Pwani Universit1
Pwani Universit1
Pwani Universit1
General computers
Special tasked computers
a) General computers
b) Special computers
They deal with specific functions thus performing its function very efficiently. They comprise of ;
mobile phones which are tasked only for performing communication and computers
1. Super computers; they are the fastest largest and most expensive computers
They are heavier than main frame computers
They are very expensive
They are used for scientific tasks
2. Main frame computers;they are less expensive than super computers and mostly found in big
organizations and have the following characteristics
They have large storage capacity
They are large in size
They are used in hospitals
3. Mini computers;are smaller than mini frame computers and hey have the following
They are smaller than mini frame computers
Deal with smaller task
They are cheap
4. Micro computers;they are used by one person only at atime.they are characterised as;
They are smaller in size
They used in training and learning institutions
Cheaper than mini computers and super computers
Less heavier
Analoque computers;they operate on continuous data thus they are dedicated to single
task.they work accurately and efficiently.examples are like thermometers
Digital computers;they process data that is discerns in natur,’the data are always represented in
two television and calculators.