

Since the RS08 memory map is different from the HC08 memory map (and so is the
instruction set), Listing 1.2 shows a similar example for RS08.

NOTE In order to assemble files for the RS08 derivative pass the -Crs08 option to the
assembler. This can be done either directly (in the command line or in the
assembler command bar) or by choosing the “Code generation” tab from the
assembler options menu. Then select the “Derivative family” option and enable
the RS08 Derivative Family radio button.

Listing 1.2 Contents of Example File test_rs08.asm

XDEF Entry ; Make the symbol entry visible for external module
; This is necessary to allow the linker to find the
; symbol and use it as the entry point for the
; application.
cstSec: SECTION ; Define a constant relocatable section
var1: DC.B 5 ; Assign 5 to the symbol var1
dataSec: SECTION ; Define a data relocatable section
data: DS.B 1 ; Define one byte variable in RAM
codeSec: SECTION ; Define a code relocatable section

50 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

LDA var1
STA data
BRA main

When writing your assembly source code, pay special attention to the following:
• Make sure that symbols outside of the current source file (in another source file or in
the linker configuration file) that are referenced from the current source file are
externally visible. Notice that we have inserted the assembly directive XDEF
_Startup, main where appropriate in the example.
• In order to make debugging from the application easier, we strongly recommend that
you define separate sections for code, constant data (defined with DC) and variables
(defined with DS). This will mean that the symbols located in the variable or constant
data sections can be displayed in the data window component.
• Make sure to initialize the stack pointer when using BSR or JSR instructions in your
application. The stack can be initialized in the assembly source code and allocated to
RAM memory in the Linker parameter file, if a *.prm file is used.

NOTE The default assembly project using the CodeWarrior Wizard initializes the
stack pointer automatically with a symbol defined by the Linker for the end of
the stack __SEG_END_SSTACK. For the RS08 derivative, initializing the
stack does not apply.

Assembling your source files

Once an assembly source file is available, you can assemble it. Either use the CodeWarrior
IDE to assemble the *.asm files or use the standalone assembler of the build tools in the
prog folder in the CodeWarrior installation.

Assembling with the CodeWarrior IDE

The CodeWarrior IDE simplifies the assembly of your assembly source code. You can
assemble the source code files into object (*.o) files without linking them by:
• selecting one or more *.asm files in the project window and then select Compile
from the Project menu (Project > Compile). Only *.asm files that were selected
will generate updated *.o object files.
• selecting Project > Bring Up To Date. It is not necessary to select any assembly
source files.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 51

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

The object files are generated and placed into the ObjectCode subfolder in the project
directory. The object file (and its path) that results from assembling the main.asm file in
the default Code Warrior project is:

NOTE The build-target name can be changed to whatever you choose in the Target
Settings preference panel. Select Edit > <target> Settings > Target > Target
Settings and enter the revised target name into the Target Name: text box. The
default Target Name is Standard.

Or, you can assemble all the *.asm files and link the resulting object files to generate the
executable <target_name>.abs file by invoking either Make or Debug from the
Project menu (Project > Make or Project > Debug). This results in the generation of the
<target_name>.abs file in the bin subfolder of the project directory.
Two other files generated by the IDE after Linking (Make) or Debug are:
• <target_name>.map
This Linker map file lists the names, load addresses, and lengths of all segments in
your program. In addition, it lists the names and load addresses of any groups in the
program, the start address, and messages about any errors the Linker encounters.
• <target_name>.abs.s19
This is an S-Record File that can be used for programming a ROM memory.

TIP The remaining file in the default bin subfolder is the <target_name>.dbg
file that was generated back when the *.asm file was successfully assembled.
This debugging file was generated because a bullet was present in the debugging
column in the project window.
You can enter (or deselect by toggling) a debugging bullet by clicking at the
intersection of the *.asm file (or whatever other source-code file selected for
debugging) and the debugging column in the project window. Whenever the
debugger or simulator does not show the file in its Source window, check first to
see if the debugging bullet is present or not in the project window. The bullet must
be present for debugging purposes.

TIP The Wizard does not generate default assembler-output listing files. If you want
such listing files generated, you have to select this option: Edit > <target_name>
Settings > Target > Assembler for HC08 > Options. Select the Output tab in the
HC08 Assembler Option Settings dialog box. Check Generate a listing file and Do
not print included files in list file. (You can uncheck Do not print included files in
list file if you choose, but be advised that the include files are usually quite

52 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

lengthy.) Now a *.lst file will be generated in the bin subfolder of the project
directory whenever a *.asm file is assembled.

TIP You can add the *.lst files to the project window for easier viewing. This way
you do not have to continually hunt for them with your editor.

Listing 1.3 shows the main.lst file for this project. The comments are truncated on the
far-right edge due to size constraints of the manual’s page.

Listing 1.3 main_Standard.lst assembler output listing file

Freescale HC08-Assembler
(c) Copyright Freescale 1987-2007

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1
2 2 ;* This stationery serves as the fram
3 3 ;* For a more comprehensive program t
4 4 ;* advanced functionality of this pro
5 5 ;* demonstration applications, locate
6 6 ;* subdirectory of the "Freescale Cod
7 7 ;* directory.
8 8 ;************************************
9 9
10 10 ; export symbols
11 11 XDEF _Startup, main
12 12 ; we use export 'Entry' a
13 13 ; reference 'Entry' eithe
14 14 ; or from C/C++ later on
15 15
17 17
18 18 ; Include derivative-specific d
19 19 INCLUDE 'derivative.inc'
1238 20
1239 21 ; variable/data section
1241 23 000000 Counter: DS.B 1
1242 24 000001 FiboRes: DS.B 1
1243 25
1244 26
1245 27 ; code section
1246 28 MyCode: SECTION
1247 29 main:

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 53

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

1248 30 _Startup:
1249 31 000000 45 xxxx LDHX #__SEG_END_SSTACK
1250 32 000003 94 TXS
1251 33 000004 9A CLI ;
1252 34 mainLoop:
1253 35 000005 4F CLRA ;
1254 36 000006 4C cntLoop: INCA
1255 37 000007 41 0E FB CBEQA #14,mainLoop ;
1256 38 feed_watchdog
1257 13m 00000A C7 FFFF + STA COPCTL
1258 39 00000D B7 xx STA Counter ;
1259 40 00000F AD 06 BSR CalcFibo
1260 41 000011 B7 xx STA FiboRes ;
1261 42 000013 B6 xx LDA Counter
1262 43 000015 20 EF BRA cntLoop ;
1263 44
1264 45 CalcFibo: ; Function to calculate f
1265 46 000017 4B 02 DBNZA fiboDo ;
1266 47 000019 4C INCA
1267 48 00001A 81 RTS
1268 49 fiboDo:
1269 50 00001B 87 PSHA ;
1270 51 00001C 5F CLRX ;
1271 52 00001D A6 01 LDA #$01 ;
1272 53 00001F 87 FiboLoop: PSHA ;
1273 54 000020 9F TXA
1274 55 000021 9EEB 01 ADD 1,SP
1275 56 000024 88 PULX
1276 57 000025 9E6B 01 F6 DBNZ 1,SP,FiboLoop
1277 58 000029 8A FiboDone: PULH ;
1278 59 00002A 81 RTS ;
1279 60
1280 61 ;*************************************
1281 62 ;* spurious - Spurious Interrupt Servi
1282 63 ;* (unwanted interrupt)

Freescale HC08-Assembler
(c) Copyright Freescale 1987-2005

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1283 64 ;************************************
1284 65 spurious: ;
1285 66 00002B 9D NOP ;
1286 67 00002C 80 RTI
1287 68
1288 69 ;************************************
1289 70 ;* Interrupt Vectors

54 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

1290 71 ;************************************
1291 72 ORG $FFFA
1292 73
1293 74 a00FFFA xxxx DC.W spurious ;
1294 75 a00FFFC xxxx DC.W spurious
1295 76 a00FFFE xxxx DC.W _Startup ;

Assembling with the Assembler

It is also possible to use the HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler as a standalone assembler. If you
prefer not to use the assembler but do want to use the Linker, you can skip this section and
proceed to Linking the application.
This tutorial does not create another project from scratch with the Build Tools, but instead
uses some files of a project already created by the CodeWarrior Wizard. The CodeWarrior
IDE can create, configure, and mange a project much easier and quicker than using the
Build Tools. However, the Build Tools could also create and configure another project
from scratch.
A Build Tool such as the Assembler makes use of a project directory file for configuring
and locating its input and generated files. The folder that is designated for this purpose is
referred to by a Build Tool as the “current directory.”
Start the Assembler. You can do this by opening the ahc08.exe file in the prog folder
in the CodeWarrior installation. The Assembler opens (Figure 1.34).

Figure 1.34 Microcontroller Assembler opens

Read any of the Tips if you choose and then press Close to close the Tip of the Day

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 55

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

Configuring the Assembler

A Build Tool, such as the Assembler, requires information from configuration files. There
are two types of configuration data:
• Global
This data is common to all Build Tools and projects. There may be common data for
each Build Tool, such as listing the most recent projects, etc. All tools may store
some global data into the mcutools.ini file. The tool first searches for this file in
the directory of the tool itself (path of the executable). If there is no
mcutools.ini file in this directory, the tool looks for an mcutools.ini file
located in the MS WINDOWS installation directory (e.g. C:\WINDOWS). See
Listing 1.4.

Listing 1.4 Typical locations for a global configuration file

\<CW installation directory>\prog\mcutools.ini - #1 priority

C:\WINDOWS\mcutools.ini - used if there is no mcutools.ini file above

If a tool is started in the default location C:\Program

Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers
V6.1\prog directory, the initialization file in the same directory as the tool is used:
C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for
Microcontrollers V6.1\prog\mcutools.ini.
But if the tool is started outside the CodeWarrior installation directory, the
initialization file in the Windows directory is used. For example,
For information about entries for the global configuration file, see Global
Configuration File Entries in the Appendices.
• Local
This file could be used by any Build Tool for a particular project. For information
about entries for the local configuration file, see Local Configuration File Entries in
the Appendices.
After opening the Assembler, you would load the configuration file for your project if it
already had one. However, you will create a new configuration file for the project in this
tutorial and save it so that when the project is reopened, its previously saved configuration
state will be used. From the File menu, select New / Default Configuration. The
Microcontroller Assembler Default Configuration dialog box appears (Figure 1.35)

56 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

Figure 1.35 Microcontroller Assembler New / Default dialog box

Now let’s save this configuration in a newly created folder that will become the project
1. From the File menu, select Save Configuration As.
A Saving Configuration as dialog box appears.
2. Navigate to the folder of your choice and Click on the Create New Folder icon in the
3. Enter a name for the project directory (Figure 1.36).

Figure 1.36 Loading configuration dialog box

4. Press Open.
In this case, Model T becomes the project directory in the Projects folder.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 57

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

5. Press Save
The project.ini file is created in the Model T folder and becomes the local
configuration file for this project. The current directory for the Microcontroller
Assembler is changed to your project directory (Figure 1.37).

Figure 1.37 Assembler’s current directory switches to your project directory

If you were to examine the project directory with the Windows Explorer at this point, it
would only contain the project.ini configuration file that the Assembler just created
(Figure 1.38).

Figure 1.38 Project directory in Windows Explorer

If you further examined the contents of the project.ini configuration file, you would
see that it contains Assembler options in the [AHC08_Assembler] portion of the file. The
project.ini file for this project only has an [AHC08_Assembler] section (Listing

58 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

Listing 1.5 Contents of the project.ini file


The AHC08_Assembler options are described in detail in [XXX_Assembler] Section in

the Appendices.
Next, you set the object-file format that you will use (HIWARE or ELF/DWARF).
1. Select Assembler > Options.
The Assembler displays the Microcontroller Assembler Option Settings dialog box
(Figure 1.39).

Figure 1.39 Microcontroller Assembler Option Settings dialog box

2. In the Output panel, select the check boxes labeled Generate a listing file and Object
File Format.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 59

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

3. For the Object File Format, select the ELF/DWARF 2.0 Object File Format in the
pull-down menu.
4. The listing file could be much shorter if the Do not print included files in list file check
box is checked, so you may want to select that option also.
5. Press OK to close the Microcontroller Assembler Option Settings dialog box.

NOTE For the RS08 derivative the HIWARE Object File Format is not supported.

Save the changes to the configuration by:

• selecting File > Save Configuration (Ctrl + S) or
• pressing the Save button on the toolbar.
After the changes to the configuration are saved, the project.ini file’s contents are as
follows (Listing 1.6).

Listing 1.6 project.ini file after some assembly options were added

Options=-F2 -L=%(TEXTPATH)\%n.lst -Li

Input Files
Now that the project’s configuration is set, you can assemble an assembly-code file.
However, the project does not contain any source-code files at this point. You could create
assembly *.asm and include *.inc files from scratch for this project. However, for
simplicity’s sake, you can copy-and-paste the main_Standard.asm and the
derivative.inc files from the previous CodeWarrior project. For this project you
should have a project directory named Model T. Within this folder, you should have
another folder named Sources, which contains the two files described above. Using a
text editor of your choice, modify the main_Standard.asm file so that it appears as
below (Listing 1.7):

Listing 1.7 main.asm_Standard file

;* This stationery serves as the framework for a user application. *
;* For a more comprehensive program that demonstrates the more *
;* advanced functionality of this processor, please see the *

60 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

;* demonstration applications, located in the examples *

;* subdirectory of the "CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers V6.1" *
;* program directory. *

; export symbols
XDEF _Startup, main
; we use export '_Startup' as symbol. This allows us to
; reference '_Startup' either in the linker .prm file
; or from C/C++ later on

XREF __SEG_END_SSTACK ; symbol defined by the linker

; for the end of the stack

Include derivative-specific definitions

INCLUDE 'derivative.inc'

; variable/data section
MY_ZEROPAGE: SECTION SHORT ; Insert here your data definition
Counter: DS.B 1
FiboRes: DS.B 1

; code section
LDHX #__SEG_END_SSTACK ; initialize the stack pointer
CLI ; enable interrupts
CLRA ; A contains counter
cntLoop: INCA
CBEQA #14,mainLoop ; larger values cause overflow.

STA Counter ; update global.

BSR CalcFibo
STA FiboRes ; store result
LDA Counter
BRA cntLoop ; next round.
; Function to calculate fibonacci numbers. Argument is in A.
DBNZA fiboDo ; fiboDo
PSHA ; the counter

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 61

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

CLRX ; second last = 0

LDA #$01 ; last = 1
FiboLoop: PSHA

DBNZ 1,SP,FiboLoop
FiboDone: PULH ; release counter
RTS ; result in A

Now there are three files in the project (Figure 1.40):

• the project.ini configuration file and
• two files in the Sources folder:
– main_Standard.asm
– derivative.inc.

Figure 1.40 Project files

62 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

Assembling the assembly source-code files

Let’s assemble the main_Standard.asm file.
1. From the File menu, select Assemble.
The Select File to Assemble dialog box appears (Figure 1.41).

Figure 1.41 Select File to Assemble dialog box

2. Browse to the Sources folder in the project directory and select the
main_Standard.asm file.
3. Press Open and the main.asm file should start assembling (Figure 1.42).

Figure 1.42 Results of assembling the main.asm file

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 63

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

The project window provides information about the assembly process or generates error
messages if the assembly was unsuccessful. In this case the A2209 File not found error
message is generated. If you right-click on the text containing the error message, a context
menu appears (Figure 1.43).

NOTE If you get any other types of errors, make sure the main_Standard.asm
file is modified as shown in Listing 1.7

Figure 1.43 Context menu

Select Help on “file not found” and help for the A2309 error message appears
(Figure 1.44).

64 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

Figure 1.44 A2309: File not found

You know that the file exists because it is included in the Sources folder that you
imported into the project directory. The help message for the A2309 error states that the
Assembler looks for this “missing” include file first in the current directory and then in the
directory specified by the GENPATH environment variable. This suggests that the
GENPATH environment variable should specify the location of the derivative.inc
include file.

NOTE If you read the main_Standard.asm file, you could have anticipated this
on account of this statement on line 20: INCLUDE 'derivative.inc'.

1. To fix this, select File > Configuration.

The Configuration dialog box appears (Figure 1.45).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 65

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

Figure 1.45 Browsing for the Sources folder

2. Select the Environment tab and then General Path.

3. Press the “...” button and navigate in the Browse for Folder dialog box for the folder
that contains the derivative.inc file - the Sources folder in the project
4. Press OK to close the Browse for Folder dialog box.
The Configuration dialog box is active again (Figure 1.46).

66 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

Figure 1.46 Adding a GENPATH

5. Press the Add button

The path to the derivative.inc file “E:\Projects\Model T\Sources” appears in the
lower panel.
6. Press OK.
An asterisk appears in the Title bar, so save the change to the configuration
7. Press the Save button in the Toolbar or select File > Save Configuration.
The asterisk disappears.

TIP You can clear the messages in the Assembler window at any time by selecting
View > Log > Clear Log.

Now that you have supplied the path to the derivative.inc file, let’s attempt again to
assemble the main_Standard.asm file.
Select File > Assemble and again navigate to the main_Standard.asm file and press
Open. However, the A2309 error message reappears but this time for a different include
file - MC68HC908GP32.inc. (Figure 1.47).

NOTE In this case, the derivative.inc file has this statement:

INCLUDE 'MC68HC908GP32.inc'. Therefore, a prior reading of the

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 67

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

assembly-code and include files suggests these include files might require
GENPATH configurations. If possible, set any needed GENPATH in advance
of assembling the source-code files.

Figure 1.47 Assemble attempt #2

Fix this by repeating the GENPATH routine for the other include file (Figure 1.48). The
MC68HC908GP32.inc file is located at this path:
C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers
The include folder is the typical place for missing include files.

68 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

Figure 1.48 Adding another GENPATH

After the GENPATH is set up for the second include file and saved as before, you can try to
assemble the main_Standard.asm file for the third time (Figure 1.49).

Figure 1.49 Assemble attempt #3 - success!

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 69

Working with the Assembler
Assembling your source files

The Macro Assembler indicates successful assembling and indicated that the Code Size
was 40 bytes. The message *** 0 error(s), indicates that the
main_Standard.asm file assembled without errors. Do not forget to save the
configuration one additional time.
The Assembler also generated a main_Standard.dbg file (for use with the Simulator/
Debugger), a main_Standard.o object file (for further processing with the Linker),
and a main_Standard.lst output listing file in the project directory. The binary
object-code file has the same name as the input module, but with the *.o extension -
main_Standard.o. The debug file has the same name as the input module, but with
the *.dbg extension - main_Standard.dbg and the assembly output listing file has
the *.lst extension (Figure 1.50).

Figure 1.50 Project directory after a successful assembly

The ERR.TXT file is present in the project directory because of the earlier failed attempts
at assembling. The ERR.TXT file is empty after a successful assembly. You can delete
this file. Let’s take an additional look at the project.ini file (Listing 1.8).

Listing 1.8 project.ini file after GENPATH environment variable is created

Options=-F2 -L=%(TEXTPATH)\%n.lst -Li

70 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

[Environment Variables]
GENPATH=C:\Program Files\Freescale\CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers
V6.1\lib\hc08c\include;D:\Data\Projects\Model T\Sources

The haphazard running of this project was intentionally designed to fail to illustrate what
occurs if the path of any include file is not properly configured. Be aware that
include files may be included by either *.asm or *.inc files. In addition, remember
that the lib folder in the CodeWarrior installation contains several derivative-specific
include and prm files available for inclusion into your projects.

Linking the application

Once the object files are available you can link your application. The linker organizes the
code and data sections into ROM and RAM memory areas according to the project’s linker
parameter (PRM) file.

Linking with the CodeWarrior IDE

The Linker’s input files are object-code files from assembler and compiler, library files,
and the Linker PRM file.

PRM file
If you are using the CodeWarrior IDE to manage your project, a pre-configured PRM file
for a particular derivative is already set up (Listing 1.9). Listing 1.9 is an example Linker
PRM file for the RS08 derivative.

Listing 1.9 Linker PRM file for the GP32 derivative - Project.prm

/* This is a linker parameter file for the GP32 */

NAMES END /* CodeWarrior software will pass all the needed files to the
linker by command line. But here you may add your own files too. */

SEGMENTS /* Here all RAM/ROM areas of the device are listed. Used in
PLACEMENT below. */

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 71

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

Z_RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0040 TO 0x00FF;

RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0100 TO 0x023F;

PLACEMENT /* Here all predefined and user segments are placed into the
SEGMENTS defined above. */


//VECTOR 0 _Startup /* Reset vector: This is the default entry

// point for a C/C++ application. */
//VECTOR 0 Entry /* Reset vector: this is the default entry point
for an Assembly application. */
//INIT Entry /* For assembly applications: that this is as
well the initialization entry point */

Listing 1.10 Linker PRM file for the RS08 derivative

LINK test_rs08.abs
NAMES test_rs08.o END
TINY_RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0000 TO 0x000D;
ROM = READ_ONLY 0x3800 TO 0x3FFB;




STACKSIZE 0x00 // no stack for RS08

VECTOR 0 Entry
INIT Entry

72 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

The Linker PRM file allocates memory for the stack and the sections named in the
assembly source code files. If the sections in the source code are not specifically
referenced in the PLACEMENT section, then these sections are included in
DEFAULT_ROM or DEFAULT_RAM. You may use a different PRM file for each build
target instead of the default PRM file generated by the Wizard - Project.prm.
The Linker for Microcontrollers preference panel controls which PRM file is used for
your CodeWarrior project. The default PRM file for a CodeWarrior project is the PRM
file in the project window. Let’s see what other options exist for the PRM file. From the
Edit menu, select <target_name> Settings > Target > Linker for Microcontrollers. The
Linker for Microcontrollers preference panel appears (Figure 1.51).

Figure 1.51 Linker for Microcontrollers preference panel

There are three radio buttons for selecting the PRM file and another for selecting an
absolute, single-file assembly project:
• Use Custom PRM file
This option will browse for an existing PRM file for the build target.
• Use Template PRM file
This option uses a template PRM in the pull-down menu and copies it for use in your
build target.
• Use PRM file from project - the default

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 73

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

• Absolute, Single-File Assembly project.

An absolute assembly project does not require a PRM file. Therefore, the
configuration information that is otherwise present in a PRM file must be included in
a single-file *.asm file. Only one *.asm file is allowed for absolute assembly.
In case you want to change the filename of the application, you can determine the
filename and its path with the Application Filename: text box.
The STACKSIZE entry is used to set the stack size. The size of the stack for this project is
80 bytes. Some entries in the Linker PRM file may be commented-out by the IDE, as are
the three last items in the Project.prm file in Listing 1.9.

Linking the object-code files

You can run this relocatable assembly project from the Project menu: Select Project >
Make or Project > Debug. The Linker generates a *.abs file and a *.abs.s19
standard S-Record File in the bin subfolder of the project directory. You can use an
S-Record File to program ROM memory (Figure 1.52).

Figure 1.52 bin folder in the project directory in Windows Explorer after linking

The Project.abs, Project.abs.s19, and Project.map files in the figure

above are the Linker output files resulting from the object-code and PRM files and
configuration in the build target that is selected in the Targets panel in the project window.
The Full Chip Simulation option was selected when the project was created, so if Project
> Debug is selected, the debugger opens and you can follow each assembly-code
instruction during the execution of the program with the Hiwave Simulator (Figure 1.53).

74 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

Figure 1.53 hiwave.exe - Simulator/Debugger build tool

You can single-step the Simulator through the program from the Run menu in the
Simulator (Run > Assembly Step or Ctrl+F11). You can monitor the seven panels in the
Simulator while following the logic in the Fibonacci application.

Linking with the Linker

If you are using the Linker (SmartLinker) build tool utility for a relocatable assembly
project, you will use a PRM file for the Linker to allocate ROM and RAM memory areas.
1. Using a text editor, create the project’s linker parameter file. You can modify a *.prm
file from another project and rename it as <target_name>.prm.
2. Store the PRM file in a convenient location, such as the project directory.
3. In the <project_name>.prm file, change the name of the executable (*.abs)
file to whatever you choose, e.g., <project_name>.abs. In addition, you can also
modify the start and end addresses for the ROM and RAM memory areas. The
module’s Model T.prm file (a PRM file for an MC68HC908GP32 from another
CodeWarrior project was adapted) is shown in Listing 1.11.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 75

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

Listing 1.11 Layout of a PRM file for the Linker - Model T.prm

/* This is a linker parameter file for the GP32 */

LINK Model_T.abs /* Absolute executable file */

NAMES main_Standard.o /* Input object-code files are listed here. */

SEGMENTS /* Here all RAM/ROM areas of the device are listed. Used in
PLACEMENT below. */
Z_RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0040 TO 0x00FF;
RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0100 TO 0x023F;

PLACEMENT /* Here all predefined and user segments are placed into the
SEGMENTS defined above. */


VECTOR 0 _Startup /* Reset vector: this is the default entry point

for an Assembly application. */
INIT _Startup /* For assembly applications: that this is as
well the initialization entry point */

NOTE If you are adapting a PRM file from a CodeWarrior project, all you really need
to add is the LINK portion and the object-code filenames to be linked in the
NAMES portion.

NOTE The default size for the stack using the CodeWarrior Wizard for the GP32 is 80
bytes - (STACKSIZE 0x50). This Linker statement and
__SEG_END_SSTACK in the assembly-code snippet below determine the
size and placement of the stack in RAM:
MyCode: SECTION ; code section
LDHX #__SEG_END_SSTACK ; initialize stack pointer

76 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

The statements in the linker parameter file are described in the Linker portion of the
Build Tool Utilities manual.
4. Start the Linker.
The SmartLinker tool is located in the prog folder in the CodeWarrior installation:
5. Press Close to close the Tip of the Day dialog box.
6. Load the project’s configuration file.
Use the same <project.ini> file that the Assembler used for its configuration -
the project.ini file in the project directory.
Select File > Load Configuration and navigate to and select the project’s configuration
file (Figure 1.54).

Figure 1.54 Microcontroller Linker

7. Press Open to load the configuration file.

The project directory is now the current directory for the Linker.
8. Select Save Configuration to save the configuration.
9. From the File menu in the Smart Linker, select File > Link. The Select File to Link
dialog box appears (Figure 1.55).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 77

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

Figure 1.55 Select File to Link dialog box

10. Browse to locate and select the PRM file for your project.
11. Press Open.
The Smart Linker links the object-code files in the NAMES section to produce the
executable *.abs file, as specified in the LINK portion of the Linker PRM file
(Figure 1.56).

Figure 1.56 Linker main window after linking

78 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

The messages in the linker’s project window indicate that:

• The current directory for the Linker is the project directory,
D:\Data\Projects\Model T.
• The Model T.prm file was used to name the executable file, which object files
were linked, and how the RAM and ROM memory areas were allocated for the
relocatable sections. The Reset and application entry points were also specified in
this file.
• There was one object file, main_Standard.o.
• The output format was DWARF 2.0.
• The Code Size was 42 bytes.
• A Linker Map file - Model_T.map was generated.
• No errors or warnings occurred and no information messages were issued.
The TEXTPATH environmental variable was not used for this project. Therefore, the
Linker generates its *.map Linker Map file in the same folder that contains the PRM file
for the project. Because the ABSPATH environment variable was not used, the *.abs
executable file is generated in the same folder as the Linker PRM file. Figure 1.57 shows
the contents of the project directory after the relocatable assembly project was linked.

Figure 1.57 Project directory after linking

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 79

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

You can use the Simulator/Debugger Build Tool, hiwave.exe, located in the prog
folder in the CodeWarrior installation, to simulate the program that was assembled using
the main_Standard.asm source-code file and linked to generate the Model_T.abs
executable. To use the Simulator, follow these steps:
1. Start the Simulator.
The GUI for the Simulator appears (Figure 1.58).

Figure 1.58 True-Time Simulator & Real-Time Debugger

2. Select Set Connection from the Component menu.

The Set Connection dialog box appears (Figure 1.59).

80 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

Figure 1.59 Set Connection dialog box

3. The CPU derivative for this project is in the HC08 subfamily, so select HC08 from the
Processor list box.
4. Select Full Chip Simulation in the Connection list box.
5. Press OK.
6. From the File menu, select Load Application.
The Load Executable File dialog box appears (Figure 1.60).

Figure 1.60 Load Executable File dialog box

7. Browse to and select the Model_T.abs file in the project directory.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 81

Working with the Assembler
Linking the application

8. Press Open.
The Simulator is now ready to run (Figure 1.61).

Figure 1.61 Simulator is now ready

You can repeatedly press the Assembly Step (Ctrl+F11) icon to single-step the Simulator
through the assembly source-code and monitor the program’s logic of the Fibonacci
application in the eight panels within the Simulator’s GUI.

82 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file

Directly generating an ABS file

You can also use the CodeWarrior IDE or the Assembler build tool to generate an ABS file
directly from your assembly-source file. The Assembler may also be configured to
generate an S-Record File at the same time.
When you use the CodeWarrior IDE or the Assembler to directly generate an ABS file,
there is no Linker involved. This means that the application must be implemented in a
single assembly unit and must contain only absolute sections.

Using the CodeWarrior Wizard to generate

an ABS file
You can use the Wizard to produce an absolute assembly project. To do so, you follow the
same steps in creating a relocatable-assembly project given earlier. There are some
exceptions, however:
• No PRM file is required.
• The memory area allocation is determined directly in a single *.asm file assembly
source file.
• The CodeWarrior IDE needs some configurations to be applied to the Linker and
Assembler preference panels.
Start the CodeWarrior Wizard and create an assembler project in the usual manner. See
Using the Wizard to create a project. Next, convert the main_Standard.asm
relocatable assembly file to the absolute assembly file below in Listing 1.12.

Adapting the main_Standard.asm file produced

by the Wizard
Changing the SECTION directives in a relocatable assembly file to ORG directives is
required. The ORG directives must specify the absolute memory areas for ROM and RAM.
Listing 1.12 is an adaptation of the main_Standard.asm file produced previously by
the Wizard. This file may be used by the IDE or the Assembler build tool.

Listing 1.12 Example source file — main_Standard.asm

;* This stationery serves as the framework for a user *
;* application. For a more comprehensive program that *
;* demonstrates the more advanced functionality of this *
;* processor, please see the demonstration applications *
;* located in the examples subdirectory of CodeWarrior for *
;* Microcontrollers V6.1 program directory. *

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 83

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file


; application entry point

; export symbols
XDEF _Startup, main
; we use '_Startup' as an export symbol. This allows
; us to reference '_Startup' either in the linker
; *.prm file or from C/C++ later on.

; Include derivative-specific definitions

INCLUDE 'derivative.inc'

; variable/data section
ORG $0040
Counter: DS.B 1
FiboRes: DS.B 1

; initial value for SP

initStack: EQU $023E

; code section
ORG $8000
LDHX #initStack ; initialize the stack pointer
CLI ; enable interrupts
CLRA ; A contains a counter.
cntLoop: INCA
CBEQA #14,mainLoop ; Larger values cause overflow.
STA COPCTL ; Feed the watchdog.
STA Counter ; update global
BSR CalcFibo
STA FiboRes ; store result
LDA Counter
BRA cntLoop ; next round

CalcFibo: ; Function to compute Fibonacci numbers. Argument is in A.

DBNZA fiboDo ; fiboDo
PSHA ; the counter
CLRX ; second last = 0
LDA #$01 ; last = 1
FiboLoop: PSHA ; push last

84 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file

DBNZ 1,SP,FiboLoop
FiboDone: PULH ; release counter
RTS ; Result in A

;* spurious - Spurious Interrupt Service Routine. *
;* (unwanted interrupt) *
spurious: ; Put here so the security
NOP ; value does not change
RTI ; all the time.

;* Interrupt Vectors *
DC.W spurious ;
DC.W spurious ; SWI
DC.W _Startup ; Reset

Listing 1.13 is a similar example for RS08.

Listing 1.13 Example source file abstest_rs08.asm

ABSENTRY entry; Specifies the application Entry point

XDEF entry ; Make the symbol entry visible (needed for debugging)
ORG $40 ; Define an absolute constant section
var1: DC.B 5 ; Assign 5 to the symbol var1
ORG $80 ; Define an absolute data section
data: DS.B 1 ; Define one byte variable in RAM at $80
ORG $B00 ; Define an absolute code section
LDA var1
STA data
BRA main

When writing your assembly source file for direct absolute file generation, pay special
attention to the following points:
• The Reset vector is usually initialized in the assembly source file with the application
entry point. An absolute section containing the application’s entry point address is

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 85

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file

created at the reset vector address. To set the entry point of the application at address
$FFFA on the _Startup label the following code is needed (Listing 1.14).

Listing 1.14 Setting the Reset vector address

DC.W spurious ;
DC.W spurious ; SWI
DC.W _Startup ; Reset

The ABSENTRY directive is used to write the address of the application entry point in the
generated absolute file. To set the entry point of the application on the _Startup label in
the absolute file, the following code is needed (Listing 1.15).

Listing 1.15 Using ABSENTRY to enter the entry-point address


CAUTION We strongly recommend that you use separate sections for code,
(variable) data, and constants. All sections used in the assembler
application must be absolute and defined using the ORG directive. The
addresses for constant or code sections have to be located in the ROM
memory area, while the data sections have to be located in a RAM area
(according to the hardware that you intend to use). The programmer is
responsible for making sure that no section overlaps occur.

86 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file

Reconfiguring the CodeWarrior IDE

To reconfigure the CodeWarrior IDE, follow these steps:
1. From the Edit menu, open the Assembler for Microcontrollers preference panel.
2. Select Edit > <target_name> Settings > Target > Assembler for Microcontrollers.
The Assembler preference panel appears (Figure 1.62)

Figure 1.62 Assembler for Microcontrollers preference panel

3. Press the Options button.

The Microcontroller Assembler Option Settings dialog box appears (Figure 1.63).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 87

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file

Figure 1.63 Microcontroller Assembler Option Settings dialog box

4. In the Output panel, select Object File Format > ELF/DWARF 2.0 Absolute File.
5. Press OK to close the dialog box.
6. Now, select Linker for Microcontrollers.
The Linker for Microcontrollers preference panel opens (Figure 1.64).

88 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file

Figure 1.64 Linker for Microcontrollers preference panel

7. Select the Absolute, Single-File Assembly project radio button and press OK.
The assembler is now configured to directly produce an absolute assembly *.abs
output file.

Assembling and generating the application

All that is needed to produce the executable *.abs file is to select Project > Make or
Project > Debug. The CodeWarrior IDE produces the same *.abs and *.abs.s19
output files that the Assembler and Linker generated for relocatable assembly.
The *.abs.s19 file generated in the bin subfolder of the project directory is a standard
S-Record File. You can burn this file directly into a ROM memory.
If you selected Project > Debug, the debugger opens and you can follow the execution of
the program while assemble-stepping the Simulator. You can single-step the simulator
through the program from the Run menu in the Simulator (Run > Assembly Step or Ctrl +

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 89

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file

Using the Assembler build tool for absolute

Use the same project that was used for the relocatable assembly project. Use an absolute
assembly source file of the type listed in Listing 1.12, name the file main.asm, and insert
this file into the Sources file in the project directory.
1. Start the Assembler by opening the ahc08.exe file in the prog folder in the
CodeWarrior Development Studio for Microcontrollers V6.1 installation.
The Assembler opens. Close the Tip of the Day dialog box.
2. Using File > Load Configuration, browse for project directory and set it as the current
directory for the Assembler.
3. Select Assembler > Options. The Option Settings dialog box appears.
4. In the Output dialog box, select the check box in front of the label Object File Format.
The Assembler displays more information at the bottom of the dialog box.
5. Select the ELF/DWARF 2.0 Absolute File menu item in the pull-down menu. Click
6. Select the assembly source-code file that will be assembled: Select File > Assemble.
The Select File to Assemble dialog box appears (Figure 1.65).

Figure 1.65 Select File to Assemble dialog box

7. Browse to the absolute-assembly source-code file main.asm.

8. Click Open.
The Assembler now assembles the source code. Make sure that the GENPATH
configurations are set for the two include files needed for the main.asm file in this
project in case they have not yet been previously set. Messages about the assembly
process are created in the assembler main window (Figure 1.66).

90 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file

Figure 1.66 Successful absolute assembly

The messages indicate that:

• An assembly source code (main.asm) file, plus derivative.inc and
MC68HC908GP32.inc files were read as input.
• A debugging (main.dbg) file was generated in the project directory.
• An S-Record File was created, main.sx. This file can be used to program ROM
• An absolute executable file was generated, main.abs.
• The Code Size is 51 bytes.
• An assembly outlet listing file (main.lst) was written to the project directory.
The main.abs file can be used as input to the Simulator, with which you can follow the
execution of your program.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 91

Working with the Assembler
Directly generating an ABS file

92 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User
The Macro Assembler runs under Windows 2000, XP, Vista, and compatible operating
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Starting the Assembler
• Assembler Main Window
• Editor Setting dialog box
• Save Configuration dialog box
• Option Settings dialog box
• Message settings dialog box
• About dialog box
• Specifying the input file
• Message/Error feedback

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 93

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Starting the Assembler

Starting the Assembler

When you start the Assembler, the Assembler displays a standard Tip of the Day window
containing news and tips about the Assembler (Figure 2.1).

Figure 2.1 Tip of the Day dialog box

1. Click Next Tip to see the next piece of information about the Assembler.
2. Click Close to close the Tip of the Day dialog box.
a. If you do not want the Assembler to automatically open the standard Tip of the Day
window when the Assembler is started, uncheck Show Tips on StartUp.
b. If you want the Assembler to automatically open the standard Tip of the Day
window at Assembler start up, choose Help > Tip of the Day. The Assembler
displays the Tip of the Day dialog box. Check the Show Tips on StartUp check box.

94 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Assembler Main Window

Assembler Main Window

This window is only visible on the screen when you do not specify any filename when you
start the Assembler.
The assembler window consists of a window title, a menu bar, a toolbar, a content area,
and a status bar (Figure 2.2).

