Ece Me 4570
Ece Me 4570
Ece Me 4570
John Wagner
Office Hours: *Tele-Conferences - Questions can be directed to Dr. Wagner and the TA during
their (a) scheduled availability as identified in periodic e-mails, or (b) specific
appointments per student request as communicated and confirmed through e-mail.
*E-mails - Generally limited to administrative questions and the arrangement of
tele-conference (Zoom, WebEx) appointments for Dr. Wagner and the TA .
Appointments: You can arrange for a virtual tele-conference by sending a mail message to Dr.
John Wagner and/or the TA.
Catalog Description:
Introduces wind turbine systems, including wind energy potention and application to power
generation. Topics include wind energy principles, wind site assessment, wind turbine
components, power generation machinery, control systems, connection to the electric grid, and
maintenance. May also be offered as ECE & ME 6570. Preq: ECE 2070 or ECE 3200 with a C
or better.
Course Objectives:
1. To develop historical and societal perspectives regarding the demand for mechanical and
electrical power generation from the renewable wind using land and offshore turbines.
ECE & ME 4570 / 6570 – Dr. John Wagner
2. To identify and mathematically model the wind turbine components, calculate the available
wind power, predict mechanical loads based on design, and discuss the generation of
electrical power.
3. To numerically simulate the wind turbine dynamic system behavior with integration of
components, sensors, and control for given application.
4. To evaluate the environmental, political, and economic issues associated with wind energy.
Attendance Policy:
This is an on-line course, so physical attendance is not applicable. However, it is expected that
you will view each of the on-line section slides and videos posted on Canvas. You will be
responsible for all material covered in class, both from the slides and the required textbook.
Class E-mail:
We will use the Canvas e-mail / announcement utilities to communicate with the class
members. You should check your e-mail regularly, since we will send out important
information and reminders this way. You can also contact the instructor and teaching assistant
using the e-mail address(es) listed above as well as through tele-conferences.
On-Line Procedures:
ECE & ME 4570 / 6570 is an on-line course during the Summer One session. All materials,
except for the textbook, will be provided on Canvas. The suggested study pace for the course
will also be posted. Instructions for taking the two on-line exams will be provided to the class
via on-line postings and/or e-mail messages. As listed in this syllabus, students will use their
computer (with web camera) running the Canvas utility plus Respondus Lockdown Browser
with Respondus Monitor package to access and complete the virtually proctored exams.
We will only answer e-mails related to administrative issues. It is too difficult and time
consuming to answer technical questions with an e-mail. If you really believe you need to ask
a quick technical question using e-mail, then please send it to the teaching assistant. Technical
questions to us can be asked by making an appointment to visit with the TA or instructor.
Course Grading:
Final grades will be determined by statistically weighting the homework, midterm exam, and
the final exam based on the scale listed below which is composed of three components.
ECE & ME 4570 / 6570 – Dr. John Wagner
Grading Policy:
All questions and problems regarding examination grades must be presented in writing within
two (2) school days after the particular test score has been posted. Course grades will be
assigned based on all the work you have completed during the session following traditional
practices. In ECE & ME 4570, A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, D=60-69, and F<60 while for
ECE & ME 6570, A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, and F<70.
An absence from a test will only be excused for a medical reason or a serious immediate
family problem. A student who anticipates missing a test should speak with the instructor at
least one week prior to the exam date. No make up tests will be given. However, the respective
course grading weights listed above might be adjusted (at the discretion of the instructor) to
accommodate a missed examination if a compelling basis can be established by the student.
Exam Administration:
You will be required to have an internet connected computer (laptop, desktop) with functional
web camera that can access Clemson University’s Canvas utility for the Exams. In addition,
you are required to use the Respondus LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor on your
computer when completing the two exams for virtual proctoring.
