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The first human steps were designed to facilitate movement as effectively and as fast as possible
from one point to another.
Following the animal trails and river banks, early humans found that their journeys place them in
direct conflict with animals. That when meeting on narrow mountain trails, primitive people soon
learned to establish the first rules of right of way.
The latter evaded the incoming wild animals along the way to be free from the pangs of death.
With the domestication of animals as beast of burden came the necessity for rules of the road and
for parking. Camels were situated around the oasis according to the established hierarchy of the
Traffic management and control had its beginning in ancient times the classical example was
during the time of Julius Caesar entrance of Chariot and carts in business centers of Roman
Empire are prohibited in certain laws.
A system of traffic control and management was in existing in Babylon in the year 200 B.C. to
prevent congestion from there on traffic management become a must of to our present time.
The history reflects an evolution that took place worldwide, starting with the first theoretical plan for
a motor vehicle that had been drawn up by both Leonardo da Vinci and Isaac Newton
In 1769, the very first self-propelled road vehicle was a military tractor invented by French engineer
and mechanic, Nicolas Joseph Cugnot. He used a steam engine to power his vehicle, built under
his instructions at the Paris Arsenal by mechanic Brezin.
Between 1832 and 1839, Robert Anderson of Scotland invented the first crude electric carriage. A
small-scale electric car was designed by Professor Stratingh of Groningen (Dutch), and built by
his assistant Christopher Becker in 1835.
both American Thomas Davenport and Scotsmen Robert Davidson invented a more practical
and more successful electric road vehicles around 1842. They were the first to use non-
rechargeable electric cells.
Frenchmen Gaston Plante invented a better storage battery in 1865 while Camille Faure
improved the storage battery in 1881.
The first nations to support the widespread development of electric vehicles in the late 1800's were
France and Great Britain.
The racing car called "La Jamais Contente" designed by Camille Jenatzy set a world record for
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widely available and affordable vehicles or mass production of internal combustion engine vehicles
happened because of Henry Ford
In 1912, steam engines was used on the very first self-powered road vehicles; This recognized
Nicolas Joseph Cugnot of France to build the first automobile in 1769 recognized by the British
Royal Automobile Club
Transportation Timelines
The first American cars were made by the Duryea Brothers in 1892.
1769 A.D. - The first steam-powered vehicle, with three wheels, is invented in France.
1964 "Bullet" Train introduces in Japan with top speed of 130 M.P.H. Linking Tokyo and Osaka.
Spanish style urban development: a church and a plaza mayor Construction of a castle city called
Intramuros as residential district of the Spaniards.
Public Transport:
Before 1850: most Manileno travels on foot, perhaps hitched ride in private owned horse or
carabao drawn cart carruaje.
1933: the transfer of capital city from Manila to Quezon City was decided and planning was done
but plan did not materialize due to the outbreak of World War ll.
Public Transport:
1903: Manila Electric Railroad and Light Company purchased the streetcar franchise. Converted
the system into electric rail. First class fare at 6 centavos.
Reconstruction of Metro Manila begun in 1946. Quiapo established as the business and
commercial center. The birth of jeepney.
1975: Metro Manila was established, consisting of 4 cities and 13 municipalities, aimed to promote
an orderly urban development and solve urban problems an such as slums, traffic congestion and
garbage among others.
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Public Transportation:
1946: MERALCO try to rebuild its bus fleet out of the few trucks obtained from the U.S. Army. Out
of the ruin was born the jeepney classified as either AC's or PUJ's.
In 1947, AC's were phased out and all franchised jeepneys were converted to PUJ's. Together with
the independent bus line that emerged, jeepneys serve the short but high demand routes.
Modern jeepneys are now produced with surplus engines and other parts coming from Japan. The
word jeepney maybe a portmanteau word-some sources consider it a combination of "jeep" and
"jitney" while other sources say "jeep" and "knee", because the passengers sit in very close
proximity to each other.