Figure 2.2 Microcontroller Assembler main window

Window Title
The window title displays the Assembler name and the project name. If a project is not
loaded, the Assembler displays Default Configuration in the window title. An asterisk (*)
after the configuration name indicates that some settings have changed. The Assembler
adds an asterisk (*) whenever an option, the editor configuration, or the window
appearance changes.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 95

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Assembler Main Window

Content area
The Assembler displays logging information about the assembly session in the content
area. This logging information consists of:
• the name of the file being assembled,
• the whole name (including full path specifications) of the files processed (main
assembly file and all included files),
• the list of any error, warning, and information messages generated, and
• the size of the code (in bytes) generated during the assembly session.
When a file is dropped into the assembly window content area, the Assembler either loads
the corresponding file as a configuration file or the Assembler assembles the file. The
Assembler loads the file as a configuration if the file has the *.ini extension. If the file
does not end with the *.ini extension, the Assembler assembles the file using the
current option settings.
All text in the assembler window content area can have context information consisting of
two items:
• a filename including a position inside of a file and
• a message number.
File context information is available for all output lines where a filename is displayed.
There are two ways to open the file specified in the file-context information in the editor
specified in the editor configuration:
• If a file context is available for a line, double-click on a line containing file-context
• Click with the right mouse on the line and select “Open”. This entry is only available
if a file context is available.
If the Assembler cannot open a file even though a context menu entry is present, then the
editor configuration information is incorrect (see the Editor Setting dialog box section
The message number is available for any message output. There are three ways to open the
corresponding entry in the help file:
• Select one line of the message and press the F1 key. If the selected line does not have
a message number, the main help is displayed.
• Press Shift-F1 and then click on the message text. If the point clicked does not
have a message number, the main help is displayed.
• Click the right mouse button on the message text and select Help on. This entry is
only available if a message number is available.

96 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Assembler Main Window

The three buttons on the left hand side of the toolbar correspond to the menu items of the
File menu. You can use the New , Load, and Save buttons to reset, load and
save configuration files for the Macro Assembler.
The Help button and the Context Help button allow you to open the Help file or
the Context Help.
When pressing the buttons above, the mouse cursor changes to a question mark beside
an arrow. The Assembler opens Help for the next item on which you click. You can get
specific Help on menus, toolbar buttons, or on the window area by using this Context
The editable combo box contains a list of the last commands which were executed. After a
command line has been selected or entered in this combo box, click the Assemble button
to execute this command. The Stop button becomes enabled whenever some file
is assembled. When the Stop button is pressed, the assembler stops the assembly process.
Pressing the Options Dialog Box button opens the Option Settings dialog box.
Pressing the Message Dialog Box button opens the Message Settings dialog box.
Pressing the Clear button clears the assembler window’s content area.

Status bar
When pointing to a button in the tool bar or a menu entry, the message area displays the
function of the button or menu entry to which you are pointing.

Figure 2.3 Status bar

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Assembler Graphical User Interface
Assembler Main Window

Assembler menu bar

The following menus are available in the menu bar (Table 2.1):
Table 2.1 Menu bar options

Menu Description

File menu Contains entries to manage Assembler configuration files

Assembler menu Contains entries to set Assembler options

View menu Contains entries to customize the Assembler window output

Help A standard Windows Help menu

File menu
With the file menu, Assembler configuration files can be saved or loaded. An Assembler
configuration file contains the following information:
• the assembler option settings specified in the assembler dialog boxes,
• the list of the last command line which was executed and the current command line,
• the window position, size, and font,
• the editor currently associated with the Assembler. This editor may be specifically
associated with the Assembler or globally defined for all Tools (see the Editor
Setting dialog box),
• the Tips of the Day settings, including its startup configuration, and what is the
current entry, and
• Configuration files are text files which have the standard *.ini extension. You can
define as many configuration files as required for the project and can switch among
the different configuration files using the File > Load Configuration, File | Save
Configuration menu entries, or the corresponding toolbar buttons.

98 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Assembler Main Window

Table 2.2 File menu options

Menu entry Description

Assemble A standard Open File dialog box is opened, displaying

the list of all the *.asm files in the project directory. The
input file can be selected using the features from the
standard Open File dialog box. The selected file is
assembled when the Open File dialog box is closed by
clicking OK.

New/Default Resets the Assembler option settings to their default

Configuration values. The default Assembler options which are
activated are specified in the Assembler Options

Load Configuration A standard Open File dialog box is opened, displaying

the list of all the *.ini files in the project directory. The
configuration file can be selected using the features
from the standard Open File dialog box. The
configuration data stored in the selected file is loaded
and used in further assembly sessions.

Save Configuration Saves the current settings in the configuration file

specified on the title bar.

Save Configuration A standard Save As dialog box is opened, displaying

As... the list of all the *.ini files in the project directory. The
name or location of the configuration file can be
specified using the features from the standard Save As
dialog box. The current settings are saved in the
specified configuration file when the Save As dialog box
is closed by clicking OK.

Configuration... Opens the Configuration dialog box to specify the editor

used for error feedback and which parts to save with a
See Editor Setting dialog box and Save Configuration
dialog box.

1. .... project.ini Recent project list. This list can be used to reopen a
2. .... recently opened project.

Exit Closes the Assembler.

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Assembler Graphical User Interface
Assembler Main Window

Assembler menu
The Assembler menu (Table 2.3) allows you to customize the Assembler. You can
graphically set or reset the Assembler options or to stop the assembling process.

Table 2.3 Assembler menu options

Menu entry Description

Options Defines the options which must be activated when assembling

an input file (see Option Settings dialog box).

Messages Maps messages to a different message class (see Message

settings dialog box).

Stop assembling Stops the assembling of the current source file.

View menu
The View menu (Table 2.4) lets you customize the assembler window. You can specify if
the status bar or the toolbar must be displayed or be hidden. You can also define the font
used in the window or clear the window.

Table 2.4 View menu options

Menu entry Description

Toolbar Switches display from the toolbar in the assembler window.

Status Bar Switches display from the status bar in the assembler window.

Log... Customizes the output in the assembler window content area. The
following two entries in this table are available when you select

Change Font Opens a standard font dialog box. The options selected in the font
dialog box are applied to the assembler window content area.

Clear Log Clears the assembler window content area.

100 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Editor Setting dialog box

Editor Setting dialog box

The Editor Setting dialog box has a main selection entry. Depending on the main type of
editor selected, the content below changes.
These are the main entries for the Editor configuration:
• Global Editor (shared by all tools and projects)
• Local Editor (shared by all tools)
• Editor started with the command line
• Editor started with DDE
• CodeWarrior with COM

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 101

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Editor Setting dialog box

Global Editor (shared by all tools and

This entry (Figure 2.4) is shared by all tools for all projects. This setting is stored in the
[Editor] section of the mcutools.ini global initialization file. Some Modifiers can
be specified in the editor command line.

Figure 2.4 Global Editor Configuration dialog box

102 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Editor Setting dialog box

Local Editor (shared by all tools)

This entry is shared by all tools for the current project. This setting is stored in the
[Editor] section of the local initialization file, usually project.ini in the current
directory. Some Modifiers can be specified in the editor command line.

Figure 2.5 Local editor configuration dialog box

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 103

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Editor Setting dialog box

Editor started with the command line

When this editor type is selected, a separate editor is associated with the Assembler for
error feedback. The editor configured in the shell is not used for error feedback.
Enter the command which should be used to start the editor (Figure 2.6).
The format from the editor command depends on the syntax which should be used to start
the editor. Modifiers can be specified in the editor command line to refer to a filename and
line and column position numbers. (See the Modifiers section below.)

Figure 2.6 Command-Line Editor configuration

Example of configuring a command-line editor

The following case portrays the syntax used for configuring an external editors. Listing
2.1 can be used for the UltraEdit-32 editor.

Listing 2.1 UltraEdit-32 configuration

C:\UltraEdit32\uedit32.exe %f /#:%l

104 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Editor Setting dialog box

Editor started with DDE

Enter the service, topic and client name to be used for a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE)
connection to the editor (Figure 2.7). All entries can have modifiers for the filename and
line number, as explained in the Modifiers section.

Figure 2.7 DDE Editor configuration

For the Microsoft Developer Studio, use the settings in Listing 2.2:

Listing 2.2 Microsoft Developer Studio configuration settings

Service Name: msdev

Topic Name: system
Client Command: [open(%f)]

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 105

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Editor Setting dialog box

CodeWarrior with COM

If CodeWarrior with COM is enabled, the CodeWarrior IDE (registered as a COM server
by the installation script) is used as the editor (Figure 2.8).

Figure 2.8 COM Editor Configuration

106 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Editor Setting dialog box

The configurations may contain some modifiers to tell the editor which file to open and at
which line and column.
• The %f modifier refers to the name of the file (including path and extension) where
the error has been detected.
• The %l modifier refers to the line number where the message has been detected.
• The %c modifier refers to the column number where the message has been detected.

CAUTION The %l modifier can only be used with an editor which can be started with
a line number as a parameter. This is not the case for WinEdit version 3.1
or lower or for the Notepad. When you work with such an editor, you can
start it with the filename as a parameter and then select the menu entry Go
to to jump on the line where the message has been detected. In that case
the editor command looks like:
C:\WINAPPS\WINEDIT\Winedit.exe %f

NOTE Check your editor manual to define the command line which should be used to
start the editor.

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Assembler Graphical User Interface
Save Configuration dialog box

Save Configuration dialog box

The second index of the configuration dialog box contains all options for the save
operation (Figure 2.9).

Figure 2.9 Save Configuration dialog box

In the Save Configuration index, there are four check boxes where you can choose which
items to save into a project file when the configuration is saved.
This dialog box has the following configurations:
• Options: This item is related to the option and message settings. If this check box is
set, the current option and message settings are stored in the project file when the
configuration is saved. By disabling this check box, changes done to the option and
message settings are not saved, and the previous settings remain valid.
• Editor Configuration: This item is related to the editor settings. If you set this check
box, the current editor settings are stored in the project file when the configuration is
saved. If you disable this check box, the previous settings remain valid.
• Appearance: This item is related to many parts like the window position (only loaded
at startup time) and the command-line content and history. If you set this check box,
these settings are stored in the project file when the current configuration is saved. If
you disable this check box, the previous settings remain valid.

108 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Save Configuration dialog box

• Environment Variables: With this set, the environment variable changes done in the
Environment property panel are also saved.

NOTE By disabling selective options only some parts of a configuration file can be
written. For example, when the best Assembler options are found, the save
option mark can be removed. Then future save commands will not modify the
options any longer.

• Save on Exit: If this option is set, the Assembler writes the configuration on exit. The
Assembler does not prompt you to confirm this operation. If this option is not set, the
assembler does not write the configuration at exit, even if options or other parts of
the configuration have changed. No confirmation will appear in any case when
closing the assembler.

NOTE Almost all settings are stored in the project configuration file. The only
exceptions are:
- The recently used configuration list.
- All settings in the Save Configuration dialog box.

NOTE The configurations of the Assembler can, and in fact are intended to, coexist in
the same file as the project configuration of other tools and the IDF. When an
editor is configured by the shell, the assembler can read this content out of the
project file, if present. The default project configuration filename is
project.ini. The assembler automatically opens an existing
project.ini in the current directory at startup. Also when using the -Prod:
Specify project file at startup assembler option at startup or loading the
configuration manually, a different name other than project.ini can be

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Assembler Graphical User Interface
Save Configuration dialog box

Environment Configuration dialog box

The third page of the dialog box is used to configure the environment (Figure 2.10).

Figure 2.10 Environment Configuration dialog box

The content of the dialog box is read from the actual project file out of the
[Environment Variables] section.
The following variables are available (Table 2.5):

Table 2.5 Path environment variables

Path Environment variable




Absolute ABSPATH

Header File LIBPATH

110 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Option Settings dialog box

Various Environment Variables: other variables not covered in the above table.
The following buttons are available for the Configuration dialog box:
• Add: Adds a new line or entry
• Change: Changes a line or entry
• Delete: Deletes a line or entry
• Up: Moves a line or entry up
• Down: Moves a line or entry down
Note that the variables are written to the project file only if you press the Save button (or
using File -> Save Configuration or CTRL-S). In addition, it can be specified in the Save
Configuration dialog box if the environment is written to the project file or not.

Option Settings dialog box

Use this dialog box (Figure 2.11) to set or reset assembler options.

Figure 2.11 Option Settings dialog box

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 111

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Option Settings dialog box

The options available are arranged into different groups, and a sheet is available for each
of these groups. The content of the list box depends on the selected sheet (Table 2.6):

Table 2.6 Option Settings options

Group Description

Output Lists options related to the output files generation (which kind
of file should be generated).

Input Lists options related to the input files.

Language Lists options related to the programming language (ANSI-C,

C++, etc.)

Host Lists options related to the host.

Code Generation Lists options related to code generation (memory models, etc.)

Messages Lists options controlling the generation of error messages.

Various Lists various additional options, such as options used for


An assembler option is set when the check box in front of it is checked. To obtain more
detailed information about a specific option, select it and press the F1 key or the Help
button. To select an option, click once on the option text. The option text is then displayed
When the dialog box is opened and no option is selected, pressing the F1 key or the Help
button shows the help about this dialog box.
The available options are listed in the Assembler Options chapter.

112 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Message settings dialog box

Message settings dialog box

You can use the Message Settings (Table 2.7) dialog box to map messages to a different
message class.

Figure 2.12 Message Settings dialog box

Some buttons in the dialog box may be disabled. For example, if an option cannot be
moved to an information message, the Move to: Information button is disabled. The
buttons in Table 2.7 are available in the Message Settings dialog box:

Table 2.7 Message Settings options

Button Description

Move to: Disabled The selected messages are disabled; they will no longer be

Move to: Information The selected messages are changed to information messages.

Move to: Warning The selected messages are changed to warning messages.

Move to: Error The selected messages are changed to error messages.

Move to: Default The selected messages are changed to their default message

Reset All Resets all messages to their default message types.

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Assembler Graphical User Interface
Message settings dialog box

Table 2.7 Message Settings options (continued)

Button Description

OK Exits this dialog box and saves any changes.

Cancel Exits this dialog box without accepting any changes.

Help Displays online help about this dialog box.

A panel is available for each error message class and the content of the list box depends on
the selected panel (Table 2.8):

Table 2.8 Message classes

Message group Description

Disabled Lists all disabled messages. That means that messages displayed
in the list box will not be displayed by the Assembler.

Information Lists all information messages. Information messages informs

about action taken by the Assembler.

Warning Lists all warning messages. When such a message is generated,

translation of the input file continues and an object file will be

Error Lists all error messages. When such a message is generated,

translation of the input file continues, but no object file will be

Fatal Lists all fatal error messages. When such a message is generated,
translation of the input file stops immediately. Fatal messages
cannot be changed. They are only listed to call context help.

Each message has its own character (‘A’ for Assembler message) followed by a 4- or
5-digit number. This number allows an easy search for the message on-line help.

Changing the class associated with a

You can configure your own mapping of messages to the different classes. To do this, use
one of the buttons located on the right hand of the dialog box. Each button refers to a
message class. To change the class associated with a message, you have to select the

114 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Message settings dialog box

message in the list box and then click the button associated with the class where you want
to move the message.

To define the A2336: Value too big warning as an error message:
• Click the Warning sheet to display the list of all warning messages in the list box.
• Click on the A2336: Value too big string in the list box to select the message.
• Click Error to define this message as an error message. The Microcontroller dialog
box appears. Press Yes to close the dialog box (Figure 2.13).

Figure 2.13 Microcontroller Assembler Message Settings dialog box

NOTE Messages cannot be moved from or to the fatal error class.

NOTE The Move to buttons are enabled when all selected messages can be moved.
When one message is marked, which cannot be moved to a specific group, the
corresponding Move to button is disabled (grayed).

If you want to validate the modification you have performed in the error message
mapping, close the Microcontroller Assembler Message Settings dialog box with the OK
button. If you close it using the Cancel button, the previous message mapping remains

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 115

Assembler Graphical User Interface
About dialog box

About dialog box

The About dialog box can be opened with the menu Help > About. The About dialog box
contains much information including the current directory and the versions of subparts of
the Assembler. The main Assembler version is displayed separately on top of the dialog
With the Extended Information button it is possible to get license information about all
software components in the same directory of the executable.
Press OK to close this dialog box.

NOTE During assembling, the subversions of the subparts cannot be requested. They
are only displayed if the Assembler is not processing files.

Specifying the input file

There are different ways to specify the input file which must be assembled. During
assembling of a source file, the options are set according to the configuration performed
by the user in the different dialog boxes and according to the options specified on the
command line.
Before starting to assemble a file, make sure you have associated a working directory with
your assembler.

Use the command line in the toolbar to

You can use the command line to assemble a new file or to reassemble a previously
created file.

Assembling a new file

A new filename and additional assembler options can be entered in the command line. The
specified file is assembled when you press the Assemble button in the tool bar or when you
press the enter key.

116 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Specifying the input file

Assembling a file which has already been

The commands executed previously can be displayed using the arrow on the right side of
the command line. A command is selected by clicking on it. It appears in the command
line. The specified file will be processed when the button Assemble in the tool bar is

Use the File > Assemble entry

When the menu entry File > Assemble is selected a standard file Open File dialog box is
opened, displaying the list of all the *.asm files in the project directory. You can browse
to get the name of the file that you want to assemble. Select the desired file and click Open
in the Open File dialog box to assemble the selected file.

Use Drag and Drop

A filename can be dragged from an external software (for example the File Manager/
Explorer) and dropped into the assembler window. The dropped file will be assembled
when the mouse button is released in the assembler window. If a file being dragged has the
*.ini extension, it is considered to be a configuration and it is immediately loaded and
not assembled. To assemble a source file with the *.ini extension, use one of the other

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 117

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Message/Error feedback

Message/Error feedback
After assembly, there are several ways to check where different errors or warnings have
been detected. The default format of the error message is as . A typical error message is
like the one in Listing 2.4.

Listing 2.3 Typical error feedback message

Default configuration of an error message

>> <FileName>, line <line number>, col <column number>,
pos <absolute position in file>
<Portion of code generating the problem>
<message class><message number>: <Message string>

Listing 2.4 Error message example

>> in "C:\Freescale\demo\fiboerr.asm", line 18, col 0, pos 722

DC label
ERROR A1104: Undeclared user defined symbol: label

For different message formats, see the following Assembler options:

• -WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for interactive mode
• -WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode
• -WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode
• -WmsgFonf: Message format for no file information
• -WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information.

Use information from the assembler

Once a file has been assembled, the assembler window content area displays the list of all
the errors or warnings detected.
The user can use his usual editor to open the source file and correct the errors.

118 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Message/Error feedback

Use a user-defined editor

The editor for Error Feedback can be configured using the Configuration dialog box.
Error feedback is performed differently, depending on whether or not the editor can be
started with a line number.

Line number can be specified on the

command line
Editors like UltraEdit-32 or WinEdit (v95 or higher) can be started with a line number in
the command line. When these editors have been correctly configured, they can be started
automatically by double clicking on an error message. The configured editor will be
started, the file where the error occurs is automatically opened and the cursor is placed on
the line where the error was detected.

Line number cannot be specified on the

command line
Editors like WinEdit v31 or lower, Notepad, or Wordpad cannot be started with a line
number in the command line. When these editors have been correctly configured, they can
be started automatically by double clicking on an error message. The configured editor
will be started, and the file is automatically opened where the error occurs. To scroll to the
position where the error was detected, you have to:
1. Activate the assembler again.
2. Click the line on which the message was generated. This line is highlighted on the
3. Copy the line in the clipboard by pressing CTRL + C.
4. Activate the editor again.
5. Select Search > Find; the standard Find dialog box is opened.
6. Paste the contents of the clipboard in the Edit box pressing CTRL + V.
7. Click Forward to jump to the position where the error was detected.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 119

Assembler Graphical User Interface
Message/Error feedback

120 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

This part describes the environment variables used by the Assembler. Some environment
variables are also used by other tools (e.g., Linker or Compiler), so consult also the
respective documentation.
There are three ways to specify an environment:
1. The current project file with the Environment Variables section. This file may be
specified on Tool startup using the -Prod: Specify project file at startup assembler
option. This is the recommended method and is also supported by the IDE.
2. An optional default.env file in the current directory. This file is supported for
compatibility reasons with earlier versions. The name of this file may be specified
using the ENVIRONMENT: Environment file specification environment variable.
Using the default.env file is not recommended.
3. Setting environment variables on system level (DOS level). This is also not
Various parameters of the Assembler may be set in an environment using the environment
variables. The syntax is always the same (Listing 3.1).

Listing 3.1 Syntax for setting environment variables

Parameter: KeyName=ParamDef

Listing 3.2 is a typical example of setting an environment variable.

Listing 3.2 Setting the GENPATH environment variable


These parameters may be defined in several ways:

• Using system environment variables supported by your operating system.
• Putting the definitions in a file called default.env (.hidefaults for UNIX)
in the default directory.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 121

Current directory

• Putting the definitions in a file given by the value of the ENVIRONMENT system
environment variable.

NOTE The default directory mentioned above can be set via the DEFAULTDIR
system environment variable.

When looking for an environment variable, all programs first search the system
environment, then the default.env (.hidefaults for UNIX) file and finally the
global environment file given by ENVIRONMENT. If no definition can be found, a default
value is assumed.

NOTE The environment may also be changed using the -Env: Set environment
variable assembler option.

Current directory
The most important environment for all tools is the current directory. The current
directory is the base search directory where the tool starts to search for files (e.g., for the
default.env or .hidefaults)
Normally, the current directory of a launched tool is determined by the operating system
or by the program that launches another one (e.g., IDE, Make Utility, etc.).
For the UNIX operating system, the current directory for an executable is also the current
directory from where the binary file has been started.
For MS Windows-based operating systems, the current directory definition is quite
• If the tool is launched using the File Manager/Explorer, the current directory is the
location of the launched executable tool.
• If the tool is launched using an Icon on the Desktop, the current directory is the one
specified and associated with the Icon in its properties.
• If the tool is launched by dragging a file on the icon of the executable tool on the
desktop, the directory on the desktop is the current directory.
• If the tool is launched by another launching tool with its own current directory
specification (e.g., an editor as IDE, a Make utility, etc.), the current directory is the
one specified by the launching tool.
• When a local project file is loaded, the current directory is set to the directory which
contains the local project file. Changing the current project file also changes the
current directory if the other project file is in a different directory. Note that
browsing for an assembly source file does not change the current directory.

122 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Environment macros

To overwrite this behavior, the DEFAULTDIR: Default current directory system

environment variable may be used.
The current directory is displayed among other information with the -V: Prints the
Assembler version assembler option and in the About box.

Environment macros
It is possible to use macros (Listing 3.3) in your environment settings.

Listing 3.3 Using a macro for setting environment variables


In the example in Listing 3.3, TEXTPATH is expanded to ‘C:\test\txt’, and

OBJPATH is expanded to ‘C:\test\obj’.
From the example above, you can see that you either can use $() or ${}. However, the
variable referenced has to be defined somewhere.
In addition, the following special variables in Listing 3.4 are allowed. Note that they are
case-sensitive and always surrounded by {}. Also the variable content contains a
directory separator ‘\’ as well.
This is the path of the directory one level higher than the directory for executable tool.
That is, if the executable is C:\Freescale\prog\linker.exe, then the variable is
C:\Freescale\. Note that {Compiler} is also used for the Assembler.
Path of the directory containing the current project file. For example, if the current project
file is C:\demo\project.ini, the variable contains C:\demo\.
This is the path where Windows OS is installed, e.g., C:\WINNT\.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 123

Global initialization file - mctools.ini (PC only)

Global initialization file - mctools.ini (PC

All tools may store some global data into the mcutools.ini file.The tool first searches
for this file in the directory of the tool itself (path of the executable tool). If there is no
mcutools.ini file in this directory, the tool looks for an mcutools.ini file located
in the MS Windows installation directory (e.g., C:\WINDOWS).
Listing 3.4 shows two typical locations used for the mcutools.ini files.

Listing 3.4 Usual locations for the mcutools.ini files


If a tool is started in the D:\INSTALL\prog\ directory, the initialization file located in

the same directory as the tool is used (D:\INSTALL\prog\mcutools.ini).
But if the tool is started outside of the D:\INSTALL\prog directory, the initialization
file in the Windows directory is used (C:\WINDOWS\mcutools.ini).

Local configuration file (usually project.ini)

The Assembler does not change the default.env file in any way. The Assembler only
reads the contents. All the configuration properties are stored in the configuration file. The
same configuration file can and is intended to be used by different applications.
The processor name is encoded into the section name, so that the Assembler for different
processors can use the same file without any overlapping. Different versions of the same
Assembler are using the same entries. This usually only leads to a potential problem when
options only available in one version are stored in the configuration file. In such situations,
two files must be maintained for the different Assembler versions. If no incompatible
options are enabled when the file is last saved, the same file can be used for both
Assembler versions.
The current directory is always the directory that holds the configuration file. If a
configuration file in a different directory is loaded, then the current directory also changes.
When the current directory changes, the whole default.env file is also reloaded.
When a configuration file is loaded or stored, the options located in the ASMOPTIONS:
Default assembler options environment variable are reloaded and added to the project’s
This behavior has to be noticed when in different directories different default.env
files exist which contain incompatible options in their ASMOPTIONS environment

124 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Local configuration file (usually project.ini)

variables. When a project is loaded using the first default.env file, its ASMOPTIONS
options are added to the configuration file. If this configuration is then stored in a different
directory, where a default.env file exists with these incompatible options, the
Assembler adds the options and remarks the inconsistency. Then a message box appears to
inform the user that those options from the default.env file were not added. In such a
situation, the user can either remove the options from the configuration file with the
advanced option dialog box or he can remove the option from the default.env file
with the shell or a text editor depending upon which options should be used in the future.
At startup, the configuration stored in the project.ini file located in the current Paths
Local Configuration File Entries documents the sections and entries you can put in a
project.ini file.
Most environment variables contain path lists telling where to look for files. A path list is
a list of directory names separated by semicolons following the syntax in Listing 3.5.

Listing 3.5 Syntax used for setting path lists of environment variables


Listing 3.6 is a typical example of setting an environment variable.

Listing 3.6 Setting the paths for the GENPATH environment variable


If a directory name is preceded by an asterisk (*), the programs recursively search that
whole directory tree for a file, not just the given directory itself. The directories are
searched in the order they appear in the path list. Listing 3.7 shows the use of an asterisk
(*) for recursively searching the entire C drive for a configuration file with a

Listing 3.7 Recursive search for a continuation line


NOTE Some DOS/UNIX environment variables (like GENPATH, LIBPATH, etc.) are
used. For further details refer to Environment variables details.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 125

Line continuation

We strongly recommend working with the Shell and setting the environment by means of
a default.env file in your project directory. (This project dir can be set in the
Shell's 'Configure' dialog box). Doing it this way, you can have different projects in
different directories, each with its own environment.

NOTE When starting the Assembler from an external editor, do not set the
DEFAULTDIR system environment variable. If you do so and this variable
does not contain the project directory given in the editor’s project
configuration, files might not be put where you expect them to be put!

A synonym also exists for some environment variables. Those synonyms may be used for
older releases of the Assembler, but they are deprecated and thus they will be removed in
the future.

Line continuation
It is possible to specify an environment variable in an environment file (default.env
or .hidefaults) over multiple lines using the line continuation character ‘\’
(Listing 3.8):

Listing 3.8 Using multiple lines for an environment variable


Listing 3.8 is the same as the alternate source code in Listing 3.9.

Listing 3.9 Alternate form of using multiple lines


But this feature may be dangerous when used together with paths (Listing 3.10).

Listing 3.10 A path is included by the line continuation character

will result in

126 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Environment variables details

To avoid such problems, we recommend that you use a semicolon (;) at the end of a path
if there is a backslash (\) at the end (Listing 3.11).

Listing 3.11 Recommended style whenever a backlash is present


Environment variables details

The remainder of this section is devoted to describing each of the environment variables
available for the Assembler. The environment variables are listed in alphabetical order and
each is divided into several sections (Table 3.1).

Table 3.1 Topics used for describing environment variables

Topic Description

Tools Lists tools which are using this variable.

Synonym (where one A synonym exists for some environment variables. These
exists) synonyms may be used for older releases of the Assembler but
they are deprecated and they will be removed in the future. A
synonym has lower precedence than the environment variable.

Syntax Specifies the syntax of the option in an EBNF format.

Arguments Describes and lists optional and required arguments for the

Default (if one exists) Shows the default setting for the variable if one exists.

Description Provides a detailed description of the option and its usage.

Example Gives an example of usage and effects of the variable where

possible. An example shows an entry in the default.env for
the PC or in the .hidefaults for UNIX.

See also (if needed) Names related sections.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 127

Environment variables details

ABSPATH: Absolute file path

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Decoder, or Debugger


<path>: Paths separated by semicolons, without spaces

This environment variable is only relevant when absolute files are directly
generated by the Macro Assembler instead of relocatable object files. When this
environment variable is defined, the Assembler will store the absolute files it
produces in the first directory specified there. If ABSPATH is not set, the generated
absolute files will be stored in the directory where the source file was found.


ASMOPTIONS: Default assembler options



<option>: Assembler command-line option

If this environment variable is set, the Assembler appends its contents to its
command line each time a file is assembled. It can be used to globally specify

128 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Environment variables details

certain options that should always be set, so you do not have to specify them each
time a file is assembled.
Options enumerated there must be valid assembler options and are separated by
space characters.


See also
Assembler Options chapter

COPYRIGHT: Copyright entry in object file

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, or Librarian


<copyright>: copyright entry

Each object file contains an entry for a copyright string. This information may be
retrieved from the object files using the Decoder.


See also
• USERNAME: User Name in object file
• INCLUDETIME: Creation time in the object file

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 129

Environment variables details

DEFAULTDIR: Default current directory

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Decoder, Debugger, Librarian, or Maker


<directory>: Directory to be the default current directory

The default directory for all tools may be specified with this environment variable.
Each of the tools indicated above will take the directory specified as its current
directory instead of the one defined by the operating system or launching tool (e.g.,

NOTE This is an environment variable on the system level (global environment

variable). It cannot be specified in a default environment file (default.env
or .hidefaults).


See also
Current directory
“All tools may store some global data into the mcutools.ini file.The tool first
searches for this file in the directory of the tool itself (path of the executable tool).
If there is no mcutools.ini file in this directory, the tool looks for an
mcutools.ini file located in the MS Windows installation directory (e.g.,

130 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Environment variables details

ENVIRONMENT: Environment file specification

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Decoder, Debugger, Librarian, or Maker



<file>: filename with path specification, without spaces

This variable has to be specified on the system level. Normally the Assembler
looks in the current directory for an environment file named default.env
(.hidefaults on UNIX). Using ENVIRONMENT (e.g., set in the
autoexec.bat (DOS) or .cshrc (UNIX)), a different filename may be

NOTE This is an environment variable on the system level (global environment

variable). It cannot be specified in a default environment file (default.env
or .hidefaults).


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 131

Environment variables details

ERRORFILE: Filename specification error

Compiler, Assembler, or Linker


<filename>: Filename with possible format specifiers


The ERRORFILE environment variable specifies the name for the error file (used
by the Compiler or Assembler).
Possible format specifiers are:
• '%n': Substitute with the filename, without the path.
• '%p': Substitute with the path of the source file.
• '%f': Substitute with the full filename, i.e., with the path and name (the same as
In case of an improper error filename, a notification box is shown.

Listing 3.12 lists all errors into the MyErrors.err file in the current directory.

Listing 3.12 Naming an error file


Listing 3.13 lists all errors into the errors file in the \tmp directory.

Listing 3.13 Naming an error file in a specific directory


132 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Environment variables details

Listing 3.14 lists all errors into a file with the same name as the source file, but
with extension *.err, into the same directory as the source file, e.g., if we
compile a file \sources\test.c, an error list file \sources\test.err
will be generated.

Listing 3.14 Naming an error file as source filename


For a test.c source file, a \dir1\test.err error list file will be generated
(Listing 3.15).

Listing 3.15 Naming an error file as source filename in a specific directory


For a \dir1\dir2\test.c source file, a \dir1\dir2\errors.txt error

list file will be generated (Listing 3.16).

Listing 3.16 Naming an error file as a source filename with full path


If the ERRORFILE environment variable is not set, errors are written to the default
error file. The default error filename depends on the way the Assembler is started.
If a filename is provided on the assembler command line, the errors are written to
the EDOUT file in the project directory.
If no filename is provided on the assembler command line, the errors are written to
the err.txt file in the project directory.
Another example (Listing 3.17) shows the usage of this variable to support correct
error feedback with the WinEdit Editor which looks for an error file called EDOUT:

Listing 3.17 Configuring error feedback with WinEdit

Installation directory: E:\INSTALL\prog

Project sources: D:\SRC
Common Sources for projects: E:\CLIB

Entry in default.env (D:\SRC\default.env):


Entry in WinEdit.ini (in Windows directory):


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 133

Environment variables details

NOTE You must set this variable if the WinEdit Editor is used, otherwise the editor
cannot find the EDOUT file.

GENPATH: Search path for input file

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Decoder, or Debugger



<path>: Paths separated by semicolons, without spaces.

The Macro Assembler will look for the sources and included files first in the
project directory, then in the directories listed in the GENPATH environment

NOTE If a directory specification in this environment variables starts with an asterisk

(*), the whole directory tree is searched recursive depth first, i.e., all
subdirectories and their subdirectories and so on are searched. Within one level
in the tree, the search order of the subdirectories is indeterminate.


134 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Environment variables details

INCLUDETIME: Creation time in the object file

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, or Librarian


ON: Include time information into the object file.
OFF: Do not include time information into the object file.


Normally each object file created contains a time stamp indicating the creation
time and data as strings. So whenever a new file is created by one of the tools, the
new file gets a new time stamp entry.
This behavior may be undesired if for SQA reasons a binary file compare has to be
performed. Even if the information in two object files is the same, the files do not
match exactly because the time stamps are not the same. To avoid such problems
this variable may be set to OFF. In this case the time stamp strings in the object file
for date and time are “none” in the object file.
The time stamp may be retrieved from the object files using the Decoder.


See also
• COPYRIGHT: Copyright entry in object file
• USERNAME: User Name in object file

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 135

Environment variables details

OBJPATH: Object file path

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, or Decoder


<path>: Paths separated by semicolons, without spaces

This environment variable is only relevant when object files are generated by the
Macro Assembler. When this environment variable is defined, the Assembler will
store the object files it produces in the first directory specified in path. If
OBJPATH is not set, the generated object files will be stored in the directory the
source file was found.


SRECORD: S-Record type

Assembler, Linker, or Burner


<RecordType>: Forces the type for the S-Record File which must be generated.
This parameter may take the value ‘S1’, ‘S2’, or ‘S3’.

136 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Environment variables details

This environment variable is only relevant when absolute files are directly
generated by the Macro Assembler instead of object files. When this environment
variable is defined, the Assembler will generate an S-Record File containing
records from the specified type (S1 records when S1 is specified, S2 records when
S2 is specified, and S3 records when S3 is specified).

NOTE If the SRECORD environment variable is set, it is the user’s responsibility to

specify the appropriate type of S-Record File. If you specify S1 while your
code is loaded above 0xFFFF, the S-Record File generated will not be correct
because the addresses will all be truncated to 2-byte values.

When this variable is not set, the type of S-Record File generated will depend on
the size of the address, which must be loaded there. If the address can be coded on
2 bytes, an S1 record is generated. If the address is coded on 3 bytes, an S2 record
is generated. Otherwise, an S3 record is generated.


TEXTPATH: Text file path

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, or Decoder


<path>: Paths separated by semicolons, without spaces.

When this environment variable is defined, the Assembler will store the listing
files it produces in the first directory specified in path. If TEXTPATH is not set,
the generated listing files will be stored in the directory the source file was found.


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 137

Environment variables details

TMP: Temporary directory

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, Debugger, or Librarian


<directory>: Directory to be used for temporary files

If a temporary file has to be created, normally the ANSI function tmpnam() is
used. This library function stores the temporary files created in the directory
specified by this environment variable. If the variable is empty or does not exist,
the current directory is used. Check this variable if you get an error message
Cannot create temporary file.

NOTE TMP is an environment variable on the system level (global environment

variable). It CANNOT be specified in a default environment file (default.env
or .hidefaults).


See also
Current directory section

138 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Environment variables details

USERNAME: User Name in object file

Compiler, Assembler, Linker, or Librarian


<user>: Name of user

Each object file contains an entry identifying the user who created the object file.
This information may be retrieved from the object files using the decoder.


See also
• COPYRIGHT: Copyright entry in object file
• INCLUDETIME: Creation time in the object file

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 139

Environment variables details

140 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

This chapter covers these topics:
• Input files
• Output files
• File processing

Input files
Input files to the Assembler:
• Source files
• Include files

Source files
The Macro Assembler takes any file as input. It does not require the filename to have a
special extension. However, we suggest that all your source filenames have the *.asm
extension and all included files have the *.inc.extension. Source files will be searched
first in the project directory and then in the directories enumerated in GENPATH: Search
path for input file

Include files
The search for include files is governed by the GENPATH environment variable. Include
files are searched for first in the project directory, then in the directories given in the
GENPATH environment variable. The project directory is set via the Shell, the Program
Manager, or the DEFAULTDIR: Default current directory environment variable.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 141

Output files

Output files
Output files from the Assembler:
• Object files
• Absolute files
• S-Record Files
• Listing files
• Debug listing files
• Error listing file

Object files
After a successful assembling session, the Macro Assembler generates an object file
containing the target code as well as some debugging information. This file is written to
the directory given in the OBJPATH: Object file path environment variable. If that
variable contains more than one path, the object file is written in the first directory given;
if this variable is not set at all, the object file is written in the directory the source file was
found. Object files always get the *.o extension.

Absolute files
When an application is encoded in a single module and all the sections are absolute
sections, the user can decide to generate directly an absolute file instead of an object file.
This file is written to the directory given in the ABSPATH: Absolute file path
environment variable. If that variable contains more than one path, the absolute file is
written in the first directory given; if this variable is not set at all, the absolute file is
written in the directory the source file was found. Absolute files always get the *.abs

S-Record Files
When an application is encoded in a single module and all the sections are absolute
sections, the user can decide to generate directly an ELF absolute file instead of an object
file. In that case an S-Record File is generated at the same time. This file can be burnt into
an EPROM. It contains information stored in all the READ_ONLY sections in the
application. The extension for the generated S-Record File depends on the setting from the
SRECORD: S-Record type environment variable.
• If SRECORD = S1, the S-Record File gets the *.s1 extension.
• If SRECORD = S2, the S-Record File gets the *.s2 extension.

142 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Output files

• If SRECORD = S3, the S-Record File gets the *.s3 extension.

• If SRECORD is not set, the S-Record File gets the *.sx extension.
This file is written to the directory given in the ABSPATH environment variable. If that
variable contains more than one path, the S-Record File is written in the first directory
given; if this variable is not set at all, the S-Record File is written in the directory the
source file was found.

