Simulation of An Industrial Linear Low D
Simulation of An Industrial Linear Low D
Simulation of An Industrial Linear Low D
Volume 6, Issue 1 2011 Article 34
Recommended Citation:
Farhangiyan Kashani, Ali; Abedini, Hossein; and Kalaee, Mohammad Reza (2011) "Simulation
of an Industrial Linear Low Density Polyethylene Plant," Chemical Product and Process
Modeling: Vol. 6: Iss. 1, Article 34.
DOI: 10.2202/1934-2659.1611
In this paper, an industrial linear low density polyethylene (LLDPE) production process
including two serried fluidized bed reactors (FBR) and other process equipment was completely
simulated in steady state mode. Both of FBRs were considered like two serried continuous stirred
tank reactors (CSTR). In this simulation, a kinetic model that is based on a multiple active site
heterogeneous Ziegler-Natta catalyst was used for simulation of reactions in two FBRs. Simulator
by using this model is able to predict the important attributes of LLDPE like melt flow index (MFI),
density (ρ), polydispersity (PDI), numerical and weight average molecular weight (Mn, Mw) and
co-polymer molar fraction (SFRAC). On the other hand, this simulator can be applied in wide range
of changing in inlet operating conditions. The results of the simulation are compared with industrial
data of LLDPE plant. A good agreement is observed between the simulator predictions and actual
plant data. Finally, by using of the simulator, the steady state operating conditions for producing
different grades of polyethylene are obtained.
1. Introduction
The first commercial gas phase polymerization plant using a fluidized bed
reactor was constructed by Union Carbide in 1968 at Seadrift, Texas (Xie et al.,
1994). Another commercialized gas fluidized bed technology was developed by
Naphtachimie in the 1970s (Mun, 2005). The Spherilene technology from
Lyondell-Basell is also a gas-phase process in two serried FBRs (Figure 2) for the
production of the whole density range of polyethylene products, from LLDPE to
MDPE (medium density) and HDPE (high density) (Spherilene Technology,
2010). In this paper, Spherilene technology is simulated.
DOI: 10.2202/1934-2659.1611 2
2. Model Description
In this paper, a kinetic model that is based on a double active site heterogeneous
Ziegler-Natta catalyst was used for producing LLDPE in two FBRs. This kinetic
model was developed by McAuley et al. (1990) and simulator by using this model
is able to predict the important attributes of LLDPE like MFI, ρ, PDI, Mn, Mw.
Catalysts for ethylene polymerization are mostly heterogeneous, but some
processes also use soluble catalysts. There are now four types of catalysts for
ethylene polymerization: Ziegler-Natta, Phillips, Metallocenes and late transition
metal catalysts (Soares, 2001; Winter et al., 2002; Mun, 2005). Ziegler-Natta
catalysts have many variations but are generally TiCl4 supported on MgCl2,
combined with a variety of electron donors and co-catalysts (Khare, 2003;
Ghafelebashi Zarand and Mortazavi, 2005). In operations, triethyl aluminum as
co-catalyst is added separately to the reactor feed. During chain growth, the
double bonds in monomer molecules coordinate to the active catalyst sites. As a
result, the monomer units added at early times are farther down the chain
extending from the catalyst site, relative to monomer added more recently. Figure
3 shows the generally accepted addition mechanism, according to Cossee (1964).
There are two existing theories that explain the ability for Ziegler-Natta
catalysts to produce polydisperse polymers. The first is diffusive and the second is
kinetic. The diffusive theory involves the assumption that mass-transfer
limitations affect the ability of the monomer molecules to reach some of the
active sites on the catalyst particle, due to the presence of pores or other structural
effects that hinder transport to the sites. As a result, different sites polymerize
monomer at different rates, leading to a polydisperse polymer product. The
kinetic theory involves the assumption that there exist different catalyst site types,
each with its own relative reactivity, due to variations in the local chemical
composition of each site type. Experimentation has provided compelling evidence
that this second theory is a more accurate description of the physical reality
(Khare, 2003). Therefore the kinetic equations are used in this work is based on
the kinetic theory, rather than the mass-transfer (diffusive) theory.
Ethylene polymerization can be envisioned as occurring at the interface
between the solid catalyst and the polymer matrix, where the active centers are
located. From gas-state monomer to solid-state polymer, ethylene experiences a
dramatic physicochemical transition within a very short time. The polymerization
environment changes with the composition of catalyst, polymerization process,
reactant composition, reactor operating conditions, and extent of polymerization.
Nevertheless, the key elementary reactions have been established, which include
formation of active centers, insertion of monomer into the growing polymer
chains, propagation, chain-transfer reactions, and catalyst deactivation. Most of
the proposed mechanisms are based on information about polymerization rate,
molecular weight and its distribution, polymer chain microstructure, and active
DOI: 10.2202/1934-2659.1611 4
center concentrations (Mun, 2005). It possible to assume that all of the active
centers perform the same reaction mechanisms, but with different reaction rates
for each elementary reaction (Kiashemshaki et al., 2006), then elementary
reactions which are commonly adopted in modeling studies can be summarized as
in Table 1.
