BT - Unit 2
BT - Unit 2
BT - Unit 2
Blockchain Double Spending
Double spending means spending the same money twice. As we know, any transaction can be processed only in
two ways. One is offline, and another is online.
Offline: A transaction which involves physical currency or cash is known as an offline transaction.
Online: A transaction which involves digital cash is known as an online transaction.
Bitcoin handles
the double-
spending problem
by implementing
a confirmation
mechanism and
maintaining a
universal ledger.
The Monopoly Problem
Proof of Work depends on the computing resources available to a miner.
If a miner can possess a huge amount of computational resources, then there
is a possibility that the miner can control the entire network or gain control
over the network.
It may happen that a minor can gradually generate a lot of blocks in the
current blockchain. If a huge number of blocks in the blockchain go from a
particular miner, then that particular miner can control the entire flow of
transactions in the blockchain. This particular problem is called the
monopoly problem in the bitcoin network.
Such a monopoly can increase over time from an economic perspective.
Attacks On The Proof Of Work (PoW):
1.Sybil Attack
The attacker tries to fill the network with the clients under his control and
the attacker can succeed in his intention.
Here ,the attacker can actually control or get the monopoly over the
network. Consequently, he can compromise the distributed consensus,
which is based on the Proof of Work mechanism.
A more powerful attacker can include multiple nodes in the different
networks that can collectively compromise the entire ecosystem.
2.Denial of Service (DoS) Attack
The attacker sends a lot of data to a particular node. As a consequence, the node will not be
able to process the normal bitcoin transactions. This is a typical denial of service attack in
the bitcoin network.
To solve denial of service attack, the bitcoin architecture proposed a set of rules, and a
few of those are as follows:
No forwarding of orphaned blocks
No forwarding of double-spend transactions
No forwarding of same block or transactions
Disconnect a peer that sends too many messages
Restrict the block size.
Limit the size of each script.
3.Breaking Bitcoin Proof of Work (PoW)
Proof of Stake
networks open up the Polkadot(D Tezos
door for users wanting OT) (XTZ)
to accrue awards.
There’s no crypto
staking without Proof-
Algorand(A Tron
•OBJECTIVE: Validating transaction
information and maintaining the integrity
of the blockchain
• A miner’s computing power differs from person to person and pool to pool.
• Thus to maintain parity in the mining process, the blockchain network raises or
A steady lowers its mining difficulty.
• This ensures that the network is generating blocks at a steady rate.
mining rate
Cryptocurrency mining pools are groups of
miners who share their computational
Rewards are usually divided between the individuals who contributed, according to the
proportion of each individual's processing power or work relative to the whole group.
In some cases, individual miners must show proof of work in order to receive their
Rewards are usually split among the miners based on the agreed terms and on their
respective contributions to the mining activity.
Anyone who wants to make a profit through cryptocurrency mining has the choice to
either go solo with their own dedicated devices or to join a mining pool where multiple
miners and their devices combine to enhance their hashing output.