Listing files
After successful assembling session, the Macro Assembler generates a listing file
containing each assembly instruction with their associated hexadecimal code. This file is
always generated when the -L: Generate a listing file assembler option is activated (even
when the Macro Assembler generates directly an absolute file). This file is written to the
directory given in the TEXTPATH: Text file path.environment variable. If that variable
contains more than one path, the listing file is written in the first directory given; if this
variable is not set at all, the listing file is written in the directory the source file was found.
Listing files always get the *.lst extension. The format of the listing file is described in
the Assembler Listing File chapter.

Debug listing files

After successful assembling session, the Macro Assembler generates a debug listing file,
which will be used to debug the application. This file is always generated, even when the
Macro Assembler directly generates an absolute file. The debug listing file is a duplicate
from the source, where all the macros are expanded and the include files merged. This file
is written to the directory given in the OBJPATH: Object file path environment variable.
If that variable contains more than one path, the debug listing file is written in the first
directory given; if this variable is not set at all, the debug listing file is written in the
directory the source file was found. Debug listing files always get the *.dbg extension.

Error listing file

If the Macro Assembler detects any errors, it does not create an object file but does create
an error listing file. This file is generated in the directory the source file was found (see
ERRORFILE: Filename specification error.
If the Assembler’s window is open, it displays the full path of all include files read. After
successful assembling, the number of code bytes generated is displayed, too. In case of an
error, the position and filename where the error occurs is displayed in the assembler
If the Assembler is started from the IDE (with '%f' given on the command line) or
CodeWright (with '%b%e' given on the command line), this error file is not produced.
Instead, it writes the error messages in a special Microsoft default format in a file called

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 143

File processing

EDOUT. Use WinEdit’s Next Error or CodeWright’s Find Next Error command to see
both error positions and the error messages.

Interactive mode (Assembler window open)

If ERRORFILE is set, the Assembler creates a message file named as specified in this
environment variable.
If ERRORFILE is not set, a default file named err.txt is generated in the current

Batch mode (Assembler window not open)

If ERRORFILE is set, the Assembler creates a message file named as specified in this
environment variable.
If ERRORFILE is not set, a default file named EDOUT is generated in the current

File processing
Figure 4.1 shows the priority levels for the various files used by the Assembler.

Figure 4.1 Files used with the Assembler

144 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options

Types of assembler options

The Assembler offers a number of assembler options that you can use to control the
Assembler’s operation. Options are composed of a hyphen(-) followed by one or more
letters or digits. Anything not starting with a hyphen is supposed to be the name of a
source file to be assembled. Assembler options may be specified on the command line or
in the ASMOPTIONS: Default assembler options (Table 5.1) environment variable.
Typically, each Assembler option is specified only once per assembling session.
Command-line options are not case-sensitive. For example, -Li is the same as -li. It is
possible to combine options in the same group, i.e., one might write -Lci instead of -Lc
-Li. However such a usage is not recommended as it makes the command line less
readable and it does also create the danger of name conflicts. For example -Li -Lc is
not the same as -Lic because this is recognized as a separate, independent option on its

NOTE It is not possible to combine options in different groups, e.g., -Lc -W1 cannot
be abbreviated by the terms -LC1 or -LCW1.

Table 5.1 ASMOPTIONS environment variable

ASMOPTIONS If this environment variable is set, the Assembler appends its contents
to its command line each time a file is assembled. It can be used to
globally specify certain options that should always be set, so you do
not have to specify them each time a file is assembled.

Assembler options (Table 5.2) are grouped by:

• Output,
• Input,
• Language,
• Host,
• Code Generation,
• Messages, and
• Various.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 145

Assembler Options
Types of assembler options

Table 5.2 Assembler option categories

Group Description

Output Lists options related to the output files generation (which kind of
file should be generated).

Input Lists options related to the input files.

Language Lists options related to the programming language (ANSI-C,

C++, etc.)

Host Lists options related to the host.

Code Generation Lists options related to code generation (memory models, etc.).

Messages Lists options controlling the generation of error messages.

Various Lists various options.

The group corresponds to the property sheets of the graphical option settings.
Each option has also a scope (Table 5.3).

Table 5.3 Scopes for assembler options

Scope Description

Application This option has to be set for all files (assembly units) of an
application. A typical example is an option to set the memory model.
Mixing object files will have unpredictable results.

Assembly Unit This option can be set for each assembling unit for an application
differently. Mixing objects in an application is possible.

None The scope option is not related to a specific code part. A typical
example are options for the message management.

The options available are arranged into different groups, and a tab selection is available
for each of these groups. The content of the list box depends upon the tab that is selected.

146 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Assembler Option details

Assembler Option details

The remainder of this section is devoted to describing each of the assembler options
available for the Assembler. The options are listed in alphabetical order and each is
divided into several sections (Table 5.4).

Table 5.4 Assembler option details

Topic Description

Group Output, Input, Language, Host, Code Generation, Messages, or Various.

Scope Application, Assembly Unit, Function, or None.

Syntax Specifies the syntax of the option in an EBNF format.

Arguments Describes and lists optional and required arguments for the option.

Default Shows the default setting for the option.

Description Provides a detailed description of the option and how to use it.

Example Gives an example of usage, and effects of the option where possible.
Assembler settings, source code and/or Linker PRM files are displayed
where applicable. The examples shows an entry in the default.env
for the PC or in the .hidefaults for UNIX.

See also Names related options.

(if needed)

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 147

Assembler Options
Assembler Option details

Using special modifiers

With some options it is possible to use special modifiers. However, some modifiers may
not make sense for all options. This section describes those modifiers.
The following modifiers are supported (Table 5.5)

Table 5.5 Special modifiers for assembler options

Modifier Description

%p Path including file separator

%N Filename in strict 8.3 format

%n Filename without its extension

%E Extension in strict 8.3 format

%e Extension

%f Path + filename without its extension

%” A double quote (“) if the filename, the path or the extension contains a

%’ A single quote (‘) if the filename, the path, or the extension contains a

%(ENV) Replaces it with the contents of an environment variable

%% Generates a single ‘%’

Examples using special modifiers

The assumed path and filename (filename base for the modifiers) used for the examples
Listing 5.2 through Listing 5.13 is displayed in Listing 5.1.

Listing 5.1 Example filename and path used for the following examples

C:\Freescale\my demo\TheWholeThing.myExt

Using the %p modifier as in Listing 5.2 displays the path with a file separator but without
the filename.

148 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Assembler Option details

Listing 5.2 %p gives the path only with the final file separator

C:\Freescale\my demo\

Using the %N modifier only displays the filename in 8.3 format but without the file
extension (Listing 5.3).

Listing 5.3 %N results in the filename in 8.3 format (only the first 8 characters)


The %n modifier returns the entire filename but with no file extension (Listing 5.4.

Listing 5.4 %n returns just the filename without the file extension


Using %E as a modifier returns the first three characters in the file extension (Listing 5.5).

Listing 5.5 %E gives the file extension in 8.3 format (only the first 3 characters)


If you want the entire file extension, use the %e modifier (Listing 5.6).

Listing 5.6 %e is used for returning the whole extension


The %f modifier returns the path and the filename without the file extension (Listing 5.7).

Listing 5.7 %f gives the path plus the filename (no file extension)

C:\Freescale\my demo\TheWholeThing

The path in Listing 5.1 contains a space, therefore using %” or %’ is recommended

(Listing 5.8 or Listing 5.9).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 149

Assembler Options
Assembler Option details

Listing 5.8 Use %”%f%” in case there is a space in its path, filename, or extension

“C:\Freescale\my demo\TheWholeThing”

Listing 5.9 Use %’%f%’ where there is a space in its path, filename, or extension

‘C:\Freescale\my demo\TheWholeThing’

Using %(envVariable) an environment variable may be used. A file separator

following %(envVariable) is ignored if the environment variable is empty or does not
exist. If TEXTPATH is set as in Listing 5.10, then $(TEXTPATH)\myfile.txt is
expressed as in Listing 5.11.

Listing 5.10 Example for setting TEXTPATH


Listing 5.11 $(TEXTPATH)\myfile.txt where TEXTPATH is defined


However, if TEXTPATH does not exist or is empty, then $(TEXTPATH)\myfile.txt

is expressed as in Listing 5.12).

Listing 5.12 $(TEXTPATH)\myfile.txt where TEXTPATH does not exist


It is also possible to display the percent sign by using %%. %e%% allows the expression of a
percent sign after the extension as in Listing 5.13.

Listing 5.13 %% allows a percent sign to be expressed


150 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
List of every Assembler option

List of every Assembler option

The Table 5.6 lists each command line option you can use with the Assembler.

Table 5.6 Assembler options

Assembler option

-Ci: Switch case sensitivity on label names OFF

-CMacAngBrack: Angle brackets for grouping Macro Arguments

-CMacBrackets: Square brackets for macro arguments grouping

-Compat: Compatibility modes

-CS08/-C08/-CRS08: Derivative family

-Env: Set environment variable

-F (-Fh, -F2o, -FA2o, -F2, -FA2): Output file format

-H: Short Help

-I: Include file path

-L: Generate a listing file

-Lasmc: Configure listing file

-Lasms: Configure the address size in the listing file

-Lc: No Macro call in listing file

-Ld: No macro definition in listing file

-Le: No Macro expansion in listing file

-Li: No included file in listing file

-Lic: License information

-LicA: License information about every feature in directory

-LicBorrow: Borrow license feature

-LicWait: Wait until floating license is available from floating License Server

-M (-Ms, -Mt): Memory model

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 151

Assembler Options
List of every Assembler option

Table 5.6 Assembler options (continued)

Assembler option

-MacroNest: Configure maximum macro nesting

-MCUasm: Switch compatibility with MCUasm ON

-N: Display notify box

-NoBeep: No beep in case of an error

-NoDebugInfo: No debug information for ELF/DWARF files

-NoEnv: Do not use environment

-ObjN: Object filename specification

-Prod: Specify project file at startup

-Struct: Support for structured types

-V: Prints the Assembler version

-View: Application standard occurrence

-W1: No information messages

-W2: No information and warning messages

-WErrFile: Create "err.log" error file

-Wmsg8x3: Cut filenames in Microsoft format to 8.3

-WmsgCE: RGB color for error messages

-WmsgCF: RGB color for fatal messages

-WmsgCI: RGB color for information messages

-WmsgCU: RGB color for user messages

-WmsgCW: RGB color for warning messages

-WmsgFb (-WmsgFbv, -WmsgFbm): Set message file format for batch mode

-WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for interactive mode

-WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode

-WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode

-WmsgFonf: Message format for no file information

152 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
List of every Assembler option

Table 5.6 Assembler options (continued)

Assembler option

-WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information

-WmsgNe: Number of error messages

-WmsgNi: Number of Information messages

-WmsgNu: Disable user messages

-WmsgNw: Number of Warning messages

-WmsgSd: Setting a message to disable

-WmsgSe: Setting a message to Error

-WmsgSi: Setting a message to Information

-WmsgSw: Setting a Message to Warning

-WOutFile: Create error listing file

-WStdout: Write to standard output

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 153

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

Detailed listing of all assembler options

The remainder of the chapter is a detailed listing of all assembler options arranged in
alphabetical order.

-Ci: Switch case sensitivity on label names OFF


Assembly Unit




This option turns off case sensitivity on label names. When this option is activated,
the Assembler ignores case sensitivity for label names. If the Assembler generates
object files but not absolute files directly (-FA2 assembler option), the case of
exported or imported labels must still match. Or, the -Ci assembler option should
be specified in the linker as well.

When case sensitivity on label names is switched off, the Assembler will not
generate an error message for the assembly source code in Listing 5.14.

Listing 5.14 Example assembly source code

ORG $200
entry: NOP
BRA Entry

154 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

The instruction BRA Entry branches on the entry label. The default setting for
case sensitivity is ON, which means that the Assembler interprets the labels Entry
and entry as two distinct labels.

See also
-F (-Fh, -F2o, -FA2o, -F2, -FA2): Output file format assembler option

-CMacAngBrack: Angle brackets for grouping Macro Arguments






This option controls whether the < > syntax for macro invocation argument
grouping is available. When it is disabled, the Assembler does not recognize the
special meaning for < in the macro invocation context. There are cases where the
angle brackets are ambiguous. In new code, use the [? ?] syntax instead.

See also
Macro argument grouping
-CMacBrackets: Square brackets for macro arguments grouping option

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 155

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-CMacBrackets: Square brackets for macro arguments grouping






This option controls the availability of the [? ?] syntax for macro invocation
argument grouping. When it is disabled, the Assembler does not recognize the
special meaning for [? in the macro invocation context.

See also
Macro argument grouping
-CMacAngBrack: Angle brackets for grouping Macro Arguments option

156 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-Compat: Compatibility modes




See below.


This option controls some compatibility enhancements of the Assembler. The goal
is not to provide 100% compatibility with any other Assembler but to make it
possible to reuse as much as possible. The various suboptions control different
parts of the assembly:
• =: Operator != means equal
The Assembler takes the default value of the != operator as not equal, as it is in
the C language. For compatibility, this behavior can be changed to equal with
this option. Because the danger of this option for existing code, a message is
issued for every != which is treated as equal.
• !: Support additional ! operators
The following additional operators are defined when this option is used:
– !^: exponentiation
– !m: modulo
– !@: signed greater or equal
– !g: signed greater
– !%: signed less or equal
– !t: signed less than

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 157

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

– !$: unsigned greater or equal

– !S: unsigned greater
– !&: unsigned less or equal
– !l: unsigned less
– !n: one complement
– !w: low operator
– !h: high operator

NOTE The default values for the following ! operators are defined:
!.: binary AND
!x: exclusive OR
!+: binary OR

• c: Alternate comment rules

With this suboption, comments implicitly start when a space is present after the
argument list. A special character is not necessary. Be careful with spaces when
this option is given because part of the intended arguments may be taken as a
comment. However, to avoid accidental comments, the Assembler does issue a
warning if such a comment does not start with a "*" or a ";".

Listing 5.15 demonstrates that when -Compat=c, comments can start with a *.

Listing 5.15 Comments starting with an asterisk (*)

NOP * Anything following an asterisk is a comment.

When the -Compat=c assembler option is used, the first DC.B directive in
Listing 5.16 has "+ 1 , 1" as a comment. A warning is issued because the
comment does not start with a ";" or a "*". With -Compat=c, this code
generates a warning and three bytes with constant values 1, 2, and 1. Without it,
this code generates four 8-bit constants of 2, 1, 2, and 1.

Listing 5.16 Implicit comment start after a space

DC.B 1 + 1 , 1
DC.B 1+1,1

158 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

• s: Symbol prefixes
With this suboption, some compatibility prefixes for symbols are supported.
With this option, the Assembler accepts “pgz:” and “byte:” prefixed for
symbols in XDEFs and XREFs. They correspond to XREF.B or XDEF.B with
the same symbols without the prefix.
• f: Ignore FF character at line start
With this suboption, an otherwise improper character recognized from feed
character is ignored.
• $: Support the $ character in symbols
With this suboption, the Assembler supports to start identifiers with a $ sign.
• a: Add some additional directives
With this suboption, some additional directives are added for enhanced
The Assembler actually supports a SECT directive as an alias of the usual
SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section assembly directive. The SECT
directive takes the section name as its first argument.
• b: support the FOR directive
With this suboption, the Assembler supports a FOR - Repeat assembly block
assembly directive to generate repeated patterns more easily without having to
use recursive macros.

-CS08/-C08/-CRS08: Derivative family

Code Generation




HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 159

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options


The Assembler supports three different HC08-derived cores. The HC08 itself
(-C08), the enhanced HCS08 (-CS08), and the RS08 (-CRS08).
The HCS08 family supports additional addressing modes for the CPHX, LDHX, and
STHX instructions and also a new BGND instruction. All these enhancements are
allowed when the -CS08 option is specified. All instructions and addressing
modes available for the HC08 are also available for the HCS08 so that this core
remains binary compatible with its predecessor.
The RS08 family does not support all instructions and addressing modes of the
HC08. Also, the encoding of the supported instructions is not binary compatible.

Table 5.7 Table of new instructions or addressing modes for the HCS08

Instruction Addr. mode Description

LDHX EXT load from a 16-bit absolute address

IX load HX via 0,X
IX1 load HX via 1,X...255,X
IX2 load HX via old HX+ any offset
SP1 load HX from stack

STHX EXT store HX to a 16-bit absolute address

SP1 store HX to stack

CPHX EXT compare HX with a 16-bit address

SP1 compare HX with the stack

BGND enter the Background Debug Mode


Assembly Unit


160 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

<LabelName>: Name of label.
<Value>: Value for label. 0 if not present.

0 for Value.

This option behaves as if a Label: EQU Value is at the start of the main source
file. When no explicit value is given, 0 is used as the default.
This option can be used to build different versions with one common source file.

Conditional inclusion of a copyright notice. See Listing 5.17 and Listing 5.18.

Listing 5.17 Source code that conditionally includes a copyright notice

YearAsString: MACRO
DC.B $30+(\1 /1000)%10
DC.B $30+(\1 / 100)%10
DC.B $30+(\1 / 10)%10
DC.B $30+(\1 / 1)%10

ORG $1000
DC.B "Copyright by "
DC.B "John Doe"
ifdef YEAR
DC.B " 1999-"
YearAsString YEAR
DC.B 0

When assembled with the option -dADD_COPYRIGHT -dYEAR=2005, Listing

5.18 is generated:

Listing 5.18 Generated list file

1 1 YearAsString: MACRO
2 2 DC.B $30+(\1 /1000)%10

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 161

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

3 3 DC.B $30+(\1 / 100)%10

4 4 DC.B $30+(\1 / 10)%10
5 5 DC.B $30+(\1 / 1)%10
6 6 ENDM
7 7
8 8 0000 0001 ifdef ADD_COPYRIGHT
9 9 ORG $1000
10 10 a001000 436F 7079 DC.B "Copyright by "
001004 7269 6768
001008 7420 6279
00100C 20
11 11 a00100D 4A6F 686E DC.B "John Doe"
001011 2044 6F65
12 12 0000 0001 ifdef YEAR
13 13 a001015 2031 3939 DC.B " 1999-"
001019 392D
14 14 YearAsString YEAR
15 2m a00101B 32 + DC.B $30+(YEAR /1000)%10
16 3m a00101C 30 + DC.B $30+(YEAR / 100)%10
17 4m a00101D 30 + DC.B $30+(YEAR / 10)%10
18 5m a00101E 31 + DC.B $30+(YEAR / 1)%10
19 15 endif
20 16 a00101F 00 DC.B 0
21 17 endif

-Env: Set environment variable


Assembly Unit


<EnvironmentVariable>: Environment variable to be set
<VariableSetting>: Setting of the environment variable

162 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options


This option sets an environment variable.

This is the same as:
in the default.env file.

See also
Environment variables details

-F (-Fh, -F2o, -FA2o, -F2, -FA2): Output file format




h: HIWARE object-file format; this is the default
2o: Compatible ELF/DWARF 2.0 object-file format
A2o: Compatible ELF/DWARF 2.0 absolute-file format
2: ELF/DWARF 2.0 object-file format
A2: ELF/DWARF 2.0 absolute-file format


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 163

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

Defines the format for the output file generated by the Assembler:
• With the -Fh option set, the Assembler uses a proprietary (HIWARE) object-
file format.
• With the -F2 option set, the Assembler produces an ELF/DWARF object file.
This object-file format may also be supported by other Compiler or Assembler
• With the -FA2 option set, the Assembler produces an ELF/DWARF absolute
file. This file format may also be supported by other Compiler or Assembler
Note that the ELF/DWARF 2.0 file format has been updated in the current version
of the Assembler. If you are using HI-WAVE version 5.2 (or an earlier version),
-F2o or -FA2o must be used to generate the ELF/DWARF 2.0 object files which
can be loaded in the debugger.


NOTE For the RS08 the HIWARE object file format is not available.

-H: Short Help






164 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

The -H option causes the Assembler to display a short list (i.e., help list) of
available options within the assembler window. Options are grouped into Output,
Input, Language, Host, Code Generation, Messages, and Various.
No other option or source files should be specified when the -H option is invoked.

Listing 5.19 is a portion of the list produced by the -H option:

Listing 5.19 Example Help listing

-N Show notification box in case of errors
-NoBeep No beep in case of an error
-W1 Do not print INFORMATION messages
-W2 Do not print INFORMATION or WARNING messages
-WErrFile Create "err.log" Error File

-I: Include file path




<path>: File path to be used for includes


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 165

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

With the -I option it is possible to specify a file path used for include files.


-L: Generate a listing file


Assembly unit


<dest>: the name of the listing file to be generated.
It may contain special modifiers (see Using special modifiers).

No generated listing file

Switches on the generation of the listing file. If dest is not specified, the listing
file will have the same name as the source file, but with extension *.lst. The
listing file contains macro definition, invocation, and expansion lines as well as
expanded include files.

In the following example of assembly code (Listing 5.20), the cpChar macro
accepts two parameters. The macro copies the value of the first parameter to the
second one.

166 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

When the -L option is specified, the portion of assembly source code in Listing
5.20, together with the code from an include file (Listing 5.21) generates the output
listing in Listing 5.22.

Listing 5.20 Example assembly source code

XDEF Start
char1: DS.B 1
char2: DS.B 1
INCLUDE "macro.inc"
cpChar char1, char2

Listing 5.21 Example source code from an include file

cpChar: MACRO
LDA \1
STA \2

Listing 5.22 Assembly output listing

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 XDEF Start
2 2 MyData: SECTION
3 3 000000 char1: DS.B 1
4 4 000001 char2: DS.B 1
5 5 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
6 1i cpChar: MACRO
7 2i LDA \1
8 3i STA \2
9 4i ENDM
10 6 CodeSec: SECTION
11 7 Start:
12 8 cpChar char1, char2
13 2m 000000 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
14 3m 000003 C7 xxxx + STA char2
15 9 000006 9D NOP

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 167

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

The Assembler stores the content of included files in the listing file. The
Assembler also stores macro definitions, invocations, and expansions in the listing
For a detailed description of the listing file, see the Assembler Listing File chapter.

See also
Assembler options:
• -Lasmc: Configure listing file
• -Lasms: Configure the address size in the listing file
• -Lc: No Macro call in listing file
• -Ld: No macro definition in listing file
• -Le: No Macro expansion in listing file
• -Li: No included file in listing file

-Lasmc: Configure listing file


Assembly unit


s - Do not write the source column
r - Do not write the relative column (Rel.)
m - Do not write the macro mark
l - Do not write the address (Loc)
k - Do not write the location type
i - Do not write the include mark column
c - Do not write the object code
a - Do not write the absolute column (Abs.)

168 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

Write all columns.

The default-configured listing file shows a lot of information. With this option, the
output can be reduced to columns which are of interest. This option configures
which columns are printed in a listing file. To configure which lines to print, see
the following assembler options: -Lc: No Macro call in listing file, -Ld: No macro
definition in listing file, -Le: No Macro expansion in listing file, and -Li: No
included file in listing file.

For the following assembly source code, the Assembler generates the default-
configured output listing (Listing 5.23):
DC.B "Hello World"
DC.B 0

Listing 5.23 Example assembler output listing

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 000000 4865 6C6C DC.B "Hello World"
000004 6F20 576F
000008 726C 64
2 2 00000B 00 DC.B 0

In order to get this output without the source file line numbers and other irrelevant
parts for this simple DC.B example, the following option is added:
-Lasmc=ramki. This generates the output listing in Listing 5.24:

Listing 5.24 Example output listing

Loc Obj. code Source line

------ --------- -----------
000000 4865 6C6C DC.B "Hello World"
000004 6F20 576F
000008 726C 64
00000B 00 DC.B 0

For a detailed description of the listing file, see the Assembler Listing File chapter.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 169

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

See also
Assembler options:
• -L: Generate a listing file
• -Lc: No Macro call in listing file
• -Ld: No macro definition in listing file
• -Le: No Macro expansion in listing file
• -Li: No included file in listing file
• -Lasms: Configure the address size in the listing file

-Lasms: Configure the address size in the listing file


Assembly unit


1 - The address size is xx
2 - The address size is xxxx
3 - The address size is xxxxxx
4 - The address size is xxxxxxxx


The default-configured listing file shows a lot of information. With this option, the
size of the address column can be reduced to the size of interest. To configure
which columns are printed, see the -Lasmc: Configure listing file option. To
configure which lines to print, see the -Lc: No Macro call in listing file, -Ld: No

170 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

macro definition in listing file, -Le: No Macro expansion in listing file, and -Li: No
included file in listing file assembler options.

For the following instruction:
the Assembler generates this default-configured output listing (Listing 5.25):

Listing 5.25 Example assembler output listing

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 000000 XX NOP

In order to change the size of the address column the following option is added:
-Lasms1. This changes the address size to two digits.

Listing 5.26 Example assembler output listing configured with -Lasms1

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 00 XX NOP

See also
Assembler Listing File chapter
Assembler options:
• -Lasmc: Configure listing file
• -L: Generate a listing file
• -Lc: No Macro call in listing file
• -Ld: No macro definition in listing file
• -Le: No Macro expansion in listing file
• -Li: No included file in listing file

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 171

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-Lc: No Macro call in listing file


Assembly unit




Switches on the generation of the listing file, but macro invocations are not present
in the listing file. The listing file contains macro definition and expansion lines as
well as expanded include files.

In the following example of assembly code, the cpChar macro accept two
parameters. The macro copies the value of the first parameter to the second one.
When the -Lc option is specified, the following portion of assembly source code in
Listing 5.27, along with additional source code (Listing 5.28) from the
macro.inc include file generates the output in the assembly listing file (Listing

Listing 5.27 Example assembly source code

XDEF Start
char1: DS.B 1
char2: DS.B 1
INCLUDE "macro.inc"

172 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

cpChar char1, char2

Listing 5.28 Example source code from the macro.inc file

cpChar: MACRO
LDA \1
STA \2

Listing 5.29 Output assembly listing

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 XDEF Start
2 2 MyData: SECTION
3 3 000000 char1: DS.B 1
4 4 000001 char2: DS.B 1
5 5 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
6 1i cpChar: MACRO
7 2i LDA \1
8 3i STA \2
9 4i ENDM
10 6 CodeSec: SECTION
11 7 Start:
13 2m 000000 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
14 3m 000003 C7 xxxx + STA char2
15 9 000006 9D NOP

The Assembler stores the content of included files in the listing file. The
Assembler also stores macro definitions, invocations, and expansions in the listing
The listing file does not contain the line of source code that invoked the macro.
For a detailed description of the listing file, see the Assembler Listing File chapter.

See also
Assembler options:
• -L: Generate a listing file
• -Ld: No macro definition in listing file
• -Le: No Macro expansion in listing file
• -Li: No included file in listing file

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 173

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-Ld: No macro definition in listing file


Assembly unit




Instructs the Assembler to generate a listing file but not including any macro
definitions. The listing file contains macro invocation and expansion lines as well
as expanded include files.

In the following example of assembly code, the cpChar macro accepts two
parameters. The macro copies the value of the first parameter to the second one.
When the -Ld option is specified, the assembly source code in Listing 5.30 along
with additional source code (Listing 5.31) from the macro.inc file generates an
assembler output listing (Listing 5.32) file:

Listing 5.30 Example assembly source code

XDEF Start
char1: DS.B 1
char2: DS.B 1
INCLUDE "macro.inc"

174 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

cpChar char1, char2


Listing 5.31 Example source code from an include file

cpChar: MACRO
LDA \1
STA \2

Listing 5.32 Example assembler output listing

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 XDEF Start
2 2 MyData: SECTION
3 3 000000 char1: DS.B 1
4 4 000001 char2: DS.B 1
5 5 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
6 1i cpChar: MACRO
10 6 CodeSec: SECTION
11 7 Start:
12 8 cpChar char1, char2
13 2m 000000 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
14 3m 000003 C7 xxxx + STA char2
15 9 000006 9D NOP

The Assembler stores that content of included files in the listing file. The
Assembler also stores macro invocation and expansion in the listing file.
The listing file does not contain the source code from the macro definition.
For a detailed description of the listing file, see the Assembler Listing File chapter.

See also
Assembler options:
• -L: Generate a listing file
• -Lc: No Macro call in listing file
• -Le: No Macro expansion in listing file
• -Li: No included file in listing file

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 175

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-Le: No Macro expansion in listing file


Assembly unit




Switches on the generation of the listing file, but macro expansions are not present
in the listing file. The listing file contains macro definition and invocation lines as
well as expanded include files.

In the following example of assembly code, the cpChar macro accepts two
parameters. The macro copies the value of the first parameter to the second one.
When the -Le option is specified, the assembly code in Listing 5.33 along with
additional source code (Listing 5.34) from the macro.inc file generates an
assembly output listing file (Listing 5.35):

Listing 5.33 Example assembly source code

XDEF Start
char1: DS.B 1
char2: DS.B 1
INCLUDE "macro.inc"

176 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

cpChar char1, char2


Listing 5.34 Example source code from an included file

cpChar: MACRO
LDA \1
STA \2

Listing 5.35 Example assembler output listing

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 XDEF Start
2 2 MyData: SECTION
3 3 000000 char1: DS.B 1
4 4 000001 char2: DS.B 1
5 5 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
6 1i cpChar: MACRO
7 2i LDA \1
8 3i STA \2
9 4i ENDM
10 6 CodeSec: SECTION
11 7 Start:
12 8 cpChar char1, char2
15 9 000006 9D NOP

The Assembler stores the content of included files in the listing file. The
Assembler also stores the macro definition and invocation in the listing file.
The Assembler does not store the macro expansion lines in the listing file.
For a detailed description of the listing file, see the Assembler Listing File chapter.

See also
-L: Generate a listing file
-Lc: No Macro call in listing file
-Ld: No macro definition in listing file-Li: No included file in listing file

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 177

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-Li: No included file in listing file


Assembly unit




Switches on the generation of the listing file, but include files are not expanded in
the listing file. The listing file contains macro definition, invocation, and expansion

In the following example of assembly code, the cpChar macro accepts two
parameters. The macro copies the value of the first parameter to the second one.
When -Li option is specified, the assembly source code in Listing 5.36 along with
additional source code (Listing 5.37) from the macro.inc file generates the
following output in the assembly listing file:

Listing 5.36 Example assembly source code

XDEF Start
char1: DS.B 1
char2: DS.B 1
INCLUDE "macro.inc"

178 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

cpChar char1, char2


Listing 5.37 Example source code in an include file

cpChar: MACRO
LDA \1
STA \2

Listing 5.38 Example assembler output listing

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 XDEF Start
2 2 MyData: SECTION
3 3 000000 char1: DS.B 1
4 4 000001 char2: DS.B 1
5 5 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
10 6 CodeSec: SECTION
11 7 Start:
12 8 cpChar char1, char2
13 2m 000000 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
14 3m 000003 C7 xxxx + STA char2
15 9 000006 9D NOP

The Assembler stores the macro definition, invocation, and expansion in the listing
The Assembler does not store the content of included files in the listing file.
For a detailed description of the listing file, see the Assembler Listing File chapter.

See also
Assembler options:
• -L: Generate a listing file
• -Lc: No Macro call in listing file
• -Ld: No macro definition in listing file
• -Le: No Macro expansion in listing file

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 179

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-Lic: License information






The -Lic option prints the current license information (e.g., if it is a demo
version or a full version). This information is also displayed in the About box.


See also
Assembler options:
• -LicA: License information about every feature in directory
• -LicBorrow: Borrow license feature
• -LicWait: Wait until floating license is available from floating License Server

180 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-LicA: License information about every feature in directory






The -LicA option prints the license information of every tool or DLL in the
directory where the executable is (e.g., if tool or feature is a demo version or a full
version). Because the option has to analyze every single file in the directory, this
may take a long time.


See also
Assembler options:
• -Lic: License information
• -LicBorrow: Borrow license feature
• -LicWait: Wait until floating license is available from floating License Server

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 181

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-LicBorrow: Borrow license feature




<feature>: the feature name to be borrowed (e.g., HI100100).
<version>: optional version of the feature to be borrowed (e.g., 3.000).
<date>: date with optional time until when the feature shall be borrowed (e.g.,




This option lets you borrow a license feature until a given date/time. Borrowing
allows you to use a floating license even if disconnected from the floating license
You need to specify the feature name and the date until you want to borrow the
feature. If the feature you want to borrow is a feature belonging to the tool where
you use this option, then you do not need to specify the version of the feature
(because the tool is aware of the version). However, if you want to borrow any
feature, you need to specify the feature’s version number.
You can check the status of currently borrowed features in the tool’s About box.

182 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

NOTE You only can borrow features if you have a floating license and if your floating
license is enabled for borrowing. See the provided FLEXlm documentation
about details on borrowing.


See also
Assembler options:
• -Lic: License information
• -LicA: License information about every feature in directory
• -LicWait: Wait until floating license is available from floating License Server

-LicWait: Wait until floating license is available from floating

License Server






HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 183

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

If a license is not available from the floating license server, then the default
condition is that the application will immediately return. With the -LicWait
assembler option set, the application will wait (blocking) until a license is available
from the floating license server.


See also
Assembler options:
• -Lic: License information
• -LicA: License information about every feature in directory
• -LicBorrow: Borrow license feature

-M (-Ms, -Mt): Memory model

Code Generation



s: small memory model
t: tiny memory model


184 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

The Assembler for the MC68HC(S)08 supports two different memory models. The
default is the small memory model, which corresponds to the normal setup, i.e., a
64kB code-address space. The tiny memory model corresponds to the situation
where the default RAM is in the zero page.

NOTE For the Assembler, the memory model does not matter at all. The memory
model is used by the compiler to specify the default allocation of variable and
functions. The Assembler has this option only to generate “compatible” object
files for the memory model consistency check of the linker.

NOTE In the tiny memory model, the default for the compiler is to use zero-page
addressing. The default for the Assembler is to still use extended-addressing
modes. See the Using the direct addressing mode to access symbols section to
see how to generate zero-page accesses.


-MacroNest: Configure maximum macro nesting


Assembly Unit


<Value>: max. allowed nesting level


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 185

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

This option controls how deep macros calls can be nested. Its main purpose is to
avoid endless recursive macro invocations.

See the description of message A1004 for an example.

See also
Message A1004 (available in the Online Help)

-MCUasm: Switch compatibility with MCUasm ON


Assembly Unit




This switches ON compatibility mode with the MCUasm Assembler. Additional
features supported, when this option is activated are enumerated in the MCUasm
Compatibility chapter in the Appendices.


186 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-N: Display notify box


Assembly Unit




Makes the Assembler display an alert box if there was an error during assembling.
This is useful when running a makefile (please see the manual about Build Tools)
because the Assembler waits for the user to acknowledge the message, thus
suspending makefile processing. (The 'N' stands for “Notify”.)
This feature is useful for halting and aborting a build using the Make Utility.

If an error occurs during assembling, an alert dialog box will be opened.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 187

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-NoBeep: No beep in case of an error


Assembly Unit




Normally there is a ‘beep’ notification at the end of processing if there was an
error. To have a silent error behavior, this ‘beep’ may be switched off using this


188 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-NoDebugInfo: No debug information for ELF/DWARF files


Assembly Unit




By default, the Assembler produces debugging info for the produced ELF/
DWARF files. This can be switched off with this option.


-NoEnv: Do not use environment

Startup (This option cannot be specified interactively.)

Assembly Unit


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 189

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options



This option can only be specified at the command line while starting the
application. It cannot be specified in any other circumstances, including the
default.env file, the command line or whatever.
When this option is given, the application does not use any environment
(default.env, project.ini or tips file).

xx.exe -NoEnv
(Use the actual executable name instead of “xx”)

See also
Environment chapter

-ObjN: Object filename specification


Assembly Unit


<FileName>: Name of the binary output file generated.

-ObjN%n.o when generating a relocatable file or
-ObjN%n.abs when generating an absolute file.

190 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

Normally, the object file has the same name than the processed source file, but with
the .o extension when relocatable code is generated or the .abs extension when
absolute code is generated. This option allows a flexible way to define the output
filename. The modifier %n can also be used. It is replaced with the source filename.
If <file> in this option contains a path (absolute or relative), the OBJPATH
environment variable is ignored.

For ASMOPTIONS=-ObjNa.out, the resulting object file will be a.out. If the
OBJPATH environment variable is set to \src\obj, the object file will be
For fibo.c -ObjN%n.obj, the resulting object file will be fibo.obj.
For myfile.c -ObjN..\objects\_%n.obj, the object file will be named
relative to the current directory to ...\objects\_myfile.obj. Note that the
environment variable OBJPATH is ignored, because <file> contains a path.

See also
OBJPATH: Object file path environment variable

-Prod: Specify project file at startup

None (This option cannot be specified interactively.)



<file>: name of a project or project directory


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 191

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

This option can only be specified at the command line while starting the
application. It cannot be specified in any other circumstances, including the
default.env file, the command line or whatever.
When this option is given, the application opens the file as configuration file.
When the filename does only contain a directory, the default name
project.ini is appended. When the loading fails, a message box appears.

assembler.exe -Prod=project.ini
(Use the Assembler’s executable name instead of assembler.)

See also
Environment chapter

-Struct: Support for structured types


Assembly Unit




When this option is activated, the Macro Assembler also support the definition and
usage of structured types. This is interesting for application containing both
ANSI-C and Assembly modules.

192 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options


See also
Mixed C and Assembler Applications chapter

-V: Prints the Assembler version






Prints the Assembler version and the current directory.

NOTE Use this option to determine the current directory of the Assembler.

-V produces the following listing (Listing 5.39):

Listing 5.39 Example of a version listing

Command Line '-v'

Assembler V-5.0.8, Jul 7 2005
Directory: C:\Freescale\demo

Common Module V-5.0.7, Date Jul 7 2005

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 193

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

User Interface Module, V-5.0.17, Date Jul 7 2005

Assembler Kernel, V-5.0.13, Date Jul 7 2005
Assembler Target, V-5.0.8, Date Jul 7 2005

-View: Application standard occurrence


Assembly Unit


<kind> is one of the following:
• “Window”: Application window has the default window size.
• “Min”: Application window is minimized.
• “Max”: Application window is maximized.
• “Hidden”: Application window is not visible (only if there are arguments).

Application is started with arguments: Minimized.
Application is started without arguments: Window.

