Together - kl5 - U6 - Unit - Test - Standard A

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Unit 6 Test | Group A

Name: ________________________________________ Class: ______

1 Track 2.102 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie cztery 4 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi formami was
wypowiedzi na temat dni upamiętniających lub were.
słynne osoby. Dopasuj zdania a–e do 1 My birthday ___________ yesterday.
wypowiedzi 1–4. Jedno zdanie nie pasuje It’s tomorrow. (X)
do żadnej wypowiedzi. 2 We ___________ on holiday last month. (√)
3 ___________ Neil at school last Monday?
Speaker 1 __ Speaker 3 __ 4 My friends ___________ nervous before the test
Speaker 2 __ Speaker 4 __ last week. (X)
5 Emily ___________ very proud after winning
This speaker talks about celebrating: the tennis match. (√)
a technology on a day in March. 6 Where ___________ you last weekend?
b books and words. ___ /6
c astronauts.
d a woman scientist.
5 Ułóż wyrazy w odpowiedniej kolejności,
e inventors who were important for air travel.
tak aby powstały pytania. Następnie
___ /8
uzupełnij krótkie odpowiedzi.

VOCABULARY 1 grandmother / your / maths / teacher / was / a / ?

2 Napisz słownie poniższe daty i lata. ____________________________________________

1 01/03 – the ______________ of _______________ Yes, ________________.

2 03/07 – the ______________ of _______________ 2 friends / your / the / at / last / cinema / weekend /
were / ?
3 22/08 – the _________________ of ____________
4 1600 – sixteen _____________________________
No, ________________.
5 1845 – ___________________________ forty-five
3 important / was / why / Florence Nightingale / ?
6 1706 – seventeen ___________________________
___ /6
___ /5
3 Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi nazwami
1 Looking at the stars is my passion. I want to be
an a _ _ _ _ n _ _ _ r.
2 Harry loves making music. He wants to be
a c____s__.
3 Marco Polo was a famous e _ _ _ _ r _ _
from Venice. He’s famous for his travels from
Europe to Asia.
4 You don’t need to study art to be a p _ _ n _ _ _ .
5 My aunt is a n _ _ s _ . She looks after people who
aren’t well.
___ /5
Together dla 5 klasy Tests © Macmillan Polska 2024 Photocopiable 1
SPEAKING 1 There are ________________ of things from
different countries in the museum.
6 Wybierz właściwą reakcję. Zakreśl a lub b.
2 It was Gabriela’s ________________ visit
1 I’ve got a dance exam tomorrow. to the museum.
a Good luck! b Way to go! 3 Eagle, the Moon lander ________________ a real
2 Here. It’s a present from me and Ann. spaceship.
a Happy birthday! b Thanks for remembering. 4 Amy Johnson was a ________________.
5 Power up is a place for people who love
3 I’m in the final of the tennis competition.
a Congratulations! b You’re a good friend.
___ /5
4 I’m the winner of the school chess competition.
a That’s nice of you. b That’s great news, WRITING
well done!
8 Uzupełnij notatkę na temat Beatrix Potter.
5 Let’s unload the dishwasher together. Wykorzystaj informacje w tabeli i wskazówki
a That’s nice of you. b Thanks for remembering.
w nawiasach.

___ /5 Fact File

Name: Beatrix Potter
READING Born: 28/07/1866, London
Nationality: British
7 Przeczytaj tekst. Na podstawie informacji
Job: writer and painter
w nim podanych uzupełnij zdania 1–5.
Family: younger brother Bertram, a painter
Passions: writing stories for children,
nature and art
Interesting fact: her farm was very big,
now a national park
The London Science Museum is home
to thousands of objects from around the world
that show the history of science and technology.
Beatrix Potter 1________________________________
It was my first visit to the museum and I’m sure it
wasn’t the last one. And it’s not only because you (Who was she?). She 2__________________________
get to most of the galleries for free. _______________ (When and where was she born?).
There are a lot of sections located in two Her 3________________________________________
buildings. My favourite part was the Exploring
(Who was her younger brother?).
Space gallery. It has real rockets, satellites
and the clothes astronauts wear in space. I think Beatrix is very interesting for two reasons. First,
There’s also a replica of Eagle, the Moon lander – ___________________________________________

it wasn’t in space, but it looks like a real

spaceship. The Flight gallery was also amazing. (What were her passions?). Second, 5_____________
You can see Amy Johnson’s real plane there. ____________________________________________
She was the first woman to fly alone from the UK
(What is an interesting fact about her?).
to Australia in 1930.
___ /10
The museum has also one of the best
3D cinemas in Europe and a special place called
Power up with 160 games consoles from the past
50 years. Take your friends and play the best
video games of all times there.

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9 Zakreśl właściwe wyrazy.
1 Apollo 11 was on a section / mission to the Moon.
2 You can do it, Sam! Don’t give / turn up!
3 The museum is free / expensive on Sundays.
You don’t need to pay for the tickets.
4 Alex wants to see a plane turn / take-off
at the airport.
5 We were really proud because we were
the champions / finals.
___ /5

Total: ___ /55

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