Homework assignments along with the solutions will be posted on-line. Students are required
to work out the problems in their own handwriting / self-generated computer responses, scan
them into a PDF file, and submit their assignments. The homework solutions are due on Days
13-of 27 (Sets 1-6) and 25-of-27 (Sets 7-11) as single PDF files to Canvas (note: requested file
size <12MB). Working these problems is essential to the learning of the course materials. In
fact, most of your learning will come from doing the homework. It is expected that your
solutions will represent your own work, although working in groups is allowed, and even
encouraged. To reduce the submitted homework for grading, you can select to work 6-of-9
problems for the section assignments. Please complete “Grading Sheet for Homework Problem
Sets of Sections 01-11” and attach as cover sheet for the two submissions. No late homework
will be accepted for grading.
ECE & ME 4570 / 6570 – Dr. John Wagner
Integrity Disclaimer on Design Project Title Page: All submitted reports must include a signed
integrity disclaimer at the top of the front page to be accepted. The disclaimer must be signed
by the student. The disclaimer must state, “I certify that all the writing is my own and not
acquired from external sources. I have cited sources appropriately and paraphrased correctly.
I have not shared my writing with other students, nor have I acquired any written portion of
this document from past or present students.”
All design reports must be submitted to Canvas at which time the Turnitin utility will scan the
document. Turnitin detects and deters plagiarism in written assignments. In the event of
plagiarism, a zero will be immediately assigned to the report. Further, the plagiarism will be
documented and submitted to the appropriate Clemson University academic office.
For ECE & ME 4570 students, “When, in the opinion of a faculty member, there is evidence
that a student has committed an act of academic dishonesty, the faculty member shall make a
formal written charge of academic dishonesty, including a description of the misconduct, to
the Associate Dean for Undergraduate Studies. The reporting person may, at his/her discretion,
inform each involved student privately of the nature of the alleged charge. In cases of
plagiarism (I.B.2.) instructors may use, as an option, the Plagiarism Resolution Form available
from the Office of Undergraduate Studies.”
Those students enrolled in ECE & ME 6570 should refer to the Clemson Graduate School
“Academic Integrity, Graduate Policy and Procedures” for the graduate level materials.
Academic Integrity:
Anyone caught in an act of academic dishonesty (cheating) will be penalized to the extent
allowed by Clemson University Academic Regulations. It is the responsibility of the student to
become familiar with the official definitions of plagiarism and penalties for violating the
ECE & ME 4570 / 6570 – Dr. John Wagner
academic integrity policies. For details, see the most recent Undergraduate and Graduate
Announcements on Academic Integrity.
The Canvas utility ( will be used for this course. For students not
familiar with this utility, please visit the Clemson Computer and Information Technology at and
select the Learning Technology entry. Inside Canvas itself, the Course Syllabus, Schedule, and
Examination Proctor Form will be readily located in the “Modules” area if not displayed upon
log in. Similarly, the Homework Assignments, Home Solutions, Learning Material Sections
(Slides), Learning Material Lectures (MP4 Files), Homework Submission, and Laplace
Transform Tables will also be placed in the “Modules” area.
You are encouraged to have updated hardware/software on the designated testing computer to
properly view the illustrations that will appear on the Canvas hosted mid-term and final exams.
As mentioned previously, you must use the Respondus Lockdown Browser and Respondus
Monitor with webcam for virtual proctoring when completing the two on-line exams. Finally,
the submission of the exam proctor form, homework assignment file, and design project (for
ECE & ME 6570 students in the latter case) will be located in “Modules – Student Submitted
Materials” area of Canvas for the course.
Learning Disabilities:
It is Clemson University policy to provide, on a flexible and individualized basis, reasonable
accommodations to students who have disabilities. Students are encouraged to contact
Clemson University Student Disability Services to discuss their individual needs for
accommodation, obtain a letter if appropriate, and then to discuss those needs with us.
Any student with an official Clemson University recognized learning disability should kindly
inform the instructor within the 1st week of the course (by Day 06-of-27) so that appropriate
arrangements can be made to meet the individual’s needs.
ECE & ME 4570 / 6570 – Dr. John Wagner