Normally, the application is started with a normal window if no arguments are
given. If the application is started with arguments (e.g., from the Maker to
assemble, compile, or link a file), then the application is running minimized to
allow for batch processing. However, the application’s window behavior may be
specified with the View option.
Using -ViewWindow, the application is visible with its normal window. Using
-ViewMin the application is visible iconified (in the task bar). Using -ViewMax,
the application is visible maximized (filling the whole screen). Using

194 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-ViewHidden, the application processes arguments (e.g., files to be compiled or

linked) completely invisible in the background (no window or icon visible in the
task bar). However, for example, if you are using the -N: Display notify box
assembler option, a dialog box is still possible.

C:\Freescale\prog\linker.exe -ViewHidden fibo.prm

-W1: No information messages


Assembly Unit




Inhibits the Assembler’s printing INFORMATION messages. Only WARNING
and ERROR messages are written to the error listing file and to the assembler


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 195

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-W2: No information and warning messages


Assembly Unit




Suppresses all messages of INFORMATION or WARNING types. Only ERROR
messages are written to the error listing file and to the assembler window.


-WErrFile: Create "err.log" error file


Assembly Unit


196 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options


An err.log file is created or deleted.

The error feedback from the Assembler to called tools is now done with a return
code. In 16-bit Windows environments this was not possible. So in case of an error,
an “err.log” file with the numbers of written errors was used to signal any errors.
To indicate no errors, the “err.log”file would be deleted. Using UNIX or WIN32, a
return code is now available. Therefore, this file is no longer needed when only
UNIX or WIN32 applications are involved. To use a 16-bit Maker with this tool, an
error file must be created in order to signal any error.

• -WErrFileOn
err.log is created or deleted when the application is finished.
• -WErrFileOff
existing err.log is not modified.

See also
-WStdout: Write to standard output
-WOutFile: Create error listing file

-Wmsg8x3: Cut filenames in Microsoft format to 8.3


Assembly Unit


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 197

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options


Some editors (e.g., early versions of WinEdit) are expecting the filename in the
Microsoft message format in a strict 8.3 format. That means the filename can have
at most 8 characters with not more than a 3-character extension. Using a newer
Windows OS, longer file names are possible. With this option the filename in the
Microsoft message is truncated to the 8.3 format.

x:\mysourcefile.c(3): INFORMATION C2901: Unrolling loop
With the -Wmsg8x3 option set, the above message will be
x:\mysource.c(3): INFORMATION C2901: Unrolling loop

See also
• -WmsgFb (-WmsgFbv, -WmsgFbm): Set message file format for batch mode
• -WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for interactive
• -WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode
• -WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode Option
• --WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information

-WmsgCE: RGB color for error messages


Compilation Unit


<RGB>: 24-bit RGB (red green blue) value.

198 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WmsgCE16711680 (rFF g00 b00, red)

It is possible to change the error message color with this option. The value to be
specified has to be an RGB (Red-Green-Blue) value and has to be specified in

-WmsgCE255 changes the error messages to blue.

-WmsgCF: RGB color for fatal messages


Compilation Unit


<RGB>: 24-bit RGB (red green blue) value.

-WmsgCF8388608 (r80 g00 b00, dark red)

It is possible to change the fatal message color with this option. The value to be
specified has to be an RGB (Red-Green-Blue) value and has to be specified in

-WmsgCF255 changes the fatal messages to blue.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 199

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WmsgCI: RGB color for information messages


Compilation Unit


<RGB>: 24-bit RGB (red green blue) value.

-WmsgCI32768 (r00 g80 b00, green)

It is possible to change the information message color with this option. The value
to be specified has to be an RGB (Red-Green-Blue) value and has to be specified in

-WmsgCI255 changes the information messages to blue.

-WmsgCU: RGB color for user messages


Compilation Unit


200 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

<RGB>: 24-bit RGB (red green blue) value.

-WmsgCU0 (r00 g00 b00, black)

It is possible to change the user message color with this option. The value to be
specified has to be an RGB (Red-Green-Blue) value and has to be specified in

-WmsgCU255 changes the user messages to blue.

-WmsgCW: RGB color for warning messages


Compilation Unit


<RGB>: 24-bit RGB (red green blue) value.

-WmsgCW255 (r00 g00 bFF, blue)

It is possible to change the warning message color with this option. The value to be
specified has to be an RGB (Red-Green-Blue) value and has to be specified in

-WmsgCW0 changes the warning messages to black.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 201

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WmsgFb (-WmsgFbv, -WmsgFbm): Set message file format for

batch mode


Assembly Unit


v: Verbose format.
m: Microsoft format.


The Assembler can be started with additional arguments (e.g., files to be assembled
together with assembler options). If the Assembler has been started with arguments
(e.g., from the Make tool), the Assembler works in the batch mode. That is, no
assembler window is visible and the Assembler terminates after job completion.
If the Assembler is in batch mode, the Assembler messages are written to a file and
are not visible on the screen. This file only contains assembler messages (see
examples below).
The Assembler uses a Microsoft message format as the default to write the
assembler messages (errors, warnings, or information messages) if the Assembler
is in the batch mode.
With this option, the default format may be changed from the Microsoft format
(with only line information) to a more verbose error format with line, column, and
source information.

Assume that the assembly source code in Listing 5.40 is to be assembled in the
batch mode.

202 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

Listing 5.40 Example assembly source code

var1: equ 5
var2: equ 5
if (var1=var2)

The Assembler generates the error output (Listing 5.41) in the assembler window if
it is running in batch mode:

Listing 5.41 Example error listing in the Microsoft (default) format for batch mode

X:\TW2.ASM(12):ERROR: Conditional else not allowed here.

If the format is set to verbose, more information is stored in the file:

Listing 5.42 Example error listing in the verbose format for batch mode

>> in "C:\tw2.asm", line 6, col 0, pos 81
ERROR A1001: Conditional else not allowed here

See also
ERRORFILE: Filename specification error
-WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for interactive mode
-WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode
-WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode
-WmsgFonf: Message format for no file information
-WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 203

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for inter-

active mode


Assembly Unit


v: Verbose format.
m: Microsoft format.


If the Assembler is started without additional arguments (e.g., files to be assembled
together with Assembler options), the Assembler is in the interactive mode (that is,
a window is visible).
While in interactive mode, the Assembler uses the default verbose error file format
to write the assembler messages (errors, warnings, information messages).
Using this option, the default format may be changed from verbose (with source,
line and column information) to the Microsoft format (which displays only line

NOTE Using the Microsoft format may speed up the assembly process because the
Assembler has to write less information to the screen.

If the Assembler is running in interactive mode, the default error output is shown in
the assembler window as in Listing 5.44.

204 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

Listing 5.43 Example error listing in the default mode for interactive mode

>> in "X:\TWE.ASM", line 12, col 0, pos 215

ERROR A1001: Conditional else not allowed here

Setting the format to Microsoft, less information is displayed:

Listing 5.44 Example error listing in MIcrosoft format for interactive mode

X:\TWE.ASM(12): ERROR: conditional else not allowed here

See also
ERRORFILE: Filename specification error environment variable
Assembler options:
• -WmsgFb (-WmsgFbv, -WmsgFbm): Set message file format for batch mode
• -WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode
• -WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode
• -WmsgFonf: Message format for no file information
• -WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information

-WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode


Assembly Unit


<string>: format string (see below).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 205

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WmsgFob"%f%e(%l): %K %d: %m\n”

With this option it is possible to modify the default message format in the batch
mode. The formats in Listing 5.45 are supported (assumed that the source file is

Listing 5.45 Supported formats for messages in the batch node

Format Description Example

%s Source Extract
%p Path x:\Freescale\
%f Path and name x:\Freescale\sourcefile
%n Filename sourcefile
%e Extension .asmx
%N File (8 chars) sourcefi
%E Extension (3 chars) .asm
%l Line 3
%c Column 47
%o Pos 1234
%K Uppercase kind ERROR
%k Lowercase kind error
%d Number A1051
%m Message text
%% Percent %
\n New line

ASMOPTIONS=-WmsgFob”%f%e(%l): %k %d: %m\n”
produces a message, displayed in Listing 5.46, using the format in Listing 5.45.
The options are set for producing the path of a file with its filename, extension, and

Listing 5.46 Error message

x:\Freescale\sourcefile.asmx(3): error A1051: Right parenthesis


206 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

See also
Assembler options:
• -WmsgFb (-WmsgFbv, -WmsgFbm): Set message file format for batch mode
• -WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for interactive
• -WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode
• -WmsgFonf: Message format for no file information
• -WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information

-WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode


Assembly Unit


<string>: format string (see below)

-WmsgFoi"\n>> in \"%f%e\", line %l, col %c, pos
%o\n%s\n%K %d: %m\n"

With this option it is possible modify the default message format in interactive
mode. The following formats are supported (supposed that the source file is

Listing 5.47 Supported message formats - interactive mode

Format Description Example

%s Source Extract

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 207

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

%p Path x:\Freescale\
%f Path and name x:\Freescale\sourcefile
%n Filename sourcefile
%e Extension .asmx
%N File (8 chars) sourcefi
%E Extension (3 chars) .asm
%l Line 3
%c Column 47
%o Pos 1234
%K Uppercase kind ERROR
%k Lowercase kind error
%d Number A1051
%m Message text
%% Percent %
\n New line

ASMOPTIONS=-WmsgFoi”%f%e(%l): %k %d: %m\n”
produces a message in following format (Listing 5.48):

Listing 5.48 Error message resulting from the statement above

x:\Freescale\sourcefile.asmx(3): error A1051: Right parenthesis


See also
ERRORFILE: Filename specification error environment variable
Assembler options:
• -WmsgFb (-WmsgFbv, -WmsgFbm): Set message file format for batch mode
• -WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for interactive
• -WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode
• -WmsgFonf: Message format for no file information
• -WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information

208 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WmsgFonf: Message format for no file information


Assembly Unit


<string>: format string (see below)

-WmsgFonf"%K %d: %m\n"

Sometimes there is no file information available for a message (e.g., if a message
not related to a specific file). Then this message format string is used. The
following formats are supported:
Format Description Example
%K Uppercase kind ERROR
%k Lowercase kind error
%d Number L10324
%m Message text
%% Percent %
\n New line

ASMOPTIONS=-WmsgFonf”%k %d: %m\n”
produces a message in following format:
information L10324: Linking successful

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 209

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

See also
ERRORFILE: Filename specification error environment variable
Assembler options:
• -WmsgFb (-WmsgFbv, -WmsgFbm): Set message file format for batch mode
• -WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for interactive
• -WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode
• -WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode
• -WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information

-WmsgFonp: Message format for no position information


Assembly Unit


<string>: format string (see below)

-WmsgFonp"%f%e: %K %d: %m\n"

Sometimes there is no position information available for a message (e.g., if a
message not related to a certain position). Then this message format string is used.
The following formats are supported (supposed that the source file is

Listing 5.49 Supported message formats for when there is no position information

Format Description Example


210 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

%p Path x:\Freescale\
%f Path and name x:\Freescale\sourcefile
%n Filename sourcefile
%e Extension .asmx
%N File (8 chars) sourcefi
%E Extension (3 chars) .asm
%K Uppercase kind ERROR
%k Lowercase kind error
%d Number L10324
%m Message text
%% Percent %
\n New line

ASMOPTIONS=-WmsgFonf”%k %d: %m\n”
produces a message in following format:
information L10324: Linking successful

See also
ERRORFILE: Filename specification error environment variable
Assembler options:
• -WmsgFb (-WmsgFbv, -WmsgFbm): Set message file format for batch mode
• -WmsgFi (-WmsgFiv, -WmsgFim): Set message file format for interactive
• -WmsgFob: Message format for batch mode
• -WmsgFoi: Message format for interactive mode
• -WmsgFonf: Message format for no file information

-WmsgNe: Number of error messages


Assembly Unit

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 211

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options


<number>: Maximum number of error messages.


With this option the amount of error messages can be reported until the Assembler
stops assembling. Note that subsequent error messages which depends on a
previous one may be confusing.

The Assembler stops assembling after two error messages.

See also
Assembler options:
• -WmsgNi: Number of Information messages
• -WmsgNw: Number of Warning messages

-WmsgNi: Number of Information messages


Assembly Unit


<number>: Maximum number of information messages.

212 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options


With this option the maximum number of information messages can be set.

Only ten information messages are logged.

See also
Assembler options:
• -WmsgNe: Number of error messages
• -WmsgNw: Number of Warning messages

-WmsgNu: Disable user messages




a: Disable messages about include files
b: Disable messages about reading files
c: Disable messages about generated files
d: Disable messages about processing statistics
e: Disable informal messages


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 213

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

The application produces some messages which are not in the normal message
categories (WARNING, INFORMATION, ERROR, or FATAL). With this option
such messages can be disabled. The purpose for this option is to reduce the amount
of messages and to simplify the error parsing of other tools:
• a: The application provides information about all included files. With this
suboption this option can be disabled.
• b: With this suboption messages about reading files e.g., the files used as input
can be disabled.
• c: Disables messages informing about generated files.
• d: At the end of the assembly, the application may provide information about
statistics, e.g., code size, RAM/ROM usage, and so on. With this suboption this
option can be disabled.
• e: With this option, informal messages (e.g., memory model, floating point
format, etc.) can be disabled.

NOTE Depending on the application, not all suboptions may make sense. In this case
they are just ignored for compatibility.


-WmsgNw: Number of Warning messages


Assembly Unit


<number>: Maximum number of warning messages.

214 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options


With this option the maximum number of warning messages can be set.

Only 15 warning messages are logged.

See also
Assembler options:
• -WmsgNe: Number of error messages
• -WmsgNi: Number of Information messages

-WmsgSd: Setting a message to disable


Assembly Unit


<number>: Message number to be disabled, e.g., 1801


With this option a message can be disabled so it does not appear in the error output.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 215

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options


See also
Assembler options:
• -WmsgSe: Setting a message to Error
• -WmsgSi: Setting a message to Information
• -WmsgSw: Setting a Message to Warning

-WmsgSe: Setting a message to Error


Assembly Unit


<number>: Message number to be an error, e.g., 1853


Allows changing a message to an error message.


See also
• -WmsgSd: Setting a message to disable
• -WmsgSi: Setting a message to Information
• -WmsgSw: Setting a Message to Warning

216 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WmsgSi: Setting a message to Information


Assembly Unit


<number>: Message number to be an information, e.g., 1853


With this option a message can be set to an information message.


See also
Assembler options:
• -WmsgSd: Setting a message to disable
• -WmsgSe: Setting a message to Error
• -WmsgSw: Setting a Message to Warning

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 217

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WmsgSw: Setting a Message to Warning


Assembly Unit


<number>: Error number to be a warning, e.g., 2901


With this option a message can be set to a warning message.


See also
Assembler options:
• -WmsgSd: Setting a message to disable
• -WmsgSe: Setting a message to Error
• -WmsgSi: Setting a message to Information

218 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WOutFile: Create error listing file


Assembly Unit



Error listing file is created.

This option controls if a error listing file should be created at all. The error listing
file contains a list of all messages and errors which are created during a assembly
process. Since the text error feedback can now also be handled with pipes to the
calling application, it is possible to obtain this feedback without an explicit file.
The name of the listing file is controlled by the environment variable
ERRORFILE: Filename specification error.

The error file is created as specified with ERRORFILE.
No error file is created.

See also
Assembler options:
• -WErrFile: Create "err.log" error file
• -WStdout: Write to standard output

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 219

Assembler Options
Detailed listing of all assembler options

-WStdout: Write to standard output


Assembly Unit



output is written to stdout

With Windows applications, the usual standard streams are available. But text
written into them does not appear anywhere unless explicitly requested by the
calling application. With this option is can be controlled if the text to error file
should also be written into stdout.

All messages are written to stdout.
Nothing is written to stdout.

See also
Assembler options:
• -WErrFile: Create "err.log" error file
• -WOutFile: Create error listing file

220 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Sections are portions of code or data that cannot be split into smaller elements. Each
section has a name, a type, and some attributes.
Each assembly source file contains at least one section. The number of sections in an
assembly source file is only limited by the amount of memory available on the system at
assembly time. If several sections with the same name are detected inside of a single
source file, the code is concatenated into one large section.
Sections from different modules, but with the same name, will be combined into a single
section at linking time.
Sections are defined through Section attributes and Section types. The last part of the
chapter deals with the merits of using relocatable sections. (See Relocatable vs. absolute

Section attributes
An attribute is associated with each section according to its content. A section may be:
• a data section,
• a constant data section, or
• a code section.

Code sections
A section containing at least one instruction is considered to be a code section. Code
sections are always allocated in the target processor’s ROM area.
Code sections should not contain any variable definitions (variables defined using the DS
directive). You do not have any write access on variables defined in a code section. In
addition, variables in code sections cannot be displayed in the debugger as data.

Constant sections
A section containing only constant data definition (variables defined using the DC or DCB
directives) is considered to be a constant section. Constant sections should be allocated in
the target processor’s ROM area, otherwise they cannot be initialized at application loading

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 221

Section types

Data sections
A section containing only variables (variables defined using the DS directive) is
considered to be a data section. Data sections are always allocated in the target processor’s
RAM area.

NOTE A section containing variables (DS) and constants (DC) or code is not a data
section. The default for such a section with mixed DC and code content is to
put that content into ROM.

We strongly recommend that you use separate sections for the definition of variables and
constant variables. This will prevent problems in the initialization of constant variables.

Section types
First of all, you should decide whether to use relocatable or absolute code in your
application. The Assembler allows the mixing of absolute and relocatable sections in a
single application and also in a single source file. The main difference between absolute
and relocatable sections is the way symbol addresses are determined.
This section covers these two types of sections:
• Absolute sections
• Relocatable sections

Absolute sections
The starting address of an absolute section is known at assembly time. An absolute section
is defined through the ORG - Set Location Counter assembler directive. The operand
specified in the ORG directive determines the start address of the absolute section. See
Listing 6.1 for an example of constructing absolute sections using the ORG assembler

Listing 6.1 Example source code using ORG for absolute sections

XDEF entry
ORG $8000 ; Absolute constant data section.
cst1: DC.B $26
cst2: DC.B $BC
ORG $080 ; Absolute data section.
var: DS.B 1
ORG $8010 ; Absolute code section.

222 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Section types

LDA cst1 ; Loads value in cst1

ADD cst2 ; Adds value in cst2
STA var ; Stores result into var
BRA entry

In the previous example, two bytes of storage are allocated starting at address $A00. The
constant variable - cst1 - will be allocated one byte at address $8000 and another
constant - cst2 - will be allocated one byte at address $8001. All subsequent
instructions or data allocation directives will be located in this absolute section until
another section is specified using the ORG or SECTION directives.
When using absolute sections, it is the user’s responsibility to ensure that there is no
overlap between the different absolute sections defined in the application. In the previous
example, the programmer should ensure that the size of the section starting at address
$8000 is not bigger than $10 bytes, otherwise the section starting at $8000 and the
section starting at $8010 will overlap.
Even applications containing only absolute sections must be linked. In that case, there
should not be any overlap between the address ranges from the absolute sections defined
in the assembly file and the address ranges defined in the linker parameter (PRM) file.
The PRM file used to link the example above, can be defined as in Listing 6.2.

Listing 6.2 Example PRM file for Listing 6.1

LINK test.abs /* Name of the executable file generated. */

NAMES test.o /* Name of the object file in the application */
/* READ_ONLY memory area. There should be no overlap between this
memory area and the absolute sections defined in the assembly
source file. */
/* READ_WRITE memory area. There should be no overlap between this
memory area and the absolute sections defined in the assembly
source file. */
MY_RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0100 TO 0x023F;
/* Relocatable variable sections are allocated in MY_RAM. */
/* Relocatable code and constant sections are allocated in MY_ROM. */
STACKSTOP $014F /* Initializes the stack pointer */
INIT entry /* entry is the entry point to the application. */
VECTOR ADDRESS 0xFFFE entry /* Initialization for Reset vector.*/

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 223

Section types

The linker PRM file contains at least:

• The name of the absolute file (LINK command).
• The name of the object file which should be linked (NAMES command).
• The specification of a memory area where the sections containing variables must be
allocated. At least the predefined DEFAULT_RAM (or its ELF alias ‘.data’)
section must be placed there. For applications containing only absolute sections,
nothing will be allocated (SECTIONS and PLACEMENT commands).
• The specification of a memory area where the sections containing code or constants
must be allocated. At least the predefined section DEFAULT_ROM (or its ELF alias
‘.data’) must be placed there. For applications containing only absolute sections,
nothing will be allocated (SECTIONS and PLACEMENT commands).
• The specification of the application entry point (INIT command)
• The definition of the reset vector (VECTOR ADDRESS command)

Relocatable sections
The starting address of a relocatable section is evaluated at linking time according to the
information stored in the linker parameter file. A relocatable section is defined through the
SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section assembler directive. See Listing 6.3 for an
example using the SECTION directive.

Listing 6.3 Example source code using SECTION for relocatable sections

XDEF entry
constSec: SECTION ; Relocatable constant data section.
cst1: DC.B $A6
cst2: DC.B $BC

dataSec: SECTION ; Relocatable data section.

var: DS.B 1

codeSec: SECTION ; Relocatable code section.

LDA cst1 ; Load value into cst1
ADD cst2 ; Add value in cst2
STA var ; Store into var
BRA entry

In the previous example, two bytes of storage are allocated in the constSec section. The
constant cst1 is allocated at the start of the section at address $A00 and another constant
cst2 is allocated at an offset of 1 byte from the beginning of the section. All subsequent
instructions or data allocation directives will be located in the relocatable constSec
section until another section is specified using the ORG or SECTION directives.

224 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Section types

When using relocatable sections, the user does not need to care about overlapping
sections. The linker will assign a start address to each section according to the input from
the linker parameter file.
The user can decide to define only one memory area for the code and constant sections and
another one for the variable sections or to split the sections over several memory areas.

Example: Defining one RAM and one ROM area.

When all constant and code sections as well as data sections can be allocated
consecutively, the PRM file used to assemble the example above can be defined as in
Listing 6.4.

Listing 6.4 PRM file for Listing 6.3 defining one RAM area and one ROM area

LINK test.abs/* Name of the executable file generated. */

NAMES test.o /* Name of the object file in the application */

/* READ_ONLY memory area. */
/* READ_WRITE memory area. */
MY_RAM = READ_WRITE 0x0100 TO 0x023F;

/* Relocatable variable sections are allocated in MY_RAM. */
/* Relocatable code and constant sections are allocated in MY_ROM. */
INIT entry /* entry is the entry point to the application. */
VECTOR ADDRESS 0xFFFE entry /* Initialization for Reset vector.*/

The linker PRM file contains at least:

• The name of the absolute file (LINK command).
• The name of the object files which should be linked (NAMES command).
• The specification of a memory area where the sections containing variables must be
allocated. At least the predefined DEFAULT_RAM section (or its ELF alias .data)
must be placed there (SECTIONS and PLACEMENT commands).
• The specification of a memory area where the sections containing code or constants
must be allocated. At least, the predefined DEFAULT_ROM section (or its ELF alias
.text) must be placed there (SECTIONS and PLACEMENT commands).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 225

Section types

• Constants sections should be defined in the ROM memory area in the PLACEMENT
section (otherwise, they are allocated in RAM).
• The specification of the application entry point (INIT command).
• The definition of the reset vector (VECTOR ADDRESS command).
According to the PRM file above:
• the dataSec section will be allocated starting at 0x0080.
• the codeSec section will be allocated starting at 0x0B00.
• the constSec section will be allocated next to the codeSec section.

Example: Defining multiple RAM and ROM areas

When all constant and code sections as well as data sections cannot be allocated
consecutively, the PRM file used to link the example above can be defined as in Listing

Listing 6.5 PRM file for Listing 6.3 defining multiple RAM and ROM areas

LINK test.abs /* Name of the executable file generated. */

test.o /* Name of the object file in the application. */
/* Two READ_ONLY memory areas */
ROM_AREA_1= READ_ONLY 0x8000 TO 0x800F;
/* Three READ_WRITE memory areas */
RAM_AREA_1= READ_WRITE 0x0040 TO 0x00FF; /* zero-page memory area */
RAM_AREA_2= READ_WRITE 0x0100 TO 0x01FF;
MY_STK = READ_WRITE 0x0200 TO 0x023F; /* Stack memory area */
/* Relocatable variable sections are allocated in MY_RAM. */
dataSec INTO RAM_AREA_2;
SSTACK INTO MY_STK; /* Stack allocated in MY_STK */

/* Relocatable code and constant sections are allocated in MY_ROM. */

constSec INTO ROM_AREA_2;
INIT entry /* Application’s entry point. */
VECTOR 0 entry /* Initialization of the reset vector. */

226 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Relocatable vs. absolute sections

The linker PRM file contains at least:

• The name of the absolute file (LINK command).
• The name of the object files which should be linked (NAMES command).
• The specification of memory areas where the sections containing variables must be
allocated. At least, the predefined DEFAULT_RAM section (or its ELF alias
‘.data’) must be placed there (SECTIONS and PLACEMENT commands).
• The specification of memory areas where the sections containing code or constants
must be allocated. At least the predefined DEFAULT_ROM section (or its ELF alias
‘.text’) must be placed there (SECTIONS and PLACEMENT commands).
• Constants sections should be defined in the ROM memory area in the PLACEMENT
section (otherwise, they are allocated in RAM).
• The specification of the application entry point (INIT command)
• The definition of the reset vector (VECTOR command)
According to the PRM file in Listing 6.5,
• the dataSec section is allocated starting at 0x0100.
• the constSec section is allocated starting at 0x8000.
• the codeSec section is allocated starting at 0x8010.
• 64 bytes of RAM are allocated in the stack starting at 0x0200.

Relocatable vs. absolute sections

Generally, we recommend developing applications using relocatable sections. Relocatable
sections offer several advantages.

An application is more modular when programming can be divided into smaller units
called sections. The sections themselves can be distributed among different source files.

Multiple developers
When an application is split over different files, multiple developers can be involved in the
development of the application. To avoid major problems when merging the different
files, attention must be paid to the following items:
• An include file must be available for each assembly source file, containing XREF
directives for each exported variable, constant and function. In addition, the interface

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 227

Relocatable vs. absolute sections

to the function should be described there (parameter passing rules as well as the
function return value).
• When accessing variables, constants, or functions from another module, the
corresponding include file must be included.
• Variables or constants defined by another developer must always be referenced by
their names.
• Before invoking a function implemented in another file, the developer should respect
the function interface, i.e., the parameters are passed as expected and the return value
is retrieved correctly.

Early development
The application can be developed before the application memory map is known. Often the
application’s definitive memory map can only be determined once the size required for
code and data can be evaluated. The size required for code or data can only be quantified
once the major part of the application is implemented. When absolute sections are used,
defining the definitive memory map is an iterative process of mapping and remapping the
code. The assembly files must be edited, assembled, and linked several times. When
relocatable sections are used, this can be achieved by editing the PRM file and linking the

Enhanced portability
As the memory map is not the same for each derivative (MCU), using relocatable sections
allow easy porting of the code for another MCU. When porting relocatable code to another
target you only need to link the application again with the appropriate memory map.

Tracking overlaps
When using absolute sections, the programmer must ensure that there is no overlap
between the sections. When using relocatable sections, the programmer does not need to
be concerned about any section overlapping another. The labels’ offsets are all evaluated
relatively to the beginning of the section. Absolute addresses are determined and assigned
by the linker.

When using relocatable sections, code implemented to handle a specific I/O device (serial
communication device), can be reused in another application without any modification.

228 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
An assembler source program is a sequence of source statements. Each source statement is
coded on one line of text and can be either a:
• Comment line or a
• Source line.

Comment line
A comment can occupy an entire line to explain the purpose and usage of a block of
statements or to describe an algorithm. A comment line contains a semicolon followed by
a text (Listing 7.1). Comments are included in the assembly listing, but are not significant
to the Assembler.
An empty line is also considered to be a comment line.

Listing 7.1 Examples of comments

; This is a comment line followed by an empty line and non comments

... (non comments)

Source line
Each source statement includes one or more of the following four fields:
• a Label field,
• an Operation field,
• one or several operands, or
• a comment.
Characters on the source line may be either upper or lower case. Directives and
instructions are case-insensitive, whereas symbols are case-sensitive unless the assembler
option for case insensitivity on label names (-Ci: Switch case sensitivity on label names
OFF) is activated.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 229

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Label field
The label field is the first field in a source line. A label is a symbol followed by a colon.
Labels can include letters (A–Z or a–z), underscores, periods and numbers. The first
character must not be a number.

NOTE For compatibility with other Assembler vendors, an identifier starting on

column 1 is considered to be a label, even when it is not terminated by a colon.
When the -MCUasm: Switch compatibility with MCUasm ON assembler
option is activated, you MUST terminate labels with a colon. The Assembler
produces an error message when a label is not followed by a colon.

Labels are required on assembler directives that define the value of a symbol (SET or
EQU). For these directives, labels are assigned the value corresponding to the expression
in the operand field.
Labels specified in front of another directive, instruction or comment are assigned the
value of the location counter in the current section.

NOTE When the Macro Assembler expands a macro it generates internal symbols
starting with an underscore ‘_’. Therefore, to avoid potential conflicts, user
defined symbols should not begin with an underscore

NOTE For the Macro Assembler, a .B or .W at the end of a label has a specific
meaning. Therefore, to avoid potential conflicts, user- defined symbols should
not end with .B or .W.

Operation field
The operation field follows the label field and is separated from it by a white space. The
operation field must not begin in the first column. An entry in the operation field is one of
the following:
• an instruction’s mnemonic - an abbreviated, case-insensitive name for a member in
the Instruction set
• a Directive name, or
• a Macro name.

Instruction set
Executable instructions for the M68HC08 processor are defined in the CPU08 Reference

230 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

HC08 instruction set

Table 7.1 presents an overview of the instructions available for the HC08:

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

ADC #<expression> Add with Carry


ADD #<expression> Add without carry


AIS #<expression> Add Immediate value (signed) to Stack


AIX #<expression> Add Immediate value (signed) to Index

register H:X

AND #<expression> Logical AND


ASL <expression> Arithmetic Shift Left


ASLA Arithmetic Shift Left Accumulator

ASLX Arithmetic Shift Left register X

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 231

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set (continued)

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

ASR <expression> Arithmetic Shift Right


ASRA Arithmetic Shift Right Accumulator

ASRX Arithmetic Shift Right register X

BCC <label> Branch if Carry bit Clear

BCLR BitNumber, <expression> Clear one Bit in memory

BCS <label> Branch if Carry bit Set

BEQ <label> Branch if Equal

BGE <label> Branch if Greater Than or Equal to

BGND Enter Background Debug Mode. Only

available for HCS08 (-CS08 option)

BGT <label> Branch if Greater Than

BHCC <label> Branch if Half Carry bit Clear

BHCS <label> Branch if Half Carry bit Set

BHI <label> Branch if Higher

BHS <label> Branch if Higher or Same

BIH <label> Branch if /IRQ Pin High

BIL <label> Branch if /IRQ Pin Low

BIT #<expression> Bit Test


BLE <label> Branch if Less Than or Equal To

232 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set (continued)

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

BLO <label> Branch if Lower (same as BCS)

BLS <label> Branch if Lower or Same

BLT <label> Branch if Less Than

BMC <label> Branch if interrupt Mask Clear

BMI <label> Branch if Minus

BMS <label> Branch If interrupt Mask Set

BNE <label> Branch if Not Equal

BPL <label> Branch if Plus

BRA <label> Branch Always

BRCLR BitNumber, <expression>, Branch if Bit is Clear


BRN <label> Branch Never

BRSET BitNumber, <expression>, Branch if Bit Set


BSET BitNumber,<expression> Set Bit in memory

BSR <label> Branch to Subroutine

CBEQ <expression>,<label> Compare and Branch if Equal


CBEQA #<expression>,<label>

CBEQX #<expression>,<label>

CLC Clear Carry bit

CLI Clear Interrupt mask bit

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 233

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set (continued)

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

CLR <expression> Clear memory


CLRA Clear Accumulator A

CLRH Clear index Register H

CLRX Clear index Register X

CMP #<expression> Compare accumulator with memory


COM <expression> One’s complement on memory location


COMA One’s complement on accumulator A

COMX One’s complement on register X

CPHX #<expression> Compare index register H:X with

Stack pointer and Extended addressing
<expression>,SP modes only available for HCS08 (-
CS08 option)

CPX #<expression> Compare index register X with memory


DAA Decimal Adjust Accumulator

234 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set (continued)

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

DBNZ <expression>,<label> Decrement counter and Branch if Not


DBNZA <label>

DBNZX <label>

DEC <expression> Decrement memory location


DECA Decrement Accumulator

DECX Decrement Index register

DIV Divide

EOR #<expression> Exclusive OR Memory with


INC <expression> Increment memory location


INCA Increment Accumulator

INCX Increment register X

JMP <expression> Jump to label


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 235

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set (continued)

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

JSR <expression> Jump to Subroutine


LDA #<expression> Load Accumulator


LDHX #<expression> Load Index register H:X from memory

<expression> Indexed, Stack pointer and extended
addressing modes are only available
for HCS08 (-CS08 option).

LDX #<expression> Load index Register X from memory


LSL <expression> Logical Shift Left in memory


LSLA Logical Shift Left Accumulator

LSLX Logical Shift Left register X

236 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set (continued)

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

LSR <expression> Logical Shift Right in memory


LSRA Logical Shift Right Accumulator

LSRX Logical Shift Right register X

MOV <expression>,<expression> Memory-to-memory byte Move


MUL Unsigned multiply

NEG <expression> Two’s complement in memory


NEGA Two’s complement on Accumulator

NEGX Two’s complement on register X

NOP No operation

NSA Nibble Swap Accumulator

ORA #<expression> Inclusive OR between Accumulator and


PSHA Push Accumulator onto stack

PSHH Push index register H onto stack

PSHX Push index register X onto stack

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 237

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set (continued)

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

PULA Pull Accumulator from stack

PULH Pull index register H from stack

PULX Pull index register X from stack

ROL <expression> Rotate memory Left


ROLA Rotate Accumulator Left

ROLX Rotate register X Left

ROR <expression> Rotate memory Right


RORA Rotate Accumulator Right

RORX Rotate register X Right

RSP Reset Stack Pointer

RTI Return from Interrupt

RTS Return from Subroutine

SBC #<expression> Subtract with Carry


SEC Set Carry bit

SEI Set Interrupt mask bit

238 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set (continued)

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

STA <expression> Store Accumulator in Memory


STHX <expression> Store Index register H:X

<expression>,SP Stack pointer and extended addressing
modes are only available for HCS08 (-
CS08 option)

STOP Enable IRQ pin and Stop oscillator

STX <expression> Store index register X in memory


SUB #<expression> Subtract


SWI Software Interrupt

TAP Transfer Accumulator to CCR

TAX Transfer Accumulator to index Register


TPA Transfer CCR to Accumulator

TST <expression> Test memory for negative or zero


TSTA Test Accumulator for negative or zero

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 239

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.1 HC08 instruction set (continued)

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

TSTX Test register X for negative or zero

TSX Transfer SP to index register H:X

TXA Transfer index register X to


TXS Transfer index register X to SP

WAIT Enable interrupts; stop processor

Special HCS08 instructions

The HCS08 core provides the following instructions in addition to the HC08 core
instructions (Table 7.2):

Table 7.2 Special HC(S)08 instructions

Instruction Addressing modes Descriptions

BGND Enter Background Debug Mode. Only

available with the -CS08/-C08/-CRS08:
Derivative family assembler options.

CPHX #<expression> Compare index register H:X with

Stack pointer and extended addressing
modes are only available with the -
CS08, -C08, or -CRS08 assembler

LDHX #<expression> Load index register H:X from memory

<expression> Indexed, stack pointer, and extended
addressing modes are only available
with the -CS08 option

STHX <expression> Store index register H:X

<expression>,SP Stack pointer and extended addressing
modes are only available with the -
CS08 option.

240 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

RS08 instruction set

Table 7.3 presents an overview of the instructions available for the RS08.

Table 7.3 RS08 instructions set

Instruction Addressing Modes Description

ADC #<expression> Add with Carry


ADCX Alias for ADC X

ADD #<expression> Add without Carry


ADDX Alias for ADD X

AND #<expression> Logical AND


ANDX Alias for AND X

ASLA Arithmetic Shift Left Accumulator (alias

for LSLA)

BCC <label> Branch if Carry Bit Clear

BCLR BitNumber, <expression> Clear one Bit in Memory


BCS <label> Branch if Carry Bit Set

BEQ <label> Branch if Equal

BGND Background

BHS <label> Branch if Higher or Same

BLO <label> Branch if Lower

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 241

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.3 RS08 instructions set (continued)

Instruction Addressing Modes Description

BNE <label> Branch if Not Equal

BRN <label> Branch Never (Alias for BRA *+$2)

BRCLR BitNumber, <expression>, Branch if Bit is Clear


BRSET BitNumber, <expression>, Branch if Bit Set


BSET BitNumber,<expression> Set Bit in Memory


BSR <label> Branch to Subroutine

CBEQ <expression>,<label> Compare and Branch if Equal


CBEQA <label>

CBEQX <label>

CLC Clear Carry Bit

CLR <expression> Clear Memory


CLRX Clear Index Register X

CMP #<expression> Compare Accumulator with Memory


COMA Complement (One’s Complement)

242 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.3 RS08 instructions set (continued)

Instruction Addressing Modes Description

DBNZ <expression>,<label> Decrement Counter and Branch if Not

,X,<label> Zero

DBNZA <label>

DBNZX <label>

DEC <expression> Decrement Memory Location


DEC <$13 Force tiny addressing (will use $03)

DECA Decrement Accumulator

DECX Decrement Index Register

EOR #<expression> Exclusive OR Memory with Accumulator


EORX Exclusive OR (index register and


INC <expression> Increment Memory Location


INC >$01 Force direct addressing

INCA Increment Accumulator

INCX Increment Register X

JMP <label> Jump to Label

JSR <label> Jump to Subroutine

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 243

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.3 RS08 instructions set (continued)

Instruction Addressing Modes Description

LDA #<expression> Load Accumulator indexed


LDA <$0FF Force short addressing (will use $1F)

LDX #<expression> Load Index Register X from Memory


LDX $OFF Load Direct

LSLA Logical Shift Left Accumulator

LSRA Logical Shift Right Accumulator

MOV <expression>,<expression> Memory to Memory Byte Move


NOP No Operation

ORA #<expression> Inclusive OR between Accumulator and

<expression> Memory

ORAX Inclusive OR between Accumulator and

Index Register

ROLA Rotate Accumulator Left

RORA Rotate Accumulator Right

RTS Return from Subroutine

244 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.3 RS08 instructions set (continued)

Instruction Addressing Modes Description

SBC #<expression> Subtract with Carry


SBCX Subtract with Carry (Index Register

content from Accumulator)

SEC Set Carry Bit

SHA Swap Shadow PC High with A

SLA Swap Shadow PC Low with A

STA <expression> Store Accumulator in Memory


STOP Stop Processing

STX <expression> Store Index Register X in Memory

SUB #<expression> Subtract



TAX Transfer Accumulator to Index Register X

TST #<expression> Test for zero (alias for MOV

<expression> <expression>,<expression>)

TSTA Test Accumulator (alias for ORA #0)

TSTX Test Index Register X (alias for MOV X,X)

TXA Transfer Index Register X to Accumulator

WAIT Enable Interrupts; Stop Processor

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 245

Assembler Syntax
Source line

NOTE For RS08 both D[X] and ,X notations refer to the memory location $000E. The
,X notation is supported for compatibility reasons with HC(S)08. Wherever ,X
is supported, D[X] is also supported. In situations where the use of ,X would
lead to double commas (e.g. BCLR 0,,X) the use of ,X is not allowed.

