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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


09:45 AM

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A. Content
 demonstrate an understanding of the concepts and skills in agri-crops and animal production
B. Performance
The learners perform agricultural practices in crop production based on industry standards
C. Learning
 discuss harvesting and post-harvesting practices
with Code  determine the breeds of farm animals
D. Specific Learning At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, At the end of the lesson, Summative test CATCH – UP FRIDAY
Objectives the learners shall be able the learners shall be the learners shall be able objective is to:
to: able to: to:  Assess students'
 Identify the • Identify the distinct knowledge and
 Define physical understanding of
distinct physical
harvesting and characteristics of the key concepts
characteristics of

Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar Page 1 of

Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

throughout the
 Evaluate
students' ability
to apply learned
Post skills in answering
the poultry livestock animals such
harvesting different types of
animals such as as cattle, swine, goat,
 Identify the test questions,
chicken, duck, and and rabbit; and
types of such as multiple-
quail; and  Identify the
harvesting and choice, short
 Identify the breeds of cattle, answer, or essay.
breeds of chicken, swine, goat, and  Measure
duck, and quail. rabbit. students' overall
mastery of the
subject matter to
determine if
objectives have
been met.

Breeds of Farm
Harvesting and Post Breeds of Farm
Animals: Cattle, Summative
II. CONTENT Harvesting Animals: Chicken, Test
Swine, Goat, and
Duck, and Quail
SDG 1: No Poverty, SDG 2: Zero Hunger, SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being, SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities,
SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, SDG 13: Climate Action
A. References
1. Teacher’s MATATAG K to 10 MATATAG K to 10 MATATAG K to 10 MATATAG K to 10
Guide pages Curriculum for Technology Curriculum for Curriculum for Curriculum for

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Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

Technology and
Technology and Technology and
and Livelihood Education Livelihood
Livelihood Education Livelihood Education
(TLE) pp.75 Education (TLE)
(TLE) pp.78 (TLE) pp. 80
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
from Learning
(LR) Portal


Greetings  Greetings  Greetings  Greetings

Checking of Checking of  Checking of Checking of
attendance attendance attendance attendance
A. Activating Prior Guided Inquiry: Hangman Game:  The class will be
Knowledge Students are asked Students will have a divided into 4
(5 minutes) with the following trivial activity on the groups.
questions. different livestock.  Each group will
Students will guess write the name of
the collective name animals display
1. Can you name factors
of the illustration of on the screen and
that influence the
domesticated farm identify if it
growth of the plants?
animals shown by belongs to
What are those?
the teacher. One poultry or
2. What should be
student will give a livestock.
considered in crop
letter. If s/he is
production? Can you
correct, the teacher
name pre-production,
will write the letter
production, and

Page 3 of
Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

on the blank
provided for the
term. If s/he is
incorrect, the
teacher will draw
(stick drawing) a part
of the human (head,
neck, two arms,
postharvest practices? body and two legs).
3. Which of these If the letter given by
practices have you the students is
observed done by your correct or if a
parents or farmers in student correctly
your community, or guessed the term,
done in your own the man is saved. But
backyard garden or if the students
field? continuously give the
4. Why should a farmer wrong letter and
be knowledgeable on won’t guess the
the various practices in term, the man is
crop production? hanged. So is the
game, hangman.

Ex. Group of fish =

group of cats
group of dogs = pack

B. Establishing  The class will be The learners will The teacher will ask
Lesson Purpose group into 3 answer the following the following
(5 minutes)  Each group will
questions: questions

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Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

 Who among
1. Based on the
you have
lesson you learned in
Grade 5, what are
share their thoughts animals in
the two sectors of
on why harvesting the farm?
and post-harvesting animal production?
 Can you cite
are critical stages. 2. Which among the
examples of
 Each group will various farm animals
answer using the farm
are considered
letters of the word animals?
poultry animals?
 Do you
Livestock animals?
know the
3. Do you know what
breed of your
type of breed they
C. Developing and Students will watch The students will The students will 
Deepening video clips about some watch a video watch a video clip on
Understanding practices on harvesting clip on the the different breeds
(15 minutes)
and post-harvesting different breeds of farm animals such
crops. of farm animals as cattle, swine, goat,
such as chicken, and rabbit. After
Harvesting Fruits and duck, and quail. which, the students
Vegetables After which, the will answer the
https://www.youtube.com/ students will questions that follow.
watch?v=P VWu673D6jw answer the
Containerized Garden questions that Top 10 Dairy Cattle
https://www.youtube.com/ follow. Breeds Source:
watch?v=z 3XgVoUu98E Agronomag. https://www.youtube
Banana Post-harvesting (2023, May). The .com/watch?
15 Best Duck v=wgjLhF5Lnko
watch?v=x LMe1R7BHfI
Breeds for Eggs
Harvesting, Post
[Video]. Major Goat Breeds in
harvesting & Storage
YouTube. the Philippines

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Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

https://www.youtube.com/ https://www.you Source:

watch?v=B prFCEEVxvs tube.com/watch https://www.youtube
?v= .com/watch?
Guide Questions W3mw97MpVhU v=3nkj5CmMX QM
1. Based on the video Profitable
watched, what are the Agribusiness Top 10 Pig Breeds in
criteria that indicate Ideas. (2021, the Philippines
plants are ready to January). Top 16 Source:
harvest? Best Pure Breed https://www.youtube
2. What are the some of Chickens in the .com/watch?
the practices in World for Free v=Wbt3DYQ_bE0
harvesting crops? Range Farming |
3. What are some of the Gives 150 - 320 Top 10 Cattle Beef
practices in post- Eggs per Year Breeds Source:
harvesting crops? [Video]. https://www.youtube
4. Why do we need to YouTube. .com/watch?
process the crops after https://www.you v=DpPL8fDX_J0
harvest? tube.com/watch
?v=T 3lt0yOpGvI Top 5 Rabbit Breeds
GaMz TV. (2020, in the Philippines
August). Types of Source:
Quails Around https://www.youtube
the World .com/watch?
[Video]. v=1bsjnMIXLX
https://www.you Top 10 Highest Goat
tube.com/watch Meat Breeds in the
?v=y World Source:
Z5EQsDABs0 https://www.youtube
Guide Questions v=oZ4sRhuaVYI
What are the

