Dbm-Dilg 2005-01 20% Ira Utilization
Dbm-Dilg 2005-01 20% Ira Utilization
Dbm-Dilg 2005-01 20% Ira Utilization
REPUBLICOF THE PHILIPPINES Department of the Interior and Local Government Department of Budget and Management
1.2 1.3
To enhance transparency and accountability of local government units in undertaking development projects. To include projects in addressing and responding to natural and manmade disasters and calamities.
In aq::ordance with Section 287 of the LocalGovernment Code, every LGU shall appropriate in its annual budget no less than twenty percent (20%) of its annual internal revenue allotment for development projects. It may be utilized to finance the priority development projects and programs, as embodied in the duly approved local development plan that directly support the PhilippineDevelopment Plan, th~ Medium-TermPublic Investment Program and the Annual Investment Program. . All projects to be funded shall contribute to the attainment of desirable socio-economic development and environmental management outcomes and shall partake the nature of investment or capital expenditures.
The 20% of the IRA intended for development projects may be utilized for the following priority programsand projects: 3.1
Social Development
3.1.1 Construction or rehabilitation of health centers, rural health units or hospitals,and purchaseof medicalequipment; 3.1.2 Construction or rehabilitation of local government-owned potable water supply system;
3.1.3 Establishment or rehabilitation of Manpower Development Centers;
3.1.4 Constructionor rehabilitation of evacuationcenters; 3.1.5 Purchaseor repair of area-wide calamity related alarm or warning system; 3.1.6 Rehabilitationof cultural/historical sites;
3.1.7 Purchase or repair of appropriate calamity-related rescue operations equipment such as inflatable boats, breathing apparatus, extraction tools, safe line rescue ropes, fire extinguishers, chainsaws, two (2) way handheld radios and the like;
3.1.8 Purchase and development of land for the relocation of informal settlers and relocation of victims of calamities; 3.1.9 Construction or rehabilitation of facilities such as multi-purpose hall intended to cater out-of-school youths, women, senior citizens, minors, displaced families, indigenous people and differently-abled persons; and
Construction or rehabilitation of communal irrigation or water impounding system and purchase of post harvest facilities such as farm or hand tractor with trailer, thresher and mechanicaldriers;
3.2.2 Construction or rehabilitation of local roads or bridges and purchase of appropriate engineering equipment such as dump trucks, graders and pay loaders; 3.2.3 Capital expenditures related to the implementation of livelihood or entrepreneurship/localeconomicdevelopment projects; and 2
3.2.4 Amortization of loans used to finance development projects cited in this Joint Circular, subject to the 20% debt service cap.
Environmental Management 3.3.1 Reforestationand urban greening; 3.3.2 Construction or rehabilitation of sanitary landfills, material recovery facilities and purchaseof garbage trucks and related equipment; 3.3.3 Implementation of flood and erosion control projects such as rehabilitation and construction of drainage systems, de-silting of rivers, de-clogging of canals; and 3.3.4 Other environmental management projects that promote air and water quality, as well as productivity of the coastal or freshwater habitat, agricultural land and forest land.
The following expense items that are not related to and/or not connected with the implementation of development projects, programs and activities shall not be paid out of the 20% development fund:
Administrative expenses such as cash gifts, bonuses, food allowance, medical assistance, uniforms, supplies, meetings, communication, water and light, petroleum products and the like;
Salaries, wages or overtime pay; Travelling expenses, whether domestic or foreign;
4.2 4.3
4.5 4.6
It is the responsibility of every ProvinCialGovernor, City and Municipal Mayor and punong Barangayto ensure that the 20% of the IRA is optimally utilized to help achieve desirable socio-economicdevelopment and environmental outcomes. The appropriations for development projects shall not include items for personal services and those mentioned in the immediately preceding Item No.4 hereof. Further, all concerned local chief executives are hereby reminded that utilizing~( 3
such fund, whether willfully or through negligence,for any purpose beyond those expressly prescribed by law or public policy shall be subject to the sanctions provided under the LocalGovernmentCodeand under such other applicablelaws.
Provinces, Cities and Municipalities shall furnish DlLG, thru its Regional Offices copies of the Annual Investment Program (AlP) containing the projects to be funded out of the 20% DevelopmentFund. 7.0 MONITORING
The DlLG, through its Bureau of Local Governmenf Supervision (BLGS), shall review the utilization of the 20% of the IRA through the Local Government PerformanceManagementSystem (LGPMS)and maintain database system on the 20% DevelopmentFund.
All existing issuancesissued either by the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DlLG) or the Department of Budget and Management(DBM), which are inconsistent herewith, are hereby superseded. Any future reference with respect to issuancesof both the DBMand the DlLG in relation to the utilization of the 20% component of the IRA shall be made in reference to this Joint MemorandumCircular.
This Joint Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.
Secretary Department of the Interior and Local Government
Republic cUhe Philippines.
SILG11-003510 ,