Assembler directives are described in the Assembler Directives chapter of this manual.

A user-defined macro can be invoked in the assembler source program. This results in the
expansion of the code defined in the macro. Defining and using macros are described in
the Macros chapter in this manual.

Operand field: Addressing modes

The operand fields, when present, follow the operation field and are separated from it by a
white space. When two or more operand subfields appear within a statement, a comma
must separate them.
The following addressing mode notations are allowed in the operand field (Table 7.4):

Table 7.4 HC(S)08 addressing mode notation

Addressing Mode Notation Example

Inherent No operands RSP

Immediate #<expression> ADC #$01

Direct <expression> ADC byte

Extended <expression> ADC word

Indexed, no offset ,X ADC ,X

Indexed, 8-bit offset <expression>,X ADC Offset,X

Indexed, 16-bit offset <expression>,X ADC Offset,X

Relative <label> BRA Label

Stack Pointer, 8-bit offset <expression>,SP ADC Offset,SP

246 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Table 7.4 HC(S)08 addressing mode notation (continued)

Addressing Mode Notation Example

Stack Pointer, 16-bit offset <expression>,SP ADC Offset,SP

Memory-to-memory #<expression>,<expression> MOV #$05,MyDataByte


Memory-to-memory direct- <expression>,<expression> MOV DatLoc1,DatLoc2


Memory-to-memory X+,<expression> MOV X+,<expression>

indexed-to-direct with post-

Memory-to-memory direct- <expression>,X+ MOV <expression>,X+

to-indexed with post-

Indexed with post-increment X+ CBEQ X+, Data

Indexed, 8-bit offset, with #<expression>,X+ CBEQ #offset,X+,Data


Instructions using this addressing mode do not have any associated instruction fetch
(Listing 7.2). Some of them are acting on data in the CPU registers.

Listing 7.2 Inherent addressing-mode instructions


The opcode contains the value to use with the instruction rather than the address of this
The effective address of the instruction is specified using the # character as in Listing 7.3.

Listing 7.3 Immediate addressing mode

XDEF Entry
initStack: EQU $0400

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 247

Assembler Syntax
Source line

data: DS.B 1

LDHX #initStack ; init Stack Pointer
TXS ; with value $400-1 = $03FF

main: LDA #100 ; load register A with (decimal) 100

BRA main

In this example, the hexadecimal value $0400 is loaded in value in the register HX and
the decimal value 100 is loaded into register A.

The direct addressing mode is used to address operands in the direct page of the memory
(location $0000 to $00FF).
For most of the direct instructions, only two bytes are required: the first byte is the opcode
and the second byte is the operand address located in page zero. See Listing 7.4 for an
example of the direct addressing mode.

Listing 7.4 Direct addressing mode

XDEF Entry
initStack: EQU $0400
data: DS.B 1
LDHX #initStack ; init Stack Pointer
TXS ; with value $400 - 1 = $03FF
main: LDA #$55
STA data
BRA main

In this example, the value $55 is stored in the variable data, which is located on the direct
page. The MyData section must be defined in the direct page in the linker parameter file.
The opcode generated for the STA data instruction is two bytes long.

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Assembler Syntax
Source line

The extended addressing mode is used to access memory location located above the direct
page in a 64-kilobyte memory map.
For the extended instructions, three bytes are required: the first byte is the opcode and the
second and the third bytes are the most and least significant bytes of the operand address.
See Listing 7.5 for an example of the extended addressing mode.

Listing 7.5 Extended addressing mode

XDEF Entry
initStack: EQU $0400
ORG $B00
data: DS.B 1
LDHX #initStack ; init Stack Pointer
TXS ; with value $400-1 = $03FF
main: LDA #$55
STA data
BRA main

In this example, the value $55 is stored in the variable data. This variable is located at
address $0B00 in the memory map. The opcode of the STA data instruction is then three
bytes long.

Indexed, no offset
This addressing mode is used to access data with variable addresses through the HX index
register of the HC08 controller. The X index register contains the least significant byte of
the operand while the H index register contains the most significant byte.
Indexed, no offset instructions are one byte long. See Listing 7.6 for an example of using
the indexed (no offset) addressing mode.

Listing 7.6 Indexed (no offset) addressing mode


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 249

Assembler Syntax
Source line

The value stored in memory location $0FFE is loaded into accumulator A. The JMP
instruction causes the program to jump to the address pointed to by the HX register.

Indexed, 8-bit offset

This addressing mode is useful when selecting the k-th element in an n-element table. The
size of the table is limited to 256 bytes.
Indexed, 8-bit offset instructions are two byte long. The first byte is the opcode and the
second byte contains the index register offset byte. See Listing 7.7 for an example of using
the indexed (8-bit offset) addressing mode.

Listing 7.7 Index (8-bit offset) addressing mode

XDEF Entry
initStack: EQU $0400
data: DS.B 8
LDHX #initStack ; init Stack Pointer
TXS ; with value $400-1 = $03FF
LDHX #data
LDA 5 ,X

The value contained in the memory at the location calculated using the address of data
(pointed to by the HX register) + 5 is loaded in accumulator A. The JMP instruction causes
the program to jump to the address pointed to by the HX register + $FF.

Indexed, 16-bit offset

This addressing mode is useful when selecting the k-th element in an n-element table. The
size of the table is limited to $FFFF bytes.
Indexed,16-bit offset instructions are three byte long. The first byte contains the opcode
and the second and the third the high and low index register offset bytes. See Listing 7.8
for an example of using the indexed (16-bit offset) addressing mode.

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Assembler Syntax
Source line

Listing 7.8 Indexed (16-bit offset) addressing mode

XDEF Entry
initStack: EQU $0400
data: DS.B 8
LDHX #initStack ; init Stack Pointer
TXS ; with value $400-1 = $03FF
LDHX #table
STA $500 ,X
JMP $1000,X

The value contained in the memory at the location calculated using the address of data
(pointed to by register HX) + $500 is loaded in accumulator A. The JMP instruction causes
the program to jump to the address pointed to by the HX register + $1000.

This addressing mode is used by all branch instructions to determine the destination
address. The signed byte following the opcode is added to the contents of the program
As the offset is coded on a signed byte, the branching range is -127 to +128. The
destination address of the branch instruction must be in this range. See Listing 7.9 for an
example of using the relative addressing mode.

Listing 7.9 Relative addressing mode

BRA main

Stack Pointer, 8-bit offset

Stack Pointer, 8-bit offset instructions behave the same way than Indexed 8-bit offset
instructions, except that the offset is added to the Stack Pointer SP in place of the HX
Index register.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 251

Assembler Syntax
Source line

This addressing mode allow easy access of the data on the stack. If the interrupts are
disabled, the Stack pointer can also be used as a second Index register. See Listing 7.10 for
an example of using the Stack Pointer *8-bit offset) addressing mode.

Listing 7.10 Stack Pointer (8-bit offset) addressing mode

LDHX #$0500 ; init Stack Pointer to 04FF

LDA #$40
STA $50, SP ; Location $54F = $40

In this example, stack pointer, 8-bit offset mode is used to store the value $40 in memory
location $54F.

Stack Pointer, 16-bit offset

Stack Pointer, 16-bit offset instructions behave the same way than Indexed, 16-bit offset
instructions, except that the offset is added to the Stack Pointer (SP) in place of the HX
Index register.
This addressing mode allow easy access of the data on the stack. If the interrupts are
disabled, the Stack pointer can also be used as a second Index register. See Listing 7.11 for
an example of using the Stack Pointer (16-bit offset) addressing mode.

Listing 7.11 Stack Pointer (16-bit offset) addressing mode

LDHX #$0100 ; init Stack Pointer to 00FF

LDA $0500, SP ; Content of memory location $5FF is loaded in A

In this example, stack pointer, 16-bit offset mode is used to store the value in memory
location $5FF in accumulator A.

Memory-to-memory immediate-to-direct
This addressing mode is generally used to initialize variables and registers in page zero.
The register A is not affected. See Listing 7.12 for an example for using the memory-to-
memory immediate-to-direct addressing mode.

252 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Listing 7.12 Memory-to-memory immediate-to-direct addressing mode

MyData: EQU $50

MOV #$20, MyData

The MOV #$20,MyData instruction stores the value $20 in memory location $50

Memory-to-memory direct-to-direct
This addressing mode is generally used to transfer variables and registers in page zero.
The A register is not affected. See Listing 7.13 for an example of using the memory-to-
memory direct-to-direct addressing mode.

Listing 7.13 Memory-to-memory direct-to-direct addressing mode

MyData1: EQU $50

MyData2: EQU $51
MOV #$10, MyData1
MOV MyData1, MyData2

The MOV #$10,MyData1 instruction stores the value $10 in memory location $50
‘MyData1’ using the memory-to-memory Immediate-to-Direct addressing mode. The
MOV MyData1,MyData2 instruction moves the content of MyData1 into MyData2
using memory to memory Direct-to-Direct addressing mode. The content of MyData2
(memory location $51) is then $10.

Memory-to-memory indexed-to-direct with post-

This addressing mode is generally used to transfer tables addressed by the index register to
a register in page zero.
The operand addressed by the HX index register is stored in the direct page location
addressed by the byte following the opcode. The HX index register is automatically
incremented. The A register is not affected. See Listing 7.14 for an example of using the
memory-to-memory indexed to direct with post-increment addressing mode.

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Assembler Syntax
Source line

Listing 7.14 Memory-to-memory indexed-to-direct with post increment addressing


XDEF Entry

Const: DC.B 1,11,21,31,192,12,0


MyReg: DS.B 1

Entry: LDHX #$00FF
LDHX #Const
BEQ main

In this example, the table Const contains seven bytes defined in a constant section in
ROM. The last value of this table is zero.
The HX register is initialized with the address of Const. All the values of this table are
stored one after another in page-zero memory location MyReg using the MOV X+,
MyReg instruction. When the value 0 is encountered, the HX register is reset with the
address of the first element of the #Const table.

Memory-to-memory direct-to-indexed with post-

This addressing mode is generally used to fill tables addressed by the index register from
registers in page zero.
The operand in the direct page location addressed by the byte following the opcode is
stored in the memory location pointed to by the HX index register. The HX index register
is automatically incremented. The A register is not affected. See Listing 7.15 for an
example of using the memory-to-memory direct-to-indexed with post-increment
addressing mode.

Listing 7.15 Memory-to-memory direct-to-indirect with post-increment addressing mode

XDEF entry
MyReg1: DS.B 1

254 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

MyReg2: DS.B 1
LDA #$02
STA MyReg1
STA MyReg2

LDHX #$1000
MOV MyReg1,X+
MOV MyReg2,X+
main: BRA main

The page-zero memory locations MyReg1 and MyReg2 are first respectively initialized
with $02 and $03. The contents of those data are then written in memory location
$1000 and $1001. The HX register points to memory location $1002.

Indexed with post-increment

The operand is addressed then the HX register is incremented.
This addressing mode is useful for searches in tables. It is only used with the CBEQ
instruction. See Listing 7.16 for an example of an example of using the indexed with post-
increment addressing mode.

Listing 7.16 Example of the indexed with post-increment addressing mode

XDEF Entry
ORG $F000
data: DC.B 1,11,21,31,$C0,12
Entry: LDHX #$00FF
LDA #$C0
LDHX #data


Using this addressing mode, it is possible to scan the memory to find a location containing
a specific value.

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Assembler Syntax
Source line

The value located at the memory location pointed to by HX is compared to the value in the
A register. If the two values match, the program branches to IS_EQUAL. HX points to the
memory location next to the one containing the searched value.
In this example, the value $C0 is searched starting at memory location $F000. This value
is found at the memory location $F004, the program branches to IS_EQUAL, and the HX
register contains $F005.

Indexed, 8-bit offset, with post-increment

The address of the operand is the sum of the 8-bit offset added to the value in register HX.
The operand is addressed, then the HX register is incremented.
This addressing mode is useful for searches in tables. It is only used with the CBEQ
instruction. See Listing 7.17 for an example of the indexed (8-bit offset) with post-
increment addressing mode.

Listing 7.17 Indexed (8-bit offset) with post-increment addressing mode

XDEF Entry
ORG $F000
data: DCB.B $40,$00
DC.B 1,11,21,31,$C0,12 ; $C0 is located at $F000+$40+4
Entry: LDHX #$00FF
LDA #$C0
LDHX #data

Using this addressing mode, it is possible to scan the memory to find a location containing
a specific value starting at a specified location to which is added an offset.
The value located at memory location pointed to by HX + $30 is compared to the value
in the A register. If the two values match, program branch to IS_EQUAL. HX points to
memory location next to the one containing the searched value.
In this example, the value $C0 is searched starting at memory location
$F000+$30=$F030. This value is found at memory location $F044, the program
branches to IS_EQUAL. The HX register contains the memory location of the searched
value minus the offset, incremented by one: $F044-$30+1=$F015.

256 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

Operand Field: Addressing Modes (RS08)

The following addressing mode notations are allowed in the operand field for the RS08:

Table 7.5 Operand Field RS08 Addressing Modes

Inherent No operands RTS

Tiny <expression> ADD fourbits

Short <expression> CLR fivebits

Direct <expression> ADC byte

Extended <expression> JSR word

Relative <label> BRA Label

Immediate #<expression> ADC #$01

Indexed D[X] or ,X ADC D[X] or ADC ,X

Inherent (RS08)
Instructions using this addressing mode have no associated instruction fetch. Some of
them are acting on data in the CPU registers.


The tiny addressing mode is used to access only the first 16 bytes of the memory map
(addresses from $0000 to $000F). The instructions using this addressing mode are
encoded using one byte only. This addressing mode is available for INC, DEC, ADD and
SUB instructions.

XDEF Entry
data: DS.B 1

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 257

Assembler Syntax
Source line

main: ADD data

BRA main

In this example, the value of the variable data is added to the accumulator. The data is
located in the tiny memory area, so the encoding of the ADD instruction will be one byte
long. Note that the tiny section has to be placed into the tiny memory area at link time.

The RS08 short addressing mode is used to access only the first 32 bytes of the memory
map (addresses from $0000 to $001F). The instructions using this addressing mode are
encoded using one byte only. This addressing mode is available for CLR, LDA and STA

XDEF Entry
data: DS.B 1
main: LDA data
BRA main

In this example, the value of the variable data is loaded into the accumulator. The data is
located in the short memory area, so the encoding of the LDA instruction will be one byte
long. Note that the short section has to be placed into the tiny memory area at linktime.

The direct addressing mode is used to address operands in the direct page of the memory
(location $0000 to $00FF).

XDEF Entry
data: DS.B 1
main: LDA #$55
STA data
BRA main

258 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax
Source line

In this example, the value $55 is stored in the variable data. The opcode generated for the
instruction STA data is two bytes long.

The extended addressing mode is used only for JSR and JMP instructions. The 14-bit
address is located in the lowest 14 bits of the encoding after the two-bit opcode.

XDEF Entry
XREF target
data: DS.B 1
main: LDA #$55
JMP target

In this example a jump is executed at an address defined by the external symbol target.

This addressing mode is used by all branch instructions to determine the destination
address. The signed byte following the opcode is added to the contents of the program
As the offset is coded on a signed byte, the branching range is -127 to +128. The
destination address of the branch instruction must be in this range.

BRA main

The opcode contains the value to use with the instruction rather than the address of this
value. The effective address of the instruction is specified using the # character as in the
example below.

XDEF Entry

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 259

Assembler Syntax
Source line

data: DS.B 1

main: LDA #100
BRA main

In this example, the decimal value 100 is loaded in register A.

When using the indexed addressing mode, an index register is used as reference to access
the instruction’s operand. For the RS08, the index registers are located at $000F (register
X) and $000E (register D[X]). The D[X] register is called the index data register, and can
be designated by either one of the D[X] or ,X notations. As a restriction, when the use of
,X would lead to double commas in the assembly source, the use of ,X is not allowed.

XDEF Entry
data: DS.B 1

main: CLR D[X] ; equivalent to CLR ,X

In this example the contents of both X and D[X] registers are replaced by zeros.

Comment Field
The last field in a source statement is an optional comment field. A semicolon (;) is the
first character in the comment field.

NOP ; Comment following an instruction

260 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax

The following types of symbols are the topics of this section:
• User-defined symbols
• External symbols
• Undefined symbols
• Reserved symbols

User-defined symbols
Symbols identify memory locations in program or data sections in an assembly module. A
symbol has two attributes:
• The section, in which the memory location is defined
• The offset from the beginning of that section.
Symbols can be defined with an absolute or relocatable value, depending on the section in
which the labeled memory location is found. If the memory location is located within a
relocatable section (defined with the SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section assembler
directive), the label has a relocatable value relative to the section start address.
Symbols can be defined relocatable in the label field of an instruction or data definition
source line (Listing 7.18).

Listing 7.18 Example of a user-defined relocatable SECTION

label1: DC.B 2 ; label1 is assigned offset 0 within Sec.
label2: DC.B 5 ; label2 is assigned offset 2 within Sec.
label3: DC.B 1 ; label3 is assigned offset 7 within Sec.

It is also possible to define a label with either an absolute or a previously defined

relocatable value, using the SET - Set Symbol Value or EQU - Equate symbol value
assembler directives.
Symbols with absolute values must be defined with constant expressions.

Listing 7.19 Example of a user-defined absolute and relocatable SECTION

label1: DC.B 2 ; label1 is assigned offset 0 within Sec.
label2: EQU 5 ; label2 is assigned value 5.
label3: EQU label1 ; label3 is assigned the address of label1.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 261

Assembler Syntax

External symbols
A symbol may be made external using the XDEF - External Symbol Definition assembler
directive. In another source file, an XREF - External Symbol Reference assembler
directive must reference it. Since its address is unknown in the referencing file, it is
considered to be relocatable. See Listing 7.20 for an example of using XDEF and XREF.

Listing 7.20 Examples of external symbols

XREF extLabel ; symbol defined in an other module.

; extLabel is imported in the current module
XDEF label ; symbol is made external for other modules
; label is exported from the current module
constSec: SECTION
label: DC.W 1, extLabel

Undefined symbols
If a label is neither defined in the source file nor declared external using XREF, the
Assembler considers it to be undefined and generates an error message. Listing 7.21
shows an example of an undeclared label.

Listing 7.21 Example of an undeclared label

codeSec: SECTION
BNE entry
JMP end
JMP label ; <- Undeclared user-defined symbol: label

262 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax

Reserved symbols
Reserved symbols cannot be used for user-defined symbols.
Register names are reserved identifiers.
For the HC08 processor the reserved identifiers are listed in Listing 7.22.

Listing 7.22 Reserved identifiers for an HC(S)08 derivative

A, CCR, H, X, SP

The keywords LOW and HIGH are also reserved identifiers. They are used to refer to the
low byte and the high byte of a memory location.

The Assembler supports integer and ASCII string constants:

Integer constants
The Assembler supports four representations of integer constants:
• A decimal constant is defined by a sequence of decimal digits (0-9).
Example: 5, 512, 1024
• A hexadecimal constant is defined by a dollar character ($) followed by a sequence
of hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f, A-F).
Example: $5, $200, $400
• An octal constant is defined by the commercial at character (@) followed by a
sequence of octal digits (0-7).
Example: @5, @1000, @2000
• A binary constant is defined by a percent character followed by a sequence of binary
digits (0-1)
%101, %1000000000, %10000000000
The default base for integer constant is initially decimal, but it can be changed using the
BASE - Set number base assembler directive. When the default base is not decimal,
decimal values cannot be represented, because they do not have a prefix character.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 263

Assembler Syntax

String constants
A string constant is a series of printable characters enclosed in single (‘) or double quote
("). Double quotes are only allowed within strings delimited by single quotes. Single
quotes are only allowed within strings delimited by double quotes. See Listing 7.23 for a
variety of string constants.

Listing 7.23 String constants

'ABCD', "ABCD", 'A', "'B", "A'B", 'A"B'

Floating-Point constants
The Macro Assembler does not support floating-point constants.

Operators recognized by the Assembler in expressions are:
• Addition and subtraction operators (binary)
• Multiplication, division and modulo operators (binary)
• Sign operators (unary)
• Shift operators (binary)
• Bitwise operators (binary)
• Logical operators (unary)
• Relational operators (binary)
• HIGH operator
• PAGE operator
• Force operator (unary)

264 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax

Addition and subtraction operators (binary)

The addition and subtraction operators are + and -, respectively.

Addition: <operand> + <operand>
Subtraction: <operand> – <operand>

The + operator adds two operands, whereas the – operator subtracts them. The
operands can be any expression evaluating to an absolute or relocatable expression.
Addition between two relocatable operands is not allowed.

See Listing 7.24 for an example of addition and subtraction operators.

Listing 7.24 Addition and subtraction operators

$A3216 + $42 ; Addition of two absolute operands (= $A3258)

labelB - $10 ; Subtraction with value of ‘labelB’

Multiplication, division and modulo operators (binary)

The multiplication, division, and modulo operators are *, /, and %, respectively.

Multiplication: <operand> * <operand>
Division: <operand> / <operand>
Modulo: <operand> % <operand>

The * operator multiplies two operands, the / operator performs an integer
division of the two operands and returns the quotient of the operation. The %
operator performs an integer division of the two operands and returns the
remainder of the operation

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 265

Assembler Syntax

The operands can be any expression evaluating to an absolute expression. The

second operand in a division or modulo operation cannot be zero.

See Listing 7.25 for an example of the multiplication, division, and modulo

Listing 7.25 Multiplication, division, and modulo operators

23 * 4 ; multiplication (= 92)
23 / 4 ; division (= 5)
23 % 4 ; remainder(= 3)

Sign operators (unary)

The (unary) sign operators are + and -.

Plus: +<operand>
Minus: -<operand>

The + operator does not change the operand, whereas the – operator changes the
operand to its two’s complement. These operators are valid for absolute expression

See Listing 7.26 for an example of the unary sign operators.

Listing 7.26 Unary sign operators

+$32 ; ( = $32)
-$32 ; ( = $CE = -$32)

266 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax

Shift operators (binary)

The binary shift operators are << and >>.

Shift left: <operand> << <count>
Shift right: <operand> >> <count>

The << operator shifts its left operand left by the number of bits specified in the
right operand.
The >> operator shifts its left operand right by the number of bits specified in the
right operand.
The operands can be any expression evaluating to an absolute expression.

See Listing 7.27 for an example of the binary shift operators.

Listing 7.27 Binary shift operators

$25 << 2 ; shift left (= $94)

$A5 >> 3 ; shift right(= $14)

Bitwise operators (binary)

The binary bitwise operators are &, |, and ^.

Bitwise AND: <operand> & <operand>
Bitwise OR: <operand> | <operand>
Bitwise XOR: <operand> ^ <operand>

The & operator performs an AND between the two operands on the bit level.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 267

Assembler Syntax

The | operator performs an OR between the two operands on the bit level.
The ^ operator performs an XOR between the two operands on the bit level.
The operands can be any expression evaluating to an absolute expression.

See Listing 7.28 for an example of the binary bitwise operators

Listing 7.28 Binary bitwise operators

$E & 3 ; = $2 (%1110 & %0011 = %0010)

$E | 3 ; = $F (%1110 | %0011 = %1111)
$E ^ 3 ; = $D (%1110 ^ %0011 = %1101)

Bitwise operators (unary)

The unary bitwise operator is ~.

One’s complement: ~<operand>

The ~ operator evaluates the one’s complement of the operand.
The operand can be any expression evaluating to an absolute expression.

See Listing 7.29 for an example of the unary bitwise operator.

Listing 7.29 Unary bitwise operator

~$C ; = $FFFFFFF3 (~%00000000 00000000 00000000 00001100

=%11111111 11111111 11111111 11110011)

268 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax

Logical operators (unary)

The unary logical operator is !.

Logical NOT: !<operand>

The ! operator returns 1 (true) if the operand is 0, otherwise it returns 0 (false).
The operand can be any expression evaluating to an absolute expression.

See Listing 7.30 for an example of the unary logical operator.

Listing 7.30 Unary logical operator

!(8<5) ; = $1 (TRUE)

Relational operators (binary)

The binary relational operators are =, ==, !=, <>, <, <=, >, and >=.

Equal: <operand> = <operand>
<operand> == <operand>
Not equal: <operand> != <operand>
<operand> <> <operand>
Less than: <operand> < <operand>
Less than or equal: <operand> <= <operand>
Greater than: <operand> > <operand>
Greater than or equal: <operand> >= <operand>

These operators compare two operands and return 1 if the condition is true or 0 if
the condition is false.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 269

Assembler Syntax

The operands can be any expression evaluating to an absolute expression.

See Listing 7.31 for an example of the binary relational operators

Listing 7.31 Binary relational operators

3 >= 4 ; = 0 (FALSE)
label = 4 ; = 1 (TRUE) if label is 4, 0 or (FALSE) otherwise.
9 < $B ; = 1 (TRUE)

HIGH operator
The HIGH operator is HIGH.

High Byte: HIGH(<operand>)

This operator returns the high byte of the address of a memory location.

Assume data1 is a word located at address $1050 in the memory.
LDA #HIGH(data1)
This instruction will load the immediate value of the high byte of the address of
data1 ($10) in register A.
LDA HIGH(data1)
This instruction will load the direct value at memory location of the higher byte of
the address of data1 (i.e., the value in memory location $10) in register A.

270 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax

HIGH_6_13 Operator

High Byte: HIGH_6_13(<operand>)

This operator returns the high byte of a 14-bit address of a memory location.

Assume data1 is a word located at address $1010 in the memory.
LDA #HIGH_6_13(data1)
This instruction will load the value $40 in the accumulator.

LOW operator
The LOW operator is LOW.

LOW Byte: LOW(<operand>)

This operator returns the low byte of the address of a memory location.

Assume data1 is a word located at address $1050 in the memory.
LDA #LOW(data1)
This instruction will load the immediate value of the lower byte of the address of
data1 ($50) in register A.
LDA LOW(data1)
This instruction will load the direct value at memory location of the lower byte of
the address of data1 (i.e., the value in memory location $50) in register A.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 271

Assembler Syntax

MAP_ADDR_6 Operator


This operator returns the lower 6 bits for a memory location. It should be used to
determine the offset in the paging window for a certain memory address.Note that
the operator automatically adds the offset of the base of the paging window ($C0).

MOV #HIGH_6_13(data), $001F
STA MAP_ADDR_6(data)
In this example, the RS08 PAGE register (mapped at $001F) is loaded with the
memory page corresponding to data and then the value contained in the
accumulator is stored at the address pointed by data.

PAGE operator
The PAGE operator is PAGE.

PAGE Byte: PAGE(<operand>)

This operator returns the page byte of the address of a memory location.

Assume data1 is a word located at address $28050 in the memory.
LDA #PAGE(data1)
This instruction will load the immediate value of the page byte of the address of
data1 ($2).
LDA PAGE(data1)
This instruction will load the direct value at memory location of the page byte of
the address of data1 (i.e., the value in memory location $2).

272 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax

NOTE The PAGE keyword does not refer to the RS08 PAGE register but to the PAGE
operator described above.

Force operator (unary)

8-bit address: <<operand> or <operand>.B
16-bit address: ><operand> or <operand>.W

The < or .B operators force direct addressing mode, whereas the > or .W operators
force extended addressing mode.
Use the < operator to force 8-bit indexed or 8-bit direct addressing mode for an
Use the > operator to force 16-bit indexed or 16-bit extended addressing mode for
an instruction.
The operand can be any expression evaluating to an absolute or relocatable

<label ; label is an 8-bit address.
label.B ; label is an 8-bit address.
>label ; label is an 16-bit address.
label.W ; label is an 16-bit address.
For the RS08 the < operand forces the operand to short or tiny addressing mode
(depending on the instruction in which it is used). The same result can be obtained
by adding .S or .T to the referred symbol. The > operator forces an address to 8
bits, even if it fits in 4 or 5 bits (so short or tiny addressing modes can be used).

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 273

Assembler Syntax

Operator precedence
Operator precedence follows the rules for ANSI - C operators (Table 7.6)

Table 7.6 Operator precedence priorities

Operator Description Associativity

() Parenthesis Right to Left

~ One’s complement Left to Right

+ Unary Plus
- Unary minus

* Integer multiplication Left to Right

/ Integer division
% Integer modulo

+ Integer addition Left to Right

- Integer subtraction

<< Shift Left Left to Right

>> Shift Right

< Less than Left to Right

<= Less or equal to
> Greater than
>= Greater or equal to

=, == Equal to Left to Right

!=, <> Not Equal to

& Bitwise AND Left to Right

^ Bitwise Exclusive OR Left to Right

| Bitwise OR Left to Right

274 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax

An expression is composed of one or more symbols or constants, which are combined
with unary or binary operators. Valid symbols in expressions are:
• User defined symbols
• External symbols
• The special symbol ‘*’ represents the value of the location counter at the beginning
of the instruction or directive, even when several arguments are specified. In the
following example, the asterisk represents the location counter at the beginning of
the DC directive:
DC.W 1, 2, *-2
Once a valid expression has been fully evaluated by the Assembler, it is reduced as one of
the following type of expressions:
• Absolute expression: The expression has been reduced to an absolute value, which is
independent of the start address of any relocatable section. Thus it is a constant.
Simple relocatable expression: The expression evaluates to an absolute offset from
the start of a single relocatable section.
• Complex relocatable expression: The expression neither evaluates to an absolute
expression nor to a simple relocatable expression. The Assembler does not support
such expressions.
All valid user defined symbols representing memory locations are simple relocatable
expressions. This includes labels specified in XREF directives, which are assumed to be
relocatable symbols.

Absolute expression
An absolute expression is an expression involving constants or known absolute labels or
expressions. An expression containing an operation between an absolute expression and a
constant value is also an absolute expression.
See Listing 7.32 for an example of an absolute expression.

Listing 7.32 Absolute expression

Base: SET $100

Label: EQU Base * $5 + 3

Expressions involving the difference between two relocatable symbols defined in the same
file and in the same section evaluate to an absolute expression. An expression as
label2-label1 can be translated as:

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 275

Assembler Syntax

Listing 7.33 Interpretation of label2-label1: difference between two relocatable symbols

(<offset label2> + <start section address >) –

(<offset label1> + <start section address >)

This can be simplified to (Listing 7.34):

Listing 7.34 Simplified result for the difference between two relocatable symbols

<offset label2> + <start section address > –

<offset label1> - <start section address>
= <offset label2> - <offset label1>

In the example in Listing 7.35, the expression tabEnd-tabBegin evaluates to an
absolute expression and is assigned the value of the difference between the offset of
tabEnd and tabBegin in the section DataSec.

Listing 7.35 Absolute expression relating the difference between two relocatable

tabBegin: DS.B 5
tabEnd: DS.B 1

label: EQU tabEnd-tabBegin ; Absolute expression

entry: NOP

Simple relocatable expression

A simple relocatable expression results from an operation such as one of the following:
• <relocatable expression> + <absolute expression>
• <relocatable expression> - <absolute expression>
• < absolute expression> + < relocatable expression>

276 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Syntax

Listing 7.36 Example of relocatable expression

XREF XtrnLabel
tabBegin: DS.B 5
tabEnd: DS.B 1
LDA tabBegin+2 ; Simple relocatable expression
BRA *-3 ; Simple relocatable expression
LDA XtrnLabel+6 ; Simple relocatable expression

Unary operation result

Table 7.7 describes the type of an expression according to the operator in an unary

Table 7.7 Expression type resulting from operator and operand type

Operator Operand Expression

-, !, ~ absolute absolute

-, !, ~ relocatable complex

+ absolute absolute

+ relocatable relocatable

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 277

Assembler Syntax
Translation limits

Binary operations result

Table 7.8 describes the type of an expression according to the left and right operators in a
binary operation:

Table 7.8 Expression type resulting from operator and their operands

Operator Left Operand Right Operand Expression

- absolute absolute absolute

- relocatable absolute relocatable

- absolute relocatable complex

- relocatable relocatable absolute

+ absolute absolute absolute

+ relocatable absolute relocatable

+ absolute relocatable relocatable

+ relocatable relocatable complex

*, /, %, <<, >>, |, &, ^ absolute absolute absolute

*, /, %, <<, >>, |, &, ^ relocatable absolute complex

*, /, %, <<, >>, |, &, ^ absolute relocatable complex

*, /, %, <<, >>, |, &, ^ relocatable relocatable complex

Translation limits
The following limitations apply to the Macro Assembler:
• Floating-point constants are not supported.
• Complex relocatable expressions are not supported.
• Lists of operands or symbols must be separated with a comma.
• Include may be nested up to 50.
• The maximum line length is 1023.

278 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
There are different classes of assembler directives. The following tables give you an
overview over the different directives and their classes:

Directive overview
Section-Definition directives
Use the directives in Table 8.1 to define new sections.

Table 8.1 Directives for defining sections

Directive Description

ORG - Set Location Counter Define an absolute section

SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section Define a relocatable section

OFFSET - Create absolute symbols Define an offset section

Constant-Definition directives
Use the directives in Table 8.2 to define assembly constants.

Table 8.2 Directives for defining constants

Directive Description

EQU - Equate symbol value Assign a name to an expression (cannot

be redefined)

SET - Set Symbol Value Assign a name to an expression (can be


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 279

Assembler Directives
Directive overview

Data-Allocation directives
Use the directives in Table 8.3 to allocate variables.

Table 8.3 Directives for allocating variables

Directive Description

DC - Define Constant Define a constant variable

DCB - Define Constant Block Define a constant block

DS - Define Space Define storage for a variable

RAD50 - RAD50-encoded string RAD50 encoded string constants


Symbol-Linkage directives
Symbol-linkage directives (Table 8.4) are used to export or import global symbols.

Table 8.4 Symbol linkage directives

Directive Description

ABSENTRY - Application entry point Specify the application entry point when an
absolute file is generated

XDEF - External Symbol Definition Make a symbol public (visible from outside)

XREF - External Symbol Reference Import reference to an external symbol.

XREFB - External Reference for Import reference to an external symbol

Symbols located on the Direct Page located on the direct page.

280 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Directive overview

Assembly-Control directives
Assembly-control directives (Table 8.5) are general purpose directives used to control the
assembly process.

Table 8.5 Assembly control directives

Directive Description

ALIGN - Align Location Counter Define Alignment Constraint

BASE - Set number base Specify default base for constant definition

END - End assembly End of assembly unit

ENDFOR - End of FOR block End of FOR block

EVEN - Force word alignment Define 2-byte alignment constraint

FAIL - Generate Error message Generate user defined error or warning


FOR - Repeat assembly block Repeat assembly blocks

INCLUDE - Include text from another Include text from another file.

LONGEVEN - Forcing Long-Word Define 4 Byte alignment constraint


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 281

Assembler Directives
Directive overview

Listing-File Control directives

Listing-file control directives (Table 8.6) control the generation of the assembler listing

Table 8.6 Listing-file control directives

Directive Description

CLIST - List conditional assembly Specify if all instructions in a conditional

assembly block must be inserted in the
listing file or not.

LIST - Enable Listing Specify that all subsequent instructions

must be inserted in the listing file.

LLEN - Set Line Length Define line length in assembly listing file.

MLIST - List macro expansions Specify if the macro expansions must be

inserted in the listing file.

NOLIST - Disable Listing Specify that all subsequent instruction

must not be inserted in the listing file.

NOPAGE - Disable Paging Disable paging in the assembly listing file.

PAGE - Insert Page break Insert page break.

PLEN - Set Page Length Define page length in the assembler listing

SPC - Insert Blank Lines Insert an empty line in the assembly listing

TABS - Set Tab Length Define number of character to insert in the

assembler listing file for a TAB character.

TITLE - Provide Listing Title Define the user defined title for the
assembler listing file.

282 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Directive overview

Macro Control directives

Macro control directives (Table 8.7) are used for the definition and expansion of macros.

Table 8.7 Macro control directives

Directive Description

ENDM - End macro definition End of user defined macro.

MACRO - Begin macro definition Start of user defined macro.

MEXIT - Terminate Macro Expansion Exit from macro expansion.

Conditional Assembly directives

Conditional assembly directives (Table 8.8) are used for conditional assembling.

Table 8.8 Conditional assembly directives

Directive Description

ELSE - Conditional assembly alternate block

ENDIF - End conditional assembly End of conditional block

IF - Conditional assembly Start of conditional block. A boolean expression

follows this directive.

IFcc - Conditional assembly Test if two string expressions are equal.

IFDEF Test if a symbol is defined.

IFEQ Test if an expression is null.

IFGE Test if an expression is greater than or equal to


IFGT Test if an expression is greater than 0.

IFLE Test if an expression is less than or equal to 0.

IFLT Test if an expression is less than 0.

IFNC Test if two string expressions are different.

IFNDEF Test if a symbol is undefined

IFNE Test if an expression is not null.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 283

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Detailed descriptions of all assembler

The remainder of the chapter covers the detailed description of all available
assembler directives.

ABSENTRY - Application entry point

ABSENTRY <label>


This directive is used to specify the application Entry Point when the Assembler
directly generates an absolute file. The -FA2 assembly option - ELF/DWARF 2.0
Absolute File - must be enabled.
Using this directive, the entry point of the assembly application is written in the
header of the generated absolute file. When this file is loaded in the debugger, the
line where the entry point label is defined is highlighted in the source window.
This directive is ignored when the Assembler generates an object file.

NOTE This instruction only affects the loading on an application by a debugger. It

tells the debugger which initial PC should be used. In order to start the
application on a target, initialize the Reset vector.