In the present study, a comprehensive mechanism was considered to
describe the copolymerization kinetics of ethylene with butene over a Ziegler–
Natta catalyst with double catalyst sites based on the kinetic model proposed by
McAuley et al. (1990). For multicomponent polymerizations, the use of pseudo
kinetic rate constants can considerably simplify the kinetic rate expressions
(Decarvalho et al., 1989; McAuley et al., 1990). Based on the proposed kinetic
mechanism (Table 1) and the definition of the moments of the “live” (λv) and
“dead” (µv) total number chain length distributions,
, , ∑ , ∑ , (1)
μ ∑ (2)
Spontaneous deactivation
Spontaneous chain transfer
Chain transfer by hydrogen
Chain transfer by monomer (Mi)
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3. Simulation
3.1 Modeling
In case of low or moderate activity of the catalyst, heat transfer and diffusion
resistances do not play an important role at the particle level in the gas-phase
polyethylene reactors. In the limiting case, where either bubbles are small or
interphase mass and energy transfer rates are high and catalyst is at low to
moderate activity, intraparticle temperature and concentration gradients are
negligible. When modeling a FBR or a recycle reactor with high conversion per
pass, one must account for gas-phase concentration gradients between the bottom
and top of the bed and for mass transfer between bubble and emulsion phases
(McAuley et al., 1994). It is important to determine whether heat and mass
transfer resistances between the bubbles and the emulsion phase are significant in
typical industrial reactors, or whether the entire contents of the FBRs can
reasonably be treated as well-mixed.
The modeling of the input/output characteristics of recycle-dominated
FBRs for polymers can be simplified greatly by making suitable assumptions.
Since the industrial FBRs system under consideration has a sizable recycle stream
and a low conversion per pass through the bed, the vertical concentration gradient
through the bed is very small and can be neglected. Back mixing of both the gas
and solid phases in the fluidized bed does occur. However, even if the gas
experienced pure plug flow through the fluidized bed, the large recycle to fresh
feed ratio would make the well-mixed assumption valid for the gas phase since
recycle PFR dynamics approach those of CSTRs consist of emulsion phase as the
recycle to fresh feed ratio becomes very large (McAuley et al., 1990;
Chatzidoukas et al., 2003). In normal industrial reactor operation, the recycle to
fresh feed ratio is approximately 40:1(McAuley et al., 1994). Thus modeling the
FBR plus recycle system as a CSTR containing a well-mixed solid phase
interacting with a well-mixed gas phase is justified (Levenspiel, 1999). The above
assumption holds true for the majority of industrial FBRs.
Since no separate bubble phase is included in the model, the bed voidage,
(ε bed), accounts for the overall gas volume fraction in the bed. The assumption of
perfect mixing in the bed implies that the temperature and concentrations of the
various molecular species will be in dependent of their position in the bed.
Furthermore, it was assumed that mass and heat transfer resistances between the
polymer particles and the gas phase were negligible and the catalyst contained
two types of active sites. Based on the above assumptions, the following dynamic
molar balances for the monomer and hydrogen is derived.
Monomer i:
∑ (3)
∑ (4)
/ ,
Where R denotes the net formation rate of the molecular species Y . The
symbols h, Vbed, and A denote the bed height, the volume and the cross-sectional
area of the bed, respectively. Accordingly, one can derive the unsteady-state mass
balance for the polymer in the bed,
∑ ∑ (7)
Where ρ and ρcat are the corresponding densities of polymer and catalyst.
The dynamic energy balance for the reaction mixture in the bed is written as:
, , ,
Where the terms Hgas,in, Hgas,out, Hprod,out, and Hgenr denote the enthalpies of
the input, output and product removal streams and the heat of polymerization,
respectively. Assuming that the dynamic behavior of the external heat exchanger
can be approximated by a series of Nz well-stirred zones for the recycle stream
and a single well-stirred zone for the coolant, the following energy balances can
be written:
DOI: 10.2202/1934-2659.1611 8
, , , 1,2, . . . , (9)
∑ ∑ (10)
, , , (11)
In Table 3, the numerical values of the reactor and heat exchanger design
parameters are reported.
∑ ∑ ∑ (12)
, , , 1 (13)
Where Mp, Fp,in and Fp,out denote the total polymer mass in the bed and the
input and output polymer mass flow rates, respectively. Accordingly, the number
and weight average molecular weights of the copolymer will be given by the
following equations:
∑ μ ∑ μ (14)
∑ μ ∑ μ (15)
∑ (16)
Finally, the PDI will be given by the ratio of the weight average over the
number average molecular weight.
