Module 3
Module 3
Module 3
Mendelian Genetics
At the end of this module you are expected to:
1. Define basic terminologies used Mendelian genetics;
2. Understand the principles of the Law of Segregation and Law of Independent
3. Learn to use the Punnett square;
4. Appreciate the importance of Mendelian genetics in our daily lives.
Mendelian Genetics
A. The basic rules of inheritance were first demonstrated by Mendel
o at the time of Mendel’s work, most thought that parental traits were fluids
that “blend” in offspring
o Mendel recognized that this model did not explain what he observed
o Mendel chose a model system and carefully established testing conditions
▪ he used pea plants that he could outcross or allow to self-fertilize
▪ he chose traits that had two clear possible outcomes (yellow or green
seeds, etc.)
▪ he established true-breeding or “pure” lines to use for genetic
o terminology for genetic crosses
▪ P generation (or P1) = parental generation
▪ F1 generation = first generation offspring (from filial)
▪ F2 generation = second generation offspring
▪ phenotype – appearance or characteristic of an organism
▪ genotype – genetic makeup of an organism, determines phenotype
▪ gene – unit of heredity; controls a trait that determines a phenotype
▪ locus – the location of a particular gene on a chromosome
▪ alleles – alternative versions of a gene
▪ dominant – allele that dominates over others in determining
▪ recessive – allele whose phenotypic expression is “hidden” when a
dominant allele is present
▪ hybrid – offspring from a cross between two “pure” lines of different,
competing phenotypes
▪ example: P1 yellow seed X green seed all F1 yellow seed
o when F1 plants were crossed or selfed, the F2 plants had both P1
phenotypes in a ratio of roughly 3:1
▪ using offspring from above F1 X F1 F2 3 yellow seed: 1 green
o thus, contrary to the popular belief of the time, recessive traits are not
lost in a mixing of parental phenotypes – they are merely hidden in some
“carrier” individuals
o Mendel explained these ratios with what we now call his law of
segregation; stated in modern terms: individuals normally carry two
alleles for each gene, these alleles must segregate in production of sex
o later investigations of cell division revealed the mechanism for
segregation: the pairing and subsequent separation of homologous
chromosomes during meiosis
probability of the result (genetic crosses, X, are multiplications of
o sum rule – if there is more than one way to obtain a result (mutually
exclusive events), you add their individual probabilities to get the overall
probability of the result
▪ the sum of all possibilities is one (no more, no less)
● Punnett square – way of diagramming genetic crosses that uses the laws of
● More terminology
o Test cross – mating an individual that has the dominant phenotype for
a trait with an individual with the recessive phenotype; this often will
reveal the genotype of the
dominant parent, or at least give
some idea of the probably
C. Expanding the rules and terminology to follow
two (or more) genes in a cross
the number of recombinant offspring divided by the total number of
▪ map unit – by convention, one map unit = 1% recombination (the
term cM or centiMorgan is sometimes used for map units, in honor
of a pioneer in gene mapping)
▪ map distances between
genes on the same
chromosome are
measured in map units
▪ linkage group = all genes
on a particular
chromosome; tend to be
inherited together
▪ placement of a gene into
a position in a linkage
group is genetic
▪ map distances get less
meaningful as they get large
● as genes get further apart, the odds of multiple crossing over
events between them increase
● when distances approach 50 map units, the genes appear
essentially unlinked
● many chromosomes have an overall map length of well over
50 map units
▪ genetic maps are useful in locating the actual physical location of
● incomplete dominance – the
heterozygote has a phenotype that is
intermediate between the two
homozygous states
o really, the term dominance has no
true meaning here
o example: black, blue, and white
Andalusian chicken
● codominance – ; very much like
incomplete dominance
o not an intermediate form, instead you see each allele distinctly expressed
o roan cattle, expressing both red
and white hairs, are a good example (the
difference between incomplete dominance
and codominance is essentially a case of
splitting hairs)
o one of the best examples is the
ABO human blood type
o resulting blood types:
▪ IAIA or IAiO genotype produce only the A antigen; blood type A
▪ IBIB or IBiO genotype produce only the B antigen; blood type B
▪ IAIB genotype produces both the A antigen and B antigen; blood type
▪ iOiO genotype produces no A or B antigens; blood type O
o blood type is used in paternity or maternity cases only as a means to rule
out possible parents
***One gene, many phenotypes
Pleiotropy: one gene, many phenotypes
● one gene affects more than one characteristic
● usually only one gene product is directly involved, and its status affects many
● many disease genes are pleiotropic (examples, cystic fibrosis, sickle cell
● Pleiotropy Examples
● An example of pleiotropy
that occurs in humans
is sickle cell disease.
o Sickle cell
disorder results
from the
development of
shaped red blood
o Normal red blood
cells have a
biconcave, disc-
like shape and
contain enormous amounts of a protein called hemoglobin.
o Hemoglobin helps red blood cells bind to and transport oxygen to
cells and tissues of the body.
o Sickle cell is a result of a mutation in the beta-globin gene.
o This mutation results in red blood cells that are sickle-shaped, which
causes them to clump together and become stuck in blood vessels,
blocking normal blood flow.
o The single mutation of the beta-globin gene results in various health
complications and causes damage to multiple organs including
the heart, brain, and lungs.
● Other biological changes include higher food consumption, infertility, and
sexual maturation delays.