If the example in Listing 8.1 is assembled using the -FA2 assembler option, an
ELF/DWARF 2.0 Absolute file is generated.

Listing 8.1 Using ABSENTRY to specify an application entry point


ORG $fffe
Reset: DC.W entry
ORG $70
entry: NOP

284 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

main: RSP
BRA main

According to the ABSENTRY directive, the entry point will be set to the address of
entry in the header of the absolute file.

ALIGN - Align Location Counter



This directive forces the next instruction to a boundary that is a multiple of <n>,
relative to the start of the section. The value of <n> must be a positive number
between 1 and 32767. The ALIGN directive can force alignment to any size. The
filling bytes inserted for alignment purpose are initialized with ‘\0’.
ALIGN can be used in code or data sections.

The example shown in Listing 8.2 aligns the HEX label to a location, which is a
multiple of 16 (in this case, location 00010 (Hex))

Listing 8.2 Aligning the HEX Label to a Location


Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1
2 2 000000 6869 6768 DC.B "high"
3 3 000004 0000 0000 ALIGN 16
000008 0000 0000
00000C 0000 0000
4 4
5 5
6 6 000010 7F HEX: DC.B 127 ; HEX is allocated

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 285

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

7 7 ; on an address,
8 8 ; which is a
9 9 ; multiple of 16.

BASE - Set number base

BASE <n>


The directive sets the default number base for constants to <n>. The operand <n>
may be prefixed to indicate its number base; otherwise, the operand is considered
to be in the current default base. Valid values of <n> are 2, 8, 10, 16. Unless a
default base is specified using the BASE directive, the default number base is

See Listing 8.3 for examples of setting the number base.

Listing 8.3 Setting the number base

4 4 base 10 ; default base: decimal

5 5 000000 64 dc.b 100
6 6 base 16 ; default base: hex
7 7 000001 0A dc.b 0a
8 8 base 2 ; default base: binary
9 9 000002 04 dc.b 100
10 10 000003 04 dc.b %100
11 11 base @12 ; default base: decimal
12 12 000004 64 dc.b 100
13 13 base $a ; default base: decimal
14 14 000005 64 dc.b 100
15 15
16 16 base 8 ; default base: octal
17 17 000006 40 dc.b 100

286 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Be careful. Even if the base value is set to 16, hexadecimal constants terminated by
a D must be prefixed by the $ character, otherwise they are supposed to be decimal
constants in old style format. For example, constant 45D is interpreted as decimal
constant 45, not as hexadecimal constant 45D.

CLIST - List conditional assembly



The CLIST directive controls the listing of subsequent conditional assembly
blocks. It precedes the first directive of the conditional assembly block to which it
applies, and remains effective until the next CLIST directive is read.
When the ON keyword is specified in a CLIST directive, the listing file includes all
directives and instructions in the conditional assembly block, even those which do
not generate code (which are skipped).
When the OFF keyword is entered, only the directives and instructions that
generate code are listed.
A soon as the -L: Generate a listing file assembler option is activated, the
Assembler defaults to CLIST ON.

Listing 8.4 is an example where the CLIST OFF option is used.

Listing 8.4 Listing file with CLIST OFF

Try: EQU 0
LDA #103
LDA #0

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 287

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Listing 8.5 is the corresponding listing file.

Listing 8.5 Example assembler listing where CLIST ON is used

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ----- ------ --------- -----------
2 2 0000 0000 Try: EQU 0
3 3 0000 0000 IFEQ Try
4 4 000000 A667 LDA #103
5 5 ELSE

Listing 8.6 is a listing file using CLIST ON.

Listing 8.6 CLIST ON is selected

Try: EQU 0
LDA #103
LDA #0

Listing 8.7 is the corresponding listing file.

Listing 8.7 Example assembler listing where CLIST ON is used

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ----- ------ --------- -----------
2 2 0000 0000 Try: EQU 0
3 3 0000 0000 IFEQ Try
4 4 000000 A667 LDA #103
5 5 ELSE
6 6 LDA #0
8 8

288 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

DC - Define Constant

[<label>:] DC [.<size>] <expression> [,
where <size> = B (default), W, or L.

DCW (= 2 byte DCs), DCL (= 4 byte DCs),
FCB (= DC.B), FDB (= 2 byte DCs),
FQB (= 4 byte DCs)

The DC directive defines constants in memory. It can have one or more
<expression> operands, which are separated by commas. The
<expression> can contain an actual value (binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal,
or ASCII). Alternatively, the <expression> can be a symbol or expression that
can be evaluated by the Assembler as an absolute or simple relocatable expression.
One memory block is allocated and initialized for each expression.
The following rules apply to size specifications for DC directives:
• DC.B: One byte is allocated for numeric expressions. One byte is allocated per
ASCII character for strings (Listing 8.8).
• DC.W: Two bytes are allocated for numeric expressions. ASCII strings are right
aligned on a two-byte boundary (Listing 8.9).
• DC.L: Four bytes are allocated for numeric expressions. ASCII strings are right
aligned on a four byte boundary (Listing 8.10).

Listing 8.8 Example for DC.B

000000 4142 4344 Label: DC.B "ABCDE"

000004 45
000005 0A0A 010A DC.B %1010, @12, 1,$A

Listing 8.9 Example for DC.W

000000 0041 4243 Label: DC.W "ABCDE"

000004 4445

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 289

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

000006 000A 000A DC.W %1010, @12, 1, $A

00000A 0001 000A
00000E xxxx DC.W Label

Listing 8.10 Example for DC.L

000000 0000 0041 Label: DC.L "ABCDE"

000004 4243 4445
000008 0000 000A DC.L %1010, @12, 1, $A
00000C 0000 000A
000010 0000 0001
000014 0000 000A
000018 xxxx xxxx DC.L Label

If the value in an operand expression exceeds the size of the operand, the assembler
truncates the value and generates a warning message.

See also
Assembler directives:
• DCB - Define Constant Block
• DS - Define Space
• ORG - Set Location Counter
• SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section

DCB - Define Constant Block

[<label>:] DCB [.<size>] <count>, <value>
where <size> = B (default), W, or L.

The DCB directive causes the Assembler to allocate a memory block initialized
with the specified <value>. The length of the block is <size> * <count>.
<count> may not contain undefined, forward, or external references. It may
range from 1 to 4096.

290 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

The value of each storage unit allocated is the sign-extended expression <value>,
which may contain forward references. The <count> cannot be relocatable. This
directive does not perform any alignment.
The following rules apply to size specifications for DCB directives:
• DCB.B: One byte is allocated for numeric expressions.
• DCB.W: Two bytes are allocated for numeric expressions.
• DCB.L: Four bytes are allocated for numeric expressions.

Listing 8.11 Examples of DCB directives

000000 FFFF FF Label: DCB.B 3, $FF

000007 FFFE
000009 0000 FFFE DCB.L 3, $FFFE
00000D 0000 FFFE
000011 0000 FFFE

See also
Assembler directives:
• DC - Define Constant
• DS - Define Space
• ORG - Set Location Counter
• SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section

DS - Define Space

[<label>:] DS[.<size>] <count>
where <size> = B (default), W, or L.

RMB (= DS.B)
RMD (2 bytes)
RMQ (4 bytes)

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 291

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

The DS directive is used to reserve memory for variables (Listing 8.12). The
content of the memory reserved is not initialized. The length of the block is
<size> * <count>.
<count> may not contain undefined, forward, or external references. It may
range from 1 to 4096.

Listing 8.12 Examples of DS directives

Counter: DS.B 2 ; 2 continuous bytes in memory

DS.B 2 ; 2 continuous bytes in memory
; can only be accessed through the label Counter
DS.W 5 ; 5 continuous words in memory

The label Counter references the lowest address of the defined storage area.

NOTE Storage allocated with a DS directive may end up in constant data section or
even in a code section, if the same section contains constants or code as well.
The Assembler allocates only a complete section at once.

In Listing 8.13, a variable, a constant, and code were put in the same section.
Because code has to be in ROM, then all three elements must be put into ROM. In
order to allocate them separately, put them in different sections (Listing 8.14).

Listing 8.13 Poor memory allocation

; How it should NOT be done ...

Counter: DS 1 ; 1-byte used
InitialCounter: DC.B $f5 ; constant $f5
main: NOP ; NOP instruction

Listing 8.14 Proper memory allocation

DataSect: SECTION ; separate section for variables

Counter: DS 1 ; 1-byte used

ConstSect: SECTION ; separate section for constants

InitialCounter: DC.B $f5 ; constant $f5

CodeSect: SECTION ; section for code

main: NOP ; NOP instruction

292 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

An ORG directive also starts a new section.

See also
• DC - Define Constant
• ORG - Set Location Counter
• SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section

ELSE - Conditional assembly

IF <condition>
[<assembly language statements>]
[<assembly language statements>]


If <condition> is true, the statements between IF and the corresponding ELSE
directive are assembled (generate code).
If <condition> is false, the statements between ELSE and the corresponding
ENDIF directive are assembled. Nesting of conditional blocks is allowed. The
maximum level of nesting is limited by the available memory at assembly time.

Listing 8.15 is an example of the use of conditional assembly directives:

Listing 8.15 Various conditional assembly directives

Try: EQU 1
IF Try != 0
LDA #103
LDA #0

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 293

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

The value of Try determines the instruction to be assembled in the program. As

shown, the lda #103 instruction is assembled. Changing the operand of the EQU
directive to 0 causes the lda #0 instruction to be assembled instead.

Listing 8.16 Output listing of Listing 8.15

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- ------------------
1 1 0000 0001 Try: EQU 1
2 2 0000 0001 IF Try != 0
3 3 000000 A667 LDA #103
4 4 ELSE

END - End assembly



The END directive indicates the end of the source code. Subsequent source
statements in this file are ignored. The END directive in included files skips only
subsequent source statements in this include file. The assembly continues in the
including file in a regular way.

The END statement in Listing 8.17 causes any source code after the END statement
to be ignored, as in Listing 8.18.

Listing 8.17 Source File

Label: DC.W $1234

DC.W $5678
DC.W $90AB ; no code generated
DC.W $CDEF ; no code generated

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Listing 8.18 Generated listing file

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 000000 1234 Label: DC.W $1234
2 2 000002 5678 DC.W $5678

ENDFOR - End of FOR block



The ENDFOR directive indicates the end of a FOR block.

NOTE The FOR directive is only available when the -Compat=b assembler option is
used. Otherwise, the FOR directive is not supported.

See Listing 8.28 in the FOR section.

See also
Assembler directives:
• FOR - Repeat assembly block
• -Compat: Compatibility modes

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

ENDIF - End conditional assembly



The ENDIF directive indicates the end of a conditional block. Nesting of
conditional blocks is allowed. The maximum level of nesting is limited by the
available memory at assembly time.

See Listing 8.30 in the IF section.

See also
IF - Conditional assembly assembler directive

296 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

ENDM - End macro definition



The ENDM directive terminates the macro definition (Listing 8.19).

The ENDM statement in Listing 8.19 terminates the cpChar macro.

Listing 8.19 Using ENDM to terminate a macro definition

cpChar: MACRO
LDA \1
STA \2
cpChar char1, char2
LDA char1
STA char2

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

EQU - Equate symbol value

<label>: EQU <expression>


The EQU directive assigns the value of the <expression> in the operand field to
<label>. The <label> and <expression> fields are both required, and the
<label> cannot be defined anywhere else in the program. The <expression>
cannot include a symbol that is undefined or not yet defined.
The EQU directive does not allow forward references.

See Listing 8.20 for examples of using the EQU directive.

Listing 8.20 Using EQU to set variables

0000 0014 MaxElement: EQU 20

0000 0050 MaxSize: EQU MaxElement * 4

Time: DS.B 3
0000 0000 Hour: EQU Time ; first byte addr.
0000 0002 Minute: EQU Time+1 ; second byte addr
0000 0004 Second: EQU Time+2 ; third byte addr

298 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

EVEN - Force word alignment



This directive forces the next instruction to the next even address relative to the
start of the section. EVEN is an abbreviation for ALIGN 2. Some processors require
word and long word operations to begin at even address boundaries. In such cases,
the use of the EVEN directive ensures correct alignment. Omission of this directive
can result in an error message.

See Listing 8.21 for instances where the EVEN directive causes padding bytes to
be inserted.

Listing 8.21 Using the Force Word Alignment Directive

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 000000 ds.b 4
2 2 ; location count has an even value
3 3 ; no padding byte inserted.
4 4 even
5 5 000004 ds.b 1
6 6 ; location count has an odd value
7 7 ; one padding byte inserted.
8 8 000005 even
9 9 000006 ds.b 3
10 10 ; location count has an odd value
11 11 ; one padding byte inserted.
12 12 000009 even
13 13 0000 000A aaa: equ 10

See also
ALIGN - Align Location Counter assembly directive

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

FAIL - Generate Error message

FAIL <arg>|<string>


There are three modes of the FAIL directive, depending upon the operand that is
• If <arg> is a number in the range [0–499], the Assembler generates an error
message, including the line number and argument of the directive. The
Assembler does not generate an object file.
• If <arg> is a number in the range [500–$FFFFFFFF], the Assembler
generates a warning message, including the line number and argument of the
• If a string is supplied as an operand, the Assembler generates an error message,
including the line number and the <string>. The Assembler does not
generate an object file.
• The FAIL directive is primarily intended for use with conditional assembly to
detect user-defined errors or warning conditions.

The assembly code in Listing 8.22 generates the error messages in Listing 8.23.
The value of the operand associated with the ‘FAIL 200’ or
‘FAIL 600’directives determines (1) the format of any warning or error
message and (2) whether the source code segment will be assembled.

Listing 8.22 Example source code

cpChar: MACRO
IFC "\1", ""
FAIL 200
LDA \1

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

IFC "\2", ""

FAIL 600
STA \2
cpChar char1

Listing 8.23 Error messages resulting from assembling the source code in Listing 8.22

>> in "C:\Freescale\demo\warnfail.asm", line 13, col 19, pos 226

IFC "\2", ""

FAIL 600
WARNING A2332: FAIL found
Macro Call : FAIL 600

Listing 8.24 is another assembly code example which again incorporates the FAIL 200
and the FAIL 600 directives. Listing 8.25 is the error message that was generated as a
result of assembling the source code in Listing 8.24.

Listing 8.24 Example source code

cpChar: MACRO
IFC "\1", ""
FAIL 200
LDA \1

IFC "\2", ""

FAIL 600
STA \2
codeSec: SECTION
cpChar, char2

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Listing 8.25 Error messages resulting from assembling the source code in Listing 8.24

>> in "C:\Freescale\demo\errfail.asm", line 6, col 19, pos 96

IFC "\1", ""

FAIL 200
ERROR A2329: FAIL found
Macro Call : FAIL 200

Listing 8.26 has additional uses of the FAIL directive. In this example, the
FAIL string and FAIL 600 directives are used. Any error messages
generated from the assembly code as a result of the FAIL directive are listed in
Listing 8.27.

Listing 8.26 Example source code

cpChar: MACRO
IFC "\1", ""
FAIL "A character must be specified as first parameter"
LDA \1

IFC "\2", ""

FAIL 600
STA \2
codeSec: SECTION
cpChar, char2

Listing 8.27 Error messages resulting from assembling the source code in Listing 8.26

>> in "C:\Freescale\demo\failmes.asm", line 7, col 17, pos 110

IFC "\1", ""

FAIL "A character must be specified as first parameter"
ERROR A2338: A character must be specified as first parameter
Macro Call : FAIL "A character must be specified as first parameter"

302 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

FOR - Repeat assembly block

FOR <label>=<num> TO <num>


The FOR directive is an inline macro because it can generate multiple lines of
assembly code from only one line of input code.
FOR takes an absolute expression and assembles the portion of code following it,
the number of times represented by the expression. The FOR expression may be
either a constant or a label previously defined using EQU or SET.

NOTE The FOR directive is only available when the -Compat=b assembly option is
used. Otherwise, the FOR directive is not supported.

Listing 8.28 is an example of using FOR to create a 5-repetition loop.

Listing 8.28 Using the FOR directive in a loop

FOR label=2 TO 6
DC.B label*7

Listing 8.29 Resulting output listing

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 FOR label=2 TO 6
2 2 DC.B label*7
4 2 000000 0E DC.B label*7
6 2 000001 15 DC.B label*7

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

8 2 000002 1C DC.B label*7
10 2 000003 23 DC.B label*7
12 2 000004 2A DC.B label*7

See also
ENDFOR - End of FOR block
-Compat: Compatibility modes assembler option

IF - Conditional assembly

IF <condition>
[<assembly language statements>]
[<assembly language statements>]


If <condition> is true, the statements immediately following the IF directive
are assembled. Assembly continues until the corresponding ELSE or ENDIF
directive is reached. Then all the statements until the corresponding ENDIF
directive are ignored. Nesting of conditional blocks is allowed. The maximum
level of nesting is limited by the available memory at assembly time.
The expected syntax for <condition> is:
<condition> := <expression> <relation> <expression>
<relation> := =|!=|>=|>|<=|<|<>
The <expression> must be absolute (It must be known at assembly time).

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Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Listing 8.30 is an example of the use of conditional assembly directives

Listing 8.30 IF and ENDIF

Try: EQU 0
IF Try != 0
LDA #103
LDA #0

The value of Try determines the instruction to be assembled in the program. As

shown, the lda #0 instruction is assembled. Changing the operand of the EQU
directive to one causes the lda #103 instruction to be assembled instead. The
following shows the listing provided by the Assembler for these lines of code:

Listing 8.31 Output listing after conditional assembly

1 1 0000 0000 Try: EQU 0

2 2 0000 0000 IF Try != 0
4 4 ELSE
5 5 000000 A600 LDA #0

IFcc - Conditional assembly

IFcc <condition>
[<assembly language statements>]
[<assembly language statements>]


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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

These directives can be replaced by the IF directive Ifcc <condition> is
true, the statements immediately following the Ifcc directive are assembled.
Assembly continues until the corresponding ELSE or ENDIF directive is reached,
after which assembly moves to the statements following the ENDIF directive.
Nesting of conditional blocks is allowed. The maximum level of nesting is limited
by the available memory at assembly time.
Table 8.9 lists the available conditional types:

Table 8.9 Conditional assembly types

Ifcc Condition Meaning

ifeq <expression> if <expression> == 0

ifne <expression> if <expression> != 0

iflt <expression> if <expression> < 0

ifle <expression> if <expression> <= 0

ifgt <expression> if <expression> > 0

ifge <expression> if <expression> >= 0

ifc <string1>, <string2> if <string1> == <string2>

ifnc <string1>, <string2> if <string1> != <string2>

ifdef <label> if <label> was defined

ifndef <label> if <label> was not defined

Listing 8.32 is an example of the use of conditional assembler directives:

Listing 8.32 Using the IFNE conditional assembler directive

Try: EQU 0
LDA #103
LDA #0

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

The value of Try determines the instruction to be assembled in the program. As

shown, the lda #0 instruction is assembled. Changing the directive to IFEQ
causes the lda #103 instruction to be assembled instead.
Listing 8.33 shows the listing provided by the Assembler for these lines of code

Listing 8.33 output listing for Listing 8.32

1 1 0000 0000 Try: EQU 0

2 2 0000 0000 IFNE Try
4 4 ELSE
5 5 000000 A600 LDA #0

INCLUDE - Include text from another file

INCLUDE <file specification>


This directive causes the included file to be inserted in the source input stream. The
<file specification> is not case-sensitive and must be enclosed in
quotation marks.
The Assembler attempts to open <file specification> relative to the
current working directory. If the file is not found there, then it is searched for
relative to each path specified in the GENPATH: Search path for input file
environment variable.

INCLUDE "..\LIBRARY\macros.inc"

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

LIST - Enable Listing



Specifies that instructions following this directive must be inserted into the listing
and into the debug file. This is a default option. The listing file is only generated if
the -L: Generate a listing file assembler option is specified on the command line.
The source text following the LIST directive is listed until a NOLIST - Disable
Listing or an END - End assembly assembler directive is reached
This directive is not written to the listing and debug files.

The assembly source code using the LIST and NOLIST directives in Listing 8.34
generates the output listing in Listing 8.35.

Listing 8.34 Using the LIST and NOLIST assembler directives

aaa: NOP

bbb: NOP

ccc: NOP

ddd: NOP NOP

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Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Listing 8.35 Output listing generated from running Listing 8.34

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 000000 9D aaa: NOP
2 2
4 4 000001 9D bbb: NOP
5 5 000002 9D NOP
6 6
12 12 000005 9D ddd: NOP
13 13 000006 9D NOP

LLEN - Set Line Length



Sets the number of characters from the source line that are included on the listing
line to <n>. The values allowed for <n> are in the range [0 - 132]. If a value
smaller than 0 is specified, the line length is set to 0. If a value bigger than 132 is
specified, the line length is set to 132.
Lines of the source file that exceed the specified number of characters are truncated
in the listing file.

The following portion of code in Listing 8.37 generates the listing file in Listing 8.37.
Notice that the LLEN 24 directive causes the output at the location-counter line 7 to be

Listing 8.36 Example assembly source code using LLEN

DC.B $55
DC.W $1234, $4567

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

DC.W $1234, $4567

Listing 8.37 Formatted assembly output listing as a result of using LLEN

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 000000 55 DC.B $55
2 2
4 4 000001 1234 4567 DC.W $1234, $4567
5 5
7 7 000005 1234 4567 DC.W $1234, $
8 8 000009 00 EVEN

LONGEVEN - Forcing Long-Word alignment



This directive forces the next instruction to the next long-word address relative to
the start of the section. LONGEVEN is an abbreviation for ALIGN 4.

See Listing 8.38 for an example where LONGEVEN aligns the next instruction to
have its location counter to be a multiple of four (bytes).

Listing 8.38 Forcing Long Word Alignment

2 2 000000 01 dcb.b 1,1

; location counter is not a multiple of 4; three filling
; bytes are required.
3 3 000001 0000 00 longeven
4 4 000004 0002 0002 dcb.w 2,2
; location counter is already a multiple of 4; no filling

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Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

; bytes are required.

5 5 longeven
6 6 000008 0202 dcb.b 2,2
7 7 ; following is for text section
8 8 s27 SECTION 27
9 9 000000 9D nop
; location counter is not a multiple of 4; three filling
; bytes are required.
10 10 000001 0000 00 longeven
11 11 000004 9D nop

MACRO - Begin macro definition

<label>: MACRO


The <label> of the MACRO directive is the name by which the macro is called.
This name must not be a processor machine instruction or assembler directive
name. For more information on macros, see the Macros chapter.

See Listing 8.39 for a macro definition.

Listing 8.39 Example macro definition

XDEF Start
char1: DS.B 1
char2: DS.B 1
cpChar: MACRO
LDA \1
STA \2
cpChar char1, char2

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

LDA char1
STA char2

MEXIT - Terminate Macro Expansion



MEXIT is usually used together with conditional assembly within a macro. In that
case it may happen that the macro expansion should terminate prior to termination
of the macro definition. The MEXIT directive causes macro expansion to skip any
remaining source lines ahead of the ENDM - End macro definition directive.

See Listing 8.40 allows the replication of simple instructions or directives using

Listing 8.40 Example assembly code using MEXIT

XDEF entry

storage: EQU $00FF

save: MACRO ; Start macro definition
LDX #storage
LDA \1
STA 0,x ; Save first argument
LDA \2
STA 2,x ; Save second argument
IFC '\3', '' ; Is there a third argument?
MEXIT ; No, exit from macro
LDA \3 ; Save third argument
ENDM ; End of macro definition
char1: ds.b 1

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

char2: ds.b 1
save char1, char2

Listing 8.41 shows the macro expansion of the previous macro.

Listing 8.41 Macro expansion of Listing 8.40

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 XDEF entry
2 2 0000 00FF storage: EQU $00FF
3 3
4 4 save: MACRO ; Start macro definition
5 5 LDX #storage
6 6 LDA \1
7 7 STA 0,x ; Save first arg
8 8 LDA \2
9 9 STA 2,x ; Save second arg
10 10 IFC '\3', ''; is there a
11 11 MEXIT ; No, exit from macro.
12 12 ENDC
13 13 LDA \3 ; Save third argument
14 14 STA 4,X
15 15 ENDM ; End of macro defin
16 16
17 17 datSec: SECTION
18 18 000000 char1: ds.b 1
19 19 000001 char2: ds.b 1
20 20
21 21
22 22
23 23 codSec: SECTION
24 24 entry:
25 25 save char1, char2
26 5m 000000 AEFF + LDX #storage
27 6m 000002 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
28 7m 000005 E700 + STA 0,x ; Save first arg
29 8m 000007 C6 xxxx + LDA char2
30 9m 00000A E702 + STA 2,x ; Save second
31 10m 0000 0001 + IFC '', '' ; Is there a
33 11m + MEXIT ; no, exit macro.
34 12m + ENDC
35 13m + LDA ; Save third argu
36 14m + STA 4,X

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

MLIST - List macro expansions


When the ON keyword is entered with an MLIST directive, the Assembler includes
the macro expansions in the listing and in the debug file.
When the OFF keyword is entered, the macro expansions are omitted from the
listing and from the debug file.
This directive is not written to the listing and debug file, and the default value is


The assembly code in Listing 8.42, with MLIST ON, generates the assembler
output listing in Listing 8.43

Listing 8.42 Example assembly source code using MLIST

XDEF entry
swap: MACRO
LDA \1
LDX \2
STA \2
STX \1
LDA #$F0
LDX #$0F
STA first
STX second
swap first, second
BRA main

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

first: DS.B 1
second: DS.B 1

Listing 8.43 Assembler output listing of the example in Listing 8.42 with MLIST ON

1 1 XDEF entry
3 3 swap: MACRO
4 4 LDA \1
5 5 LDX \2
6 6 STA \2
7 7 STX \1
8 8 ENDM
9 9
10 10 codSec: SECTION
11 11 entry:
12 12 000000 A6F0 LDA #$F0
13 13 000002 AE0F LDX #$0F
14 14 main:
15 15 000004 C7 xxxx STA first
16 16 000007 CF xxxx STX second
17 17 swap first, second
18 4m 00000A C6 xxxx + LDA first
19 5m 00000D CE xxxx + LDX second
20 6m 000010 C7 xxxx + STA second
21 7m 000013 CF xxxx + STX first
22 18 000016 9D NOP
23 19 000017 20EB BRA main
24 20
25 21 datSec: SECTION
26 22 000000 first: DS.B 1
27 23 000001 second: DS.B 1

For the same code, with MLIST OFF, the listing file is as shown in Listing 8.44.

Listing 8.44 Assembler output listing of the example in Listing 8.42 with MLIST OFF

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 XDEF entry
3 3 swap: MACRO
4 4 LDA \1
5 5 LDX \2
6 6 STA \2
7 7 STX \1

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

8 8 ENDM
9 9 codSec: SECTION
10 10 entry:
11 11 000000 A6F0 LDA #$F0
12 12 000002 AE0F LDX #$0F
13 13 main:
14 14 000004 C7 xxxx STA first
15 15 000007 CF xxxx STX second
16 16 swap first, second
21 17 000016 9D NOP
22 18 000017 20EB BRA main
23 19 datSec: SECTION
24 20 000000 first: DS.B 1
25 21 000001 second: DS.B 1

The MLIST directive does not appear in the listing file. When a macro is called
after a MLIST ON, it is expanded in the listing file. If the MLIST OFF is
encountered before the macro call, the macro is not expanded in the listing file.

NOLIST - Disable Listing



Suppresses the printing of the following instructions in the assembly listing and
debug file until a LIST - Enable Listing assembler directive is reached.

See Listing 8.45 for an example of using LIST and NOLIST.

Listing 8.45 Examples of LIST and NOLIST

aaa: NOP

bbb: NOP

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Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives


ccc: NOP

ddd: NOP

The listing above generates the listing file in Listing 8.46.

Listing 8.46 Assembler output listing from the assembler source code in Listing 8.45

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line
---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 000000 9D aaa: NOP
2 2
4 4 000001 9D bbb: NOP
5 5 000002 9D NOP
6 6
12 12 000005 9D ddd: NOP
13 13 000006 9D NOP

See Also
LIST - Enable Listing assembler directive

NOPAGE - Disable Paging



Disables pagination in the listing file. Program lines are listed continuously,
without headings or top or bottom margins.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 317

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

OFFSET - Create absolute symbols

OFFSET <expression>


The OFFSET directive declares an offset section and initializes the location
counter to the value specified in <expression>. The <expression> must be
absolute and may not contain references to external, undefined or forward defined

Listing 8.47 shows how the OFFSET directive can be used to access an element of
a structure.

Listing 8.47 Example assembly source code

6 6 OFFSET 0
7 7 000000 ID: DS.B 1
8 8 000001 COUNT: DS.W 1
9 9 000003 VALUE: DS.L 1
10 10 0000 0007 SIZE: EQU *
11 11
12 12 DataSec: SECTION
13 13 000000 Struct: DS.B SIZE
14 14
15 15 CodeSec: SECTION
16 16 entry:
17 17 000003 CE xxxx LDX #Struct
18 18 000006 8600 LDA #0
19 19 000008 6A00 STA ID, X
20 20 00000A 6201 INC COUNT, X
21 21 00000C 42 INCA
22 22 00000D 6A03 STA VALUE, X

When a statement affecting the location counter other than EVEN, LONGEVEN,
ALIGN, or DS is encountered after the OFFSET directive, the offset section is

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Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

ended. The preceding section is activated again, and the location counter is restored
to the next available location in this section (Listing 8.48).

Listing 8.48 Example where the location counter is changed

7 7 ConstSec: SECTION
8 8 000000 11 cst1: DC.B $11
9 9 000001 13 cst2: DC.B $13
10 10
11 11 OFFSET 0
12 12 000000 ID: DS.B 1
13 13 000001 COUNT: DS.W 1
14 14 000003 VALUE: DS.L 1
15 15 0000 0007 SIZE: EQU *
16 16
17 17 000002 22 cst3: DC.B $22

In the example above, the cst3 symbol, defined after the OFFSET directive,
defines a constant byte value. This symbol is appended to the section ConstSec,
which precedes the OFFSET directive.

ORG - Set Location Counter

ORG <expression>


The ORG directive sets the location counter to the value specified by
<expression>. Subsequent statements are assigned memory locations starting
with the new location counter value. The <expression> must be absolute and
may not contain any forward, undefined, or external references. The ORG directive
generates an internal section, which is absolute (see the Sections chapter).

See Listing 8.49 for an example where ORG sets the location counter.

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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Listing 8.49 Using ORG to set the location counter

org $2000
b1: nop
b2: rts

Viewing Listing 8.50, you can see that the b1 label is located at address $2000 and label
b2 is at address $2001.

Listing 8.50 Assembler output listing from the source code in Listing 8.49

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 org $2000
2 2 a002000 9D b1: nop
3 3 a002001 81 b2: rts

See also
Assembler directives:
• DC - Define Constant
• DCB - Define Constant Block
• DS - Define Space
• SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section

PAGE - Insert Page break



Insert a page break in the assembly listing.

320 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

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Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

The portion of code in Listing 8.51 demonstrates the use of a page break in the
assembler output listing.

Listing 8.51 Example assembly source code

DC.B $00,$12
DC.B $00,$34
DC.B $00,$56
DC.B $00,$78

The effect of the PAGE directive can be seen in Listing 8.52.

Listing 8.52 Assembler output listing from the source code in Listing 8.51

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 code: SECTION
2 2 000000 0012 DC.B $00,$12
3 3 000002 0034 DC.B $00,$34

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
5 5 000004 0056 DC.B $00,$56
6 6 000006 0078 DC.B $00,$78

PLEN - Set Page Length



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Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Sets the listings page length to <n> lines. <n> may range from 10 to 10000. If
the number of lines already listed on the current page is greater than or equal to
<n>, listing will continue on the next page with the new page length setting.
The default page length is 65 lines.

RAD50 - RAD50-encoded string constants

RAD50 <str>[, cnt]


This directive places strings encoded with the RAD50 encoding into constants. The
RAD50 encoding places 3 string characters out of a reduced character set into 2
bytes. It therefore saves memory when comparing it with a plain ASCII
representation. It also has some drawbacks, however. Only 40 different character
values are supported, and the strings have to be decoded before they can be used.
This decoding does include some computations including divisions (not just shifts)
and is therefore rather expensive.
The encoding takes three bytes and looks them up in a string table (Listing 8.53).

Listing 8.53 RAD50 encoding

unsigned short LookUpPos(char x) {

static const char translate[]=

const char* pos= strchr(translate, x);

if (pos == NULL) { EncodingError(); return 0; }
return pos-translate;
unsigned short Encode(char a, char b, char c) {
return LookUpPos(a)*40*40 + LookUpPos(b)*40
+ LookUpPos(c);

322 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

If the remaining string is shorter than 3 bytes, it is filled with spaces (which
correspond to the RAD50 character 0).
The optional argument cnt can be used to explicitly state how many 16-bit values
should be written. If the string is shorter than 3*cnt, then it is filled with spaces.
See the example C code below (Listing 8.56) about how to decode it.

The string data in Listing 8.54 assembles to the following data (Listing 8.55). The
11 characters in the string are represented by 8 bytes.

Listing 8.54 RAD50 Example

XDEF rad50, rad50Len

DataSection SECTION
rad50: RAD50 "Hello World"
rad50Len: EQU (*-rad50)/2

Listing 8.55 Assembler output where 11 characters are contained in eight bytes

$32D4 $4D58 $922A $4BA0

This C code shown in Listing 8.56 takes the data and prints “Hello World”.

Listing 8.56 Example—Program that Prints Hello World

#include "stdio.h"
extern unsigned short rad50[];
extern int rad50Len; /* address is value. Exported asm label */
#define rad50len ((int) &rad50Len)

void printRadChar(char ch) {

static const char translate[]=
char asciiChar= translate[ch];
void PrintHallo(void) {
unsigned char values= rad50len;
unsigned char i;
for (i=0; i < values; i++) {
unsigned short val= rad50[i];
printRadChar(val / (40 * 40));

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 323

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

printRadChar((val / 40) % 40);

printRadChar(val % 40);

SECTION - Declare Relocatable Section

<name>: SECTION [SHORT][<number>]


This directive declares a relocatable section and initializes the location counter for
the following code. The first SECTION directive for a section sets the location
counter to zero. Subsequent SECTION directives for that section restore the
location counter to the value that follows the address of the last code in the section.
<name> is the name assigned to the section. Two SECTION directives with the
same name specified refer to the same section.
<number> is optional and is only specified for compatibility with the MASM
A section is a code section when it contains at least one assembly instruction. It is
considered to be a constant section if it contains only DC or DCB directives. A
section is considered to be a data section when it contains at least a DS directive or
if it is empty.

The example in Listing 8.57 demonstrates the definition of a section aaa, which is
split into two blocks, with section bbb in between them.
The location counter associated with the label zz is 1, because a NOP instruction
was already defined in this section at label xx.

324 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Listing 8.57 Example of the SECTION assembler directive

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 aaa: SECTION 4
2 2 000000 9D xx: NOP
3 3 bbb: SECTION 5
4 4 000000 9D yy: NOP
5 5 000001 9D NOP
6 6 000002 9D NOP
7 7 aaa: SECTION 4
8 8 000001 9D zz: NOP

The optional qualifier SHORT specifies that the section is a short section, That
means than the objects defined there can be accessed using the direct addressing
For RS08, there are two additional section qualifiers: RS08_SHORT and
RS08_TINY. When a section is declared as RS08_SHORT (or RS08_TINY) all
the objects defined there can be accessed using the short (and respectively tiny)
addressing modes.
The example in Listing 8.58 demonstrates the definition and usage of a SHORT
section, and uses the direct addressing mode to access the symbol data.

Listing 8.58 Using the direct addressing mode

1 1 dataSec: SECTION SHORT

2 2 000000 data: DS.B 1
3 3
4 4 codeSec: SECTION
5 5
6 6 entry:
7 7 000000 9C RSP
8 8 000001 A600 LDA #0
9 9 000003 B7xx STA data

See also
Assembler directives:
• ORG - Set Location Counter
• DC - Define Constant
• DCB - Define Constant Block
• DS - Define Space

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 325

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

SET - Set Symbol Value

<label>: SET <expression>


Similar to the EQU - Equate symbol value directive, the SET directive assigns the
value of the <expression> in the operand field to the symbol in the <label>
field. The <expression> must resolve as an absolute expression and cannot
include a symbol that is undefined or not yet defined. The <label> is an
assembly time constant. SET does not generate any machine code.
The value is temporary; a subsequent SET directive can redefine it.

See Listing 8.59 for examples of the SET directive.

Listing 8.59 Using the SET assembler directive

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 0000 0002 count: SET 2
2 2 000000 02 one: DC.B count
3 3
4 4 0000 0001 count: SET count-1
5 5 000001 01 DC.B count
6 6
7 7 0000 0001 IFNE count
8 8 0000 0000 count: SET count-1
10 10 000002 00 DC.B count

The value associated with the label count is decremented after each DC.B

326 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

SPC - Insert Blank Lines



Inserts <count> blank lines in the assembly listing. <count> may range from 0
to 65. This has the same effect as writing that number of blank lines in the
assembly source. A blank line is a line containing only a carriage return.

TABS - Set Tab Length

TABS <n>


Sets the tab length to <n> spaces. The default tab length is eight. <n> may range
from 0 to 128.

TITLE - Provide Listing Title

TITLE "title"


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 327

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

Print the <title> on the head of every page of the listing file. This directive must
be the first source code line. A title consists of a string of characters enclosed in
quotes (").
The title specified will be written on the top of each page in the assembly listing

XDEF - External Symbol Definition

XDEF [.<size>] <label>[,<label>]...
where <size> = B(direct), W (default), L or S or T


This directive specifies labels defined in the current module that are to be passed to
the linker as labels that can be referenced by other modules linked to the current
The number of symbols enumerated in an XDEF directive is only limited by the
memory available at assembly time.
The S and T size designators are only available for RS08, and result in marking the
symbol as short or tiny.

See Listing 8.60 for the case where the XDEF assembler directive can specify
symbols that can be used by other modules.

Listing 8.60 Using XDEF to create a variable to be used in another file

XDEF Count, main

;; variable Count can be referenced in other modules,
;; same for label main. Note that Linker & Assembler
;; are case-sensitive, i.e., Count != count.
Count: DS.W 2
main: DC.B 1

328 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

XREF - External Symbol Reference

XREF [.<size>] <symbol>[,<symbol>]...
where <size> = B(direct), W (default), or L or S or T.