Page 6 of
Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

different breeds Guide Questions

of farm animals What are the
shown in the different breeds of
video? Identify farm animals shown
at least five of in the video? Identify
each type of at least five of each
farm animals and type of farm animals
list their distinct and list their distinct
characteristics. characteristics. Use
Use the activity the activity sheet
sheet below. below.

The learners will be asked The learners will be The learners will be
this question: asked this question: asked this question:
 What is the  How do the  How do the
primary goal of different breeds of characteristics of
proper post- chickens, ducks, and different cattle,
D. Making harvest handling quails contribute to swine, goat, and
Generalization in agricultural food production, rabbit breeds
(10 minutes) production? and what factors influence a farmer's
 Which of the should farmers decision-making
following is a key consider when when choosing
factor that choosing which which animals to
influences the breed to raise? raise for specific
timing of  In what ways can purposes (e.g.,

Page 7 of
Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

meat, milk, or fur)?

 In what ways can
raising diverse the proper selection
breeds of farm of animal breeds
animals like contribute to the
chickens, ducks, sustainability and
and quails benefit profitability of a
a farming system farm, especially in
in terms of terms of resource
sustainability and management,
harvesting crops?
income climate adaptability,
 Why is it
generation? and productivity?
important to
 How can  How does learning
minimize physical
understanding the about the various
damage to crops
specific needs and breeds of farm
during harvesting? characteristics of animals like cattle,
different breeds swine, goats, and
(chickens, ducks, rabbits enhance
and quails) help your understanding
improve animal of the diversity in
welfare and overall agricultural
farm productivity? practices, and what
impact could this
have on future
farming techniques?
VI. EVALUATING Directions: Read the Identify Me Identify Me
LEARNING following questions Directions: Identify the Directions: Identify the
(5 minutes) carefully and circle the breed of the poultry breed of the livestock
letter that best describes animal being described animal being described
the answer. in each of the in each of the following.
following. Write your Write your answer on
1.Which of the following is answer on the space the space provided
a primary goal of post- provided before the before the number.
harvesting practices? number.
A. Increasing soil fertility ____ 1. This is a small

Page 8 of
Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

B. Reducing food waste ___1. It is also known as breed of dairy cattle

C. Enhancing crop growth Livorno/Livornese which with body color of fawn
D. Improving irrigation has 10 colors varieties. or light brown.
____ 2. It is a British
efficiency ____ 2. It has the
breed intended for meat
2. What is the purpose of world’s highest
and eggs. It has distinct
drying crops after with a long, broad, flat production of dairy
harvesting? back, and straight animals with black and
A. To enhance their flavor breastbone. white distinct patches
B. To extend their shelf life ____ 3. It is an American on their skin.
C. To make them easier to breed of chicken ____ 3. This is the most
transport developed from selective common beef breed of
D. To increase their breeding of Rhode Island cattle.
nutritional value Red. ___ 4. This is a native of
___ 4. It is smaller
3. Why is it important to American breed of
compared to the
sort and grade harvested imported duck breeds large domestic pig
produce? which is recognized by derived from UK or
A. To increase the rate of their common color as Canada. ___5. It is
spoilage white, black or gray. originated in US with
B. To determine market ___ 5. It is also known as erect ears and can
prices duck real or bibe. It has produce good meat for
C. To ensure uniform high quality of meat. bacon.
quality and size ___ 6. It is distinct by an ___ 6. This is a Turkish
erect neck of breed of
D. To enhance the growth breed of domesticated
duck which can be sold in
of remaining crops two-three months. goat which produces
4. Which of the following is ____7. This breed of duck lustrous fiber.
an example of a post- is well adapted on the ___ 7. This goat breed
harvesting practice aimed soil, lays easily, and lays is intended for meat
at preserving nutritional eggs as many as 300 eggs production with white
quality? annually. body and brown/black
A. Blanching vegetables ____ 8. This breed of heads.
before freezing quail has black and white ____ 8. This is a
patches on its head and
B. Planting cover crops medium to large-sized
C. Adding fertilizers to the ____9. This breed of quail
breed of domestic goat,
soil is distinct in white all over known for its very good
D. Rotating crops annually its body but its eyes are milking ability.

Page 9 of
Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

___ 9. This is a fancy

5. Which of the following is
breed of domestic
NOT a common method of
black. rabbit that resembled a
____ 10. This breed of wild European hare.
A) Manual picking
quail is found in the ___10. It is one of the
B) Mechanical harvesting forest and meadow. older types of domestic
C) Irrigation
rabbit for the
D) Using harvesters
production of wool.

A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
on the formative
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
work? No of
learners have
caught up with
the lesson
D. No. of learners
who continue to
require radiation
E. Which of the
worked well?
Why did this

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Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]
Department of Education Schools Division of Northern Samar, Francisco B. Rosales Sr. National High School

F. What difficulties
or challenges
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solved?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other

Prepared by: Checked and Noted :


Teacher I School Head
Date: ___________________ Date: _______________

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Address: Brgy. Quezon, Catarman, Northern, Samar
Email Address: [email protected]

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