PDI (17)
ρ 0.966 – 0.02386 SFRAC (18)
M – .
MFI (19)
∑ 1.546 ∑ (20)
. . .
1 1 , 1 , 1 ,
DOI: 10.2202/1934-2659.1611 10
In this paper, the whole LLDPE production process (base on Basell’s Spherilene
technology) in two serried CSTR and other process equipment such as coolers,
mixers, splitters, separation columns and compressors was completely simulated.
Figure 4 shows the process of LLDPE production. Industrial data of LLDPE plant
was used for all operation conditions and input quantities (Table 4). In this
process, reactants (monomers and hydrogen) and inert gas (ethane, propane) are
fed into the bottom of two reactors through a distributor. The distributor maintains
the fluidization and supplies the reactants for growing polymer particles. The
catalyst is loaded continuously into the bed and the polymer product is taken out
from two reactors at a rate such that the bed height is held constant. Unreacted
gases together with fine particles exit from the top of the bed through a curved
disengaging zone at the upper part of the reactors (Alizadeh et al., 2004). Settling
of solid particles is facilitated in this section.
In this work, unsteady state equations (1-13) for LLDPE production process
including two serried FBRs are generally given, but simulation is done in steady
state mode. This simulator can be applied in wide range of changing in inlet
operating conditions. In order to demonstrate the predictive capabilities of the
proposed model, simulations were carried out at the operating conditions that
were shown in Table 4. Such operating conditions are typical of industrial
polyethylene reactors for producing the desired grade indicated in this table. A
comparison between the results of the simulation presented in this work and the
actual plant data is shown in Table 5 in term of the important properties of the
produced polymer and some operating conditions. It has been acceptably shown
DOI: 10.2202/1934-2659.1611 12
that a good agreement is observed between the simulator predictions and actual
plant data.
Since the high volume flow rate of the non reacted feed with other
neutralize gases are returned to two reactors by recycle streams, thus the smallest
error in predicting flow rate and percentage of components in the output of reactor
is caused a small error in the calculation of parameters such as average heat
capacity and total mass flow rate of recycle stream and consequently a higher
error in the rate of the condenser heat duty (Q = F . Cp,avg . (Tout - Tin), Error in
calculating of Q is obtained from the error in calculating of F and Cp,avg ).Also,
because of the errors in the calculating of output specification of the first reactor
(input of the second reactor), the error in calculating of the condenser heat duty of
the second reactor is more. All operating conditions and input quantities of the
simulation were selected for producing of LL16503 grade as reference grade.
DOI: 10.2202/1934-2659.1611 14
Hydrogen is used as chain transfer agent and chains growing controller in olefin
polymerization especially in ethylene polymerization. Figure 7 shows variation of
MFI with changing of hydrogen mass flow rate inlet to the first and second
reactor (Mhydrogen). As it is observed in Figure 7, whit increasing of Mhydrogen to
each reactor, MFI of product (outlet polymer from the second reactor) is
increased. The hydrogen mass flow rate inlet to the second reactor has more effect
on MFI than the first reactor hydrogen mass flow rate which is due to higher
volume and inlet feed mass flow rates of the second reactor (Table 4).
Figure 7: The effects of variation of Mhydrogen (feed to reactor 1 (a) and 2 (b))
on MFI.
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Figure 8: The effects of variation of Mbutene (feed to reactor 1 (a) and 2 (b)) on ρ.
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FILM 0.490-0.590 0.180-0.195 0.365-0.425 0.185-0.215 1.8-2.2 0.915-0.917
FILM 0.700-0.845 0.180-0.195 0.475-0.530 0.185-0.215 2.7-3.3 0.915-0.917
FILM 0.195-0.250 0.155-0.165 0.205-0.245 0.155-0.165 0.6-0.8 0.921-0.923
FILM 0.255-0.310 0.155-0.165 0.245-0.275 0.155-0.165 0.85-1.05 0.921-0.923
0.440-0.540 0.155-0.165 0.345-400 0.155-0.165 1.6-2 0.921-0.923
2.965-3.290 0.155-0.165 1.200-1.35 0.155-0.165 14-16 0.921-0.923
1.000-1.450 0.155-0.165 0.590-0.750 0.155-0.165 4-6 0.921-0.923
1.450-1.865 0.150-0.160 0.750-0.900 0.145-0.155 6-8 0.922-0.924
1.000-1.450 0.120-0.130 0.590-0.750 0.110-0.120 4-6 0.929-0.931
0.775-1.230 0.110-0.120 0.500-0.675 0.105-0.110 3-5 0.931-0.933
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Figure 11: The effects of variation of ai=H2/C2 and bi=C4/(C4+C2) on ρ and MFI
of final product, (×) for feed to the reactor 1, (○) for feed to reactor 2.
5. Conclusions
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1 ethylene property
2 butene property
k type of catalyst active site
p polymer property
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