This directive specifies symbols referenced in the current module but defined in
another module. The list of symbols and corresponding 32-bit values is passed to
the linker.
The number of symbols enumerated in an XREF directive is only limited by the
memory available at assembly time.
The S and T size designators are only available for RS08, and result in marking the
symbol as short or tiny.

XREF OtherGlobal ; Reference "OtherGlobal" defined in
; another module. (See the XDEF
; directive example.)

XREFB - External Reference for Symbols located on the Direct


XREFB <symbol>[,<symbol>]...


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 329

Assembler Directives
Detailed descriptions of all assembler directives

This directive specifies symbols referenced in the current module but defined in
another module. Symbols enumerated in a XREFB directive, can be accessed using
the direct address mode. The list of symbols and corresponding 8-bit values is
passed to the linker.
The number of symbols enumerated in a XREFB directive is only limited by the
memory available at assembly time.


XREFB OtherDirect ; Reference "OtherDirect" def in another

; module (See XDEF directive example.)

330 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

A macro is a template for a code sequence. Once a macro is defined, subsequent reference
to the macro name are replaced by its code sequence.

Macro overview
A macro must be defined before it is called. When a macro is defined, it is given a name.
This name becomes the mnemonic by which the macro is subsequently called.
The Assembler expands the macro definition each time the macro is called. The macro call
causes source statements to be generated, which may include macro arguments. A macro
definition may contain any code or directive except nested macro definitions. Calling
previously defined macros is also allowed. Source statements generated by a macro call
are inserted in the source file at the position where the macro is invoked.
To call a macro, write the macro name in the operation field of a source statement. Place
the arguments in the operand field. The macro may contain conditional assembly
directives that cause the Assembler to produce in-line-coding variations of the macro
Macros call produces in-line code to perform a predefined function. Each time the macro
is called, code is inserted in the normal flow of the program so that the generated
instructions are executed in line with the rest of the program.

Defining a macro
The definition of a macro consists of four parts:
• The header statement, a MACRO directive with a label that names the macro.
• The body of the macro, a sequential list of assembler statements, some possibly
including argument placeholders.
• The ENDM directive, terminating the macro definition.
• eventually an instruction MEXIT, which stops macro expansion.
See the Assembler Directives chapter for information about the MACRO, ENDM, MEXIT,
and MLIST directives.
The body of a macro is a sequence of assembler source statements. Macro parameters are
defined by the appearance of parameter designators within these source statements. Valid

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 331

Calling macros

macro definition statements includes the set of processor assembly language instructions,
assembler directives, and calls to previously defined macros. However, macro definitions
may not be nested.

Calling macros
The form of a macro call is:
[<label>:] <name>[.<sizearg>] [<argument> [,<argument>]...]
Although a macro may be referenced by another macro prior to its definition in the source
module, a macro must be defined before its first call. The name of the called macro must
appear in the operation field of the source statement. Arguments are supplied in the
operand field of the source statement, separated by commas.
The macro call produces in-line code at the location of the call, according to the macro
definition and the arguments specified in the macro call. The source statements of the
expanded macro are then assembled subject to the same conditions and restrictions
affecting any source statement. Nested macros calls are also expanded at this time.

Macro parameters
As many as 36 different substitutable parameters can be used in the source statements that
constitute the body of a macro. These parameters are replaced by the corresponding
arguments in a subsequent call to that macro.
A parameter designator consists of a backslash character (\), followed by a digit (0 - 9) or
an uppercase letter (A - Z). Parameter designator \0 corresponds to a size argument that
follows the macro name, separated by a period (.).
Consider the following macro definition:
MyMacro: MACRO
DC.\0 \1, \2
When this macro is used in a program, e.g.:
MyMacro.B $10, $56
the Assembler expands it to:
DC.B $10, $56
Arguments in the operand field of the macro call refer to parameter designator \1 through
\9 and \A through \Z, in that order. The argument list (operand field) of a macro call
cannot be extended onto additional lines.

332 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Macro parameters

At the time of a macro call, arguments from the macro call are substituted for parameter
designators in the body of the macro as literal (string) substitutions. The string
corresponding to a given argument is substituted literally wherever that parameter
designator occurs in a source statement as the macro is expanded. Each statement
generated in the execution is assembled in line.
It is possible to specify a null argument in a macro call by a comma with no character (not
even a space) between the comma and the preceding macro name or comma that follows
an argument. When a null argument itself is passed as an argument in a nested macro call,
a null value is passed. All arguments have a default value of null at the time of a macro

Macro argument grouping

To pass text including commas as a single macro argument, the Assembler supports a
special syntax. This grouping starts with the [? prefix and ends with the ?] suffix. If the
[? or ?] patterns occur inside of the argument text, they have to be in pairs. Alternatively,
escape brackets, question marks and backward slashes with a backward slash as prefix.

NOTE This escaping only takes place inside of [? ?] arguments. A backslash is only
removed in this process if it is just before a bracket ([]), a question mark
(?), or a second backslash (\).

Listing 9.1 Example macro definition

MyMacro: MACRO
DC \1
MyMacro1: MACRO

Listing 9.2 has some macro calls with rather complicated arguments:

Listing 9.2 Macro calls for Listing 9.1

MyMacro [?$10, $56?]

MyMacro [?"\[?"?]
MyMacro1 [?MyMacro [?$10, $56?]?]
MyMacro1 [?MyMacro \[?$10, $56\?]?]

These macro calls expand to the following lines (Listing 9.3):

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 333

Labels inside macros

Listing 9.3 Macro expansion of Listing 9.2

DC $10, $56
DC "[?"
DC $10, $56
DC $10, $56

The Macro Assembler does also supports for compatibility with previous version’s macro
grouping with an angle bracket syntax (Listing 9.4):

Listing 9.4 Angle bracket syntax

MyMacro <$10, $56>

However, this old syntax is ambiguous as < and > are also used as compare operators. For
example, the following code (Listing 9.5) does not produce the expected result:

Listing 9.5 Potential problem using the angle-bracket syntax

MyMacro <1 > 2, 2 > 3> ; Wrong!

Because of this the old angle brace syntax should be avoided in new code. There is also
and option to disable it explicitly.
See also the -CMacBrackets: Square brackets for macro arguments grouping and the
-CMacAngBrack: Angle brackets for grouping Macro Arguments assembler options.

Labels inside macros

To avoid the problem of multiple-defined labels resulting from multiple calls to a macro
that has labels in its source statements, the programmer can direct the Assembler to
generate unique labels on each call to a macro.
Assembler-generated labels include a string of the form _nnnnn where nnnnn is a 5-
digit value. The programmer requests an assembler-generated label by specifying \@ in a
label field within a macro body. Each successive label definition that specifies a \@
directive generates a successive value of _nnnnn, thereby creating a unique label on each
macro call. Note that \@ may be preceded or followed by additional characters for clarity
and to prevent ambiguity.
This is the definition of the clear macro (Listing 9.6):

334 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Labels inside macros

Listing 9.6 Clear macro definition

clear: MACRO
LDX #\1
LDA #16

This macro is called in the application (Listing 9.7):

Listing 9.7 Calling the clear macro

clear temporary
clear data

The two macro calls of clear are expanded in the following manner (Listing 9.8):

Listing 9.8 Macro call expansion

clear temporary
LDX #temporary
LDA #16
_00001LOOP: CLR 0,X
BNE _00001LOOP
clear data
LDX #data
LDA #16
_00002LOOP: CLR 0,X
BNE _00002LOOP

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 335

Macro expansion

Macro expansion
When the Assembler reads a statement in a source program calling a previously defined
macro, it processes the call as described in the following paragraphs.
The symbol table is searched for the macro name. If it is not in the symbol table, an
undefined symbol error message is issued.
The rest of the line is scanned for arguments. Any argument in the macro call is saved as a
literal or null value in one of the 35 possible parameter fields. When the number of
arguments in the call is less than the number of parameters used in the macro the
argument, which have not been defined at invocation time are initialize with ““ (empty
Starting with the line following the MACRO directive, each line of the macro body is saved
and is associated with the named macro. Each line is retrieved in turn, with parameter
designators replaced by argument strings or assembler-generated label strings.
Once the macro is expanded, the source lines are evaluated and object code is produced.

Nested macros
Macro expansion is performed at invocation time, which is also the case for nested
macros. If the macro definition contains nested macro call, the nested macro expansion
takes place in line. Recursive macro calls are also supported.
A macro call is limited to the length of one line, i.e., 1024 characters.

336 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Listing File
The assembly listing file is the output file of the Assembler that contains information
about the generated code. The listing file is generated when the –L assembler option is
activated. When an error is detected during assembling from the file, no listing file is
The amount of information available depends upon the following assembler options:
• -L: Generate a listing file
• -Lc: No Macro call in listing file
• -Ld: No macro definition in listing file
• -Le: No Macro expansion in listing file
• -Li: No included file in listing file
The information in the listing file also depends on following assembler directives:
• LIST - Enable Listing
• NOLIST - Disable Listing
• CLIST - List conditional assembly
• MLIST - List macro expansions
The format from the listing file is influenced by the following assembler directives:
• PLEN - Set Page Length
• LLEN - Set Line Length
• TABS - Set Tab Length
• SPC - Insert Blank Lines
• PAGE - Insert Page break
• NOPAGE - Disable Paging
• TITLE - Provide Listing Title.
The name of the generated listing file is <base name>.lst.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 337

Assembler Listing File
Page header

Page header
The page header consists of three lines:
• The first line contains an optional user string defined in the TITLE directive.
The second line contains the name of the Assembler vendor (Freescale) as well
as the target processor name - HC(S)08.
• The third line contains a copyright notice.

Listing 10.1 Example page header output

Demo Application
Freescale HC08-Assembler
(c) COPYRIGHT Freescale 1991-2005

Source listing
The printed columns can be configured in various formats with the -Lasmc: Configure
listing file assembler option. The default format of the source listing has the five columns
as in :

This column contains the absolute line number for each instruction. The absolute line
number is the line number in the debug listing file, which contains all included files and
where any macro calls have been expanded.

Listing 10.2 Example output listing - Abs. column

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 ;-------------------------------
2 2 ; File: test.o
3 3 ;-------------------------------
4 4
5 5 XDEF Start
6 6 MyData: SECTION
7 7 000000 char1: DS.B 1
8 8 000001 char2: DS.B 1
9 9 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
10 1i cpChar: MACRO
11 2i LDA \1

338 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Listing File
Source listing

12 3i STA \2
13 4i ENDM
14 10 CodeSec: SECTION
15 11 Start:
16 12 cpChar char1, char2
17 2m 000000 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
18 3m 000003 C7 xxxx + STA char2
19 13 000006 9D NOP
20 14 000007 9D NOP

This column contains the relative line number for each instruction. The relative line
number is the line number in the source file. For included files, the relative line number is
the line number in the included file. For macro call expansion, the relative line number is
the line number of the instruction in the macro definition. See Listing 10.3.
An i suffix is appended to the relative line number when the line comes from an included
file. An m suffix is appended to the relative line number when the line is generated by a
macro call.

Listing 10.3 Example listing file - Rel. column

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 ;-------------------------------
2 2 ; File: test.o
3 3 ;-------------------------------
4 4
5 5 XDEF Start
6 6 MyData:SECTION
7 7 000000 char1: DS.B 1
8 8 000001 char2: DS.B 1
9 9 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
10 1i cpChar: MACRO
11 2i LDA \1
12 3i STA \2
13 4i ENDM
14 10 CodeSec: SECTION
15 11 Start:
16 12 cpChar char1, char2
17 2m 000000 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
18 3m 000003 C7 xxxx + STA char2
19 13 000006 9D NOP
20 14 000007 9D NOP

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 339

Assembler Listing File
Source listing

In the previous example, the line number displayed in the Rel. column. represent the line
number of the corresponding instruction in the source file.
1i on absolute line number 10 denotes that the instruction cpChar: MACRO is located
in an included file.
2m on absolute line number 17 denotes that the instruction LDA char1 is generated
by a macro expansion.

This column contains the address of the instruction. For absolute sections, the address is
preceded by an a and contains the absolute address of the instruction. For relocatable
sections, this address is the offset of the instruction from the beginning of the relocatable
section. This offset is a hexadecimal number coded on 6 digits.
A value is written in this column in front of each instruction generating code or allocating
storage. This column is empty in front of each instruction that does not generate code (for
example SECTION, XDEF). See Listing 10.4.

Listing 10.4 Example Listing File - Loc column

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------- --------- -----------
1 1 ;-------------------------------
2 2 ; File: test.o
3 3 ;-------------------------------
4 4
5 5 XDEF Start
6 6 MyData: SECTION
7 7 000000 char1: DS.B 1
8 8 000001 char2: DS.B 1
9 9 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
10 1i cpChar: MACRO
11 2i LDA \1
12 3i STA \2
13 4i ENDM
14 10 CodeSec: SECTION
15 11 Start:
16 12 cpChar char1, char2
17 2m 000000 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
18 3m 000003 C7 xxxx + STA char2
19 13 000006 9D NOP
20 14 000007 9D NOP

340 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Assembler Listing File
Source listing

In the previous example, the hexadecimal number displayed in the column Loc. is the
offset of each instruction in the section codeSec.
There is no location counter specified in front of the instruction INCLUDE
"macro.inc" because this instruction does not generate code.
The instruction LDA char1 is located at offset 0 from the section codeSec start
The instruction STA char2 is located at offset 3 from the section codeSec start

Obj. code
This column contains the hexadecimal code of each instruction in hexadecimal format.
This code is not identical to the code stored in the object file. The letter ‘x’ is displayed at
the position where the address of an external or relocatable label is expected. Code at any
position when ‘x’ is written will be determined at link time. See Listing 10.5.

Listing 10.5 Example listing file - Obj. code column

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 ;-------------------------------
2 2 ; File: test.o
3 3 ;-------------------------------
4 4
5 5 XDEF Start
6 6 MyData: SECTION
7 7 000000 char1: DS.B 1
8 8 000001 char2: DS.B 1
9 9 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
10 1i cpChar: MACRO
11 2i LDA \1
12 3i STA \2
13 4i ENDM
14 10 CodeSec: SECTION
15 11 Start:
16 12 cpChar char1, char2
17 2m 000000 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
18 3m 000003 C7 xxxx + STA char2
19 13 000006 9D NOP
20 14 000007 9D NOP

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 341

Assembler Listing File
Source listing

Source line
This column contains the source statement. This is a copy of the source line from the
source module. For lines resulting from a macro expansion, the source line is the expanded
line, where parameter substitution has been done. See Listing 10.6.

Listing 10.6 Example listing file - Source line column

Abs. Rel. Loc Obj. code Source line

---- ---- ------ --------- -----------
1 1 ;-------------------------------
2 2 ; File: test.o
3 3 ;-------------------------------
4 4
5 5 XDEF Start
6 6 MyData: SECTION
7 7 000000 char1: DS.B 1
8 8 000001 char2: DS.B 1
9 9 INCLUDE "macro.inc"
10 1i cpChar: MACRO
11 2i LDA \1
12 3i STA \2
13 4i ENDM
14 10 CodeSec: SECTION
15 11 Start:
16 12 cpChar char1, char2
17 2m 000000 C6 xxxx + LDA char1
18 3m 000003 C7 xxxx + STA char2
19 13 000006 9D NOP
20 14 000007 9D NOP

342 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Mixed C and Assembler
When you intend to mix Assembly source file and ANSI-C source files in a single
application, the following issues are important:
• Memory models
• Parameter passing scheme
• Return Value
• Accessing assembly variables in an ANSI-C source file
• Accessing ANSI-C variables in an assembly source file
• Invoking an assembly function in an ANSI-C source file
• Support for structured types
To build mixed C and Assembler applications, you have to know how the C Compiler uses
registers and calls procedures. The following sections will describe this for compatibility
with the compiler. If you are working with another vendor’s ANSI-C compiler, refer to
your Compiler Manual to get the information about parameter passing rules.

Memory models
The memory models are only important if you mix C and assembly code. In this case all
sources must be compiled or assembled with the same memory model.
The Assembler supports all memory models of the compiler. Depending on your
hardware, use the smallest memory model suitable for your programming needs.
Table 11.1 summarizes the different memory models. It shows when to use a particular
memory model and which assembler switch to use.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 343

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Parameter passing scheme

Table 11.1 HC08 memory models

Option Memory Local Global Suggested Use

Model Data Data

–Ms SMALL SP rel extended The SMALL memory model is the

default. All pointers and functions are
assumed to have 16-bit addresses if
not explicitly specified. In the SMALL
memory model, code and data must be
in the 64k address space.

–Mt TINY SP rel direct In the TINY memory model, all data
including stack must fit into the zero
page. Data pointers are assumed to
have 8-bit addresses if not explicitly
specified with the keyword __far. The
code address space is still 64k and
function pointers are still 16 bits in

NOTE The default pointer size for the compiler is also affected by the memory model

Parameter passing scheme

Check the backend chapter in the compiler manual for the details of parameter passing.

Return Value
Check the backend chapter in the compiler manual for the details of parameter passing.

344 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Accessing assembly variables in an ANSI-C source file

Accessing assembly variables in an ANSI-C

source file
A variable or constant defined in an assembly source file is accessible in an ANSI-C
source file.
The variable or constant is defined in the assembly source file using the standard assembly
Variables and constants must be exported using the XDEF directive to make them visible
from other modules (Listing 11.1).

Listing 11.1 Example of data and constant definition


ASMData: DS.W 1 ; Definition of a variable
ASMConst: DC.W $44A6 ; Definition of a constant

We recommend that you generate a header file for each assembler source file. This header
file should contain the interface to the assembly module.
An external declaration for the variable or constant must be inserted in the header file
(Listing 11.2).

Listing 11.2 Example of data and constant declarations

/* External declaration of a variable */

extern int ASMData;
/* External declaration of a constant */
extern const int ASMConst;

The variables or constants can then be accessed in the usual way, using their names
(Listing 11.3).

Listing 11.3 Example of data and constant reference

ASMData = ASMConst + 3;

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 345

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Accessing ANSI-C variables in an assembly source file

Accessing ANSI-C variables in an assembly

source file
A variable or constant defined in an ANSI-C source file is accessible in an assembly
source file.
The variable or constant is defined in the ANSI-C source file using the standard ANSI-C
syntax (Listing 11.4).

Listing 11.4 Example definition of data and constants

unsigned int CData; /* Definition of a variable */

unsigned const int CConst; /* Definition of a constant */

An external declaration for the variable or constant must be inserted into the assembly
source file (Listing 11.5).
This can also be done in a separate file, included in the assembly source file.

Listing 11.5 Example declaration of data and constants

XREF CData; External declaration of a variable

XREF CConst; External declaration of a constant

The variables or constants can then be accessed in the usual way, using their names
(Listing 11.6).

NOTE The compiler supports also the automatic generation of assembler include files.
See the description of the -La compiler option in the compiler manual.

Listing 11.6 Example of data and constant reference

LDA CConst

346 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Invoking an assembly function in an ANSI-C source file

Invoking an assembly function in an ANSI-C

source file
An function implemented in an assembly source file (mixasm.asm in Listing 11.7) can
be invoked in a C source file (Listing 11.9). During the implementation of the function in
the assembly source file, you should pay attention to the parameter passing scheme of the
ANSI-C compiler you are using in order to retrieve the parameter from the right place.

Listing 11.7 Example of an assembly file: mixasm.asm


ASMData: DS.B 1
ADD CData ; add CData to the parameter in register A
STA ASMData ; result of the addition in ASMData

We recommend that you generate a header file for each assembly source file (Listing
11.7). This header file (mixasm.h in Listing 11.8) should contain the interface to the
assembly module.

Listing 11.8 Header file for the assembly mixasm.asm file: mixasm.h

/* mixasm.h */
#ifndef _MIXASM_H_
#define _MIXASM_H_

void AddVar(unsigned char value);

/* function that adds the parameter value to global CData */
/* and then stores the result in ASMData */

/* variable which receives the result of AddVar */

extern char ASMData;

#endif /* _MIXASM_H_ */

The function can then be invoked in the usual way, using its name.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 347

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Invoking an assembly function in an ANSI-C source file

Example of a C file
A C source code file (mixc.c) has the main() function which calls the AddVar()
function. See Listing 11.9. (Compile it with the -Cc compiler option when using the
HIWARE Object File Format.)

Listing 11.9 Example C source code file: mixc.c

static int Error = 0;

const unsigned char CData = 12;
#include "mixasm.h"

void main(void) {
if (ASMData != CData + 10){
Error = 1;
} else {
Error = 0;
for(;;); // wait forever

CAUTION Be careful, as the Assembler will not make any checks on the number and
type of the function parameters.

The application must be correctly linked.

For these C and *.asm files, a possible linker parameter file is shown in Listing 11.10.

Listing 11.10 Example of linker parameter file: mixasm.prm

LINK mixasm.abs
mixc.o mixasm.o
MY_ROM = READ_ONLY 0x4000 TO 0x4FFF;
INIT main

348 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Support for structured types

NOTE We recommend that you use the same memory model and object file format for
all the generated object files.

Support for structured types

When the -Struct: Support for structured types assembler option is activated, the Macro
Assembler also supports the definition and usage of structured types. This allows an easier
way to access ANSI-C structured variable in the Macro Assembler.
In order to provide an efficient support for structured type the macro assembler should
provide notation to:
• Define a structured type. See Structured type definition.
• Define a structured variable. See Variable definition.
• Declare a structured variable. See Variable declaration.
• Access the address of a field inside of a structured variable. See Accessing a field
• Access the offset of a field inside of a structured variable. See Accessing a field

NOTE Some limitations apply in the usage of the structured types in the Macro
Assembler. See Structured type: Limitations.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 349

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Support for structured types

Structured type definition

The Macro Assembler is extended with the following new keywords in order to support
ANSI-C type definitions.
The structured type definition for STRUCT can be encoded as in Listing 11.11:

Listing 11.11 Definition for STRUCT

typeName: STRUCT
lab1: DS.W 1 lab2: DS.W 1 ...

• typeName is the name associated with the defined type. The type name is
considered to be a user-defined keyword. The Macro Assembler will be case-
insensitive on typeName.
• STRUCT specifies that the type is a structured type.
• lab1 and lab2 are the fields defined inside of the typeName type. The fields
will be considered as user-defined labels, and the Macro Assembler will be case-
sensitive on label names.
• As with all other directives in the Assembler, the STRUCT and UNION directives are
• The STRUCT and UNION directives cannot start on column 1 and must be preceded
by a label.

Types allowed for structured type fields

The field inside of a structured type may be:
• another structured type or
• a base type, which can be mapped on 1, 2, or 4 bytes.

350 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Support for structured types

Table 11.2 shows how the ANSI-C standard types are converted in the assembler notation:

Table 11.2 Converting ANSI-C standard types to assembler notation

ANSI-C type Assembler Notation

char DS - Define Space

short DS.W

int DS.W

long DS.L

enum DS.W

bitfield -- not supported --

float -- not supported --

double -- not supported --

data pointer DS.W

function pointer -- not supported --

Variable definition
The Macro Assembler can provide a way to define a variable with a specific type. This is
done using the following syntax (Listing 11.12):
var: typeName
• var is the name of the variable.
• typeName is the type associated with the variable.

Listing 11.12 Assembly code analog of a C struct of type: myType

myType: STRUCT
field1: DS.W 1
field2: DS.W 1
field3: DS.B 1
field4: DS.B 3
field5: DS.W 1
DataSection: SECTION
structVar: TYPE myType ; var ‘structVar’ is of type ‘myType’

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 351

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Support for structured types

Variable declaration
The Macro Assembler can provide a way to associated a type with a symbol which is
defined externally. This is done by extending the XREF syntax:
XREF var: typeName, var2
• var is the name of an externally defined symbol.
• typeName is the type associated with the variable var.
var2 is the name of another externally defined symbol. This symbol is not associated
with any type. See Listing 11.13 for an example.

Listing 11.13 Example of extending XREF

myType: STRUCT
field1: DS.W 1
field2: DS.W 1
field3: DS.B 1
field4: DS.B 3
field5: DS.W 1

XREF extData: myType ; var ‘extData’ is type ‘myType’

Accessing a structured variable

The Macro Assembler can provide a means to access each structured type field absolute
address and offset.

Accessing a field address

To access a structured-type field address (Listing 11.14), the Assembler uses the colon
character ':'.
• var is the name of a variable, which was associated with a structured type.
• field is the name of a field in the structured type associated with the variable.

352 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Support for structured types

Listing 11.14 Example of accessing a field address

myType: STRUCT
field1: DS.W 1
field2: DS.W 1
field3: DS.B 1
field4: DS.B 3
field5: DS.W 1

XREF myData:myType
XDEF entry

LDA myData:field3 ; Loads register A with the content of
; field field3 from variable myData.

NOTE The period cannot be used as separator because in assembly language it is a

valid character inside of a symbol name.

Accessing a field offset

To access a structured type field offset, the Assembler will use following notation:
• typeName is the name of a structured type.
• field is the name of a field in the structured type associated with the variable. See
Listing 11.15 for an example of using this notation for accessing an offset.

Listing 11.15 Accessing a field offset with the -><field> notation

myType: STRUCT
field1: DS.W 1
field2: DS.W 1
field3: DS.B 1
field4: DS.B 3
field5: DS.W 1
XREF.B myData
XDEF entry

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 353

Mixed C and Assembler Applications
Structured type: Limitations

LDX #myData
LDA myType->field3,X ; Adds the offset of field 'field3'
; (4) to X and loads A with the
; content of the pointed address

Structured type: Limitations

A field inside of a structured type may be:
• another structured type
• a base type, which can be mapped on 1, 2, or 4 bytes.
The Macro Assembler is not able to process bitfields or pointer types.
The type referenced in a variable definition or declaration must be defined previously. A
variable cannot be associated with a type defined afterwards.

354 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Make Applications
This chapters has the following sections:
• Assembly applications
• Memory maps and segmentation

Assembly applications
This section covers:
• Directly generating an absolute file
• Mixed C and assembly applications

Directly generating an absolute file

When an absolute file is directly generated by the Assembler:
• the application entry point must be specified in the assembly source file using the
directive ABSENTRY.
• The whole application must be encoded in a single assembly unit.
• The application should only contain absolute sections.

Generating object files

The entry point of the application must be mentioned in the Linker parameter file using the
INIT funcname command. The application is build of the different object files with the
Linker. The Linker is document in a separate document.
Your assembly source files must be separately assembled. Then the list of all the object
files building the application must be enumerated in the application PRM file.

Mixed C and assembly applications

Normally the application starts with the main procedure of a C file. All necessary object
files - assembly or C - are linked with the Linker in the same fashion like pure C
applications. The Linker is documented in a separate document.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 355

Make Applications
Memory maps and segmentation

Memory maps and segmentation

Relocatable Code Sections are placed in the DEFAULT_ROM or .text Segment.
Relocatable Data Sections are placed in the DEFAULT_RAM or .data Segment.

NOTE The .text and .data names are only supported when the ELF object file
format is used.

There are no checks at all that variables are in RAM. If you mix code and data in a section
you cannot place the section into ROM. That is why we suggest that you separate code and
data into different sections.
If you want to place a section in a specific address range, you have to put the section name
in the placement portion of the linker parameter file (Listing 12.1).

Listing 12.1 Example assembly source code

ROM1 = READ_ONLY 0x0200 TO 0x0FFF;
SpecialROM = READ_ONLY 0x8000 TO 0x8FFF;
RAM = READ_WRITE 0x4000 TO 0x4FFF;
mySection INTO SpecialROM;

356 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Working with absolute sections
• Working with relocatable sections
• Initializing the Vector table
• Splitting an application into modules
• Using the direct addressing mode to access symbols

Working with absolute sections

An absolute section is a section whose start address is known at assembly time.
(See modules fiboorg.asm and fiboorg.prm in the demo directory.)

Defining absolute sections in an assembly

source file
An absolute section is defined using the ORG directive. In that case, the Macro Assembler
generates a pseudo section, whose name is “ORG_<index>”, where index is an integer
which is incremented each time an absolute section is encountered (Listing 13.1).

Listing 13.1 Defining an absolute section containing data

ORG $800 ; Absolute data section.

var: DS. 1
ORG $A00 ; Absolute constant data section.
cst1: DC.B $A6
cst2: DC.B $BC

In the previous portion of code, the label cst1 is located at address $A00, and label
cst2 is located at address $A01.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 357

How to...
Working with absolute sections

Listing 13.2 Assembler output listing for Listing 13.1

1 1 ORG $800
2 2 a000800 var: DS.B 1
3 3 ORG $A00
4 4 a000A00 A6 cst1: DC.B $A6
5 5 a000A01 BC cst2: DC.B $BC

Locate program assembly source code in a separate absolute section (Listing 13.3).

Listing 13.3 Defining an absolute section containing code

XDEF entry
ORG $C00 ; Absolute code section.
LDA cst1 ; Load value in cst1
ADD cst2 ; Add value in cst2
STA var ; Store in var
BRA entry

In the portion of assembly code above, the LDA instruction is located at address $C00,
and the ADD instruction is at address $C03. See Listing 13.4.

Listing 13.4 Assembler output listing for Listing 13.3

8 8 ORG $C00 ; Absolute code

9 9 entry:
10 10 a000C00 C6 0A00 LDA cst1 ; Load value
11 11 a000C03 CB 0A01 ADD cst2 ; Add value
12 12 a000C06 C7 0800 STA var ; Store in var
13 13 a000C09 20F5 BRA entry
14 14

In order to avoid problems during linking or execution from an application, an assembly

file should at least:
• Initialize the stack pointer if the stack is used.
• The RSP instruction can be used to initialize the stack pointer to $FF.
• Publish the application’s entry point using XDEF.
• The programmer should ensure that the addresses specified in the source files are
valid addresses for the MCU being used.

358 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
Working with absolute sections

Linking an application containing absolute

When the Assembler is generating an object file, applications containing only absolute
sections must be linked. The linker parameter file must contain at least:
• the name of the absolute file
• the name of the object file which should be linked
• the specification of a memory area where the sections containing variables must be
allocated. For applications containing only absolute sections, nothing will be
allocated there.
• the specification of a memory area where the sections containing code or constants
must be allocated. For applications containing only absolute sections, nothing will be
allocated there.
• the specification of the application entry point, and
• the definition of the reset vector.
The minimal linker parameter file will look as shown in Listing 13.5.

Listing 13.5 Minimal linker parameter file

LINK test.abs /* Name of the executable file generated. */

test.o /* Name of the object file in the application. */
/* READ_ONLY memory area. There should be no overlap between this
memory area and the absolute sections defined in the assembly
source file.
MY_ROM = READ_ONLY 0x4000 TO 0x4FFF;
/* READ_WRITE memory area. There should be no overlap between this
memory area and the absolute sections defined in the assembly
source file.
/* Relocatable variable sections are allocated in MY_RAM. */
/* Relocatable code and constant sections are allocated in MY_ROM. */
INIT entry /* Application entry point. */
VECTOR ADDRESS 0xFFFE entry /* Initialization of the reset vector. */

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 359

How to...
Working with relocatable sections

NOTE There should be no overlap between the absolute sections defined in the
assembly source file and the memory areas defined in the PRM file.

NOTE As the memory areas (segments) specified in the PRM file are only used to
allocate relocatable sections, nothing will be allocated there when the
application contains only absolute sections. In that case you can even specify
invalid address ranges in the PRM file.

Working with relocatable sections

A relocatable section is a section which start address is determined at linking time.

Defining relocatable sections in a source

Define a relocatable section using the SECTION directive. See Listing 13.6 for an
example of defining relocatable sections.

Listing 13.6 Defining relocatable sections containing data

constSec: SECTION ; Relocatable constant data section.

cst1: DC.B $A6
cst2: DC.B $BC

dataSec: SECTION ; Relocatable data section.

var: DS.B 1

In the previous portion of code, the label cst1 will be located at an offset 0 from the
section constSec start address, and label cst2 will be located at an offset 1 from the
section constSec start address. See Listing 13.7.

Listing 13.7 Assembler output listing for Listing 13.6

2 2 constSec: SECTION ; Relocatable

3 3 000000 A6 cst1: DC.B $A6
4 4 000001 BC cst2: DC.B $BC
5 5
6 6 dataSec: SECTION ; Relocatable
7 7 000000 var: DS.B 1

360 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
Working with relocatable sections

Locate program assembly source code in a separate relocatable section (Listing 13.8).

Listing 13.8 Defining a relocatable section for code

XDEF entry
codeSec: SECTION ; Relocatable code section.
LDA cst1 ; Load value in cst1
ADD cst2 ; Add value in cst2
STA var ; Store in var
BRA entry

In the previous portion of code, the LDA instruction is located at an offset 0 from the
codeSec section start address, and ADD instruction at an offset 3 from the codeSec
section start address.
In order to avoid problems during linking or execution from an application, an assembly
file should at least:
• Initialize the stack pointer if the stack is used
• The RSP instruction can be used to initialize the stack pointer to $FF.
• Publish the application’s entry point using the XDEF directive.

Linking an application containing

relocatable sections
Applications containing relocatable sections must be linked. The linker parameter file
must contain at least:
• the name of the absolute file,
• the name of the object file which should be linked,
• the specification of a memory area where the sections containing variables must be
• the specification of a memory area where the sections containing code or constants
must be allocated,
• the specification of the application’s entry point, and
• the definition of the reset vector.
A minimal linker parameter file will look as shown in Listing 13.9.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 361

How to...
Working with relocatable sections

Listing 13.9 Minimal linker parameter file

/* Name of the executable file generated. */

LINK test.abs
/* Name of the object file in the application. */
/* READ_ONLY memory area. */
/* READ_WRITE memory area. */
MY_RAM = READ_WRITE 0x2800 TO 0x28FF;
/* Relocatable variable sections are allocated in MY_RAM. */
/* Relocatable code and constant sections are allocated in MY_ROM. */
INIT entry /* Application entry point. */
VECTOR ADDRESS 0xFFFE entry /* Initialization of the reset vector. */

NOTE The programmer should ensure that the memory ranges he specifies in the
SECTIONS block are valid addresses for the controller he is using. In addition,
when using the SDI debugger the addresses specified for code or constant
sections must be located in the target board ROM area. Otherwise, the
debugger will not be able to load the application

362 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
Initializing the Vector table

Initializing the Vector table

The vector table can be initialized in the assembly source file or in the linker parameter
file. We recommend that you initialize it in the linker parameter file.
• Initializing the Vector table in the linker PRM file (recommended),
• Initializing the Vector Table in a source file using a relocatable section, or
• Initializing the Vector Table in a source file using an absolute section.
The HC(S)08 allows 128 entries in the vector table starting at memory location $FF00
extending to memory location $FFFF.
The Reset vector is located in $FFFE, and the SWI interrupt vector is located in $FFFC.
From $FFFA down to $FF00 are located the IRQ[0] interrupt ($FFFA), IRQ[1]
($FFFA),..., IRQ[125] ($FF00).
In the following examples, the Reset vector, the SWI interrupt and the IRQ[1]
interrupt are initialized. The IRQ[0] interrupt is not used.

Initializing the Vector table in the linker

PRM file
Initializing the vector table from the PRM file allows you to initialize single entries in the
table. The user can decide to initialize all the entries in the vector table or not.
The labels or functions, which should be inserted in the vector table, must be implemented
in the assembly source file (Listing 13.10). All these labels must be published, otherwise
they cannot be addressed in the linker PRM file.

Listing 13.10 Initializing the Vector table from a PRM File

XDEF IRQ1Func, SWIFunc, ResetFunc

Data: DS.W 5 ; Each interrupt increments an element
; of the table.

; Implementation of the interrupt functions.

LDA #0
BRA int
LDA #4
BRA int
LDA #8

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 363

How to...
Initializing the Vector table

BRA entry
LDHX #Data ; Load address of symbol Data in X
; X <- address of the appropriate element in the tab
Ofset: TSTA
BEQ Ofset3
AIX #$1
BNE Ofset2
INC 0, X ; The table element is incremented
LDHX #$0E00 ; Init Stack Pointer to $E00-$1=$DFF

CLI ; Enables interrupts

loop: BRA loop

NOTE The IRQ1Func, SWIFunc, and ResetFunc functions are published. This is
required, because they are referenced in the linker PRM file.

NOTE The HC08 processor automatically pushes the PC, X, A, and CCR registers on
the stack when an interrupt occurs. The interrupt functions do not need to save
and restore those registers. To maintain compatibility with the M6805 Family,
the H register is not stacked. It is the user’s responsibility to save and restore it
prior to returning.

NOTE All Interrupt functions must be terminated with an RTI instruction

The vector table is initialized using the linker VECTOR ADDRESS command (Listing

364 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
Initializing the Vector table

Listing 13.11 Using the VECTOR ADDRESS Linker Command

LINK test.abs
MY_ROM = READ_ONLY 0x0800 TO 0x08FF;
INIT ResetFunc

NOTE The statement INIT ResetFunc defines the application entry point.
Usually, this entry point is initialized with the same address as the reset vector.

NOTE The statement VECTOR ADDRESS 0xFFF8 IRQ1Func specifies that the
address of the IRQ1Func function should be written at address 0xFFF8.

Initializing the Vector Table in a source file

using a relocatable section
Initializing the vector table in the assembly source file requires that all the entries in the
table are initialized. Interrupts, which are not used, must be associated with a standard
The labels or functions that should be inserted in the vector table must be implemented in
the assembly source file or an external reference must be available for them. The vector
table can be defined in an assembly source file in an additional section containing constant
variables. See Listing 13.12.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 365

How to...
Initializing the Vector table

Listing 13.12 Initializing the Vector Table in source code with a relocatable section

XDEF ResetFunc
Data: DS.W 5 ; Each interrupt increments an element of the table.
; Implementation of the interrupt functions.
LDA #0
BRA int
LDA #4
BRA int
LDA #8
BRA entry
LDHX #Data ; Load address of symbol Data in X
; X <- address of the appropriate element in the tab
Ofset: TSTA
BEQ Ofset3
AIX #$1
BNE Ofset2
INC 0, X ; The table element is incremented
LDHX #$0E00 ; Init Stack Pointer to $E00-$1=$DFF
CLI ; Enables interrupts
loop: BRA loop

VectorTable: SECTION
; Definition of the vector table.
IRQ1Int: DC.W IRQ1Func
IRQ0Int: DC.W DummyFunc
ResetInt: DC.W ResetFunc

366 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
Initializing the Vector table

NOTE Each constant in the VectorTable section is defined as a word (a 2-byte

constant), because the entries in the vector table are 16 bits wide.

NOTE In the previous example, the constant IRQ1Int is initialized with the address
of the label IRQ1Func. The constant IRQ0Int is initialized with the address
of the label Dummy Func because this interrupt is not in use.

NOTE All the labels specified as initialization value must be defined, published (using
XDEF) or imported (using XREF) before the vector table section. No forward
reference is allowed in the DC directive.

NOTE The constant IRQ0Int is exported so that the section containing the vector
table is linked with the application.

The section should now be placed at the expected address. This is performed in the linker
parameter file (Listing 13.13).

Listing 13.13 Example linker parameter file

LINK test.abs
MY_ROM = READ_ONLY 0x0800 TO 0x08FF;
/* Define the memory range for the vector table */
Vector = READ_ONLY 0xFFF8 TO 0xFFFF;
/* Place the section 'VectorTable' at the appropriated address. */
VectorTable INTO Vector;
INIT ResetFunc

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 367

How to...
Initializing the Vector table

NOTE The statement Vector = READ_ONLY 0xFFF8 TO 0xFFFF defines the

memory range for the vector table.

NOTE The statement VectorTable INTO Vector specifies that the vector table
should be loaded in the read only memory area Vector. This means, the
constant IRQ1Int will be allocated at address 0xFFF8, the constant
IRQ0Int will be allocated at address 0xFFFA, the constant SWIInt will be
allocated at address 0xFFFC, and the constant ResetInt will be allocated at
address 0xFFFE.

NOTE The ‘+’ after the object file name switches smart linking off. If this statement is
missing in the PRM file, the vector table will not be linked with the application,
because it is never referenced. The smart linker only links the referenced
objects in the absolute file.

Initializing the Vector Table in a source file

using an absolute section
Initializing the vector table in the assembly source file requires that all the entries in the
table are initialized. Interrupts, which are not used, must be associated with a standard
The labels or functions, which should be inserted in the vector table must be implemented
in the assembly source file or an external reference must be available for them. The vector
table can be defined in an assembly source file in an additional section containing constant
variables. See Listing 13.14 for an example.

Listing 13.14 Initializing the Vector Table using an absolute section

XDEF ResetFunc
Data: DS.W 5 ; Each interrupt increments an element of the table.
; Implementation of the interrupt functions.
LDA #0
BRA int
LDA #4
BRA int

368 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
Initializing the Vector table

LDA #8
BRA entry
LDHX #Data ; Load address of symbol Data in X
; X <- address of the appropriate element in the tab
Ofset: TSTA
BEQ Ofset3
AIX #$1
BNE Ofset2
INC 0, X ; The table element is incremented
LDHX #$0E00 ; Init Stack Pointer to $E00-$1=$DFF
CLI ; Enables interrupts

loop: BRA loop

; Definition of the vector table in an absolute section
; starting at address $FFF8.
IRQ1Int: DC.W IRQ1Func
IRQ0Int: DC.W DummyFunc
ResetInt: DC.W ResetFunc

The section should now be placed at the expected address. This is performed in the linker
parameter file (Listing 13.15).

Listing 13.15 Example linker parameter file for Listing 13.14:

LINK test.abs
MY_ROM = READ_ONLY 0x0800 TO 0x08FF;

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 369

How to...
Splitting an application into modules


INIT ResetFunc

NOTE The ‘+’ after the object file name switches smart linking off. If this statement
is missing in the PRM file, the vector table will not be linked with the
application, because it is never referenced. The smart linker only links the
referenced objects in the absolute file.

Splitting an application into modules

Complex application or application involving several programmers can be split into
several simple modules. In order to avoid any problem when merging the different
modules, the following rules must be followed.
For each assembly source file, one include file must be created containing the definition of
the symbols exported from this module. For the symbols referring to code label, a small
description of the interface is required.

Example of an Assembly File (Test1.asm)

See Listing 13.16 for an example Test1.asm include file.

Listing 13.16 Separating Code into Modules — Test1.asm

XDEF AddSource
XDEF Source
Source: DS.W 1
ADD Source
STA Source

370 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
Splitting an application into modules

Corresponding include file (Test1.inc)

See Listing 13.17 for an example Test1.inc include file.

Listing 13.17 Separating Code into Modules — Test1.inc

XREF AddSource
; The AddSource function adds the value stored in the variable
; Source to the contents of the A register. The result of the
; computation is stored in the Source variable.
; Input Parameter: The A register contains the value that should be
; added to the Source variable.
; Output Parameter: Source contains the result of the addition.

XREF Source
; The Source variable is a 1-byte variable.

Example of an assembly File (Test2.asm)

Listing 13.18 is another assembly code file module for this project.

Listing 13.18 Separating Code into Modules—Test2.asm

XDEF entry
INCLUDE "Test1.inc"

entry: RSP
LDA #$7
JSR AddSource
BRA entry

The application’s *.prm file should list both object files building the application. When a
section is present in the different object files, the object file sections are concatenated into
a single absolute file section. The different object file sections are concatenated in the
order the object files are specified in the *.prm file.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 371

How to...
Splitting an application into modules

Example of a PRM file (Test2.prm)

Listing 13.19 Separating assembly code into modules—Test2.prm

LINK test2.abs /* Name of the executable file generated. */

test2.o / *Name of the object files building the application. */

MY_ROM = READ_ONLY 0x2B00 TO 0x2BFF; /* READ_ONLY mem. */
MY_RAM = READ_WRITE 0x2800 TO 0x28FF; /* READ_WRITE mem. */

/* variables are allocated in MY_RAM */

/* code and constants are allocated in MY_ROM */

INIT entry /* Definition of the application entry point. */
VECTOR ADDRESS 0xFFFE entry /* Definition of the reset vector. */

NOTE The CodeSec section is defined in both object files. In test1.o, the
CodeSec section contains the symbol AddSource. In test2.o, the
CodeSec section contains the entry symbol. According to the order in
which the object files are listed in the NAMES block, the function AddSource
is allocated first and the entry symbol is allocated next to it.

372 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
Using the direct addressing mode to access symbols

Using the direct addressing mode to access

There are different ways for the Assembler to use the direct addressing mode on a symbol:
• Using the direct addressing mode to access external symbols,
• Using the direct addressing mode to access exported symbols,
• Defining symbols in the direct page,
• Using the force operator, or
• Using SHORT sections.

Using the direct addressing mode to

access external symbols
External symbols, which should be accessed using the direct addressing mode, must be
declared using the XREF.B directive. Symbols which are imported using XREF are
accessed using the extended addressing mode.

Listing 13.20 Using direct addressing to access external symbols

XREF.B ExternalDirLabel
XREF ExternalExtLabel

LDA ExternalDirLabel ; Direct addressing mode is used.

LDA ExternalExtLabel ; Extended addressing mode is used.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 373

How to...
Using the direct addressing mode to access symbols

Using the direct addressing mode to

access exported symbols
Symbols, which are exported using the XDEF.B directive, will be accessed using the
direct addressing mode. Symbols which are exported using XDEF are accessed using the
extended addressing mode.

Listing 13.21 Using direct addressing to access exported symbols

XDEF.B DirLabel
XDEF ExtLabel

LDA DirLabel ; Direct addressing mode is used.

LDA ExtLabel ; Extended addressing mode is used.

Defining symbols in the direct page

Symbols that are defined in the predefined BSCT section are always accessed using the
direct-addressing mode (Listing 13.22).

Listing 13.22 Defining symbols in the direct page

DirLabel: DS.B 3
dataSec: SECTION
ExtLabel: DS.B 5

codeSec: SECTION

LDA DirLabel ; Direct addressing mode is used.

LDA ExtLabel ; Extended addressing mode is used.

374 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

How to...
Using the direct addressing mode to access symbols

Using the force operator

A force operator can be specified in an assembly instruction to force direct or extended
addressing mode (Listing 13.23).
The supported force operators are:
• < or .B to force direct addressing mode
• > or .W to force extended addressing mode.

Listing 13.23 Using a force operator

dataSec: SECTION
label: DS.B 5

codeSec: SECTION

LDA <label ; Direct addressing mode is used.
LDA label.B ; Direct addressing mode is used.

LDA >label ; Extended addressing mode is used.
LDA label.W ; Extended addressing mode is used.

Using SHORT sections

Symbols that are defined in a section defined with the SHORT qualifier are always
accessed using the direct addressing mode (Listing 13.24).

Listing 13.24 Using SHORT sections

DirLabel: DS.B 3
dataSec: SECTION
ExtLabel: DS.B 5

codeSec: SECTION

LDA DirLabel ; Direct addressing mode is used.

LDA ExtLabel ; Extended addressing mode is used.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 375

How to...
Using the direct addressing mode to access symbols

376 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers


This document has the following appendices:
• Global Configuration File Entries
• Local Configuration File Entries
• MASM Compatibility
• MCUasm Compatibility

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 377

378 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers
Global Configuration File
This appendix documents the sections and entries that can appear in the global
configuration file. This file is named mcutools.ini.
mcutools.ini can contain these sections:
• [Installation] Section
• [Options] Section
• [XXX_Assembler] Section
• [Editor] Section

[Installation] Section


Last installation path.

Whenever a tool is installed, the installation script stores the installation
destination directory into this variable.


HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 379

Global Configuration File Entries
[Options] Section


Last installation program group.

Whenever a tool is installed, the installation script stores the installation program
group created into this variable.


[Options] Section


Default directory to be used.

Specifies the current directory for all tools on a global level. See also
DEFAULTDIR: Default current directory environment variable.


380 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Global Configuration File Entries
[XXX_Assembler] Section

[XXX_Assembler] Section
This section documents the entries that can appear in an [XXX_Assembler] section of
the mcutools.ini file.

NOTE XXX is a placeholder for the name of the name of the particular Assembler you
are using. For example, if you are using the HC08 Assembler, the name of this
section would be [HC08_Assembler].



1 if the configuration should be stored when the Assembler is closed, 0 if it should
not be stored. The Assembler does not ask to store a configuration in either cases.



1 if the visible topics should be stored when writing a project file, 0 if not. The
command line, its history, the windows position and other topics belong to this
This entry corresponds to the state of the Appearance check box in the Save
Configuration dialog box.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 381

Global Configuration File Entries
[XXX_Assembler] Section



If the editor settings should be stored when writing a project file, 0 if not. The
editor setting contain all information of the Editor Configuration dialog box. This
entry corresponds to the state of the check box Editor Configuration in the Save
Configuration dialog box.



1 if the options should be contained when writing a project file, 0 if not.
This entry corresponds to the state of the Options check box in the Save
Configuration dialog box.

RecentProject0, RecentProject1

Names of the last and prior project files

This list is updated when a project is loaded or saved. Its current content is shown
in the file menu.

382 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Global Configuration File Entries
[Editor] Section


[Editor] Section


The name of the global editor

Specifies the name of the editor used as global editor. This entry has only a
descriptive effect. Its content is not used to start the editor.

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration Save Configuration
dialog box.


The name of the executable file of the global editor (including path).

Specifies the filename which is started to edit a text file, when the global editor
setting is active.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 383

Global Configuration File Entries
[Editor] Section

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration Save Configuration
dialog box.


The options to use with the global editor

Specifies options (arguments), which should be used when starting the global
editor. If this entry is not present or empty, %f is used. The command line to
launch the editor is built by taking the Editor_Exe content, then appending a
space followed by the content of this entry.

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration Save Configuration
dialog box.

editor_opts=%f -g%l,%c

384 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Global Configuration File Entries

Listing A.1 shows a typical mcutools.ini file.

Listing A.1 Typical mcutools.ini file layout


editor_opts=%f -g%l,%c



HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 385

Global Configuration File Entries

386 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Local Configuration File
This appendix documents the sections and entries that can appear in the local
configuration file. Usually, you name this file project.ini, where project is a
placeholder for the name of your project.
A project.ini file can contains these sections:
• [Editor] Section
• [XXX_Assembler] Section
• Example

[Editor] Section


The name of the local editor

Specifies the name of the editor used as local editor. This entry has only a
description effect. Its content is not used to start the editor.
This entry has the same format as for the global editor configuration in the
mcutools.ini file.

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration > Save
Configuration dialog box.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 387

Local Configuration File Entries
[Editor] Section


The name of the executable file of the local editor (including path).

Specifies the filename with is started to edit a text file, when the local editor setting
is active. In the editor configuration dialog box, the local editor selection is only
active when this entry is present and not empty.
This entry has the same format as for the global editor configuration in the
mcutools.ini file.

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration > Save
Configuration dialog box.


The options to use with the local editor

Specifies options (arguments), which should be used when starting the local editor.
If this entry is not present or empty, %f is used. The command line to launch the
editor is build by taking the Editor_Exe content, then appending a space followed
by the content of this entry.
This entry has the same format as for the global editor configuration in the
mcutools.ini file.

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration > Save
Configuration dialog box.

388 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Local Configuration File Entries
[XXX_Assembler] Section

editor_opts=%f -g%l,%c

[XXX_Assembler] Section
This section documents the entries that can appear in an [XXX_Assembler] section of
a project.ini file.

NOTE XXX is a placeholder for the name of the name of the particular Assembler you
are using. For example, if you are using the HC08 Assembler, the name of this
section would be [HC08_Assembler].

RecentCommandLineX, X= integer

String with a command line history entry, e.g., fibo.asm

This list of entries contains the content of the command line history.

Only with Appearance set in the File > Configuration > Save Configuration dialog


String with the command line, e.g., fibo.asm -w1

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 389

Local Configuration File Entries
[XXX_Assembler] Section

The currently visible command line content.

Only with Appearance set in the File > Configuration > Save Configuration dialog



This entry is only considered at startup. Later load operations do not use it any

Current status bar state.
• 1: Status bar is visible
• 0: Status bar is hidden

Only with Appearance set in the File > Configuration > Save Configuration dialog



This entry is only considered at startup. Afterwards, any load operations do not use
it any longer.

390 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Local Configuration File Entries
[XXX_Assembler] Section

Current toolbar state:
• 1: Toolbar is visible
• 0: Toolbar is hidden

Only with Appearance set in the File > Configuration > Save Configuration dialog


10 integers, e.g., 0,1,-1,-1,-1,-1,390,107,1103,643

This entry is only considered at startup. Afterwards, any load operations do not use
it any longer.
Changes of this entry do not show the “*” in the title.

This numbers contain the position and the state of the window (maximized, etc.)
and other flags.

Only with Appearance set in the File > Configuration > Save Configuration dialog


size: = 0 -> generic size, < 0 -> font character height, > 0 -> font cell height
weight: 400 = normal, 700 = bold (valid values are 0–1000)
italic: 0 = no, 1 = yes
font name: max. 32 characters.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 391

Local Configuration File Entries
[XXX_Assembler] Section

Font attributes.

Only with Appearance set in the File > Configuration > Save Configuration dialog



any integer, e.g., 236

Actual position in tip of the day file. Used that different tips are shown at different

Always when saving a configuration file.



Should the Tip of the Day dialog box be shown at startup?
• 1: It should be shown
• 0: No, only when opened in the help menu

Always when saving a configuration file.

392 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Local Configuration File Entries
[XXX_Assembler] Section


current option string, e.g.: -W2

The currently active option string. This entry can be very long.

Only with Options set in the File > Configuration > Save Configuration dialog



This entry specifies which editor configuration is active:
• 0: global editor configuration (in the file mcutools.ini)
• 1: local editor configuration (the one in this file)
• 2: command line editor configuration, entry EditorCommandLine
• 3: DDE editor configuration, entries beginning with EditorDDE
• 4: CodeWarrior with COM. There are no additional entries.
For details, see also Editor Setting dialog box.

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration > Save
Configuration dialog box.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 393

Local Configuration File Entries
[XXX_Assembler] Section


Command line, for UltraEdit-32: “c:\Programs Files\IDM
Software Solutions\UltraEdit-32\uedit32.exe %f -g%l,%c”

Command line content to open a file. For details, see also Editor Setting dialog

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration > Save
Configuration dialog box.


client command, e.g., “[open(%f)]”

Name of the client for DDE editor configuration. For details, see also Editor
Setting dialog box.

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration > Save
Configuration dialog box.


Topic name, e.g., system

394 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Local Configuration File Entries
[XXX_Assembler] Section

Name of the topic for DDE editor configuration. For details, see also Editor Setting
dialog box.

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration > Save
Configuration dialog box.


service name, e.g., system

Name of the service for DDE editor configuration. For details, see also Editor
Setting dialog box.

Only with Editor Configuration set in the File > Configuration > Save
Configuration dialog box.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 395

Local Configuration File Entries

The example in Listing B.1 shows a typical layout of the configuration file (usually

Listing B.1 Example of a project.ini file

Editor_Opts=%f -g%l,%c

RecentCommandLine0=fibo.asm -w2
CurrentCommandLine=fibo.asm -w2
EditorCommandLine=c:\Freescale\prog\idf.exe %f -g%l,%c

396 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

MASM Compatibility
The Macro Assembler has been extended to ensure compatibility with the MASM

Comment Line
A line starting with a (*) character is considered to be a comment line by the Assembler.

Constants (Integers)
For compatibility with the MASM Assembler, the following notations are also supported
for integer constants:
• A decimal constant is defined by a sequence of decimal digits (0-9) followed by a d
or D character.
• A hexadecimal constant is defined by a sequence of hexadecimal digits (0-9, a-f,
A-F) followed by a h or H character.
• An octal constant is defined by a sequence of octal digits (0-7) followed by an o, O,
q, or Q character.
• A binary constant is defined by a sequence of binary digits (0-1) followed by a b or
B character.

Listing C.1 Example

512d ; decimal representation

512D ; decimal representation
200h ; hexadecimal representation
200H ; hexadecimal representation
1000o ; octal representation
1000O ; octal representation
1000q ; octal representation
1000Q ; octal representation
1000000000b ; binary representation
1000000000B ; binary representation

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 397

MASM Compatibility

For compatibility with the MASM Assembler, the following notations in Table C.1 are
also supported for operators:

Table C.1 Operator notation for MASM compatibility

Operator Notation

Shift left !<

Shift right !>

Arithmetic AND !.

Arithmetic OR !+

Arithmetic XOR !x, !X

Table C.2 enumerates the directives that are supported by the Macro Assembler for
compatibility with MASM:

Table C.2 Supported MASM directives

Operator Notation Description

RMB DS Defines storage for a variable. Argument

specifies the byte size.

RMD DS 2* Defines storage for a variable. Argument

specifies the number of 2-byte blocks.

RMQ DS 4* Defines storage for a variable. Argument

specifies the number of 4-byte blocks.

ELSEC ELSE Alternate of conditional block.

ENDC ENDIF End of conditional block.

NOL NOLIST Specify that no subsequent instructions must

be inserted in the listing file.

TTL TITLE Define the user-defined title for the assembler

listing file.

GLOBAL XDEF Make a symbol public (visible from outside)

398 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

MASM Compatibility

Table C.2 Supported MASM directives

Operator Notation Description

PUBLIC XDEF Make a symbol public (visible from outside)

EXTERNAL XREF Import reference to an external symbol.

XREFB XREF.B Import reference to an external symbol located

on the direct page.

SWITCH Allows switching to a previously defined


ASCT Creates a predefined section named id ASCT.

BSCT Creates a predefined section named id BSCT.

Variables defined in this section are accessed
using the direct addressing mode.

CSCT Creates a predefined section named id CSCT.

DSCT Creates a predefined section named id DSCT.

IDSCT Creates a predefined section named id IDSCT.

IPSCT Creates a predefined section named id IPSCT.

PSCT Creates a predefined section named id PSCT.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 399

MASM Compatibility

400 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

MCUasm Compatibility
The Macro Assembler has been extended to ensure compatibility with the MCUasm
MCUasm compatibility mode can be activated, specifying the -MCUasm option.
This chapter covers the following topics:
• Labels
• SET directive
• Obsolete directives

When MCUasm compatibility mode is activated, labels must be followed by a colon, even
when they start on column 1.
When MCUasm compatibility mode is activated, following portion of code generate an
error message, because the label label is not followed by a colon.

Listing D.1 Example

label DC.B 1

When MCUasm compatibility mode is not activated, the previous portion of code does not
generate any error message.

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 401

MCUasm Compatibility
SET directive

SET directive
When MCUasm compatibility mode is activated, relocatable expressions are also allowed
in a SET directive.
When MCUasm compatibility mode is activated, the following portion of code does not
generate any error messages:

Listing D.2 Example

label: SET *

When MCUasm compatibility mode is not activated, the previous portion of code
generates an error message because the SET label can only refer to absolute expressions.

Obsolete directives
Table D.1 enumerates the directives, which are not recognized any longer when the
MCUasm compatibility mode is switched ON.

Table D.1 Obsolete directives

Operator Notation Description

RMB DS Define storage for a variable

NOL NOLIST Specify that all subsequent instructions must not

be inserted in the listing file.

TTL TITLE Define the user-defined title for the assembler

listing file.

GLOBAL XDEF Make a symbol public (visible from the outside)

PUBLIC XDEF Make a symbol public (visible from the outside)

EXTERNAL XREF Import reference to an external symbol.

402 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Symbols Memory to memory indexed to direct with
$() 123 post-increment 247
${} 123 Memory-to-memory direct-to-indexed with
%(ENV) Modifier 148 post- increment 247
%” Modifier 148 Memory-to-memory immediate-to-
%’ Modifier 148 direct 247
%E Modifier 148 Relative 246, 257
%e Modifier 148 Short 257
%f Modifier 148 Stack pointer, 16-bit offset 247
%N Modifier 148 Stack pointer, 8-bit offset 246
%n Modifier 148 Tiny 257
%p Modifier 148 ALIGN Directive 281, 285, 299, 310
* 275 Align location counter (ALIGN) 281, 285
Angle brackets for grouping macro arguments (-
A CMacAngBrack) 155
Application entry point directive
A2309 - File not found 65
About dialog box 116
Application standard occurrence (-View) 194
.abs 142
ASCT Directive 399
ABSENTRY Directive 280
.asm 141
ABSENTRY, using 86
Absolute assembly 90
Successful 91
Configuration 98
Absolute Expression 275
File menu 98
Absolute file 142
Input File 116, 141
Absolute Section 222, 227
Menu 100
ABSPATH 110, 128, 142, 143
Menu bar 98
Add Additional Files dialog box 23
Messages 113
Add Files dialog box 36, 46
Option 111
Adding a GENPATH 69
Options Setting Dialog 111
Addressing Mode 246, 257
Output Files 142
Direct 246, 257
Status Bar 97
Extended 246, 257
Toolbar 97
Immediate 246, 257
Assembler Directives 246
Indexed with post-increment 247
Assembler for Microcontrollers preference
Indexed, 16-bit offset 246
panel 41, 87
Indexed, 8-bit offset 246
Assembler Main Window 95
Indexed, 8-bit offset with post-
Assembler menu 100
increment 247
Indexed, no offset 246, 257
Inherent 246, 257 B
Memory to memory direct to direct 247 BASE Directive 281, 286
Begin macro definition (MACRO) 283, 311

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 403

Binary Constant 263 Octal 263, 397
Borrow license feature (-LicBorrow) 182 String 264
BSCT Directive 399 Constant Section 221
C Create absolute symbols (OFFSET) 318
-C08 159 Create err.log error file (-WErrFile) 196
-Ci 154 Create error listing file (-WOutFile) 219
CLIST Directive 282, 287 Create Group dialog box 45
-CMacAngBrack 155 -CRS08 159
-CMacBrackets 156 -CS08 159
Code generation 147 CSCT Directive 399
Code Section 221 CTRL-S to save 111
CodeWarrior Editor Configuration 106 Current Directory 122, 130
CodeWarrior groups 31 CurrentCommandLine 389
CodeWarrior project window 26 Cut filenames in Microsoft format to 8.3 (-
CodeWarrior with COM 106 Wmsg8x3) 197
for error messages 198 D
for fatal messages 199 -D 160
for information messages 200 Data Section 222
for user messages 200 .dbg 143
for warning messages 201 DC Directive 280, 289
COM 106 DCB Directive 280, 290
COM Editor Configuration 106 DDE Editor configuration 105
Command-Line Editor configuration 104 Debug File 143, 308
-Compat 157 Decimal Constant 263
-Compat Directive 295, 304 Declare relocatable section (SECTION) 324
Compatibility modes (-Compat) 157 Default Directory 130, 380
{Compiler} 123 DEFAULTDIR 130, 141
Complex Relocatable Expression 275 DefaultDir 380
Conditional assembly (ELSE) 283, 293 Define constant (DC) 289
Conditional assembly (IF) 283, 304 Define constant block (DCB) 290
Conditional assembly (IFcc) 283, 305 Define constant block directive (DCB) 280
Configure address size in listing file (- Define constant directive (DC) 280
Lasms) 170 Define label (-D) 160
Configure listing file (-Lasmc) 168 Define space (DS) 291
Configure maximum macro nesting (- Define space directive (DS) 280
MacroNest) 185 Derivative family (-C08, -CS08, -CRS08) 159
Constant Device and Connection dialog box 21
Binary 263, 397 Directive
Decimal 263, 397 ABSENTRY 280
Floating point 264 ALIGN 281, 285, 299, 310
Hexadecimal 263, 397 ASCT 399
Integer 263 BASE 281, 286

404 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

BSCT 399 NOPAGE 282, 317
CLIST 282, 287 OFFSET 279, 318
-Compat 295, 304 ORG 279, 319
CSCT 399 PAGE 282, 320
DC 280, 289 PLEN 282, 321
DCB 280, 290 PSCT 399
DS 280, 291 PUBLIC 399, 402
DSCT 399 RAD50 280, 322
ELSE 283, 293 RMB 398, 402
ELSEC 398 RMD 398
END 281, 294 RMQ 398
ENDC 398 SECTION 279, 324
ENDFOR 281, 295 SET 326
ENDIF 283, 296 SPC 282, 327
ENDM 283, 312 SWITCH 399
EQU 279, 298 TABS 282, 327
EVEN 281, 299 TITLE 282, 327
EXTERNAL 399, 402 TTL 398, 402
FAIL 281, 300 XDEF 280, 328
FOR 281, 303 XREF 262, 280, 329
GLOBAL 398, 402 XREFB 280, 329, 399
IDSCT 399 Directives 246
IF 283, 304 Disable listing (NOLIST) 282, 316
IFC 306 Disable paging (NOPAGE) 282, 317
IFcc 283, 305 Disable user messages (-WmsgNu) 213
IFDEF 283, 306 Display notify box (-N) 187
IFEQ 283, 306 Do not use environment (-NoEnv) 189
IFGE 283, 306 Drag and Drop 117
IFGT 283, 306 DS Directive 280, 291
IFLE 283, 306 DSCT Directive 399
IFLT 283, 306
IFNC 283, 306 E
IFNDEF 283, 306 Editor 387
IFNE 283, 306 Editor Setting dialog box 101
INCLUDE 281, 307 Editor_Exe 383, 388
IPSCT 399 Editor_Name 383, 387
LIST 282, 308 Editor_Opts 384, 388
LLEN 282, 309 EditorCommandLine 394
LONGEVEN 281, 310 EditorDDEClientName 394
MACRO 283, 311 EditorDDEServiceName 395
MEXIT 283, 312 EditorDDETopicName 394
MLIST 282, 314 EditorType 393
NOL 398, 402 EDOUT file 144
NOLIST 282, 316 EDOUT file generation 144

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 405

ELSE Directive 283, 293 External reference for symbols on direct page
ELSEC Directive 398 (XREFB) 280, 329
Enable listing (LIST) 282, 308 External Symbol 262
End assembly (END) 281, 294 External symbol definition (XDEF) 280, 328
End conditional assembly (ENDIF) 283, 296 External symbol reference (XREF) 280, 329
END Directive 281, 294
End macro definition (ENDM) 283, 312 F
End of FOR block (ENDFOR) 281, 295 -F2 163
ENDC Directive 398 -F2o 163
ENDFOR Directive 281, 295 -FA2 163
ENDIF Directive 283, 296 -FA2o 163
ENDM Directive 283, 312 FAIL Directive 281, 300
-ENV 162 -Fh 163
Environment Label 230
File 121 File
Environment Configuration dialog box 110 Absolute 142
Environment variables 110, 121, 127 Debug 143, 308
ABSPATH 110, 128, 142, 143 EDOUT 144
ASMOPTIONS 128 Environment 121
COPYRIGHT 129 Error 143
DEFAULTDIR 130, 141 Include 141
ENVIRONMENT 122, 131 Input 141
ERRORFILE 132 Listing 143, 282, 308
GENPATH 70, 110, 134, 141, 307 Object 142
HIENVIRONMENT 131 PRM 76, 223, 225, 226
INCLUDETIME 135 Source 141
LIBPATH 110 File Manager 122
OBJPATH 110, 136, 142 File menu 98
SRECORD 142 File menu options 99
TEXTPATH 110, 137 Floating-Point Constant 264
TMP 138 FOR Directive 281, 303
EQU Directive 279, 298 Force long-word alignment (LONGEVEN) 281,
Equate symbol value (EQU) 298 310
Error File 143 Force word alignment (EVEN) 281, 299
Error Listing 143
EVEN Directive 281, 299 Generate error message (FAIL) 281, 300
Explorer 122 Generate listing file (-L) 166
Expression 275 GENPATH 67, 69, 70, 110, 134, 141, 307
Absolute 275 Adding 69
Complex Relocatable 275 GENPATH environment variable 70
Simple Relocatable 275, 276 GLOBAL Directive 398, 402
EXTERNAL Directive 399, 402 Global Editor 102

406 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Global Editor Configuration dialog box 102 L
Graphic User Interface (GUI) 93 -L 166
Group 380 Label field 230
Groups, CodeWarrior 31 Language 147
-Lasmc 168
H -Lasms 170
-H 164 -Lc 172
Hexadecimal Constant 263 -Ld 174
.hidefaults 121, 122 -Le 176
hiwave.ex 75 -Lic 180
Host 147 -LicA 181
-LicBorrow 182
I License information (-Lic) 180
-I 165 License information about all features (-
IDE 122 LicA) 181
IDSCT Directive 399 -LicWait 183
IF Directive 283, 304 Line continuation 126
IFC Directive 306 Linker for Microcontrollers preference panel 73,
IFcc Directive 283, 305 89
IFDEF Directive 283, 306 Linker main window 78
IFEQ Directive 283, 306 List conditional assembly (CLIST) 282, 287
IFGE Directive 283, 306 LIST Directive 282, 308
IFGT Directive 283, 306 List macro expansions (MLIST) 282, 314
IFLE Directive 283, 306 Listing File 143, 282, 308
IFLT Directive 283, 306 LLEN Directive 282, 309
IFNC Directive 283, 306 Load Executable File dialog box 81
IFNDEF Directive 283, 306 Local Editor 103
IFNE Directive 283, 306 Local editor configuration dialog box 103
.inc 141 LONGEVEN Directive 281, 310
INCLUDE Directive 281, 307 LOW 263
Include file path (-I) 165 .lst 143
Include Files 141
Include text from another file (INCLUDE) 281, M
307 MACRO Directive 283, 311
INCLUDETIME 135 -MacroNest 185
.ini 98 Macros, user defined 246
Input file 141 -MCUasm 186
Insert blank lines (SPC) 282, 327 mcutools.ini 130
Insert page break (PAGE) 282, 320 Memory model (-M) 184
Instruction set 230 Menu bar options 98
Integer Constant 263 Message classes 114
IPSCT Directive 399

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 407

Message format Number of information messages (-
for batch mode (-WmsgFob) 205 WmsgNi) 212
for interactive mode (-WmsgFoi) 207 Number of warning messages (-WmsgNw) 212,
for no file information (-WmsgFonf) 211 213, 214
for no position information (-
WmsgFonp) 203, 205, 207, 208, 210 O
Message Settings 113 .o 142
Message Settings dialog box 113 Object File 142
Message Settings options 113 Object filename specification (-ObjN) 190
Messages 147 -ObjN 190
MEXIT Directive 283, 312 OBJPATH 110, 136, 142
Microcontroller Assembler main window 95 Octal Constant 263
Microcontroller Assembler Message Settings OFFSET Directive 279, 318
dialog box 115 Operand 246, 257
Microcontroller Assembler Option Settings dialog Operator 264, 398
box 42, 59, 88 Addition 265, 274, 278
Microcontroller New Project dialog box 22 Arithmetic AND 398
Microsoft Developer Studio configuration Arithmetic Bit 278
settings 105 Arithmetic OR 398
MLIST Directive 282, 314 Arithmetic XOR 398
Modifiers 107 Bitwise 267
-Ms 184, 344 Bitwise (unary) 268
-Mt 184, 344 Bitwise AND 274
Bitwise Exclusive OR 274
N Bitwise OR 274
-N 187 Division 265, 274, 278
New Target dialog box 33 Force 273
No beep in case of error (-NoBeep) 188 HIGH 263, 270
No debug information for ELF/DWARF files (- HIGH_6_13 271
NoDebugInfo) 189 Logical 269
No included file in listing file (-Li) 178 LOW 263
No information and warning messages (-W2) 196 MAP_ADDR_6 272
No information messages (-W1) 195 Modulo 265, 274, 278
No Macro call in listing file (-Lc) 172 Multiplication 265, 274, 278
No macro definition in listing file (-Ld) 174 Precedence 274
No macro expansion in listing file (-Le) 176 Relational 269, 274
-NoBeep 188 Shift 267, 274, 278
-NoDebugInfo 189 Shift left 398
-NoEnv 189 Shift right 398
NOL Directive 398, 402 Sign 266, 274, 277
NOLIST Directive 282, 316 Subtraction 265, 274, 278
NOPAGE Directive 282, 317 Option
Number of error messages (-WmsgNe) 211, 215 Code generation 147
Host 147

408 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

Language 147 Reserved Symbol 263
Messages 147 Reset vector 86
Output 147 RGB color
Various 147 for error messages (-WmsgCE) 198
Option Settings dialog box 111 for fatal messages (-WmsgCF) 199
Option Settings options 112 for information messages (-WmsgCI) 200
Options 380, 393 for user messages (-WmsgCU) 200
ORG Directive 279, 319 for warning messages (-WmsgCW) 201
Output 147 RMB Directive 398, 402
Output file format (-F) 163 RMD Directive 398
RMQ Directive 398
PAGE Directive 282, 320 S
PATH 136 .s1 142
Path 379 .s2 142
Path environment variables 110 .s3 143
Path list 125 Save As dialog box 43
PLEN Directive 282, 321 Save Configuration dialog box 108
Print the assembler version (-V) 193 SaveAppearance 381
PRM File 223, 225, 226 SaveEditor 382
PRM file 76 SaveOnExit 381
Layout 76 SaveOptions 382
Processor Expert dialog box 24 Section
-Prod 191 Absolute 222, 227
{Project} 123 Code 221
project.ini 125 Constant 221
Provide listing title (TITLE) 282, 327 Data 222
PSCT Directive 399 Relocatable 224
PUBLIC Directive 399, 402 SECTION Directive 279, 324
Sections 221
Q Select File to Assemble dialog box 63, 90
Qualifiers Select File to Link dialog box 78
SHORT 325 Select files to add dialog box 36, 46
Set a message
R to disable (-WmsgSd) 215
RAD50 Directive 280, 322 to error (-WmsgSe) 216
RAD50-encode string constant directive to information (-WmsgSi) 217
(RAD50) 280 to warning (-WmsgSw) 218
RAD50-encoded string constants (RAD50) 322 Set Connection dialog box 80, 81
RecentCommandLine 389 SET Directive 326
Relocatable Section 224 Set environment variable (-ENV) 162
Rename Group dialog box 47 Set line length (LLEN) 282, 309
Repeat assembly block (FOR) 281, 303 Set location counter (ORG) 319
Set message file format

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 409

for batch mode (-WmsgFb) 198, 202 TEXTPATH 110, 137
for interactive mode (-WmsgFi) 198, 204 Tip of the Day 55, 94
Set number base (BASE) 281, 286 Tip of the Day dialog box 94
Set page length (PLEN) 282, 321 TipFilePos 392
Set symbol value (SET) 326 TITLE Directive 282, 327
Set tab length (TABS) 282, 327 TMP 138
Short help (-H) 164 Toolbar 97
SHORT qualifier 325 ToolbarEnabled 390
ShowTipOfDay 392 True-Time Simulator & Real-Time Debugger 80
Simple Relocatable Expression 275, 276 TTL Directive 398, 402
Simulator 82
Simulator/Debugger 75 U
Source File 141 Undefined Symbol 262
SPC Directive 282, 327 UNIX 122
Special Modifiers 148 User Defined Symbol 261
Specify project file at startup (-Prod) 191
Square brackets for macro arguments grouping (- V
CMacBrackets) 156 -V 193
SRECORD 142 Variables
Starting assembler 94 ABSPATH 110
Configuration 125 Environment 110, 121
Startup dialog box 20 GENPATH 70, 110
Status Bar 97 LIBPATH 110
StatusbarEnabled 390 OBJPATH 110
String Constant 264 TEXTPATH 110
-Struct 192 Various 147
Support for structured types (-Struct) 192 -View 194
Switch case sensitivity on label names off (- View menu 100
Ci) 154 View menu options 100
SWITCH Directive 399
Switch MCUasm compatibility ON (-
MCUasm) 186
-W1 195
.sx 143
-W2 196
Symbols 261
Wait for floating license availability (-
External 262
LicWait) 183
Reserved 263
-WErrFile 196
Undefined 262
WindowFont 391
User Defined 261
WindowPos 391
{System} 123
Windows 122
WinEdit 122, 133
T -Wmsg8x3 197
TABS Directive 282, 327 -WmsgCE 198
Terminate macro expansion (MEXIT) 283, 312

410 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

-WmsgCF 199
-WmsgCI 200
-WmsgCU 200
-WmsgCW 201
-WmsgFb 118, 198
-WmsgFbm 202
-WmsgFbv 202
-WmsgFi 118, 198
-WmsgFim 204
-WmsgFiv 204
-WmsgFob 205
-WmsgFoi 207
-WmsgFonf 211
-WmsgFonp 203, 205, 207, 208, 210
-WmsgNe 211, 215
-WmsgNi 212
-WmsgNu 213
-WmsgNw 212, 213, 214
-WmsgSd 215
-WmsgSe 216
-WmsgSi 217
-WmsgSw 218
-WOutFile 219
Write to standard output (-WStdout) 220
-WStdout 220

XDEF Directive 280, 328
XREF Directive 262, 280, 329
XREFB Directive 280, 329, 399

HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers 411

412 HC(S)08/RS08 Assembler Manual for Microcontrollers

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